Ryan we are going to celebrate those heroes here on the show. Well be meeting some of those people, seeing the faces, hearing the voices behind those magical people. Hello. Good morning. Hello actually live in our hearts now. Just supposed to clean the buses at night. Ryan thank you for your amazing energy. Kelly i look forward to being in your hands someday. Ryan is that a live mug i see in the bottom of the screen . Yes ryan i was gonna say, i think i sawi saw live peeking just above the cusp of the screen there. Yes ryan before you head out, there are safety and first aid tips you should know. Joining us once again, dr. Mike. Welcome back to the show, dr. Mike. Good to see your smiling face. What do we need to know before we go out to eat . Lets start there. Well, thats a great place to start, ryan, and what you wanna do is call ahead or, once you arrive at the restaurant, to not be afraid to ask them how they plan to keep you safe. Just how restaurants are obligated to talk to you about food allergies, they have to be talking about the precautions theyre taking with covid19. If they arent, thats a good indication that you should probably be moving on. Kelly dr. Mike, heres something i never really think about under ordinary circumstances, but under a pandemic, i think about, what if somebody chokes . What are we supposed to do if youre in a restaurant and you see somebody choking . Yeah, so this piece of advice is gonna apply to all types of first aid. I want you to stay alert, not anxious, cause when you get anxious, you start making bad decisions, and specifically, when you see someone choking, theyre usually reaching for their throat, turning blue, coughing, gagging. Do the red cross thing. Five and five rule. Five back slaps where you try to help them clear the obstruction, and if that doesnt work, youre gonna move on to five heimlich maneuvers, which means pushing in between the navelthe belly buttonand the breastbone with your fist tucked in like this. Classic heimlich maneuver five times, and if it fails the first time, repeat it once more, and if it does again, youre gonna have the help that you called for already arriving in time. Ryan dr. Mike, there is obviously a lot of news about places taking your temperature before you go in, before you get any sort of service or maybe even enjoy a meal. Is that a good indicator . Is that enough . What does that tell us . Yeah, so a lot of people wanna get out of their home, understandably so. Those who are highrisk, over the age of 60, have other medical conditions, or are immunocompromised, still they should be staying home, just to be safe. If you are planning on heading out, do not think that a place thats checking your temperature is foolproof. It is more security blanket than anything, because what weve seen is a lot of folks who are not showing symptoms, usually because theyre going to in a period of a week or two, so theyre actively spreading the virus but look fine. So temperature checks are not a foolproof method to protect you. Kelly ive been reading about public pools opening and water parks opening and things like that. What should we know . Is there a risk to families to go to a water park or a public pool . Are we swimming in masks . What should we know . Yeah, so anytime youre going out to amusement parks, theme parks, theres a high chance that you might get wet, so my simple piece of advice is to bring two face coverings when you go, because the two most important things you should be doing is keeping 6 feet away from others and covering your face, but if one of these masks gets wet, it becomes largely ineffective. It doesnt protect you from virus as well, it actually becomes difficult to breathe through, and it can actually cause harm to your skin. So bring two masks in case it gets wet and do your best to stay away from others. Kelly heres a question that everybody wants answers to, dr. Mike. With hair salons and nail salons starting to slowly reopen, what should we know . What should we be prepared for . How do we enter . What keeps us safe . Yeah, i mean, nail salons, hair salons are gonna be following their local and state regulations, so not everyones gonna be able to go at the same time. Once you do go, make sure youre keeping yourself safe by keeping your face covered. And actually, i know that you guys have your masks with you right now. Maybe you can grab those. Those are those little, inexpensive surgical masks. I wanna teach you something that we learn in medical school very early on, and its not something we teach ourselves. If you want to sneeze or cough and someone is sitting directly in front of youlike, for me, its usually a patient or someone im doing a procedure onthe natural instinct is to turn away when you sneeze, but actually, when youre wearing a mask like this, you have it on like this, it could actually spray out the side, and you may actually get your respiratory droplets on the person sitting in front of you. So the proper protocol would be to take a step back or move back and then sneeze directly at that person while still covering your face. The cool kids are calling it dabbing. I dont know. I dont know. Do you guysare you dabbing . Kelly mmhmm. Of course. What do you think . Ryan we can dab. Theres alsoyeah, theres a foot move that goes with that, too, but well teach you the whole dance later, doc. Yeah, for sure, but isnt that interesting that you have to sneeze and cough forward . Ryan yeah, i wouldnt have thought of that. [inaudible] turn away. Ryan its kind of counterintuitive. So, doctor, kelly and i have been talking aboutwere doing workouts at home. Were taking Classes Online or doing a facetime class. Gyms, a lot of people do wanna get back to the gyms, though. What do you suggest we think about when were back on equipment and treadmills and things like that at the gym . Well, you gotta understand right away, first and foremost, that folks are touching all of this equipment, and a lot of people would sneeze on their hands, cover their coughs, then make contact with the equipment, so the virus is on there. What you wanna do is have hand sanitizer, disposable wipes at the ready. In fact, i encourage gyms to have this available for their visitors. However, a little tip that i recommend, even though its getting warm out, is to bring a full glove. Not the gloves that are cut off at the fingertips but a full glove. And its not because you dont want the virus getting on your hands. Thats not a big deal. You can wash your hands. The virus doesnt just enter through your fingers; it has to make contact with your face. But when you wear a glove like that, even if the virus is on the glove, youre less likely to make contact with your face, because the glove is justits a good reminder to not touch your face, and if you dont touch your face, that virus wont enter your body. Ryan by the way, someone not missing his gym appointments, dr. Mike. Look at thelook at the strength coming out of those scrubs, dr. Mike. Im losing my gains, ryan. Its really bad. I cant wait to get back to the gym. Kelly, i understand what youre talking about, but i do wanna work out. Ryan dm, take care. Thanks, man. Stay happy and healthy. Announcer if you wanna know more about anything you see on live, just log on to our website at kellyandryan. Com. Standing in the shadows anymore kelly our next guest is a true triple threat. Thats right, she sings. She dances. She acts. She stars in a heartfelt new comedy, feel the beat. Here she is, sofia carson. Hi. Hi, guys. Kelly how are you . Ryan good morning. Im good. How are you guys . Good morning. Kelly you know, i liked seeing you last time way better, when we were all together. I know. I know. I wish it could be in person, too, but at least at least were together virtually for now. Kelly mmhmm. Ryan so have you been working on a lot of creative projects being in quarantine, music and such . I have. I have. I guess surprisingly so. In the beginning of quarantine, i felt like all of us were a little concerned with what was you know, what was gonna happen with our projects and such, but it was incredible how the world just adapted and even more so how we kind of all gravitated towards the creative as an escape, whether it was music or film or whatever it was. But, you know, ive been able to work on music and just continue working quite a lot while weve been in quarantine, which has been a nice escape and kind of therapeutic. Kelly yeah, youre lucky you have that escape too. You know, its gotta beits gotta be a great thing to have that gift and be able to utilize it. Absolutely. Kelly so you wrote your first songmaybe weve talked about this before, but i dont remember. You wrote your first song when you were 10 years old. I was. Kelly do you remember what it was about . It was called leave me alone, and i wasi guess i was just, like, the most dramatic andi have to say, i was probably creative as well, because at 10, i had never dated a guy or had a kiss or anything like that, but i wrote this song about breaking up with a guy and just wanting him to leave me alone, which is just pretty comical. I think it was inspired by i actually wrote it with my sister and our cousin, and we were being babysat by my grandma at the time. I remember that so vividly. But i fell in love with songwriting in that moment. Ryan now, youve alsoi wanna mention youve been working with unicef and youre doing the Worlds Largest lesson live. Tell us what that is. Absolutely. You know, working with unicef has been the greatest honor of my life, and i have the privilege of being ableto be able to be a part of this incredible Virtual Event called the Worlds Largest lesson live, where i get to be in conversation with the deputy secretarygeneral of the united nations, ms. Amina mohammed, which is incredible, and we speak about education and the importance of education and how it truly is lifesaving, and the whole purpose of the event is to educate students and kids and to inspire them to take action. You know, they are truly our present and our future, and the future leaders of the world will come from this generation, so its incredible to be able to be in conversation with our current leaders. Kelly youve got also a new film coming out, feel the beat, of course. Who do you play . I feel like this is a story that could be so many peoples dreams, right . Absolutely. First of all, its so surreal to have a movie with netflix. Like you said, its a story that all of us relate to. Its the story of a smalltown girl who leaves her town, runs away to chase her big dreams of being a dancer. Ryan and you can see feel the beat, netflix. The triple threat, sofia carson. Great to have you on. Well see you real soon, okay . Thanks, you guys. Love you. Stay safe. Ryan bye. Closed captioning sponsored in part by kelly we recommend one hour of fun per day. Announcer live with kelly and ryan. Kelly the homemade version. Ryan cause a lot of laughs. [laughter] and a little inspiration. Kelly go a long way for a better day, dont they . Ryan and just so you know, when you join us, dress is casual. Kelly very casual. Ryan i did try and step it up with a pocket square. Kelly were here for you. Ryan better days start live. Big show tomorrow. Connie brittons with us. And kelly is frozen, so matt bomer is what she would say, and then she would say, have a great day, ryan. Youre my favorite person in the world. Bye, guys. Bye, kel. Wave last week we gave away over 30,000 worth of gifts on the show. Well, today is part two of our tune in to win hot summer giveaway. You dont wanna miss it. Narrator today, on tamron hall. Creativity in quarantine reinvents our spaces. Interior designer mikel welch kicks off a friendly porch war, with tips to transform your backyard and the mother, daughter costars of hgtvs fixer upper hit good bones. An all new tamron hall starts now. [dramatic music] welcome to tamron hall from my home. As you know, for a few months now weve taping the show in my home and like a lot of you, i end up looking at, you know, a pantry or looking down at carpet and wondering if i wanna change it. Ive made a little list in my head of things i like, things i wanna change. Mostly im laser focused on my pantry, which ill have to show you one day. Meanwhile, im sure a lot of you have looked at the basement or maybe even a socalled junk closet that you wanna get rid of stuff in, and i find myself also midnight hours on etsy because im determined determined to clear out my utility room where we keep all of our hammers and i guess remotes that have no home anymore. Well, my first guests are masters of transforming unloved and abandoned properties into charming homes. Karen laine and Mina Starsiak hawk are the mother, daughter duo of the hit hgtv show good bones with over 17 Million People watching, and theyre back with their fifth season. Take a look. [exciting music] yeah mom and i take on some of the nastiest houses youve ever seen. Were not afraid to tackle the worst of the worst. That is so gross holy cow. Then we turn those rundown houses into some of the nicest homes in the neighborhood. Wow. I love it karen and mina join us now from their location in indianapolis. I got start off, karen, first of all with the arms. I see you showing off your arms now. Your arms in the promo. Mina, karen, when are ylook at that are you gonna do a w i need a boot camp. I need boot camp workout tape to join in on this. Whats the secret . What is the secret, karen . Just, we use our arms a lot. Thats the secret, and i think were blessed with very durable anatomy and so we grow muscles very easily. We seen people Walking Around the neighborhood carrying sandbags or logs for crossfit and i thought, we should start a crossfit and we can have people pay us to do demo to get these arms. Okay, my check is in the mail because im ready. I need a little of that. I need a little of that gun action, i guess is what they call it there. Well, mina, you and your mom have been in business together 13 years. The company is called two chicks and a hammer for obvious reasons. Huge success here. Fifth season. Is it true you taught yourself from google and youtube videos . When i bought my first house that mom cosigned, i watched youtube videos to figure out how to install tile. We read the directions on the flooring and watched some videos on the nailer that you use to install it, and we just kind of figured it out as we went, and there was a handful of injuries and a lot of learning curves, but um. [laughs] we almost listen,figured out youve got it figured out and in the new season, it looks like youre bringing in a lot of your other family members. Your husband steve, your brother tad all helping to transform homes. But they had a very interesting moment. I dont think ive ever seen this in television history. Two guys bonding over a toilet. Take a look. It was, like, a rite of manhood for steve to throw this toilet out the window. Yeah. Watch out. Lets get out of the room for him. One, two, let it fly nice. That was great. Oh, i was told by tad i had to do it. It was, like. When have you ever well, im just saying, thats just what i was told. Yeah, so has tad ever been your boss in life . No. No. But this weird dynamic happens in settings like this, where its like, oh, tad can do it, i can do it. It seemed fun. Yeah. It was fun. How fun is it to have all yall working together . It really is a blast. You know, sometimes its a pain in the butt cause we are all family, but overall, we have more fun. Mo people would describe what you do pping us. U say n wt u do. You rehab neighborhoods, and i know youve even gone a step further in reaching out to Homeless People in the community to make a difference in their lives as well. The difference between what we do and flipping is really philosophical. When you flip a house, what you try to do is put in as little money as possible and make as much profit, and theres nothing wrong with that. In fact, sometimes i wish that was the way we did things, but our motivation is to rehabilitate neighborhoods in our city where we live. So we try to find the worst house on the block, turn it into the best house on the block, and then try and do it a few more times, and it changes the whole neighborhood, and although we have to make money in order to keep doing this, thats not our motive, and i did recently start a homelessness project because its been on my heart for so long. Youll be hearing more about that later. I cant wait, and mina, well be hearing much more about baby number two later as well. Will we see the new baby eventually picking up a hammer and showing off those genetics bones that youve guys clearly have in the family . Im sure you will, and that episode where steves in, jack, my current son is in it as well just posted up in a little chair eating a snack while were all working cause sometimes you gotta come to the job site with mom. I understand that. My little one is not too far behind, but definitely mom is not picking up any sledgehammers. Shes picking up the iphone. This his is what his mom picks up. Moses mom. [laughs] well, enjoy all of the success and congratulations again on this second baby, and karen thank you so much for reaching out to help those who need us the most, and by the way, dont forget, karen and mina, good bones airs tuesday nights on hgtv. Thank you ladies. Both thank you. Coming up, it is our first ever, thats why im dressed in my plaid here, because i feel like i could just chill out on a porch right now. Its our first ever porch wars. Heres the deal weve got two friends, theyre gonna battle it out to see who will come away with backyard bragging rights, m h for your front porch, your back porch. Again, were spending so much time at home. Well be right back with that next. [light piano music] do a dollop, do do a dollop oh, hes back we wont run out again. Finally. Now we can eat. [ambient talking] its not the same without daisy. Do do a dollop of daisy contactless delivery tarright to your door,very designed for your day. So you can work out, join in, and game on. Just download the target app and try it today. It makes lipton green tea better. And these lemons better. Which makes this taste better. You definitely need the sun for that. And that. With antioxidant vitamin c and 50 fewer calories. Choose lipton green tea today. With antioxidant vitamin c and 50 fewer calories. [light piano music] welcome back. Interior designer and quibi home renovation host mikel welch says theres a great opportunity right now to redesign and redecorate your space, and mikel joins us from his home in new york city. Mikel, good to see you so, youre gonna help us kick off our porch war battle, but before we get to the porch wars, i wanna talk to you about your new show. Its unconventional. You go in and you actually renovate homes where people wouldnt wanna live because there was a crime committed there. Ii meanits a very fascinating concept for a show. Youve said this is the hardest job to date. Tell me about it. Yes, i mean, honestly, this a very unconventional show, you know . But the thing about it is, were honoring the past here on our show. Were teaching people how to, like, get over that mood and that energy that was in the home, and were kind of changing the dialogue, you know . Theres so many people whove either purchased homes by looking on the internet and social media, but they failed to see one little bit of piece of information that, you know, maybe a tragedy had happened at the home. So myself and my cohost, joelle, we go in, and were really helping people you know, tap into that psychological portion of the design, where we come in, and we teach them how to flip the design so it looks completely different, so when they walk back into that space, it doesnt remind them of that tragedy at all. I love that you said the energy of a space because i mean, listen, we all have that desire to have a home or an apartment where you can just go in and chill and have good vibes, and i always tell people for me, my bedroom. Ive always, no matter where ive lived try to find little ways to make my bedroom feel like this escape from the world. Yeah. Now, a lot of people though feel that way about their front porch or their back porch, and you know, just being able to sit out on the porch have a little cocktail or have a little lemonade and escape the world, so thats what we were thinking about this porch wars competition because were all spending so much time at our home. So have two tam fam friends. Theyre gonna battle it out for the best backyard makeover. First up, we have Andrea Rappaport from chicago, illinois, and mikel, tell us about her. Okay, so let me just tell you first, you picked two of the best tam fams people that you couldve ever found. Theyre, like, friends right now, but i dont know after this battle how its gonna turn out. Um, so. [gasps and laughs] yeah, see, andreas a lot of fun, you know . She is literally taking lemons and trying to turn it into lemonade, you know . Shes a recently divorce, and shes downsized from a really big spacious home that she had in the burbs, and now shes in the city, and so, you know, now she and her kids, you know, theyre gonna be spending a lot of time in the summer, and she wants to make sure that they have an adequate place to do so. So as a matter of fact, lets meet andrea. Hi, im andrea. I live in the northern suburbs of chicago, i am a newly single mom to a fiveyearold and threeyearold boy, and this. Doo, doo, doo, doo is my porch. [indistinct chatter] its kind of sad. I was trying to fix this place up, so i got myself a table from the facebook marketplace for 15, that i tried to paint myself. Lets just zoom in here and check that paint job out. Oh, yeah. I got a string of lights. A string of lights, cause i thought that might be enough. Its not. So clearly i am need of a little porch help, because i wanna turn this into my outdoor palace. I need a place, a place to eat, and a place for my boys to play since it looks like were gonna be spending a lot of time here over the summer now that summer camps have been canceled. Okay, mikel. [laughter] i couldnt stop looking at that little plant on the side there. [laughs] poor andrea, but andrea i love her sense of humor. I love that shes going with the flow. And she challenged her friend rachel sobel, who lives in boca rotan, florida. Mikel, tell me about rachel. Yeah. Rachel is not backing down from this challenge, you know . She and her husband just purchased their first home, and theyre excited because, you know, they have had to, of course, cancel a lot of their Summer Vacation plans, but theyve decided that their reality is gonna be entertaining and making summer memories right in their own backyards. So we can take a look at her piece. All right, lets look at it. Hi, im rachel sobel, and i am 43yearold mother of two little girls. I live boca rotan, florida. I have been told that i have been challenged to backyard off, backyard battle, whatever were calling it by my friend, andrea, in chicago, because we have challenges with our backyard area. The problem is is that everythings for the kids, and basically the adults are relegated to a strip of chairs that just sit here poorly placed. Does not look fashionable or fun or inviting or anything like that, and so ive always envisioned having some kind of really cool space for the adults that would sit kind of away from the pool in that area, so that the adults could still be responsible and keep our eyes on our children in the pool, but also not have to, like, sit in a row like were watching a really boring swim competition, so i would love a little bit of help creating a fun inviting adulttype space in my backyard, so that we can enjoy it as much as the kids, and so i challenge andrea right back, and were gonna take this thing i think. Okay, mikel, i think a lot of people can relate to rachel because once you have the kids, they take over everything. The outdoor space, the indoor space. [laughs] so you did a Planning Session with andrea and rachel to get them started. Lets take a look. [upbeat music] i wanna talk to you about some smaller spaces. People forget that there is greenery. Were outside, but if we were to take some outdoor planters and actually put, you know, the appropriate plant inside of it, it really makes the environment feel like a chic hotel setting, and so i wanna try to incorporate some of those elements into your space. So another thing that people dont commonly take advantage of is the flooring in the outdoor area, and so one of the things that you can bring onto a patio astroturf. Astroturf is gonna liven up the space, its gonna give it some color, but most of all, its functional because its a surface where the kids can roll around and, you know, not worry about getting hurt. Thats so awesome yeah, i just wanna make sure that you feel confident. [laughs] in being able to, you know, put all of these items into the space once i create the design plan. Ive been blessed with the tools to make this happen. Again, with your help. [laughs] i love that. Im gonna take this on. [laughs] so lets talk about a game plan for the space. So i see several kids toys that are kind of around the space. It looks like we might need some organization back there. Mmhmm. Am i right in saying that . Yeah, yeah. Ilisten, i accept my flaws. I am who i am. [laughs] you have a lot of room for opportunity, and so one of the things that i would love to do is to create different environments because i feel like you have the space to have a courted off, like, living area where you can sit and watch the kids in the pool. You can also have a dining area where, you know, you and your girlfriends you can sit, you can entertain as well. And yes. Time lets make a dl. Next time when you can actually come down here, i will serve you margaritas in our new adult space. We can do it in real life, in person, instead of on zoom. Inow thats the type of challenge i like. [laughter] mikel, you cant go stealing members of the tam fam. I am the tam in the fam, okay . [laughs] but coming up, andrea and rachel have their marching orders, so were gonna see what they did. The porch wars continues next, and later, dont miss our tune in to win hot summer giveaway, danny seo is here and ready to give away big things, that i kinda love all of them already. Find out how you can win at home. [light piano music] im a delivery Operations Manager in san diego, california. We were one of the first stations to pilot a fleet of electric vehicles. Were striving to deliver a package with zero emissions into the air. I feel really proud of the impact that has on the environment. We have two daughters and i want to do everything i can to protect the environment so hopefully they can have a great future. It makes lipton green tea better. And these lemons better. Which makes this taste better. You definitely need the sun for that. And that. With antioxidant vitamin c and 50 fewer calories. Choose lipton green tea today. Removes ten years of yellow stains. Optic white renewal with antioxidant vitamin c and 50 fewer calories. Thats like all the way back to 2010. Whats that . Its a shake weight. Its a weight you shake. Remove ten years of yellow stains with colgate optic white renewal. vo every kid deserve to reachoks their full potential. Thats why for over 20 years, 10 cents at a time, box tops for education has helped give almost a billion dollars to schools. Because together, we can give kids the chance to dream. [light piano music] we are back with the porch wars. [laughs] where two tam fam friends are battling for the best backyard makeover and maybe we can all get some ideas from what they ended up doing. So they join us now from their homes. Andrea rappaport is in chicago, illinois, and rachel sobel in boca raton, florida. Quibi design expert mikel welch is also with us. Hes helping each of the ladies design their backyard dream. So, mikel, you put a spending limit of 500 on each backyard. What advice did you give andrea and rachel on how to stay under budget. For andrea, i wanted her to focus on that table that needed to be repurposed. I felt like that was something that, you know, paint goes a long way, and i feel like we could stretch the budget and then spend the rest of those dollars really focusing on the kids zone. You know, kids are easy to please. You bring toys from, you know, inside outside. So thats where i really want her to spend the money on. Making the kids zone look amazing. Now for rachel on the other end, shes quite the opposite, you know . So were gonna remove the toys in her area and really focus on creating a new space plan. Everything is kinda, like, in a linear fashion, so i want her to focus on how to make this space feel, you know, more structured and organized and add some accents. Okay, so lets see what happened once the work started. All right, were getting down to business here. [playful music] hes in charge of opening the box to see what the situation is, and im in charge of eating brownies. Tell me what i need to do. Just start organizing thethe pieces per page. Weve reached the portion of putting a gazebo together where my husband now just throws random bolts and screws at me and expects meow to know what to do with them. I just wanna tell you that youre doing a great job. Thanks. I wonder what andreas doing over there. [buzzing] were sanding the table and im just gonna watch. [buzzing] very good. Youre doing a great job. So we have the astroturf that is ready to be cut. The table is gold i cant do this no more. [laughter] i think we have found our new lucy and ethel. We have found the new lucy and ethel. [laughter] okay, andrea, you said you had a few stumbles, a painting mistake. What was the biggest challenge for you . Yesterday when we had this gorgeous gold table that was wet, sitting on the porch, and this gust of wind came by and blew all of this debris from the grass around us onto a wet table. So we had to sand it down and start from the very beginning. So, you know, little things. Rachel, all right, to you now, because my heart is racing with this. You recruited your husbands help. He looked excited to be there. Ill be [laughs] sure, yeah. But the kids actually took over as you enjoyed delicious brownies. How was that . Mymy kids take over everything, and so when i spoke to mikel, i told him it was important to me to have some kind adult outside area, because my backyards all about the kids, and within maybe five minutes of everything being put in, they were in there and took over and even requesting lunch in there. So itsthat was a little bit of a challenge. Oh, gosh. My husband was a sport and a great helper, and, you know, for us the biggest challenge was just the structure, youll see, was so tall, and my husband and i are not. So, you know, taking turns. Okay. Climbing on ladders and getting stuff connected was a little bit of a challenge for us, but we did it. We did it, we got it done, and thats all that matters. Okay, heres the deal. I cant wait to see this. So coming up were gonna go to a break. When we come back, who will win our first ever porch wars battle . Well see what andrea and rachels new outdoor spaces look like with the help of mikel. The big reveal next. Narrator the conversation continues on our social media platforms facebook, twitter, youtube, and instagram, and visit us at tamaronhallshow. Com. Lets talk about it and get through this together. [light piano music] were back and ready for the big reveal. Iveive said, like, four times already on the show, i wanna see the reveal our porch wars battle has come to an end and Andrea Rappaport and rachel sobel, best friends battled it out for the best back yard with help quibi design expert, mikel welch. So andrea, were gonna start with you. How do you think you did . I know that i did beyond incredible. This is justthis is a porch for the world to see. [laughter] im ready for this. Ayeyiyi. Okay. Okay, listen. Youre like the Michael Jordan of doing your whole diy. Youre in chicago, and youve picked up some trash talking from jordan back in the day. [laughs] so let me take at what andreas space looked like before, okay . Let me see. Thats before. I mean, its a lot of space. The table is a little tragic, but look at that ayis the table is a little tragic, mikel, what a great job just having fun and taking advantage of that outdoor space. Just little small tweaks. Just little small tweaks. Oh, my gosh i love that. Okay, i need your help, mikel, after this show. Look at me all selfish now. All right, that is you did a great job. I do approve of it, andrea. You brought your game. You definitely did. Did she dunk though on her best friend rachel . [laughs] lets see rachels before. Okay. All right. I lovei do love the ferns growing back there, but a lot unused space and look atooh thats the cabana you were building . Yes oh, my gosh, hows this working out . This looks fantastic it is super fantastic. I like that very much. Mikel delivered. Mikel really. He definitely delivered. Mikel, one of the things you said to both women is that use of outdoor rugs in the case of andrea, it was, like, a green grass surface. In the case of rachel, something more sophisticated. It looks like a little tent, you know, area where you really could have adult drinks and beverages away from the kids. Exactly, kinda feels like a chic hotel, right . Like, youre outside, and youre out in the patio area. I think its perfect. I think its perfect. I just need a bouncer to keep the kids out. [laughs] right, you need a red rope andrea, what do you think of rachels backyard . Rachels backyard is glorious, okay . I will give you that. Rachel, you give me an invite to come over and have drinks in your cabana, and ill give you thumbs up for a job well done. Any time, and back at you, sister. Okay, rachel, what do you think of andrea . She did something so cute with that. I love how she has a space for the kids, and that she has her own separate space, and the two come together where she can kind of watch them play and have her own little shearea, and i love it. I think its absolutely adorable. I love that little chalkboard action too where theyre writing on the boards there. Okay, mikel, you brought it as well. Its time to choose a champion for our first ever porch wars competition. Is there a winner here . Ooh, thats a tough one. I mean, i just feel like, its totally different, you know . Andrea had to totally, like, renovate a table. She had to strip it and sand it and then on the opposite side, you know, rachel built this big cabana, you know . Honestly, my gut reaction says its draw. I think both ladies win. Its a draw . I think its a draw. Im with you. Iyou know what . Im not into the suburban soccer rules. I believe in winners and losers in life. I dont think everybody should go home with a trophy, but in this case, i have to say both of those spaces are fantastic because obviously theyre very different aesthetically. Yeah. But both are inviting. Both use space wisely and as a mom, youre sensitive to the fact that you want your space, but you want the kids to have their area as well. Congratulations, ladies. When were finally able to travel, i may have to come by. You are welcome. Any time. 100 . Come on over. [laughter] okay. Well, thank you, andrea, rachel. Enjoy your outdoor spaces. Mikel, thank you so much for all your help, and you can catch mikels renovation show streaming now on quibi. Thank you. That was actually a nice little break from everything. Thank you. Take care, guys. Coming up, when covid19 closed this popular restaurant, the owners got creative. How they were back in business in 48 hours after the lockdown. Their story, next. [light piano music] no calories, no sweeteners, all smiles, bubly sparkling water, crack a smile. [light piano music] welcome back. Dons diner and cocktails was a popular neighborhood restaurant and bar in milwaukee until the coronavirus forced all restaurants to close. Well, in just two days, the people who own the bar came up with a creative way to keep the doors open. Owner sean wille joins us from dons grocery and liquor, in the Walkers Point neighborhood of milwaukee. Sean, listen, what a great story here. You know, restaurants were forced as we know to close around the country. Milwaukee, march 17th. And in 48 hours, you were later to in some ways bounce back with a new version of your old self. How did you do that . Yeah, it was it was a whirlwind of a twoday period for us here, but we had the benefit of one of my partners andre, had grown up and kind of done business over in spain, and he was able to maintain some relationships and some connections with business owners, with just people who were living in those countries, so we are able to get a little insight into maybe what was coming and be able to build plan a, plan b, plan c, and kind of hit the ground running. So you didnt reopen as a full service restaurant. You reopened as a grocery store. Yep, and the idea there was to be able to have our employees have a place to go to work and be able to have an essential business that was gonna be open kind of no matter what the rules were, because we were able to get access to supplies and things that regular Grocery Stores were running out of, like cleaning supplies, toilet paper, some food products. And working with different distributers and different networks, we have access to things that were in limited supply for other people. So it was for us to be able to give back to the community, and allow them to support us by by getting things that they need and not just, you know, looking for the takeout food but being able to get supplies and things they were unable to get. What a great idea. I mean, im looking at your shirt, and i know that that the mr. Rogers quote means a lot to you. The look for the helpers. How did that quote from fred rogers help you during this time . Yeah, it wasit was another inspirational moment, that we were justwhat can we do for the community . Thinking back, its just one of those that stood out to us, again as, look for the helpers. You will find people who are helping. So we just be the business and be the place thats there to support our community. Do you plan on going back to being a restaurant . Yes, so we have actually found such a great home with our grocery and liquor store, that that is now going to be a permanent part of what we do here at dons. Well, congratulations on the pivot and finding your way forward. Look for the helpers. Thank you, mr. Rogers, for that, and thank you sean and your team. Good luck with everything, all right . Thank you so much, tamron. It was really nice talking with you. Thank you. Well, coming up, were gonna meet a tenyearold girl who is bringing thousands of art kits to children in need, and later, were giving away thousands of dollars worth of goodies in our tune in to win hot summer giveaways. Dont worry, my tam fam at home, you all have to chance to win big too. Stay tuned. Im a sustainability science researcher at amazon. Climate change is the fight of our generation. The biggest obstacle right now now has a goal to be net zero carbon by 2040. It gng to be pretty hard. I want my son to know that i tried my hardest to make things better for his generation. It makes lipton green tea better. And these lemons better. Which makes this taste better. You definitely need the sun for that. And that. With antioxidant vitamin c and 50 fewer calories. Choose lipton green tea today. Did you know you can shorten your coldin c and 50 fewer[ ]lories. With coldeeze® lozenges. Coldeeze® can shorten your cold by 42 . It releases zinc ions that some scientists believe inhibit cold viruses from replicating. Try coldeeze® the number one bestselling zinc lozenge. Some cleansers get us clean but take my moisture. Cerave cleansers help me maintain my moisture balance with hyaluronic acid, plus 3 essential ceramides to help restore my natural barrier. With hyaluronic acid, plus 3 essential ceramides soreerave clean. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. [grunting noise] ill take that. Woohoo 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. With nutrients to support immune health. Ensure max protein. vo every kid deserve to reachoks their full potential. Thats why for over 20 years, 10 cents at a time, box tops for education has helped give almost a billion dollars to schools. Because together, we can give kids the chance to dream. [light piano music] welcome back. We know the coronavirus pandemic upended the lives of millions of children around the country. Schools, play dates, summer camps, all put on hold, but one tenyearold little girl, chelsea phaires her name, has made it her mission to bring joy to thousands of kids in crisis by giving them the power to create. Since march, chelsea has given over 1,500 art kits to kids in shelters and in foster care in 17 different states. Chelsea and her mom candace join us now from their home in danbury, connecticut. Chelsea, ive been waiting to talk to you all day long. So you donated art supplies. You did markers, coloring books, crayons. How did you come up with this idea . Well, when i was two years ago, i received such a super advanced art kit, and it made me so happy, and my mom was like, dont break all those. Be careful. And she says, everyones not as fortunate to have art the way you do, and i was like, well, why not . And we had to have a conversation that everyone does not have access to art, and that made me really sad, and so i wanted to do everything in my power to help. So we started creating art kits for everyone. Oh, my gosh, well, candace, when you told chelsea that, ii know, you know, we wanna teach our children the right way to go, but im sure you had no idea that it would have such an impact. I really didnt. I was actually so just, my mommy mode kicked in. Just like, okay, honey. Daddy and i cant replace this, so be happy that you received this from a family friend. And i just wanted her to value the gift that she received. I had no idea that it would take off the way that it did. It inspired her in such a way that she even wanted to donate her gifts, her birthday presents, to start off her art charity. Aw. Wow, so, chelsea, your story is such an inspirational one. I know that you have your own inspiration. You met a little girl at one of the homeless shelters who inspires you. Tell me about why she inspires you. Well, we had really big art kits done, and i gave her the biggest one, and she was like, oh, thank you so much, but i dont need all this. And she took, like, five of her canvases out and she took her supplies and gave them to her friends in the shelter who wanted extra art supplies, and i was so touched by that, that she wants to give back the same way i did, so i actually had an extra dress, like, a really sparkly cheerleading kind of outfit that i was going to choose who to give it to, and i gave it to her because of what she did for her community. Aw. Okay, so, chelsea, youre just so i just wanna hug you. I mean, goodness. So im told that you wanted to show something. Aw, i love you, girl. Theres a hug. Oh, i feel so good. Tell me, now i hear you have something you wanna show me . Yes, i drew you oh [laughs] wait, okay, you got the hoops down oh, i love my waistline. I really do love that. Oh, my gosh cute, i love it i love it. Now my hair is grown out much longer than that cause ive not been able to get a haircut. I love that so much. You are such an inspiration. Thank you for the photo, and chelsea, on behalf of moses, my son, we would love to make a personal donation to your charity so that you can get some more supplies out to kids in need. So im gonna reach out to your mom. Thank you. And were gonna make a little donation from me and moses to keep it going, because pretty soon, hes gonna be using crayons and drawing all over the place, so hopefully we can help out, all right . Happy to veim an art kit so hopef thank you. Help out, [laughter] . U owha i ink you just need to give him life advice. When hes old enough, im gonna say, you need to call chelsea and talk to chelsea. Shell set you straight. Thank you for my beautiful painting. I will put in my studio in my dressing room when were able to get back in the studio. Candace, congratulations on raising such a wonderful child. Chelsea, thank you so much, and best of luck with your charity, okay . Both thank you so much, miss tamron. Bye. Bye. Byebye. When we come back, my friend, lifestyle expert danny seo is here to give away some summer swag. If youre at home watching right now, stay tuned. We wanna share a little love, give a Little Something away to everybody. Things that i actually love as well. Well be right back. Make sure you stick around. It makes lipton green tea better. And these lemons better. Which makes this taste better. You definitely need the sun for that. Choose lipton green tea today. You definitely need the sun for that. Itchy skin distracting you . Cortizone10 works fast. And relief lasts 10 full hours. club swings splash cortizone10. Feel the heal. Im out of clubs narrator its tamron halls tune in to win hot summer giveaway. Every monday in july. Welcome back. So today weve been reimagining our homes during quarantine. So when the pandemic hit, nearly half of americans were forced to work differently, and almost overnight, our nation went completely remote. Full disclosure, id never heard of some of these Video Conference companies until we had to start having our meetings and doing our show on some of them. Well, anyway, for some, that was a little easier said than done. Take a look. Hi, my name is meghan. I live in washington, d. C. This is currently my new work station, so i have a folding table. This is where i go when i just cant take this handmedown chair anymore. So i move over here. This is how i manage working at home and exercising. Hello, my name is joe barraco, and my life has completely shifted since the pandemic hit. Actually moved in with my parents with my whole family into their old farm house. [grunts] you know, business up top. You know, im in slippers and casual on the bottom. Here we are in my office. The only room available in the house. Now, its about as hot as a sauna. Luckily my dad has a nonworking air conditioner behind my desk that you can that you can see here. I like the standup desk. My name is stephanie anstey. I am sixth grade history teacher at montevideo middle school. The spot with the best internet is right here. Ive been working in my car because my internet at my house is satellite and it cant really support the platforms that prepare for lesson plans. Hi, im chef taryn. Im a private chef here in chicago, and prepandemic, my business produced small dinner parties. With covid19 and quarantine, i pivoted. Ive been offering small batch soups and fresh baked goods. Im doing all of this from the kitchen behind me. I have about 100 square feet of personal space left, so i appreciate that im able to do this so much, but it is not easy. Wow, those are some stories, and joining us from their home offices, lets welcome joe in columbia, missouri. One my Favorite Places ive visited. Meghan in d. C. Hi. Taryn in chicago and finally, stephanie, hi, from her car in grottoes, virginia. So, meghan, this broken down chair that you have here. Youve pivoted to the beanbag which cannot be good for your back. Im beanbag fan. Im a child of the 70s, but that is not a good way to work all day. You know, thebetween the chair and the beanbag, ittheres a compromise, and so when the chair starts to hurt your back, then you move to the beanbag. Unfortunately, sometimes it ends up in a nap, but it works. Right now my chair is currently falling apart. [whirring] what is that noise . Tamron [laughs] it is danny seo our giveaway guru. What are you doing here today . Well, tamron, i heard you have some people working from home, and you know what today is, right . Absolutely. We have tam fams with a dilemma, and today is part two of our month long tune in to win hot summer giveaways. Weve got nearly 15,000 worth of gifts, for you, our tam fam members right there and one lucky viewer at home. Oh, my. Danny, lets tell them what you have for them first. All right, the very first thing is one my favorite things. It is. Coffeeofte and this a great brand that works with 21 Farm Partners all over the world, and they make sure that they thrive, so you can thrive when you drink this delicious, smooth, amazing coffee. I drink it every single day, and youre getting a years worth. Theyre gonna send you every single month enough coffee to keep you caffeinated while you work from home. So here we go. Once your Caffeine High kicks in, you will be ready to tackle your next home office project, but it wont be alone. Our friend, and seriously talented celebrity and interior designer, nicole gibbons, is giving you a virtual color consultation, because the color of the room matters. By the way, i do need to change the color of this wall. Oh, my gosh. Oh, thank you. Im giving you that virtual color consultation. Consider her your color authority, and shes also throwing in some of her expertly curated premium interior paint and supplies from her line clare. Danny, over to you. All right, guys, when the paint is drying, and your home is looking a lot better your work from home space, how about something that is created for your skin, and its mit driven science. Are you ready for this . This is from a new skin care brand called atolla. This is the future of skincare. It is customized. E inre just for it actually tests your ph level, your oil levels, and as your skin improves, atolla sends you a customized bottle every single month. This is 540 value. See right here, it says, personalized for me, danny. I think my wife my get her hands on that. [laughter] so cool. Okay, so heres the deal, stephanie. This is how i envision this with you. So youre in the car, and youre waiting on one of those kids to arrive. [laughs] you take your finger, cause i love skincare, you dab, dab, dab. As they are giving you the excuse of why they didnt do their homework, you dab a little more and then you say, listen. Do i look like im to be played with today . You better get your homework done. Danny, i know you have Something Else for us as well. Okay, do you guys miss the water cooler . How about something that actually makes your water at home cooler, and this, im obsessed with right now. This is our friends at pentair. This is the everpure water filter. It is a commercial grade water filter for your home. Were talking about a water filter on steroids. This will last for a full year giving you crisp, clean, commercial grade the best water in the world. Its so easy to install, and its from pentair, and you get to finally have it right at home. So yay i like that. [laughter] okay, so you know that i love also a good statement piece. So why not have a statement piece in your home office as well . Gantri is the worlds First Digital manufacturer r cutting designer lighting, crafting functional yet fashion forward modern desk lamps. That is a cute desk lamp. They actually sent me one as well. I love this, and this little desk lamp look how cute this is. Put that on your desk, and before you know it, youre not gonna wanna leave work. Im kidding, youre gonna always wanna leave work, but it can make the space look cool. Now heres the deal. I know you all have very specific things that you wanna focus on and very needs that are specific to your work environment. A desk, a chair, some organizational needs. So we called up some friends at home goods and they said, yes, we want in on this and they wanna give. Da, da, da, da each of you 1,000 each to refurbish your space. [party horn blows] so 1,000 for each of you to do a Little Something here and there. Taryn, what can change your space . What can make it easier for you . Definitely, from home goods, the organizational things. This is a small enough condo, but then running a business out of it as well has definitely been a challenge, so i cant wait to just organize like crazy with that. Thank you so much. This is amazing. Well, thank you, thank you. Iyou know what . I know i saw the surprise in all of your faces. Im not good with surprises, so i just wanted to spill the beans, but thank you so much for being here. Thank you for working so hard and putting a smile on our face this morning. Taryn, joe, stephanie, meghan, thank you, and i cant wait to see how your home Office Makeovers turn out. And special thank you to our giveaway guru, danny seo. Hell be back next monday with even more big surprises in store. So for the details on todays fun giveaways go to tamronhallshow. Com and dont forget, you at home, we never forget you. You have a chance to win everything as well. Go to the tamron hall shows Instagram Page and be the 100th person to comment the word work on this photo of me and baby moses working it out in my home office studio, tomorrow july 14th at 6 00 p. M. Eastern time. Good luck to all of you, and thank you for tuning in. Well see you tomorrow. Thats whats making news in america this morning. Is morning. Right now on america this morning, collision course. Hurricane laura growing stronger taking aim at the gulf coast expected to make landfall as a major category 3 storm. More than 500,000 people told to evacuate. 24 already killed in the caribbean. The storm surge expected and could the nations fourth biggest city take a direct hit . Melanias moment. The first lady Takes Center Stage at night two of the Republican National convention. Her message about the pandemic and why she says her husband deserves to be reelected. Breaking overnight, more National Guard troops sent to kenosha, wisconsin, as police move in to protect a courthouse during the third night of violent demonstrations over the Police Shooting of jacob blake

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