Have never had a good fox news poll whoever their pollster is, they suck. [ laughter ] i dont know not according to the poll. [ laughter ] two associates of President Trumps lawyer Rudy Giuliani were arrested last night for Campaign Finance violations. Hmm, well, looking at their faces im sure this is all just a big understanding. [ laughter ] according to prosecutors, two associates of Rudy Giuliani who were arrested last night had purchased oneway Airline Tickets out of the country but, of course, giulianis most dangerous associate has his own plane. [ laughter and applause according to cnn fact checkers, President Trump made 66 false claims last week said trump, actually we didnt even have a last week. This is our first one. [ laughter and applause this is our first week ever. Thanks to the trump administration. The Oxford English dictionary added several new words this month, including the phrases fake news and circlejerk, which, coincidentally, were both working titles for the show, fox friends. [ laughter and applause a vegan woman claimed on reddit this week that she called the police on her friends after they tricked her into eating Chicken Nuggets while she was drunk. But the whole thing sounds a little suspicious. A vegan with friends [ laughter ] [ applause ] i dont know custom officials in los angeles announced yesterday that they seized over 2 million worth of counterfeit sneakers from a cargo shipment said customers, you mean, those werent real adudisas . [ laughter ] according to a new report, nearly twothirds of birds in the United States are at risk of extinction due to Climate Change dont worry, were not going anywhere, said the mangy onelegged pigeons of new york [ laughter and applause were going to live forever, bro. And finally, a family in South Carolina recently pulled a package from the ocean that contained 44 pounds of cocaine or as the captain put it, thars me blow [ laughter and applause ladies and gentlemen, we have a fantastic show for you tonight he is an Academy Awardwinning actor and the star of the highlyanticipated new film, jojo rabbit, in select theaters next weekend. Sam rockwell is here tonight [ cheers and applause so looking forward to seeing him. You can see her in the new ries the politician now streaming on Netflix Lucy Boynton is here tonight [ cheers and applause and this is really, really exciting 20 years ago, our very own 8g band, syd butler, founded acclaimed indie label, frenchkiss records, which is home to some of our favorite bands including the hold steady and syds own band, les savy fav, which also features the 8g bands seth jabour on guitar frenchkiss records will celebrate this weekend with a concert in brooklyn. And tonight, les savy fav is here to perform for us so excited, you guys [ cheers and applause you ever you guys you guys ever been on tv before . [ light laughter ] moving on, two of Rudy Giulianis associates were arrested last night as support for impeachment rises in the polls. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause seth over the last few weeks weve seen support for impeaching President Trump skyrocket by double digits, and it really feels like a potentially seismic political shift is happening right now in fact, even fox news, the Network Trump loves the most, released a damning new poll yesterday showing that a majority of registered voters not only want trump impeached, they want him removed from office completely. A new fox poll just out shows more than half of registered voters who were asked support impeachment. Our brand new fox news poll, the headline more than half of those polled, 51 , want President Trump impeached and removed from office. Seth damn, and thats a fox news poll. [ light laughter ] so you know they only called land lines, c. B. Radios and vfw halls. [ laughter and applause fox news fox news is what trump watches to feel good about himself. Thats like if a kid turned on sesame street and big bird was just smoking a cigarette going, face it, kid, youre never going to learn how to spell. [ laughter and applause now, of course, to make himself feel better trump likes to periodically hold a Campaign Rally with his remaining fans where he reels off a bunch of unhinged nonsense. And thats what he did tonight, after we taped this show, in minneapolis. Or at least i think he went to minneapolis. Yesterday he had some trouble saying the name of the city. I want to also thank the minneanapolis police department. [ light laughter ] seth thats right, hes going to minneanapolis, which i believe is in mindiana [ laughter ] he sounds like siri giving you directions after having a few too many glasses of wine with dinner you have arrived in minneanapolis. [ laughter ] seth but when hes not basking in the adoration of his most fawning admirers at his unhinged rallies, trump is apparently freaking out about losing support among republicans in congress. In fact, hes so worried about republicans in the senate turning on him that hes been calling Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell nonstop to lock down republican support. New indications of just how seriously President Trump is now taking the impchment inquiry, and how seriously hes pushing to keep republican senators potential jurors, remember in line one of the things weve learned is that the president is so consumed with this impeachment inquiry that hes now calling senator mcconnell as many as three times a day. Seth three times a day is he trying to keep mcconnell in line or stalk him mitch, mitch, were best friends, mitch, arent we, mitch . [ light laughter ] mitch. Do you like my new haircut, mitch . Im just like you, mitch im just like you. [ laughter and applause trump, of course trump, of course, is freaking out because every day we learn more about the scheme trump and his gang of mafiathemed pez dispensers concocted to get ukraine to dig up dirt on joe biden now, trump has been insisting that his phone call with ukraines president , in which he dangled hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid and in return told the president of ukraine, i would like you to do us a favor, though, was not just appropriate but perfect hes literally said or tweeted that specific word dozens of times. The conversation i had with the president of ukraine was absolutely perfect the conversation, by the way, was absolutely perfect it was a perfect conversation. It was perfect the call was perfect that was a perfect conversation. Just so you know, the call was perfect. It was perfect it was perfect the call was a perfect call. It was a perfect call. Perfect call had a perfect phone call with the president of ukraine like, i mean, perfect. The call was a perfect call. The conversation was, i think, a perfect conversation that call was perfect. Seth i think hes trying to drive us all insane. [ laughter ] hearing hearing a grown man describe a phone call as perfect over and over and over again feels like an elaborate form of torture. I feel like i should be strapped to a chair in a basement with voices whispering from the shadows. The call was perfect. It was a perfeccall it was perfect. The call was perfect. It was a perfect conversation it was a perfect call seth all right, ill tell you what you want to know just stop calling a phone call perfect. Nobody says that [ light laughter ] seriously, im almost certain that no one in the history of the english language has ever called a phone call perfect before think of the greatest phone call youve ever had in your life youve never hung up the phone and gone, damn that was perfect [ laughter ] whoo whoo [ applause ] i mean, i rescheduled that dentist appointment like a mother [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] hes talking about a phone call like it was an event at the olympics okay. Talk to you soon judges [ laughter ] yes so, trump has insisted the call was perfect, and yet once again, yesterday, fox news poll showed that the vast majority of registered voters definitely do not think it was perfect the fox news poll also gauged voters reaction to what President Trump said on his phone call with his ukrainian counterpart regarding possible pressure put on ukraine to investigate the bidens 43 say its an impeachable offense. Seth if trump cant rely on fox news to make himself feel better, what can he watch . His aides are going to have to replace his tv with a mirror and hope he doesnt notice [ laughter ] have you guys seen this show . Its pretty good wait, what were you looking at [ laughter ] get in here, guys so now that trump is freaking out about the growing support for impeachment in the polls, hes throwing as many people as he can under the bus last week, for example, trump tried to pin the blame for the ukraine phone call on his energy secretary, rick perry, claiming it was perrys idea to make the call in the first place. But then we found out yesterday that trump ordered perry and two state Department Officials to coordinate with his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, as part of the scheme to extort ukraine and get them to gin up politically motivated investigations two sources tell cnn that President Trump directed his energy secretary, rick perry, and two top state Department Officials to circumvent official channels and to have his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, deal with a potential meeting with the ukrainian president. Seth so, trump concocted a scheme to dangle hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to ukraine as part of a quid pro quo to get them to dig up dirt on a political opponent and to carry out this plan he chose as his henchmen rick perry and Rudy Giuliani, who are famously two of the dumbest people in politics [ light laughter ] its like if lex luthor hatched a plan to kill superman and chose as his assassins mr. Bean and woody from cheers. [ laughter and applause you ready to do this . All right. Ill take the front. You take the back, bean. [ light laughter ] and then today, things got much, much worse for rudy when two of his associates whod been working with him as part of the scheme to dig up dirt on biden were arrested and charged with breaking Campaign Finance laws we begin with breaking news this hour. Two associates of Rudy Giuliani arrested this morning. Due in court in virginia later today, facing criminal charges for violating Campaign Finance laws it really all has to do with ukraine. Their names are igor fruman and lev parnas and they were arrested at a washington airport with what prosecutors say were oneway tickets out of the country Rudy Giuliani has previously stated that he has worked with the two men on efforts to get ukraine to investigate former Vice President joe biden seth i cant believe a guy who looks like a vampire had a henchman named igor. Is this a [ laughter ] mary shelley novel . What was igors job . To open rudys coffin . Master, arise. [ laughter and applause now, the danger for rudy and for trump is that these guys might flip on them and give prosecutors more evidence about their scheme and now that two of his Close Associates have been arrested and charged with crimes, rudy might be regretting the fact hes been all over tv blabbing about his involvement in all of this in fact, here are some of rudys greatest and most nonsensical highlights from just the last few weeks. Did you read the transcript like to say, it was read to me it was read to you, the whole thing. I hope. Shut up, moron. Shut up. Okay. Shut up you dont know what youre talking about. Bill clinton asked me, whats this guy, romney, like you know what i told him hes our al gore all right, rudy, hold that thought. Heres kurt saying great, i will tell yermack and hell visit with you there, thanks im spartacus bidens been off the trail. Supported by three affidavits the guy was under investigation. The guy bankrupted let me just tell the audience hes been selling how about this no, no, i dont want to move on yet heres another one. I dont know about it. I didnt hear it [ laughter ] forget the whistleblower, we have the transcript of the call and the president s remarks. Shh i want you to keep your eye on just wch romania just watch romania we go to china, i told you about romania. We havent moved to romania yet. Wait until we get to romania seth i definitely cant wait until you get to romania [ laughter ] theres probably a short trip from there back to where you live in transylvania [ laughter and applause also, by the way, remember remember those papers rudy was holding up in that one clip claiming that they were affidavits that proved his allegations . Well, according to buzzfeed, they werent they were pages printed from an obscure rightwing Conspiracy Theory website so the president s personal lawyer, a man who is at the center of an impeachment inquiry and an allegedly criminal scheme to extort a foreign country to dig up dirt on a political opponent, is an insane old man who goes on tv and waves around printouts from conspiracy websites next time hes just going to bring the printer test page. Now, the yellow line is Ukrainian Military and then the red line is money that hunter biden made. Its all right here. [ laughter ] and while republicans entertain and while republicans entertain these insane fantasies, the whistleblower who first alerted us to trumps phone call keeps coming forward with more actual evidence, as we found out yet again yesterday. Cbs news has learned that according to a memo by the whistleblower, a white house official who listened in on the call to ukraines president described the call as crazy, frightening, and completely lacking in substance related to national security. The official was visibly shaken by what had transpired. And in the officials view, the president had clearly committed a criminal act seth wow, that is damning. When he heard that, trump immediately ran out of the white house and tried to escape to minneanapolis [ laughter ] seth now, seeing that more evidence is emerging and that support for impeachment is rising in the polls, trump is trying to take as many people down with him, while his inner circle tries to do everything they can to distance themselves from the scandal for example, you might remember that trump dragged Vice President mike pence into his mess when he told reporters to look at pences conversations with the president of ukraine. And then the Washington Post reported that trump involved pence in his efforts to pressure ukraines leader so yesterday reporters asked pence how much he knew about the scheme, and pence wouldnt give a straight answer. Were you ever aware, mr. Vice president , of the interest in the bidens that interest in investigating the bidens was at least, in part of the reason for aid to ukraine being held up . Were you ever aware . I i never discussed the issue of of the issue of the bidens with president zelensky, and but within the administration, were you ever aware . Within the administration . What i can tell you is that all of our discussions internally but you were aware of the interest in the bidens being investigated i was and that being tied to aid to ukraine being held up . Well, thats your question. Let me be very clear the issue of aid and and our efforts with regard to ukraine were, from my experience, in no way connected. Seth uh, uh, what you um [ light laughter ] what you need to know from me about this is i dont want to go to jail. [ laughter and applause hey. Hey, mike pence. I cant believe im saying this, but maybe you should let rudy handle this one. [ laughter ] i mean, hes probably working on his pence impression right now [ laughter ] in fact, given that two people have now been arrested and that support for impeachment is rising the polls, my legal advice for all of these guys would be very simple shut up, moron. Shut up. [ laughter ] seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause we will be right back with sam rockwell [ cheers and applause fishrisotto. Buffalo. Buffalo Wild Wings gelato. Cheesecake. Cheesecake Factory grilled steak. Clam bake. Milkshake. Brussels sprout. Sauerkraut. Freshcaught trout. Alfalfa sprout. Curry. Fried turkey. Mcflurry. mcdonalds cacciatori. Chimichurri. Adlib inhale spiral ham. Blackberry jam. Ralamb. Candied yams. Pokes. Smokeys. Gnocchis. 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I like to feel things, so being able to really use and touch the surface is the bomb. We are literally going to hogwarts right now. This is unexpected. Ahhhh whoaaa this is incredible. We just got off hagrid, and it is by far the best ride. This is universal. Home of tripadvisors number one park in the world. So come join us. Get all three parks for just 53 a day, restrictions apply. [ cheers and applause seth welcome back, everybody. Give it up for the 8g band right over there [ cheers and applause all this week weve had the multitalented drummer and cofounder of the black crowes and trigger hippy sitting in with us. Check out his new book, hard to handle the life and death of the black crowes, which is available now. Steve gorman, everybody. [ cheers and applause thank you so much for being here this week. Really appreciate it thank you seth our first guest tonight is an oscarwinning actor you know from movies like three billboards outside ebbing, missouri and vice, as well as the Fx Limited Series fosse verdon. [ scream ] he stars yeah, there you go [ light laughter ] he stars in jojo rabbit, which is in select theaters october 18th lets take a look. Who am i and why am i here talking to a bunch of little [ bleep ] grabbers instead of leading my men into battle towards glorious death great question ive asked it myself every day since operation screwup, where i lost a perfectly good eye in a totally preventable enemy attack and according to my superiors [ laughter ] you need two eyes to be a meaningful part of the war effort can twoeyed people do this . [ gun shots [ gun shots jesus [ laughter ] seth please welcome back to the show sam rockwell. [ cheers and applause seth welcome back. Hey, thanks, man. Seth i ever since i heard about this filmm ive been incredibly excited to see it its exciting its an exciting endeavor. Seth you so its a its a satire. You play a nazi . Yes, yes. Seth theres a young boy whos a nazi youth he has an Imaginary Friend who is adolf hitler. [ laughter ] and youre we can tell from the clip youre sort of a bumbling youre sort of a buffoon yeah. Seth of a nazi. Yes im a disillusioned exwar hero whos sort of now become a buffoon. Hes lost his eye and hes been demoted to teaching the hitler youth seth yeah. How to fight seth i think based on sort of the dead silence of the audience theres a fear [ laughter ] when you make a comedy that includes nazis and hitler, they might be a little worried. Yeah, yeah. [ light laughter ] yes, thats right. Seth but this is also a very i mean, its in very safe hands yes seth a fantastic writer and director and its also a very sweet story as well. It is very sweet, and its very much antihitler. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] i can assure you. Seth yeah, yeah. Yeah, there we go. [ cheers and applause [ laughter ] yes all right. Lets hear it for antifascism seth yeah. All right yes, so you can be assured, its a funny, but yet poignant film seth and its you know, i think its always exciting when a film comes out that is unlike anything thats come before it yeah. Seth certainly in this day and age, and so thats whats so cool about it. You mentioned you are missing an eye. Yeah. Seth your character. Yeah. Seth so, you had to wear a contact . I had to wear a contact taika had to wear contacts and occasionally we couldnt wear the contact because of debris and gunfire, or we were in a Swimming Pool or something but, yeah, when i first got the i couldnt i didnt ive never have you worn contact . Ive never worn contacts seth i you know, this is a true story yeah. Seth and by the way, this is going to be very in line with what were talking about its hard to laugh at. I played on snl, i played Osama Bin Laden once [ laughter ] you did seth there you go. So, i raise your hitler. And [ laughter ] but i didnt [ cheers and applause id never id never in my life worn contacts yeah. Seth but lorne, between dress and air, was like, we cant have a blueeyed Osama Bin Laden. [ laughter ] and i said i really dont want and so i cgi, man. Seth yeah, i was like, come on, its live. You can cgi in real time. Yeah. [ laughter ] seth so, how was your contact experience well, it was interesting becuase the first person they have to get, you know, somebody who knows what theyre doing to put it in. In fact, i wore some for snl, and they had to get somebody to put it in. And it fell out at one point, we had to find it but somebody came by, a guy, and i felt bad for him, but he was kind of he was putting it in, like this. Seth oh, he had nerves [ laughter ] and i was, like okay, hey. Lets take, you know, a five minute break and, well, you know [ laughter ] and well do it again in, like, ten minutes. And he came back and it was more of this kind of thing. [ laughter ] and then i was, like, all right. Yeah, were going to take another break, and then we got somebody else to do it [ laughter ] seth you know, you are, as we said, playing a nazi in this. Yeah. Seth and youve played youve played some racists over the years in some stuff. I have, i have. Seth three billboards, green mile. Yes, yes. Seth you know, i know you to be a lovely person are you do you feel like youve hit your cap on those ive hit my cap on seth yeah. On racists for sure. Yeah, yeah, definitely i mean, somebodys got to play them, but im done with them seth yeah, yeah. I feel, like you filled your quota. Yes, ive filled my quota seth you do a great job. [ laughter ] and you did a Great Service for all of us. [ cheers and applause you it was so, i saw you at the emmys yeah. Yeah, and we had fun seth we had a really good time well, we went back to the weird vip chocolate room seth yeah. With booze and chocolate. Seth yeah, it was like im going to get the fame of the Chocolate Company wrong and i feel like they sponsored it. Yeah. Seth so, i dont want to even guess seth but yeah, there was a tiny little bar in the back, if you were about to present, you got to go back there and then once we realized you didnt have to back to your seat we kind of just hung out there to drink just hung out there everybody Michael Douglas was there. Seth yeah, it was, like colbert seth corden. Corden, seth hader. It was a good group. All the talk show titans. Seth you were very now, that was after i believe you had lost i had lost. Seth yeah. I had, yes. Seth so it was a nice place i was going for chocolate and booze. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] in the beginning of the night, though, you were very relaxed. I was seth this is actually in the theater. [ laughter ] so, this is the night had just started and you already took your shoes off. Wel, the shoes were kind of brandnew and they were pinching a little so, i took them off. Seth gotcha. And trying to relax before the ceremony seth you seemed very laid back, so it definitely worked. Yeah. Seth and robbed, by the way. Great category thanks, thanks. Seth anyone in that category was deserving. It was an Amazing Group seth it was an Amazing Group. Amazing group seth and fosse verdon, was obviously a bob fosse was a role you had to prepare for. Yeah. Seth lot of rehearsal. I know you had to, you know, also, like, just physically train. You took spin classes . Was that something youd done before i took spin classes and [ cheers ] in addition i did a lot of things, hot yoga, dance. A lot of dance, obviously. Me and michelle were dancing quite a bit. And but, yes, i did some soul cycle classes. Seth yeah. Yeah, i did seth how was it . It was good i did i did one in l. A. And, you know, sometimes youll see some people. I saw usher once seth yeah. [ light laughter ] in the next to me. He was lovely. He gets after it seth yeah. You know . [ laughter ] seth was he intimidating was he so good no, he was cool i think at one point i was you know, you have you ever done soul cycling . Seth ive never done it, no. Its kind of claustrophobic, but its a good workout. You put earplugs in and youre doing and theres a weight series and you got to put the resistance up. And i think i stopped pedaling and he was like, hey, man, come on. [ laughter ] and, yeah. But ive seen him. He gets after it he gets after it [ laughter ] seth it is it is always so great to see you and, again, i want everybody to see this movie, because it is such a cool thing. Yeah, its really cool. Its really cool seth and thank you so much for being here as always thanks for having me. [ cheers and applause seth sam rockwell, everybody. Jojo rabbit is in select theaters on october 18th well be right back with lucy boynton [ cheers and applause to look at me now, you dont see psoriasis. You see clear skin. You see me. But if you saw me before cosentyx. I was covered. It was awful. But i didnt give up. I kept fighting. I got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. Clear skin can last. See if cosentyx could make a difference for you. Cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis find clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory have an infbowel disease,toms. Tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me now. Im still clear. How sexy are these elbows . Get clear skin that can last. Ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Get clear skin that can last. Come on lets hide in the attic. No. In the basement. Why cant we just get in the running car . Are you crazy . Lets hide behind the chainsaws. Smart. Yeah. Ok. If youre in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. Its what you do. This was a good idea. Shhhh. Im being quiet. Youre breathing on me if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Lets go to the cemetery halloween is awesome. [trick or treat] yes, yes, yes, yes. [screaming in fear] yay. [laughter] yes thank you. This is you shopping. And this is you maximizing at t. J. Maxx. Get more of the brands you love and quality you want, and save every time. Its not shopping, its maximizing. Maxx life at t. J. Maxx. In a vast desert completely wdevoid of basset hounds. [ back in babys arms by patsy cline ] then, it appeared a beacon of hope. Im back in babys arms more glorious than a billion sunsets. We were found. Im back where i belong found by the hounds. Back in babys arms [ cheers and applause seth our next guest is a talented actress you know from the oscarnominated film bohemian rhapsody. She is currently starring in the politician, exclusively streaming on netflix lets take a look. Im going to dive right in. I know whats going on between you and river. He told me what happened i was mad at first, but then i admired his honesty. River and i have complete transparency ive always known he was fluid i am, too, sort of and if youre the way he deals with that part of himself, thats fine. Seth please welcome to the show lucy boynton, everyone. [ cheers and applause seth how are you im good. Im really well, thanks. Im always so glad when i dont trip seth yeah, you did excellent. Thank you seth everybody was very concerned. Yes seth but you were wonderful. Yeah, thank you seth you i so you were in bohemian rhapsody, which obviously had an incredible year, and a big awards season. And i heard you were at the Golden Globes last year. Yes seth and you got to fan out on some other actors yeah. Seth who were you most excited to meet . Well, i had to go in on my own which was terrifying but then i saw jodie comer and Phoebe Wallerbridge seth yes i just inow seth fleabag. Killing eve. [ cheers and applause i know. Seth yeah. Well, this is the thing, so id only seen killing eve. And i i mean, jodie is such a remarkable human being so i kind of immediately pounced on them. And they took me under their wing they were very kind. And we went for drinks and stuff. But then, unlike everyone else in the country, i hadnt seen fleabag yet. Seth right i hadnt watched it two years later than everyone else, later, and was so mortified that i hadnt been, like, cooler around phoebe seth right [ light laughter ] yeah. Seth you found out later that clark kent was superman i did yes. Seth youre like, oh. I just thought he was a reporter. I should have acted very differently. And dont try ans be funny around people like that. Like, just seth oh, right, you didnt realize you were dealing with that yes stay in your lane. Seth im sure it was fine. Yeah. Seth im sure you did absolutely fine. Lets hope. Seth so you this is very exciting in a couple weeks youre going to start filming the Second Season yeah. Seth of this show do they give you a sense of where its going to go or is that sort of under wraps i wish. Seth yeah, okay. Well, weve had, like, little tidbits here and there we were kind of guessing throughout season one where it would go and then, actually at the cast and crew screening at ryans house, we watched four episodes and went to the restaurant nearby for muchneeded wine. And then watched the last four but in that break, and after he was saying, like, wouldnt it be kind of crazy if this happened . And wed all be like, well, youre the one with the pen so seth yeah, right [ laughter ] it would be kind of crazy, so seth yeah, i mean, this is this is ryan murphy, for anybody who doesnt know yeah. Seth and he i would say theres no one whos better at taking shows into crazy places yes seth and making those crazy places believable. So it must be really yeah, and hell always outsmart you hell always be one step ahead so anything that were guessing, it will be that on acid. [ laughter ] seth you this is this is an audition that you did not think went well for you. Is that no. No seth okay. It was really terrifying, i think. Just hes such an unreadable person and thats all part of his kind of thing that makes him so cool. But then also, like, i think auditioning in america is a very different thing. Brits are all very kind of, like, understated and, thats fine, leave. Seth uhhuh. Whereas in america, everyones very effusive and kind and enthusiastic. [ laughter ] and so that was just kind of seth oh, gotcha. So its in, like seth so he was a Little England in the United States he had a little hes just so cool seth his own thing. Yeah hes yeah. So that was that and then i was i it went by so quickly. So then i kind of it was done, and i left and i turned right and i turned right again and walked straight into the bar next door. Seth oh, great [ laughter ] yeah. Yes. Seth its very nice when they audition near a drinking establishment. It is so considerate. Seth yes yes seth thats very kind of them noting that for all casting directors. Seth from the clip, for those who havent seen the show, you can tell this is not the warmest of characters that youre playing quite seth and ive i heard that your sister takes credit for this she does. For both kind of being very familiar with that face, and also inducing it as well, i think. Seth otcha. [ laughter ] yeah. Like, kind of when you werent allowed to be mean to each other, you just kind of make that astrid face over the kitchen table. But, also, it was really it was fun. It was liberating playing someone like that. Like, as a brit, i think were so apologetic. Like, if you bump into me, ill apologize. Seth right and then you kind of as astrid have to shed all that and she wears her anger on her sleeve seth do you feel like this you might adopt this in your real life i think i did a bit seth yeah, i think youre very youre very good at it i think i did seth yeah. When we were filming, i was like, well, no, shes very confident. So it feels very good to adopt some of her confidence and then i would catch myself kind of making her face. [ light laughter ] or snapping something. It was like, oh, okay, we need to reel that back in a bit. [ laughter ] seth its a fantastic show im so excited theres another season me, too seth and its just so lovely to meet you. Thank you so much seth thank you so much for being here thank you [ cheers and applause seth lucy boynton, everybody. The first season of the politician is streaming now on netflix. Well be right back with more late night. [ cheers and applause [flicker of lights] [trumpet plays] [gust of wind] [sounds of items hitting phone] [trumpet plays] [thud] [spray of sprinklers] [trumpet plays] keep being you. And ask your doctor about biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in certain adults. Its not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv with three different medicines to help you get to undetectable. That means the amount of virus is so low it cant be measured in lab tests. Serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. Rare, lifethreatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. Do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. Tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. If you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. Common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. If youre hivpositive, keep loving who you are, inside and out. Ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. I wanted a career where i could drive change. Saw this job on linkedin. I knew it was the right one for me. Our products can improve peoples lives. Knowing im helping someone, thats super powerful. man, shouting boy, these woman, shouting uh huh ing. man, shouting they must be coming from this tree up here. All i have to do is dream Everly Brothers throughout man in background chickens almost done, folks indistinct cheering and laughing in the background. that was a funny one shes the funny one man my mother was so wrong about you. man, shouting honey what are you doing . woman, shouting lets have a Harvest Party . man, shouting ill invite my mom man nice woman yeah, we need that. man definitely all i have to do is dream but allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . [ cheers and applause seth welcome back. So recently, netflix has begun experimenting with interactive shows and films, where the viewer will make, like, decisions about which direction the plot goes. And, you know, kind of like those old choose your adventure books. And its really cool and nbc wants to get in on the action and so theyve asked me to test out some new interactive shows for my audience. So tonights show is a new Survival Program called wild choices. So let me get my remote. [ light laughter ] and lets check it out welcome to wild choices, where you make the choices for my survival. Im your host, chip gritt. And im out here completely alone in one of the most unforgiving environments in the world the alaskan wilderness. Heres your first choice should i try to get a fire started or should i eat a bug . The choice is yours. Seth okay, so now i get to choose and lets go with eat bug. [ light laughter ] you chose eat bug now, in a survival situation, it probably would have made more sense to start a fire for warmth and protection [ laughter ] but its also important to keep my energy up and this bug is an excellent source of protein. It was a tough choice, but i understand it. Here goes. [ crunching [ audience ohs ] mmm. Great. I ate the bug, and i can already feel the extra protein and calories flowing through me. [ light laughter ] now i have the energy to start a fire, build a shelter, or do any of the countless other things i need to do to survive in this dangerous terrain. But the choice is yours. What do you think i should do . [ laughter ] seth tough call, but eat bugs still up there so lets go with that [ laughter ] you chose eat a bug again okay [ light laughter ] got to be honest, roof over my head would have really helped a lot right now. But im also going to burn a ton of calories when i get around to building that shelter. So i see where youre coming from oh, ah oh, this guy will do yep. [ audience ohs ] its a big boy right there well, down the hatch okay i ate the bug. This one didnt die right away i could feel it [ laughter ] moving the whole way down, but i did it and now i am full. [ laughter and applause also, a little bit cold. And a little bit afraid. I dont think ill make it through the night this exposed so its time for you to make another choice whats it going to be . [ laughter ] seth eat bug [ laughter and applause what . Why . Why would you pick the i i fine you know what . Ill find another bug. Got to be another one around here somewhere its outside, so oh, what the [ bleep ] is this thing . [ laughter ] oh, boy. [ audience ohs ] its kind of weird looking but you chose eat a bug. So i got to eat the bug, right [ light laughter ] [ audience ohs ] oh, was it pregnant . [ wolf howling ] jesus christ, was that a wolf . Theres wolves up here what okay my life is in your hands should i administer first aid, or should i start a fire and i really want i really want i really want to reiterate here that both of those choices are very good choices. Okay so, whats it going to be . Seth okay. This guys really struggling we should definitely get him some help. Oh, wait oh, sorry. I didnt see theres an option to scroll down [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause oh, yeah, i definitely want to see him eat those worms. [ laughter ] you son of a bitch. You scrolled down, didnt you . Really good job. Come on, man okay just okay, listen, look, were buddies. Right . Okay i dont want to do this. Lets be cool. Be cool. Let me administer first aid to my head. Please what are you going to do what are you going to do [ light laughter ] seth eat them. [ laughter ] god damn it [ audience ohs ] [ laughter ] seth i guess pokethim . [ laughter ] yeah, poke him harder. [ groaning ] seth better get the hell out of here. [ cheers and applause seth make sure to check out wild choices coming soon to nbc interactive. Well be right back with music from les savy fav. [ cheers and applause charmin ultra soft its softer than ever. Charmin ultra soft is twice as absorbent so you can use less. And its softer than ever. So its harder to resist. Okay, this is getting a little weird. We all go, why not enjoy the go with charmin . And save on nike. Get to kohls. Under armour. Adidas. And converse save on nike apparel for kids and women. Mens adidas tees are just 18. 75. And converse for the family start at 34. 99. Plus get kohls cash right now at kohls. I am an artist. I like to feel things, so being able to really use and touch the surface is the bomb. Seaonly abreva cany to help sget rid of it in. As little as 2 1 2 days when used at the first sign. Abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. Abreva acts on it. So you can too. Burrito. Raw kitfo fried shiso. Pork chop. Soda pop. Soursop. Hot pot. Scallop. Kebab. inhale brussels sprout. Sauerkraut. Freshcaught trout. Alfalfa sprout. We are americas kitchen. Doordash. Every flavor welcome. We are americas kitchen. [growling] mail slice. Be right back. With moderate to severe Crohns Disease, i was there, just not always where i needed to be. Is she alright . I hope so. So i talked to my doctor about humira. I learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fat infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. [ cheers and applause seth to celebrate frenchkiss records 20th anniversary with a performance of their hit, lets get out of here, give it up for les savy fav [ cheers and applause i want yo i want you i want you right now to prove me to fix m to soothe me i just want you to want me now i dont care about the warning signs dont care abou friends of min dont care about what could should be i just want you to want me right now ooh lets get out of here no lets get out of here ooh lets get out of here no lets get out of here ooh lets get out of here no lets get out of here ooh lets get out of here no lets get out of here [ cheers and applause lets fade away were here today were half alone weve got mouth lets make em moan lets get out of here oh lets get out of here no lets get out of here ooh lets getout of here now lets get out of here ooh lets get out of here no lets get out of here ooh lets get out of here no lets get out of here ooh lets get out of here no lets get out of here [ cheers and applause seth les savy fav, everybody. For more go to frenchkissrecords. Com. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause hey. Hey. You must be stevens phone. Now you can take control of your home wifi and get a notification the instant someone new joins your network. Only with xfinity xfi. Download the xfi app today. [ cheers and applause seth my thanks to sam rockwell lucy boynton les savy fav, everybody. Steve gorman, 8g band. Stay tuned for a little late with lilly singh. Well see you tomorrow [ cheers and applause lilly tonight on a little late with lily singh, im here with the bella twins that is right [ cheers and applause and we are celebrating being the girls of the day i cant believe we won. Its so exciting [ light laughter ] yes lilly no, no, no thats not whats happening here no, its International Day of the girl its about giving opportunities to young women and empowerment so we cro

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