And featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 821 steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ] jimmy isnt that fantastic . [ cheers and applause ] thats exactly what you want. That is a hot, hot new york city crowd. Welcome, everybody. Welcome to the tonight show. This is it, baby [ cheers and applause ] guys, we are back. The Winter Olympics are over. Our show is back on. Woo [ cheers and applause ] feels good last night was the closing ceremony for the Winter Olympics, and they had some crazy stuff. I dont know if you saw it. They had a big conga line, they had a giant snow globe. They had glow in the dark pandas on roller skates. [ light laughter ] when asked what inspired the pandas they said, uh, shrooms. [ laughter and applause ] with the olympics over, 90 countries have departed south korea. Yep, 90 groups waving goodbye, or as the nra calls those, sponsors. [ laughter and applause ] the big winner this year was norway. They won a record 39 medals. Wow. [ cheers ] or one for each person who lives in norway. So there you go. [ laughter ] jorgen, bjorn, bjorn bjorgen, bjorn borgen. This is exciting. The u. S. Mens curling team beat sweden to win their first gold medal ever [ cheers and applause ] actually, they were beating sweden so bad, they conceded the match early. Yep, america made sweden quit in frustration, or as we call that, the reverse ikea. Steve hey oh jimmy hey oh steve hey jimmy yeah [ applause ] steve come on jimmy after their win, the team went on the Nbc Sports Network where they were asked to perform a karaoke version of journeys dont stop believin. Oh, yeah. [ laughter ] lets see how they did. Workin hard to get my fill everybody wants a thrill payin anything to roll the dice just one more time [ laughter ] jimmy even fergie was like, that was rough. [ laughter ] steve oh hey, ho hey jimmy right after that, someone came out and swept them off stage. Steve hey oh jimmy come on sandman come on sandman, get em off [ laughter and applause ] a bit of a scandal though. I guess russian spies hacked hundreds of computers at the olympics. [ audience oohs ] which explains why Hillary Clinton didnt win a a single gold medal. Steve really . Jimmy i mean thats really, not one. Not one. [ applause ] did you guys see this . On saturday, an austrian snowboarder had a little trouble when a squirrel ran right in front of her during a a race. Everyone is okay. But take a look at this. Jimmy there she goes there and then hey [ audience groans ] guys, that squirrel had trained four years for that moment. [ laughter and applause ] some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this i cant believe its happening [ laughter ] Kelly Clarkson is on the show tonight, you guys. Steve yeah jimmy Kelly Clarkson [ cheers and applause ] hey, listen to this, you guys. Mexicos president cancelled plans for a visit to the white house after a tense phone call he had with president trump. [ audience oohs ] apparently trump spent the entire call pressing one and yelling english [ laughter ] engl representative representative [ cheers and applause ] steve come on jimmy actual human being as i mentioned earlier, several businesses have cancelled their partnership with the nra over the past week, including united airlines. [ cheers ] yeah. You know you messed up when the company that dragged the guy off the plane is like, youre making us look bad. Steve wow. [ applause ] jimmy speaking of business, did you hear about this . Kylie jenner tweeted she doesnt like snapchat, and the Company Stock value fell 1. 3 billion. [ audience oohs ] and people were like, uh, could you also tweet that you dont like the nra . [ laughter and applause ] get this, the vegas airport just installed these boxes where you drop off your weed before flying, no questions asked. [ laughter ] if youre forgetful enough to bring weed with you to the airport, youre probably not going to remember to drop it off at the dropoff weed box. [ applause ] guys, sometimes it feels like there is nothing but bad news out there. Well, we here at the tonight show have decided to do something about that. We asked real local nbc news anchors from all around the country to read stories that we wish were true. Stories that make us feel happy. Ill show you what i mean in tonights installment of ive got good news, and good news. [ cheers and applause ] ive got good news ive got good news ive got good news im going to read the next news story like my teeth are crazy glued together. [ mumbling ] [ light laughter ] the fda reports that raw cookie dough is now legally considered a vegetable. So if anyone judges you for eating it straight out of the fridge, theyre an idiot. [ laughter ] in personal news, check me out im reading the news with my eyes closed and im nailing it. [ laughter ] two men in ski masks entered a bank today, but they werent robbing it. They just had cold faces. [ laughter ] in other news, me a big boy. Me put on suit. Say big boy words. Me be important. Me important, yes. Big boy important . You betcha. [ laughter ] breaking news. Its now illegal for anyone to call themselves a model deejay. [ laughter ] saddle up, gang, because thats a phrase i say now. Lets take a look at the fiveday forecast. And now lets take a look at my head on a pigeons body. [ cooing ] [ laughter and applause ] jimmy oh, come on. Doesnt that make you feel good . We have a great show tonight. Give it up for the roots, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thank you very much thank you, everybody. Thank you. Hey, guys, this is our first full show back since the tragic shooting in florida. And first of all, i want to say that our hearts go out to the families of the teachers and students that were killed. But our hearts also go out to the students who survived, because what they had to live through, and what they have to live with is something i cant even imagine. And i think what the students of Marjory StonemanDouglas High School are doing is unbelievable. Theyre speaking out with more guts, passion, conviction and common sense than most adults. Theyre High School Students. Its beyond impressive. That strength that they have is inspiring. They are angry, and theyre doing something about it and creating change. This is a real revolution. And they have organized a a peaceful march on saturday, march 24th, in washington, d. C. , to demand action to prevent gun violence. I just want to say, i stand behind you guys, and i will be marching alongside you with my wife and two children in d. C. To show our support. So to everyone [ cheers and applause ] to every one of you who is speaking out, thank you. Ill see you march 24th. Well be right back with more of the tonight show. [ cheers and applause ] join tmobile and the whole family can stay connected with new iphones. Which is great. Unless your parents thought you were studying. Arent exams this week . Somebodys busted. So join tmobile, buy an iphone 8, get an iphone 8 on us. And for a limited time, bring your family to tmobile and get a 4th line free. Only at tmobile. Introducing the npower jean aka the perfect straight. And introducing the new relaxed slim for men. Power up with up to 50 off all jeans. Adults from fifteen dollars, kids from ten dollars. At old navy. Washington dc. But they won t be making the traditional champions visit to the white house. Instead the team will host a group of students and visit the National Museum of African American history. There is snow atop mt. Hamilton. And more is on the way. Astronomers at the Lick Observatory tell us almost two inches have fallen. Go to our website to see our aerial footage. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back, everybody it is monday. Were so excited to be back. We have a huge week of shows ahead. This is a giant, giant week of guests. We have first we have later this week, bruce willis will be here. Hes doing the new [ cheers and applause ] we also have the star of black panther, Chadwick Boseman will be here. [ cheers and applause ] Marlon Wayans will be here. [ applause ] always funny, and alicia keys will all be joining us. [ applause ] and on friday and on friday Linmanuel Miranda will be here with weird al yankovic. [ cheers and applause ] what could possibly what could possibly be happening . Quest do you have any idea . Really . Yeah, there you go, yeah, yeah, yeah. Guys we have a fantastic show tonight. She is one of the coaches on the voice. Kelly clarkson is here tonight [ cheers and applause ] were going to talk with kelly, then she and i are going to have some fun with Google Translate songs. Youll see what i mean, and we have great new music from Kacey Musgraves come on [ applause ] Kacey Musgraves is here, and her grandma is backstage, and i just want to say happy 80th birthday to her grandma who i saw backstage who is super cute, but Kacey Musgrave is here. Golden hour is the record. Kacey, thank you for being on the show tonight. [ cheers and applause ] but first, we are joined by a a very talented actor. You can catch his oneman play, John Lithgows stories by heart at the American Airlines theatre here in new york city through march 4th. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, john lithgow. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy they love you welcome back, welcome back. Jimmy welcome back, i am so happy to see you. I really wish you could come every week. Its nice to be back again. Jimmy last time, since the last time i saw you, you won the emmy for the crown, and congratulations. Yeah. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i knew it. I knew it yes, yes. Jimmy i feel like i had nothing to do with it, but either way, you were fantastic as churchill. Yeah, thank you. Jimmy youre fantastic as everything. Do you miss playing the role . Well, yeah. It was a wonderful job. It was just the crown is a a great series. Jimmy yes. I worked with incredible actors. Everyone was great, and then i won jimmy but you miss even having that mouthpiece in . That yeah, thats right. I did a little. I did a progresso commercial for you. Jimmy yes, thank you for doing that. With my Winston Churchill jowls. No, its great, and apparently churchill makes it easy to win awards. Jimmy no, no, no. I think it may be gary oldmans turn. Jimmy oh, well. Id say good luck gary. He was jimmy he was fantastic right . Yeah jimmy he was amazing as that. Another accomplishment of yours which i love i love everything you do. Last time you surprised me with a painting oh yes. Jimmy of my dog. Of your dog. Together gary frick. Jimmy yeah, absolutely, and its hanging in my kitchen, i love it so much. We love you, and then, now you always wanted to write your own crossword puzzle in the New York Times. Well, no, it had never even occurred to me, but they asked me to do it, to cocreate a a crossword puzzle. Jimmy i mean how fun is that . Well, it was a lot of fun. Jimmy you dont think about that when you you learn the mysteries of crossword puzzle construction. Jimmy yeah, like i dont know i got to get thats a will shortz thing. There it is. It is my pride and joy. [ laughter ] jimmy look at this. I love it, and 44 downs clue is allens replacement on the tonight show, which is thank you for the shout out to the tonight show. Its paar. Jack paar. Paar, jack paar. Thats right. Jimmy but thank you for doing that, the tonight show, and including that well, if they ever ask me to do a puzzle again, jimmy, i promise that ill get you in. You know. Jimmy you will . Yes. Jimmy ill have to earn it. I have to earn it. No rush. Im happy that youre here. It will be a tonight show jimmy i didnt have you on just so i could end up in a a puzzle. I promise. I swear. [ laughter ] i did a little bit, but not completely. No, i think i thought of a a clue for you. What one may do with ones sword. Think about it. [ laughter ] and remember, its jimmy that was years ago, john. No one even no one remembers that scandal. Its connected with jimmy fallon, and the tonight show. What one may do with ones sword. Jimmy fall on. Fall on jimmy fallon. Fallon. Jimmy oh, thats great. You got it. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats why youre good at this im awful. Im terrible at crosswords. No, you got it. What are you talking about . Jimmy i cant do i cant do crosswords. Whats the easiest day, monday, right . Yeah, you start with monday. Jimmy trouble. Trouble for me. When you reach your 70s, youre up to saturday, like me. Jimmy were you ever bad at crosswords . I try to do it all of the time and i go i just feel like an idiot. I dont know. Crosswords. Youre always a little embarrassed to even confess that you do them. [ laughter ] because its such a pointless waste of time. Jimmy do you do them in pencil . No, no. I do them in ink. Jimmy youre ink all the way . As a matter of fact, i even have the New York Times app. I do them on my ipad. I check out my average. Its just totally embarrassing. Jimmy no, thats fantastic i love hearing that. [ laughter ] what a waste of life. [ light laughter ] jimmy i love it. On the other hand, they did invite me to cocreate one jimmy there you go. With a genius puzzle constructor named brendon emmett quigley. I just wanted to say his name. Jimmy what a great name, huh . I mean what else are you supposed to do . Hes got to be an author, a a writer, a crossword puzzler, or whatever. Yeah, i think its im going to get into it. I think it keeps you sharp. Next time i see you, ill be up to like tuesday afternoon. All right and i hope theyll invite me to do another one. Ill get you in there. Jimmy alright, thank you buddy. I appreciate that. Another fun thing about you, you also got in the greeting card business. The Christmas Card business. Well, youre going way, way back. When i jimmy i mean people should know. This is youre famous for this. [ laughter ] i when i was a kid, i wanted to be an artist. I did not want to be an actor. I grew up in a theater family, and i didnt want to go into the family business. I was a serious artist, and printmaker. And i did wood cuts, and made Christmas Cards for the family, and then turned it into a a Little Cottage industry in high school. Jimmy isnt that fun to do . I mean, who does that . How old were you . Well, in my yeah, my high school years. Jimmy and what did you you ended up how many cards would you create . Oh. I had a line of about six or seven. Actually, i was i was the in my high school, Princeton High School, i was a jersey boy, too. I was the president of the High School Student council, and we had an executive committee, and i rammed through a bill to send to have the executive committee send Christmas Cards to the entire faculty of the school, and i sold my Christmas Cards [ laughter ] to the student council. Jimmy thats genius i got a check for like 35, and i went home, and i showed my mother, and my dad. I was so proud, and my mom, she hit the roof. She said, youre going to take that check, youre going to take it, and youre going to give it back. Youre going to tear it up in front of the principal. She taught me about conflict of interest. Jimmy wow. My good mother. I had good parenting. Jimmy isnt that great . What im ashamed to confess is, i never gave back the 35. [ laughter ] [ applause ] jimmy Princeton High School. You owe Princeton High School 35. It turns out it turns out i missed my calling. I should have been a a politician. [ laughter ] jimmy no collusion, no collusion. I want to talk about this right here. Explain this. Stories by heart. Man, oh, man, this is a cool thing. This is just you on stage telling stories. Yeah, its a oneman show that i dreamed up about ten years ago, and ive been doing it all across the country as a a kind of onenight stand. The closest ive come to being a standup, and finally, roundabout theater had a slot available for me, and they asked me to perform it on broadway. Ive been doing it for nine weeks with one week to go, and its been a tremendous success. Jimmy what are the stories if you can without giving it away . Well, its a twoact evening, and each of the two acts is anchored by a great short story. One american, one english. Ring lardner. P. G. Wodehouse. What they have in common is both included in a big, fat book of short stories that my father used to read to me and my siblings when we were kids, and i used the same book to read to him when he was old, near death, and really needed being entertained. And it brought him back to life. I mean, thats so the evening is about storytelling. We all why we all want, need, and love stories, but its also a Tremendous Entertainment because this is great writing, and, of course, i do the stories as a sort of oneman performance fullout. Jimmy do like 11 characters. Yeah. Jimmy would your dad read them like that to you . Well, not as well as i do. [ light laughter ] no, no. I mean, i actually act them. I its a very physical show, and i perform them by heart. Hence the title. Together stories by heart. Jimmy i see. Has anything ever i know every time you see a show, it is live. So someones phone could go off or some one could be like chewing a hard candy. Oh, yeah. Yes. Jimmy my mom is one of those people, though. She would always bring in crinkle, crackle. [ crinkling plastic ] jimmy the loudest candy, and i would go yeah, and i go, i just hope thats not my mother, and i look over and its her, and i go, what are you doing . She goes, i wanted an altoid. [ laughter ] and your brain your mind goes berserk. But i one of the stories is haircut by ring lardner in which i play a barber talking and telling stories, you know, in a small town in the midwest to a silent customer in town, and i mime everything. Every little detail. I shave him. I give him a haircut, and all the time im telling this extraordinary story that becomes more and more suspenseful. Wonderful great piece, but halfway through as i was snipping away to my invisible customer, there was a [ mimics ring ] one of those damn ring tones. [ laughter ] jimmy i know that ring tone. And i said, oh, that damn ice cream truck. The audience completely exploded as if i had made the funniest joke ever created by man. Jimmy absolutely, yeah. And i was tempted to ask the woman whose phone went off to come back, and have it ring at exactly the same point. [ laughter ] you know . Jimmy you were my biggest laugh [ cheers and applause ] you cant calculate these things. Jimmy we love you so much. Congrats on the emmy, on everything. We love you. John lithgow, everybody catch his oneman show. John lithgow, stories by heart at the American Airlines theatre. Well be right back with Kelly Clarkson. Stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ive never seen anything like that. I want to video chat with a doctor cooing grunt oh clattering toys clicking, buzzing whoa. Need a doctor after hours . See one on your phone. Thats normal for a new baby. With unitedhealthcare. Hey, doc. Unitedhealthcare. With unitedhealthcare. Hey, doc. When better chickens are hatched, we will hatch them. Its why all of the tyson chicken that bears his name will be raised with no antibiotics ever. Every nugget, strip and drumstick. Keep it real. Keep it tyson. Directv gives you more for your thing. Your toprated thing. That five stars, two thumbs up, 12outof10, would recommend thing. 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No. Make that the password you stillohave toovisit us. Thats a good one. Seems a bit long, but okay. Set a memorable wifi password with xfinity my account. One more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our next guest is a a threetime grammywinning singer who has sold over 25 million albums. Now, shes the newest coach on the voice which airs mondays and tuesdays at 8 00 p. M. On nbc. Everyone, please welcome, Kelly Clarkson [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy come on. Yes. Jimmy Kelly Clarkson, welcome back. I know. Our first interview together we were being interviewed, yes. Jimmy thats right, by jay leno. Yeah, yeah. Jimmy ill never forget that. Yeah. Jimmy it was on the tonight show. Yeah. Yeah. Jimmy that was American IdolKelly Clarkson. Yeah i know. Jimmy now, youre the voice Kelly Clarkson. I know. This is the voice jimmy i want to [ laughter ] American Idol. My first one was actually we were in canada and it was montreal. And it was this is la voix we were like [ laughter ] this is la voix jimmy i like la voix. Its so much better that way. Jimmy something really cool happened to you at the golden globes. Yeah, well, many things. I met meryl streep. I got to finally meet steve carell. Jimmy thats what im talking about. Yes, yes. Jimmy finally, after he screamed your name after getting his after getting waxed. Well, which was like jimmy the 40yearold virgin. [ laughter ] [ applause ] after getting waxed. Which was which was kind of it was a really important time for me to go, okay, what does this mean when youre like in pain and you think of me . Jimmy no i was like, is that a a compliment . And then his wife is like, no, its a compliment. And then he started talking about because i thought he was latino. People just say things, you know, to be nice or whatever. And usually theyre full of you know what. And he was like, no, no. I remember this time and he talked about like an episode where i had laryngitis on idol. And i was like i was like i was so flattered. Because im a huge fan. Not only is he comedic, but hes serious. Hes just a hes a really great actor. Jimmy youre a legit fan, too. Yeah. Jimmy we love steve carell. Hes a really legit, cool dude which you dont always meet all of the time, so yeah. [ laughter ] was that like your version of ahh like amen . La voix [ laughter ] jimmy i do want to i want lets talk about la voix the voice. Yes. Jimmy i want to talk about this. Cause this is this is cool. I think its a great idea. So fun. Jimmy well i i i had the idea that you were going oh, youre going to be a coach and i was excited about this. Yeah. Jimmy but now, its happening. I know. Jimmy are you excited about it . Or are you like, its fine, its work . Yall no, its not work. Thats whats so awesome. Jimmy it got a yall . Yeah, its so fun im so excited to watch i havent seen the episode either, the first one. Jimmy i give it to yall. I give it to yall. And a pop. Jimmy and a pop at the end . And a pop. No, im very excited. Ive never i havent seen it either. So im watching it for the first time tonight. And were doing a live webisode thing while im watching it. So im going to act like a a total tool. Jimmy no. [ laughter ] do you know what youre doing . I think you would be a great coach. I think i make a fabulous coach. [ cheers and applause ] i love it. I think the one thing that i have, like because they all remind me alicia and adam have all won the voice. And they all remind me that they have won. And im like, i have, too. So its fine. Just not this show. [ laughter ] jimmy just not this one, yeah. But i think i have something to offer which, you know, just navigating a competition, obviously. So jimmy does it remind you of when you auditioned for American Idol . Yes. I mean, its really cool. I mean 15, 16 years, you know, ago i did. And its like im turning around and like its kind of a a lot of pressure. I think i feel more pressure than every other participant on there. Other than maybe jennifer, just because weve been them. And so its just like you know, you just feel like so obligated. Im like, you dont suck. I had to choose one. Its a competition. Jimmy yeah. I legit cry. Like i get really jimmy do you remember the audition . Where were you when you auditioned for idol . Oh, gosh, me . I didnt even know it was a tv audition until the third audition. Because we didnt have it was producers until and honestly, i was my place had just burn down. I just drove home wow, grammar girl [ laughter ] my mom is real proud right now. Jimmy wait, what happened . No, my place i had just i had just jimmy your place burned down . Moved back home. Yeah, i lived out here, actually, before idol. And then i moved home. And i just literally was doing anything because i didnt have anything. So like literally, i was one of those dumb people that was like, where do i sign . And i had no idea it was a tv show till the third one. Jimmy and you were just like, this was a singing competition . Or what were you planning . Yeah, i mean i knew i had to sing. And i knew thats really the only gift i possess. So [ laughter ] jimmy no. Ive got to make money somehow off of this. So yeah. [ laughter ] jimmy man, oh, man. It paid off. It could have ended very poorly. Jimmy but then so then after you signed the thing, did they go, oh, this is for American Idol, its a new show people are going to be watching . Yeah, i mean even they were saying the name, but nobody knew what that was. Jimmy of course. Great, its called that. You know, nobody we were kids at camp jimmy now we look at yeah. Jimmy American Idol, but at the time yeah. But its interesting though the thing i love about the voice, is i actually started singing behind screens. Because i had sung classical and opera and that kind of stuff. And so i always sang french and italian, did all these things when i was younger. And you have to perform behind screens. So there is no favoritism, no aesthetic appeal, its all based on your talent. So i feel like its kind of cool, because thats the first thats how i started singing. And so its kind of cool that it comes back around to that. Jimmy do you get tempted to just go i dont know its pressure. Jimmy are you really looking at each other, like are you going to press the button . Its almost like adam . Are you . Yes. And then you feel pressure, because they do, they do. Jimmy are they faking you out . They count that you turn first. Jimmy do you fake people out and be like blake and adam, thats more adam or alicia is nicer. Jimmy youre just kidding. Bye [ laughter ] they really suck. Jimmy good luck. Oh, no oh, my god. I love you oh, no ive got to go backwards. Yeah. No. Once you turn, youre stuck with this person the whole season. Hey well, there are surprises. Theres one thats amazing that like jimmy oh, really . Yeah, because it started out so good. And literally once the person turned, it went jimmy really . Well, youre already turned around. Jimmy yeah, there you and no one else did. Jimmy okay, really . Yeah, its awesome. Jimmy how do you feel about your team so far . Mine is so good. I will say in all honesty, my team and probably alicias team. Weve got the best teams, i think. Jimmy really . Yeah. Jimmy you and alicia. No offense, blake and adam but the girls are rockin. Jimmy yeah. Yeah. Jimmy i think youre great. You have Good Chemistry with everyone. I want to show everyone a clip. Heres a look at the new season of the voice. Kelly clarkson. La voix how did you start singing . Like, what made you go for Country Music . Reba mcentire. I was obsessed with her when i was a little kid. That is so weird [ laughter ] oh, my god because shes my mommy in law. Im just saying. Do yall know Reba Mcentire . [ cheers and applause ] ive done a duet with her. Weve had like a hit. I cant wait for the gif that is going to exist of the dancing you just did over here. Im going to show it to you all the time. And theyre going to say, drop it like its hot. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy congratulations i was going to say drop it like a mom. Jimmy no. Kelly and i are doing Google Translate songs when we come back. Yes jimmy its fun. Come on back. [ cheers and applause ] this. Is. Lobsterfest. At red lobster with exciting new dishes like dueling lobster tails and lobster truffle mac cheese. Classics like lobster lovers dream are here too. So enjoy these 10 lobsterlicious dishes while you can because lobsterfest wont last. Go. Yes go. Yes nice play. Still buffering. Mine too. What happened . 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[ cheers and applause ] jimmy ah, beautiful. Oh, my god. We are back with Kelly Clarkson, everybody. Kelly clarkson [ cheers and applause ] kelly, everyone knows that youre an amazing singer so i thought we obviously. Jimmy it could be fun if you and i performed a few songs. Okay, okay, obviously, yeah. Jimmy is that cool . [ cheers and applause ] yeah. Sure, lets do it. Jimmy but theres a catch. To mix things up a bit, we fed these songs into Google Translate, and were going to perform the jumbled lyrics right now. Its time for Google Translate songs. Here we go. Google translate songs jimmy now if you have ever used Google Translate, you know its songs [ laughter ] jimmy already. Thats a number hit one man, yeah. Thats a good one. Jimmy yeah, if youve ever used Google Translate you know its not always perfect. For example when translated to mongolian and back, the tonight show starring jimmy fallon becomes evening night created by jackie fallon. [ laughter ] now we did the same thing with song lyrics. Some people have done this online. Its super fun. Kelly, if you dont mind, ill go first, and well play this. Okay. Jimmy all right, here we go. I will be performing heres your mic. Okay, thank you. Jimmy i will be performing the Google Translated version of feel it still by portugal the man. Okay. Jimmy which is now called live in the boat. [ laughter ] obviously. Jimmy all right. Here we go. Roots . Im going to stand. Cannot enter my hands hope ill shake the dirt bring dirt into the cupboard im dealing with my daughter he was worried did they leave me in the pasture your wood i have not picked it up yet i was angry cause he was about 60 nowadays i live in a boat [ laughter ] your wood i have not picked it up yet i will kick you 26 or 25 times sorry nowadays i live in a boat [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] because that makes total sense. Jimmy thank you so much. Yeah, i feel like i need to stand. [ laughter ] jimmy it is your turn. Okay. I feel like i need to stand. Jimmy you will be singing the Google Translate version of one of your own hits. Stronger. Okay. Okay. Here we go. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy which when translated, its called too strong. Too sexy. Too strong. Jimmy too sexy, roots too sexy. Okay, lord. You think you found my best idea think of recreation do you think that everything is fun and fun think you have destroyed my hair i will try a new exercise dont dodge my kid because im crazy [ laughter ] if you dont kill it then its too strong remain in a small place [ cheers and applause ] my dreaming by myself is not my fault if you dont kill it offer a bribe my legs are increasing you will not believe that i got lost if you dont kill it then its too strong [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy come on unbelievable. My legs are increasing. My legs are increasing. Well, sometimes it happens. Jimmy that was great, man. For our last one okay. Jimmy can we do a duet . You want to sing with me. I get it. Jimmy i really do. Yeah, im a fan. [ laughter ] its a gravitational pull. Jimmy this is sonny and chers 1965 hit, i got you, babe. All right. [ applause ] jimmy well be singing the translated version which is called i have your child. We all get to stand up, yeah. [ laughter ] i have your [ laughter ] jimmy roots when youre ready oh, no. It is spoke little known is by us i could not know but we know [ laughter ] what all right therefore truth unknown you have me and i am your child awe, come here, honey. Child i have your child i have your child i have your child [ cheers and applause ] thats so creepy. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy Kelly Clarkson, everybody the new season of the voice airs mondays and tuesdays at 8 00 p. M. On nbc we have music from Kacey Musgraves after the break stick around, everybody [ cheers and applause ] i have your child i have your child i have your child i have your child jimmy here we go. I have your child [ cheers and applause ] jimmy Kelly Clarkson, thats how you do it right there. Theres a secret in them Smoky Mountains. And the secrets out its my new kfc Smoky Mountain barbecue. Its not even that much of a secret if im being honest. Its just a delicious new variety of my worldfamous chicken. We take my freshlyprepared extra crispy Fried Chicken and coat it in a sweet and smoky barbecue. Try kfcs new Smoky Mountain barbecue in a tenders basket. Now just 4. 99. Kfc its Finger Lickin good hes hyperventilating after opening his verizon bill. Hey, whos that . Thats. That switched to sprint and saved 50 . Plus i got this samsung for 8 bucks a month. vo get the best price for people with hearing loss, for unlimited. Visit sprintrelay. Com. Try to read me like a book. But i leave em all shook. Because you cant judge a book by its cover. This campaign and this project is all about us not wanting to be boxed in. To let people know that you cant just place labels without learning who they are as a person first. If thwell, youd be drowningers, in magma. Wait, what . Hot hot hot hot hot if the earth needs layers, so does your chocolate bar. Get layers of crunchy and creamy. Hersheys cookie layer crunch. Get layered. Introducing the npower jean aka the perfect straight. And introducing the new relaxed slim for men. Power up with up to 50 off all jeans. Adults from fifteen dollars, kids from ten dollars. At old navy. Hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool . Try zyrtec® zyrtec® starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Stick with zyrtec®. Muddle no more®. And try childrens zyrtec® for consistently powerful relief of your kids allergies. Discpump, foam, hydrate care foaming body wash. New dove men care foaming body wash. Looking at getting an amazing iphone 8 . I was just. They have an all glass design, advanced cameras, a11 bionic chip. Uh. Im going to. Yeah, now youre going to give your second phone to your new friend. Wow, paul vo now, get one iphone 8 for people with hearing loss, and give a second one on us. Visit sprintrelay. Com. As a meteor headsnderway toward the metro area. Go, go, go, go, go we can fit more theres still more room we gotta go. Juicer we dont have a juicer the volkswagen tiguan. It fits everything you need, and everything you dont. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy guys, check us out this week. Bruce willis will be here. Chadwick boseman will be here. [ cheers and applause ] Marlon Wayans and alicia keys will be joining us. And on friday, Lin Manuel Miranda will be here with weird al yankovic. And i dont we cant say why. We dont know why, but yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, get ready. Anyway, its going to be good. Guys, here with the tv debut of her new song, space cowboy off of her upcoming album, golden hour, give it up for Kacey Musgraves [ cheers and applause ] you look out the window while i look at you sayin i dont know would be like sayin that the sky aint blue and boots werent made for sittin by the door since you dont wanna stay anymore you can have your space cowboy i aint gonna fence you in go on ride away in your silverado ill see you around again i know my place and it aint with you sunsets fade and love does too we had our day in the sun when a horse wants to run aint no sense in closing the gate you can have your space cowboy cause after the gold rush there aint no reason to stay shoulda learned from the movies that good guys dont run away but roads werent made to not go down there aint room for both of us in this town you can have your space cowboy yeah i aint gonna fence you in go on ride away in your silverado ill see you around again i know my place and it aint with you sunsets fade and love does too we had our day in the sun when a horse wants to run aint no sense in closing the gate you can have your space you can have your space cowboy yeah i aint gonna fence you in go on ride away in your silverado ill see you around again but i know my place and it aint with you sunsets fade and love does too we had our day in the sun when a horse wants to run aint no sense in closing the gate you can have your space yeah you can have your space you can have your space cowboy [ cheers and applause ] jimmy Kacey Musgraves [ cheers and applause ] golden hour is out march 30th well be right back. Gorgeous. I mean come on. [ cheers and applause ] door bell rings cell phone vibrating hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello, i got your package. You can just leave it, thanks. cell phone vibrating hello, can i help you . Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy my thanks to john lithgow, Kelly Clarkson, Kacey Musgraves, once again [ cheers and applause ] and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for late night with seth meyers. Thank you for watching. Have a great night. I hope to see you tomorrow. Byebye, everybody [ cheers and applause ] announcer from 30 Rockefeller Plaza in new york, its late night with seth meyers. Tonight uma thurman, from unsolved the murders of tupac and the notorious b. I. G. , actor jimmi simpson, author Stephanie Wittels wachs, featuring the 8g band with jim riley. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. Seth good evening, im seth meyers. This is late night. Hows everybody doing tonight . [ cheers and applause ] that is fantastic to hear. In that case, lets get to the news. President trump today criticized officers who failed to confront a shooter at a Florida High School and said quote, i really believe id run in there even if i didnt have a weapon