who will decide his fate, the judge who will sentence trump in just weeks. and tonight, president biden making his first comments on the verdict and what he said about those jurors. also, president biden saying it is time to end the war, revealing to the world today the offer that's been made to hamas to try to get a ceasefire, to try to get the hostages out, and what israel and hamas are now indicating. tonight, a retired four-star navy admiral charged with bribery. what he's accused of doing. that harrowing new body camera video just moments after a deadly explosion in a 13-story building with that bank and apartments. you will see firefighters carrying a woman up a ladder to get her out. the dramatic scene in court. the woman sentenced for helping her boyfriend kill his wife, a mother of four, and dispose of the evidence. the mother's children speaking out for the first time. their message to the woman who helped take their mother's life. the actor from "general hospital" shot and killed. and tonight for the first time, the friend who was right there and who witnessed the horror. her interview here tonight. we're tracking severe storms and flash flooding from texas to colorado. the system then moving east. multiple states this weekend, possible tornados, damaging winds. and we'll track it. crowning a new spelling bee champion tonight. could you spell several words in just a matter of seconds? >> sciniph. >> s-c-i-n-i-p-h. >> voussoir. >> v-o-u-s-s-o-i-r. >> david: it's only the second time they've had to do this. and "america strong" tonight. the air force lieutenant general, father, and husband, and what he was willing to do on 9/11. he was in the air on that fateful day, and what he and one other pilot were ready to do. >> announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight" with david muir. >> david: good evening. it is great to have you with us here on a friday night. we do begin tonight with former president donald trump's fury at trump tower today, unleashing after being found guilty on 34 felony counts. and tonight here for the first time, president biden breaking his silence on the verdict and what he said about the jurors in this case. abc's rachel scott leading us off. >> reporter: tonight, president biden speaking out for the first time since his rival, former president donald trump, was convicted of 34 felony counts, declaring the verdict should be respected. >> the american principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed. >> reporter: biden praising the regular americans who sat on the 12-person jury, saying trump was given every opportunity to defend himself and denouncing trump's efforts to undermine the criminal justice system. >> it's reckless. it's dangerous. it's irresponsible. for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. our justice system. the justice system should be respected, and we should never allow anyone to tear it down. >> reporter: but from trump today, defiance and fury. at trump tower, the former president lashing out in a 33-minute speech making the outrageous claim that the u.s. is fascist. >> this is a case where, if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. >> reporter: trump claiming he's done nothing wrong. >> i paid a lawyer a legal expense, and a bookkeeper, without any knowledge from me, correctly marked it down in the books. >> reporter: but the jury saw it differently. seven men, five women. those jurors selected by both the defense and the prosecution from all walks of life, determining trump did commit crimes, convicting him on all 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal a $130,000 hush money payment to porn star stormy daniels to keep her story from voters before the 2016 election. and tonight, questions about whether trump violated the gag order still in place, and bringing up his former friend and fixer, michael cohen. >> i'm not allowed to use his name because of the gag order. but you >> reporter: judge juan merchan, who held trump in criminal content ten times, fining him $10,000 during the trial, has said if trump violates the order again, he'd risk going to jail. trump attacked him, too, calling him a devil and a tyrant. it will be merchan who sentences the former president on july 11th, just four days before he's set to accept the republican nomination for president. >> david: and so let's bring in rachel scott with us in new york tonight. rachel reported on what donald trump said today, going after the judge. but we should point out, this is the very judge who will decide trump's fate in a matter of weeks. >> reporter: it is, david. that sentencing is set for july 11th, four days before the republican national convention. it will be up to judge juan merchan to decide whether the former president gets prison time, home confinement, probation, or fines. and tonight, so many are questioning why the former president would go after the very judge who's ultimately responsible for deciding his fate, david. >> david: in a matter of weeks here. we'll be on that as well, of course. thank you for this week. we turn to other news this friday evening. the other major headline from the white house tonight, president biden taking the dramatic move of going public with the deal being offered to hamas, revealing to the world the offer that's been made to try to get a ceasefire, to try to get the hostages out, and to get more humanitarian aid into gaza. the president tonight saying it is time for this war to end and israel and hamas, what they're indicating already tonight. mary bruce at the white house. >> reporter: tonight in a dramatic move, president biden laying out in great detail for the world to see the ceasefire deal israel has put on the table, challenging hamas to get on board, as biden himself faces growing political pressure here at home. >> it's time for this war to end. >> reporter: the president, in stark terms, assuring that hamas has been drastically degraded. >> at this point, hamas is no longer is capable of carrying out another october 7th. it's one of israel's main objectives in this war, and quite frankly, a righteous one. >> reporter: biden, for the first time, pulling back the curtain on negotiations. the first phase, an initial six-week ceasefire with women, children, and the most vulnerable hostages returned in exchange for the release of hundreds of palestinian prisoners. israeli troops would withdraw from populated areas in gaza, and humanitarian aid would surge in. what comes next, far more complicated. the temporary ceasefire would hold while israel and hamas negotiate a permanent plan. a full end to fighting and release of the remaining hostages. >> hamas needs to take the deal. >> reporter: just days after the israelis cautioned the war would continue through the end of the year, biden with a message to them, too, urging prime minister netanyahu to stand behind this deal, despite pressure from hardliners to keep up the fight. the president now declaring, enough is enough. >> it's time to begin this new stage, for the hostages to come home, for israel to be secure, for the suffering to stop. >> reporter: tonight, israel is expressing its support for this plan. hamas saying they, too, view it positively. but there is still a long road ahead here. president biden clearly eager to get this done. he'd certainly like to see some progress by election day, david. >> david: mary bruce at the white house again tonight. thanks, mary. tonight, the retired four-star admiral, once the number two officer in the navy, arrested on bribery charges. what he's accused of doing. here's martha raddatz. >> reporter: he is a retired four-star admiral, the number two position in all of the navy. but this morning admiral robert burke was arrested at his home in florida on bribery charges for allegedly directing a lucrative government training contract to a private company that promised him a half a million dollar annual salary plus stock options after retirement. prosecutors say the bribery scheme happened over a two-year period from 2020 to 2022 at a time burke commanded thousands of u.s. forces as head of naval operations in europe and africa. the indictment says that within months of his retirement, burke went to work for the company and received his $500,000 salary. the u.s. attorney's office saying admiral burke not only "used his public office and his four-star status for his private gain," but tried to cover it up by "falsely implying" he had no role in awarding the contract. admiral burke has not yet been arraigned, so he has not yet entered a plea. david? >> david: martha raddatz reporting from washington. thanks, martha. we're going to turn next here this evening to the harrowing new body camera video showing the moments after that deadly explosion at a bank and apartment building in youngstown, ohio. the video shows officers racing to the scene of that blast. the video showing firefighters desperately trying to save those trapped, pulling one woman from the debris. here's alex perez. >> back up, back up, back up, back up. >> reporter: tonight, dramatic video from an officer's body-worn camera shows the aftermath of a massive deadly explosion in youngstown, ohio. the sound of gas hissing, as firefighters race to find survivors amid the rubble moments after the blast collapsed part of the building's first floor into the basement. >> you hold this ladder! i'll try to get down there! >> go, go! >> reporter: teams lowering a ladder into the crater. that firefighter carrying that victim up the ladder, out of the pit, on his back. >> my knee! >> reporter: screaming in pain as they move her away from the building. the blast at the 13-story apartment building killing an employee inside the bank on the first floor. seven others taken to the hospital. and david, construction crews were working in the basement, and officials believe they may have cut a gas line that was supposed to be out of service, causing that explosion. david? >> david: alex perez on this again tonight, thank you. in the northeast, the dramatic scene in a connecticut courtroom. the woman sentenced for helping her boyfriend kill his wife, a mother of four, and dispose of the evidence. here's stephanie ramos. >> reporter: tonight, gut-wrenching testimony at the sentencing for michelle troconis, the woman convicted of plotting with her boyfriend to kill his estranged wife, jennifer dulos, a connecticut mother of five. >> michelle troconis shattered jennifer's family. >> reporter: dulos' children speaking for the first time alongside pictures with their mother. >> i've been left with a hole inside of me that i know i will never be able to fill. >> reporter: jennifer dulos disappeared five years ago. after his arrest, husband fotis dulos took his own life, but prosecutors put troconis on trial, showing this video they said proved she helped dulos dispose of the evidence. dulos' daughter, kristiane, who was just 10 years old, saying this about the woman who conspired to kill her mom. >> michelle troconis, to me, is the reason i feel completely lost and alone on nights when i cannot sleep. she's the reason i blocked out my childhood, and that day, i can barely remember it. >> reporter: through tears, troconis' only child asked the judge for mercy. >> i'm begging you to listen. i need my mom in my life. >> reporter: michelle troconis then making her own plea. >> i deeply regret ever being in a relationship with fotis dulos and bringing my daughter, my family, and myself into our lives -- into his life. >> reporter: the judge sentencing troconis to 14 1/2 years. michelle troconis maintains her innocence. the family and friends of jennifer dulos had asked the judge for the maximum sentence of 45 years. david? >> david: stephanie ramos with us here tonight. steph, thank you. we turn now to the awful case, the actor from "general hospital" who was shot and killed. and tonight here for the first time, the friend who was right there and who witnessed the horror speaking to our mola lenghi. >> reporter: just days after the fatal shooting of former "general hospital" actor johnny wactor, his co-worker and friend, anita joy, who was with him in those final moments, speaking out. can you take me back to that night? >> a man is down, like, on his knees putting a jack under the car, and he had the car halfway jacked up. and we realize this is not tow people. >> reporter: the two had finished their bartending shift around 3:00 a.m. saturday in downtown los angeles and were walking to their cars when police say they came across three suspects in masks attempting to steal wactor's catalytic converter, which contains valuable metals, enticing the thieves. joy says wactor approached one of the suspects, who then instantly opened fire, striking wactor in the chest. >> i had blood on my hands. so i ripped his shirt open, and he had a shot right to his chest. i was just screaming at him trying to tell him to stay with me and i love him and don't go. >> reporter: the 37-year-old rushed to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead. >> they didn't even get the catalytic converter. that's what they were going for. they left with johnny's life instead. >> reporter: well, david, lapd says they are still searching for those three suspects who investigators say fled the scene in a dark-colored sedan, david. >> david: mola lenghi tonight, thank you. we do have a passing to note this evening. the mother of former first lady michelle obama has died, marian robinson. many will recall her as a fixture, a force in the obama white house. she famously lived there, helping to care for her granddaughters, and she was a trusted voice for her daughter. the obamas said she passed away peacefully this morning. marian robinson was 86. when we come back here tonight, severe storms across several states and then moving east just as we start the weekend. possible tornados, damaging winds. we'll have the forecast. something many will not remember from 9/11. what two pilots in the air were willing to do. ♪ stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. 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(♪) start to get yourself back, with bimzelx. ask your dermatologist about bimzelx today. >> david: to the index. the new scripps national spelling bee champ racing to victory. a remarkable 29 words in 90 seconds in a very rare tie-breaking spell-off. >> panetiere. >> p-a-n-e-t-i-e-r-e. >> sagaie. >> s-a-g-a-i-e. >> nachschlage. >> n-a-c-h-s-c-h-l-a-g-e. >> david: incredible. 12-year-old bruhat soma of tampa winning the scripps cup and $50,000. when we come back here, two fighter pilots in the air on 9/11 and what they were willing to do. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters. ♪ stay ahead of your child's moderate—to—severe eczema, and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. ♪ on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. 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>> it's a testament to sass' leadership that he didn't ask anyone else to lead that mission. he wouldn't ask anyone else to give what he was unwilling to give. >> reporter: the fighter pilots would later discover the passengers and crew on flight 93 had stormed the cockpit, the plane crashing into a shanksville, pennsylvania, field. >> if those heroes on 93 -- by the way, those are the real heroes. if they hadn't taken action and they hadn't done what needed to be done, it would have been a very different outcome for me and my family. >> reporter: but he kept quiet about his own role that day. when you went home, your wife and kids are there. what did you say? >> well, i said nothing at first. i hugged them and squeezed them very tightly. and i didn't tell them, actually, for a while, what had happened. and i told them that i loved them. and i was going to be gone to work for a long time because something very bad had happened to america. >> reporter: his wife, karen, and the kids were there for his retirement ceremony this week after some 40 years of service. >> it's been a tremendous honor and a privilege to serve and a truly rare opportunity for me and my family to make a difference. now you have the watch. thank you all. >> reporter: one last speech and one last flight. karen moved to tears. his children, lauren and luke, waiting with pride. the fighter pilot who was prepared to give his own life to save others. >> oh, dad, so proud of you. oh, i love you. >> love you too. >> david: so tonight, we salute lieutenant general marc sasseville and retired major heather penney for their service and what they were willing to do on that fateful day. i'm david muir. thank you for being here with us this week. i'll see you on monday night. good night. on monday night. good n area. plus, i have always known that anchor steam was a phoenix, a new beginning for anchor brewing. >> how yogurt is helping reboot the san francisco beer. >> the oakland school year is over tonight. meet the people making sure that no child goes hungry this summer. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> it's the essence of san francisco. it's the essence of this country that we can always bring it back stronger, better than ever before. i think the best time of san francisco is yet to come. >> the best is yet to come. this billionaire is brewing a culture of hope. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. an iconic part of san francisco is making a comeback. a year after the century old company shut down. >> yeah, we're talking about anchor brewing. so who's coming to the rescue? the billionaire founder and ceo of chobani yogurt, right. >> might seem like an odd combination at first, but give us just a couple of minutes to make it make sense. let's start our team coverage with abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn. suzanne. >> so, dan, i talked to a former employee and several beer writers today. they all have high hopes that the new owner will embrace the company's long history and maintain a firm commitment to the community. >> when i heard the news this morning, i started tearing up like dahlstrom is really excited for this next chapter for anchor brewing, she used to supervise anchor's taproom and help create its workers union. i have always known that anchor steam was a phoenix. it's died and been resurrected many times. >> the ceo and founder of chobani yogurt, hamdi ulukaya, is taking

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,Palestinian Prisoners ,End ,Plan ,Prime Minister ,Fighting ,Israelis ,Fight ,Hardliners ,Stage ,Road ,Done ,Suffering ,Support ,Officer ,Thanks ,Martha Raddatz ,Election Day ,Bribery Charges ,Admiral Burke ,Wall ,Government Training Contract ,Position ,Florida On Bribery ,Company ,Retirement ,Prosecutors ,Bribery Scheme ,Stock Options ,A Million ,A Million Dollar ,Thousands ,Head ,Forces ,Operations ,Indictment ,Africa ,Europe ,2022 ,2020 ,Office ,Salary ,Gain ,Status ,U S Attorney Office ,Falsely Implying ,500000 ,00000 ,Plea ,Role ,Washington ,Contract ,Martha ,Blast ,Video Showing Firefighters ,Debris ,Officers ,Ohio ,Youngstown ,Alex Perez ,Back Up ,Camera ,Sound ,Gas Hissing ,Aftermath ,Part ,Floor ,Basement ,Survivors ,Teams ,Rubble ,Crater ,Go ,Go ,Spain ,Hospital ,Employee ,Firefighter ,Out Of The Pit ,Others ,Back ,Victim ,Knee ,Screaming ,Service ,Cut A Gas Line ,Officials ,Northeast ,Connecticut ,Construction Crews ,Michelle Troconis ,Courtroom ,Testimony ,Plotting ,Stephanie Ramos ,Gut Wrenching ,Marian Robinson ,Family ,Jennifer Dulos ,Pictures ,Wife ,Whole ,Dulos Children Speaking For The First Time ,Fotis Dulos ,Arrest ,Troconis On Trial ,Mom ,Reason ,Kristiane ,Dulos ,10 ,Child ,Tears ,Childhood ,In My Life ,Mercy ,Daughter ,Sentencing Troconis ,Lives ,Relationship ,14 1 2 ,Sentence ,Friends ,Steph ,Innocence ,45 ,Former ,Factor ,Co Worker ,Shooting ,Mola Lenghi ,Anita Joy ,Oman ,Car ,Knees ,Jack ,People ,Suspects ,Catalytic Converter ,Police ,Metals ,Shift ,Cars ,Thieves ,Masks ,Downtown Los Angeles ,00 ,Three ,3 ,Chest ,Blood On My Hands ,Fire ,Joy ,Shirt Open ,Striking Wactor ,Don T Go ,Johnny ,37 ,Michelle Obama ,Lapd ,Evening ,Passing ,Investigators ,Sedan ,Force ,Obamas ,Fixture ,Voice ,Granddaughters ,Obama White House ,86 ,Something ,Skin ,Pitch ,About Dupixent ,Eczema ,Weekend ,Least ,Show ,Forecast ,Doctor ,Reactions ,Vision ,Eye Problems ,Eye Pain ,Dermatologists ,Allergists ,Number One ,Asthma ,Eczema Specialist ,Infection ,Don T ,Joint Aches ,Instinct ,Day One ,Instincts ,Nutrition ,Meat ,1 ,Migraine ,Difference ,Qulipta ,Muscles ,Vo ,Energy ,Probiotic ,Attacks ,Plans ,Migraine Feeling ,Worry ,Pill ,Kind ,Frequency ,Look At Me Now ,Zero ,Side Effects ,Sleepiness ,Weight ,Skeleton ,Constipation ,Nausea ,Bountiful ,Patients ,Nature ,Teeth ,Whiter Teeth ,Bones ,Nature S Bounty ,Magnesium ,The Other ,Sensodyne ,Relief Plus ,Gut ,Shelf ,Bacteria ,Shades ,Sensitivity Protection ,2 ,24 7 ,Albuterol Asthma Rescue Inhaler ,Vitamin B12 ,Food Digestion ,Aid Digestion ,Inflammation ,Symptoms ,Metamucil Gummies ,Rescue ,Asthma Attacks ,Asthma Experts ,Bit ,Dinosaur ,Rescue Inhaler ,Airsupra ,Fda ,Breathing ,Thrush ,Risk ,Infections ,Heart Problems ,Maintenance Treatment ,Asthma Rescue ,Age ,Flash Flooding ,System ,Spelling Bee ,Midland ,Minnesota ,24 ,Relief ,Over The Counter ,Eye Disease ,Eye Drops ,Xiidra ,Coming ,Bac ,Prescription ,Taste Sensation ,Signs ,Discomfort ,Eye Irritation ,Dry Eye Disease , ,90 ,0 ,Things ,Glucerna ,Blend ,Diabetes ,Blood Sugar Response ,Grunt ,Carbsteady ,Father S Day ,Hauler ,Cargo Liner ,Gift ,Floorliners ,Interior Pristine ,Weathertech ,Cupfone ,Seat Protector ,Uv Rays ,Sunshade ,Stains ,Phone ,Driving ,Products ,Gift Card ,Thing ,Agitation ,Fingers ,Dementia Due To Alzheimer S Disease ,Seemed Off ,Alzheimer S ,Medication ,Rexulti ,Fever ,High Blood Sugar ,Death ,Dementia ,Confusion ,Stroke ,Coma ,Muscle Movements ,Loved One ,Weight Gain ,Dizziness ,Action ,Cholesterol ,Urges ,Trouble ,White Blood Cells ,Seizures ,Falls ,Standing ,Rest ,Best ,Feeling ,Zzzquil ,Forming Zzzquil ,Jonah Wrestles ,Sleep Aid Brand ,Will Psoriasis ,Confidence ,Piece ,Psoriasis ,Wings ,Bimzelx ,Adults ,Plaques ,Moderate ,Psoriasis Control Plaques ,Skin Fast ,Targets ,Results ,Calm Inflammation ,17 ,Behavior ,Thoughts ,Shorts ,Dose ,Head To Toe ,Freedom ,Dare To Wear Black ,100 ,Liver Problems ,Inflammatory Bowel Disease ,Dermatologist ,Have ,Ability ,Vaccine ,Spell Off ,Victory ,Champ Racing ,Scripps National Spelling Bee ,The Index ,Panetiere ,29 ,Sagaie ,Nachschlage ,Bruhat Soma ,Tampa ,Scripps Cup ,50000 ,Fighter Pilots ,Antidepressant ,Lift ,Vraylar ,Saw ,Depression ,Studies ,Impact ,Changes ,Antidepressants ,Sleep ,Restlessness ,Treatment ,Appetite ,Fatigue ,Issues ,Stomach ,Movement Dysfunction ,Science ,Abbvie ,Hot Dog Diet ,Nutrients ,Matters ,Body Health ,Fears ,Ultra Thins ,Say Goodbye ,Rapiddry Technology ,Won T ,Breathing Problems ,Gush ,Symptom Improvement ,Flare Ups ,Breztri ,Hellooo ,Copd ,High Blood Pressure ,Eye ,Chest Pain ,Vision Changes ,Pneumonia ,Osteoporosis ,Tongue ,Mouth ,Problems Urinating ,Swelling ,Heart Condition ,Pet ,Pharmacy ,Shaking ,Chewy ,20 ,Fiber ,Need Fiber ,Flea ,Prebiotic ,Health ,Gummies ,Door ,Panting ,Amount ,Broccoli ,Fighter Pilot ,F 16 ,16 ,Mission ,Send Off ,Gratitude ,U S Air Force ,Fighter Jet ,Side ,Suit Up ,Sass ,Flight ,Call Sign ,Sir ,Marc Sasseville ,Joint Base Andrews ,The ,Last ,On A Mission ,23 ,Memories ,Planes ,Another ,On Fire ,Twin Towers ,Pentagon ,Airplane ,Concrete ,Fuel ,Hit ,December 7th ,Here We Go Again ,1941 ,December 7th 1941 ,Borders ,Missiles ,F 16s ,Heather Penneyfind ,93 ,26 ,Sasseville ,Plane ,So Penney ,Suicide Mission ,Testament ,Leadership ,He Wouldn T ,Heroes ,Passengers ,Crew ,Cockpit ,Plane Crashing ,Pennsylvania ,Field ,Shanksville ,Kids ,Outcome ,Karen ,Retirement Ceremony ,Privilege ,Honor ,40 ,Watch ,Lauren ,Dad ,I Love You ,Luke ,Waiting With Pride ,On Monday Night ,Heather Penney ,Good N ,Anchor Steam ,Area ,Beginning ,Anchor Brewing ,Phoenix ,Seven News ,Beer ,San Francisco ,Yogurt ,Oakland School Year ,Reboot ,Summer ,Essence ,The Best Is Yet To Come ,Country ,Comeback ,Billionaire ,Dan Ashley ,Culture Of Hope ,Ama Daetz ,Suzanne Fawn ,Ceo ,Billionaire Founder ,It Make Sense ,Team Coverage ,Chobani Yogurt ,Couple ,Odd Combination At First ,Dahlstrom ,Commitment ,Community ,Writers ,Owner ,Chapter ,Hopes ,Anchor ,Founder ,Taproom ,Workers Union ,Hamdi Ulukaya ,

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