biggest hospital. israel tonight saying it was targeting an ambulance being used by hamas to transfer weapons and fighters. and that push by secretary of state blinken today for a humanitarian pause. what prime minster netanyahu said about that. matt rivers in israel tonight. here in the u.s. amid warnings from the fbi about the rising threat from extremists with this war, some jewish americans across the country are now arming themselves. from california to texas to florida, what gun shops are now seeing. and the images tonight of the firearms training. victor oquendo reporting. the scare at one of the largest nuclear energy plants here in the u.s. the alarming crash right through the security gates. they say the driver tried to hit several security guards. pierre thomas on the search right now. the scare aboard a jet blue flight from new york city to florida. the fire on board. flight attendants using water bottles to put it out. president biden paying tribute to the victims of the horrific mass shooting in lewiston, maine. former president trump preparing to take the stand in the civil fraud trial against him. tonight, ivanka trump and her deposition, what she claims. the nurse accused of trying to kill several of her patients. 17 of them died. the weather whiplash. heading into the weekend, the major change coming and the storms in the northwest. also tonight, the earthquake in california. we remember a famous astronaut here. and a note about what's coming up tonight. baby holly found 40 years later. the exclusive interview right here on abc. >> announcer: from abc world headquarters in new york, this is world news tonight with david muir. >> david: good evening, and it's great to have you with us here on a friday night. we do begin tonight with the israeli military surrounding gaza city. the face-to-face combat with hamas militants and the air strike near one of the largest hospitals in gaza. israel tonight says they were targeting hamas, that hamas was using an ambulance to carry weapons and fighters. several civilians were killed. tonight, u.s. secretary of state antony blinken back in israel, saying israel has the right to defend itself but pushing for humanitarian pauses to get aid into gaza and get the hostages out. prime minster netanyahu did not appear interested in any pause. tonight, israel not letting up on its bombing campaign. massive explosions near that large hospital in gaza. multiple civilian deaths reported tonight. israeli militants battling hamas inside gaza city now. we learned 79 americans got out of gaza since the gate opened today. they're among hundreds escaping but hundreds remain. and of course the hostages, more than 200 being held by hamas, americans among them. matt rivers leading us off tonight from tel aviv. >> reporter: tonight, as israeli forces encircle gaza city, u.s. secretary of state antony blinken meeting with israeli leaders today to discuss a humanitarian pause in the fighting. blinken raising concerns about gazans caught in the crossfire as more aid is desperately needed. >> we need to do more to protect palestinian civilians. we've been clear that as israel conducts its campaign to defeat hamas, how it does so matters. >> reporter: but israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu later seeming to rebuff blinken, ruling out a humanitarian pause unless hostages held by hamas are released. blinken did reaffirm israel's right to defend itself, saying he was shown video of the october 7th attack, also seen by abc news but not made public. in it, hamas terrorists are seen tossing a grenade into a shelter with a father and his two boys inside, then shooting the wounded man as he staggered out. blinken visibly upset describing what he saw. >> and then the boys come out. and they run into -- into their house, and the camera in the house is filming everything. and they're crying. "where's daddy?" one says. the other says, "they killed daddy." "where's my mommy?" and then the terrorist comes in and casually opens the refrigerator and starts to eat from it. that's what we're dealing with. >> reporter: inside gaza, the idea of releasing video of its troops uncovering the entrance to a hamas tunnel. following a massive bombardment of the site from the air. hamas releasing its own unverified video showing fighters emerging from its tunnel complex to attack israeli ground forces. large explosions also rocked the area near gaza city's biggest hospital today, as israel said it was targeting an ambulance being used by hamas to transfer weapons and fighters. the hamas-run gaza health ministry said at least 13 people were killed and 26 wounded in the strike near al-shifa hospital. and at the southern rafah border crossings, u.s. officials say 79 americans crossed into egypt, though hundreds more remain trapped. and as the fighting rages, there are growing fears about the 240 hostages held by hamas, among them several u.s. citizens. yarden gonen's little sister romi taken hostage by hamas during that music festival on october 7th. today, she joined a rally outside the hotel where secretary blinken met with israeli officials, a clear message on her mind speaking to abc's ian pannell. >> you must bring them home now. not tomorrow, not today everyone. now. >> david: let's bring in matt rivers live from tel aviv. we know prime minster netanyahu seemed publicly rejecting any calls for a humanitarian pause. on israel's northern border we know there's been another major development with hezbollah and their leader? >> reporter: yeah, for the first time this conflict began we heard from the leader of hezbollah. while he did say all options remain, quote, on the table, he stopped short of calling for a second front to be opened in this war at the lebanese border, and that's significant given the very real risk we face of this war turning into a wider regional conflict. david? >> david: matt rivers leading us off from tel aviv. matt, thank you. as this war intensifies, here in the u.s. amid new warnings from the fbi about extremists, tonight many jewish americans are arming themselves. from california to texas to florida, what gun shops are now seeing. and the images tonight of the firearms training. here's abc's victor oquendo. >> reporter: with the war raging in israel and the fbi warning of attacks against muslims and jews in the u.s., tonight, many jewish americans are taking steps to protect themselves, buying guns for the first time. >> i think right now it's just that people can't feel safe in their day-to-day life, and they also feel like they have to be looking over their shoulder. >> reporter: gun shops from florida to california to texas are seeing a surge in sales to jewish customers. >> the people are coming in and saying that they are scared for their lives. because of their religion, they are expecting to be attacked. >> reporter: in hollywood, florida, endi tennenhaus joined a group of jewish women for an introductory firearms course. >> we need to make sure that our communities are well prepared, and god forbid if anything should happen, we know how to handle a situation. reporter: the adl has seen a 400% spike in anti-semitic incidents since the hamas terror attack. in los angeles, where this week anti-semitic messages were scrawled on a synagogue in the iconic jewish deli canter's, rabbi yossi eilfort is giving firearms training to members of l.a.'s jewish community. the non-profit magen am says they're seeing an unprecedented surge in demand for classes. >> hold on to the gun. >> reporter: here in florida, many coming to the pembroke gun range, buying their first weapon, like michael farihi. did you ever think you'd own a gun, be in this position? >> i definitely never thought i'd have to carry one on me at all times, and the thought that i might have to do that now or have one when i go to certain events is definitely a sad reality. >> reporter: this week the director of the fbi said that while jews represent about 2% of the u.s. population, they were the targets of about 60% of the threats nationwide. david? >> david: that's a stunning number. victor oquendo tonight. victor, thank you. we turn now to the other news this friday night and to the search under way right now after scare at one of the largest nuclear energy plants here in the u.s. the alarming crash, the driver going through the security gates. authorities say the driver tried to hit several security guards. here's our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas tonight. >> reporter: tonight, authorities in south carolina say 66-year-old boyle wayne whisenhunt is a person of interest in connection with a breach of one of the largest nuclear energy plants in the country. >> mr. whisenhunt is 5'7," weighs 185 pounds, has green eyes and gray hair. >> reporter: the call from oconee nuclear station just north of clemson coming around 8:05 p.m. thursday night for a white male driving a silver 2002 toyota camry that drove through the exit side of the gate. after security activated a pop-up barricade, authorities say the suspect took off and drove through a fence after attempting to hit the security officers. >> 15 minutes ago, the vehicle that we were looking for was located in pickens county. >> reporter: the incident comes amid heightened concern that foreign or domestic violent extremists could target power grids. last december, two substations in north carolina were damaged by gunfire, knocking out power to 45,000 people for days. whisenhunt is wanted in arkansas on drug and weapons charges. police are telling anyone with information to call 911 immediately. david? >> david: pierre thomas with late reporting tonight. pierre, thank you. tonight, the faa is now investigating a scare on board a jet blue flight at jfk set to fly from new york to florida. the plane still at the gate when a fire broke out. flight attendants using bottles of water to put it out. gio benitez covers aviation. >> reporter: tonight, what caused this chaotic scene aboard a jet blue plane? flight attendants using water bottles to put out a fire. listen. >> i still see smoke. >> reporter: the plane was still at the gate at new york's jfk airport waiting to take off for fort lauderdale when passenger jimmy levy's portable charger apparently caught fire. >> i just heard a big explosion, and i opened my eyes, and a big ball of fire was coming towards my face. and i pushed it down, and it was my backpack on fire. >> what the hell is in that bag? >> i stomped on it, got it on the ground, and all the flight attendants started coming and pouring water. >> reporter: tonight, jet blue telling abc news in a statement, our crew immediately responded and addressed the situation, and there were no requests for medical assistance. david, tonight both jet blue and the faa say they're investigating this case. and a reminder here, if you're on a plane and your device is overheating, make sure you tell the flight crew right away. david? >> david: gio benitez tonight. gio, thank you. we turn now to january 6th, and tonight a former trump appointee at the state department has now been sentenced to nearly six years in prison for his role in the attack on the capital. klein was convicted on several felony counts, including assaulting law enforcement. prosecutors also say he had security clearance and access to sensitive information at the time. the judge who is also a trump appointee called klein's actions, quote, shocking and egregious. meantime, former president trump is preparing to take the stand in the civil fraud trial against him. and tonight ivanka trump and her deposition and what she claims. here's aaron katersky. >> reporter: tonight, former president trump preparing to take the stand in the trial that could crater the family business, and now his eldest daughter ivanka is getting ready to testify, too. today, abc news obtaining excerpts of her deposition. >> do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you god? >> i do. >> reporter: ivanka trump is not a defendant in the case, and she didn't want to testify, arguing she would suffer undue hardship by having to travel from her home in florida in the middle of a school week. courts rejected that, and today she dropped her appeal. like her brothers eric and don junior, ivanka trump claims to know little about the financial statements a judge determined fraudulently inflated the value of the family's real estate to secure favorable insurance rates and bank loans. >> a statement of financial condition would list all of the assets and all the liabilities. otherwise it wouldn't accurately portray the financial condition of the entities, right? >> i object to the question. >> i've never prepared one, so i have no idea. >> but to your knowledge. you're a wharton graduate. >> i object to the question. >> look, i have my own. i've never prepared one. i don't know. i've never made one. i'm not an accountant. >> and as you sit here today, you don't know whether it would include all assets and all liabilities? >> i don't know. >> reporter: she said she doesn't know anything about her father's personal financial statements, either. >> no. i mean, not like specific to him. >> that's what i'm asking. not the company. specific to him where his assets and his liabilities are identified. >> i'm sure he has accountants who do all sorts of stuff, have all sorts of stuff. but i -- no, i don't know what specifically was prepared for him on his behalf as a person separate and distinct from the organization. >> reporter: her brothers have testified all they did was sign the documents their accountants prepared, insisting they didn't check what was actually in them. today, eric trump testifying, i don't think i'd be so nitty-gritty that i focused on details like this. this is just not what an executive at my level focuses on. ivanka trump is going to testify on wednesday, but the trial's most anticipated witness, former president trump, david, he goes first thing monday morning. >> david: and you'll be there as well. aaron katersky tonight. thank you, aaron. we're going to move on to a chilling investigation in pennsylvania. the nurse accused of killing several of her patients now facing new charges tonight. prosecutors say at least 17 more patients under her care died. here's trevor ault. >> reporter: tonight, a former western pennsylvania nurse who police say already admitted to murdering two patients now charged in the deaths of more than a dozen new victims. authorities say heather pressdee has confessed to trying to kill 19 patients at 5 different care facilities, 17 of them dying. the criminal complaint alleges pressdee would administer lethal doses of insulin during the night shift when staffing was lowest and even take additional measures to try to kill the victims before they were rushed to the hospital. authorities identifying a pattern over three years of pressdee being investigated for abusive behavior that resulted in her then resigning or being terminated at each facility. the victims as old as 104 and as young as 43. >> the family is sick to know that their mother passed away in such a manner. >> reporter: 68-year-old marianne bower was receiving care for m.s. for nearly two years, her family believed she died of respiratory failure. they're now suing the facility. >> if proper steps and protocols would have been followed, nurse pressdee would have been caught, would have been turned into the authorities, and several people would still be alive today. >> reporter: david, pressdee's attorney says she is cooperating with investigators and tonight she remains in custody without bail. david? >> david: trevor, thank you. late today, president biden paying tribute to the horrific victims of the mass shooting in lewiston, maine. 18 people shot at a bowling alley and bar and grill. the victims between the ages of 14 and 76. a father and his teenage son among them. the president and first lady made an unexpected stop to the bar and grill, leaving flowers at a memorial there to the victims. president biden tonight once again urging common sense reform. when we come back here tonight, the earthquake in california, where they felt this. and the weather whiplash this weekend, what's now coming. and we also remember a famous astronaut and what he did in a moment of crisis. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain diseases caused by hpv. including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and does not treat cancer or hpv infection. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. women still need routine cervical cancer screenings. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you've had an allergic reaction to the vaccine, its ingredients, or are allergic to yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect what counts. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gardasil 9. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches talk to your doctor in your hands or feet? try nervive nerve relief from the world's number one nerve care company. nervive contains ala to relieve nerve aches, and b-complex vitamins to fortify healthy nerves. try nervive. and, try nervive pain relieving roll-on. >> david: tonight there's been a small earthquake felt in southern california. >> david: tonight there's been a small earthquake felt in southern california. officials say a magnitude-4 quake centered about 12 miles northeast of ventura. residents reported feeling the quake. no major damages or injuries reported. change is in the air. the weather whiplash after the first widespread freeze of the season. from the south all the way up to the northeast. a major warmup on the way for the weekend. temperatures reaching the 60s and 70s in major cities, including new york city. storms meanwhile in the northwest. an atmospheric river bringing heavy rain and mountain snow to the pacific northwest right through the weekend. when we come back, the astronaut who helped save the crew of apollo 13. and a note of what's coming up tonight on abc. baby holly found 40 years later, the exclusive interview. breztrid things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. 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(♪) (vo) it's another ultimate endless shrimp flavor drop because the serrano legacy continues. with new tequila lime shrimp one of seven endless choices right now, only at red lobster welcome to fun dining i'm kareem abdul jabbar. i was diagnosed with afib. the first inkling that something was wrong was i started to notice that i couldn't do things without losing my breath. i couldn't make it through the airport, and every like 20 or 30 yards i had to sit down and get my breath. every physical exertion seemed to exhaust me. and finally, i went to the hospital where i was diagnosed with afib. when i first noticed symptoms, which kept coming and going, tohe doctor when i first noticed symptoms, and told them what was happening. instead, i tried to let it pass. if you experience irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light-headedness, you should talk to your doctor. afib increases the risk of stroke about 5 times i want my experience to help others understand the symptoms of atrial fibrillation. when it comes to your health, this is no time to wait. i'm dan ashley. next at six. another apex summit bombshell. this one is going to ruin the commute for thousands of bay area drivers and an idea surfacing to help marine life being pushed out of their habitats by climate chch a final note here about a final note here about what's coming up right here tonight on abc. it's a story that made national headlines -- baby holly found 40 years later. it started with a baby given away at the back door of a church by women in white robes, and then a separate mystery, a couple found murdered in the woods. it would turn out to be a beautiful young couple, but it took 40 years to identify them. and then the question, what happened to their baby, baby holly? tonight on "20/20" at 9:00 p.m. eastern for the first time, baby holly sits down with me for her first interview. what happened to her, what happened to her parents and why it took 40 years to find her. here's a first look. good night. tonight, the "20/20" event -- >> this is a story of a young family, their identities lost and then suddenly found again, a mystery that would defy relief and it started this sudden arrival of a baby. >> i heard a knock at the back door. there were two ladies. >> they looked like they just walked right out of a bible. i had never seen anybody like that in my whole life. >> they said, we need somebody to take care of a baby. she was a gift from good. >> it's like a mystery in a mystery in a mystery. >> this is just one of several stunning turns in the story. this would be another in the woods in houston. it would be days until they discovered the bodies and they were here in the woods? >> both bodies were bound. >> it was a young man and a young woman. >> they likely knew the people who killed them. >> the hunt for what happened in those woods would lead investigators across the country and to a second mystery. >> i'm getting chills just talking about it. >> what happened to this baby? >> my brain just was on fire. how can a child be missing for 40 years and nobody know where she is? >> it sounds like a scene from a movie or something, right? >> all pieces started to come together. >> tonight, the woman behind the headline, baby holly, who made national news, sharing her journey for the first time, from lost to found. holly, it's great to finally meet you. >> thank you, david. >> david muir reporting, baby holly, found. the exclusive "20/20" event tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern on abc. down a plane. also today's big burn in the north bay, acres of fuel wiped out while smoke fills the skies. >> we'll look if they decide like, look, we don't want this grandiose plan anymore. >> we have that other option to where it's just the ballpark and oakland's not giving up new details on the city's last minute push to try and keep the a's from deserting to the desert . >> building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7 news with the very heightened security for this event. >> these closures are necessary. >> more apec anguish. the big summit in san francisco is forcing the ramp and lane closures on the bay bridge for days. commuters you might want to start planning now for this. good evening. i'm karina nova. >> and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. a friday surprise to be sure. one week before the apec summit, the chp announces it is going to make the bay area's worst commute even worse starting tuesday, november 14th.astbound and westbound lan on the bay bridge and the off ramps at fourth and fifth streets are being sh down. there are closures for the golden gate bridge to abc7 news reporter suzanne fawn joins us live now from the newsroom with reasons behind this decision suzanne. >> so, karen, i mean, karina, the apec summit is going to test a lot of commuters, whether you take public transportation or you drive. the chp just announced new closures that will affect thousands of drivers. the week of apec. if you think this traffic is bad, just wait until the apec summit starts. >> chinese president xi jinping and president joe biden will be among the major world l

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Gaza City ,Hospital ,Antony Blinken ,Pause ,Secretary Of State ,On Israel ,Strike ,Israeli Military ,Battles ,Death Toll ,Hamas ,Scare ,Fire ,Country ,Fighters ,U S ,Driver ,Flight ,Hunt ,Plants ,Missile Strike ,Inside Gaza City ,Jfk ,One ,Prime Minster ,Ambulance ,Extremists ,Fbi ,Warnings ,Threat ,Hamas To Transfer Weapons ,Americans ,War ,Firearms Training ,Gun Shops ,Images ,Southern California ,Florida ,Jewish ,Victor Oquendo Reporting ,Texas ,Energy ,New York City ,Jet Blue ,Crash ,Security Guards ,Search ,Security Gates ,Pierre Thomas ,Former ,Flight Attendants ,Victims ,Stand ,Biden Tonight ,Water Bottles ,Tribute ,Horrific Mass Shooting ,Maine ,Civil Fraud Trial ,Lewiston ,Ivanka Trump ,Nurse ,Earthquake ,Weekend ,Deposition ,Northwest ,Weather Whiplash ,Storms ,Major ,Patients ,17 ,Baby ,Note ,Eastern On Abc ,Interview ,Astronaut ,40 ,David Muir ,World News Tonight ,Announcer ,Abc World Headquarters ,Friday Night ,Militants ,Hospitals ,Air Strike ,Military ,Combat ,Aid ,Weapons ,Pauses ,Civilians ,Hostages Out ,Gate ,Campaign ,Explosions ,Deaths ,Bombing ,79 ,Hundreds ,Hostages ,Course ,200 ,Reporter ,Matt Rivers ,Leaders ,Tel Aviv ,Meeting ,Israeli Forces Encircle ,Fighting ,Gazans ,Concerns ,Crossfire ,Palestinian ,Benjamin Netanyahu ,Rebuff Blinken ,It ,Reaffirm Israel ,Abc News ,Video ,Terrorists ,Public ,Shelter ,Grenade ,October 7th Attack ,October 7th ,7 ,Father ,Boys ,Oman ,Two ,Daddy ,In The House ,Mother ,Filming Everything ,Mommy ,House ,Refrigerator ,Terrorist ,Inside Gaza ,Idea ,Hair ,Bombardment ,Site ,Troops ,Entrance ,Video Showing ,Hamas Tunnel ,Unverified ,People ,Ground Forces ,Tunnel Complex ,Run Gaza Health Ministry ,13 ,26 ,Officials ,Rages ,Al Shifa Hospital ,Southern Rafah Border Crossings ,Egypt ,Yarden Gonen ,Rally ,Hostage ,Citizens ,Fears ,Music Festival On October 7th ,Little Sister ,Romi ,240 ,Secretary Blinken ,Everyone ,Message ,Hotel ,Mind ,Ian Pannell ,Hezbollah ,Border ,Calls ,Rivers ,Development ,Time ,Leader ,Conflict ,Quote ,On The Table ,Options ,Calling ,Risk ,War Turning ,Front ,Matt Rivers Leading ,Victor Oquendo ,Attacks ,Warning ,Guns ,Muslims ,Life ,Shoulder ,Women ,Surge ,Religion ,Firearms Course ,Customers ,Group ,Hollywood ,Sales ,Lives ,Endi Tennenhaus ,Anything ,Situation ,God ,Communities ,Incidents ,Messages ,Spike ,Synagogue ,Terror Attack ,Adl ,Los Angeles ,400 ,Gun ,Non Profit Magen Am ,Members ,Demand ,Classes ,Hold On ,Jewish Community ,Rabbi Yossi Eilfort ,Jewish Deli Canter S ,Times ,Thought ,Many ,Weapon ,Position ,Michael Farihi ,Pembroke ,Gun Range ,Events ,Reality ,Targets ,Director ,U S Population ,2 ,60 ,News ,Way ,Threats ,Number ,Pierre Thomas Tonight ,Authorities ,Boyle Wayne Whisenhunt ,Chief Justice ,Connection ,Person Of Interest ,South Carolina ,66 ,Eyes ,Breach ,Oconee Nuclear Station ,Mr ,The Call ,Clemson ,05 ,5 ,185 ,8 ,Security ,Camry ,Driving ,Exit Side ,Suspect ,Fence ,Pop Up Barricade ,Security Officers ,Toyota ,2002 ,Incident ,Concern ,Vehicle ,Power Grids ,Pickens County ,15 ,Charges ,Information ,Police ,Power ,Substations ,Gunfire ,Drug ,North Carolina ,Anyone ,Arkansas ,45000 ,911 ,Plane ,Reporting ,Jfk Set ,Pierre ,Bottles ,Faa ,Scene ,Smoke ,Water ,Jet Blue Plane ,Gio Benitez Covers Aviation ,Face ,Jimmy Levy ,Charger ,Big Explosion ,Ball Of Fire ,Jfk Airport Waiting ,Fort Lauderdale ,Crew ,Statement ,On Fire ,Backpack ,Ground ,Shell ,Bag ,Case ,Overheating ,Device ,Assistance ,Requests ,Reminder ,Gio Benitez Tonight ,Attack ,Appointee ,Role ,Capital ,Prison ,Flight Crew ,Trump Appointee Called Klein ,January 6th ,State Department ,Six ,6 ,Judge ,Felony Counts ,Security Clearance ,Law Enforcement ,Access ,Actions ,Shocking ,Prosecutors ,Trial ,Eldest ,Family Business ,Aaron Katersky ,Ivanka ,Nothing ,Truth ,Defendant ,Daughter ,Excerpts ,To Tell The Truth ,Family ,Home ,Statements ,School Week ,Courts ,Hardship ,Middle ,Appeal ,Real Estate ,Value ,Brothers Eric And Don Junior ,Question ,Wall ,Condition ,Liabilities ,Assets ,Insurance ,Bank Loans ,Rates ,Entities ,Knowledge ,Accountant ,Here Today ,I Don T Know ,Wharton ,Specific ,Company ,Accountants ,Sorts ,Stuff ,Person ,Behalf ,Brothers ,Eric Trump ,Organization ,Documents ,Details ,Monday Morning ,Executive ,Level ,Witness ,Aaron ,Care ,Patients ,Several ,Investigation ,Pennsylvania ,Heather Pressdee ,Trevor Ault ,Western Pennsylvania ,Pressdee ,Complaint ,Care Facilities ,Insulin ,Staffing ,Dying ,Doses ,Night Shift ,19 ,Facility ,Behavior ,Measures ,Pattern ,104 ,Three ,Marianne Bower ,Receiving Care ,Sick ,Manner ,M S ,43 ,68 ,Nurse Pressdee ,Respiratory Failure ,Protocols ,Steps ,President ,Investigators ,Custody ,Mass Shooting ,Bail ,Bowling Alley ,Biden Paying Tribute ,18 ,Bar ,Grill ,Flowers ,Stop ,Wages ,Son ,Memorial ,First Lady ,14 ,76 ,Reform ,Weather ,Common Sense ,Cancers ,Gardasil 9 ,Vaccine ,Hpv ,Thousands ,Crisis ,Tens ,Who Don T Clear The Virus ,9 ,Cancer ,Mouth Cancers ,Head ,Diseases ,Doesn T ,Throat ,Cervical ,Genital Warts ,Neck ,Vaginal ,Vulvar ,Anal ,45 ,Doctor ,Hpv Infection ,Reaction ,Screening ,Yeast ,Ingredients ,Immune System ,Screenings ,Side Effects ,Help ,Fainting ,Abdominal Pain ,Counts ,Headache ,Injection Site Reactions ,Sore Throat ,Dizziness ,Fever ,Diarrhea ,Nausea ,Tiredness ,Pharmacist ,Relief ,Nerve Aches ,Nervive Nerve ,Nerves ,Nerve Care Company ,World ,B Complex Vitamins ,Feet ,Hands ,Ala ,Nervive Pain Relieving Roll ,Quake ,Felt ,Residents ,Ventura ,4 ,12 ,Change ,Injuries ,Freeze ,Damages ,Northeast ,South ,Season ,Warmup ,Temperatures ,Apollo 13 ,And 70s In Major Cities ,Mountain ,Atmospheric River ,Snow ,Pacific Northwest ,Heavy Rain ,70 ,Won T ,Things ,Breathing ,Breathing Problems ,Symptom Improvement ,Flare Ups ,Rescue Inhaler ,Breztrid ,Breztri ,Chest Pain ,Don T ,Osteoporosis ,Tongue ,Swelling ,High Blood Pressure ,Heart Condition ,Mouth ,Asthma ,Thrush ,Pneumonia ,Problems Urinating ,Spain ,Husband ,Plan ,Carolers ,Iphone ,Eye ,Wife ,Pro ,Vision Changes ,Wreck ,Verizon ,Lot ,Apple ,Vo ,Tv ,Titanium ,Apple Tv ,Aaannnnnddddd ,Mhmmm ,4k ,Ipad ,Bladder Leak Pad ,Super Absorbent ,Test ,Liquid ,Wetness ,I M A Believer ,Believer ,Bone ,Prolia ,Calcium ,Blood ,Spine Fracture Risk ,Bones ,Fracture ,Vitamin D ,1 ,Reactions ,Jaw Bone Problems ,Blood Pressure ,Trouble Breathing ,Problems ,Thigh ,Throat Tightness ,Hives ,Rash ,Lip ,Hip ,Groin ,Take Xgeva ,Infections ,Hospitalization ,Skin Problems ,Thigh Bone Fractures ,Fractures ,Spine ,Stopping ,Muscle ,Joint ,Ken Mattingly ,Passing ,Apollo 16 ,Who Orbited The Moon ,16 ,87 ,Symptoms ,Settling ,Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms ,Arthritis ,Isn T ,Tnf Blocker ,Humira ,Enbrel ,Psa ,Rinvoq ,Pill ,Skin ,Fatigue ,Some ,Damage ,Nra ,Stroke ,Skin Cancer ,Death ,Risks ,Intestines ,Heart Attack ,Ability ,Fatal ,Lymphoma ,Blood Clots ,Tears ,Stomach ,Heart Disease Risk Factor ,Tb ,50 ,Rheumatologist ,Deals ,Gifts ,Toys ,E Gift Card ,Socks ,Excitement ,Chewy ,30 ,0 ,Shrimp Flavor Drop ,Serrano Legacy ,Riding ,Generations ,Shrimp ,Lime ,Fun Dining ,Choices ,Red Lobster ,Kareem Abdul Jabbar ,Seven ,Breath ,Afib ,Something ,Airport ,Inkling ,20 ,Physical Exertion ,Heartbeat ,Shortness ,Light Headedness ,Heart Racing ,Tohe ,Health ,Atrial Fibrillation ,Experience ,Others ,Drivers ,Commute ,Habitats ,Summit Bombshell ,Dan Ashley ,Apex ,Climate Chch ,Idea Surfacing To Help Marine Life Being ,Story ,Headlines ,Mystery ,Couple ,In The Woods ,Back Door Of A Church By Women In White Robes ,Baby Holly ,Eastern ,Parents ,00 ,Event ,Look ,Arrival ,Identities ,Ladies ,Gift ,Somebody ,Knock ,Bible ,Anybody ,In The Woods Houston ,Turns ,Bodies ,Good ,Woman ,Woods ,Child ,Pieces ,Chills ,Brain ,Nobody ,Movie ,Headline ,Journey ,Lost ,Who Made National News ,Exclusive ,Burn ,Fuel ,Skies ,North Bay ,City ,Forward ,A ,Ballpark ,Desert ,Push ,Option ,Deserting ,Finding Solutions ,Building A Better Bay Area ,Abc7 ,Oakland ,Closures ,Ramp ,Anguish ,Apec ,Big Summit In San Francisco ,Commuters ,Planning ,Surprise ,Lane ,Thanks ,Bay Bridge ,Karina Nova ,Chp ,Suzanne Fawn ,Ramps ,Streets ,Golden Gate Bridge ,November 14th Astbound ,Sh Down ,Tuesday November 14th ,Newsroom ,Transportation ,Reasons ,Decision ,Xi Jinping ,Traffic ,Joe Biden ,Apec Summit Starts ,World L ,Chinese ,

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