Someone was out there. Yeah. We were scared. Mystery number two. A secret 1600 miles away. There were several Text Messages. Its just slowly snowballing. It was like a punch in the gut. And mystery number three. Im mean. Im going to hurt you. Who would they turn out to be . Im like, damn, what did this lady do . Faith. Temptation. And a twist the size of texas. Lets be very clear. Justice needs to be served. I dont think it has been. Im lester holt, and this is dateline. Tonight, Andrea Canning with the carrollton plot. Reporter but travel east a hundred miles or so and you enter the piney woods of east texas. Jobs are not as plentiful here. Dreerms deferred. And some keep bail bondsmen on speed dial. All the people were dealing here with are poor. Theres a lot of drugs, a lot of methamphetamine out there. Reporter different quul cultures worlds apart. And yet one summer those two worlds collided in a most unlikely way. This is the story of that summer when money seemed to fall like tickertape on the piney woods. And an affluent carrollton family experienced the kind of Violent Crime that had always happened somewhere else. God, help me. Yes, maam. Help me. Help me. I need you to call me immediately. Your mom is in the hospital with a gunshot wound. And im like, im sorry. What . Each day, wed look at each other, michael and i, and just say, we cant make this up. Reporter our story begins in august 2012. Can you believe it . 100 degrees again this afternoon. Reporter it was the kind of heat that melts asphalt and has everyone searching the sky for some sign of mercy. But in carrollton, 52yearold frank howard wasnt sweating it. Frank was an accountant. His life was good and Getting Better by the day. I took on a new client. And that would have been probably in 2009. Reporter very wealthy client . Yes. Reporter what did that come along with, those perks . Well, the wealthy client, you know, he had you know, his own airplanes. And so i guess for the first time, probably, you know, flying around in private planes and, you know, going to cowboy games. Reporter as they say in texas, frank howard was standing in high cotton. I was still, you know, the same old guy, but it was definitely doing some fun things as well. Reporter frank had come a long way since his days as a preachers son growing up in South Central texas. Very conservative upbringing. You know, there was no drinking and cussing. You know, ive never been to the dance, the school prom. Never did any of that kind of stuff. But at the same time, you know, wanting to be just very down to earth, very honest and try to be the best person you can be. Reporter solid values to last a lifetime. But it wasnt all smooth sailing. In college, frank had a brief marriage that ended in divorce. Eventually, he fell in love with a girl from his church. Her name was nancy shore. A brunette with dazzling blue eyes. It was a great time. You know, i still look back at that and think it was a good time. Reporter franks father married the happy couple in 1983 and two years later they had their first child, a daughter they named ashley. That wasnt an easy birth . No. Reporter there were problems . Yeah, yeah. There were complications. She spent the first ten days of her life in the Neonatal Unit at the hospital. Reporter it was a close call, but one that seemed to deepen and enrich the couples faith. Soon the family grew to include a son, jay, and another daughter, brianna. Growing up was great. I had a wonderful older sister and older brother who had kind of helped guide me through stuff. And then obviously a wonderful mom and dad. Reporter eldest daughter ashley says that whatever the Howard Family did, they did together. Both our parents did choir in church. Any time they needed a family, it was like, oh, get the howards. Theyll come and like bring all the kids. We were, you know, always together, always a family. We went to all of their events. They were busy. They were always doing something. I mean, whether it was, you know, soccer or, you know, anything in the fine arts, musically. Reporter you guys almost do sound like leave it to beaver. Oh, we joke that we were the cleavers. Hi, beaver. Hi, mom. And jay was beaver. I was beavette. Brianna was beaverly. We had Howard Family variety night. Yeah, we would have game nights and we would yeah. Legitimately, the cleaver family. Yeah, absolutely. Reporter but by 2012, those days were gone. Frank and nancy were now empty nesters. Ashley and her brother, jay, were each married and on their own. Brianna was in college in nashville. You were so close with your kids. Was it hard as one by one they started leaving the nest and going off to college . Sure. Yeah, it was. I mean, im proud of them. But it was difficult. I mean, change is difficult. Reporter now nancy was often home alone. Franks work with his new client a wealthy defense contractor had him traveling to florida, california, even kuwait. There was a little bit more, you know, freedom or whatever. And like i said, a lot of it was work. And so, you know, i was out there trying to kind of build it. And she was sitting at home. Reporter still, nancy had her faith and Church Activities to fill the empty hours. In fact, thats where shed been the evening everything changed for the Howard Family. It was a saturday night, august 18, 2012. Youre out of town. Yes. Reporter you get a call that something horrific has happened to nancy. Theres been a robbery at your own house . Yes. I was just beside myself. I didnt know, you know, what what was happening. Reporter and so began one of the longest nights of Frank Howards life. When we come back, a harrowing cry for help. God, help me. Yes, maam. Help me. Terror was at the door. Im like, our mother . That just makes no sense. Almost like it wasnt real . 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After months of broiling temperatures, the afternoon of august 18th, 2012, brought the welcome sound of summer rain to carrollton, texas. But shortly before 8 00 that evening the sound of a gunshot split the night. A 911 operator picked up the phone and heard a womans anguished cry. Lord jesus, help me. Oh, my god. Help me. Oh, jesus, help me. Reporter the woman said she had just been shot in the head by an intruder in her garage. Ive been shot. Please help me. Whats the address. Maam . Reporter the caller, was franks wife, nancy howard. Shed somehow managed to drag herself into the house, and in spite of taking a bullet in the head, she bass able to give critical details to the 911 dispatcher. How many people was it . Its just one that im aware of. Can you please stay on the phone . Oh, yes, maam. Im going to stay on the phone with you till they get there. Reporter a few minutes later, Carrollton Police officers arrived at the home on bluebonnet way. Remarkable as it sounds, nancy managed to open the front door for them. Its the police . Yes, maam. God, help me. Yes, maam. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help. Reporter soon Carrollton Police detectives michael wall and bryan turner were on the case. Its just incredible how she was able to give the information to the dispatcher about what had happened and then be able to wait for the police at the front door. Reporter this was a really bloody crime scene. There was quite a bit of blood, yes. Reporter there was a small hole just above nancys left eye. She was struggling for breath, and her vital signs were slipping. As paramedics rushed her to Parkland Hospital in dallas, detective wall turned his attention to the crime scene. You could see exactly where she had gone through the house. Reporter the garage and the hallway leading into the house were bloody, but the rest of the house appeared to have been untouched. The suspects had taken nancys purse. Reporter did you have any reason to believe when you arrived that this was anything other than a burglary gone bad . We didnt have any other reason to suspect that it was anything other than an aggravated robbery given the information that nancy had given us. What details did you get from that 911 call specifically . Nancy was able to give us suspect description of the person that shot her. It was a white male. He was wearing a black hat. The suspect was in his 20s. Reporter Police Officers could find no one in the neighborhood whod seen or heard anything. It had been raining significantly. Obviously, when it rains, people are inside. Theres no witnesses. We basically had nothing to go on. Reporter no witnesses. And precious little in the way of leads. They wondered if the shooting was part of a pattern of crimes in the area. It seemed unlikely, but they couldnt rule it out. There had been some breakins in the area . There was some home breakins that we were looking at to see if they may be related to this offense. But at this point, we were kind of checking out everything to see if there was anything that may be related to this. But there had not been any robberies where people are actually being robbed at gunpoint for their property. Reporter the cops knew they had to notify nancys family. But as it turned out, her husband was out of town. A Police Officer who belonged to the howards church got word to nancys eldest daughter, ashley. Its a close friend of my moms calling to say your mom is in the hospital with a gunshot wound. And im like, im sorry, what . So reporter that must be the most bizarre phone call. Just the weirdest phone call. Like, it was not even, like, scary or worrisome. It was more like so confusing. Like we couldnt cross the hurdle of where she could have been to get shot. Reporter almost like it wasnt real . Yeah. Like, it wasnt real and its just like, this our mother . That just makes no sense. Like shes not the type of lady thats going to get shot, you know . Reporter ashley finally reached her father in california with the news. I was in South Lake Tahoe at the casino, whenever i got that. And i was taking a break and noticed that i had missed a call from my daughter. And so i stepped outside and called her back. And then thats when i found out that something had happened. Reporter how does he react to this situation . He couldnt speak. I mean, he couldnt breathe. And it was like, okay, dad, who is with you . Because you are not in good shape. Okay, im going to drive to the airport. No, no, no. Youre not driving to the airport. Get someone to take you. I was crying and just going crazy. And so then i was on the phone trying to find flights out and trying to figure out, you know, what to do and how to do it and when to do it. Reporter it was 6 00 the next morning before frank howard could finally board a plane headed home. He could only imagine the nightmare that awaited him once he landed in texas. Coming up my dad has like collapsed on the ground. He was in terrible shape. As doctors race to save her, her family races to her side. Who could possibly be behind this . Someone was out here. Yeah. We were scared. Hi. Hi. How the world treats and defeats childhood cancer. And she ate ice cream, oh but im not supposed to tell that part. Sorry. Visit stjude. Org or shop where you see the st. Jude logo. C puppy barks you can do it duck. Hurry up duck you can do it duck. Iams. Helps keep your dog healthy at every stage. So you can always look forward to whats next. That s northwest of santa barbara. We have the incredible photos on our homepage. And on our twitter feed. We ve posted photos of a dangerous cliff rescue in San Francisco earlier today. This was at sutro baths. The Sf Fire Department had to set up ropes to pull the victim to safety. He s expected to be ok. We have more news in one hour. Frank howard arrived home in dallas the morning after his wife was shot. His daughter ashley says he looked awful when she finally saw him. They drove to the hospital together, and by the time they got there, he could hardly walk. And i hear just like this crash. And i look back and my dad has, like, collapsed on the ground. He was in terrible shape. And every time the little monitors would beep, he was jumpy. I mean, just terrible shape. Reporter was he in tears . Yeah. Yeah. Reporter tell me what happened the first time you saw nancy in the icu. It was a difficult time. She was real, you know, drugged up. But all the family and a lot of people from the church and stuff were there. Reporter doctors told the family the bullet had entered nancys skull just above her left eye and traveled downward through her sinuses and throat before it collapsed one of her lungs. Shed already had the first of many surgeries. She would lose one of her blue eyes, but luckily, she seemed to have escaped serious brain damage. Theres tubes. Theres wires. Theres lines. So even though you can say, shes all right, its like it doesnt look like shes all right. Shes not all right. You know . And, you know, theres swelling. Theres inflammation all over. Theres things attached to her feet. So its kind of hard to feel like, okay, this is okay and this is right. It was very traumatic to see that happen to her. You know, very difficult. Very emotional time. Reporter was she able to talk to you the first time you saw her . I dont believe so. She had tubes in her throat. And she was conscious, so she had knowledge of who we are but she really couldnt talk or anything. Reporter while the family waited for some definitive word from the police on what had happened, they filled the void with theories of their own. Everybody, you know, in the family were sitting around talking about it. We were trying to figure out what happened and how it happened. And we didnt have any idea. Reporter someone was out there . Yeah. Yeah, we were scared. Reporter there had been a series of breakins in the area. Did that cross your mind . That was one of the things that came up. I believe the detectives or whatever had told us there had been breakins. In fact, they had somebody that fit kind of the general description, that he was someone that they knew of that had participated in some breakins in the area. Reporter detectives wall and turner were eager to talk to nancy. Shes our only witness to this offense. We just had the minimal suspect description at this time. And so we felt it was important to confirm those details with her as soon as possible. Reporter while they waited for nancy to get well enough to speak, they called in frank hoping he could fill in some of the blanks. Can you update me on her condition, what the doctors have said . Yes. Actually, very i mean, it sounds bad when you say somebodys shot in the head, but actually very, very good. He had confirmed that she had actually lost her left eye. No brain damage. No, you know, none of that. So shell lose her left eye, but, but from there, it will be, cosmetic stuff. Reporter detective wall asked if frank knew anyone who might want to hurt his wife. What i know about her, it doesnt seem that she would have any problems with anybody. Has she had any problems with anybody . Oh, no. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Reporter in fact, everyone knew that nancy had a soft spot for anyone with a sob story. Nancy can be real giving a and and open. Reporter it was not unusual, he said, for her to pick up a hitchhiker or open her door to a stranger. A month or two earlier, shed done just that. Somebody came to the door. And they just needed money to get a hotel room because their car broke down. And nancy they came to your house . To the house, yeah, at the front door. And nancy told them shes just so good heart i mean, she just said that she would help them try to find a hotel room. Reporter maybe thats what happened. A goodhearted woman befriended a dangerous stranger. The howard children thought that was a distinct possibility. That was my first thought was, oh, she probably was willing to help someone at some point. They figured out, okay, this woman is an easy target. Reporter could your mom be naive when it came to these people and this helping nature that she had . Yeah, definitely. I think that sometimes her willingness to see the good in everybody, it opened her up to more risk than most other people would take. Reporter frank didnt know much because he was out of town that night. Doesnt sound like frank is really able to help you with anything. Hes cooperative. He is being cooperative. He confirms that he had actually sent a few texts and emails back and forth to nancy and knew that she was going to the Church Service. And so, in order to confirm that, i asked if i could see his cell phone. Would you have a problem if i ran an analysis on your cell phone . No. Reporter in addition to turning over his cell phone, frank told the cops to let him know if they needed anything else from him. Anything at all. He even offered money to generate leads. You mean, if theres you know, put up a reward or anything like that. Okay. Once we get to the point where weve exhausted all of our investigative leads, thats another step we would take. Just whatever we need to do. Because obviously money can prompt people to do to give information. Reporter at the hospital, doctors were optimistic about nancys condition. She was still in intensive care but making progress. There was every reason to believe that shed be able to tell her own story in a day or two. Coming up i shoved my purse into his chest. And i said, jesus, save me. Nancys dramatic story. Exactly what did she remember about that night . No pity, no emotion. 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At walgreens, how we care will change over time, but why we care remains the same treating everyone with the care and attention they deserve. Walgreens. Trusted since 1901. Nancy howard lay in Parkland Hospitals intensive care unit sedated and surrounded by blinking, beeping machines. A breathing tube prevented her from speaking, but her daughters say she could still communicate. She used to do sign language, so she knows how to spell. So, like, bri and i know how to spell a little bit. So shes over there doing stuff with the bottom of her hand. And im like, okay, shes spelling something. Crap brianna, what is that letter again . Yeah. And then anytime somebody would say something, you know, shed beat her hand on the pillow to be, like, no, no, no. Were like, okay, put our spelling caps on. Reporter nancys recovery was remarkably speedy. Just days after she was shot in the head at close range, she was able to get out of bed, take a few steps. And best of all, the breathing tube was removed. The Howard Family rejoiced. Finally nancy could speak. Do you consider it a miracle . Oh, absolutely. Theres no explanation except my heavenly father was there. Reporter what did she say to you when she finally was able to speak . It was just, you know, i love you. Glad youre here. I mean, that was the sense that we were both saying to each other. Reporter and then it was time for business. Detectives wall and turner wanted to know every last detail of that night. It began at nancys church. I had a plan that evening to go to church to see one of my little children that ive known since she was born. And she was being baptized that night at church. Reporter surveillance cameras caught nancys car lot pulling into the Church Parking lot shortly before 6 00 that evening. I got my picture with their family, and it was just a very, very special time. And then i walked on out. And got in my car and started heading home. Reporter it was 7 26 when nancy pulled out of the Church Parking lot. On the way home, she picked up dinner at a place called taco bueno. Her receipt shows it was 7 32 when she paid for the meal. Drove on in my driveway. Lifted the garage door as i usually do. Drove in. Got out of my car. Got up to the door. Didnt hear a thing. But suddenly there was a man with his arm around my neck and a gun to my head demanding my purse. And reporter whats that feeling like . It didnt really register what was going on. So much so that i guess i didnt have quite enough fear. I dont know. Because i wrestled away from him and turned and faced him and realized, this is for real. This guys got a gun, robbing me. He demanded again my purse. And i had my purse on this shoulder. And my taco bueno bag. And so i gave him my taco bueno bag. I bet that guy was thinking, what is this woman doing giving me her supper. She doesnt get it. And so finally, the third time, he demanded with expletives, my purse. And i finally caught on. And i reached off. And i was standing close enough to him to have an arms length to shove my purse into his chest. And i shoved my purse into his chest. And i said, jesus, save me. And the bullet shot me right in the head, and i went down. Reporter nancy doesnt know how long she lay unconscious on the garage floor. When she came to, the shooter was gone, but she says she was not alone. I began to kind of come to. And i thought, i think youve been shot. Youre going to die. And then there was another voice. And it was voice of my heavenly father, who is more powerful than a speeding bullet. And he said, get up. Get up. Reporter how much pain are you in . Im in excruciating pain. But its more the pain of not to be able to get a breath and knowing im simply gurgling and spitting blood the whole time and barely able to breathe, trying to have the strength. And so i ended up belly crawling. Reporter nancy knew she needed help fast, but her cell phone was gone. It had been in her purse, and that had been stolen. So she crawled into her car in hopes of activating her cars Emergency Response system, but she couldnt get it to work. Amazingly, she got to her feet and walked into the house. And i was able to turn off my house alarm. The presence of mind to come up with those numbers. Thats only a god thing. Because id been shot in the head. Reporter she went to nearest bathroom. When she turned on the light, she saw an absolute horror looking back at her in the mirror. That was when she called 911. Tell me exactly what happened. Reporter did you still think you could die at that point . I didnt know if i would live. Ive been shot. Please help me. Whats the address, maam . And i told her. I said, please dont leave me. She said, no, miss howard, i will stay here with you until they come. Because anyone who is fighting for their life and has called 911 knows that they could die. They dont want to die alone. And i wanted to live. Reporter now three days later, nancy was able to give police a more detailed description of the man who shot her. He had a strong chin with facial hair. He was wearing dark rimmed glasses and a dark baseball cap. Reporter could you see his eyes . I did look him in the face and i did look him in the eyes. But i dont know how to describe what that felt like. Reporter did he just look blank . Did he look evil . He looked intent on doing what he came to do. I would say he certainly had no pity, no emotion of doing to some homemaker what he was doing. Reporter the detectives now had something to work with. But then their investigation developed a new and surprising twist. They discovered the cell phone frank had handed over contained some jawdropping information. Turns out frank had been keeping a secret. Coming up that was the big, red flag when looking at everything. Soon that secret would come tumbling out to everyone he loved. It was like a punch in the gut. Try nivea essentially enriched body lotion, the unique formula with nourishing almond oil leaves skin smoother moisturized for 24 hours. Enjoy smoother skin and now try new Oil Infused Lotions moisturize with indulging scents the investigation into nancy howards shooting was still in its early stages when detectives made a surprising discovery. Remember, frank had given them his cell phone. Would you have a problem if we ran an analysis on your cell phone . No. Reporter when they examined that phone, they realized frank wasnt the devoted husband he appeared to be. Nancys husband had been having an affair. We noticed on his cell phone that there were several Text Messages to a contact in his phone, which was identified as s. Tahoe cell. Those Text Messages, it was clear from the content of those messages that frank was involved in an extra marital affair. Reporter there was more. Photos that showed frank with the other woman. There was photos on his phone of frank and this female that we believe to be the person that was sending those Text Messages back and forth with frank. Reporter the detectives asked the fbi to find out more about franks mistress. They learned she was a 40something mother of two teenage daughters. Her name was Suzanne Leontieff. We were able to speak with suzanne and confirm that frank was in fact with her on the night nancy was shot. He had originally told us that he was in california on business. Then that was a big red flag when looking at everything. And we got to take a harder look at frank and whats going on with frank because he didnt mention anything about this mistress. Reporter the detectives wanted to know if frank had any more secrets they should know about. So they decided to interview his children. We had no idea that they were looking at my dad so seriously until, you know, we got in that room and they just kept hounding and hounding and hounding on my dad. And it was like, you know, this line of questioning is concerning. They just started telling me that somethings not right. And we think that before you talk to them anymore, dad, you need to talk to a lawyer. Reporter why would they say that . Because theyve seen shows like dateline nbc and said thats what they always tell you to do. You know, they always suspect the husband, so you know, get a lawyer. Reporter though frank says that at the time he didnt think innocent people needed lawyers, he hired one anyway. Then he had a hearttoheart with each of his kids. My dad actually called me at work and said, you know, i got to tell you something. And he said, the reason theyre looking at me so closely is that ive been having an affair. And i was like, crap. Like dad come on. Dont have affairs. You know . Reporter thats a hard thing to hear. Yeah, it is. It was. A punch in the gut. Its like this is not whats supposed to happen. You know . Reporter you guys were the cleavers. Yeah, we were the cleavers. And it was like okay, this is not a good situation. Reporter there is never a good time to get caught cheating, but getting caught by police while your wife is recovering from a gunshot wound to the head has to rank as one of the worst. Now frank had to tell his family embarrassing details about his other life, the one he had been living in california with his mistress, suzanne. How did you meet her . We found each other basically playing at a gambling table one night. And thats kind of what started it. Reporter there was just an attraction you couldnt fight . Yeah, thats the way i fell in love with her. I mean, i actually really did. I mean, i loved her. Reporter for his part, frank says he wasnt trying to hide anything from police. I knew there was evidence of the affair. And i felt like its going to be difficult, but i felt like that nancy and i could somehow work through that. Reporter did you think at all, well, the police are going to find this information. Should i just tell them . No. I didnt think it was relevant to what happened to nancy, thats why i didnt think that way. I dont you know, it never dawned on me to make that connection. Reporter frank knew he had to tell nancy about the affair before the police did. But because he was now considered a suspect, the cops had asked the hospital to keep him away from nancy. Now one of the most delicate conversations of frank and nancys married life had to happen on the phone. He was just broken apart, just broken apart weeping. To the point that i just almost couldnt even understand him. A lot of crying. A lot of apologizing and telling her that im sorry about the affair. And that im going to make it right. And im going to do whatever i can do, and i want to do that. Reporter was that a bombshell for you . I was dumbfounded, really. I was just dumbfounded. Im like, really . And i was i think there was a side of me that i didnt really even believe it. Reporter nancy had never thought of frank as the philandering type. But in hindsight, she felt their relation slp change relationship changed in 2009, the year frank went to work for that rich client. A defense contractor named richard raley. Raley had made millions during the iraq war, trucking supplies to the troops. He made frank his chief financial officer. And soon nancy began noticing changes at home. It increased our lifestyle a bit. We were able to do more things. But it did begin to interfere. Reporter with your marriage . With our marriage. Mmhmm. Reporter how did it change your marriage . How did it make it more difficult . There was a lot of travel, and we became empty nesters that year. I really missed my kids. I think he really missed his kids. But i think he had his work to help fill that void. Reporter nancy says once frank even ditched her on new years eve so he could be with his new business associates. And i just blew a gasket. Reporter youre really on the back burner at this point . Mmhmm. Absolutely. And i said, okay. Im going to counseling. Because if we dont get into counseling, were going to lose our marriage. Reporter did he agree to go . And he went for a little while and determined that he didnt feel that it was doing any good. Reporter now, as she recovered in the hospital, it was obvious to nancy why frank hadnt been interested in saving their marriage. Her husband was in love with somebody else. I said, where did you meet her . And he told me. And i said, and how long has it been . And he told me. Reporter three years, frank told her, three years of lying. Three years of living a double life. One in texas. One in california. Frank wasnt proud of it. Youre a preachers son. You know better than that. Sure. It was very wrong. And you know, i know it now, and i knew it then. I mean, i knew it going through it. It was just trying to figure out, you know, how to deal with it. Reporter while most men try to keep their indiscretions private, Frank Howards dirty laundry was now part of a criminal investigation. But the detectives say they were determined to keep an open mind. I think i told michael, lets not get tunnel vision on this. Just because hes got a girlfriend, you know. Lets make sure we look outside and not just key on that as a possible motive or reason for the shooting. Reporter so the detectives went back to work examining every piece of evidence they had. Turns out that Church Surveillance tape would take their investigation in a whole new direction. Coming up theres a silver vehicle thats following behind her. Had someone been stalking nancy . Oh, yeah. It was clear from that video that she was followed. We know shes not just a random target. It appears that theres Something Else going on here. 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[ drums beating ] dont make that face. This is my regular face. Freedom Pitch Perfect 3. Rated pg13. Detectives wall and turner were following all leads in their investigation into nancy howards shooting. Evaluating and reevaluating every new scrap and tidbit that came their way. Take nancys purse and its contents. After the shooting, theyd had her cell phone tracked and quickly discovered her purse in a nearby dumpster. There was still 11. 10 inside the purse, cell phone and keys. It appeared as if all of the contents of the purse were still there. Reporter but what really caught their attention was the fact that her drivers license seemed to have been removed and cast aside. That was the only item that was taken from the purse. It was at that point in time that i became suspicious. Reporter if the shooter didnt want nancys money and credit cards, then maybe hed planned to kill her. Why was the drivers license found separate from the wallet . I believe i think you would agree that they pulled out the drivers license out of the billfold to make sure that they had gotten nancy howard and confirmed it was her drivers license. Reporter working on a hunch that nancy had been marked for death, the detectives decided to take a closer look at the video from the security cameras at her church. The video clearly showed nancy arriving at the church. As shes pulling into the parking lot, theres a silver vehicle thats following in behind her. She drives around to the south side of the church and parks. That silver vehicle parks a few parking spots away from her. Reporter could you make out the license plate . Could you make out the people in the vehicle . No. The video wasnt clear enough for us to see the license plate. You could tell from the video that there was two occupants, a driver and a passenger, in the front seat. Reporter shortly after nancy enters the church, the silver car drives away but returns just before the Church Service ends. Then a big moment in the case. The church cameras catch a glimpse of a possible suspect. The driver exits the vehicle and enters the church to use the restroom. He was wearing a hat and it was brought down partially covering his face. The driver comes back out and gets in the silver vehicle. And as nancy leaves the Church Service and gets in her car, she backs out and leaves the parking lot and that vehicle follows her out of the parking lot. Reporter is this Crystal Clear to you now that nancy was a target . Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It was clear from that video that she was followed and that they came back to the church to wait on her to leave. It was an exciting moment, because weve now got a lead now. We know that shes not just a random target. It appears that theres Something Else going on here. Reporter Something Else indeed. In fact, a fellow cop told them about a routine traffic stop a month before that suddenly seemed quite significant. White honda accord. Reporter it was in the Early Morning hours that Carrollton Police officers stopped a car about a mile from the howard home. So, how long you been in carrollton tonight . Weve been trying to find my uncles house for two, three, four hours. Okay. The reason i ask is because i saw you guys earlier. And i see you again. And its now now its we were going in circles and circles and circles. Reporter there were two men in the car. They were a hundred miles from their homes in east texas. Could you step out of the car just for a second . I want to talk to you for a little bit. Reporter the driver was a 19yearold named Dustin Hiroms. According to the police, hiroms appeared to be high on something, possibly meth. Initially he told the police that hed come to carrollton to get money from his uncle. But seconds later he said he was looking for his stepfather. Then he said his stepfather was in jail and that he was really looking for someone else. Tell me who you are visiting here because now im confused. You said uncle, and then you just said his name is john, okay . Okay. We always called him john, that was it. So johns a friend of the family . Yes, basically. Reporter john . Thats a name youll hear later in this story. But at the time it meant nothing to the officers. Were not trying to cause no problems, maam. Reporter the whole thing might have been forgotten except for this. At one point hiroms blurted out that he was a hit man involved in a plot to kill a carrollton woman. At the time, it sounded like another craze story from a drugaddled teenager. Police looked into it anyway, but they couldnt pin it down. Hiroms was booked on minor charges and released. Weeks later nancy was shot. Once the incident occurred on august 18th where nancy was shot, it really kind of tied those two things together. Reporter police wondered if Dustin Hiroms and his buddy in the car were tied to the shooting . If nancy could pick either of those men out of a photo lineup, the detectives figured it would be case closed. Are you thinking shes going to be able to i. D. One of these guys immediately . Oh, yeah. If we could get the shooter identified, i mean, thats over half the battle right there. Reporter so you show her the photos. And . She wasnt able to identify anybody from the photo lineups. Reporter was that a letdown . Yeah, but its expected. Reporter are you thinking still, it still could be them, she might have just gotten it wrong . Oh, yeah. Just because she didnt identify them, that wasnt for us to change direction, go anywhere else. Were still on the trail of those two. Reporter but just as they were beginning their hunt for Dustin Hiroms, the investigators got a call. As luck would have it, there was someone over at the county jail who claimed he had the inside story of the shooting. And it could be theirs for a price. Coming up there was two of them that done it. Hes providing a lot of information that he should not know. An inmate who seems to know all about the plot to murder nancy. And it may be a family affair. Theyre certainly a strange cast of characters. Some people might depict them as the heehaw gang. The heehaw gang . Theyre about to hit this case like a monster truck. And feel immediately. New amope pedi perfect soft feet kit. Perfect for that special someone on your list. Exclusively at walmart. Amope. Love every step. And roomba from irobot gets to work using two multisurface brushes and powerlifting suction to grab and remove everything from fine dust to large debris. Daily dirt doesnt stand a chance. You and roomba from irobot. Better together. Nancy howard has survived an unbelievable attack. Just home from church about to enter the house, she was shot point blank at the garage door. Who was the gunman, and what was he after . Police are getting closer to an answer. Here again is Andrea Canning. Reporter a week into the investigation of nancy howards shooting, detectives wall and turner got a call that would change everything. A Denton County investigator called us and stated that Billie Johnson, an inmate, wanted to speak with us about the shooting. Reporter the detectives were intrigued and set up a meeting at the county jail. Just for the record, billie, you have asked to speak with us. Is that correct . Yes sir. Reporter his full name was billie earl johnson. His rap sheet showed he was a career criminal with a reputation for being mean and scrappy. A reputation billie didnt mind discussing. I mean, i got a reputation to be a bad ass. Everybody is claiming me to be tough and bad. I dont claim to be tough and bad. Im mean. Im going to hurt you. If you jump on me, im going to hurt you. Reporter the cops knew billie earl was a tough guy from east texas, an area about 90 miles from carrollton, home to those piney woods. Billie was the ringleader of a colorful crew, many of them petty criminals related to billie by blood or marriage. Theyre certainly a strange cast of characters. But, you know, theyre east texas folks and some people might depict them as the heehaw gang. Reporter a gang that was just getting by in a region thats struggling to make it. Theres a lot of drugs, a lot of methamphetamine out there. You know, if someone makes money out there or has extra money, they just hand it out to each other. Reporter at his meeting with investigators, billie earl was a man on a mission. He wanted to cut a deal and fast. Im 49 years old. I done been to the pen a total of 15 years. Mmhmm. I got grandkids i want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to be free and i want out this weekend. Reporter billie told the cops he knew things about the shooting that they did not, including the identity of the hit team. He played hardball even as he mixed his metaphors. I got the big ace in the hole and i got the ball in my court on this, and if you all want this murder attempted murder solved, you all need to work with me because i aint [ bleep ] playing. You all want it, ill give it to you in a [ bleep ] golden basket. Reporter but if the cops didnt want to play, then billie earl was going to zip it. Im not giving up nothing until i got something solid on my end. Ill die with it. He thought he was in control. Reporter because he was sitting on an important piece of information . Oh, yeah. And so i, you know, i told him, i cant go to the d. A. With you just saying this. You got to provide some information. Reporter so billie did. He was in jail on drug charges the night nancy was shot. But he told investigators he not only knew who ordered the hit on nancy, he knew how it went down. There was two of them that done it. One driving to pick him up and one to pull the trigger. Now which one drove and which one pulled the trigger, i dont know. But i know both of them. Reporter billie told the detectives he thought the murder for hire plot began sometime around 2009. I was laying on couch and the phone rang. Reporter a stranger was on the line. How he got my information from them, i dont know. Reporter the stranger said his name was john. He said you dont know me, told me his name. Said, i dont know you but i was told you might be the one to do a job for me. Reporter the job . Kill nancy howard. He wanted it done as an accident so it wouldnt come on him. Like a carjacking or a purse snatching. Reporter john was a man of means, he told the detectives, who drove a lexus and communicated with a disposable drop phone. See that number right there . 1764 . Thats johns Contact Number if hes still got that phone. Thats how you called him . Yep. Reporter he had it memorized. And so he provided the whole phone number, which was that 1764 number. Reporter billie knew more. He could describe nancys car. She aint had it long. Its brand new. Okay. Its dark blue. Its a fourdoor. Its like its got a hatchback. Hes providing a lot of information that he should not know. So its pretty obvious. Reporter youre buying it . Oh, yeah, were buying that he knows a lot about whats going on and that hes involved in this. I dont think this woman deserved what happened. No. She sure didnt. And she deserves a little bit of justice. Yep, and shell get it. But i want my back scratched, too. Maybe not from you. I want my back scratched too. Reporter billie told the cops he never intended to follow through with the hit. Im not going to go kill nobody. Reporter instead he was going to play john, take him for as much money as possible. And for more than two years thats just what happened. How many conversations have you had with john regarding this being done . Numerous. More than ten . Yeah. More than 20 . 50, 60. Reporter detectives say it wasnt just billie playing the john game. Members of billies crew were at it as well and the cops already knew one of them. His names john. Okay . We always called him john, that was it. Reporter remember Dustin Hiroms . He was the young man pulled over a month before nancy was shot. He spun a crazy story that night about being a hit man. Turns out dustin is billies stepson. Maybe his story hadnt been so crazy after all. Coming up could the heehaw gang hold the key to this case . She didnt do nothing wrong. Shes a christian woman. And who shared with you shes a christian woman . John did. He started laying out the whole thing. Get up to 400 towards a galaxy note8 or s8 with qualifying tradein. Only on samsung. Com as soon as i became a parent i changed as a person, drastically. I tried hard to quit smoking. But when we brought our daughter home that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Can you say thanks nicoderm cq . Every great why needs a great how. Detectives wall and turner headed for east texas immediately after hearing details only an insider could know about the nancy howard shooting. Their informant was billie earl johnson. He was the patriarch of an east texas family. He claimed hed been involved in a plot to kill nancy. Wall and turner wanted to talk to those family members starting with billies stepson Dustin Hiroms. Billie earl didnt seem to think much of him. Hes so stupid. He didnt know how to put antifreeze in a pickup truck. That dude dont know nothing about nothing. Reporter Dustin Hiroms, remember, was the young man pulled over in nancys neighborhood a month before she was shot. His name is john, okay . Okay. We always called him john. That was it. Reporter the detectives found dustin staying with friends in a trailer. We were able to locate him, get him in custody and then for the next probably 2 1 2 to 3 days bryan and i spent talking to dustin. Youre a good kid. Got yourself messed up in a little thing, but youre a good kid. Reporter what was that like . The first night, of course, he was on meth. Crying. He was pretty upset. Reporter and so it was dustin, scared and strung out, who provided the detectives with no details about this man named john. A man who wanted nancy howard killed and wasnt shy about suggesting how it could be done. He told dustin that he wanted nancy to be robbed while she was staying at the hotel in grapevine and he wanted it done with a baseball bat. Reporter john provided a photo of her, details about her schedule and even suggested nancy be killed while scrapbooking with friends. She didnt do nothing wrong. Shes a christian woman, dude. Thats it. You know . Who shared with you that she was a christian woman . John did. Reporter dustin told the detectives john liked to spread his money around. He started laying out the whole thing regarding his stepdad, Billie Johnson, his mom, meetings with john, large sums of money being transferred. He started throwing out some big numbers, and we asked him, you know, that sounds bs. He goes, no, because he was talking right in the millions. Reporter sounds hard to believe. Yeah. So he lays out including his grandmother receiving money. Billies other children that were involved. Reporter soon dustin says members of the johnson clan were calling john whenever they needed money. When theyre in jail and cant get bonded out, then he decides, short story, that he decides, well, i can do this and start getting all this money. Reporter because its the atm machine. Exactly. Reporter at one point, dustin said john gave him 24,000 to carry out the hit, money that he promptly spent on meth or gave away. He had 8,000 blow off his car, he told us, at a Church Parking lot. Reporter didnt care . I said, did you go back and get it . Nah. Are you kidding me . No. Ill get more. Reporter as the investigators dug deeper, they learned that nearly a dozen people from east texas knew about the plot to kill nancy. Charlie louderman was one of them. So have you heard about the shooting in carrollton . Yeah, i heard about it. Everybody else heard about it, and do you know whos involved with it . Yeah. Whos that . Billie earl johnson and mr. John. Mr. John. So, you know mr. John . Yeah, i know mr. John. Reporter Charlie Louderman was one of the few who was not related by blood or marriage to billie earl johnson. Billie earl johnson. Hes one mad son of a bitch. Reporter charlie, who started out as a bodyguard for billie earl, says billie and mr. John tried to get him to shoot nancy howard. This [ bleep ] man, he tried to get me to kill that woman. Did he really . Because he do you want the truth . Yeah, i want the truth. You got that recorder on . Yeah. I got to have the truth. Yeah, youre [ bleep ] right that son of a bitch tried to get me to kill that woman. Reporter now out of jail, charlie told us that sometimes john transferred money between Bank Accounts and sometimes john met charlie and billy and handed over packages of cash at a hamburger joint or gas station, and john was always pressing them to get the hit done. I mean, he was, hey, do you think you can get it done now . Whats the chances . Where are you all at . Billie would tell him, you know, were about an hour away. Well call you when we get close. Okay. Well, call me when you got confirmation. I want this thing done. And i was like, damn, what did this lady do . Reporter as long as john was willing to pay, charlie says billie and his family were willing to talk about killing nancy. And every time the hit didnt happen, john wanted to know why. Billie was the master of outlandish excuses. He had a brain tumor. He had seizures. He had spells. Hed done too much dope. The neighbors were home. He [ bleep ] him just as far as he could take it. And john would buy it hook, line and sinker every time. Reporter as far as charlie could tell, mr. John was a fool who had more money than common sense. I told him, either youre a cop or youre a chicken [ bleep ]. Because who would pay 400,000 . What did this woman do that you want to pay 400,000 to kill her . It would be a lot cheaper to kill her yourself. Reporter mr. Johns big money scheme to kill nancy howard was an economic bonanza for east texas. According to charlie, billie earl couldnt seem to spend that money fast enough. Motorcycles. Vehicles for his children, all three of them. A car for his mother. Three or four fourwheelers, a couple gokarts for the grandkids. A ski boat. He bought me a riding mower, a fourwheeler, numerous assault weapons, just anything he wanted. Reporter and so for more than two years the murder plot bankrolled by john killed nothing but time. They didnt follow through with it because they wanted more money. Reporter they have been called the heehaw gang. But they were very valuable to you, all of these characters. It could have been a tough case if we only had one or two of them as witnesses. But when we have this number of people involved, someone either is telling the truth, or someone handed out a script to all these people with all the information. Because it was all the same information. Reporter the east texas crowd was canny enough to document their dealings with the mysterious mr. John. They even had a picture of him in his fancy car. Wait till you see it. Its a stunner. Coming up so who is this infamous mr. John . Its the biggest twist of all. I was in disbelief. It was so farfetched. Gracias. At walgreens, how we care will change over time, but why we care remains the same treating everyone with the care and attention they deserve. Walgreens. Trusted since 1901. At zales, we believe a diamond kind of love is all about that look right there. Shop the zales season to sparkle sale to save on dazzling holiday gifts. Zales, the diamond store. This season, get 4 lines of unlimited data for 100 per month on the cricket unlimited 2 plan. Plus,switch now and get up to four free lg fortune phones. All on a network that covers over 99 of americans. Cricket wireless. Something to smile about. If yyou need to stay downeaway from it. Call 911. Let our First Responders come out and handle it. Police and fire will respond as well as pg e. Pg e will make the scene safe. Jack this ridiculously long table in the middle of nowhere . Jack to invite all my friends in the industry to try this. Jack fast foods first ever ribeye burger. Jack made with 100 ribeye beef, grilled onions, a red wine glaze and creamy havarti cheese. Jack ahh, here comes the competition now. Jack and of course, since they work for my competitors, ive obscured their identities jack except for this guy. Jack he is so screwed. Jack try my new havarti grilled onion and allamerican ribeye burgers. And you smell gas, your first step is to get out, travel to a safe distance until you cant smell the gas anymore, and then call 911. The First Responders will come out, and theyll make it safe for you and your community. Throughout the piney woods of east texas, detectives turner and wall heard the same refrain. A man named john was paying top dollar to rid the earth of a church lady named nancy howard. To hear the east texans tell it, john was a murky blend of money and murderous intent. But a picture snapped by one of the locals of the man they called john made everything Crystal Clear. John was frank howard. He had a photograph of frank howard sitting in his gray lexus. And in the foreground of the picture Billie Johnsons sitting on his motorcycle. Reporter he may have been frank to his friends and mr. John to the east texans, but in truth he was both. His full name was John Franklin howard. John franklin howard. Reporter aka frank . Frank. Frank, yeah. Reporter three names for a man whod evidently been living three lives. One with his wife in carrollton, one with his miss stress in california and third one with the east texas crowd. It was a surprise just based on being the Beaver Cleaver family, being involved with the church. It was unusual. Reporter so eight days after nancy was shot, the detectives returned to the scene of the crime. This time they had a warrant. And im sitting there watching tv and working. And the police show up at the door to arrest me. And that was very ive never experienced you know, i have no clue whats going on and whats happening. Reporter they just put you in the car and took you to the station . Yeah. Yeah. Reporter the charge solicitation for murder. Franks children were in shock. Their father may have had an affair, they thought, but hiring hit men . That made no sense. Its a very specific type of evil person that tries to kill their spouse. And my dad is just not that person. You know, having an affair is a human mistake. Trying to murder someone is not human. No human would do that. And im sorry, my dad is a human. Humans make mistakes. It was such a huge leap to what they were accusing him of. And i had never felt like my dad hated the kids enough to do that to our mom, and he never hated my mom, never talked poorly about my mom enough to do that. Reporter even nancy refused to believe that her husband of nearly 30 years could have orchestrated a plot to have her killed. Well, you know, i was totally in shock. This is so far from anything, first of all, that i ever dreamed that i would be involved in. But second of all, i mean it all came at the same time. Im shot. And then i find out my husband has been having a threeyear affair. I was in disbelief. It was so farfetched. Reporter his friends felt the same way. In fact, frank was so well regarded in carrollton that his friends offered to post his 1 million bond. At his bond hearing, witness after witness testified to his character and sterling reputation. Even Denton County prosecutor, jamie beck, was impressed. People from his church, people from his community, clients, current clients came forward and packed the courtroom for a bond hearing, which is just unheard of. They took the stand. They, you know, just sang his praises on what a good guy he was. Reporter though he quickly bonded out of jail, the investigators were convinced frank howard was behind the attempt on his wifes life. Not only could they prove hed been having an affair and that hed paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to a bunch of makebelieve hit men, they also had a picture of him meeting with one of them. Still, a crucial element for solving this case was missing. Were still knee deep in the middle of this. We dont have the shooter identified. And everyone that we have arrested up until this point, we can only confirm that theyre involved in a solicitation to have nancy killed. Reporter which is not to say that they didnt get some useful hints from the east texans. Dustin hiroms, he gives us the name of michael speck. And michael speck is Billie Johnsons nephew. Reporter the investigators zeroed in on that name, michael speck. A search of jail recordings of billie earl johnsons phone calls soon revealed a surprise. Not only did they hear billie earl talking about somebody named michael, they also heard another familiar voice. It was the voice of frank howard. I can get out of here, which will take about a month to get out of here, but i need some money. Well, thats part of my problem. I mean, what happened to michael . I gave him a bunch of money. How much you give him . I dont even know anymore its been so long. Did you give him 20 . Uh, at least. Its clear from those phone conversations at the jail that franks directly involved in orchestrating this. Michaels got everything i had left. He said he could take care of everything. Reporter even though the police were sure michael speck was one of the men in that silver car, they had no idea who the other man was. Then a few months later, a call out of the blue provided the break theyd been looking for. The caller sounded credible because she knew details that only the shooter and nancy would know. For instance, in a flustered moment nancy had handed her bag of food to the shooter. My ears perked up, and i felt like she had some pretty good information about who was responsible for shooting nancy. Reporter the caller led them eventually to the alleged shooter. His name was also michael, Michael Lorance. He and speck had once been prison cellmates. This is like six degrees of separation. It is. Reporter everyone in this case. All the puzzle pieces are starting to come together for us. Reporter the cops were finally able to put both michaels in that silver car on the night nancy was shot. It would now be up to a jury to decide whether frank howard had paid them to kill his wife. Coming up the case begins. The witnesses sure were colorful. But were they credible . Very questionable characters. Absolutely. How do you get the jury to believe what theyre saying . E t . Actually, it is true. And with Heart Disease, your risk is even higher. In fact, cardiovascular disease is the 1 cause of death for adults with type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease. But there is good news. 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And we actually had a very good time. It was a very joyful time. I can remember walking with him and then saying, hm, well, we ended up doing this together after all, didnt we . Reporter hard to imagine . Not really if you remember that frank and nancy always put family first. For a long time nancy refused to believe the worst about frank. As the months passed, she had a change of heart, though she kept hoping she was wrong. I believe he had relationships with the kind of people who would do Something Like this. But i am going to let the jury make the decision on whether he called the shot. Reporter so youre not ready to say he ordered im not ready to say that. Reporter the hit. Denton county prosecutor jamie beck was ready to say that and a lot more. I try not to get too personally involved, so to speak. But i just i did not like him. I did not like the good versus evil aspect to him and the manipulation that i felt. Reporter in early august 2014, frank howard went on trial for attempted capital murder. Prosecutors started with nancys 911 call. Lord jesus help me. Oh, my god. Help me. Oh, jesus, help me. Reporter it was an emotional opening punch, one that left frank visibly shaken as did nancys testimony about her injuries and overwhelming feelings of betrayal. I was married to a man named frank howard. For the majority of our marriage, i was married to frank howard. But when john walked in the door, he started taking over. Frank was a man who was loving and kind. He had integrity. John . John was about himself. Reporter prosecutors laid out their theory. John, aka frank howard, had hired a hit man to kill his wife, but for more than two years he ended up throwing money at one potential killer after another to get the job done. This group of characters, some people have even called them the heehaw gang. Yes. Reporter very questionable characters. Absolutely. Reporter with long rap sheets. How do you get the jury to believe what theyre saying . When youre going to go out and hire a hit man, youre not going to hire a good person off the street. Youre going to hire a criminal. Youre going to hire somebody with a seedy past and thats willing to do that job. Reporter if orange is the new black, this was a fashionable crowd. On the stand the witnesses from east texas corroborated each others stories. They testified theyd received money from a man named john to kill his wife. They had communicated with john by calling his drop phone. And each of them said that john and frank were one in the same. Charlie louderman says john didnt seem happy to see his east texas friends again. He didnt want to see me there. He didnt like that. He was twirling on his pen, pop, pop, like a principal going to give me some licks. Reporter charlie told the jury about seeing vast sums of money change hands. Sometimes itd be 5,000, sometimes itd be 80,000. I counted 83,000 on my bedroom floor. Reporter investigators were able to follow the money on franks computers. They found Wire Transfer receipts that added up to more than threequarters of a million dollars. Assistant prosecutor, rick daniel. It sounds hard to believe that frank, the accountant, the meticulous numbers guy, is just throwing around money. And not only throwing around money, but theyre documenting it. Theyre Wire Transfers. Its hard to believe. Right. At first it was all cash. And i think he just kind of got tired of having to go and meet, and once he started with the Wire Transfer, i think he probably realized that, you know, its done. Might as well keep doing it now. And i think he just kept trying to get a solution to his problem by throwing more money at it. Reporter though none of the east texans who testified about getting that money had actually done the job they were paid to do most were charged with conspiracy to commit murder. Still jamie beck and her team wanted to link frank to the men who they believe actually shot nancy, the men in the silver car. First they tried to establish that frank had paid the alleged driver. They played a snippet of the jailhouse call recorded a few weeks before the shooting. And so i basically, you know, gave michael every i said, im all in with you, buddy because i dont know what else to do. I was all in with him. Reporter even more incriminating, prosecutors said phone records proved frank was communicating with the alleged driver the day of the shooting. As for the alleged shooter, the other michael, the prosecution called a witness who testified he confessed to her the night nancy was shot. Jamie beck summed up that testimony. He does a fullout confession. Ive murdered someone. I shot a woman in the forehead in her garage, took her food and her purse, and then we dumped everything on the way back. Reporter both of the michaels pleaded not guilty. Their day in court would come later. As for motive, the prosecutors told the court that was as old as time. Frank had another woman. And this was no casual fling. They presented evidence of franks devotion, the flowers, letters and cards he sent to Suzanne Leontieff when he wasnt with her. Police also discovered frank had spent enormous sums of money on his mistress. I think the figure that he had given suzanne was 1. 9 million. Ultimately we discovered that they had purchased a home together in california. They had purchased a condo in lake tahoe together. He had given her 500,000 in cash. And so its my understanding that shes a dental hygienist, and im not sure what her salary is, but she was certainly living a life of with a lot of money from frank. Reporter the pictures police found of suzanne on franks cell phone show a happy couple. But suzanne had grown tired of being the other woman. She began putting pressure on frank to get a divorce. The police found a letter from frank, dated december 2011, eight months before the shooting, pleading for patience. Reporter one of the lines was all i know to do is to get things done and hope youre still around. What do you think he meant by, to get things done . Well, you would notice he never says divorce in some of the paperwork, never talks about divorce, as far as i know. Suzanne is certainly pressing him to get divorced and to be in california. Reporter so what do you think he meant by, to get things done . I think he meant follow through with killing nancy. Reporter in this text sent a few months before nancys shooting, suzanne wrote, im so sick of being alone. You need to file by this friday or move on. I have waited long enough. Prosecutors said that affair was franks motive. So all eyes were on suzanne when she took the stand. She believed that he was in a loveless marriage. That he was basically separated from his wife but living under the same roof for convenience sake, but in separate bedrooms. Reporter how important was the misstress pz testimony, suzanne . You know, i dont think suzanne had any kind of knowledge about any of this. I dont think she knew that there was a murder for hire plot. I dont think she knew about any association with criminals. I think suzanne fully believed, just like everybody else around frank, they take him at his word and they believe him. Reporter prosecutors told the jury that for a family man like frank, divorce was not an option. But, they argued, murder was. I mean, it didnt have to happen. A divorce was the solution. Reporter frank was with suzanne in california on the day nancy was shot. Even so, he still found time to send an email to his wife. Prosecutor jamie beck read it to the jury in her closing argument. I know you have a busy day today. Because he knows her schedule. Hes provided it to the two michaels. So i will try to call you sometime today. I love you and cant wait to get home to you. Thats sick. That is sick. He wanted to get home to her casket. Thats what he wanted to come home to. Reporter on august 18th, 2014, two years to the day after nancy was shot, the prosecution rested. Now it was the defenses turn to convince the jury that all those east texans were lying and that frank never paid anyone to kill his wife. Coming up you see all this money going out to all these really shady people. He was being blackmailed. The defense comes out swinging. And in its corner, two devoted daughters. I wanted to be there for my dad. Hes not this man that youre talking about. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. 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The rose not treated with dove is dry and brittle. Dove fortifies by nourishing deeply and stops 90 of daily hair damage before it happens. Dove intensive repair. Frank howard was a confident man. Or at least he claimed to be when he spoke to us a few months before his trial began. Did you have anything to do with your wife being shot that day in your garage . No. No, i did not. I absolutely did not. Reporter nevertheless, Defense Attorneys jerry cobb and Ricky Perritt knew they had their work cut out for them when they rose to Frank Howards defense. The state put on a large, large amount of evidence. They showed a lot of money being transferred. They showed the affair. They showed sympathetic pictures of the poor lady shot in the head when shes at the hospital. Reporter powerful images to be sure. But the prosecutions case, they argued, simply didnt make sense. It was really incredible to hear the allegations that a man would have spent the kind of money that they said was spent in order to have someone shot. And particularly in light of the fact that when you saw all the people that were saying he paid them, look at the kind of people they were. Reporter so the first line of defense was dont trust anybody who wears prison garb to court. I just believe that when the jurors look at the case, and they see how these people are liars, theyre criminals, theyre drug users. That they wont lend any credibility to, and if they dont believe those people, they cant convict him for attempted capital murder. You got all these people who supposedly got hundreds of thousands of dollars to kill somebody, and theyre not even being prosecuted. I mean, it makes no sense. Reporter not only that, but, the defense argue youd, some of their stories were just too fantastic to be believed. Take one from Charlie Louderman. He testified that some of Frank Howards cash had come from the middle east in body bags. It was money that literally reeked of death. Some of it had hair with blood stuck to it. Some of it had burn marks on it. And i said, what in the hell is that awful damn smell . And billie looked at me and said, you know thats how were getting that money in here, is on dead bodies coming from kuwait in the caskets. Reporter the defense called that claim outrageous. Just crazy things, crazy. 80,000 or 100,000 in cash coming back in the body cavities of dead soldiers from iraq . I mean, this man had crazy things. Reporter the Defense Attorneys not only challenged the credibility of billie earl and his crew, they told the jurors the real reason frank howard was in contact with the east texas crowd boiled down to one word blackmail. You take a guy whos been a Straight Arrow all of his life, has a great reputation in his hometown, im sure it would bother him if the people at church knew he had an affair, knew he had a girlfriend, knew he went to las vegas, things like that. I think all those things would go into a reason for them to blackmail him and him to pay them money. Reporter his reputation was everything . Sure, and his family. Reporter franks daughter ashley agrees. You see all this money going out to all of these really shady people. You never really see any return. Theres no action. So my belief is that he was being blackmailed. For the affair . I cant say what. My dad was a really generous person. Maybe somewhere in there, you know, it was, hey, give a guy a second chance, help me out. And then it just snowballed into either threatening his family or telling about the affair. I mean, i dont know. So i think it probably started as a generous, you know, give grace to somebody, help another human, and became something way out of his control. Reporter according to the defense, frank stopped paying members of the johnson clan weeks before the shooting. And that, franks attorneys suggested, could be the reason nancy was shot. Do you think that this was payback to frank because the money train had stopped . I believe it was something to get the money going again. I believe, they were sending him a message, you know, youre not going to quit paying us. Very well could be that, and also, you know, they may not have really intended to kill nancy. You know, the guys standing right there, he shoots her in the head. Shes still conscious. If hes going to kill her, why didnt he shoot her again . Reporter frank did not take the stand in his own defense. But all three of the howard children did. Was it hard to take the stand in the trial knowing what was at stake . It definitely was, because, you know, i wanted to be there for my dad. And i wanted to do things and say things that gave a different perspective to hes not that man that youre talking about. Hes imperfect, absolutely. But hes a good person. Reporter you could have been his best weapon, his own children standing behind him. When we say that we support our dad, its not a blind support. Its a well thought out support. And its a reasoned support. And weve been able to separate the feelings about the affair from the feelings about his involvement in this criminal scheme. Reporter in closing, the Defense Attorneys urged jurors to ask themselves one question. Did the prosecutors theory of why and how frank howard plotted his wifes murder make any sense . Where in the world has any evidence been told to you that divorces is unacceptable to mr. Howard . Hes already had a divorce. Hes been married once. Look at the evidence and ask yourself if thats what that means. And i do not believe as reasonable people, you can convict someone on the testimony of the kind of people they brought in here that their house of cards has to be built on, and it starts with Billie Johnson and it ends with Billie Johnson. Because i do not believe thats the kind of evidence in this country that we want to use to convict someone of a crime, to deprive them of their liberty if theyre convicted. Reporter the jury now held Frank Howards fate in its hands. Coming up children by his side. It was my dad all the way. A wife still torn. I tried to keep my heart open. The man who seemed of rock solid character or this cast of characters . Who would the jury believe . Add downy to keep your collars from stretching. Unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth and. Strengthen fibers. So, next time dont halfwash it. Downy and its done. Ancestrydna can pinpoint where your ancestors are from. And the paths they took to a new home. Could their journey inspire yours . 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Theyd once called themselves the Beaver Cleaver family. Close, wholesome and picture perfect. If nothing else, John Franklin howards attempted capital murder trial proved that image was as dated as a black and white rerun. Nancy sat on the prosecution side of the courtroom sounded by her friends and family. And franks supporters sat across the aisle behind the defense table. As for the children, when they were in the courtroom they almost always sat on their dads side of the aisle. For me, i was just very, you know, focused on the goal, focused on what were here for. And it was my dad all the way. Reporter the tension and stress caused by the howard childrens devotion to their father was at times etched on nancys face. Im trying to trying to understand. You have to understand they had continual contact with their father for the past two years. And they, too, wanted to believe that their father was the same man. Reporter after ten days of testimony and a mountain of evidence, jurors might have been expected to be out a while. Has the jury reached a verdict in this case . Reporter but they werent. Yes, we have, your honor. And is that a unanimous verdict of each and every one of the twelve jurors in this case . Yes, it is. Please hand that to the bailiff. Reporter it had taken just 90 minutes of deliberation for the jury to reach a decision. We, the jury, find the defendant, john howard, guilty of the offense of attempted capital murder as alleged in the indictment. Reporter when you heard that word, guilty, whats going through your mind . Just complete heartbreak. But yet, it was also peace because it was finally over. Reporter in a separate hearing frank howard was sentenced to life in prison. My gut reaction is, well, now we have to appeal. Reporter so you didnt even let the guilty process . No, i mean, for me, i mean, that was the plan. Not guilty, we move on. Guilty, we appeal. Theres no, lets all cry and hold hands and be sad because dad is in jail for no. Were going to appeal. Reporter its probably easier to cope that way, i would think. Yeah, at first theres kind of shock. Mmhmm. And then its like, youre just angry. Youre angry that they didnt be as, you know, you dont feel like they got the truth. You may be seated, sir. Reporter in the end, Frank Howards appeals were denied. But even then this case was far from over. Remember the michaels, the two men prosecutors say actually carried out the attack on nancy . In 2015, billie earls nephew michael speck turned on his former cellmate michael lo aran. He testified that Michael Lorance was convicted of being the triggerman. He was sentenced to 60 years in prison. As for the money frank howard used to finance the murder plot and support his lavish lifestyle . Turns out it was stolen from that wealthy contractor that frank once worked tore. Some people might have a hard time wrapping their head around the fact that he was so haphazardly giving money out. Just freely giving it out. The only way i can explain that is when you dont earn the money, when its not from your hard work and efforts, it has no value. As a matter of fact, for the two years i called it his monopoly money. The money didnt have meaning to him other than how he could use it to manipulate people. Reporter in late 2015, an Arbitration Panel determined that frank howard had embezzled more than 6 million from his former boss between 2009 and 2012. Frank was ordered to repay that money with interest. You went into this hoping there was a chance that maybe he didnt call the shots. Right, i did. I tried to keep my heart open. Reporter so you have no doubt in your mind now absolutely. Reporter that frank called the shots on your attempted murder . Absolutely. John called the shots. Reporter almost like an alter ego . Yep. It is. I want to say john howard you missed up, buddy. Reporter perhaps nobody knew john better than the east texas crowd. Charlie louderman in full finger wagging mode says john howard got what he deserved. Youre smart and you hired an idiot to do your dirty work. Reporter charlie says he gr regrets he ever got involved with Billie Johnson and hes remorseful about what happened to nancy. I carried a lot of guilt over her injury with her eye because she just looked like a really happy lady in the pictures to me. And to johns children, im sorry because your dad did it. You know. Theres no getting around it. Reporter but even after hearing the evidence, john and nancys daughters still believed their father was innocent. There are going to be people watching this saying you two girls are delusional. Your dad was found guilty of trying to have your mom killed and here you are supporting your dad. I get that. But i would say those people that think that were delusional have not shared our experiences, they havent sat down and they havent gone to jail, sat behind that glass, picked up that phone and talked to the same man that theyve been talking to for the last 28 years. And you can say all day long, oh, that poor girl, you know. She just wants to support her dad. Lets be very clear. I think that Justice Needs to be served. I dont think it has been. And i think its unfortunate that now were all going to say weve gotten justice for my mom and that man is a terrible human being and the truth is theres no justice for my mom and now theres no justice for my dad. Reporter though the sisters conceded in 2014 that the familys bonds had been strained by this case, they insisted those bonds had not been broken entirely. Do you hope that as time goes on, things can be healed with your mother . Oh, absolutely. Its a very raw time. A big life event happened. A big change happened. So were all having to process what we feel and then come back together and really sort it out. Reporter the future for the Howard Family . We were a Strong Family then. Were going to be a Strong Family in the future. And those two are not going to look the same, but thats okay. Were going to figure it out. Reporter its unclear how Frank Howards daughters feel about their father and mother now. Neither of them responded to datelines request for comment. For her part, nancy says she has forgiven frank and moved on with her life. Shes gone back to work at a law firm as an Administrative Assistant and now goes by her maiden name, nancy shorr. In the spring of 2017 nancy told her story in a book titled the shooting of nancy howard the journey back to shore. Deep in my heart, my heart is broken because i would have loved to have continued being the Beaver Cleaver family. I would have love d to continue being married to frank because i loved that man with all my heart. And that man loved me at some point, but it was obviously a change in who he was and is. Thats all for now. Im lester holt. Thanks for joining us. Next on n. A terror plot. With San Francisco in the crosshairs. The modesto man s deadly plan at pier 39. What we ve learned about him. Andd how he was stopped. And a change for the weekend forecast. We ll have clouds but will there be rain . The new forecast next. Right now at eleven. Terror plot interrupted. San francisco s pier 39 is safe tonight as we learn more right now at 11 00, terror plot interrupted. San franciscos pier 39 is safe tonight as we learn more about the man who wanted to carry out a Christmas Day attack. Good evening and thanks for joining us im terry mcsweeney. Im jessica aguirre. One of the most popular spots in the bay area the center of a terrorist plot. A former marine stands accused of plottin

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