And featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 793 steve and now, here he is, Jimmy Fallon Jimmy oh. [ cheers and applause ] does that make you feel good . That makes me feel so good. I love you right back. Welcome, everybody. Welcome to the tonight show. This is it. [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much for being here. Well, heres what people are talking about. Did you see this . Disneys hall of president s finally added a donald trump robot to the hall of president s. Yeah, hes really making an impact at disney. Today he deported aladdin and he gave Scrooge Mcduck a tax break. [ light laughter ] steve really . Jimmy yeah. [ applause ] unbelievable. Yeah, thats right. They added trump to the hall of president s. You can tell its trumps robot, because putins backstage controlling it. [ laughter and applause ] [ russian accent ] do not go behind the curtain. [ light laughter ] some people are saying the robot doesnt really look like him. I dont know. See for yourself. Here is the real President Trump. And here is the robot. [ laughter and applause ] wait, what . Can we do that again . Can i see the real President Trump . Steve heres the real one. Jimmy the real one. Just take a look. If we can get that thats the real President Trump, and heres the robot right there. [ laughter ] a lot of people are speaking out about the new robot, including trump himself. He said, i am honored to be in the hall of president s, believe me. Then his robot spoke up and said, yer, im hernerred to ber in da herl of prersidernts, berlerv mer then this old statue of Cristiano Ronaldo spoke up and said, can stertues ber in da herl ter . [ laughter and applause ] then this old statue of lucille ball showed up and said, i wanna ger ter i lerv dersney werld and finally, this courtroom sketch of tom brady said, erd rerther ber in da fertberl herl of ferm there you go. They all steve they all spoke up. Jimmy they all had something to say. They all had something to say about this. Steve yeah, all of them. Jimmy thats right. Starting this week trump is going to be part of the show. They actually made a new commercial about the update. Check this out. Disneys hall of president s has long been home to americas greatest leaders, like george washington. I cannot tell a lie. Or abraham lincoln. A house divided against itself cannot stand. And starting today donald j. Trump. God blesh the united shtates. [ laughter ] finally, trump stands besides the greats like adams, madison, and jefferson. Its great to see all the Great Children here with their tiny little hands. Were all born with tiny hands. We have small hands after all come experience the wonder of our nations most inspiring heroes. This is lame. I wanna ride the tea cups. Disneys hall of president s. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy the big story today is that the house passed the gop tax bill. Yep, the senate will follow and trump is expected to sign it into law this week. Which will get awkward when trump says, im busy, have my robot do it. [ laughter and applause ] thats not what he does. Very controversial. In fact, i read that a majority of americans would end up paying more in taxes by the year 2027. Trump said its payback for the majority of americans who voted for hillary clinton. [ laughter ] [ applause ] yeah, a lot of people are upset. In fact, i read that a woman took her top off in the house why protesting the vote. Security escorted her out while trump said, lets hear what she has to say. [ laughter and applause ] i saw that the russias president ial election just began with putin ahead in the polls. Supporters were chanting four more years, four more years. While his opponents were chanting, let me out of trunk, let me out of trunk. Untie me [ applause ] you guys, were just five days away from christmas. Can you believe that . [ cheers and applause ] of course a lot of people a a lot of people will be flying this year. I read that snow globes are subject to the tsas liquid ban. Did you know that . [ audience groans ] which would explain things when you see someone at security chugging their snow globes. [ laughter and applause ] i got to finish it before i get on then when i get through ill go buy another snow globe. [ light laughter ] thats how they get you, man. They make you buy a snow globe then you get through, they take it away then you buy another snow globe. [ light laughter ] finally, you guys, i read that madison, wisconsin was just named the most compassionate city in america. When asked how they felt about it they said, really sad for the cities that lost. [ laughter and applause ] we have a great show tonight. Give it up for the roots [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats a great song. Steve do you get a piece of that . Jimmy christmastime is here. I do not get a piece of that song. But i did write that song with horatio sanz wrote that song. Steve yes. Jimmy horatio is one of the funniest dudes ever. We were roommates at snl, office mates. And someone got me a little backpacker guitar for christmas. You know, those little ones that you would backpack with. I dont know what that means. But anyways, little tiny guitar. I loved it. And we were just goofing off and he was like yeah, and then i was goofing off. We had a keyboard or something. In our office somewhere like a a casio that had a built in like so i would play that part, and then he would do his solo and it was the lamest song ever. [ laughter ] horatio wrote lyrics to it, and we performed it i think we probably performed like ten times on snl or Something Like that. Now people are doing covers of it. Like, i heard it the other day and i was like, i wrote that song. [ light laughter ] steve that sounds familiar. Jimmy that was my song. Steve shut up, old man. Jimmy shut up, grandpa yeah. Steve right arm, sonny. Jimmy i dont believe in christmas anymore. [ light laughter ] and then i benjamin buttoned back to my normal self. Steve right, right. [ light laughter ] jimmy guys, we have a great show tonight. From the new movie Pitch Perfect 3, rebel wilson is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] i love rebel wilson she can sing. Steve yeah. Jimmy shes funny, she can act, and she can sing. Rebel and i are going to were gonna have some fun with some holiday songs later in the show. Should be cool. Plus hes such a funny, talented guy. From new show, theres. Johnny and season two of Stranger Things, he is crushing it. Paul reiser is dropping by. Steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] come on jimmy and weve got holiday music from gwen stefani [ cheers and applause ] steve oh, my gosh, i love that album. Jimmy guys, we have exactly four shows left before we go on christmas break, which means its time for that beloved tonight show tradition. It is time for 12 days of christmas sweaters. [ cheers and applause ] 12 days of christmas sweaters four days left jimmy thats right, every show between now and Christmas Well be giving one lucky audience member a ravishing christmas sweater from the countdown to christmas cabinet. Now since there are four shows left, lets open door number four. [ drumroll ] hold on. [ light laughter ] got a little zipper is that a little zipper you got there in your sleeve . Yeah, i keep important things there. If you want jimmy can i see what youve got in there . Chad says hi. [ laughter ] i swear chad says that every time i see him. Jimmy all right. [ laughter ] door number four. [ drum roll ] here we go go. Oh, boy [ cheers and applause ] oh, boy wow. [ cheers and applause ] big santa big santa, little santa. A big tall skinny santa, and little tall skinny santa. Very interesting. Blinking lights, and of course little special deal on the back. [ audience ohs ] a tall skinny tree. Lets see whos going home with tonights sweater. Everyone look at your seat number. If i call your number, i need you to jump up and let me know where you are. Quest, can i get a drumroll, please . [ drum roll ] we havent picked anywhere from this section. Weve gotta spread the love right there. This section. Come on. Do you feel it . [ cheers and applause ] 317 [ cheers ] popular. Hey hey hey, how are you doing . Come on over. Oh, my goodness. This is a popular section. How are you doing . Im good. Jimmy what is your name and where are you from . Its brianna smith. Im from birmingham, alabama. Jimmy brianna smith, im so happy youre here. [ cheers ] thank you. Jimmy do you have anything like this . I do not. I definitely dont. Jimmy you do not, no. And do you see do you happen to be the inside, this is just gorgeous. [ light laughter ] oh, wow. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy so you know youre stylin even on the inside, you know what im saying . Would you like to try it on . I mean, yeah. Jimmy yeah, get rid of that jacket. You wont need jackets anymore. This will take care of it. Sweaters on sweaters. Jimmy yeah, there you go. Yes. Jimmy i think its going to work. [ cheers and applause ] oh, its fantastic. Look how great you look so good jimmy you look fantastic hey, congratulations. And thank you very much. I appreciate it. Brianna, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] thanks again to our lucky audience member. Stick around. Well be right back with rebel wilson. Come on back, everybody [ cheers and applause ] my wish was a clubhouse, but we call it the wish house. People visit National Parks from all over the world. Food tastes better when you dont have to cook it. He was just supposed to be my dog. I dont know why. vo were proud that, on behalf of our owners, the subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen Million Dollars in just ten years. Get 0 financing for 63 months on select models. Plus well donate 250 to charity. 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Thats one samsung for you and one to gift. Just in time to finish off your list. Tmobile. Holiday twogether. Well its a perfect nespresso hold on a second. Orge. Mmm. [mel torme sings comin home baby] hey there. Want a lift . Where are we going . No dont tell me. Let me guess. Have a nice ride. How far would you go for coffee thats a cup above . I brought you nespresso. Nespresso. What else . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our first guest is a a very funny and talented actor who you can see in the highly anticipated new movie, Pitch Perfect 3, which is in theaters this friday. Everyone please welcome rebel wilson [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy oh, my goodness. Rebel wilson. Welcome back to the show. Great to see you. Oh, thanks, jimmy. Its so its so good to be back in new york. Jimmy right . You feel the energy and the Christmas Spirit . [ cheers and applause ] yes. Jimmy last time you were on the show we had a discussion about a boat. You bought a boat. Oh, yes. Jimmy and you thought it was kind of a for christmas i bought myself a boat. Now i hate that boat. Jimmy you hate it. Its slimy. Like its its covered in slime. Because i think youre supposed to clean it . Jimmy yeah. Of course, you have to clean the boat. But thats a lot of work, jimmy. [ light laughter ] i didnt know that. Jimmy yeah, but i want to give it back. [ laughter ] jimmy you didnt know it was gonna get dirty . Does anyone want a boat . Jimmy you buy things, you have to clean them. Yeah. Yeah, i know. Jimmy the outside as well. And then the last time i went out on it, i had to get rescued by maritime rescue. [ laughter ] because i had my grandfather on board. Because i was, like, trying to show off to my grandpa, like ive made it now. Like, ive got a boat. Jimmy i got a slimy i got a slimy boat. Yeah. And then the seas got all choppy. And i couldnt park the boat. And i attempted for three hours [ light laughter ] to park this boat. And so we had to get rescued. Jimmy how far away from the dock were you . We were like that far. [ laughter ] so maritime rescue was not happy with us. Jimmy no. They were really rude about it. [ light laughter ] yeah. Jimmy well, they were rude about it. But they have a right to be rude. A little bit, right . Yeah, they said, get off the harbor. [ light laughter ] and im like, all right. Im trying. Jimmy get off the harbor, were trying. Just trying to park my boat, man. Whats the problem . Yeah. Jimmy i want to talk to you about this. Because first of all, congrats, Pitch Perfect 3. Rumored this is the last. Thanks. Jimmy of the series. But we dont know. I mean, who knows. Jimmy yeah. Well see. Jimmy yeah. I hope its not, but everything ive seen ive seen you crying on set. Yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] jimmy well, im assuming it might be. I mean, yeah, it might be. Jimmy no, no, i dont want you to cry now. The last movie i ever do jimmy. Jimmy no, no. Thats not what im saying at all. [ laughter ] i might never get hired again. Jimmy yeah, right. Although ive shot two other movies. [ light laughter ] theyll be out next year. Jimmy you dont have to worry about that. Yeah. But you do a lot of action. I do. Jimmy theres a lot of explosions in this movie. Yeah. I know looking at me, you think she doesnt look like a a fighter. [ light laughter ] she looks like shes good at sitting on couches. [ laughter ] its true, but jimmy no, i didnt think that. I can i have ninja skills. [ light laughter ] jimmy you do . I do. Yeah, i have mad ninja skills. Jimmy now how do you know this . I just diagnosed myself. [ laughter ] jimmy but did you get any ninja training at all . Okay, when i was in 18, i went in an allstar martial arts freefighting tournament. Yeah, i trained for six months. I really liked that show, you know, teenage mutant ninja turtles. [ cheers ] as a kid. Jimmy yeah. That was awesome. And i think i thought it was going to be fun like that. Jimmy the cartoons . Yeah, i dont know. [ light laughter ] i was young and stupid then. And so okay. So, anyway. So i trained for six months, and in the first round, the competition was held in johannesburg, south africa. And i versed a girl from soweto in the first round. And she was, like, built. Jimmy yeah. And then were fighting and doing it. And i was having fun at first. And then the referee blew his whistle and it was the end of the first round. So i went to go back to my corner, and as i turned and looked away she went. [ audience oohs ] and smacked me right in the middle of my face. And then i started crying. [ light laughter ] like hysterically crying. And i said i want to quit the fight. Because i it was just a a joke. I didnt mean to be here. And then [ light laughter ] and then my sensei said, you cant quit. It would bring shame on the dojo. [ light laughter ] so he said the quickest way to get out is just to just lose three rounds. So i had to let the girl hit me, like clear punches three more times. And i lost the fight. And then i cried for three hours straight. [ laughter ] ive never been in a fight since. Jimmy no, which is good. But then when i read the script for Pitch Perfect 3, and it says, like, fat amy suddenly becomes an action hero, i thought. Okay, ive got it. I remember [ laughter ] i remember the skills. Jimmy some of the moves and the emotion behind it. Yeah. And the stuntmen arent actually allowed to hit you. Like you can occasionally hit them. Jimmy of course not. You can. Jimmy no you cant even hit them. You can. Jimmy no, they dont want you to hit them. No, no. No, i try not to. Jimmy yeah. But when i did, they said it didnt hurt that much. [ light laughter ] jimmy exactly. One guy described as like a a kiss when i hit him. When i accidentally hit him. Jimmy a little ninja kiss. Yeah. Jimmy because now do you always do your own stunts . Or are you not really a yeah. Jimmy i mean, you ive got the bruises to jimmy but are they more youve done more comedies that ive seen you in. Yeah. Im mainly known for comedy, but now hopefully for action movies as well. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah. Yeah. Consider Pitch Perfect 3 an audition for my action career. Jimmy thats what im talking about. Yeah, thats what i want i want to see more of that. [ cheers and applause ] so you brought this clip where youre in a scene with these attack dogs. Mmhmm. Jimmy and its not this is something you brought with you just to show exclusively to our audience. This is from my iphone to you guys. [ light laughter ] jimmy but i want you to set it up and explain it. Okay. This is my birthday. Jimmy because this really is truly one of the best things ive ever seen. This is my birthday, and they said, rebel. You know what would be hilarious if you wear 120pound suit and get attacked by two german shepherds. [ laughter ] and i was like, how does that fit in with singing competitively . Jimmy in america, thats how we celebrate birthdays. Yes. [ laughter ] and so i got into the suit, and just willingly got attacked by dogs. Jimmy but theyre trained dogs . Actor dogs. Thats what they said. [ laughter ] jimmy i mean how would you even know if theyre not trained dogs . Like, i dont know what i would do. Because they attacked to kill me. Jimmy so youre wearing this god you have to see this scene. I swear this is shall we show the clip . Jimmy let me show the clip. Heres behind the scenes, look at rebel being attacked by dogs on the set of Pitch Perfect 3. Real life you guys. Jimmy this is real. [ screaming ] [ laughter ] [ screaming ] [ cheers and applause ] its real. Jimmy oh, my goodness. You want to know what the best part is though, jimmy . Jimmy absolutely, yeah. The best part is they dont even put it in the movie. [ laughter ] jimmy my gosh, its cut out of the movie . I know. It was cut out. Yeah. Jimmy oh my goodness. So they have a fiveminute extended scene on the dvd of me getting attacked. Jimmy it really, really, really made me laugh. Yeah. Jimmy i heard they did like squeeze it into the end of the movie. Because you see theres a bunch of different yeah, its in the credits. It made it to the credits. Jimmy but thats worth it right there. That is one of the funny things. I love that you brought that with you. I want to Pitch Perfect 3. Do you want to set it up . Is there any setting up in this one . I mean okay. I turn action hero in the movie. Jimmy yeah. We had to do something different. Its the third one. Jimmy there you go. Thats good. So its basically the bellas are on a uso tour to support the troops. And we it was really fun. Although we filmed it all in atlanta, georgia. Though its set in europe. [ light laughter ] this movie stuff. Jimmy its movie stuff, absolutely. Probably its cheaper to do it that way. Jimmy but john lithgow is your dad. Yeah, john lithgow is my dad. He comes back. Jimmy we love john lithgow. Hes the greatest. Yeah, oh. Hes i mean he just won an emmy. And then also he plays my dad. [ laughter ] jimmy maybe hell win an oscar for this. You never know. I dont think so, but [ laughter ] maybe. Maybe. Jimmy you never know. He had to do my australian accent. Which is actually very, very difficult to try to replicate. Jimmy it really is. I dont know how to do one. Yeah, he only had three days to learn my accent. Jimmy is it hard to do, like, an american accent . Yeah, because okay. For example when im talking australian, i dont actually use much of my face muscles. I just so id just be like, hi, how is it going. Like that. But if i talk american, i go, hi there, how are you . [ laughter and applause ] thats a lot more. Its a lot more facial muscles. Jimmy oh my goodness. Yeah. Jimmy rebel wilson. I want to show everyone a clip. Heres rebel wilson in Pitch Perfect 3. Take a look at this. You know were always going to be there for each other. Were family. Becca. Dont. I swear to god dont make that face. If you cry, im going to cry. Im not gonna do this with you today, so im not doing it. I hate that face. Im not. Dont make that face. This is my regular face. You know how much i love you. You just get out there and you crush it, okay . You crush it so hard that your nips tingle a bit. [ light laughter ] [ talking over each other ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy rebel wilson, everybody rebel and i are doing something fun after the break. Stick around. Its going to be good. [ cheers and applause ] theres no one id rather. Hit the road with. No one id rather have dinner and a movie with. No one id rather lean on. Being in love is an amazing thing. Being in love with your best friend. Is everything. Ever us one diamond for your best friend. One for your true love. For the one woman in your life whos both. Ever us. Available at kay, jared and zales. Hot pockets, are exactly what a hungry boy wants in a snack. Premium pepperoni. Real cheese. And that buttery garlic crust. Theyre literally stuffed full of deliciousness. Nothing satisfies like 100 real cheese and 10 grams of protein. ding hot pockets something inside me has always been there. But now its awake. The force is yours. The last jedi ar stickers only on the google pixel camera. Fa la la la la with la la. Of h lly, oh when you walk by every night talking sweet and looking fine. Tis the season to be jolly. Fa la la la la. Oohh. Im so into you. What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight. Its just a sweet, sweet fantasy bab. Its time for the holidays. Holla back holla hey. Hurry in to old navy for up to 75 off the entire store. Get last minute gifts for just 3, 4, and 5 bucks at old navy. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back. We are here with rebel rebel rebel rebel wilson right there. [ cheers and applause ] now, rebel, you of course sing in the Pitch Perfect movies, and since christmas is less than a week away, i thought itd be fun you and i performed some classic holiday songs. But theres a catch. Yeah . What . Jimmy to mix things up a a bit, we fed these songs into Google Translate. [ laughter ] and so were going to perform the jumbled lyrics right now. Its time for Google Translate songs. Here we go. Google translate songs [ cheers and applause ] whoo. Whoo. That pumped me up. Jimmy right . Yeah. Yeah. Jimmy now if youve ever used Google Translate you know its not always perfect. For example, when translated to romanian and back, the tonight show starring jimmy fallon becomes tonight the play jimmy fallon played. [ laughter ] so we did the same thing with song lyrics. Some people have done this online. Its super fun. Rebel, youre my guest. So youre up first. Heres the special microphone. Whoa jimmy youll be singing the Google Translate version [ laughter ] okay. Jimmy of deck the halls which when translated is called the homes are covered. [ laughter ] okay. Jimmy roots. Lets give it a go. The homes are covered with the bush par alar alar alar alar its the happy weather event par alar alar alar alar let us wear untroubled garments par alar alar alar alar ancient sparrows fight with carol par alar alar alar alar [ cheers and applause ] jimmy who are you . Who are you . Oh, my gosh it is my turn. Those lyrics should be the lyrics. Jimmy that is fantastic. Yeah. Jimmy oh, maybe, yeah. Yeah, we can change it. Jimmy they will be these are future holiday classics. Yeah. May or not. [ laughter ] jimmy i will be performing the Google Translated version of the holiday classic jingle bells which is now called bells make sounds. [ laughter ] escaping from ice a horse jumps on his foot we compete in grass he laughs at options look around the ball enhancing the ghosts breath is this fun to sing a song while having a nightmare oh bells makes sounds bells make sounds bells always make sounds its funny that its a walk in the seal of a horse hey bells make everybody bells make sounds bells always make sounds its funny that its a walk in the seal of a horse [ cheers and applause ] jimmy classics. These are holiday classics. Yeah. Jimmy these are soon to be or not yeah. Jimmy holiday classics. It is time for our last one. Oh. [ laughter ] jimmy so this one i thought, lets do a duet. Yeah, i mean, it would be a a waste not to. Jimmy right, i mean [ laughter ] seeing as were both here. Jimmy were both here. Its christmas. Jimmy it is christmas, come on. Yeah. Jimmy this is lets do it. Jimmy walking in a winter wonderland. All right. Jimmy but well be singing the translated version, which is called i ran through the land of cold unknowns. [ laughter ] all right, hold on a second. Roots okay. Jimmy can you get ready for this one . The car yells can you hear it my road shines on the big pond it looks quite good we feel good today i ran through the land of cold unknowns in the desert we can see the cafe the forecast predicts im circular we make mr. Carling very happy yes until his knees are tearing up tearing up later ask me for advice and we start to be asleep to achieve piece of mind we arent scared of fights i ran through the land of cold unknowns [ cheers and applause ] jimmy rebel wilson, everybody rebel wilson Pitch Perfect 3 is in theaters this friday. Stick around, well be right back with paul reiser, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ] at tmobile when you holiday twogether, great things come in twos. Like tmobile and netflix. Right now when you get an unlimited family plan, netflix is included. Wow tmobile covers your netflix subscription, so you can catch the hottest new movies and shows all year long on us. Amazing and its your last chance to buy any of these hot new Samsung Galaxy phones and get a 2nd one free. Thats one samsung for you and one to gift. Just in time to finish off your list. Tmobile. Holiday twogether. Nosy neighbor with a glad bag, full of trash. What happens next . Nothing. Only glad has febreze to neutralize odors for 5 days. Guaranteed. Even the most perceptive noses wont notice the trash. Be happy. Its glad. I met bruce i saw on his lapel ches got a purple heart. E bruce we started talking about the service. I outrank him. chris [laughs] yeah. Meals on wheels reaches so many people. Its impactful beyond anything ive ever done in my life. bruce the meals and his friendship really mean, means a lot to me. vo through the subaru share the love event, weve helped deliver over onepoint seven million meals to those in need. Get zero percent financing for 63 months on select models, plus well donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. Time here. Its our first time here. Jimmy with me. Yes. Jimmy we were on late night together. Is that we jimmy once or twice. Have pictures of us in different places. [ laughter ] there was some evidence. Jimmy are you in new york city just for press or are you here to celebrate . You know, we im here this week for press, but then next week we come back and its a tradition in my family. We always come to new york for the last week because we think where would be the most crowded place at the most time busy time of the year. [ laughter ] jimmy thats so smart. Yeah. Jimmy yeah. And i like to walk around and go, where where the rest of the world must be empty. [ laughter ] jimmy everyone is here. Theyre all here. Jimmy everyone is here. Do you enjoy the holidays or because its a new slate. Its not. Its just another tuesday, but you think [ laughter ] you know, you think were going to start over, and you get the calendar. That used to be the tradition. Youd get the calendar and its all pristine and empty and you think i can do such great things next year. I wont, but im just thinking you could. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah, its a blank its a blank slate. It is a blank slate. And then, of course, the first thing you put in it is all its like january 14th, dentist appointment, you know thats [ laughter ] jimmy thats the big thing youre going to do this year, yeah. Yeah, then you go, its not going to be a great year, i can tell. Jimmy yeah. [ laughter ] but now, so but now you theyre all on the phones. And so you can scroll to any month. You scroll ahead, right, to the next year. I made a terrible mistake. I kept scrolling. You go far enough into the future and you go, oh, im definitely dead by here. E [ laughter ] you know, you dont want to see like, i have no dentist appointments at all. [ laughter ] jimmy you dont even have a a dentist nothing. Now i wish i had a cleaning or h something. I had aor [ laughter ] you know, i was like, oh, tuesday dead, wednesday still dead. Tuesday wednesday still dead. Dead, dead, dead, dead dead, dead, dead, dead. [ laughter ] jimmy oh, my god. [ laughter ] its veryg. Jim jimmy oh, my god. St its ony its very depressing. Yeah jimmy at least its on your calendar. De yeah. E me. Oh, i got it. [ jimmy yeah. My yeah, so re a n death will not surprise me. Its in there. Im [ light laughter ] jimmy but you were youre a new yorker originally, right . Im from here. Now im there. Out in jimmy yeah, youre in yok california. Jimmy ye but at the moment im back e. Here. Ng on. Jimmy how was are you close to the fires . How is everything out in california . You know, theres jimmy yeah. Im its been a tough time. G is , earthquakes, they oing on. Lik and im im see, my whole thing is any emergency, like, you know, earthquakes, they always tell you what to do, and i make a note, and then i do it wrong. G. Wrong. [ light laughter ] like, the first time i was out e there, there was an earthquake. And i the only thing i knew,n earthquake, get yourself to a a doorway, stand in a doorway. Jimmy yes. We were taping a show. And we had a fake apartment e w and we had a fake apartment with a fake door. With a fake door. Earthquake, i ran to the fake earthquake, i ran to the fake door. [ door. Laughter ] jimmy so you were kind of [ laughter ]]doing it right. And everybodys running jimmy so you were kind of goinoing . Jackass. I said, its a door. Doing it right. You have to besa no, a real door. And everybodys running out i said, well, they going, what are you doing . That. Jimmy yeah, that jackass. Not in th [ laughter ] yes. And so now so and th i said, its a door. Time to yo you have to be they said, wc this time. No, a real door. Ey said, so get ready to i said, well, they didnt say tell you take that. E three thin jimmy yeah, thats not in gl the rules. [ laughter ] yes. And so now so and they y o tell you anytime to youre going evacuate you have to th be es, tions we had to actually be ready y this time. They said, so get ready to go. Oure goin we didnt have to go, but they tell you take ats wha the three things they always nta tell you to take, take clothes, jimmy thats right. Right, your photo albums. That because if youre going to start your life over thats from scratch, thats what you want underwear, lipitor and pictures of when you were thinner. [ laught thats what you need. Er ] [ laughter ] you know. So you go, yeah, the house is they s gone, but man, look, even ts ap thats not a good picture. B [ laughter ] and but and they say it, a a then they say it like its a simple thing, grab the photo album. But theres more than one, and then you go, oh, you know what, theres the shoebox es we filled with pictures we didnt. Jimmy because you didnt organize those photos, yeah. The put in the album. T. So you got to grab that. And frames f jimmy because you didnt ro organize those photos, yeah. Paie then you got to collect it. So downstairs theres a big thing. With pictures and frames from when we painted. We never put them back la so youre grabbing that. 14,000 [ light laughter ] now you got 14,000 then you have to start making decisions, because you cant take them all. Jimmy you cant take every h photo. No right, so you stand there [ going, all right, no just the cousins lose the cousins. [ laughter ] the cousins are gone. Just the kids jimmy we gotta get out of here, guys. Come on. R 30th birthday . Look at that. [ laughter ] and then you start reminiscing,. That was her you know, theres you hear i. So you dont want that to be sirens, and you go, woo, was that your 30th birthday . Look at that. [ laughter ] jimmy wow. That was her in the you know. So you dont want that to be er ] your last conversation. Thing yo what was her husbands name . U was it dave . Immy wh [ laughter ] thats the last thing you heard. Jimmy what was her husbands name . Lets talk about some of your rr projects here. Man, oh, d congratualtions. You know i love you but youre on Stranger Things 2. I sure. A jimmy and oh, my god. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy this is man, oh, man and congratualtions. You know i love you but youre on Stranger Things 2. E bigges i am. Wow. Jimmy and oh, my god. Show o [ cheers and applause ] oh. Jimmy the biggest show. We the biggest show on tv. Wow. Jimmy the biggest show out there and you just got nominated for a s. A. G. Award. So congratulations. Thank you. We got nominated for the [ cheers and applause ] yes. We were nominated as an ensemble. Jimmy yep. Share which yeah, it brings it down for me a bit, to have to share it with the kids, you know. S. And [ la [ laughter ] im tired of them, you know, ug hanging onto my coattails. Hter ] you know. Jimmy aren [ laughter ] you know. Jimmy arent they great, those kids . N oh, my god. Show. Talented and so nice. I loved them when they were on and your show. Theyre kind of scary. Theyre so talented and so reamn nice. Inute they s and theyre kind of scary good they go, hey, thats mywa like, theyre screaming and y. Then the minute they say cut and theyr they go, hey, thats my milky way. [ laughter ]theyre back to sc i go, how do you do that . And theyre fighting over candyy because they rea and they go, action, and are i for a scream or a cry ing. O i go, how do you do that . Jimmy yeah, really. Because they really are kids. Yeah, i need like a month to. Prepare for a scream or a cry but they theyre just good. Jimmy they just go in and out and just do that. T. Well, congratulations on that. T. Yes, its very cool and apparently people have heard of it. Jimmy yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] its a very popular show. Jimmy its a popular show. R yes. There jimmy well, lets get into. Theres. Johnny got to go to hung there. Jimmy yeah, exactly. So theres. Johnny er thats on hulu. E boactually. Jimmy yeah. You got to go to hulu. What ye jimmy 74. Yea and its about the tonight show before you were born, actually. T even what year were you born . N. Jimmy 74. Hter ] old youre not. Yeah, this is 1972. Bu you werent even born. T no, thi Johnny Carson. Thats how old youre not. With [ laughter ]hnld not have es. Jimmy i would not have this job. Jimmy but no, this is Johnny Carson. N. Without Johnny Carson, i would not have yes. Jimmy i would not have this job. And we all grew up watching johnny. And so this is a show, it takes place behind the scenes of the tonight show but we have . Actual footage. Ning we use, john the clips of the show. Jimmy really . Playin so whenever theyre running around, like, thats whats e ai being filmed. Cool so theres nobody playing g funa a johnny, but its in the air. And its this really cool but fun its i mean, its a a fictionalized story but it looks real because theres johnny. Y. Jimmy i hear thats how we got the name, ye frankly, we went, oh, theres d johnny. A great cast, and jimmy yeah, i hear you, yeah. Ys freddy de cordov do y and a great cast, and tony danza plays freddy de cordova. Do you remember freddy . Fr jimmy oh, freddy de Cordova Freddy was pr freddy was johnnys longtime ol. And i dont know what he did producer, who was just like oldschool hollywood. And i dont know what he did exactly. It said producer. Ac as far as i knew, his job was he walked in the dressing room when you were a guest and hed come and go how are you guest come and go how are you doing . D that was it. T. Doing . And and then he walked out. [ laughter ]then he walked out. [ laughter ] jimmy and you go, i want that job. Jim want whoa, i dont know what he did, but he was good at it. Jimmy yeah. Jim i always felt like whatever h service that is, ive been atse serviced. Ive be jimmy wow. En [ light laughter ] ] st a schmoozer but hmoozer but ] tony danza played that and jane l tony danza played that and who aclson. Jimmy yeah. And its this fictionalized worl jane levy, who is this great actress and ian nelson. D ds sor of finding themselves in jimmy yeah. And its this fictionalized is when the show moved out there. Yo world about two young kids sort. Jimmy thats right and of finding themselves in comil exactly, the which is when c. The show moved out there. You moved it back. Jimmyught back here. It just hit me and you jimmy thats right and look how were coming full circle. Jimmy exactly, the the tonight show started here wow. Jimmy and we brought it back here. It just hit me and you id brought it back here. Jimmy well, please. Ery wow. He jimmy and here we are with you. D he but youve youve done ana Johnny Carson, right . For the s i did yeah, i was on ia was on a lot. M glad he was very he was very supportive of comics. And he always did anytime ait a comedian was on for the first in that good time he always said, im glad d youre in a good mood tonight. Uld trick you. And the ick. And you go audience is thinking, im not in that good of a mood. Jimmy hed just trick you. S nice to and we did it you know, we he would trick you. H and you go, ill be in a good mood. Pany, wh because johnny told us. Ich gaccs so, yeah, so he was always veryh nice to me. Is footage. And we did it you know, we partnered with his company, the carson company, which gave us access to all his footage. Jimmy all the family and theyre very so they trusted me and they knew that we held johnny in great regard. And its really its really t special and people go every time somebody sees it, they go, thats not what i expected. Ink ev i said, thats what i told you. Mber who carso jimmy i think everyone n wa and even if should watch it because you kno everyone should remember who onn Johnny Carson was and know d s and even if you know nothing about johnny you dont need to because its its a good show without that. Nz jimmy i want to show a er in. S tonight show theres. Johnny on hulu. Take a look. Heres tony danza as Johnny Carsons tonight show producer in good morning, doll face. Freddy. Theres. Johnny on hulu. Take a look. Bumpeinto good morning, doll face. Freddy. Bumped into your father last night at the polo lounge with gregory peck, where your father was. Johnny was alas with my wife and a remarkably uninteresting couple my wife knows from, you know, not actually sure who these people were. And whos this . A new courtship . No, no, no. This is hes just helping out for the day. Wonderful. Wonderful. Okay. Well, in any case, your father looks splendid, and i told him you were doing a bangup job here, so lets not make a liar out of me now. Carry on. Fred de cordova, executive producer. He smells really good. A rose cologne and a steady flow of gin. Jimmy paul reiser, everybody. Check out theres. Johnny on hulu. Strangers things 2 on netflix. Well be back with music from gwen stefani. Paul reiser, once again. [ cheers and applause ] at petsmart, were so close to donating 60 million meals to pets in need. That definitely feels good with your support, we provide meals for pet shelters and food banks to feed hungry pets across the country. This holiday season, buy any bag of dog or cat food at petsmart. Any brand, any size and well give a meal to a pet in need. 60 million meals thats so much food. Petsmart for the love of pets. Now it just needs a tv we can just order one on target. Com and pick it up in the store. Easy you got this . Can you add a vacuum to that order . Order online at target. Com and pick up in store. 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Youre up what if aunt joy wants the new iphone . You make this your final offer ask for it on verizon. Its the most awarded network ever. Thats why more people count on it. Id like a giant singing rabbit in a rocket ship, please. Shes a shrewd businesswoman. vo give the gift of iphone 8 and get one on us with verizon unlimited. Only on the best network. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy her new holiday album you make it feel like christmas debuted at number one on the top holiday albums chart. Performing last christmas give it up for gwen stefani, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] ooh la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la last christmas i gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away this year to save me from tears ill give it to someone special special last christmas i gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away this year to save me from tears ill give it to someone special special once bitten and twice shy i keep my distance but you still catch my eye tell me baby do you recognize me well its been a year it doesnt surprise me Merry Christmas i wrapped it up and sent it away with a note saying i love you i meant it now i know what a fool ive been but if you kissed me now i know youd fool me again last christmas i gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away this year to save me from tears ill give it to someone special special a crowded room friends with tired eyes im hiding from you and your soul of ice my god i thought you were someone to rely on me i guess i was a shoulder to cry on a face of a lover with a fire in her heart a girl under cover but you tore me apart now ive found a real love youll never fool me again last christmas i gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away this year to save me from tears ill give it to someone special special a face of a lover with a fire in her heart a girl under cover but you tore me apart ill give it to someone ill give it to someone special ooh la la la la la la ill give it to someone special [ cheers and applause ] jimmy gwen stefani, everybody. You make it feel like christmas is out now. Well be right back, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy my thanks to rebel wilson [ cheers and applause ] paul reiser, gwen stefani [ cheers and applause ] and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for late night with seth meyers. Thank you for watching. Have a great night. Hope to see you tomorrow. Byebye, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] announcer from 30 Rockefeller Plaza in new york, its late night with seth meyers. Tonight seth macfarlane. Host of movie night, karlie kloss. Music from seth macfarlane. Featuring the 8g band with fred armisen. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. Seth good evening. Im seth meyers. This is late night. How is everybody doing tonight . [ cheers and applause ] that is fantastic to hear. In that case, lets get to the news. The house passed a republican tax bill today, which was great news for everyone from the super wealthy all the way down to the thats it. [ laughter ] disneyworlds hall of president s

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