Strikes into eastern and soutHern lebanon. More tHan 1,300 targets, nearly 500 people killed. THe israeli military accusing HezbollaH of Hiding weapons and missiles in civilian Homes. HezbollaH responding witH counter attacks on israel. MartHa raddatz and Ian Pannell botH live from tHe region tonigHt. Here in tHe u. S. tHe new tropical tHreat gaining strengtH, set to become a Hurricane before it Hits tHe u. S. Florida now getting ready for potential landfall as a category 3 Hurricane. Ginger zee Standing By. TonigHt, prosecutors revealing cHilling new evidence tHey say ties suspect Ryan RoutH to tHe second attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. A Handwritten letter He allegedly wrote and dropped off at a Friends House montHs before. WHat tHat letter reveals. TonigHt, tHe race for tHe wHite House. THe new national poll, Kamala Harris extending Her lead nationally, but tHe Story TonigHt in tHe key battlegrounds tHat will decide tHis election. WHat a new poll sHows in two key states tonigHt. Donald trump witH tHe edge in a Az Arizona and nortH carolina. And tonigHt, Vice President Harris says sHe Has accepted a second debate witH Donald Trump on cnn. WHat Donald Trump is saying about tHat. THe urgent manHunt under way for suspects after a deadly Mass SHooting. Four people killed. More tHan a dozen wounded. TonigHt, our Robin Roberts witH Ukraines President Zelenskyy and tHe First Lady of ukraine. He says He Has a Victory Plane now, and wHen He will present it. THe remarkable discovery tonigHt. THe 6yearold Boy kidnapped wHile playing witH His BrotHer. 70 years later, wHere He was found alive. THe images tonigHt. THe bulls On THe Run in massacHusetts. Look at tHis. EigHt bulls escaping tHe rodeo. Racing tHrougH tHe streets. THe mad dasH to try to lasso tHem all. Also tonigHt, New York now reporting a deatH of a patient from tHe mosquito virus eee. And Bob Woodruff is Here tonigHt. THe effort to save some of tHe worlds wonders. WHats Happened to tHe land . Good evening. We begin tonigHt witH two developing stories as we come on tHe air. THis tropical tHreat set to become a Hurricane, taking aim at tHe u. S. Ginger zee Standing By witH tHe new track and timing Here. B. But we begin tonigHt witH rising tensions in tHe Middle East. After tHe dangerous escalation between Israel And HezbollaH already. THe moment one of Hundreds of Air Strikes slamming into a neigHborHood in soutHern lebanon. Israel saying tHey struck 1,300 HezbollaH HasHgts. Officials say nearly 500 are dead tonigHt. Residents watcHing as tHeir neigHborHoods burn. Israel accusing HezbollaH of Storing Missiles in civilian Homes. People warning Israels Warning to move nortH. You can see tHe Traffic Jams tHere. A DasH Cam capturing a Rocket Landing RigHt in front of tHis veHicle. HezbollaH in Response Firing more tHan 250 rockets into nortHern israel. Israeli defenses intercepting tHose rockets. TonigHt, tHe pentagon now sending additional u. S. Troops to tHe region out of an abundance of caution. Abcs MartHa Raddatz in israel leading us off tonigHt. Reporter tonigHt, tHe pentagon sending additional military forces to tHe Middle East out of an abundance of caution to protect americans at risk, fearing tHe excHange of missiles between Israel And HezbollaH may descend into allout war. WitH lebanon reeling after tHe deadliest israeli Air Strikes in tHat country in nearly 20 years. Israeli FigHter Jets roaring across a wide swatH of lebanon, aiming an astonisHing 1,300 targets, in wHat tHey called a proactive Offensive Operation against HezbollaH. Leaving nearly 500 people dead and well more tHan 1,600 injured, according to lebanese officials. Apocalyptic scenes on tHe ground. OH, my god. Reporter residents watcHing in Horror, filming as tHeir neigHborHoods burn. Hours earlier, israeli officials sending Text Messages and radio announcements, urging civilians in villages occupied by HezbollaH to leave immediately for tHeir safety. But tHere was little time before tHe missiles began to fall. THis DasHcam Video capturing tHe moment one explodes. Traffic snarling along tHe main HigHways. Families loading into trucks, Hoping to find safety in tHe capital, beirut. THe Israeli Defense Forces accusing HezbollaH of Storing Munitions in civilian Homes, claiming tHese videos sHow wHat appears to be a Cruise Missile Hidden inside tHese collapsible walls. Already HezbollaH launcHing counterattacks. More tHan 250 rockets, some Hitting near Haifa, tHe countrys tHirdlargest city. THe israeli cabinet declaring a special situation nationwide. David lets bring in MartHa Raddatz tonigHt. MartHa, How concerned is tHe u. S. About tHis conflict escalating to an allout war Here . Reporter well, david, we already Have 40,000 u. S. Troops in tHe region, including a Carrier Strike Group at sea, but tHere is Concern TonigHt tHis conflict could spiral out of control, leaving tens of tHousands of americans needing evacua evacuation, and tHese additional troops could Help witH tHat. David . David MartHa Raddatz leading us off Here. MartHa, tHank you. One more question on tHis, i want to get to our cHief Foreign Correspondent Ian Pannell, live in beirut tonigHt. And ian, we were botH on tHe ground covering Israels War witH HezbollaH two decades ago now. WHats tHe real Concern TonigHt, after wHat we witnessed already Here . Reporter i tHink civilian Casualty Rate is likely to climb, not at least because like Hamas, HezbollaH comes from tHese local populations. THat is wHere tHey store and fire weapons from, and tHen tHat brings retaliation. And HezbollaH Has a lot more fire power, figHters, and external support tHan Hamas. THat means tHey can damage israel mucH greater. THey are capable of Hitting almost neitHeanywHere in israel. Israels invasions of wars in tHe past ultimately didnt make tHe country safe or diminisH HezbollaH. So wHat can israel really do differently tHis time . David . David Ian Pannell, MartHa Raddatz, tHank you. Meantime, back Here in tHe u. S. TonigHt, tHe new tropical tHreat gaining strengtH, set to become a Hurricane before it Hits tHe u. S. THe State Of Emergency in florida at tHis Hour already, getting ready for potential land. As a category 3 Hurricane. Lets get rigHt to cHief meteorologist Ginger Zee witH tHe timing and tHe track of tHis. Hi, ginger. Reporter Hi, david. RigHt now, tHat low pressure system, wHicH will become Helene, will pass close to cancun on tHe West Side of cuba, rigHt tHrougH tHat waterway tHere, so, you Have Hurricane watcHes up. Look at Key West now witH a tropical storm watcH. Anticipate tomorrow mucH of florida to start seeing tHese warnings and watcHes, because we anticipate tHis storm to become a Hurricane and strengtHen. Remember, tHis is a cone, and so, can you see tHe Center Move anywHere from id say Panama City to crystal river. EitHer way, tHe dirty side could Have impacts all tHe way down to soutHwest florida. Were talking naples takes on a lot of water. 2 to 4 Degree Water temperatures above average. Plenty of fuel, got tHat upper level low tHats going to bring up witH really Heavy rains for georgia, alabama, too. David . David ginger, tHank you. TonigHt, to tHat Assassination Attempt on former President Donald Trump. Prosecutors now revealing cHilling new evidence tHey say ties suspect ryan rout to tHat second attempt. THey say tHeyve discovered a Handwritten letter He allegedly wrote and tHen dropped off at a Friends House montHs before wHat tHat letter reveals. Victor oquendo in florida tonigHt. Keep walking reporter tonigHt, cHilling new evidence tying Ryan RoutH seen Here during tHis dramatic arrest to tHe second attempted assassination of former President Trump in florida. AutHorities say routH dropped off a box at a Friends House several montHs ago, containing a Handwritten letter. RoutH reading in part, dear world, tHis was about Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump, but im so sorry i failed you. Adding, it is up to you to finisH tHe job, and i will offer 150,000 to wHomever can complete tHe job. RoutH appearing in Federal Court today. Prosecutors saying tHe evidence clearly demonstrates a montHlong plan to assassinate tHe former president. Investigators say Cell PHone data sHows tHe 58yearold Suspect was near maralago, and staked out tHe grounds of trumps west Palm BeacH Golf course for weeks. RoutH Hid outside tHe fence of tHe 6tH Hole, in wHat AutHorities Today described as a niners nest out of a war zone. He was one Hole aHead of trump, an estimated 100 feet away from tHe Green Trump was Headed to, wHat prosecutors say would be an easy sHot. A secret Service Agent spotting tHe barrel of an assaultstyle rifle sticking out of tHe pence. AutHorities say routH searcHed for directions to mexico. He is scHeduled to be arraigned next week, and prosecutors say tHey will try to cHarge Him witH attempted assassination. David . David victor, tHank you. We turn now to tHe race for tHe wHite House. 43 days until tHe election. THe new national poll tonigHt. Vice president Kamala Harris extending Her lead nationally, but tHe Story TonigHt in tHe key battlegrounds tHat will decide tHis election. WHat a new poll also sHows in two key states tonigHt. Form pore President Donald Trump witH tHe edge in Arizona And N new mexico. Kamala Harris says sHes accepted a debate from cnn. Trump says its too late. Abcs RacHel Scott now. Reporter tonigHt, former President Donald Trump meeting witH farmers in all important pennsylvania, pusHing His plans for massive tariffs on foreign imports, and brusHing off concerns from many economists tHat it will cause prices for consumers to rise across tHe board. Trump vowing to pusH His tariffs tHrougH witH or witHout congress. I dont need tHem. I dont need congress, but tHeyll approve it. Ill Have tHe rigHt to impose tHem myself if tHey dont. Id ratHer get tHeir support. THe ones tHat understand business all support it. Reporter Vice President Kamala Harris claims trumps tariffs would cost middle class families 4,000 a year, calling Him out at tHe Abc News debate. My opponent Has a plan tHat i call tHe trump sales tax. WHicH would be a 20 tax on everyday goods tHat you rely on to get tHrougH tHe montH. Reporter trump now refusing to debate a second time, turning down Cnns Invitation tHat Harris Has accepted to go oneonone on october 23rd. Saying it wouldnt be rigHt since early voting Has already started. THis would really be late into tHe election. So, i tHink it would be a very bad tHing, i tHink it would actually be bad tHing for tHe country. Reporter but trump Had previously agreed to debate President Biden on september 25tH, even tHougH early voting would already be underway. In botH 2016 and in 2020, He took part in debates in late october. Harris says Her opponent seems to be looking for an excuse. Join me on tHe debate stage. Lets Have anotHer debate. THeres more to talk about. Reporter national polls sHow Harris gaining ground. A new Nbc Poll Has Her leading trump by five points among registered voters 49 to 44 . Lets not pay too mucH attention to tHe polls, because lets be clear, we are tHe underdog in tHis race, and we Have some Hard work aHead of us. Reporter and david, to tHat point, polls sHow tHat tHis race is tigHter tHan ever. Especially in tHose critical Battleground States tHat could ultimately decide tHis election. A poll sHows tHat Donald Trump is aHead by five points in arizona, at 50 . Harris at 45 . In nortH carolina, it is a dead Heat. Trump, 49 , Harris, 47 . Well witHin tHe Polls Margin of error, david. David RacHel Scott live witH us tonigHt, tHank you. Next tonigHt, one of tHe issues in tHis president ial race, violent crime in tHe u. S. TonigHt, tHe fbi reporting a dramatic drop in violent crime. THe latest numbers from 2023 sHowing murders down more tHan 11 . THe fbi says its tHe biggest decline in decades. Heres Pierre THomas. Reporter tonigHt, tHe Fbi Recording dramatic declines in violent crime, especially murders, wHicH saw tHe biggest drop in decades. Murders down in 2023 a stunning 11 . We Have data back to 1960. Weve now seen tHe largest decrease in murder ever recorded. Reporter tHe new numbers, wHicH are actual crimes reported to police, and wHicH cover 94 of tHe american population and all major u. S. Cities, come as crime Has been Hotly debated on tHe campaign trail. You Cant Walk across tHe street to get a loaf of bread, you get sHot, you get mugged, you get raped, you get wHatever it may be. Reporter but tHe new fbi numbers sHow in addition to a dramatic drop in Homicides, wHicH are overwHelmingly committed witH guns, tHeres also been a decrease in rape, down 9. 4 . And aggravated assault down nearly 3 . Decreases also seen in property crime, burglary, and larceny. THe only significant category wHicH jumped in 2023 was car tHeft, wHicH increased by nearly 13 . But like otHer Crime Categories is trending down tHis year, as well. THe Harris Campaign is embracing tHe new numbers, saying its confirms tHe administrations efforts are working. But crime remains a significant issue for many voters, david. David Pierre THomas live in wasHington. Pierre, tHank you. Next tonigHt Here, a 100,000 reward offered for a gunman in a Mass SHooting in birmingHam, alabama, over tHe weekend. THe Gunfire Erupting late saturday nigHt. Video sHows multiple victims on tHe ground. TonigHt, tHe four people killed now identified. Police say tHis was a targeted isolated attack. THe suspects possibly paid to kill aroone of tHe victims. Now to Robin Roberts exclusive interview witH ukrainian President Zelenskyy and tHe First Lady. THey are Here in tHe u. S. Looking for u. S. Support for wHat zelenskyy is calling a Victory Plane. Zelenskyy visiting a Munitions Plant in scranton, pennsylvania, saying ukraine still needs Help. Robin asking Him about tHat victory plan. So, your victory plan, does it include, i know you dont want to get into details until you talk to leaders, but negotiating witH russia . And How can you trust someone its not a negotiation witH russia. No. It breacH to diplomatic way How to stop tHe war. THe breacH is a plan of victory, or victorious plan. Its strengtHening of ukraine. Ukrainian army and ukrainian people. Only in tHe strong position. We can pusH, we can pusH putin to stop tHe war. Diplomatic way. David zelenskyy did not say wHetHer giving up land would be part of ukraines Victory Plane, making it clear He wants to present it to President Biden first. Robin will Have mucH more of Her interview first tHing in tHe morning on good morning america. THe otHer news tonigHt, tHe gunman wHo killed ten people at a Colorado Supermarket in 2021 Has been convicted of murder tonigHt. AHmad alisa, wHo Has scHizopHrenia, mraelded not guilty by reason of insanity. His Defense Lawyers arguing He couldnt tell rigHt from wrong. First Degree Murder carries a mandatory Life Sentence in colorado. WHen we come back Here tonigHt, New York now reporting tHe deatH of a patient from tHe mosquito virus eee. THe warning from HealtH Officials now. THe remarkable discovery tonigHt. THe 6yearold Boy kidnapped wHile playing witH His BrotHer, 70 years later, wHere He was found alive, in a moment. Its okay to for tHem to sHow off. SHow off tHeir clearer skin and noticeably less itcH witH dupixent. Because cHildren 6 montHs and older witH eczema Have plenty of reasons to sHow off tHeir skin. WitH dupixent, tHe 1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, tHey can stay aHead of tHeir eczema. It Helps block a key source of inflammation inside tHe body tHat can cause eczema to Help Heal your CHilds Skin from witHin. Serious allergic reactions can occur tHat can be severe. Tell your doctor about new or worsening Eye Problems sucH as Eye Pain or Vision CHanges including blurred vision, Joint AcHes and pain, or a parasitic infection. Dont cHange or stop astHma medicines witHout talking to your doctor. SHow off to tHe world. Ask your CHilds Eczema Specialist about dupixent. Woman wHy did we cHoose safelite . We were loading our suv wHen. 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So you can reacH todays financial goals and look forward to a more confident future. Voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. You migHt wonder, joHn legend, How do you keep your voice sounding so. Legendary . Honey and How do i keep my protection against covid19 up to date . WitH a covid sHot tHis season, designed for recent variants. You can get your Covid19 SHot wHen getting your flu sHot, if youre due for botH, as recommended by tHe cdc. THe fresHer, tHe better. Ask your HealtHcare Provider about getting tHis Seasons Covid19 SHot wHen getting your flu sHot. TonigHt, new York State reporting a deadly case of eastern equine encepHalitis. THe states first Human Case Of Eee since 2015. Abc news now tracking at least 11 known cases nationwide tHis year. THe disease is spread to Humans by infected mosquitos. State HealtH Officials urging people to use insect repellent. A Kidnapping Mystery solved after more tHan seven decades tonigHt. THe 6yearold playing witH His BrotHer in West Oakland wHen a woman lured Him away from a park. THat was in 1951. He was raised by anotHer family. His niece using results of an Ancestry Test to find Him living on tHe east coast. Hes now reuniting witH His family. WHen we come back, tHe images tonigHt. THe bulls On THe Run in massacHusetts, escaping a rodeo. THis is really sometHing. And Bob Good Dwoodruff is H tonigHt. THe effort to protect some of tHe worlds wonders. And wHat He discovered wHat tHeyve done to tHe land. FisHer Investments were a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client best interest. FisHer Investments so we dont sell any commissionbased products. otHer Money Manager tHen How do you make money . FisHer Investments we Have a simple management fee, structured so we do better wHen our clients do better. otHer Money Manager your clients really come first tHen, HuH . FisHer Investments yes. 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Severe swelling of Blood Vessels in tHe eye can occur. Most common Eye Side effects were cataract and broken Blood Vessels. Open up your world witH vabysmo. A cHance for up to 4 montHs between treatments witH vabysmo. Ask your doctor. A cHewy PHarmacy Order is en route for summit wHo loves tHe outdoors. So Her parents use cHewy to save 20 on tHeir first order of Flea And Tick meds. Delivered fast, so summit never misses a dose. Or an adventure. For quality meds. For life witH pets, tHeres cHewy. Mom wHeres my Homework . Mommy Hey Hun sometimes, you just need a moment. Selfcare Has never been tHis easy. Gummy vitamins from nature made, tHe 1 pHarmacist recommended Vitamin And Supplement brand. Strong enamel is your best defense against Acid Erosion and cavities. THats wHy i recommend pronamel active sHield because it will strengtHen your enamel and create tHat sHield around it. Im excited for tHis product. I tHink patients are really going to like it. Try pronamel moutHwasH. WHen my doctor gave me breztri for my copd tHings cHanged for me. Breztri gave me better breatHing, symptom improvement, and reduced flareups. Breztri wont replace a Rescue InHaler for sudden breatHing problems. It is not for astHma. Tell your doctor if you Have a Heart Condition or HigH Blood Pressure before taking it. Dont take breztri more tHan prescribed. Breztri may increase your risk of tHrusH, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breatHing, cHest pain, MoutH Or Tongue swelling, problems urinating, Vision CHanges, or Eye Pain occur. Ask your doctor about breztri. Quite an image tonigHt. Bulls escaping a rodeo in massacHusetts. EigHt bulls making a run for it. Escaping and tHen look at tHis, barrelling tHrougH a fence, rigHt into tHis neigHborHood. Seven of tHe bulls were caugHt, including six found beHind tHe fence of a Home. One bull, tHey told us, at last cHeck, does remain on tHe loose tonigHt. WHen we come back Here, Bob Woodruff Here tonigHt, witH His special, tHe race to save some of tHe wonders of tHe world. And wHat He found. THis is a H. THis is a Hot flasH. But tHis is a not flasH. For moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause. VeozaH is tHe first and only Prescription Treatment tHat directly blocks a source of Hot flasHes and nigHt sweats. WitH 100 Hormonefree veozaH. You can Have fewer Hot flasHes. And more not flasHes. VeozaH reduces tHe Number And Severity of Hot FlasHes Day and nigHt. Dont use veozaH if you Have cirrHosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inHibitors. Increased Liver Blood Test values may occur. Your doctor will cHeck tHem before and during treatment. Most common Side Effects include stomacH pain, diarrHea, difficulty sleeping, and back pain. Ask your doctor about Hormonefree veozaH. And enjoy more not flasHes. You could save on veozaH. Visit saveonveozaH. Com to learn more. 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And wHen people ask, but arent you linked to dangerous Flu Complications like pneumonia, Heart Attack, and Hospitalizations . i just say, but im just tHe flu. sniffs. its Him wHo . Im just tHe flu. Demand more from your flu sHot. Sanofi HigHerdose Flu vaccines are proven to provide better Flu Protection tHan standard Dose Flu sHots in older adults. THeyve even been sHown to better protect against flurelated complications. Dont get fluzone HigHdose if youve Had a severe allergic reaction to its components, including egg products, or after previous dose of flu vaccine. Dont get flublok if youve Had a severe allergic reaction to its components. Tell your HealtH Care professional if youve Had severe Muscle Weakness after a flu sHot. Fainting Has occurred. People witH weakened Immune Systems may Have a lower vaccine response. All flu sHots are not tHe same. Ask for a Sanofi HigHerdose flu vaccine. Talk to your PHarmacist Or Doctor about fluzone HigHdose or flublok. Finally tonigHt Here, tHe race to save some of tHe wonders of tHe world. Bob woodruff on a journey across five countries. TonigHt Here, wHat bob found in ecuador. Reporter we traveled to tHe soutH, deep into tHe amazon, in ecuador. You dont Have to spend mucH time Here wHen you realize How big mining is in tHis country. Its been decades since gold could be found on tHe surface, so tHey now Have to dive deeper into tHe mountains. THey take us into tHe mine, 600 meters deep. A controlled detonation, Hundreds of meters away. We just Heard tHese Dynamite Blasts down Here. I dont tHink ive ever been in a tunnel like tHis. To me, it seemed like it was fairly close. He said its not dangerous, so we Have to go. Reporter tHe gas . THe miners inform us of a sudden gas emission. WHat is tHe gas . It starts to fill tHe mine. In tHe tHroes of cHaos, one last searcH for gold. Instead of gold quartz. THese images from above sHow you How extensive tHese mines are. How large and destructive tHey Have become. Forests leveled, lusH green turning into cHurned brown wasteland. For tHe indigenous groups Here, tHere is no complexity to tHe figHt for tHeir land. Illegal or not, tHe mining is causing immediate Harm. THeres no clean water left for us, sHe said. Its up to us to keep watcH over our land. If we dont, wHo will . David our tHanks to Bob Woodruff. Last lands premieres on Abc News and tHen streams on a. Im david muir. Good nigHt. Deliberately deceived wHen it comes to recycling. Today california files a Landmark Lawsuit over wHat it says are false recycling claims. Good afternoon. Im Kristen Sze and im karina novo. Were counting down to tHe kickoff of Monday NigHt football witH tHe WasHington Commanders at tHe cincinnati bengals. And tHat Countdown Clock is at tHe bottom rigHt part of your screen. But lets begin witH a massive lawsuit by Californias Attorney General tHat accuses exxonmobil of a decades long campaign of deception beyond fuel. Exxonmobil is one of tHe worlds largest producers of polymers. THe building blocks of plastic products. Abc seven News Reporter Suzanne Fawn explains tHat tHe company is blamed for playing a role in a plastic pollution crisis. Bottles, containers, plastic utensils. State Attorney General Rob Bonta says exxonmobil plays a big role in creating plastic pollution and misleading tHe public about How mucH can actually be recycled. WHile many of us Here exxonmobil and tHink of tHe gas pump, tHe company is tHe worlds largest producer of polymers, basically tHe building blocks of plastic. Ag bonta filed a Landmark Lawsuit against exxonmobil, saying tHe company Has been deceiving tHe public for decades and telling people buy as mucH as you want, no problem, itll be recycled. THey say. Lies. Several environmental nonprofit groups Have also filed a lawsuit against exxon, saying tHat exxon made misleading claims about recycling and tHat Has

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