Transcripts For KNTV Late Night With Seth Meyers 20240714

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And thanks to gerrymandering, four republicans [ light laughter ] President Trumps Reelection Campaign displayed an aerial banner in houston today ahead of tonights third democratic debate, and honestly trump has got to give it a rest. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause the u. S. Patent office has announced that it denied a request from the Ohio State University to trademark the word the for use by the schools athletic department. And to really rub it in, they signed it off from the u. S. Patent office. [ laughter and applause according according to reports, members of the House Judiciary Committee have begun privately mapping out a possible list of charges against President Trump that could serve as a basis for impeachment though it might be easier to beke a list of why he shouldnt [ audience oohs [ applause ] House Speaker nancy pelosi said today that democrats are still following a strategy of, quote, legislate, investigate, litigate. Well, i hope they dont hesitate because its getting late and at this rate, were going to have a police state [ laughter and applause Major League Baseball has set a new record for most home runs in a season after players hit over 6,106 home runs with several weeks remaining. So it turns out, mr. President , walls dont work [ audience oohs [ cheers and applause according to a new report, triple crown winning horse justify failed a drug test last year and should not have been allowed to run in the kentucky derby. Not only that, he had two duis [ audience oohs and finally, after selling out of their new chicken sandwich, fast food chain popeyes has launched a new campaign that encourages customers to order a threepiece chicken tender meal and then place them in a bun that was brought from home though i got to say, their campaign is a little aggressive. [ laughter and applause ladies and gentlemen, we got a great show for you tonight you know her as the host of the Wendy Williams show which begins its 11th season next week Wendy Williams is back, everybody. [ cheers and applause she is a wonderful actress who stars in the powerful new netflix series, unbelievable. Kaitlyn dever is here. [ cheers and applause and he is the former United States attorney general and the chair of the National Democratic redistricting committee. Eric holder is back. [ cheers and applause so its a great show, you guys very happy youre here before we get to our guests, the president s use of a sharpie to doctor an official hurricane forecast is now an actual scandal that has prompted multiple official investigations for more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause seth so you remember how, like, two weeks ago there was this whole thing where a dangerous hurricane named dorian was headed toward the United States and so the president , you know, the guy whose job it is to protect americans, tweeted out that alabama will most likely be hit much harder than anticipated and then some people in alabama started to freak out so then the National Weather service had to be like, no, alabama will not see any impacts from dorian. [ laughter ] and instead of just letting it go the president took out a big map in the oval office and drew a little circle on it with a sharpie to include alabama and make it look like he was right you know, like he was accepting one of those giant novelty checks for a thousand dollars but then wrote in a bunch of zeros and went, wow, youre giving me a billion dollars . [ laughter ] too generous but i accept no takebacks. You remember that whole thing . It was fun well, anyway, after like a full week of coverage we all thought it was over. We wanted to let it go the white house wanted to let it go even the p. R. Department at the sharpie company was probably like, okay, maybe there is such a thing as bad publicity. [ light laughter ] and im sure alabama wanted to let it go, because for a week they were all, like, are we going to get hit by a hurricane or not because ive been sleeping on a cot in a High School Gymnasium for seven days. [ laughter and applause well, guess what its not over. Thats right the whole insane sharpie thing is still going first, we found out earlier this week that staff at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration were instructed not to contradict the president s sharpie hurricane forecasts, and then we found out that the secretary of commerce wilbur ross threatened firings at noaa after trumps dorian tweets thats right, wilbur ross, the guy who once tried to defend trumps tariffs on steel and aluminum by holding up a beer and can of soup in a live tv interview, threatened to fire actual scientists for contradicting the president. Look at this he looks like hes bringing hurricane supplies to alabama. [ laughter and applause i dont have water, but how about a soup and beer party . So wilbur ross threatened to fire scientists for issuing accurate weather forecasts that contradicted the president s stupid tweets. But, hey, its not like wilbur ross has ever, himself, committed an actual friable offense, right a federal judge has taken the extraordinary step in ruling commerce secretary wilbur ross acted in bad faith and broke several laws when he answered a Citizenship Question to the 2020 census. Commerce secretary wilbur ross held in contempt now this battle is all about ross hiding evidence that might show whether republicans changed the 2020 census to discriminate and help their own party, the gop. The president s commerce secretary, wilbur ross, stands accused of misappropriating or outright stealing as much as 120 million from former investors and business partners, thats according to a new investigation from forbes. We all know wilbur ross had problems before this aides have been saying from the beginning he regularly falls asleep in meetings ross was famously caught sleeping during trumps speech to Muslim Leaders in saudi arabia back in may of 2017 seth and on top of all that, two former colleagues remember the commerce secretary taking handfuls of sweetn low packets from a nearby restaurant so he didnt have to go out and buy some for himself so hes an alleged criminal who took sweetn low from restaurants and falls asleep in meetings hes like a character from a Clint Eastwood movie where a bunch of old guys plan a bank heist. [ laughter ] you guys grab the money, ill grab the soup and beer. [ laughter and applause also, just let it sink in that wilbur ross is a billionaire who steals sweetn low which is in no way sweet b its plenty [ bleep ] low. [ laughter and applause i mean, how about instead of a Citizenship Question, the census asks, are you a billionaire who steals sweetn low and if you answer yes, we shoot you into space. [ laughter ] so that was all stuff that happened this week and as a result, democrats called on ross to resign and noaas chief scientist said he would investigate what happened. Now, you think that would be the end of it but, no, this insane story is still a thing in fact, its even more of a thing now because yesterday we found out that the white house, itself, was directly involved in efforts to pressure officials at noaa to side with the president over their own scientists. The New York Times reports that acting white house chief of staff Mick Mulvaney told commerce secretary wilbur ross to have the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, noaa, publicly disavow this tweet that was sent by the National Weather Service Office in birmingham, alabama, which said the state would not feel the effects of the storm a Senior Administration official told the times mulvaney wanted to correct the record because he felt the birmingham tweet went too far. National Weather Service tweet went too far one that actually forecasts the weather. [ laughter ] seth think about how insane this is. Two of the most senior officials in our government called up a Scientific Agency and threatened to fire them unless they changed their forecast about a dangerous hurricane just so they could pretend the president was right when he accidentally said a state that was not in the hurricanes path would get hit i mean, whats next, are they going to make melania change her name to melanie to justify trumps typo tweet [ laughter ] im surprised trump didnt go all the way and make Congress Pass a disaster aid bill for alabama. Im here in montgomery to help rebuild from the hurricane and in the meantime, well be moving all these people into temporary shelters. But my house is fine. No, your house was destroyed. Here, look at this photo. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause so, this insane, dumb thing the president did that we all desperately wanted to move on from will not go away. In fact, and this is real, this whole thing has now triggered multiple official investigations noaas chief scientist said he would investigate why the agency backed trump over its experts on dorian the Commerce Department Inspector General has opened an investigation, and on wednesday, a democratcontrolled House Science Committee kicked off its own inquiry. This all started with a sharpie. If the pen is mightier than the sword, the sharpie is a longrange missile [ light laughter ] i mean, this is an actual scandal now. There are multiple investigations that means theres a chance, which would be awesome, we could have meteorologists testifying before congress. [ cheers ] please state your name for the record. Uh, my name is breeze thunder. [ laughter ] and mr. Thunder, where did the president tell you to lie . Well, first the lies began over here, but then they eventually picked up speed and moved down here. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause also, and remember, remember, that you are under oath. Mr. Thunder, is dew point an actual thing . No, it is not. [ laughter ] seriously, this is officially the craziest weatherrelated scandal america has seen since this one right now dew points in the 20s and near 30 degrees across central mississippi. Well, hey, there i dont know whats going on, but zane doesnt know. Are you sure are you crazy sure well, weve got a little bit of interesting things going on right now. Take a look at whats going on right now. You want to point out the weather right now . Yeah, there are farts everywhere and toots its crazy [ laughter ] seth you laugh, you laugh. Trump just made that kid director of the National Weather service. [ laughter ] im hearing alabama is about to get hit very hard with farts and toots. Its scary but the National Guard will be ringing will be bringing matches and Glade Plugins to the affected areas. Yesterday trump was asked in the oval office about the report that his chief of staff instructed noaa to disavow their own scientists and side with trump and trump pretended that he personally had nothing to do with it. Did you tell your chief of staff to have noaa disavow those forecasters to who said that alabama was not no, i never did that. I never did that thats a whole hoax by the Fake News Media when they talk about the hurricane and when they talk about florida and they talk about alabama. That stuff just fake news it was right from the beginning, it was a fake story. Seth he just covers lies with more lies im surprised he didnt say, this is a really hard week for me because and i didnt want to say this, but i was also hit by the hurricane. [ laughter and applause so trump denied that he personally ordered his aides to intervene and tell a Scientific Agency to lie about a dangerous hurricane in order to justify an embarrassing tweet and a map he doctored with a sharpie. Well, youll never guess what happened next. On wednesday, the news broke that, yes, it was, in fact, trump who ordered the sharpie coverup New York Times today and the Washington Post reveals that the white house and donald trump, himself, were behind threats against weather forecasters who, wait for it, forecasted the weather the Washington Post adds that the president , himself, was behind the threats to the weather forecasters. President trump told his staff that noaa needed to deal with the tweet that seemed to contradict his statement that Hurricane Dorian posed a significant threat to alabama. Seth of course, it was trump who ordered it trump orders his aides to lie all the time he doesnt even let mulvaney cough in his presence without permission trump, interrupting his interview with abc news, to scold his chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, for coughing while he was speaking. But at some point, i hope they get it, cause its a fantastic financial statement. Its a fantastic financial statement. And lets do that over. Hes coughing in the middle of my answer. Yeah, okay. I dont like that, you know your chief of staff if youre going to cough, please leave the room. We should get a shot of and ill come over here. Just cant you just cant do that. Okay. Sorry, mr. Trump. [ laughter ] seth hey, you leave him alone. He was probably coughing from all the dust kicked up from that hurricane. At least we knew it wasnt wilbur ross who was coughing because he was probably sound asleep [ laughter ] hed been up all night stealing sweetn low. [ laughter ] and by the way, now that there are multiple official investigations of this whole insane ordeal, lets not forget that on top of Everything Else, by doctoring the map, trump may have also broken federal law this is in the Washington Post, and they say flatly, it was trump who used a black sharpie to mark up an official noaa map which he displayed during an oval Office Briefing on wednesday. And theres one more problem. As a fox news meteorologist noted, its a violation of federal law to falsify a National Weather Service Forecast seth wouldnt it be great if this was the thing that finally brought him down [ laughter ] i mean, seriously. [ cheers and applause he just think about it. Think about Everything Else that came before this he obstructed justice, paid off a porn star, takes money from taxpayers and foreign governments at his personal properties and they finally nail him for map vandalism. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause it would be like it would be like if they got Charles Manson for tearing the tag off his mattress [ light laughter ] i mean, seriously, when it comes to breaking the law, how much worse could things get for donald trump breaking news now sources telling cnn that in recent weeks prosecutors with the new York District Attorneys Office have interviewed michael cohen, President Trumps former fixer and personal attorney the investigation is looking into whether the Trump Organization broke any state laws by falsifying business records. The former lawyer is now an inmate serving three years in prison for, among other crimes, his role in procuring those payments to porn star Stormy Daniels which constituted a Campaign Finance violation lets not forget this. A case in which the president was an unindicted coconspirator theyre investigating whether the Trump Organization violated any state laws relating to those hush money payments to women seth thats right. Investigators are looking at the Trump Organizations handling of hush payments to cover up affairs. Trump is so versatile, hes managed to break laws relating to Stormy Daniels and stormy weather. [ laughter and applause sharpiegate is a perfect, stupid, microcosm of the trump era. He lies and concocts insane conspiracy theories and then strong arms the rest of the government into enforcing those lies like on climate change, hes repeatedly called it a hoax and now his government is scrapping regulations on everything from methane emissions to energyefficient light bulbs, to clean water protections, resulting in at least 85 environmental rollbacks under trump. Sharpiegate is just the latest dumbest example of trumps war on reality Congress Needs to get him out of there immediately, like they did with this guy. There are farts everywhere and toots. Its crazy seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause well be right back with Wendy Williams, everybody. [ cheers and applause announcer for more of seths closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. With ai we can protect what we cant see. Snow leopards are almost impossible to find, but we need to know where they are, because they are threatened. Our camera traps allow us to have and eye in the mountains, taking thousands of pictures. Microsoft ai scans through all these images, and separates Snow Leopards from Everything Else, in ten minutes instead of ten days. It gives us time to do better research, and save this threatened species. Have a skincare routine. But what about a lip care routine . Pay your lips some attention. The chapstick total hydration collection. Exfoliate nourish naturally enhance your lips. Chapstick. Put your lips first. Wherever you are. Whatever youre craving. And whenever youre craving it. Doordash has the restaurants you want. Delivered to your door. Wherever your door happens to be. Download doordash. The most restaurants across america. First order, 0 delivery fee. And these new highrise slim straights are it. Take that jane fineberg. Take what . Jane i see youre still a weirdo. Made a whole career of it babe. Shop up to 50 off jeans. Thats up to 50 off. Now at old navy. man hey. N banjo . Go home. woman banjo sorry, it wont happen again. Come on, lets go home. After 10 years, weve covered a lot of miles. Good thing i got a subaru. man looks like you got out again, huh, banjo. avo love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. [ cheers and applause seth welcome back, everybody. Give it up for the 8g band right over there [ cheers and applause also, all week long, weve had a multi grammyaward winning artist, drummer and founder of the Berkeley Institute of jazz and gender justice sitting in with us. Be sure to check out waiting game, the forthcoming album with her band, social science, which drops november 8th terri lyne carrington, everybody. [ cheers and applause thank you a great week, terri lyne really appreciate it thank you seth our first guest tonight is a New York Times bestselling author and host of the Wendy Williams show which returns for its 11th season on monday, september 16th please welcome back to the show to tell us how shes doing our good friend, Wendy Williams, everybody. [ cheers and applause seth wendy how you doing seth how you doing what up, beautiful . Seth beautiful blue on you thank you seth its just lovely to see. Im wearing blue but im not blue seth thats good to hear thank you seth you you know, were very lucky under the circumstances seth yeah, under the circumstances. You live your life very publicly you share yourself with all of us, which is very kind of you. Youre going through a divorce right now. Yeah. Seth but youre telling us that youre not blue no. Seth okay. Get out of here with that seth i just i just want to clarify no, not you, but im just saying seth yeah. You know. Seth right i think thats good. You know, obviously, this is a new chapter for you. Are you still happily married . Seth i am still happily married, yeah. How are the children . Seth theyre really good yeah uhhuh, last time seth happily, happily fathered last time i was here, your wife was pregnant. That was, like, three years ago. Seth yeah, yeah, yeah. So how and then you have a 1yearold seth i got a 1yearold and 3yearold yeah you delivered one in the lobby and one in a cab seth oh, no, we made the cab one we made it to the hospital uhhuh. Seth but the lobby one, we definitely did not yeah [ light laughter ] yours is 19. 19. Seth and hes in miami yep he goes to college seth and how are you as a mom with a kid in college . Do you are you hands off . Are you in his life all the time no, we talk every day seth okay. And, you know you know, the rules kind of change you know what im saying im not the same kind of parent that my parents were to me seth uhhuh. You know. Seth did you does that mean that you at no point oh, gosh. Seth went out with your mom yes seth and snoop dog . Yes seth is that maybe accurate . [ light laughter ] thats my sons actual birthday seth thats his actual birthday yes and snoop was in town. Seth yeah. And but, you know, we have a big cardboard cutout in his nursery. So when he was growing up, he only like, the first thing he sees in the morning other than all the nursery stuff is theres uncle snoop. He was gigantic. [ laughter ] like, a gigantic so seth they said they sold that in toys r us kids at the time [ light laughter ] no, you know what, i got it from an event. And snoop signed it. And we put it in the nursery it turns out that were a hiphop family so we all like the same music. Seth yeah. Which is kind of weird. Seth sure. Rollin down the street smokin indo sippin on gin and juice laid back with my min on my money an my money on my mind [ cheers and applause seth that is no. Seth like, i think that any rap song recorded after that, i could not have helped you. [ light laughter ] now, look but the thing is, i love 90s hiphop. You know seth yeah, its the best and so we went and saw snoop and whatnot. But, yeah, hes 19 hes its, you know, mom under new management seth yeah. Yeah. Seth are you out on the scene . Are you dating are you going on dates okay [ light laughter ] that look. Im going to say that face is saying, yeah. [ laughter ] im not wasting this. Seth youre not. Why would you waste it right seth why would you waste what do you what does Wendy Williams look for in a man . Especially a first date when someone says, hey, i want to set you up with this friend of mine. Well, now i havent had setups yet seth okay. Like, literally either i approached the man or he approaches me. Seth okay. I havent been on tinder. And all that kind of whatever people do. Seth you have been on that no, i havent seth okay. Gotcha but im open to that. Seth yeah. You know, like, i feel like if youre single, you know, you always put on a chapstick. And you walk out of the house. And you hoist your boobs and youre ready seth yeah. [ cheers and applause which is weird. Seth so are you saying that if i see a woman applying chapstick, that its her way of telling the world yeah, no [ laughter ] she yes, correct. Seth okay. Shes got to make eye contact while doing it seth okay. Gotcha [ laughter ] yeah, yeah, yeah no, no, ive never seen that [ light laughter ] no, no, but im im having a good time. Seth you are what i discovered is that im a wife not a girlfriend seth interesting and i will get married again. Seth okay. And im a very determined woman. And hes got to have grown children im not dealing with a 5yearold seth yeah. Calling me mommy. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] get out of here with that seth yeah, nobody wants that i mean, yeah you know, freshman year in high school, help him with homework, get out of here with that seth yeah, youve done that. Yeah, get out seth youve done your time there. Yeah. Do you on the first date tell them im going to get married again . cause i feel like a lot yeah. Seth you do okay, thats i mean, thats good to be honest. Yeah. Seth and let them know, like, what the deal is well, he might be watching righnow. Seth yeah. Wheres my camera how you doing . Seth you want to go [ light laughter ] okay. Look, heres what i need i need you to be at least in your 50s seth at least in your 50s. Or maybe 48 seth 48 or over. Yep. Grown children. Seth yep who are not living with you seth gotcha. You need to live by yourself. Seth yep so we can hang out at your house or my house. Seth yep, great. No one in my house but me seth yeah. Okay, thats good. I turn that key, its so refreshing seth i imagine yeah. Seth yeah. Please. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] seth i mean, i love my kids. But when i turn the key, im a little bummed theyre going to be there [ laughter ] all im saying seth yeah. Is thats real thats real adult talk. Seth yeah. So you have real adult talk right off the bat. Yeah. Seth good. Yeah. Seth yeah. Uhhuh. Seth now your whole show, what i like about your show is its very honest its this kind of thing. You dont lie to your audience no. Seth and they know that. I was talking to eric holder behind the scenes back there seth yeah. Hes coming out a little later. Seth yeah. So hes like, oh my gosh, youre like you are on your show. Seth yeah. I was like, well, what do you want . [ laughter ] seth yeah. Nobody has time to act. Seth yeah. Also this i would it would be very i feel like you can only be you. Is that accurate yes seth yes believe me. Seth yeah. I can only be me. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] and im so glad. What is this season 11 . Season 11. Seth amazing congratulations on that. I never thought it would last, honestly seth yeah, 11 is a big deal. It is well, its not i mean, ten is a good number. 11s kind of a weird number. Seth well, dont make me feel bad about saying 11s a big deal but 11, yeah. Seth yeah. Yeah, yeah. Seth uhhuh. Yeah. Seth you also i dont think people fully appreciate how multitalented you are. Youve written a series of books before you had your show yes seth the ritz harper was the character. And i feel like ritz harper was maybe slightly based, inspired by Wendy Williams. Certainly seth there was ritz harper goes to hollywood. Well, thats me posing as ritz [ laughter ] seth yeah. This is another ritz harper book drama is her middle name. That was the first one of the ritz [ laughter ] thats correct seth i got to say, this made me laugh so hard okay. Seth i havent stopped laughing that is me with ketchup sprayed around me. Seth and the title of this ritz harper book is is the bitch dead or what . [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause i mean the thing about ritz, ritz is a fabulous new york city disc jockey seth yeah. Who happens to get a talk show seth oh, wow so its really close to home but and so i have this im in bed with not in bed. Seth yeah. But, you know seth yeah, yeah. With lifetime right now. And i would like to see ritz either as a series or a movie. But my first project is going to be my own life story seth oh, youre going to do a lifetime movie about yourself . Your life story. Oh, believe me you. Seth are you going is it going to be a documentary or is it going to be a narrative okay. Okay, okay, okay okay, okay were dotwo hos for the movie. Then two hours for the documentary. Seth oh, my god. So whos going to play you in the movie . Four hours of me. Seth yeah. On lifetime seth are they how can they cast Wendy Williams are you going to play yourself no, no. Seth okay. Im producing seth yeah. I got no time to act. Seth yeah, of course, hands off. Yeah, yeah. But heres the thing, no, i want to hire actors that no one knows. Because really, you know, theres a message in it. I mean seth yeah. We can laugh and joke all day, seth. Seth we can, yes but in actuality, ive been doing this ive had a microphone for over 30 years seth uhhuh. You know what i mean . Seth yeah. And ive done the best i can with what i had. And what i have is, you know, my parents dont come from, you know, nepotism you know, like making a phone call, getting wendy in the door. Ive fought for everything and ive never been me tooed. You know, i respect to all the girls who, you know, are going through that ive never done that i dont even know what that is you know, i fight, punch, hustle even right now, you know, going through a public divorce while im still a big mouth doing hot topi im talking about people seth uhhuh. When im being talked about. Its me against the world. Seth well, i feel as though the worlds been getting a beating. Youve been doing great. Congratulations on all your success. And let me tell you, its always such a pleasure to have you here [ cheers and applause youre kicking me out seth im kicking you out [ laughter ] Wendy Williams, everybody. Season 11 of the Wendy Williams show premieres monday check your local listings. Well be right back with kaitlyn dever. [ cheers and applause [upbeat action music] pilot were going to be on the tarmac for another 45 minutes or so. And take an extra 15 or 20 off mens shoes and boots are 33. 99 save on luggage and all beauty is 20 off. Plus save even more on your style event purchase plus get kohls cash this weekend at kohls. Tmobiles newest signal reaches farther than ever before. With more engineers. More towers. More coverage its a network that gives you freedom from big cities, to small towns, were with you. Because life can take you almost anywhere, tmobile is with you. No signal goes farther or is more reliable in keeping you connected. This is you shopping. And this is you maximizing at t. J. Maxx. Get more of the brands you love and quality you want, and save every time. Its not shopping, its maximizing. Maxx life at t. J. Maxx. [ soft piano music playing ] mm, uh, what do you do for fun . Not this. Oh, what am i into . Mostly progressives name your price tool. Helps people find Coverage Options based on their budget. Flo has it, i want it, its a whole thing, and shes right there. Yeah, shes my ride. This dates lame. He has pics of you on his phone. Theyre very tasteful. He has pics of you on his phone. Face buried in your phone. Stop look up. Look both ways. Lets start looking out for each other again. Its a busy world out there. And were all in it together. Go safely, california. [ cheers and applause seth our next guest is a talented actress you know from films such as booksmart and beautiful boy. She is starring in the new series unbelievable, which is currently streaming on netflix lets take a look. Im pretty positive that it happened pretty positive or positive maybe i blacked it out. Marie, youre a smart, young woman. Clearly, you must understand the way youre handling this you say one thing, you write another. There is a rapist, there isnt one. Seth please welcome to the show kaitlyn dever, everyone [ cheers and applause seth you did great she is so cool. Seth shes fantastic very. Seth this is so exciting for me im such a big fan of yours. This show is fantastic and i want to talk about it. But you had a very cool new york moment this week you got to walk in a fashion show i did seth yeah. Can you believe it . I did. Seth were you nervous . Oh, of course, i was nervous. I mean, you think in your head, youre going to walk down a runway and all you think is, oh, i dont want to trip seth yeah. Thats the first thought that ran through my head. And then i realized once i got there, it wasnt just a runway, it was like a series of ramps and steps. [ light laughter ] seth and the outfits were fantastic. Oh, yes seth this was a wig. There was a wig involved. Seth i do want to prepare everyone for the wig. Because i was delighted when i saw it there you are. [ laughter ] just fantastic i mean, its beautiful. Its batsheva and its beautiful. But i look like a grandma coming in hot [ laughter ] seth yeah. And a lot of yeah, just a lot of steps. I feel like you dont look at how many steps there are in there seth yeah, thats not fair no, its not. Seth but you did great everybody said you did great thank you thank you. Seth so [ applause ] this is as we can see from a clip, this is a very heavy subject matter yeah. Seth i was talking to one of your costars, toni collette, earlier this week. This is based on a real story of rape and sexual assault. I imagine an incredibly intense show to have to put yourself through. Yeah, it definitely was but i felt the intensity i felt how important it was to everybody involved and i just had to do marie, the girl i was playing, i just had to do her justice. cause i really had to put my biggest effort into it really seth i hear that you have, for characters you played in the past, you make playlists i do. Seth; and do you try now, when you make a playlist for somebody like this that is in the real life, how do you go about it well, for this i like to make playlists to get into character i like to, sort of, listen to the music of that era. So i was, like, looking up music that marie may have listened to or heard on the radio. So, it was 2008. So, it was a lot of Avril Lavigne. Seth got it. Lot of avril [ scattered cheers ] thats good. And it really didnt really keep me in the character it sort of kept a lot of lightness seth yeah, a little buoyancy in there. Seth for a heavy yeah. So it really just helped me sort of, like, stay a little bit happy. Seth thats good cause its Avril Lavigne seth one of the things thats a very happy for people who like great casts is toni colette, merritt wever, theyre fantastic in this show as detectives. But theyre sort of running in a parallel story to yours. Yeah. Seth so youre in a show with them. Did you get to spend much time with them . No, i didnt ever meet them [ light laughter ] seth thats a bummer i mean, i met them and we were, like, passing each other on set but i never got to, like, act with them facetoface and toni colette is a dream boat and merritt, too i mean, everyone is so great but it was sort of, it was sort of nice, cause my character it helped me with my character to sort of be isolated in those moments for sure, yeah seth another you were in one of my favorite movies of the summer, booksmart, which was the opposite of isolation. Yeah. Seth it was you and beanie feldstein playing dear friends. And she told me when she was here that you guys, you did not know each other before that film no. Seth but you basically lived with you were roommates we were roommates she was my first ever roommate in life. Seth wow yeah. Seth how was she as a roommate she was great i was late once showing up to the van that was picking us up and came and knocked on my door and saved me seth thats good because i overslept i tend to do that. Seth yeah . Yeah. Seth and are you and beanie still close . Were so close. Were so close seth so this is based on the movie alone, playing best friends, you guys are now still just as close. Yeah. Were trying to meet up now cause she lives in new york and i dont get to see her that often. But i love my booksmart family so much. It was such a, like it was such a memorable experience that im going to take with me literally forever seth its such a great film. Yeah. Seth and now, youre in l. A. So, unbelievable, did this shoot in l. A. . It did, it did. Seth so you got to actually stay with your parents for the shooting of it, is that true yes i live at home with my family. Theyre my best friends. It was really nice to, sort of, shoot this show and then go home and have dinner with them. Yeah, it was really great. I felt really nurtured and cared for on set i actually had these makeup ladies who would you know, youre my friend, seth, now. Were friends. Seth yeah, were friends i get gassy seth you get gassy i get really gassy. [ light laughter ] seth all right, thank you for telling me and, yeah, and i get stomachaches sometimes and these two ladies were so nice they would make me lunch and they would, like, use essential oils and rub my tummy. Seth wow [ laughter ] on our lunch break. So seth thats fantastic. I felt very cared for with my family and also them on set. Seth yeah. It was very nice. Seth you know, you are a friend of mine now so, let me tell you something im so glad seth im also gassy and no one has helped me at all [ laughter ] not a single tummy massage not any essential oils you gotta get it. Seth nobody in fact, i dont feel anyone has become closer to me based on this [ laughter ] if anything, i feel like its pushed people away i bring people in with the gassiness. Seth yeah. Theres something about you, that even your gassiness brings people closer to you [ laughter ] thats the kind of person you are. That is who i am. Seth it is so great to meet you. Congrats on the show and your summer [ cheers and applause such great work. Thats kaitlyn dever, everybody. [ cheers and applause unbelievable is currently streaming on netflix well be right back with eric holder. [ cheers and applause good morning. Good night. The allnew versa the most techadvanced car in its class. This is nissan intelligent mobility. The most techadvanced car in its class. 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Raised in manhattan for a little while. 147th street and 8th avenue in harlem then spent most of my time in queens and seth you had some pretty considerable neighbors in queens is that accurate that these people all lived in your neighborhood louis armstrong. Yes seth willie mays yes seth muhammad ali. Well, he visited. Seth he visited. Malcolm x. Malcolm x lived there seth okay, and so visited. Did you meet muhammad ali when he visited yeah, i was about 12, 13 years old he had just won the title. My brother came into a candy store where i was and said, hey, cassius clay and he was cassius clay at the time is outside malcolm xs house. Ran over there talked to him for a little while. And being the smartass kid that i was, i said, you know, at the liston weighin people said he was very scared of liston i said, were you scared of sonny liston . And he can i stand up seth yeah, yeah. [ light laughter ] he looked at me, hes like hes 63, i was like, you know, that big he put his hand, fist in my face and said, what do you think . [ laughter ] and in my little 12yearold, quivering voice, i said, no. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] i think thats an accurate and i got his autograph seth you did on a piece of a brown paper bag that i saved for years and my mother, may she rest in peace, during one of her periodic cleanings seth threw it away [ audience aws ] got rid of it seth well, you cant blame a mom if the autographs on a piece of garbage if its on well seth you know, i feel like moms cant be expected really . Seth yeah. Cassius clay . Seth was it in a frame no. Seth yeah, well, there you go [ laughter ] it was in a little book that i had. I mean, you know seth all right, a little book i take it back you were you considered running for the democratic nomination for a while i did seth we taped before the debates tonight, but there are ten people on stage. Do you ever think to yourself, gosh, i should be one of the people up there . Oh, only every day. Seth yeah, yeah, every day yeah, yeah. No, i think that we have a great pool of candidates and i think any one of them would be better than the present occupant of the white house. Seth sure. And, uh [ cheers and applause seth no argument here. Yeah. But i also think, you know i also think every now and again there were some unique things that i might have brought to the contest. And so i have, you know, second doubts every once in a while on the other hand, when i i did the poll that was most important, that was the poll of my family, i was in the distinct minority as to whether or not i should run seth i see so you listen to the voters that matter most. That was right. And it wasnt close. Seth it wasnt close [ light laughter ] all right, well, thats good wasnt close, no. Seth the funny thing because you were here in 2016, i was thinking back to it. One of the questions i asked you was to describe what an attorney general does yes seth because i think at the time it was not a job that was so front and center in an administration as much as it has been certainly with william barr and jeff sessions. Have you been surprised or not surprised by how attorney generals have developed in the trump era . Both surprised, disappointed, and, frankly, scared seth mmhmm. There has to be a separation between the Justice Department and the white house. The attorney general is not the president s lawyer the attorney general is the lawyer for the American People and that line, i think, has been blurred in the Trump Administration you know, trump oftentimes says, im looking for my roy cohn. You know, no, youre not youre looking for an attorney general of the United States and i fear that he has found his cohn in bill barr, who surprisingly to me has not lived up to what i expected him to be as an attorney general hes a little too compliant. A little too close to, you know, the president. Seth youve now taken on, i should say, are combatting gerrymandering and redistricting. Yep seth this is a huge issue that happens on the state level. And while were all focused on sort of the president ial election, this is happening in real time. Do you explain exactly how bad things are right now and what youre trying to do to combat it. Well, we are trying to make sure that come 2021 when we redistrict, we have a fair process. Im not gerrymandering for democrats. Lets make it a fair process and if we do, democrats and progressives will do just fine but gerrymandering has resulted in really kind of things that are inconsistent with the will of the people. 90 of the American People favor background checks. You know, overwhelmingly also support reducing the size of gun magazines. You know, a whole range of things that dont get passed, because people are in these safe districts. They then cater to the special interests. And when they go against their constituents, theres no electoral consequence. You know, because theyre in a safe gerrymandered district. And so thats what we are bound and determined to fight to make sure that we have a more Responsive Group of people who serve in our state legislatures as well as in the house of representatives. Seth the Supreme Court basically ruled and said we cannot judge any of this they blew it. Seth they blew it. Lets go straight they blew it. They blew it seth they said this is a state issue and hands off. And this was, i believe, wisconsin that was brought to them, which has been pretty badly gerrymandered. Anyone can look at those maps and see what the Republican Legislature did. And they said we can see, but we cant rule on it explain exactly how you think they blew it well, i mean, this notion that somehow or other the federal courts are not capable or should not be involved in deciding really fundamental issues whats our democracy going to look at . You would expect the United States Supreme Court, of all the bodies, all the institutions in our government, to say, you know, one man, one vote, which kind of undergirds all of our election law. To look at the situations that we have in wisconsin, in north carolina, and say that goes beyond that which is acceptable because the reality is, people in north carolina, democrats in, you know, wisconsin, other states as well, their vote doesnt count nearly as much as it should. And the Supreme Court should have remedied that situation but, again, another one of these 54 decisions, conservatives against the liberals, the progressives, made the determination that the federal courts wont be involved seth well, that was disappointing. But it certainly gives us some hope and some optimism that youre working on this we wish you the best of luck fairness, of course, is important in things like elections. And thanks so much for being back i really appreciate it good to be here [ cheers and applause seth eric holder, everybody. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause face buried in your phone. Stop look up. Look both ways. Lets start looking out for each other again. Its a busy world out there. And were all in it together. Go safely, california. And out of respect, we will let you make the first offer. Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes . Objection overruled. One hour. Sweeten the deal by doing the dishes and ill consider it. I wouldnt do it. I hate the dishes. One hour with the tablet, you walk the dog and do the dishes. If you insist. Congratulations. Only xfinity xfi lets you take control of your familys online time. Thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity xfi gives you the speed, coverage and control you need. Manage your wifi network from anywhere when you download the xfi app today. [ cheers and applause seth my thanks to Wendy Williams kaitlyn dever. Eric holder, everybody terri lyne carrington. And, of course, the 8g band. Well see you tomorrow [ cheers and applause

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