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Too sweet. Ryan okay, now were gonna go savory and sweet here with chicken stock, right . Kelly chicken stock. Im not gonna do that. Ryan after the break. Kelly i cant do it. Ryan yeah, well come back with that. Eah, well come back announcer tomorrow on live, Padma Lakshmi. Respect, of course that come naturally announcer show your appreciation for a doctor or a nurse you know by nominating them in lives healthcare hero 100k giveaway. Write in and tell us about the impact theyve had in their community during the covid19 crisis because one courageous nominee will win up to 100,000 towards paying off their Student Loans from our partner sofi. Dent go to our website to enter. Kelly we are back with rhett link, who are teaching us alternatives to pouring milk into our cereal. Before we get to that godawful chicken broth, rhett, you wrote a letter to yourself that went viral. Can you tell us about it . Yeah, i mean, with all thats been going on with the black lives matter movement, you know, weve been observing some things that a lot of white people have been saying and kind of the way theyve been responding, and some of the things that ive heard and seen kind of reminded me of the way that i would have reacted at a different time in my life. And so i thought one way to add to the conversation was to write a letter to my former self. I called it letter to white man. Its on the mythical instagram. I read the letter out loud as well, and i was trying to get my former self to really understand and have some empathy for what was going on and see a different perspective to really understand, you know, the racial inequity that still they exists in our country thatand how far we actually still have to go, which is something that i didnt fully understand when i was younger. Yeah, we invite everyone to read it. It was helpful for me. Its helpful for people that you get in conversation with. So its on our mythical instagram. Ryan yeah, absolutely. We will definitely check that out. All right, shifting gears. Thank you. Ryan one final experiment with cereal. Um, yeah, weve got some chicken stock. Its got veggies in it, and, you know, you wanna warm that up a little bit. If its cold, well, just go for it. Now, kelly, i see your face. I see your face. Youre not excited about it. Kelly i cant do it. I cant do it ill throw up. Let me sell this to you. Come on, ryan loves it look at him. Hes going to get more. Youve had matzo ball soup. You have to shift your expectations to savory. Mmm. Ryan the problemheres the problem. Its the sequence in which we did the tasting because that in isolation, i could probably deal with, but i had the water and honey nut cheerios first, which my palate was excited about. So now we have a real sort of intersection of issues on my tongue. So its the sequencing, not necessarily the combination. That would be my feedback. Ryan, welcome to our lives. Its just an intersection of issues, every single moment of the day. Kelly do you evercan i ask you an honest question . Have you ever just thrown up from putting something in there and going no, i cant ingest it triggers a response . Yep. Kelly because i mean, ive got a bucket right here. Kelly is that what that is . [laughter] we have custommade buckets for that. Yeah, it happens quite a lot. But this is good, girl i mean, go back to the cream soda. I mean, maybe the too sweetness will nowwill help you out a little bit, you know . Ryan so what do you guys think is the best verdict here . What is the most popular combination for the masses . Well, we love the cream soda. We thought that we had made a tremendous discovery here on good mythical morning. Kelly yeah. I cant say that im not purchasing milk anymore, but the creaminess, the sweetness, the yeah. Thats something worth trying. Its pretty great. Kelly you can also put just seltzer water, if you like that effervescence but find that maybe the cream soda makes it a skosh too sweet. You could do that. I like that idea. I like that idea. Okay, yeah. Ryan or you could just eat it dry out of a ziploc bag whatever you like. Gentlemen, great to see ya. Thanks for coming on. Good mythical morning, make sure you check it out, their youtube channel, and well be right back on live. Kelly we should move in with them. Hes drinking the plant. Announcer if youd like to know more about anything you see on live, just log on to our website at kellyandryan. Com. My way announcer closed captioning sponsored in part by [alarm clock beeping] every day can be a better day despite the challenge all you gotta do is leave it better than you found it and just say whatever cause there is no way around it, feeling good like i should, went and took a walk around the neighborhood got that sunshine on my sunday best sometimes you gotta lose somebody ryan aww, look at the inbox photos coming in. Aneta k. On facebook with the whole family cuddled up and a little dog. I had to turn sideways to see that. How cute. Kelly so cute. So, so cute. Hey, how bout lynda on facebook said, we rescued him in march right before the pandemic. He is loving his new life, and we are loving him. We dont know his name, but hes awfully cute. Ryan it looks like hes a Soccer Player too. Kathy a. From Staten Island my 70th birthday cake. Small family party due to covid19. My favorite show and hosts took the spotlight. Well, happy birthday to you. So sweet. Kelly very cool. We were honored to be there. Ryan honored to be on the icing there on the cake. Kelly i hope we were delicious. [clicks tongue] ryan [laughs] before we go, this is our good news story of the day about a set of identical twins, kel, who began their nursing careers together 42 years ago. Now theyre retiring together. Two twin sisters with a combined 84 years of experience at Abingtonjefferson Health are working their final shift in montgomery county, pennsylvania, and will retire, sleep in, sit by a pool, do fun things. Isnt that great . Kelly um, is that an old picture . Or is that a recent photo . Ryan i guess its a recent photo of mary and bertha. Berthas a labor and delivery nurse. Mary helps new babies and moms. Kelly they look amazing. If theyve been doing a job for 42 years, we can all agree they look incredible. Ryan they look incredible. They said, we started together. We were hired by the same person, and now were leaving together. Their coworkers are gonna miss them, and what an incredible career. And youre right. Kelly incredible. Ryan they look youthful and ready to take on retirement. Kelly i know. I was staring. I was like, wait a minute. Wait, wait. Im likenow im reading the article because im hearing what youre saying, but i dont believe it. So now im reading, going, no, wait. Thats incredible. Good for them. Ryan congratulations, mary and bertha. Tomorrow on the show, rob lowe. Kelly ahh, like looking into the sun, rob lowe. And also, Padma Lakshmi is also here. Ryan well see you tomorrow. Have a great day, everybody. Byebye. Kelly bye. [upbeat music] today on tamron hall, what would you be willing to do to help others . Emmywinner Debra Messings passionate challenge of the status quo. How reality tv star dr. Jen arnolds big mission hopes to save lives. A crusade to protect children by a sexual abuse victim. Plus, this teenagers healthy candy sold millions to combat tooth decay. And tamrons hot summer giveaway is back with more big prizes. An allnew tamron hall starts now. [rock music] well, im always on social media, and i have to tell you, i am there for Leslie Jordans hilarious videos on instagram. He has nearly 5 million followers checking in daily. As you can see, hes entertaining himself and entertaining us, honestly during the quarantine, and certainly has gone viral a couple of times. Well, for years, he brought the funny with our first guest, someone i just enjoy immensely. Emmywinning actress debra messing. She played, of course, grace of the hugely popular show that we could not stop watching, and still cant, will and grace, that just wrapped its final season a few months ago. And debra has a new passion now with her best friend, a podcast called the dissenters. Its named in honor of their biggest hero, Supreme Court justice, the one and only Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Take a look. Your new book, untamed, im like its like, every page is dogeared and underlined. Its funny, when we started this podcast, we were like, i dont know if anyones gonna listen but at least itll, like, give us an excuse to talk to people like glennon. Yeah. Thats exactly right. Otherwise, were not gonna get her on the phone, so we might as well just make a podcast. Its the only time i get to actually talk to my friends these days, is when they ask me to be on a podcast. And debra joins us now from new york and her bestie, mandana dayani, join us from l. A. I gotta ask, cause im always curious how people meet. Ive had my same best friend since we were about seven years old. Debra, how did the two of you meet . Well, mandana and i met like 15 years ago for like, a second, and then we were reunited at a friends house in nantucket a couple of summers ago, and we fell in love, and the rest is history. Mandana, im assuming the feeling was mutual, the lovefest. Because i have to tell you, there is nothing more i guess at our age, because you dont really meet new friends. Im nearly 50, so collecting new friends is not on my list of things to do, but when you meet someone and you vibe, and you Start Talking about creativity and your journey, that feels good. Mandana, how was it for you . I mean, we spent so much time together that week on the island, so we got to know each other really well. And you know, debras amazing and shes such a great mom, and she became so close to our two daughters, and she was just moving back to l. A. To start filming will and grace, and so i come from this big, crazy jewish family and we just were like, were gonna take you in, and we made her hang out with us and we would show up at her house every weekend and swim in her pool, and we were just like, okay, were family. This is it, and we have spent almost every day together on the phone or in person. And weve built a lot of things together, and its justits been really fun. Well, debra, and i think that adds to the chemistry and the flow of the podcast, because so many people are launching into the podcast world these days, myself included. But when you can have a natural conversation similar to what you had when you first met and thats evolved over time, i think thats the connective tissue. Thats the recipe for success. So you had the dissenters. First of all, when you came up with the idea, what was the nerve you wanted to hit . What did you want to accomplish . Or as oprah would say, what was the intention . Mandana and i, every day, just send each other articles of people who are extraordinary and are doing extraordinary things, and were bothwere nerds, and our, likewe fan girl over people like this. And mandana, youi know you talk with patrisse cullors. She is one of the cofounders of the black lives matter movement. You talked to her before the protests, before the death of george floyd. Did having that conversation with her help your understanding of whats happening now . Absolutely. At the time, she was building the reform jail movement and to be honest, debra and i didnt know enough about it, and i think we used that conversation as an opportunity to understand like, why does the prison system need reform, and what is the vision for the future . And it was so illuminating for both of us. Yeah, i think thats a wonderful thing because conversation doesnt go out of style. And debra, i think its interesting, because youve posted your heroes, or the top of your bucket list as the person who the podcast is named after, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. So when is she coming on . Did you guys book her yet . What is the situation . Ruth, if youre watching, we are desperately and she does watch the tamron hall show. Okay. So, look, ruth, we named it after you so, you know, afterlets make it happen. Okay, mandana, i will ask you the question people often ask me as a journalist, what would be your first question . The first one out of your mouth to justice ginsburg. Id be like can i have your phone number . And can we be friends . I mean, this is debra and i just wanna hang out with her so badly like, you have to understand, for debra and i, these are like, the biggest celebrities in the world and we worship and love them. And you know, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has fought for the rights of so many people. Shes such a visionary and such a leader. And so many of our lives are better because she has done the work that shes done, and i just thinkwho would be cooler . Like, who else do you wanna sit down with and talk to and get to know . Shes amazing. Well, i got a chance to talk to two pretty cool women right now, and i appreciate you joining us. Debra, i know you said this podcast changed your life in so many ways, and it is always great to celebrate someones next chapter, and this chapter suits you very well. By the way, the podcast, the dissenters is available now, and their next interview is with jameela jamil, so be sure to check that one out. Thank you so much for joining me. Thank you. Thank you. And coming up, would you be willing to reveal your most painful and darkest secret if you knew that it would help someone elses life . Next is how one moms 16year secret helped save children around this country. And later, part three of our summer giveaway series is back. Keep watching and find out how you can win big. Im a delivery Operations Manager in san diego, california. We were one of the first stations to pilot a fleet of electric vehicles. Were striving to deliver a package with zero emissions into the air. I feel really proud of the impact that has on the environment. We have two daughters and i want to do everything i can to protect the environment so hopefully they can have a great future. No calories, no sweeteners, theall smiles,t bubly sparkling water, crack a smile. Welcome back. Today we are meeting women who have made a conscious decision in their lives to speak up, speak out, and help other people in the process. My next guest lost five and a half years of her life to abuse from a neighbor, and then years later, from a family member. But after regaining her power and focusing in on change, she started a crusade to keep other children safe. This is her story. Erin merryn has told her story of sexual abuse to legislators many times, and she will keep telling it until she gets erins law passed in all 50 states. There are 13 states to go. Erin, a 35yearold mom of three girls is a woman on a mission to protect children from the nightmare of sexual abuse that she endured as a child herself. The first time was at her very first sleepover. And h closed the door, told me to be quiet, and i did. I stayed quiet, he sexually abused me and told me, this is our little secret, no one will believe you, i know where you live, erin, ill come get you. A few years later, a second molester would tell her the same thing. In both cases, the abusers were not strangers. This time it was my cousin. Wake up to him sexually abusing me, and for the next almost two years, he repeatedly tells me, this is our secret. No one will believe you. You have no proof that i did this, and i believed him. I believed him that no one would believe me, so i stayed silent, because my only education came from these perpetrators. 13yearold erin kept silent until her younger sister came to her with the same secret. She then knew it was time to tell her parents. She says letting go of her secret helped her to reclaim her voice. This is the silent epidemic that is going on in our society that nobody wants to address, and thats why it is my mission now to not see other children across this nation live in the silence that i lived. Erins law requires that Public Schools teach students about personal body safety starting in kindergarten. One of the beneficiaries, her young daughter, who told the teacher, youre teaching my moms law. Im proud to present erin merryn, glamour woman of the year. Erin has been honored for her activism. Her true reward will come when erins law is the law in every state. You all know somebody that this has happened to. I dont care if this takes me a lifetime and, you know, im doing this at 90 years old. This is my calling in life, and im gonna be fighting for this until the end. And erin joins us now from her home in chicago. Erin, youve dedicated ten years of your life to getting erins law passed. How does it feel to know that your work has come full circle and now directly impacting your own children . Your daughter in kindergarten. That was an aha moment when she came home and said, mom, you know, the social worker came in and taught your law, and i told her, i know what youre teaching. youre teaching my moms law, erins law. and it gave me goose bumps. Wow. You know, its so interesting. Your battle continues, of course, to get all states on board, but after seven years of fighting in new york, Governor Cuomo finally passed your bill. Your next targets are North Carolina and ohio, and you say theres a case in ohio that couldve been prevented had your bill been in place. What happened there . So there was a gym teacher that sexually abused 28 first graders. All caught on camera, so, you know, they were able to see what this man had done. And i sit there and tell legislators, well, what if these kids had been educated on how to speak up and tell . You know, how many other kids couldve been saved from this pe teacher had they had that one hour being taught this law . And there are some people who might resist at the beginning and then see the light. I know you have had a lot of parents reach out to you over the years to thank you for the law, but one mom wrote to tell you that she was against it, and what happened there . Its a letter that still gives me goose bumps. She told me that she had talked to her kids about this and she was leery. She said, erin, i wouldve never in a million years imagined that my sevenyearold, who i have talked to about this, would disclose in school that shes been sexually abused by a family member. And as i like to point out to people, sometimes kids are protecting their parents. You know, and so, when theyre getting this education in school they see theres this other safe, trusted person, the teacher, the social worker, that have now just opened up this door and allowed them to find their voice and speak out. Erin, thank you so much. You know what . We are rooting for you on every step and every level of this. Your bill has passed in 37 states and counting. Yep. And we cannot wait to see it in all 50. And by the waythank you for more information on erins law, please go to tamronhallshow. Com. Erin, thank you for your time today, and thank you for putting up the fight for all of our children. Thanks for having me; i appreciate it. Coming up, at just 25yearsold, this firstyear medical student has made history. How she is courageously speaking up for the first time and using her voice to help others. And later, heartfelt pet adoption stories and the big surprises worth thousands of dollars. We have that in store for you and them. Stay tuned. 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Wells was recently awarded a posthumous Pulitzer Prize special citation for the pioneering work she did in journalism. She used journalism as a form of activism in order to expose the truth about the fact that lynching was being used as a form of domestic terrorism. And we can learn from ida b. Wells on how we can use the truth in order to impact change so that we can all live in a more just world. And thats exactly what were talking about today. My next guest is speaking her truth for the first time and using her new platform to help others. At just 25 years old, lash nolen has cemented her place in history as the first black female president of harvards medical school, and she even penned a heartfelt open letter discussing her journey. And lash nolen joins us from her familys home in l. A. Lash, first of all, most women i know say that they hit their stride of knowing their voice in their 40s, sometimes even later, but you say whats been going on in this country has inspired you to speak out and find your voice at such a young age. Yes, exactly, and i think that ive really been inspired by the phenomenal women in my family. My mother, my grandmother. Theyve always spoken the truth, and i think me being in such a privileged position being at harvard medical school, i knew that it was time to use my platform and speak the truth, because i think for so long, weve been silenced and its about time that we start we start telling the world what weve been going through. Now, youve accomplished a lot. As i said, 25 years old, youre class president at loyola marymount, president ial citation winner, fulbright scholar. I know a lot of people with a lot of accolades, but, you know, it doesnt matter if your room is surrounded with honors and diplomas. If youre not doing the next step, the next work to help others, does it really mean anything . And thats also what you are focused on, how do you take this accomplishment, take this historymaking position you have and use it for good . 100 . I think from the very first time that i recognized that i was the first black woman to be president at harvard medical school, the thing that came to my mind was, how do i make sure that im not the last person to uphold this position . And i think that sometimes we have this idea that when someone achieves something and theyre the first that that means that thats progression for an entire community, but weve seen that not to be true, because even under president obamas presidency, we still saw the continued oppression of black people. So i think something that ive always tried to keep in the back of my mind is that even as i get more accolades and more leadership positions, how do i make sure that its a collective movement and improvement of the condition for the people that i represent . I know when you ran for president of harvard medical school, you said that you recognize that having a voice and being in the room would make a great difference. And i think that a lot of young people of your generation, rather than saying, im going to stay on the outside and just complain, you decided, i will infiltrate, for lack of a better description, and go inside and be there as a part of the change. Exactly. I think that when you finally have the opportunity to have a seat at the table, its important to continue to apply pressure. And i think that thats the beauty of having a role like student body president is that suddenly your initiatives and your passion for social justice, that becomes the initiatives and passions of the institution, because you really get to set the agenda. And i know youve been contacted by a number or acknowledged on social media by a number of our leaders. Kamala harris comes to mind. But it was one seal of approval that really meant the world to you, and you happen to be related to that person. What happened . Yeah, so i think for me, it was so cool to hear from all these amazing, phenomenal women, but i think when i saw my grandmothers Church Friends sharing it on facebook, i was like, yeah, thats how you know that its really its really out there. Because when my grandmas Church Friends get involved, they dont play; they only share, like, the topnotch, you know, news material. So when she told me about that, i was like, hey. I love it, i get it, and i understand it, and im happy they were there for you. I appreciate you, lash. Congratulations on everything youve accomplished, and thank you for all the work youre doing for those around us. We celebrate you and all of the great women in the show today, and thank you. Thank you so much for having me. Up next, were gonna meet the young woman who confronted senator jeff flake about denying her what she calls, her American Dream, and her tireless journey to help other women. Later, get excited, danny seo is back for part three of our hot summer giveaways. You at homeyes, you have a chance to win big as well. Dont miss it. Well be right back. The conversation continues on our social media platforms, facebook, twitter, youtube and instagram, and visit us at tamronhallshow. Com. Lets talk about it and get through this together. Im a young woman and youre a middleaged man. Im a person of color. Ouch. And youre white. I come from a background of poverty, and i didnt always have parents to guide me through life. You come from privilege, so im wondering as a planned parenthood patient and someone who relies on title x, who you are clearly not, why is your right to take away my right to choose. Why would you deny me the American Dream . [cheers and applause] thank you; thats a great question. I wont deny anybody the American Dream. [indistinct]. Thank you. No, thank you. That speech propelled my next guest on to vogues 21 under 21 list. In 2017, 16yearold deja foxx stood up to then senator jeff flake for taking away funding from planned parenthood. Well, now shes 20, and she is a young woman who has overcome incredible hardship to inspire a whole new generation of women. Deja is currently a sophomore at Columbia University and joins us from her familys home in tucson, arizona. And, deja, let me start by saying i remember watching that video in 2017, and i wondered, where did that passion come from in that moment . Yeah, thanks for having me on and for showcasing that moment, which really did change my life in a lot of ways. I went from being a 15, 16yearold young woman, who was working at the gas station, who wasnt sure she would go to college, to having my life thrown into the public eye. So it was definitely transformational moment in my life and one that i think connected the larger dialogue about reproductive justice. Tell me, youas i said in the introduction, even at your young age, youve been through some challenges, some very difficult times. While you were out there helping other people and traveling to d. C. , you were homeless. What was going on in your life at the time . Yeah, so i was experiencing what 1 in 30 teens in the u. S. Experience, hidden homelessness. It looks like a lot of different things. Sometimes bouncing around from friends house to friends house, maybe sleeping in your car. For me, it was the first. You know, i was staying with friends, and eventually landed in the house im in now with my boyfriend at the time and his family. But it also meant being a youth on their own, being someone who was financially independent at a very young age and was still cultivating a relationship with my mom. There were times where, you know, i was working at the gas station to provide for her, to make sure that she could have stay at a motel and things like that. And so, that financial independence, that struggle, that trying to make ends meet, you know, it really did add not only to the story thats made me who i am but has built me into the activist ive become. Youve said also that one of your biggest accomplishments, of course, is the impact you can have on for other young women, but you were especially moved by a girl who was homeless who reached out to you. What happened . One young woman reached out to me when she was experiencing housing insecurity and told me about her experience, and then, you know, years later, i was able to actually see her make it to columbia. I recognize that my purpose is infinite and that these jobs and these titles come and go but that theres nothing id rather be in life than a good role model. And so, those are my proudest moments, when im speaking to women like that. You are incredible. Youre incredible. I tell people all the time, one of the things i learned around your age from a book that i had talked about if your title on your Business Card is removed and its just your name, are you still you . Do you still have a purpose . When its only your name and you are standing on your name, and youve taken an experience that went viral and used it to do something greater for others. So, deja, thank you so much for your time. We really appreciate it, and congratulations on all youve accomplished so far. Absolutely, thank you. Of course, and coming up, she took her love for candy and turned it into a Lifelong Mission to help thousands of young people battle the Fastest Growing yet preventable epidemic for children. Well meet this passionate person next. And later, heartfelt pet adoption stories. Find out who will get thousands of dollars worth of surprise swag. Stay with us. Try new natures bounty stress comfort. Three unique gummies for your unique needs. Find peace. Boost mood. Sleep well. Stress comfort comes naturally, only from natures bounty comes naturally, no calories, no sweeteners, all smiles, bubly sparkling water, crack a smile. Welcome back. My next guest is on a mission to rid the world of decay. What kind of decay . Tooth decay. Using her love of candyand who doesnt to help kids everywhere, on her 15th birthday, she had record sales on amazon, and her company zolli candy sold 4 million worth of healthy lollipops. Take a look. Alina morse was a sevenyearold with a massive sweet tooth when she asked her dad a multimillion dollar question. Why cant we make candy thats good for my teeth . After two years of research, plant trials, and taste tests, zolli pops was born, an allnatural, sugarfree lollipop that actually cleans your teeth. Since hitting shelves in 2014, zolli candy has become one of the Fastest Growing companies in america. Sold in over 25,000 stores, zolli did 10 million in sales last year with 10 of profits going towards oral health education. At 13, alina became the youngest person ever to grace the cover of entrepreneur magazine. Now 15, the young ceo just finished her freshman year of high school and is balancing being a normal teenager and running a multimillion dollar candy empire. Whether shes fighting tooth decay or developing a new line of products, alina is on a mission to make the world smile. And please welcome alina morris from her home in detroit, michigan. I havethank goodness this is good for my teeth. Ive finished off this bag already of the zaffi taffy. This is not a paid endorsement. This is my love of candy, and this is delicious. So youve been coming up with Business Ideas since age three. How does that happen . I mean, i saw the video of you in your room with the little chemicals and testing things out. How did you learn this . Ive been coming up with Business Ideas since i was three years old, and ive always wanted to help people, but i never realized until i read the book rich dad poor dad with my dad that you can actually help people through business. And entrepreneurship has always been a dream of mine, and its always been my passion, and i was so, so excited to be able to create a company and a product that can help people smile all over the world. And so last year, you started the foundation called million smiles. Tell me about that. So, alongside the company, we created the millions miles initiative, where teachers can sign up on a website, zollicandy. Com, to get free zolli candy for their entire school. And its a really Great Program to teach kids about the importance of oral health care, entrepreneurship, and really showing them that they can do anything. Well, listen, you are doing it all, alina. Thank you so much. Congratulations and all, and thanks for the candy. I really appreciate it. Im going to eat this in the commercial break. Going on, and thank you for doing so much for others. We appreciate your time. Thank you so much. Keep smiling i will. Coming up, her hit tlc show the little couple is 14 seasons strong. Find out how her medical mission has led her to her latest project, which is designed to educate and save lives around the world postcovid. And later, my dog, may luv, is here helping us surprise some lucky pet owners with thousands of dollars of good things coming their way. Stay tuned. Hey, tamron. My name is jalynn. And im danielle. Were the coauthors of pretty from the kink in my curls to the beat of my step. Each year, i host a book drive, and i collect over 4,000 books. I know youre wondering, what does she do with those books . I give them away to children that i see playing outside and encourage them to read over the summer. I am so proud of jalynn and all her hard work. Both thank you for having us. Stay safe. Bye it makes lipton green tea better. And these lemons better. Which makes this taste better. You definitely need the sun for that. And that. With antioxidant vitamin c and 50 fewer calories. Choose lipton green tea today. Removes ten years of yellow stains. Optic white renewal and 50 fewer calories. Thats like all the way back to 2010. Theyre jeans. Theyre leggings. Theyre jeggings whoa. Remove ten years of yellow stains with colgate optic white renewal. vo every kid deserve to reachoks their full potential. Thats why for over 20 years, 10 cents at a time, box tops for education has helped give almost a billion dollars to schools. Because together, we can give kids the chance to dream. Balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. Some cleansers get us clean but take my moisture. Cerave cleansers help me maintain my moisture balance with hyaluronic acid, plus 3 essential ceramides to help restore my natural barrier. So were cerave clean. Cerave hydrating cleanser. Im a delivery Operations Manager in san diego, california. We were one of the first stations to pilot a fleet of electric vehicles. Were striving to deliver a package with zero emissions into the air. I feel really proud of the impact that has on the environment. We have two daughters and i want to do everything i can to protect the environment so hopefully they can have a great future. No calories, no sweeteners, theall smiles,t bubly sparkling water, crack a smile. Welcome back. Dr. Jen arnold is a tv mom who has inspired millions of people. After 14 seasons on tlcs the little couple, fans have fallen in love with her, her adorable children, will and zoey, and her husband, bill. She is a neonatologist cancer survivor and producer of her new youtube channel, jen arnold md. Take a look. Viewers fell in love with dr. Jen arnold and her husband, bill klein, when they first met the couple in the lead up to their wedding. She says bill is a smart, geeky little person like herself. From a very early age, dr. Jen has had to overcome Serious Health issues related to her skeletal dysplasia. She endured over 30 surgeries since the age of 2. The reason i went into medicine to begin with was to have a positive impact on kids. You know, i was a patient most of my life. I benefited so much from the care of the doctors and nurses that cared for me. It allowed me to grow up and pursue my dreams, and that is my goal for each of my patients. Just look at how big youre getting. Viewers have followed the doctor through struggles with infertility, cancer, chemotherapy, and hip replacement surgery. I dont know yet how long ill be keeping my left hip, because, you know, its just as old as the right, so its possible that it will be going soon. She is the very definition of a super woman. Doctor, wife, mom of two adopted children, and a tv personality. Her secret ambition is to one day become the u. S. Surgeon general. Go out there and save more lives. Oh, what great marching orders. Go out there and save more lives. And dr. Jen arnold joins us from her home in st. Petersburg, florida. Thank you so much for joining us. You know, in the piece, you talk about being patient for so many years, and now you wanna pay it forward. You have this huge platform. I mean, you know how many people would justi mean, they would praise all things to be on tv for 14 seasons of a show. So youve got this big megaphone. How are you gonna use it . You know, my goal is to take my medical educator hat, my physician hat that is all about saving lives and making lives better, and hopefully, you know, whether its on youtube or our show or any other platform that i have the opportunity to use, is to help people to empower themselves to take better care of themselves. I know you recently celebrated National Cancer survivors day on instagram. You had a powerful photograph of yourself then, and youve been so open with your fans and those who watch the show. It just again goes back to the resilience and the spirit of how do you take care of yourself, whether its actually in the medical office, like yours, or how you do selfcare at home and care for your soul . Its so hard but its so important to take care of yourself. You know, from my perspective, ive always been one of those, you know, kids, now women, that likes to have her cake and eat it too, i guess is the best way to say it. And, you know, ive always had Health Challenges all my life, but i knew that if i let it get the best of me, the only person that i was hurting was myself. And so, you know, i think you just have to have that, you know, vigor for leading the life that you want. The bestyou know, not to be cliche, but the best life that you can, and really, ive always been that kind of person. I wanna enjoy my life and if that means i gotta get through some hurdles along the way so that i can have better times tomorrow, then its all worth it. Yeah. And how are the kids doing . I gotta ask you about that. You live in the same town as your mom, judy. Have the kids been able to spend time with her with everything thats been going on . How are you moving ahead with your family and trying to find that new lane of life that were all looking for . Oh, yeah, no, thats a great question. The kids are doing great. Its great to have my parents close by again. You know, bill and i, we both have family in florida, so that makes it wonderful to be close to family. Of course, with the pandemic, weve be py it so, you know, as i go back to work more in person, relyafe beca mom is were probably gonna have to stay apart more in person. But, you know, it keeps us from our family, but thats why youre so special, that youre willing to make that sacrifice to help others. Dr. Jen arnold of tlcs the little couple, thank you so much for joining us, and thank you for everything youre doing to help other families. We appreciate you. Aw, thank you so much. Please stay well and healthy. Oh, absolutely, ill do my best, ill do my best. Well, coming up, you all may remember my dog, may luv, my chihuahua that ive had for 12 years now. Well, shes back, and may luvs here to help me surprise some new pet owners who recently adopted animals during the lockdown. You dont wanna miss it. Well be right back. It makes lipton green tea better. And these lemons better. Which makes this taste better. You definitely need the sun for that. And that. Choose lipton green tea today. An that. Itchy skin distracting you . Cortizone10 works fast. And relief lasts 10 full hours. club swings splash cortizone10. Feel the heal. Im out of clubs its tamron halls tune in to win hot summer giveaway. Every monday in july. Welcome back. Okay, you may be wondering why may luv is in my lap all cuddled up in this awesome blanket. Its because shes been a constant source of comfort during quarantine. Often shes in my little studio in our home back there, you dont see her, but shes my teammate, shes my audience of one when moses has abandoned me, and im not the only person who feels this way about pets. Pet adoption rates in the u. S. Are soaring, and google searches for adopted pets by, listen to this, 335 in april. Thats just in one month alone. Its the selfless act of giving up a piece of our lives to help save another life, and in turn, these lovable animals somehow have become our therapy. Pets when we needed them the most. Take a look. [upbeat music] [giggling] here he goes. Here he goes. Yay we adopted our dog, becca, during quarantine. We picked up our new best friend, stuart. Hes a great listener and an even better napper. Apollo [goat bleats] whats up . These guys have brought a lot of joy to our life. Theyre very playful and affectionate. We love delilah. Shes a great pet. This is doris buttonwillow. We adopted during arafonoom. T therwamein really special about the bond with nola and maya. Even though i said no puppies on the bed, this is what i get. Oh, okay. This is mia. I fostered her a few months ago, and when it was time to bring her back, otr, at 17yearo spending the rest of her golden years in a shelter. Sadie is such a good girl. Shes got great energy. [laughs] come on, that had to bring a smile to your face. All of our Furry Friends from that story are actually with us today. Weve got sadie, stuart, mocha, mia, money penny, rocky and apollo, beccs, nola, delilah, and last and certainly not least, doris buttonwillow. Welcome, families, how are you . Doing great hi how are you . [together] hi melissa, you went to the notsotraditional route and adopted two baby goats. I love it. Ive said it on the show before, my dream pet, i want to adopt a donkey. My husband does not agree with that, and may luv is not happy about it, either. But baby goats, you know, you say it was actually mentally therapeutic for you. Yeah, it really helped us give us some positive focus during the time of quarantine, and not only for us, but all of my friends were just looking forward to all of their posts every day and they so many people said that just watching the posts of them growing up in the last three months has really made them get through quarantine as well. Okay, well, i dont want them to be baaad on tv, so i better move on. Okay, danny. Danny, you have your dog with you, kent. We have danny and kent here. What . Wait a minute. That is danny seo, and if a danny seo pops up in a show, i know what that means. What are you up to . Your guests and their pets are on the hottest tv segment on the tamron hall show right now whoo whoo okay, so heres the deal, tamfam members and your pets, here we go, you are all here for one of the biggest shows of the season. Danny seo is my expert giftgiver, and we have some great things wed like to share with you, because youve shared your love and your home with animals in need. Danny, take it away. Well, mr. Kent has gone to chase squirrels right now, but when he comes back, hes gonna be super comfy, because were all living in our sweats, were all getting comfy, but our pets deserve to be comfortable, too. Ive got the best blanket in the world. Its from a brand called faherty, and this is their adirondack blanket. Its handwoven, its super comfortable. Its good for the environment. Youre getting not just one, but two of the faherty adirondack oh, tamron, look how cozy your dog looks in a faherty blanket right now. Yes. [laughs] so, now, our pets deserve to be pampered, i believe that, but listen, we deserve to be pampered, too. And you know i love a good skincare line, and that is why our friends at i love the name of this, mother dirt, are here to help out. They have this biology inspired, biomefriendly formula. Theyre pioneering science for skin using good bacteria. They wanna send all of you a years worth of their products. Now, they have shampoo, shaving butter. I love this body oil. You will be glowing before you know it, cause if youre pampering your pet, you gotta pamper yourself. Danny, over to you. Ah, i love mother dirt, and mother dirt is loaded in probiotics, but we have to think about our Furry Friends, too. And this is another line from skouts honor. Youre all getting a years supply of skouts honor. They use the power of probiotics to make your pets clean, be their best, and actually smell their best, too. Youre getting everything. This is a huge value of 500 of skouts honor coming your way and the best thing i love about skouts honor is theyre ecofriendly, theyre all natural, and on the back of the bottle, it says right here, buy a bottle, feed an animal. They will give a days worth of food to a rescue animal for every bottle thats sold. So, youre getting a years worth, woo and i love this, and may luv, you could use a little deodorizer right now, but moving on. Up next, we know everyone is tired of cooking during the lockdown, so veestro is here with their athome Meal Delivery service, so you can take a break from the kitchen. They have mushroom risotto, turkish meatballs, 100 organic, plantbased, restaurantquality meals. Theyre gonna cater to your craving and theyre giving all of you 30 of your choice for free, so that way, when youre, you know, down there training the dog you can say, im busy, let me just pop my food in and i can have something. And i vouch for them. It is so yummy, and this was delicious. Danny im having the risotto right now, its so delicious. But tamron, we cant do a pet segment and not talk about pet fur. Because when that hair gets everywhere, i have tested dozens of vacuums and this is the best one. Youre all getting the brandnew, topoftheline model from tineco. This is their cordless vacuum. It features a smart sensor that tracks the cleaning, its got fourstage filtration system to really clean all of the particles and dander and dust out of the air, but the best part, one hour of life for every Battery Charge in here. Its cordless; youre not plugged into a wall. Oh, god, danny listen, family, i know you were surprised by the show. This goat is just trying to steal my program. We celebrate you, celebrate you opening your home to a living creature that needs us, so thank you so much. We are glad that you found each other. Special thank you to danny seo, and enjoy all of your goodies that are coming your way, and make sure you keep those pictures coming. 5we wanna see how the rest of the summer goes for all of you, so, thank you, tamfam say thank you to your adorable pets hugs and kisses, guys thank you thank you [together] bye. Thank you be sure to tune in for our fourth and final tune in to win hot summer giveaway where we are giving away nearly 60,000 worth of surprises on our show. You dont wanna miss it. For more details on all of the swag we gave to the tamfam members today, go to tamronhallshow. Com. And heres a reminder now, viewer at home, you will have a chance to win everything you saw here today, too. So, go to the tamron hall show instagram and be the 100th person to comment the word pet. Thats all you need, pet, on this picture of me and may luv and well see you tomorrow. Breaking news at this hour, laura making landfall. The monster category 4 storm taking aim at the gulf coast right now. When we were at higher floors you could feel the hotel swaying. The storm surge up to 20 feet described as unsurvivable traveling up to 30 miles inland. More than 15 inches of rain. This morning the damage, the destruction, the evacuations and how the pandemic is impacting the response. Were live across the storm zone rino also this morning, breaking news from kenosha, wisconsin, night four of protests over the Police Shooting of jacob blake. [ crowd chanting ] President Trump saying federal Law Enforcement and the National Guard are now being deployed. Au

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