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New images showing Israeli Forces hammering hamas targets. Explosions leveling buildings, black smoke filling the air. Hamas militants firing more rockets into israel. Israels iron dome fully activated. All of this ignited by the Surprise Attack by hamas by land, sea, and air. At least 1,000 hamas fighters crossing into israel. More than 900 dead here in israel. At least 11 americans among them. One of the first targets in israel, a Music Festival, where hamas militants opened fired on young people in the crowd. At least 260 bodies recovered from the scene. My interview tonight with a young man who ran for cover. He says several of his friends were shot and killed right in front of him. He was shot, too. He somehow survived. And tonight here, the young father whose wife and two little girls were kidnapped by hamas. The phone call with his wife when the call dropped out. The phone now pings in gaza. And then the video. He recognized his wife in video online showing militants beginning to cover her head. Also tonight, our ian pannell right there as convoys of israeli tanks now head toward gaza, preparing to launch a widescale assault. Israel already cutting off power and water, electricity. Nearly 700 now dead in gaza. And tonight, it turns out, hamas had been planning its shock attack on israel in secret for months. The Video Showing Fighters training on motorized paragliders, practicing their descent into israel. Tonight, ian and our team taking cover as hamas fires more rockets into israel. Also tonight, the haunting discovery. 100 bodies found in just one small town in southern israel. Matt gutman traveling to the region, the towns and villages where it took longer to push hamas out than israel expected. And then a code red declared as matt and the team were reporting there. And tonight, the new threat from hamas, with israel now retaliating against gaza. Hamas now threatening to execute those 100 house tajs on camera, one by one. Families now fearing whether their loved ones will ever come home. James longman on the ground here. The u. S. Rushing supplies and air defenses to israel. Martha raddatz tonight, and what shes learned. And mary bruce here on The Americans killed, and whether the u. S. Believes there are americans among those being held captive in gaza. A Special Edition of World News Tonight begins now. Announcer from abc news, this is a Special Edition of World News Tonight with david muir, reporting tonight from tel aviv. And good evening tonight. We are here in israel, a nation at war, after that brutal spur prize attack by hamas. The worst attack on israel in 50 years. Hamas militants coming in by land, sea, and air, targeting civilians. Horrific acts of brutality just now coming to light. Tonight, israel vowing vengeance, calling up 300,000 military reserves, already hammering hamas targets in gaza. Ordering a total siege of gaza. But with this retaliation comes the new threat from hamas tonight, that they will kill the 100 hostages in gaza, one by one you on video before the world if the attacks continue. The death toll mounting on both sides tonight. At least 900 dead here in israel. 11 americans among them. And nearly 700 now dead in gaza. Tonight, israel waging a fierce bombardment of gaza, cutting off power, water, electricity. Hundreds of apartments and homes destroyed, including at least three mosques. Israeli military vehicles now moving into position along the border with gaza. And all day today, we witnessed hamas still firing missiles into israel. We heard the rockets here in tel aviv, and the air raid sirens. Our teams forced to shelter for a time as they report from communities along the border with gaza. Tonight, we also learned 100 bodies were found just today in a small farming town. Images circulating online showing hamas militants arriving on motorbikes and dragging hostages through the streets there. More than 260 people were killed at a Music Festival. Thousands of young people running from the gunmen. And the Haunting Images of the hostages being taken by hamas. Tonight, the real fear. How does israel retaliate without risking the lives of those hostages . Among them, a wife and her two young daughters. They were visiting their grandmother. That wife calling her young husband right there as the militants moved in. The call then dropped out. That husband telling me he then recognized his wife in video being taken by hostage by the militants. What he told me about that phone call, right here tonight. Weve heard it on the streets here, as well, and i heard it on the flight from the u. S. To israel. People coming up to me, saying, this is our 9 11. This devastating and lethal Surprise Attack. Tonight, israel now responding with the death toll here and in gaza only growing. Tonight, israel at war. Hundreds of israeli rockets pounding gaza for hours. Retaliation for the brutal hamas attack on israel. Thick black plumes of Smoke Billowing into the sky. These men capturing the destruction unfold from inside a neighboring building. As the sun sets, explosions lighting up the night sky. 130 targets in just three hours. Dozens of israeli fighter jets. Tonight, the Israeli Defense ministry declaring a total siege of the gaza strip. No power, no water, no electricity. They say they are dealing with, quote, barbaric terrorists and that, quote, we will act accordingly. On the ground in hamascontrolled gaza, ambulances rushing to the scene. Israels retaliatory strikes leaving more than 600 dead. Cries for help as buildings burn, children carried to safety. This man weeping, his head in his hands, as he sits on a pile of rubble, a home hit by an israeli airstrike, four of the seven Family Members who lived there presumed dead. Hamas releasing this drone footage, they say an israeli tank in the crosshairs. Then the strike and explosion. Tonight, israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu comparing hamas to isis, saying the enemy are animals, executing children and parents in front of families. The retaliation comes 48 hours after a sweeping, coordinated, and brutal assault that left much of israel under attack. The worst attack on israel in 50 years. More than 900 dead in israel, at least 11 americans among them. Some of the first missiles seen just after 6 00 a. M. In the sky above a Music Festival near the gaza border. Young people could be seen running for their lives. This Haunting Drone Video posted online showing the aftermath. The cars abandoned, lining the road. A staggering 260 people were killed here. We learned of a young man at that festival who race into a shelter, only to witness many of his own friends shot and killed right in front of him. 30yearold saajo benselan. Glad youre okay. Thank you very much. David shot in the arm and the leg, telling us he ran for his life and hid in that shoelter with 30 others. He estimates 20 of them did not get out alive. One of my friends, she got choked by the smokes, and she tried to run away and she got tackled with the terrorists that tried to get inside to shoot at us, and just he drop her on the floor and start to shoot, kill, them, shoot her. Shoot her dead. David the horror unleashed on that festival was just the beginning. Hamas militants going doortodoor in small towns and villages. Witnesses say they were killing indiscriminately. Leaving bodies in the street, some shot in their cars. And witnesses say in homes where they didnt kill, they took hostages. Mothers and children, seniors, dragged away, taken back to gaza. Yoni. Im david. Thanks for having us. Im sorry. Im sorry. Youre still waiting . Thank you for coming. David this young father, yoni asher, was on the phone with his wife. She had brought their two young daughters, 2 and 4, to see their grandmother. She called her husband after they rushed into a safe room in the house. They knew the militants were outside. She was whispering, i then heard background, didnt hear the girls. She was frightened. And when the call i just couldnt do anything. I just went down on the floor like this on my knees. Couldnt feel my legs and try to hope for the best. David the call drops. He had no idea what happened to his wife and children until this video. Yoni says this is his wife, doran. He watches as militants start to cover his wifes head. He sees a flash of one of his daughters. I recognize them immediately and i saw the video twice. In the second time, i couldnt watch anymore, because i got i got i melt down. I didnt know what to do. I couldnt believe this is happening to me. It was a nightmare. It was the worst possible scenario. David he has not heard from his wife since. Her cell phone now pings from gaza. He is terrified for her and for his daughters. The phone is in honunis, which is inside gaza. And that point, i really feel that shed been taken. David shed been taken . Shed been taken, yeah. David showing us the photos of his family. The smiles, the girls in their dresses. A father proud to hold his daughter. These are their drawings. Their little play kitchen. Their shoes right where they left them. Tonight, israel says there are at least 100 hostages in gaza. And hamas now warning they will start executing israeli hostages if the bombing continues without warning. They say some of the hostages are already dead. Whats your message to those who took your wife and daughters . My message to them is dont hurt my wife. Dont hurt my little girls. Show some decency. Show some respect. David and tonight, as Israeli Soldiers now amass at the border with gaza, a Young Israeli commander will not be there. He was one of the first to respond when the hamas attacks began. 20yearold military commander yuval patiev. Hi. Im david, good to meet you. He watched as the militants charged toward him. He says they put a bomb under the tank. One terrorist climbed under the tank. He put an explosive bomb like under my seat so when he blew it, i flew in the air. At the moment, i really i knew that i broke my leg. So, i told my commander that you should take my tourniquet you should put it on the david you asked them to put your tourniquet on you . Yeah, i just opened and told him to do it right here. David did you think you could lose your leg . Yeah, i did but i just did what they trained us. David his leg shattered and bleeding. Yuval says they were under attack, trapped in that tank for hours. He still sees their faces. You look at them and how can you do this to someone like all they saw was hate and trying to murder you. So, we just fought for our lives, and everybody got together, hold everything close, trying to pray that they wont get wont get to open the tank, wont explode it, and god was with us. Thats all i can say. David well, glad youre okay. That you survived. Yeah. David and you have your leg. Yeah. David they say its going to be okay . Yeah, i think. David okay. Thank you. Thank you. David a young soldier who thought he would die in that tank. Tonight, israel now amassing 300,000 soldiers on the border with gaza. Our chief Foreign Correspondent ian Pannell Takies us to the border tonight. Reporter tonight, israel on a war footing. 100,000 reservists amassing in the south, moving towards gaza. This conflict looks set to enter a new phase, a Ground Invasion could be imminent. Were starting to see largescale movements of the Israeli Military throughout this area in the south now. These are armored personnel carriers. Essentially heading up towards the front line. Were seeing a lot of men, a lot of munitions and movement. This is really starting to look like a country at war. And now gaza is under relentless bombardment. But many civilians are being caught in the crossfire. Over 680 People Killed in three days. 140 of them children, according to gazas health ministry. For parents on both sides of the border, the grief overwhelming. A whole neighborhoods are being wiped out. A frantic scene as Rescue Workers dig for miracles. Is there anyone alive, this man shouts. And from this pile of debris, 6monthold sama alwadia pulled out, still alive. And even today, hamas still hitting israeli cities and civilian areas. We witnessed it firsthand. Just hearing the sound of you just had the air raid siren go. You can hear the sound of explosions overhead. I can see some smoke up there. Sounds like the noise of an intercept, perhaps from the israeli iron dome defense system. And thats what people here have to live with, all the time now. It turns out, hamas had been planning its shock attack on israel in secret for months. Now releasing this video, showing fighters training on motorized paragliders, practicing their descent into israel. How this all began 48 hours ago. But the hell hamas unleashed for so many may only just have begun, now spilling back over into gaza. Reporter david, large swaths of the south now look like a staging area for a Major Military operation. We may now only just be seeing the start of a much bigger war. David . David ian pannell with us here in israel tonight. Ian, thank you. And there was a horrific discovery here today. 100 bodies found in just one small town in southern israel. Abcs matt gutman traveling to the region, to the towns and villages where hamas militants swept right through. And yet another code red was declared just as matt was there today. Reporter tonight, the haunting discovery in a small israeli town. Video circulating online showing hamas militants taking Israeli Citizens hostage during a deadly standoff six miles from the gaza border. It took Israeli Forces two days to fight off those hamas militants. And when they were gone, the harrowing scenes left behind. Tonight, word of more than 100 bodies found in this tiny farming community. This video posted by hamas showing bodies on the ground. We traveled to the bullet scarred town of sderot, just two miles from the gaza border, another community under a relentless barrage of hamas rockets. Inside, inside, inside. Reporter obviously, there was a code red. We have to stay here for two more minutes. You heard the rockets coming in. That tells you how close you are, there was almost no warning. Seven seconds to go in the shelter, thats all you have here. So many residents here choosing to leave. Avital and her mother telling me after dozens of her neighbors were killed, she no longer supports peace with the palestinians. David, probably for the first time in israels history, there is near complete unanimity in supporting the e rad case of hamas militarily and politically. David . David matt gutman, thank you. And this evening, the new threat from hamas, with israel now retaliating in gaza. Hamas threatening to execute those 100 hostages on camera, one by one. James longman tonight on the families now fearing whether their loved ones will ever come home. Reporter tonight, with israel now pounding gaza and hamas reacting with a threat to kill its captives, the fate of more than 100 israeli hostages hanging in the balance. Their loved ones grow more desperate, wondering if they will make it home alive. She wants her she just wants her to come home back safe and sound. Reporter the family of 19yearold karina ashaev, an israeli army recruit, recognized her in this video circulating online, bloody and bound as she was taken into gaza. In another video, karina is seen surrounded by other kidnapped women. Her sister sasha tells me karina was doing her Military Service at a base on the gaza border. But she says after a few weeks of training, karina was told she wouldnt need a weapon. The girls werent prepared for this. They dont know. They have no guns. Reporter Karina Made One last call home when she saw the militants coming. She felt she knew that she wasnt going to come home. Yes. She absolutely knew that shes going to die. Reporter and david, karinas family say theyre still waiting for word. The idf says they have information on every captured israeli. David . David James Longman here in tel aviv. James, thank you. Tonight, the u. S. Military is now rushing military supplies and air defenses to israel, including a Navy Carrier Strike group. So, lets get right to Martha Raddatz with us live tonight. Martha, of course, this is partly as a warning to others in the region not to make this a wider war . Reporter thats right, david. The u. S. Is surging munitions to israel, sending that Aircraft Carrier and additional warships and fighter jets to act as a deterrent to iran and its proxy, the lebanonbased Militant Group hezbollah. A u. S. Official saying they are deeply worried that hezbollah will start a second front in the conflict. Already, said the official, hamas is using savagery with isislevel tactics and techniques. David . David all right, Martha Raddatz with us here tonight, as well. Martha, thank you. When we come back tonight, the news just coming in, President Biden now preparing to address the nation, so, mary bruce is standing by at the white house. What shes learned. And are there americans among those being held captive in gaza . In a moment. 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Airborne tonight, were learning President Biden will address the nation tomorrow on all of this. So, lets get right to mary bruce, live tonight. Mary . Reporter david, we have learned that the president is going to be speaking, giving remarks here on these terrorist attacks tomorrow afternoon, and tonight, white house Officials Say we should be braced for the grim reality that american citizens are likely being held hostage by hamas. The president directing his team to work closely with the israelis on all aspects of this crisis. David . David mary bruce live at the white house tonight. Mary, thank you. When we come back here, the other news of the day. The major headline involving the uaw strike. This is a hot flash. This is a hot flash. But this is a not flash. I got a good feeling theres big news for women going through menopause. Veozah a Prescription Treatment for moderate to severe Vasomotor Symptoms the medical name for hot flashes and night sweats. 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This is a live picture you can see from the scene where were showing you the response from both police and firefighters. You can see that side of the street is cordoned off and a lot of investigators, as theyve been there for the last hour or so, responding to that incident. Now, police have told us very little about whats happening here, but we can tell you what our crews have seen. A blue honda sedan was crashed, crashed into the visa office, located on Geary Boulevard. We have also seen a man being taken away on a stretcher, rushed into an ambulance. Abc seven News Reporter jared stone is making his way to the scene there and we hope to get an update from him live just as soon as he gets a little more details for us. Good afternoon. Im kristin xie. And im dan ashley. Thanks for tuning in. Now to our other top story, the growing conflict in the middle east is really living hell. Im sure shes very scared and im sure she feels very alone. Ive been in a war in two wars in my life and never seen anything like this. Israel now saying it could be a long and difficult war. President biden confirming at least 11 americans are among the dead in the fighting. Israel says at least 100 people have been taken hostage by hamas. The state Department Says americans may be among them. The death toll in israel is currently at about 900, with the number expected to rise. Hamas has warned it will begin executing Hostages One By one unless israel stops Shelling Homes in the gaza strip. Local

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