[ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] democrats last night won the governorships in virginia and new jersey. Or as fox news reported, are emojis turning kids gay . [ laughter and applause ] last night, danica roem became virginias first openly transgender person elected to the house of delegates. [ cheers and applause ] defeating robert marshal, a conservative republican who wrote a controversial antilgbt bathroom bill. So bad news, robert. She did get to choose her own bathroom, and she chose the one in your old office. [ cheers and applause ] President Trump tweeted today that quote, noko has interpreted americas past restrain as weakness. This would be a fatal miscalculation. Do not underestimate us and do not try us. Strong words except for noko. [ light laughter ] youre trying to talk about an existential threat to the world. Dont make it sound like a cool new york neighborhood. [ light laughter ] my friend grayson just got a loft in noko. Hes opening a hot sauce museum. [ laughter and applause ] President Trump arrived in china today. Its so great to be home, said his tie. [ laughter and applause ] President Trump and first lady melania attended an opera performance with president xi and his wife today in beijings forbidden city. Man, it makes me so happy to know that trump had to sit and suffer through a Chinese Opera tonight. [ laughter and applause ] that is his nightmare. I really hope hillarys backstage right now living the life he wants to be living. Eating a big mac and watching a knicks game just to rub it in. [ cheers and applause ] apple recently revealed that the most popular emoji used by English Speaking texters is the crying laughing face, while the least popular face is still ted cruz. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] and finally, a volunteer santa claus was recently arrested in new jersey when officials found he had a crack pipe and empty bags of cocaine. [ audience ohs ] [ light laughter ] cocaine that was supposed to be for the children. [ laughter and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a fantastic show for you tonight. [ cheers and applause ] her book, what happened, which i believe is about last years super bowl and how [ light laughter ] a big lead was blown, is out now. Hillary Rodham Clinton is here tonight, you guys [ cheers and applause ] and from daddys home 2, our friend will ferrell is back on the show, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] so youre here on a really big night. Last night saw the first major elections of the trump era and democrats won big, trouncing republicans in new jersey and virginia. For more on this its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth thats right. Democrats had major victories in the governors races in new jersey and virginia last night, which means its cool to be a democrat again. Right new new jersey [ cheers and applause ] isnt that right, new new jersey governor, phil murphy . [ laughter and applause ] seth oh, my god. Democrats are such nerds. He looks like he just won a chess meet. [ light laughter ] but hey, at least new jersey finally has a governor who can catch air. [ audience ohs ] [ applause ] the democrats can be forgiven a little, awkward enthusiasm, because they had spent the last two weeks absolutely freaking out over the governors race in virginia, where it seemed like republican ed gillespie was gaining ground on Democrat Ralph Northam by running a trump inspired race baiting campaign. Pundits the day before the race were already gloomy. Like this panel on morning joe during which, Mika Brzezinski could not contain her panic. Were gonna go around the table now. Oh, no. Elections tomorrow. Let me just start with this question. I dont know. Does anybody here think that the democrats are going to win the governorship in virginia tomorrow . I dont know. Does anybody think and im alarmed that this is a question. What about you . [ talking over each other ] and is it the Donna Brazile stuff, what is turning people at the last second . Do you think ed gillespie or northam wins . It doesnt look like northam wins. Oh, my god. [ laughter ] seth you got to love how mika sounds in that clip, like she just heard some dirty gossip about a friend while holding a glass of pinot grigio. [ laughter ] oh, my god, with the pool boy . So even before the results came in last night, democrats were certain they didnt have a chance. Which of course is how you know they actually had a chance. [ light laughter ] they won, but at least the democrats were wrong again. [ light laughter ] in fact, democrats robbed a victory in several states, first in new jersey where murphy, the democrat, overwhelmingly won the race to replace gop governor chris christie. Christie is so unpopular in new jersey, that on election day he found himself bickering with a voter on the street over a local issue. Merging a township and a borough after he cast his ballot. Anything else . Can i ask you a question . Sure maam, why not . Well, i live in my question to you is why didnt you merge the borough and the township . cause i cant. In eight years, you say that. Well, as governor i cant. So why didnt you . I cant. Well, that i understand. Youre so frustrated. You know what . The easiest thing in the world the easiest thing in the world is to stand where you stand and stand on the sidelines and critique. Run for the Township Committee and be the voice to do it. No, i know, cause thats too hard. No, its not hard. Its easier to sit here its easier to sit here and complain. Its whos in whos pockets [ talking over each other ] and i dont have the money like you. Oh, really . Im sure, im sure. Easier to sit here and complain. But you know what . Thats the joy of public service. Its serving folks like you that is really such a unique joy. [ audience ohs ] [ light laughter ] seth man, its nice that success hasnt changed chris christie. You know, the best thing about christie living in new jersey is knowing hell never be able to go anywhere in public again without someone giving him [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] hey hey, governor, i got a bridge right here, let me raise it for you. There you go. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] theres another one over there. There you go. You can cross from new jersey, right over to go [ bleep ] yourself. There you go [ cheers and applause ] youre welcome. Youre welcome. And that wasnt the only big result in new jersey. There was also the case of a local republican official named john carman who mocked the womens march in january with a facebook meme that said, will the womens protest be over in time for them to cook dinner . And that inspired first time candidate Ashley Bennett to run against carman. And last night bennett won. [ cheers and applause ] so now john carman will be home in time to make dinner. [ light laughter ] though he doesnt look like hed nail it. Good news, honey. I made fire bread. [ laughter ] democrats also had big wins in philadelphia, where a civil rights lawyer who defended black lives matter activists, just became district attorney. And in maine where voters overwhelmingly approved a ballot measure to expand medicaid over the objections of their gop governor, paul lepage. Lepage vetoed the Medicaid Expansion five times in support of President Trumps attempts to repeal obamacare. In fact, lepage made his name by telling voters he would fight obamas agenda tooth and nail. As your governor, youre gonna be seeing a lot of me on the front page saying, governor lepage tells obama to go to hell. Seth well last night, maine voters told lepage, you first. [ laughter and applause ] and lets not forget new york city, where the result a win for democratic mayor bill de blasio, was essentially guaranteed. But there was an especially fun wrinkle in the fate of former fox news pundit and trump supporter bo dietl, who ran against de blasio and has a history of making racist comments. Dietl got crushed last night, which might have been something to do with his closing message, a bizarre video of him dancing on the subway. All i know, i love the street music. When i become mayor, theyll be more street music. [ light laughter ] seth man, you got to love new yorkers. They know the first rule of an asshole on a subway is ignore him and hope he goes away. [ cheers and applause ] and with bo dietl, it worked. Hey, im running for mayor, you guys want to watch my dance . [ light laughter ] and dietl has not been handling his loss very well. This morning he took to twitter to attack the chairman of a third party that refused to endorse him, tweeting, good morning frank marano, i lost last night, but im still a multimillionaire, youre still a fat loser in the loser reform party. And you know youre the real loser when you cant even spell the word loser. [ laughter and applause ] but by far, the biggest route was in virginia. And even aside from the governors race, democrats had a huge night there. For example, a transgender woman named danica roem was elected to the Virginia State house, becoming the first Transgender Lawmaker in the country. And not only that, she beat a republican incumbent. Bob marshal, who sponsored a transgender bathroom bill. And once referred to himself as virginias chief homophobe. He also refused to debate roem and referred to her with male pronouns. The best part of roems victory was her response when she was asked if she had anything to say about marshal after she beat him. Roem said, i dont attack my constituents, bob is my constituent now. [ cheers and applause ] damn. Damn. She threw so much shade, his face turned even whiter. [ laughter ] virginias also elected the states first two latino lawmakers. And in a truly shocking result, a marine veteran who calls himself a democratic socialist upset one of the most powerful republicans in the Virginia House of delegates. Republicans got beat so bad in virginia, last night even the statue of robert e. Lee was chased out of town. [ galloping ] [ laughter and applause ] by apparently a very slow mob. [ light laughter ] and thats whats especially interesting about last nights results in virginia, because gillespie very much ran a trump inspired campaign that openly embraced trumps racial grievance politics. He aired ads connecting northam to the ms13 gangs and sanctuary cities, sent out mailers attacking kneeling nfl athletes, and made keeping up virginias confederate statues a centerpiece of his campaign, with ads like this one. For governor, theres a clear choice, Ralph Northam wants to take down virginias civil war monuments. I will do everything that i can to remove the statues at the state level. Remove the statues at the state level. Ralph northam will take our statues down. Ed gillespie will preserve them. Im for keeping em up and hes for taking them down, and thats a big difference in november. [ laughter ] seth november of 1866 . [ light laughter ] trump of course enthusiastically embraced gillespies race baiting campaign, tweeting the northam is fighting for the violent ms13 killer gangs in sanctuary cities, and that gillespie might even save of our great statues heritage. Well youll never guess how trump feels about gillespie now that hes lost. Last night he tweeted, ed gillespie worked hard, but did not embrace me or what i stand for. Dont worry, ed. Trumps only upset because the election is still fresh. The good news is, in virginia, when you lose 150 years later, you get a statue. [ laughter and applause ] of course this is just one Election Night and theres still a long way to go. But last nights results were promising for a Democratic Party in desperate need of something to give them hope. And if theres one thing democrats are good at, its celebrating victories. [ light laughter ] seth scratch that. This has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] well be right back with more late night everybody. [ cheers and applause ] announcer for more of seths closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. S Google Home Mini. Its got the Google Assistant in it, so its super helpful. Watch this hey google, good morning. Good morning, claire. Its 72 and sunny. Dont forget to wear some sunscreen. Oh, thats nice. Itll also read you the news, look up traffic, and tell you your first meeting is at 9am. And you know how sometimes youre in bed and you cant get out of it until you hear that one song that ok, playing your get out of bed playlist. nants ingonyama lion king song plays yeah, it can do that too. Its Google Home Mini and the rest of the google home family. bell mnemonic can i get a glass of white wine and a Michelob Ultra . cracking rumbling Michelob Ultra. 55 fewer carbs than a glass of white wine. Michelob ultra. Tmobile never stops, weve doubled our lte coverage. Were already the fastest 4g lte network and we just keep getting faster. This holiday on americas best unlimited network, great things come in twos. Like the incredible iphone 8. Right now at tmobile buy one iphone 8 and get one on us. Thats a gift for you and a gift for them. All on an americas best unlimited network. Wow, it looksyum at in here so, whats everyone thankful for . All of my careers im thankful for all of you, yeah, im pretty thankful for me too. Um, is that gluten free . [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. And give it up for the 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] also, in honor of veterans week and all of our active and retired Armed Service members, we have a very special sitin with us this week. He is the United States marine corps musician of the year, and currently plays for marine corps band new orleans. Gunnery Sergeant Nathan davilmar is here, everybody [ cheers and applause ] thank you nathan for being here. Really appreciate it. And to further honor veterans week were highlighting charities that directly benefit them. Please check out headstrong, a charity committed to veteran mental healthcare. Their website getheadstrong. Org is a great site to donate and if youre a veteran who needs services, its a great place to start getting help. So thank you all for listening, and thanks to all veterans and active military for their service. Lets give it up for our veterans, everybody [ cheers and applause ] now, here at late night, every night, i deliver a monologue compromised of jokes written by a diverse team of writers. As a result, a lot of jokes come across my desk that, due to my being a straight white male, would be difficult for me to deliver, but we dont think that should stop you from enjoying them. [ light laughter ] so wed like to share them with you now in a segment called jokes seth cant tell. [ cheers and applause ] seth these are two of our writers, amber and jenny im black. And im gay. And were both women. Seth and im not. So heres how this works. Ill read the setups for these jokes, and amber and jenny will read the punchlines. Here it goes. The Detroit Metro area will hold a new event next month called black restaurant week. A black restaurant is like a white restaurant, except its a popeyes. [ laughter ] seth according to a recent article, lesbian couples are two and a half times more likely to get divorced than gay male couples. Because its easier to move out when you already have a truck. [ laughter ] seth after failing an inspection, a british hospital is currently on black alert. Also on black alert, j. C. Penney any time im there. [ laughter ] seth do you really get followed around when you shop . I get followed around everywhere. Im being followed right now. [ laughter and applause ] seth fun. The late astronaut sally ride, recently became the first lesbian to be made into a lego figure. While the rest of lesbians will have to settle for having a lego figure. [ laughter ] seth i didnt know sally ride was a lesbian. Oh, please, seth. She was an astronaut. Only a lesbian would work that hard to get a job where you where coveralls. Seth okay. [ laughter ] a black firefighter was recently awarded 350 thousand in a Discrimination Suit. Discrimination suit . Or as black people call it, a hoodie. [ laughter ] seth amber do not wear Discrimination Suit to j. C. Penneys. Seth okay. [ laughter ] beijing was recently named the worlds least gayfriendly place. While the least lesbianfriendly place is sephora. [ laughter ] seth a Chicago Tribune report found that black residents pay the most for water. Well, yeah cause you have to pay for the water and the koolaid packet. [ laughter ] seth the Disney Channel announced that it will soon feature its first ever gay storyline. While their first lesbian storyline was someone owning 101 dogs. [ laughter ] seth oh. Hey, jenny, why do lesbians own so many dogs . You need someone to watch your cats. Seth okay. [ laughter ] wait, all right, hold on. This next joke seems really specific. I dont know if it applies to either of you. Oh, thats okay. We brought a friend to help us. Come on out [ cheers and applause ] seth that is definitely the exact same amount of applause that you got amber. Oh, cool [ laughter ] seth thank you so much for being here. Well, thanks for having me. Seth all right, lets do this. According to a recent article, chardonnay is making a comeback. And they said i wouldnt be able to create jobs. [ laughter and applause ] seth that was great. Heres another one. The retractable roof on atlantas nfl stadium is not working properly. Oh, well, at least that ceilings broken. [ laughter and applause ] seth all right, want to try one more . Sure. Seth all right. According to a recent report, koalas may be extinct by the year 2040. And according to fox news, thats my fault. Seth very. [ laughter and applause ] very well done. Very well done. Thank you. So so. Seth, why dont you tell one . Seth oh, i couldnt. Oh oh, come on. Come on, seth, just do it seth i dont feel like it would end well. You got it come on. Seth okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay. Seth playbill magazine reported that a new lesbian musical is coming to broadway. Its called clunky boots. [ light laughter ] how dare you . Seth you told me it would be okay. [ laughter ] you know, really, seth, that was pretty terrible. Shame on you, seth seth no very bad seth no black women and lesbians and popular vote winners are liars. [ cheers and applause ] seth well be right back with hillary Rodham Clinton, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] so, verizon and google have teamed up on the pixel 2. Its a match made in tech heaven. Its like verizon is the oil and google is the balsamic. No, actually, they separate into a suspension. Its more like the google pixel 2 is the unlimited storage. And verizon is the best unlimited plan. What if its like. H2 and o . Yeah. Yeah, like that. I had a feeling that would score with you guys. Good meeting. vo when you really, really want the best, get up to 50 off the pixel 2 on googles exclusive wireless partner, verizon. Sfx ominous musicshakes. Mmm. Sfx boing boing boing sfx screech tic tac orange. An irresistible burst of flavor. Tic tac. Go little. Sfx tic tac pack shakes. Its exactly what i asked for. Let out your inner child at the lexus december to remember sales event. Lease the 2017 is turbo for 299 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. [ ]. [ ] hurry in to old navy and get forty percent off your entire purchase or fifty percent off when you use or open an Old Navy Card through sunday at old navy. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back everybody. Were here with former first lady, senator, secretary of state, and the first woman to win the president ial nomination of a major american political party, hillary Rodham Clinton, everybody. Thank you so much for being here. [ cheers and applause ] and you were here its an anniversary of sorts. Yes, yes. Seth so, i guess, happy happy, unhappy anniversary. [ light laughter ] yeah, thats right, wow. I was trying to think of where would i want to be on the one Year Anniversary of what happened, and i thought, seth. Seth yeah. I mean, it just sort of seth it just made sense. It just came to me. [ cheers and applause ] seth well, im so happy youre here, but i want you to know, i wish you were elsewhere. So do i. I wish i wish we were doing this, out of a big white house. Seth yeah, that sounds nice. But, you know, i was thinking coming into knowing you were coming, obviously there were elections last night. Yes werent that great . Seth yeah. That was terrific. [ cheers and applause ] seth and, you know theres an instant analysis, and i think if things had gone the other way, people would have said, oh, this continues the problem in the Democratic Party. Now theres a little bit of hope. Yes. Seth because theres a little bit of hope, i thought wed have a drink and some champagne. Oh [ cheers and applause ] seth but i do want you to know, i was prepared in case the election went the other way with some backup [ laughter ] but we dont need that. Well put that away, so cheers. Cheers. Seth and i want to speak to the fact that last night was a very good night for women. Yes seth what is your reaction to that . Oh, my gosh. I was thrilled. I mean look, i think were seeing the first signs. Seth you can put your champagne down. I feel like thank you. Yeah. Seth you can have a sip first. I feel like i asked you a question before thats all right. [ light laughter ] you know, i think the fever is finally breaking. I think that americans, as we saw last night are saying, you know what . We really like our health care. We dont like hatred and bigotry, and we dont want to get shot wherever we go in our country. [ cheers and applause ] so i think theres there is a growing awareness that the only way to reverse this is actually to go out and vote, and vote for people who have your values and will stand up and fight for them. So last night was great on so many fronts, but what was really exciting were the number of women, particularly young women, who decided they were not going to be discouraged, they were going to get out there. And i know how scary that is. I mean, the first time i ever ran for something i was pretty terrified. And so im supporting a lot of these groups. I have this group called onward together. And were supporting a lot of the groups that are recruiting and training and sending these young people, particularly young women out. It was fabulous, you know. Yesterday one of the groups i support called run for something, usually if youre a first time candidate, you have about a 10 chance of winning. 40 of their candidates won. [ cheers and applause ] another group called emerge america, they were so excited because nine of the house of delegates races in virginia were women that they had helped train. I could go on and on. I wont, but just to say, we are on the right track if people will stay involved, if people will register to vote, if people will vote and if people are willing to run and thats the answer. [ cheers and applause ] seth you talked a lot in your book about, you know, any candidate has to be resilient to run. Yes, right. Seth especially in this toxic political climate. Right. Seth but yet, women have to be even more resilient, and youre hoping for a day or, i think were all to some degree longing, for a day where a woman all they need to do if they run for office, is to be as resilient as a man. Yes. Well look, you know theres that old comment that goes back years. You know, we know we will have reached equality when a mediocre woman can win just like a mediocre man. And i dont say that [ cheers and applause ] you know, i dont i dont say that as being, you know, in any way disrespectful, but women seth i think its complimentary to some degree. [ laughter ] well women are held to such a double standard and what has been really great to me, given the devastation of the loss, which obviously i write about in my book to some lengths and a lot of pain is that, you know, still people love our country. They believe in our future, they want to be part of it and theyre willing to put themselves out there knowing that theyre going to get all kinds of criticism and attacks and all the rest of it. But if we have enough people doing that, itll make a difference, because i think the best way to get sexism out of politics is to get more women into politics, and that will change the dynamic. [ cheers ] seth so again, the narrative sort of changed with a successful night for the Democratic Party, but the dnc had a bad couple of weeks. Donna brazile wrote a book, i know she was a longtime colleague of yours. And she sort of, in her book, made this comment that your campaign through an agreement had too much influence. To maybe at the detriment of the sanders campaign, she sort of walked back those comments now. Yeah. Seth what was your reaction to that . I didnt know what she was referring to, because as has now come out, that just wasnt the case. But the current dnc leadership really invested heavily in virginia and new jersey and other places, and i called the current chairman, tom perez, to congratulate him because he didnt get knocked off course. He didnt get overwhelmed by other narratives and stories coming at him. He said, okay, our job is to knock on doors, make phone calls and turn out voters. And you know what . They did. And thats part of the reason we won. [ cheers and applause ] seth you at the same time, you mentioned the smaller organizations, the more grassroots. Yes. Seth well, i noticed on your twitter feed last night, you were shouting out organizations like indivisible and, you know, theres a lack of trust in the dnc, whether its fair or not. There is a core lack of trust and one of the things is its so big, is the future maybe these more small grassroots organizations that are a little bit more connected to the voters than maybe the dnc is . I think its both. Its not either or. You know, and i am working hard to support the current dnc leadership. Theyve got to make some big investments. You know, usually in a campaign you see whats on tv, you see whatever the candidates are saying, but underneath that theres so much work going on, like we saw in virginia last night. Its really hard work. Its not glamorous work, and what the dnc is trying to do is rebuild our infrastructure which we didnt have, and i think thats something that put us at a disadvantage. So they can do some things that nobody else can do, and we have to support them to do that. However, these new groups, these grassroots groups with lots of energy that im supporting as well, are so in to it and theyre people often new to politics. A couple of them are people ive known a long time, some i just met in the last six months, but everybody wants to play a part in helping democrats and progressives get elected. So, i think its not either or. I think that would be a mistake. I think its got to be we got to be really invest in helping to make the dnc the best it can be, and weve got to really support these grassroots groups that are springing up. Seth its exciting to see a new way of doing things. I also i want to talk about something thats a little bit more depressing compared to last nights results, which is you know, donald trump, President Trump at this point, has had very few, if any, legislative achievements and those are the left will celebrate that, but there is a very scary thing [ cheers and applause ] that sometimes but hes also without needing to make a legislative achievement, hes degrading things such as the state department where you worked. Yes, thats right. Seth how worried should we be about the state of the state department, at a time when there are so theres so much going on geopolitically . Well, i think we should be worried about the state of the whole government, but i know the state department well having served there for four years. There is a lot of expertise there. You know, if youre trying to figure out what to do about north korea, dont you think youd want people who actually speak the language, know the history, and may have had some previous experience . Seth well, no, cause i have wikipedia. Yeah, well. [ laughter ] and and people whispering in you ears who have no basis even in wikipedia. [ light laughter ] so i think that there is a sense of demoralization. People who i know, some of whom are still there, most of whom have now left, you know, really feel like the country is kind of going off in the wrong direction, because diplomacy is key to solving any of these contentious problems. And if you dont Pay Attention to the people who have a contribution to make, youre just kind of, you know, making it up as you go. Then youre going to lose a lot of the expertise and experience that weve built up over generations. So i think its a mistake. I really i regret it, and i think it makes us weaker. You know, ive negotiated with, i have met with, you know, many of the leaders who are still in office who, you know, President Trump is now meeting with. They come fully briefed. They understand whats going on. They have analyzed our weaknesses, they try to go after us in ways that are sometimes subtle. But if you know enough, you can pick it up and then try to prevent it from becoming a problem. And hes just flying blind. And you know, he doesnt listen to people. He undercut his own secretary of state about diplomacy on the north korea problem, so i think it weakens us. I think it gives a lot of aid and comfort to these leaders of countries that are trying to, frankly, take advantage of us during this time when we dont seem to have a particular strategic understanding of our role in the world. Seth i want to ask you something else. This is become quite a popular meme. Its a photo taking during the dnc of you and president obama enjoying some comment. [ laughter and applause ] and this is a this is an example of what people have been using it for online. Heres one, its unbelievable complex subject he said. Nobody knew that health care could be that complicated. [ applause ] the trump then trump said his white house is a finetuned machine. [ laughter ] do you remember what do you remember what it was that you guys were saying to each other . I do. Seth uhhuh. What was it . [ laughter ] you know, my book is filled with lots of revelations. Seth yeah, theres a lot of good details in it. Pulling the curtain back and really giving people insight into what i was thinking and what was happening, but there are some things which just have to remain within the cone of silence. Seth got you. Yeah. Seth well then, im going to assume its and then trump said, no politician has been treated worse than me. Ill assume it was that. If you wont tell me, ill assume it was that. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you, seth. Seth always a pleasure to see you. [ cheers and applause ] hillary Rodham Clinton, everybody. What happened is available now. Well be right back with will ferrell. [ cheers and applause ] every day, on every street, in every town, across america. Small businesses show their love to you. With some friendly advice, a genuine smile and a warm welcome they make your town. Well, your town. Thats why American Express is proud to be the Founding Partner of Small Business saturday. A day where you get to return that love, because shopping small makes a big difference. So, on november 25th get up, get out, and shop small. Ive been watching. Now baby. S stack that beef. Lay that swiss whoa. Wrap it up. Oh, a basket instead. Ok. The reuben is back for a limited time at subway. So much reuben. It all starts with a wish. The lincoln wish list event is here. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complementary first months payment. Tmobile never stops, weve doubled our lte coverage. Were already the fastest 4g lte network and we just keep getting faster. This holiday on americas best unlimited network, great things come in twos. Like the incredible iphone 8. Right now at tmobile buy one iphone 8 and get one on us. Thats a gift for you and a gift for them. All on an americas best unlimited network. [ cheers and applause ] seth you know our next guest from his work on saturday night live, and films such as anchorman, talladega nights and stepbrothers. He stars alongside Mark Wahlberg in daddys home 2 which is in theaters friday. Lets take a look. Dad dad [ light laughter ] [ indiscernible ] seth please welcome back to the show our very good friend will ferrell, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth thank you so much for being here. Yeah, my pleasure. Seth and i want you i owe you extra thanks. Okay. Seth we had you booked first, and then we actually had to ask you would you be willing to be a second guest to hillary Rodham Clinton and you said, yeah. Im not the first guest . [ laughter ] seth no, hillary Rodham Clinton was just out here, yeah. Hillary . An impersonator . Seth no, no. We had the real [ laughter ] the real hillary. Yeah. Was on. Seth yeah. Just minutes ago . Seth just right before you, yeah. Why am i even out here . Seth yeah. [ laughter ] oh yeah. Seth i mean, i think its still, you know, we can get across oh, wow, hillary . Seth yeah. Was sitting here . Seth why were you . What were you watching in your dressing room . I was playing sega genesis. [ laughter ] yeah. Seth the very old. The very old sega. [ laughter ] seth we dont have one. Did you bring i have a pocket sega genesis i bring. Seth oh, gotcha. [ laughter ] seth oh, gosh, yeah. With me. Seth well, you missed hillary Rodham Clinton. I was so into seth howd you do . Were you doing well . I was playing what was i i was playing centipede. [ laughter ] yeah, yeah. Seth gotcha, wow on sega genesis. Seth oh, wow. Oh, so im the second guest . Seth yeah. Thats thats still good. Seth yeah [ cheers and applause ] because its its 1 18 in the morning. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] yeah. Seth its a little late now. I couldnt figure out why it was so late. Seth yeah, its really late. And im like, theyll knock on my door at some point. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] seth and thats the thing well, you say, like, time doesnt move. By the way, this is sega genesis just so those at home if youre just tuning on right at this moment, people will know. [ laughter ] you might want to do a lower third. Seth very small one. A very small one. Yeah, well put sega genesis there. And then hopefully theyll send you some free stuff if we get a. Ooh. [ laughter ] seth so you shot daddys home 2 in boston. I did. Yeah, we did. Seth and you were staying at the hotel when the celtics were in the playoffs last year. Right. Seth every team that the celtics played in the playoffs would come through. Would stay at the ritzcarlton that i was staying at, and i would run in to the players, occasionally. One time i ran into some of the Washington Wizards who then said, wait, you got to come with me. Took me into a room which was two adjoining rooms and was their impromptu training area. Seth oh, they were playing basketball inside. So, no, no, no. They were giving people massages. Seth oh, okay. Not the players. The training staff. Seth okay. This is getting very shady. Are you sure it was the wizards . [ laughter ] are you sure these people played for a Basketball Team . Yeah, the wizards. [ laughter ] they were six asian guys, they call themselves the wizards. [ laughter ] seth it was not i think you walked into a, like, a weird a weird. I was in the south end of boston. Seth okay, so you walked out of the ritzcarlton. Yeah, i was out of the seth okay, yeah, i dont think that was a Basketball Team. Okay, well, i did however okay, heres the true part of this story. [ laughter ] this is the best part right here. So this the teams would stay at this hotel, cause they also had a it was connected to a equinox gym. Hope i get a equinox pass for that. [ light laughter ] sega genesis. Lifetime membership to equinox. [ light laughter ] seth oh, a lifetime . Yeah. So they had a gym there so the teams would stay in that hotel cause they could do their pregame workout. Seth mmhmm. And the cavaliers were there, and im, you know, lifting weights. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] using the universal weight system. [ laughter and applause ] loved to get some universal weights. And i see lebron james. Seth all right, thats pretty good. So ive i dont usually bother people. I kind of know kevin love a little bit. Seth uhhuh. Ucla, right . I said hi to kevin. Ucla. I said hi him, and then i went over to lebron. Im like, i just have to say hello. How are you . And i just said, i was just telling my wife the other night that you need to run for president. Seth mmhmm. [ light laughter ] youre from the midwest. Seth yep. Youre very famous, youre very popular, youre very articulate. Please run for office, so, lebron. [ laughter ] seth doubled down. Im telling you now, we need you. [ cheers and applause ] and i would love some of your shoes. Seth oh, my god. Really . [ laughter and applause ] can this be you just have one genuine thing without it being about getting free stuff. I got four things coming my way, so yeah. [ laughter ] seth i think, at best, youre going to get one or two. Okay, ill take that. Seth you had your kids on set. Yeah. Seth seven, 10 13 . Yes. Seth okay. Yeah, yeah. Heres a photo of your kids. Oh, yeah. Seth theyre very adorable. I havent even seen that picture. Seth and they were on set with you. They were on set with me seth i think for that clip. For the clip that you guys just saw, which is the introduction of my father john lithgow. Were very open, loving seth mmhmm. [ light laughter ] father and son relationship. We kiss every time we greet each other. [ light laughter ] and that was the scene they got to see for the first time. [ laughter ] which i i forgot that we were shooting it that day, and my boys were like, what is going on . [ laughter ] i was like, well, is it funny . Its funny, but its embarrassing. [ laughter ] how many more times are you guys gotta to kiss . [ laughter ] and im like, well do it all day long. What . [ laughter ] we will do it all day long. Yeah, so they thought it was seth they have learned they were like, dad, your jobs embarrassing. [ laughter ] seth wow. Yeah. Seth i know one of your kids recently asked you, hes obviously smart to know that this is a thing. Yeah. Seth he wanted a gap year. He wanted you to take a gap year. Yes. Hes in 8th grade. Seth okay. [ laughter ] and he said, hey, dad, i think i think i want to do a gap year. And i go, between eighth and ninth grade . [ laughter ] like when . Right now . Hes like, no, no, college. I want to do a gap year. And im like, oh, well, you know, i think that thats something a lot of kids are talking about. Because, you know, its hard to really know when youre 17, 18 if seth sure. What you want to do and. Yeah, if you want to get a job or work for the, you know, peace corps or do Something Like that. And hes like, work . [ laughter ] no. Its called a gap year, dad. [ laughter ] you just hang out. Im like, you do not just hang out. [ laughter ] you have to do something constructive. Hes like, you dont know what youre talking about. [ laughter ] its a gap year. So that will be an ongoing argument i think in our household, yeah. Seth well, i hope you know, i i dont know who im rooting for, but i hope you figure it out. We i want to talk to you about this because weve done a very popular segment on our show called Second Chance theater. Yes, which i love. Yes. Seth so weve done it i think weve had 605 shows, i think weve done it three times. Okay. Seth so it was very popular. [ laughter ] i theres a sketch of yours that i remember right when i started snl yeah. Seth it was like a thing that we would all gather around and watch. As one of the biggest failing sketches seth yeah. At dress, of all time. Yeah. Seth i it is when you explain it yeah. Seth it will sound like something that should fail, dont you think . Theres no question. Yeah. [ light laughter ] yeah, i seth its based on yeah, its based on i wrote a sketch about a guy who dress looks exactly like gabe kaplan who was the star of the hit sitcom welcome back, kotter. Seth welcome back, kotter. Yeah. He was also a professional gambler. Seth uhhuh. Side note. [ light laughter ] and i wrote a sketch where it was i worked for an Insurance Company seth yeah. And it took place in a break room and everyone was its the day that gabe kaplan came to visit. Seth the real gabe kaplan. The real gabe kaplan, and no one came to get me out of the bathroom to meet him cause i was his biggest fan. Seth yeah, right. And judging by the silence in this room, you can tell [ laughter ] that it didnt work then and it will never work. [ laughter ] but thats why we need to bring it back seth we have to bring it back. For Second Chance theater. Seth well, heres the thing about it. cause the interesting thing is you realize the core problem with this sketch is that no one theres a lack of recognition for gabe kaplan. Sure, for gabe kaplan. Seth right off the jump. Super seth and now its 17 years. Super obscure seven late 70s reference. Seth yeah. Yes. Seth and so now time has passed. You would argue that if anything hes less known. Less relevant. [ light laughter ] seth but youd be willing to come and do the gabe kaplan sketch. Oh, i would in a heartbeat. Seth and yeah, yeah. Seth id say the reason it was great to watch and why we all watched it, is you never waned at all. Right, right. Seth you committed fully. You know, i have a tendency for some reason when i could tell when a sketch was tanking and i could tell the audience was like, lets just get to the next thing, i would take twice as long. Seth yeah. Yeah. [ laughter ] i dont know why, but i wanted to punish the audience. [ laughter ] it was like, okay, you dont think its funny, now youre going to really not think its funny [ laughter ] because im going to turn this three minute gem into a eight minute turd seth yeah. [ laughter ] and youre going to have to sit through it. Seth and most of the dialogue yeah, yeah. Seth is you saying to horatio, john goodman, i believe john goodman and to molly, and to meadows maybe. Seth yeah. Its just a lot you just keep repeating, what . [ light laughter ] what . Why wouldnt you come get me . [ laughter ] my life is all about gabe kaplan. So, yeah, i really i regret it. Seth well, i next time youre here, were going to break out the kaplan mask. Go for it. Seth and go to work. I cant wait. Seth thank you so much, for being here and thank you for being on at 1 18. I really i love it. [ cheers and applause ] seth will ferrell, everybody. Daddys home 2 is in theaters friday. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] so, verizon and google have teamed up on the pixel 2. Its a match made in tech heaven. Its like verizon is the oil and google is the balsamic. No, actually, they separate into a suspension. Its more like the google pixel 2 is the unlimited storage. And verizon is the best unlimited plan. What if its like. H2 and o . Yeah. Yeah, like that. 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Youll get a closer look and more downloaded right to your phone. What if Home Security was different . What if it looked different . What if the measure of working, was that you never had to think about it. What if it was so easy to use, you actually used it. [alarm] you have 3 minutes to exit. What if it gave you time, and what you really need from Home Security. A sense of security. [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to Hillary Rodham clintron, will ferrell, gunnery Sergeant Nathan devilmar. And of course, the 8g band. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for carson daly. See you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] carson hi there, good evening. Im carson daly and welcome to last call. Tonight, were coming to you from the lovely penthouse suite at the time new york hotel, high above nyc

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