Gorkhaland invariably becomes the major plank of all elections in the Darjeeling hills, but family members of Gangamaya Biswakarma, who lost her life during the statehood agitation in 1986, maintain that “martyrs’ families” are in most deplorable conditions and they have no faith in the present political leaders and their slogan.
Gangamaya was 56 when she was killed in a police firing in 1986. She was apparently charging at the paramilitary forces with a sickle in the hand at Thana Dara in Kalimpong when the shots were fired.
In recognition of Gangamaya’s contribution to the statehood agitation, Gangamaya Park was built in Darjeeling in 1996 by then chairman of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC). The park is now a popular tourist point in Darjeeling.