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I go to her, hey, do you want a doughnut . She goes, oh, im not really hungry right now. I was like, thats not how doughnuts work. [ laughter ] what, are you going to wait until your stomach growls . Nobody does that. This is america. You eat until your heart gives out. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i punished my daughter a few weeks ago. I took her phone away for three days because she was being mean to siri. [ laughter ] and the transformation in her was unbelievable. Like, yes, the first day she just laid on the floor crying, but once she got over the shakes, she [ laughter ] she got up, she looked around, she started liking things in real life. She doubletapped the dog. [ laughter ] she was like, mom, lets go to the park. Mom, lets go to the library. Mom, lets play in the creek, but i just gave her her phone back. [ laughter ] [ applause ] so, im married, and this is the sadder part of the show. [ laughter ] i wish somebody had told me before i got married how much yelling i would have to do on a a daily basis. Its really an incredible amount of if youre not married yet, start yelling at your boyfriend. Youve got to build those vocal cords up. [ laughter ] because in marriage, theres no better way. Like at one point, i got so mad at my husband, i gave him the silent treatment for a week. At the end of it, he was like, weve been getting along pretty good lately. [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much thank you. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy that couldnt have gone any better. I love you. Funny funny Bonnie Mcfarlane follow her on twitter bonniemcfarlane. Well be right back, everybody. Feeling great come over here come on [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy my thanks to andrew garfield, rachel brosnahan. [ cheers and applause ] Bonnie Mcfarlane, once again. [ cheers and applause ] thank you jimmy and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for late night with seth meyers. Thank you for watching. Have a great night. I hope to see you tomorrow. Byebye, everybody [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] announcer from 30 Rockefeller Plaza in new york, its late night with seth meyers. Tonight holly hunter, from the detour, actor and comedian jason jones, a performance from the broadway hit once on this island, featuring the 8g band with alan cage. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and genemen, seth meyers. Seth good evening. Im seth meyers. This is late night. Hows everybody doing tonight . [ cheers and applause ] in that case, lets get to the news. President trump spoke at the National Prayer breakfast in washington this morning. Well, in between the lightning strikes. [ light laughter ] at the National Prayer breakfast this morning, President Trump said that religion is central to American Life and liberty. At least, thats what the pornstar he cheated on his third wife with told him. [ laughter ] injured Philadelphia Eagles quarterback carson wentz spoke at the National Prayer breakfast dinner this evening. And what better metaphor for our country right now than a prayer from an injured eagle. [ laughter ] President Trump today met with former [ applause ] President Trump today met with former secretary of state henry kissinger, who is 94 years old. When trump asked him what his secret was, kissinger said, i committed war crimes during vietnam. [ laughter ] after suffering its biggest singleday drop in history earlier this week, the dow jones fell today by an additional 1,000 points. In retrospect, it was probably a bad idea to have this guy ring the opening bell. [ laughter ] President Trump, today, met with the president of guatemala. Said trump, i love guatemala. Especially with chips and salsa. [ laughter and applause ] never enough, though. Thats the problem with guatemala, theres never enough. [ laughter ] experts are warning that smart tvs could be extremely susceptible to hacking. Which explains why the president only watches dumb tv. [ laughter and applause ] tokyo is now home to a cafe that uses a robot to make and serve coffee drinks. But, of course, they still get your name wrong on the cup. [ laughter ] and finally, a boy in florida, yesterday, had to be rescued by firefighters after he climbed into a clawstyle arcade game and got trapped. It took firefighters four hours and almost 500 quarters. [ laughter and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a fantastic show for you tonight shes starring in a new series on hbo, here and now. Holly hunter is here, everybody [ cheers and applause ] here to chat about the new season of his very funny show, the detour on tbs, jason jones joins us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] and we are going to have a cast performance from the broadway hit once on this island featuring alex newell. You guys are absolutely going to be blown away by that. [ cheers and applause ] youre here on a great night. Before we get to all of that, this week has revealed a lot about the Trump White House. From peddling conspiracy theories to attacking immigrants to defending an aide accused of domestic violence. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth donald trump so badly wants to be a dictator, but no one seems to take him seriously. Maybe its his name. Donald trump just isnt a good dictator name. It sounds like the name of the chubby i. T. Nerd who doesnt get the girl in a college comedy. [ light laughter ] youll never guess who asked me out, donald trump. [ light laughter ] still, this week has brought us one unnerving spectacle of authoritarianism after another, from the president calling democrats treasonous for not applauding him to ordering the pentagon to plan a military parade. In fact, trumps request for a military parade is so crazy that even state tv outlet, fox news, seems a little uncomfortable with it. Jennifer, what has been the reaction at the pentagon to the president s request . Well, i would describe it, dana, as a collective eye roll from military leaders who ive spoken to. Most thought it was a joke, at first. Many fear that the u. S. Will look like the dictators they scoff at around the world. There are a lot of people at the pentagon who would love to show off all of the equipment and personnel. It, uh i dont know. It seems like a waste of money. Seth wow [ audience ohs ] when youve lost brian kilmeade, you know youve gone off the deep end. Thats like thelma telling louise shes just gonna catch an uber. [ light laughter ] but while they may be skeptical of trumps plan for a military parade, fox news and the rest of trumps allies in the gop have been helping him concoct a series of fake scandals to undermine the russia investigation. Like, for example, the famous nunes memo, alleging wrongdoing by the fbi. The memo turned out to be a dud, but that didnt stop trump from pretending theyd uncovered a massive scandal during a speech in ohio on monday. Oh, but did we catch them in the act or what . You know what im talk oh, did we catch them in the act they are very embarrassed. They never thought they were gonna get caught. We caught em. Okay . We caught em. Oh, its so much fun. Were like, the great sleuth. Seth im sorry, you are [ laughter ] you are not a great sleuth. [ laughter ] you might think youre dick tracy, but youre only half right. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] so trumps allies in congress and the rightwing media have been going all out to discredit the russia probe. And yesterday they latched on to yet another wild conspiracy theory, when a text message from september 2016 emerged between former fbi officials who were having an affair. In which one wrote to the other, potus wants to know everything were doing. Now fox news tried to claim the text was a reference to president obama meddling in the Hillary Clinton email investigation. But if you look at the time line, that doesnt make any sense. In fact, it turns out the text was actually about russian interference in the election, a topic any competent president would obviously want to be briefed on. Of course, if that text were sent now under trump, it would read, potus doesnt want to know what were doing. He threw a cheeseburger at me and screamed fake news [ laughter ] but as usual, the fact that this fake scandal was yet another dud did not deter trump, who took to twitter to scream in all caps, new fbi texts are bombshells. This keeps happening. Every time the right claims to have discovered some major bombshell casting doubt on the russia investigation, we get a little more context and it turns out to be b. S. In fact, the same guy who brought us this fake text scandal, gop senator ron johnson, also brought us a fake text scandal a few weeks ago, when he claimed to have found a reference to a socalled secret society in a text message sent by those same two fbi officials. What this is all about is further evidence of corruption more than bias, but corruption at the highest levels of the fbi. And that secret society, we have an informant thats talking about a group that were Holding Secret meetings offsite. There is so much smoke here. There is so much suspicion. Roy, lets stop there. A secret society, secret meetings offsite of the Justice Department . Correct. And you have an informant saying that . Yes. Seth man, look at bret baiers face right now. Thats the face you make when someone comes up to you on the subway and tells you pizza rat was a government mind control project. [ laughter ] he didnt want the pizza, man they just made him think he wanted the pizza [ light laughter ] [ scattered applause ] now when the full context of the message came out, it turned out it was just a joke, which anyone with any common sense could have told you. And johnson was eventually forced to admit that the whole thing was probably a joke when he was tracked down by reporters in the capitol. Senator, this text message seems to be, the comment about secret society was in jest . Do you agree that it appears to be it was in jest . Its a real possibility. Seth oh, is it . [ light laughter ] is it a real possibility, detective johnson . Sorry to say this, but youre not exactly a great sleuth. [ laughter and applause ] seth now while all of this is happening, special counsel Robert Muellers investigation seems to be moving very quickly. And his team has made clear that they would like to interview trump soon. But this week, trumps lawyers have been telling him not to comply. Lawyers for President Trump say he should not agree to sit down with special counsel robert mueller. That is according to the New York Times saying, quote, lawyers are concerned that the president , who has a history of making false statements and contradicting himself, could be charged with lying to investigators. Seth of course, they are. Trump lies like a rug. And like his rug, hes not very good at it. [ audience ohs ] [ laughter and applause ] the best thing that ever happened no lawyer who has ever met donald trump would let him sit down for an interview under oath with robert mueller. In fact, im pretty sure one of the first questions on the bar exam is, would you let trump talk under oath . [ laughter ] and the only two choices are no and hell no. So youve got the president ordering military parades, calling his political opponents treasonous for not applauding him, and spreading conspiracy theories to undermine a federal investigation. And then theres the fact that trump has been openly lying about immigration policy. And just two days ago called for a shutdown of his own government if democrats refused to bend to his will. He was so adamant about it, he kept repeating the word shutdown over and over. If we dont change it, lets have a shutdown. Well do a shutdown. And its worth it for our country. Id love to see a shutdown if we dont get this stuff taken care of. If we have to shut it down because the democrats dont want safety and unrelated, but still related, they dont want to take care of our military, then shut it down. Well go with another shutdown. [ laughter ] seth why does he keep saying shutdown . Is that his safe word for when hes confused and bored in a meeting . [ light laughter ] well, this is all very interesting, but i was thinking we need a shutdown [ light laughter ] lets have a shutdown [ laughter ] time for a shutdown also, can we [ applause ] can we go back to this part real quick . The democrats dont want safety and unrelated, but still related, they dont want to take care of our military. Seth unrelated, but still related. [ light laughter ] that sounds like how trump would describe eric. [ audience ohs ] [ laughter and applause ] this is this is my son. This is my son eric, unrelated, but sadly, related. [ light laughter ] now leaders in the senate, yesterday, reached a deal to keep the government open. But that agreement did not include a fix for dreamers, the young undocumented immigrants who were brought here as children, and whose lives were cruelly thrown into limbo when trump ended the program. And to protest the fact that the deal doesnt include a solution for dreamers, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi took to the house floor yesterday and gave an unprecedented eighthour floor speech. Now, pelosi has become something of a target for trump lately, whos been bragging he wants to make her his de facto opponent during the 2018 midterms. Trump even went out of his way to criticize pelosi during his speech about the gop tax cuts in ohio. Nancy pelosi, what shes doing to this country and shes gone so far left. I think this is not a good day for nancy pelosi. Shes our secret weapon. Your paychecks are going way up. [ cheers ] your taxes are going way down. So nancy pelosi, again, said thats crumbs. Well, shes a rich woman who lives in a big, beautiful house. Seth so trump seems to have trained his sights on nancy pelosi. I wonder what it is about nancy pelosi that seems to attract trumps ire. I mean, trump attacks a lot of people, but theres something in particular that really seems to anger him. I cant put my finger on it. Its really a mystery. Well, i dont know. [ light laughter ] i guess well never know. Well just never know. [ cheers and applause ] but theres something. In fact, the Trump White Houses misogyny and hostility towards women were once again on display this week, when Administration Officials initially defended the white house staff secretary rob porter, after he was accused by two exwives of domestic abuse. It was reported that senior white house officials were aware for months of the allegations. No action was taken to remove him from the staff. And after the allegations surfaced tuesday, the white house strongly defended him. Now, the allegations against porter were reported by two different publications and corroborated by photos and contemporary sources. But still the Trump White House initially defended him. In fact, this is a white house that has repeatedly chosen the denials of men over the many corroborated stories of women. Whether its in the case of roy moore, Corey Lewandowski, or trump himself. At least 16 women accused the president of sexually harassing them throughout the course of the campaign. Last week, during a press conference in the rose garden, the president called these accusations fake news. Is the official White House Position that all of these women are lying . Yeah, weve been clear from that from the beginning and the president has spoken on it. I can only say corey is a fine person. I told him, i said, you should never settle this case. You should go all the way. I think theyve really hurt a very good person. Roy moore denies it. Thats all i can say. He denies it. And by the way, he totally denies it [ audience ohs ] seth trump sided trump sided with those guys even though they looked so guilty. Roy moore is what howdy doody would look like if he checked into a rehab clinic. And Corey Lewandowski looks like he should be slowly rising out of a basket while music plays. [ laughter ] porter resigned yesterday, despite kelly and other white house officials initially defending him. And in the wake of porters resignation, this photo of a group of key trump aides, from a july 2017 event, has resurfaced. Look at that photo. Everyone in that photo has either resigned or been fired. Lewandowski, omarosa, anthony scaramucci, sebastian gorka, and porter. Even the car in the back has been fired. [ light laughter ] melania kept trying to escape in it, so it had to go. [ light laughter ] so if youre in the photo, it means eventually youll be fired. And i know its cheating and i dont know, maybe this will work . There we go. [ laughter ] this has been a closer look. [ applause ] well be right back with more late night, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] announcer for more of seths closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. With the extra third row of seats. They think its theirs. Look at them, they have no idea its not theirs. Its mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. The new lexus rx 350l with three rows for seven passengers. Are you excited about your baby sister coming . Experience space for the unexpected with the rx l, part of the rx family. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. You know we have always but now we have new ribs and they are ridic been known for our ribs theyre large and in charge of our smokehouse combo and they come on a giant rectangular tray chilis is back, baby, back, baby, back mmmhmm or take your chilis to go baby, go, baby, go try degree ultraclear black white saves your white clothes from yellow stains and black clothes from white marks still with 48 hour sweat protection. Try degree ultraclear black white it wont let you down juice this, cleanse that. 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And please give it up for the 8g band right over there [ cheers and applause ] also, all this week weve had the drummer of new York City Post hardcore legends quicksand with us. His new album interiors is available everywhere, alan cage, everybody [ cheers and applause ] thank you for a great week, alan. Thanks. Seth really appreciate it. Hey, guys we are going to be off for the next two weeks. Were going to be preempted by nbcs olympics coverage. I cant think of a better thing to be preempted for, but while we are off the air i want you to check out, if youd like, our latenight podcast. Its a lot of extended interviews with some of our great guests, some extra content. You can download it on the itunes store, or anywhere else you get your podcasts. I still like to buy mine at the store every morning. [ light laughter ] get a coffee, and my podcast, from frank. Anyways, we will be back monday, february 26th, and we are looking forward to it already. Now, throughout the years there have been many classic awardwinning movies set in newsrooms, specifically at newspapers, and this year is no different. However there is one movie out there about an Intrepid Group of reporters that really stands out from the pack, and i think it could definitely be a contender at this years oscars. Lets take a look. This winter, from the people who brought you all the president s men, the post, spotlight, and the fifth season of the wire comes a movie about a brave team of journalists risking it all to break the biggest news story in history. I think this goes straight to the top. Newspaper movie, featuring men in bad ties, and shortsleeved collared shirts, gross styrofoam coffee cups, and a tense scene where two people sit on a park bench staring straight ahead trying not to seem suspicious while they exchange a manila folder even though thats literally the most suspicious way to do it. Hey what the hell are you two cooking up . Is it in the folder . Whats in that folder . Come back here hey, you, whats in that briefcase . Yeah, youre not off the hook. Tell us whats in the briefcase is it more folders . Featuring an earlymorning shot of a stack of newspapers wrapped in twine being tossed out the back of the delivery truck, the copy editor who thinks that because this story could bring down the president its important to get the grammar right. Uhm, its actually whom. And taking place in a world where everyone in the country seems to read this specific newspaper. The Los Angeles Times says newspaper movie is a nonstop thrill ride if your idea of a thrill ride is seeing middleaged white people typing for two hours. The Hollywood Reporter says newspaper movie is a Tour De Force of people talking about sources, Anonymous Sources and the importance of protecting sources. In fact, the word sources is said over 6,500 times in this movie. Variety says newspaper movie lays on all that journalistic integrity stuff pretty thick. Seth we have a constitutional right to publish this story. We are the Fourth Estate, and we will hold the powerful accountable. Wait, whats the Fourth Estate . Seth oh, its the press. And everyone knows that . Because i feel like people always say the Fourth Estate, but they dont actually know what it means. Seth i think Everybody Knows what it means. I thought the Fourth Estate was time. Seth thats the fourth dimension. I thought the Fourth Estate was georgia. Seth no, not state, estate. You thought i was saying were the state of georgia . Yes. And the washington post, says our entire newsroom went totally ape [ bleep ] for this movie, featuring a lot of stuff with phones, like a lot, like that thing where a guy puts the phone in the crook of his neck so that he has his both hands free to type, and then he snaps his fingers three times to signal to his colleagues that this is the call theyve been waiting for, and then because he needs to rush out and meet his source, he stuffs a bagel into his mouth, puts on his jacket, confirms the meeting time all while still on the phone, and its just way too many things looking forward to it. Also so much smoking, featuring imposing shots of iconic washington, d. C. , buildings to convey the power of longstanding institutions and one aerial shot of people rowing down the Potomac River at dawn because why the hell not . This thing, muffled arguing behind glass doors, and a lobbyist gorging himself on soft shell crab while explaining that this is how washington works. This is how washington works, pal. Help yourself. And dont forget the obligatory scene where the workaholic main character returns to his sparsely furnished apartment to convey his personal life is empty. He opens the refrigerator and theres nothing there, but a left over chinese container with several loose noodles, and a carton of milk which he takes from the refrigerator, smells, and then winces because the milk is spoiled, and then because hes a grizzled reporter, he drinks the milk anyway which grosses the audience out as if this isnt a movie, and theyd actually make an actor drink spoiled milk. [ light laughter ] and you can bet your sweet ass theres a scene with a very long pregnant pause while everyone waits for the editor to say, run it. [ clears throat ] [ laughter ] run it. Whoo seth lets go newspaper movie, based on a true story where if you wikipedia the real people, they look nothing like the actors in the film. [ laughter ] seth well be right back with more late night, everybody [ cheers and applause ] Fried Chicken so crispy and sweet that crispy Fried Chicken. Alright, stop, stop i cant do this and cutting i thought if i dressed up like a Country Music legend, it would help kfc sell my delicious, new Smoky Mountain barbecueooooo try it in the tenders basket for just 4. 99. No i dont want there to be white marks. Nothing theres no dust, theres no marks. Oh my god, its dove no white marks. On a 100 colors dove invisible dry spray, awarded best of beauty by allure. I had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. coughs ah i missed you then i discovered mucinex. One pill lasts 12 hours, and im good. Why take 4hour medicine . One mucinex lasts 12 hours. Lets end this. elevator speaker going down. Not again. Alexa, play my broken elevator playlist. Playing your music. Get a free moto mod with amazon alexa when you buy a moto z2. Available at major carriers. When you buy a moto z2. 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Meeting his parents dinner date. Why did i want a crest 3d white smile . So i used crest. Crest 3d white removes. 95 of surface stains in just 3 days. For a whiter smile. That will win them over. Crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. Knowing that they could possibly pass it down to you one day. Cool but you should know that chevy silverados are the most dependable, longest lasting fullsize pickups on the road. Which means that ford f150s are not. Which truck would you pick . The chevy the chevy the chevy boom get zero percent financing for seventy two months on this 2018 silverado all star. Or a total value of over ninetysix hundred dollars when you finance with gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. [ cheers and applause ] seth our first guest tonight is an oscar and emmywinning actress you know from movies like the piano, broadcast news and raising arizona. She stars in here and now which premieres sunday night on hbo. Lets take a look. Hes been depressed for a couple of years now. Any particular reason . Well im waiting for him to tell me. Its not my job to dig it out of him. [ light laughter ] i look at him and i love him so much it literally hurts. Im serious, like it might injure me. And in the same moment, i want to smack him repeatedly in the face with a big, wet fish. Seth please welcome to the show, holly hunter, everyone [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome i am so, so happy to have you here. Thank you. Seth so this show, you and tim robbins, you have a multiethnic family. So there are a lot of children in the show. Yes. Seth is it exciting . Is it invigorating to work with young actors . Well, you know, it reminds me of when i started. And, you know, the the vibrancy that they have and the enthusiasm is you know, they want to be great actors. And they are great actors. I mean, i find myself learning so much from them. Its just such a different kind of environment. Seth so its contagious . Being around young actors is contagious . You catch their enthusiasm . To a degree. I mean, you know, i can kind of hitch a ride a little bit. I can hijack some of it. Seth okay, gotcha. I cant really seth you cant steal all their youth . I cant coopt all or it, no. Seth alan ball is the director of the show. Hes a fantastic done fantastic television in the past. Six feet under, true blood, i believe . Is that the other one . Yes. Seth how is he as a director . American beauty. Seth american beauty, yes of course. That he wrote. Seth did you enjoy collaborating with him . Well you know, he is the great alan ball. I have, you know, implicit trust in him as a storyteller. I think that hes you know, hes hes taken hes shown such hes got such intelligence and such guts to start a Television Show off with a family in fullblown crisis. Seth uhhuh. And i think hes telling a story about a division, you know . A family kind of divided, and then an individual divided. I mean, the divisions are not just like democrats and republicans. Trump america, although he does address that, as well. But i think its about the divisions in an actual single family. And the singularity of each persons individual, kind of, segregation in themselves. Is this too deep for late night . [ laughter ] seth no, its fantastic. I now want to go back to my family and see where our segregations are. [ laughter ] you played another youve been in another film about a family in crisis, a real crisis which is the incredibles. Oh, yes. Seth its finally theres finally going to be another one woo hoo [ cheers ] seth how is elastigirl something that people approach you about . Yes . Im glad. As soon as they hear me speak, you know, if i want to be unrecognized, i dont talk. Seth okay, gotcha. Oh, thats so funny. Your voice gives you away even more than your face. Utterly, utterly. But no, weve all been you know, the entire cast has been looking forward to the incredibles part two. Seth is it nice for you do you like having a character playing a character that has a toy that comes with it . Do you have any of the collectibles . [ laughter ] i do. Seth good. I do. You know, its odd. Seth yeah. Because you havent had a lot of toy parts in your career. No. Not a lot of toys seth the piano didnt have action figures. [ light laughter ] no. Seth thats exciting, though. No, no, its very exciting. And i just kind of adore working with brad. I mean, you know, hes a oneman band in terms of recording. Seth yeah. You know . He plays all of the parts. He plays my enemy. He plays my husband. He plays my toddler, my infant and my you know, adolescent daughter. He plays them all. Seth thats fantastic. So seth youre kind of really just mailing it in compared to him. [ laughter ] just doing the one part. I also want to congratulate you. The big sick was one of my favorite movies of last year. Just a fantastic film. [ cheers and applause ] youre so wonderful in it. Kumail, who is a great friend of this show. And you know, hes talked about you. I heard he said it was intimidating to work with you because you are the holly hunter of acting which i thought was a very nice thing to say. You were aware spoken only the way that kumail can speak. Seth of course. He you were aware that he was a little intimidated by you. You took advantage of that and you pranked him, i guess. You would send him emails that were patently untrue. I said that i couldnt come to rehearsal because i had to take my cat to acupuncture. Seth oh, there you go. [ laughter ] which was not true. Well i didnt have a cat. Seth okay, yeah. [ laughter ] this i also have to know is true that you raising arizona, one of my favorite movies of all time, just a fantastic film. Thank you. Seth and thats the coen brothers. And you and Frances Mcdormand and the coen brothers were all roommates at one point . You all lived together . Well i mean you know, its a long story. Do you have time . Seth yeah. Fran and i each our boyfriends at the time were best friends. And so our boyfriends said i want you to meet my best friend. And so when i met the best friend of my boyfriend i also met his girlfriend who happened to be fran. Seth oh, thats fantastic. And then we were all living in the north bronx at that time in 1981. And we said, why dont you guys come to join the enclave in the north bronx . And it will be hip up there. Seth yeah. You were recruiting. Yeah, right. And we successfully seth great. Recruited. So they came up and then we broke up with the subsequent boyfriends. Seth that seems unfair. Now theyre living in the north bronx with no girlfriends . [ laughter ] no. We kicked them out of the north bronx. Seth gotcha. And we stayed. Seth okay, gotcha. And then we i had a bigger apartment. So fran moved in with me. And then fran and i then she met joel. And then she hooked up with joel. And then joel kind of was hanging around in the north bronx. And then we all moved to the west village. Seth fantastic. [ light laughter ] there you go. And it goes on. Seth yeah. But that is are you somewhat responsible for i guess frances met them and you suggested her for which film . Was it the first one . For blood simple. Seth blood simple, yeah. I mean, you know, i met them on blood simple. And they were like, wow, this would be so cool if we could work together. And i was like, im doing this other play. I cant. Im not available. But my roommate, why dont you meet her . Seth fantastic. And so fran, you know, met with them for blood simple. Did it. The rest is history. Seth yeah i hope you you should have gotten a special thanks in the credits. Did you get that . No, i was just on an answering machine. Seth thank you very much for being here. Its just absolutely wonderful having you. [ cheers and applause ] holly hunter, everyone. Here and now premiers sunday night on hbo. Well be right back with more late night. 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Try degree ultraclear black white it wont let you down tweeting updates all morning and we ll be joined by our repoerter Garvin Thomas at 5am. And our website. A mysterious death at a San Francisco state dorm. A man was found unresponsive tuesday night at the mary ward hall. School Officials Say he was not a student. [ cheers and applause ] seth you know our next guest from his work on the daily show. Hes the cocreator and star of the detour which airs tuesday nights on tbs. Lets take a look. This is foxy hockey. This girl, bea, shes the feminist of the group. She talks a big game. But shes a really [ bleep ] fighter. Yeah, you suck bea youre insane is that your tooth . This is the greatest night of my life. [ laughter ] seth please welcome to the show jason jones, everyone [ cheers and applause ] seth how are you . Im well. Thank you so much for having me. Seth oh my god. Thanks for being here. Congratulations on season three of the show. Thank you. You are a cocreator of this show. Youre the showrunner of this show. I am. Seth youre also in it. There are scenes where you have fights. There are fires. There is nudity for yourself. Do you ever regret once you start shooting it that you made yourself do those things . I have no one to blame but myself. Seth yeah. When its not just fire. I lit myself on fire. Seth yeah. Which turns out is hot. Seth yeah. Thats like the yeah, yeah. Seth its like the key thing. Everybody knows about fire. Yeah, i didnt. I didnt know that. Seth yeah. Especially when i say, can you put more gasoline on me . Seth yeah. Yeah, it gets really hot. Seth is it Something Like in the moment, when youre actually now on fire do you think back to the writers room in the moment where it came up and that you didnt spike it then . Yeah. Seth yeah. Yeah, of course. [ laughter ] seth thats when you think yeah. There was one moment when i was on a snowmobile. I did this jump on a snowmobile into a river and then it goes down in the river. And these safety guys come up to me and say, you know, the worst thats going to happen is like the snowmobile, like, rolls over on you. And youre pinned for, like, a minute. [ laughter ] but well be there. Well be there. You can hold your breath for a minute, right . Seth that is so much worse. Like, no. Seth that is the worse i thought could happen. I know. Seth your kids so you cocreated the show with your wife, sam bee. Yes. Seth who is also very talented. And you guys have kids. And your kids have gotten to be in episodes. They dont play your children in the show. But they got to be sort of extras. Did they enjoy it . No well, my son was like a featured actor. Seth oh, great. He plays young me on the show. Seth oh, fantastic my daughters were extras. And i cut them. Seth oh, wow [ laughter ] now thats from seth thats rough. Yeah. I know seth thats rough to begin with but then with your son having a plum role, thats really rough. And his paycheck is giant. And theirs is nothing. Seth so how do you have to how do you tell your kids theyre cut . I was like, listen, your scene was good. Seth yeah. It wasnt great. Seth sure. And so, but i gave them i gave them a speaking role in the next season. That was season one, i cut them. Season two, i gave them a speaking role. And they were mad at me because because they liked their part better in the first season. Seth oh, no. Im like, you get paid now you did it for free as an extra. Seth but they have taste. Now you get paid. Seth they have i guess so, yeah. Seth they didnt care for the new scene. [ laughter ] you youre are obviously a writer. You are an actor. You are a comedian. Yes. Seth dont take this the wrong way, and i would not have guessed that you began in modeling. But you had an early modeling career. [ laughter ] you are suggesting that im an ugly child. Seth no, im not at all and youre not youre not wrong. Seth how did modeling start for you . It started like any child model. My grandmother owned a bridal boutique. Seth there you go. Perfect and theyre like he can fit into a dress [ laughter ] yeah, so seth this you actually sent some photos. I did. Seth this is not bridal work. No. This is my later work. Seth later work. So this is pretty i mean, this is rad. And thats the word we used then to describe that look. Thats right. Seth so what what is the brand here that youre i dont know. Leather pants . Seth yeah. I dont know. Theres a story. Because show this one. Seth yeah, this one is fantastic. This one. Seth i mean, thats fantastic. So well, its not fantastic. Because he was not a great Michael Jackson impersonator. Seth okay. And i was really mad that i had to just sit on the bench and snap. Seth interesting. Because i being do the moonwalk way better than him. Seth gotcha. And i didnt understand at the time. Seth ah. As a child that maybe me playing Michael Jackson is probably not the best casting choice. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] that if you were opening a catalog and they went with you instead of the other kid. Well, funny story. I meet this kid again on a casting call, a gosee i guess seth a gosee. Thats a little modeling lingo for you. [ laughter ] so i meet him again. And were both up for this Department Store shoot, its called robinsons which is the gimbels of canada. And we were up for the role of mr. T. For a halloween shoot. And guess who got it . Seth you booked mr. T . [ laughter ] i booked mr. T. Seth oh my god. [ applause ] yeah. Dont clap for that. Seth yeah. I shouldnt have booked mr. T [ laughter ] because it was a shortsleeve outfit. And they didnt give me a shirt to wear. So it just a black mask with white arms. Seth that is and a sign that said mr. T. Seth i mean on the plastic outfit. Seth that is rough. That speaks volumes about how bad this guy was at impressions. [ laughter ] you didnt even have to talk. Seth yeah. I know. Seth thats who i pity. I pity him you pity him. I pity him seth thanks for being here. Congrats on the show. Thanks for having me, man. Seth always a pleasure to see you, man jason jones, the detour airs tuesday nights on tbs. Well be right back with a performance from the cast of once on this island. [ cheers and applause ] you hit me like fire, shot me like a bullet. Burned me up and down, no way to cool it. Every time you kiss me its like sunshine and whiskey like a bottle of jack straight to the head. One shot, two shot, copper tone red. Every time you kiss me its like sunshine and whiskey. Applebees handcrafted burgers. Any burger just 7. 99. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Join tmobile today, and get an unlimited family plan with netflix included. Wow. Plus, when you buy an iphone, get an iphone for your bff on us. I like it. All on americas best unlimited network. Volunteer at neighborhoodofgood. Com. State farm. Having mplaque psoriasise is not always easy. Its a longdistance run. 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[ cheers and applause ] seth the joyous hit Broadway Musical once on this island tells the story of ti moune, a peasant girl sent on a journey by the gods of the island to test the strength of love against the power of death

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