Said one guy, great, what else do you need . Printer paper, calculator . Help me help you. [ laughter ] [ scattered applause ] according to the associated press, President Trump will take a 17 day vacation starting tomorrow at his golf club in new jersey. 17 days in new jersey doesnt sound like a vacation. It sounds like an episode of i survived. Thats more days than Chris Christie has spent in new jersey. [ cheers and applause ] for real . For real im pretty sure if you spend 17 days in jersey, you become an honorary member of the e street band. Mr. President , i seriously think you need some vacation tips, and i know just the guy. Thats how you do it. [ cheers and applause ] according to the Hollywood ReporterPresident Trump was being considered for the role of president in the 2015 tv movie, sharknado 3, and was upset when the job was given to someone else, and then even more upset when he found out who got it. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] but i won the popular vote in sharknado world. Its very important in sharknado world, popular is even more impressive. [ light laughter ] according to politico, former press secretary sean spicer, who tendered his resignation last month, gave his family a tour of the white house earlier this week. He even showed them all his favorite hiding spots. [ laughter ] and this is where this is where daddy would go when he was hiding from the press. When daddy didnt want to have to answer for a liar, hed come over and hide here. [ light laughter ] according to the New York Times, President Trump is considering appointing a new National Security adviser, just as soon as it gets its security clearance. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i swear, if he tells me to ask again later one more time, hes out. Im going to scaramucci that ball. The new york citys Health Department today officially opened five public lactation pods for nursing moms. Coincidentally, lactation pods is what mike pence calls breasts. [ laughter ] [ applause ] police in louisiana arrested a driver after they discovered two pounds of marijuana hidden in honey nut cheerios, and captain crunch cereal boxes in his car. Wow, since i was a kid, cereal box prizes have gotten way cooler. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] new England Patriots quarterback, tom brady turned 40 today. He tried to blow out his candles, but as usual didnt use enough air. [ cheers and applause ] you know, from two years ago. [ laughter ] hes got a great life. [ light laughter ] and finally a spa themed Amusement Park has opened in japan, which includes a hot tub merry go round. Oh, i cant wait to get in there, said bacteria. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show for you tonight. [ cheers and applause ] from the powerful new film, detroit, the wonderful John Krasinski is here, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] she is a fantastic actress, shes also the star of showtimes new series im dying up here, melissa leo joins us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] and i was saying backstage what an exciting night to have the congressman from california and a Ranking Member of the house intelligence committee, adam schiff joins us. [ cheers and applause ] but before we get to all that, Donald Trumps presidency was already in a tailspin before todays bombshell news that the special council has empanelled a grand jury in the russia investigation, and on top of that, trumps embarrassing phone calls with the leaders of mexico, and australia were leaked. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth as we saw throughout the campaign. Donald trumps political career has been declared dead many times. So its important not to get ahead of ourselves, but still judging from the newest poll numbers, his presidency sure seems like its in crisis. 61 of those polled disapprove of the job President Trump is doing. 62 of the American People say President Trump is not honest. In addition, 71 of voters say President Trump is not level headed, and then theres this, a majority of the American People, 54 , say that they are embarrassed to have donald trump as their president. Seth those sound less like poll numbers, and more like your wife yelling at you after you got too drunk at a party. I married you because i thought you were level headed, but you embarrassed me tonight, michael. [ laughter ] i came home 54 embarrassed. So it looks like trump has hit rock bottom, but hey, at least theres nowhere to go but up, right . Breaking news, nbc news confirms Robert Mueller has empanelled a grand jury in washington to investigate russias interference in the 2016 election. Seth although trumps probably excited because he thinks a grand jury is just a fancier jury. [ laughter ] so beautiful, not like one of those dump juries. Beautiful gold, 12 chandeliers. Now as we know, when things arent going well for trump, he tends to retreat further into his alternate reality. A reality where, hes beloved by all, and the country is fairing better than ever before. For example, after the boy scouts distanced themselves from trump due to an outcry over his highly partisan speech. Trump out of nowhere insisted to the wall street journal that his speech was an unequivocal success. He told the paper, i got a call from the head of the boy scouts saying it was the greatest speech that was ever made to them. First of all, that speech wasnt made to them, it was made at them. Donald trump basically held a group of boy scouts hostage. In the movie version, the rock has to parachute in to save them. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] second, when they were asked for details about that alleged phone call with trump. The boy scouts told the associated press, were unaware of any such call. Thats right, the president lied about getting a phone call from the boy scouts. Im also starting to think his merit badge for best at all the things isnt real either. White House Press SecretarySarah Huckabee sanders tried to clarify the discrepancy yesterday, but reporters were not buying it. In terms of the boy scouts, multiple members of the boy scout leadership, following his speech there that day, congratulated him, praised him. They were direct conversations, not actual phone calls. He lied, he didnt receive a phone call. I wouldnt say it was a lie. Seth i wouldnt say it was a lie, it was just a little white lie, from a big white liar. And then theres trumps repeated [ cheers and applause ] then theres trumps repeated insistence that the economy, which he claimed was stagnant under president obama is suddenly roaring now that hes president. For example gdp rose by 2. 6 in the second quarter, and trump celebrated that as an unprecedented success. We have gdp on friday, 2. 6, is a number that nobody thought theyd see for a long period of time. And 2. 6 is an unbelievable number. Seth trump talks about numbers like he just got called up to the front of the class to solve a math problem. Johnny, whats 2. 6 times 17. So over here, 2. 6, and dont get me started on 2. 6. What an unbelievable number. Youve got a 2 and youve got a 6, theyre separated by a dot, and oh, boy, what a dot this dot is right here, and id love to finish, but may i have the bathroom pass . [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] in fact, not only not only is 2. 6 not an unbelievable number, in the Third Quarter of 2016 when obama was still president , growth was actually higher at 2. 9 . A point made emphatically yesterday by msnbc. We need to put this to rest. Hes been saying this all the time, and if anybody who has anything to do with President Trump is watching this. Please send him this message. This 2. 6 economic growth, it is for one quarter. You can spike growth for a quarter all sorts of times. In fact, you know how many times during president obamas eight years growth was 2. 6 or higher . 14 quarters. 14 quarters. One more time. Say it again . 14 times during president obamas administration. Seth i like that msnbc anchors are now acting as hype men for one another. [ laughter ] one more time, say it again. [ applause ] soon theyre going to start taking their lapel mikes off, and dropping them. Msnb see ya [ light laughter ] and then yesterday, we saw another feature of trumps alternate reality. The idea that immigrants are pouring into our country, and hurting our economy. Yesterday, trump proposed new legislation cutting Legal Immigration by half, and imposing new language requirements on immigrants before they come here. Naturally, this policy was highly controversial, which meant it was time to bring back a trump spokesman we havent seen in a while. Thats right, im talking about Steven Miller. [ thunder ] [ light laughter ] thats right, Steven Miller is back from the dead, though from the looks of him, only part way back. [ laughter ] and he took to the podium, and immediately started fighting with the press. Can you tell me how many look maybe well make a carve out in the bill, that says the New York Times can hire all the low skill less paid workers they want from other countries, and see how you feel then about low wage substitution. The statue of liberty says, give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The poem that youre referring to was added later. Its not actually part of the original statue of liberty. Seth man, im surprised to hear that kind of disdain for a statue from a guy who looks that much like a church gargoyle. [ laughter ] but he wasnt done bringing the charm, please continue Steven Miller. It reveals your cosmopolitan bias to a shocking degree, that in your mind no, this is an amazing moment. From other parts of the world but thats not what you said, and it shows it shows your cosmopolitan bias. Youre trying to engineer the racial, and ethnic flow of people into this country. Jim, that is one of the most outrageous, insulting, ignorant, and foolish things youve ever said. Seth man, is there anyone more off putting than Steven Miller . [ light laughter ] he looks like a morticians ghost. [ light laughter ] he looks like the guy in a prison movie whos in for eating his family. [ laughter ] i miss mother. She was delicious. [ laughter ] he looks like the hitchhiker, other hitchhikers stay away from. [ light laughter ] his catch phrase is, i didnt mean to startle you. Steven miller knows what you did last summer. And by the way, the idea of cutting back on visas, and slashing Legal Immigration in half was not well received by congress either. Gop senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina had this to say. South carolinas economy, the number one is agriculture, number two is tourism. So my farmers, my hotel owners, my Restaurant Owners have a hard time finding labor. Its not that americans are lazy. These are jobs that are just hard to fill, and when you cant find an american worker, you can get a legal visa, its a win win. You take that, and cut it in half, it will destroy South Carolinas economy. Other than that, its a good idea. Seth just a warning, be careful with that sarcasm, senator, because sarcasm will be lost on trump. He will just hear the compliment. Did you hear, lindsay said it was a good idea, and it wasnt in the least bit sassy. Now, if it seems to you like trump is cynically playing to his base with these moves, youre not the only one. Today the Washington Post released transcripts of Donald Trumps january call with the president of mexico, and they illustrated the depths of his cynicism. One thing that became clear quickly in the call was that trump seems to admit that his Signature Campaign pledge to get mexico to pay for the wall was just an empty political ploy, and general trump really wanted to hammer home, it would be best for him if the mexican president would stop saying that mexico was not going to pay for the wall, saying among other things, so what i would like to recommend is, if were going to have continued dialogue, we will work out the wall. Theyre going to say, who is going to pay for the wall mr. President to both of us, and we should both say we will work it out. It will work out in the formula somehow. As opposed to you saying we will not pay, and me saying, we will not pay. Hes like a guy talking to his friend on their way home from a bachelor party. We cannot say we went to a strip club. Your wife will ask, and my wife will ask, and its best if we just say we had some steak, and we went to bed early, but this only works if we both do it. Trump, at one point, tried to connect with the mexican president by talking about his election victory, but again, it was very unclear what he was trying to say, talking about himself in the third person, he said, in ohio theyre having rallies for trump right now, because trump has taken a hard stance on mexico. Some of these states have not been won in 38 years by a republican, and i won them very easily so they are dancing in the streets. You probably have the same thing where they are dancing in your street also, but in reverse. [ laughter ] what . In reverse . So they dance backwards . [ laughter ] like the moonwalk . Trump sounds like he learned his facts about other countries from a childrens book. Do you know that in mexico they dance backwards . [ light laughter ] they walk on their hands, and they wear shoes on their heads. But more offensive than anything trump said about mexico, was what he said about america. When discussing drugs coming in from mexico, trump said, i won New Hampshire because New Hampshire is a drug infested den. Now im from New Hampshire, and as we discussed last week, New Hampshire has been hit hard by the opioid crisis, but still, dont call it a drug infested den. Its new england, its a drug infested inn. [ laughter ] [ applause ] this truly this truly is trump at his worst. Hes openly talking about how he benefited politically from a very real epidemic. He took office, and immediately tried to dismantle a Health Care Program that provides treatment for that epidemic, and the person he put in charge of handling the Opioid Epidemic is Chris Christie who was last seen in milwaukee having a mexican stand off with a cubs fan over a plate of nachos, and the nachos lost. But it gets worse, because the Washington Post also obtained a transcript of trumps tense phone call with the Prime Minister of australia, and immigration came up on that call as well because trump was angry about a preexisting agreement from the Obama Administration to resettle about twelvehundred and fifty refugees from australian detention centers. Trump tried to explain his concerns about the refugees australia was sending, but it didnt really make any sense. I hate taking these people, trump said. I guarantee you they are bad, that is why they are in prison right now. They are not going to be wonderful people who go on to work for the local milk people, an apparent reference to u. S. Dairy farms. [ laughter ] clearly, clearly this is a man who has never been in a grocery store. [ laughter ] this is delicious. Send my best to the local milk people. [ laughter ] so trumps presidency is in crisis with record low poll numbers, a rapidly escalating russia scandal, draconian immigration policies, and lies about the economy, and the boy scouts. Senator graham . Other than that, its a good idea. [ laughter ] seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] well be right back with our friend John Krasinski everybody. [ cheers and applause ] for more of seths closer looks be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. Wait so you got rid of verizon, just like that . Uhhuh. I switched to tmobile, kept my phoneeverything on it oh, they even paid it off wow yeah. Its nice that every bad decision doesnt have to be permenant ditch verizon. Keep your phone. Well even pay it off when you switch to americas best unlimited network. Welcome to maxx you. You are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. We see what makes you unique. So we have something for everyone, at a price thats just right for you. Maxx you. Maxx life. T. J. Maxx how was your vacation . Hey, guys, whats this tomato doing at randys desk . [all coworkers laugh] hahahahaha. You know, that actually reminds me, steve. I got you something. Aloha mangoes can get sunburned. Put some flavor in your break with new snapple mango tea make time for snapple. You know win control . Be this guy. Check it out selfappendectomy oh, thats really attached. Thats why i rent from national. Where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. Which makes me one smooth operator. Ah still a little tender. vo go national. Go like a pro. Woman so this happened. Zoe brought over some limearitas to avas rooftop and thats when we knew it was going to be one of those nights. Thats elyse busting out her dance move from summer of 08. Looks like were staying here tonight. Limearita. Make it a margarita moment. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody, please give it up for the 8g band over there. [ cheers and applause ] also, weve had such a wonderful week because weve had fred armisen back with us. Give it up for fred, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] love having you here fred, love catching up with you. You live such an interesting life. You have all these projects. Youre just doing another your last season of portlandia right now. Fred yes. [ cheers and applause ] seth congratulations. Fred thanks. Seth and you know, theres no reason for you to make up other accomplishments, because youve accomplished so much, that i feel like if you stay in reality, people will be very impressed by you as a person. [ light laughter ] and yet i hear you backstage telling people what youre up to, and i do not believe those to be true things. And im just going to Say Something i overheard you saying. And if its not true, just say seth, thats not true. Fred i think so. Seth i heard you telling people you started a summer camp for kids this summer . Fred i did. [ light laughter ] i started a summer camp, its called the summer camp for the hunchback of notre dames. [ light laughter ] so its in celebration of the hunchback of notre dame. You know the character, you know, he swings from the bell and everything. [ light laughter ] seth do you know the character . [ laughter ] fred yeah, you know, he swings from its to get get up into those, you know, the bell towers. Seth bell towers . Fred bell towers, cathedrals and get up there and just like, ring those bells, you know, walk it. Because hes also his dress style, he had that sort of frock. [ light laughter ] seth yeah. Fred you know, and its just to get kids like to embrace that and let that be part of them, you know . [ light laughter ] seth so if im sorry, do you do something to give the child a sense of a hunched back . Fred yes, so we have these what are called half boulders. Seth what are they called . Fred theyre called half boulders. [ light laughter ] its half of a boulder, and we just put them on their backs. Theyre not that big, and we just you know, tie them on with a rope. And they walk around with it and get to know each other and talk. [ laughter ] they converse and share ideas for once in their lives, you know . Seth and you feel like the half boulder somehow helps this interaction . Fred yeah, because its like ignore the boulder, ignore this. [ laughter ] lets talk. Seth and now, it seems to me that you would then have to have the camp at least near to a cathedral . Fred yes. Seth okay. Fred thats the hard part, we had to have one built upstate. [ light laughter ] seth you built a cathedral in upstate new york. Fred very expensive. Seth okay. Fred in the millions. [ light laughter ] seth whats the name of the camp again . Fred freddies little camp. [ light laughter ] seth you know our first guest tonight from his role as jim halpert. [ cheers and applause ] on the hit series the office, as well as such films as its complicated and 13 hours. His new movie detroit is in theaters friday, lets take a look. And so you say that the man who took one of the victims into the room, that he was a National Guardsman. So i presume you know that because he was wearing the uniform of the National Guard . Well, yes. I saw a guy in uniform take him back there. Did you see anybody else go back into that room . No. Would you have been able to see if anybody else went back in that room . At the time, wasnt your head turned back around by the Police Officers that were Still Standing there with you . Yes. Seth please welcome to the show John Krasinski, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome. Congratulations. This is the first night of your show, right . Seth this is the very first night of my show. This is Opening Night seth congratulations on your haircut in the movie. Thank you. [ light laughter ] thank you, yeah. They were like, we have a wig for you. I was like, wigs . I got my own. Seth did you now did you . No, that was my hair. Seth really . Yeah, yeah. Seth i was watching saying, that looks really good. And youve got a great head of hair that i feel can also look awful as evidenced by that, but it looks great. [ light laughter ] its called a period piece. Seth yeah. No, i actually remember going up to Kathryn Bigelow, who is one of the greatest directors ever. Seth yeah. And she was like, yeah, just pull the hair down. Its kind of the style. And i was like, yeah, yeah, totally. And then kept trying sneak it back to the scene. Seth sure. I wanted to do a lot of like you know, your honor. [ light laughter ] and shes like no, no, no. Its not how they wore it. And i was like, okay, ill put it back. Seth yeah. Its so weird to think that there was just a time where everybody was totally fine with like just hair. Yeah. Seth yeah, just like just resting there your whole day, a big old big old fat piece of hair. [ light laughter ] just a nation of like, skater kids being like, hey im also a lawyer. [ light laughter ] you know. Seth and did you know so this is you mentioned oscar winner Kathryn Bigelow directed and i thought you were talking about me. I was like, oscar winner . Lets not jump the gun. [ light laughter ] but im feeling pretty good. The hair will win. Seth the hair will win, yeah. [ light laughter ] did you know much about these detroit riots . I had heard about it. Seth yeah. You know, i had heard a little bit about it, but nothing in detail. And its unlike anything else ive seen. To say its the best movie ive seen in a long time is such an understatement. Because its almost when i came out of the screening, this girl was like, you know people are talking about virtual reality. That is virtual reality. And thats what it is. Youre immersed in this movie in a way that when it ends, youre like, what just happened . You were in some weird time portal and its it should be a mandatory screening. Everybody should see it just to see what it was. Seth fantastic. Congratulations on it. Thank you. Seth and obviously, thats detroit. When we first met, were both red sox fans. In detroit. Seth met in detroit. Were red sox fans. Youre from massachusetts, im from New Hampshire. Thats true. Seth now as someone from massachusetts, do you think its okay that somebody from New Hampshire is also a red sox fan . Do you count us . Yeah, but like youre our jv squad of fans. Seth yeah, okay, gotcha. [ light laughter ] yeah, its like we ride in the bus and you guys ride in the cars behind the bus. [ light laughter ] seth that sounds about right. Yeah, youre like, go Boston Red Sox fans. Were like, thanks, guys. [ light laughter ] seth and yet neither of us were both without accents. Its true. Seth did you have to get rid of one . No. Seth yeah. No, i grew up in newton, mass. Which is the least street place, i think, in the suburbs of boston. Seth i should point out, to the people in actual boston, you are the jv. Thats right. Seth newton is to like southie what New Hampshire is to newton. Oh, yeah. Right now some guys going is he giving that New Hampshire kid a hard time . [ light laughter ] ill give you a hard time, newton. [ light laughter ] thats what theyre saying right now. Seth there you go. So you have a boston accent . You can do one. Yeah, i can dust it off any time. Seth yeah. Usually a couple of drinks helps. [ light laughter ] seth yeah, it does. Or it doesnt even help, it just forces its way in. [ laughter ] seth yeah, exactly. People are like, oh when he has drinks, he does the boston accent. Its like, no, its happening now. Seth you also Something Else we have in common. You have a couple you have two kids now, two girls. Yeah, were multiplying. Seth beautiful girls. This is interesting to me, because im on the first one. Ive heard you have issues with the Baby Products industry. You heard from who . Seth ive heard look, ive read some negative yelp reviews that are very much in your voice. [ laughter ] thats what it is. Oh, good. At least youve been tracking. No, its so funny, you find yourself because its the most amazing thing in the world, but you also feel like youre on duty, so you feel kind of stressed out as far as you want everything to be perfect. And when theyre really young, Little Things drove me insane. Like wet wipes. Does anybody have kids . Nobody has ever had a kid . [ light laughter ] theres these little bags of wet wipes you pull out, and you wipe bums. But the problem is, you never pull out one. Theyre like bunched in 200. Seth yeah. So youre holding a kid thats like seven days old and the first thing shes seeing is this giant person being like [ laughter ] like throwing this thing and like trying to get one wet wipe out. The babys like, this is the worst. [ light laughter ] emilys like, whats going on . Im like, im just terrifying the child, its fine. [ light laughter ] and then just last week, my youngest daughter got a onesie that had color coded buttons. And i had to take a knee. Seth yeah. It was like an emotional moment. I went, thank you whoever invented this. [ light laughter ] seth oh yeah. Like when a kids moving around, youre like, wheres the button go . And then my kid gets up like this like that. Seth theres times my wife will be in the other room and can hear im not even saying anything. She can just feel frustration coming. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Seth like, is everything all right . Im like, its not going great with the onesie right now. [ light laughter ] thats nice. At least you explain it. I just go, yeah [ light laughter ] seth yeah. [ talking over each other ] seth you walk over and like theres a new childproof lock on something, and its the first time youve seen it. And you get over and like you immediately get flop sweat, because youre like, i have do be an adult. And then Mission Impossible starts playing. Seth yeah. Its like [ imitating Mission Impossible theme ] seth because youre like, i need to be able to figure this out in 20 seconds, or else im going to be shamed for the next year. But youre also going up to it with a task. Seth yeah. Because your wife will be like, hey, can you go down and grab that thing . Youre like, yeah, yeah, totally. Oh my god. [ light laughter ] oh my god, do you pull it then push it . Do you talk to it then pull it . [ light laughter ] do you have to play twinkle twinkle and then it opens . Like, how does it happen . [ laughter ] how does it work . Seth your beautiful wife emily blunt, shes in a film that you wrote and directed. Yes. Seth so thats very exciting. This is the first time you guys have thats what this beards for, yes. Seth oh, wow. So its not just depression, its like a yeah. Seth thats a good beard, though. Thank you. Seth thats not a depression beard, because its like very its nice and like, trimmed. Thank you, yes. I wrote a script. I rewrote a script these guys wrote, that it was great. And im directing now. And the best compliment of my entire career is when she actually read it just to read it for me. And then she said, would you ever let me be in the movie. Seth thats great. And i took a knee again. And shes like, what is this taking a knee thing . [ laughter ] why are you getting so emotional . And im like, one sec [ laughter ] seth i cant wait to see that. Thank you. Seth congrats on detroit. Thank you very much. Seth and its just so wonderful to finally have you here, man. I appreciate it. So good to be here, man. [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much. Seth John Krasinski, everybody detroit is in theaters tomorrow. Well be right back with melissa leo. [ cheers and applause ] so, your new prescription does have a few side effects. Oh, like what . Youre gonna have dizziness, nausea, and sweaty eyelids. And in certain cases chronic flatulence. No. Sooooo gassy girl. So gassy. If youre boyz ii men, you make anything sound good. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Next next ball park franks got their right here in the ballpark. They soon became a summer tradition, passed from one generation to the next. With the taste of 100 angus beef, ball park franks bring on summer. First you start with this. These guys. A place like shhh no. Found it and definitely lipton ice tea. Lots of it. A lipton meal is what you bring to it. And the refreshing taste of lipton iced tea. Modern life deserves a mits sold out. Ay. Dont fret, my friend. I masterpassed it you can use it online and on your phone i masterpassed it. You got the tickets . Onward playing the hero priceless masterpass. The secure way to pay from your bank dont just buy it. Masterpass it. Bill assumed his mayo was the best choice. Assume nothing. Just like the leading brand, kraft real mayo is made with high Quality Ingredients at a price you can feel good about no wonder kraft is so good. Victory. It happens at the wall. And after eight hours of glorious sleep. The Beautyrest Black hybrid provides personalized back support. Available exclusively at mattress firm. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Our next guest is an oscar, emmy, and goldenglobe winning Award Winning actress who you know from films like the fighter and snowden. And tv shows as such as homicide life on the street and treme. Shes currently starring on im dying up here, which airs sunday nights on showtime. Lets take a look. You ever wonder what you would have done if, you know if you failed . You mean like options . I guess. You have options. You have outs. All i had was gut and survival. Believe me, cass. The best thing that ever happened to me was getting painted into that corner. Seth please welcome to the show, melissa leo, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth theyre a wonderful audience. Yeah you have them very well trained. Seth im so theyre very well trained. Weve had them in all week. [ laughter ] im so excited to have you here. Im such a big fan. And congratulations on this show. This is a sort of fictional account of the time when Johnny Carson moved the tonight show to l. A. That led to this sort of standup comedy boom. Were you a carson fan . Did you watch carson . Well, back in the early 70s, there wasnt a lot of other things on. Seth right. Late night on television. Seth no, i think you did like 90 Million People would watch it. If you had the tv on, it was pretty much we didnt have a television when i was growing up. Seth so you were one of the people that werent for the longest time. So yeah. No, but i was introduced to him before i was maybe ten or so. Seth okay, gotcha. So i sort of knew who mr. Carson was. Seth youre playing a fictional character at a fictional comedy club called goldies. But there is a, sort of famously, the comedy store is run by a woman named mitzi shore. Was run, and do you sort of pull from her history a fair amount . Sort of pull from her history, not quite. Its more of goldie is an homage, in my mind, to mitzi shore. I would say it has nothing to do with mitzi. Except mitzi shore did something that nobody, no other human, man or women, did in the way that she painted that club black and put the spotlight on the stage. Seth yeah. A lot of the things we think of when we think of standup comedy she invented. Absolutely. She kind of brought it brought it on, and made the club that she and her husband owned up on sunset, said only comics. Because they had poets and folk music and all kinds of things going on. And she started basically the first comedy club. Seth and its still there and it still looks the same. Exactly right. Seth which is really, i think a credit to her vision. Shes a remarkable amazing woman. But i am not by any stretch of the imagination playing mitzi shore. Seth and did, now you do not have a background in standup comedy. You are not also an improviser, but i heard, did you take an improv class once . I was seth just, did it go well, based on this reaction . [ laughter ] just one time . I was invited in for free to take Budd Friedmans improv class. Seth gotcha. Here in new york city years and years ago. And i thought, well, okay, for free . Really . All right. And then i went. I got up once on the stage. And i was [ laughter ] seth it went so bad it went so bad that they made you pay them after. Exactly. [ laughter ] seth all right. So i im sorry to bring this up. But i am such one of my Favorite Television shows of all time is homicide life on the street, which is a show you were on. And you played oh, my gosh. Seth theres a picture of you. [ cheers and applause ] i had to get another photo, because this was i mean this is crazy that is only the 90s and that was an okay suit to wear. [ laughter ] and you kind of wore suits like that all the time. That was a very nice suit now. Seth its a beautiful suit. That was really quite a nice seth it goes all the way down to there. [ laughter ] its like steve harvey suit. [ light laughter ] no. I wont miss that jacket so much any more. Seth now but but it was interesting because you played a female homicide detective which was not actually even a thing that was in baltimore at the time. Yeah, when we did the show, there had never been in the history of baltimore p. D. On 9 11, here in new york city, the new York City Police department lost their first female officer in the line of duty. Seth wow. I had no idea. They just dont, you know, all equal rights and everything its actually they dont really send the women where they send the men. And there are many more female homicide detectives in the country today and i like to think that kay howard was kind of seth i hope so. Well it was certainly a trail blazing role for me. [ cheers and applause ] and im so happy to finally meet you. Thank you for so much for being here, melissa. Thank you. Seth congratulations on the show. Melissa leo, everybody. Im dying up here airs sunday nights at 10pm on showtime. Well be right back with congressman adam schiff. [ cheers and applause ] hot pockets satisfies hunger. With Quality Ingredients like hickory ham. Thats right baby made with real cheese and a good source of protein. And our buttery seasoned crust. Then, we add hot. ding hot pockets. Give extra. Get extra. How was your vacation . Hey, guys, whats this tomato doing at randys desk . [all coworkers laugh] hahahahaha. You know, that actually reminds me, steve. I got you something. Aloha mangoes can get sunburned. Put some flavor in your break with new snapple mango tea make time for snapple. This goldewoodportunity features leather and glass. Raw elements made premium. By lexus. Experience unparalleled luxury at the lexus golden opportunity sales event before it ends. Choose from the is turbo, es 350 or nx turbo for 299 a month for 36 months if you lease now. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Post about blocking traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge wednesday morning. The post invites the altright to gather for a march on to the bridge at 9am. Add also. Bay area rescue crews continue to help the victims in houston. Our reporter Damian Trujillo is in the flood zone tweeting [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Our next guest is a congressman from california and the Ranking Member of the house intelligence committee. Please welcome to the show congressman adam schiff, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome to the show. Thank you. Seth this is a great night to have you. I guess for, i dont know. [ light laughter ] i dont know if there are great nights any more. But you obviously have been youre on the house intelligence committee. Youve been dealing a lot with the russian investigations. So im happy youre here, but i dont think donald trump is. He tweeted about you recently. And right here we see, sleazy adam schiff, the totally biased congressman looking into russia. Spends all his time on television so hes got you there. [ laughter ] pushing the dem loss excuse. So, when you first saw that, from the president of the united states, how did you feel . Well i was getting on a plane to fly to washington and my phone lit up with messages. The president just called you a sleaze. And my reaction was, ive been slimed. Seth yeah. Like a character on ghostbusters. Seth you did. But my second reaction was, he really of should of talked to my friends from grade school. Seth yeah. With a name like schiff they did much better than he did. Seth yeah. A lot of material to work for there. Seth yeah, he does really good with his, like, disparaging nicknames. But i feel like he dropped the ball. It was a missed opportunity. Seth i feel like youre making him so angry that youre blinding his ability to really dig in. [ laughter ] this is true. [ cheers and applause ] seth so i want to talk about the wall street journal reported tonight that special Council Mueller has opened up a grand jury. Now you have a different investigation. Youre the house intelligence committees investigation. Theres a Senate Judiciary committee. Theres a Senate Intelligence committee. The grand jury is separate. But what can what does this tell you as somebody with your legal background that he has opened up a grand jury . Well his responsibility is really different than all of ours in congress because were looking at the range of what russia did. Their active measures campaign. What tactics they employed. Hes looking at a very specific task and that is, were u. S. Laws violated and if so who should be prosecuted. And the fact that he has now apparently or reportedly gone to the grand jury means he now needs the power of compulsion to get documents to compel witnesses to testify. That is a necessary step to move forward to a potential prosecution. It doesnt mean that he will prosecute. But this is part of a investigation very much moving forward. Seth and another report said that hes sort of moving into the financial element of this. Donald trump had said recently, in speaking about special Council Mueller, that that was sort of a red line for him. Why do you think it is that donald trump is so worried about the financial part of this investigation . Well ill tell you why im so concerned about it. And that is, when people think about compromat, what the russians compromising material. They tend to think about the dossier, potentially, salacious videos. Seth its all i think about. [ light laughter ] but i wish you hadnt brought it up. [ laughter ] the far more compromising material would be if the russians were engaged as they do in other places like europe. In illicit Financial Transactions and Money Laundering or Something Like that, with the trump organization. Then they would have very powerful compromising material they could hold over his head and it could affect u. S. Policies. So if bob mueller is looking into this, you know, its really quite necessary to make sure that our policy is based on u. S. National security interests. Not the personal exposure of the president of the united states. And obviously this deeply worries the president. Now whether that says something about his financial dealings in the past remains to be seen, but plainly, this is what got him once again to talk about possibly removing mueller. Seth now, you were talking about did the russians do anything to compromise the Trump Administration, donald trump personally. And this is interesting, because the russians, you could find in your investigation that the russians did things, and it turns out that the trumps were not aware of this. And Jared Kushner sort of made that argument. It was in a leaked audio, to congressional interns that we couldnt have colluded with the russians. He basically said, we didnt even we couldnt even collude with our own campaign. Like, basically making an argument of incompetence. [ light laughter ] which isnt a bad argument. [ laughter ] and the speaker has often made the same argument. Seth yes. Dont hold the president responsible. He doesnt know what hes doing. Seth hes new. Hes new. Hes inexperienced. Hes not a politician. Seth all things that would have been great to hear on the campaign trail. [ laughter ] absolutely. [ cheers and applause ] seth so, i want to ask this as well. Im imagining that you have a lot of people that see you and see your investigation as some sort of savior for the Democratic Party. Like this, youre gonna discover something thats gonna push him out of office. And it strikes me that the democrats are at risk right now, as a party, of putting too much stock in hoping that an investigation brings about the end of the Trump Administration when the focus should be at where you hope administrations end, at the ballet box. Do you think the Democratic Party is doing enough messaging outside of their investigations into the Trump Administration. As far as, hey, the next time you vote, we actually have a message that is independent of what we think is wrong with the current people in power. You know, this is, i think, absolutely essential and that is yes, we have do go forward with the investigation, and thats very important for the reasons we talked about. But more than that, we need to give voters a positive, a powerful positive reason to vote for democrats. Not just all the reasons they dont like donald trump, which they know already. And i think the real key to that is addressing the economic concerns that people have. Particularly in distressed communities where they look at a small global world. They look at automation replacing a lot of jobs. And they ask, and they have every right to ask, what are you offering us to give us hope that our lives can be better . That our childrens lives can be better . They have every right to ask that. We need to have a good answer for them. The republicans have no answer except, youre going to win so much youre gonna be tired of winning. Seth yeah. Well theyre not tired of winning. But we owe them a good answer too. And we are working on it. Its, i think, not only vital to the Democratic Party, its vital to the country. If were going to have a situation where we continue to pass on to the next generation a Higher Quality of life. Were gonna have to answer that very difficult but very important economic question. Seth i look forward to seeing hearing what those answers are from the party. Last thing, every day, i Pay Attention to this stuff every day. The part of me that can be shocked, i keep waiting to be numbed, but every day something happens where i go, what . Does that still happening for you . Every day it happens. Seth okay. It seth all right. [ cheers and applause ] its nice to see year not jaded. I like to say im running out of adjectives and expletives. Seth well there you go. We have to start we have to find more of those for this. Thank you so much for being here. Really appreciate it. My pleasure. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] seth congressman adam schiff, everybody. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] woman so this happened. Nikki picked up some limearitas and thats when we knew it was going to be one of those nights. We started hanging a disco ball but then the ball reminded ava of her sequined dress. Now we have two disco balls. Limearita. Make it a margarita moment. Limearita. Wh. Mr. Jackson isg into my clasthe rapping teachert. We call it the remainder thats number that remains. Technology is a huge piece of education. Using the pen for the first time on the windows 10 pc is great. Im able to highlight different rhyme schemes, i can actually. See my lines when im shading in, i can change the. Weight drawing directly on my screen. 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I wanna destroy you [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to John Krasinski, melissa leo, congressman adam schiff, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] fred armisen, and of course the 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly. Well see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ]