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How she says it affected the president and her message for the nation just months before the election. This country is on a precipice, and we have a decision to make. Only on gma this morning. New hope in the race for a vaccine. The chief medical officer behind a promising trial talking about it on gma this morning as the head of the cdc makes a grim prediction saying the months ahead will be, quote, one of the most difficult times in American Public health. With hospitals at capacity across the south and schools caught in the middle, the passionate pleas from teachers. Overnight, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg hospitalized. The latest health scare for the 87yearold. What were learning about her condition this morning. Secret marriage. The bombshell about Ghislaine Maxwell revealed in court as bail is denied for Jeffrey Epsteins alleged accomplice. Fierce fallout. Nick cannon fired overnight after making racist and antisemitic remarks. How hes responding this morning. Vogue and from the runway to the rumba. Tyra banks named dancing with the starss brandnew host. What shes revealing about the season that will be like no other, first on gma this morning. And we do say good morning, america. Great to see george back on this very busy wednesday morning. Were going to have the latest on the Coronavirus Vaccine trial just ahead, amy. Yeah. Thats right, robin. Some promising results, and that news comes as a new fema memo reveals nearly 65,000 Covid Patients are currently hospitalized across this country. So a lot of eyes watching what happens with treatments and those vaccines, george. Good to see hope out there. First, my exclusive interview with President Trumps niece mary trump. She just published a scathing memoir of her uncle and family who went to court to block the book and prevent mary from doing any interviews. I sat down with her after a judge ruled she could not be stopped from speaking out. Her book is a deep dive into her past with the trump family but mary is very focused on what the country should do right now. Whats the single most important thing you think the country needs to know about your uncle . He is utterly incapable of leading this country. And its dangerous to allow him to do so. Based on what you see now or what you saw then . Based on what ive seen my entire adult life. What do you want to happen now . This country is on a precipice, and we have a decision to make in the not too distant future about who we want to be and where we want to go as a country. Its hard for me to process just how many awful things are going on simultaneously on a daily basis, and people need to know. People need as much information as is available in order to make a decision that makes sense for our future as a country, as americans, as citizens of the world so to speak. You do have one potentially explosive allegation in the book, at least one, and you write that when the president was trying to transfer from fordham to penn, he had someone else, a man named joe shapiro, take his s. A. T. S . Yes. This was 1964. How do you know that . Ive been told this by people in my family. I am absolutely confident that its true. Im happy to finally be able to speak about it. I also know that it was not the joe shapiro people have been focusing on. So to be clear its not pam shriver no. Pam shriver, the widow of joe shapiro, has come up and said, he didnt meet donald trump until penn. Theres no way this is true. Yes, and i feel terrible shes been subjected to this. Honestly i wish i could have said something sooner and i think the only people other than me who can address it are other people in my family and i look forward to hearing their response to that question. How do you know its true . I trust my sources. Is joe shapiro still alive . That, i dont know. I have no idea. Have you ever met joe shapiro . I have not. So youre confident you believe in your sources. Uhhuh. How do your sources know . They were alive at the time, so they have firsthand knowledge of this. And you believe other members of your family also know this is true . Yes. White house says its an absurd falsehood. Of course they would. Can you prove its true . Can i prove no, because i im counting on people i trust who told me this story, so in terms of documentation, no, i cant prove it, but i can certainly say with 100 certainty that i was told this story by a source very close to donald. Election night 2016, i think you tweeted out worst night of my life. One of them. One of the worst nights of my life. Then why go to the white house in april 2017 . I had been on the outside of this family for a really long time, and after my cousin ivankas wedding which for reasons i still dont understand i was invited to, my aunt maryanne and i started talking, and we developed a relationship which we had never had before, quite honestly, and it mattered to me, you know. It was the first time i had felt part of the family since i was a kid, and somehow it was very easy for me to put aside all of the things that had happened previous to that. When i got invited to her birthday party, i felt that i should i should go. You go, you see the president in the oval office and you tell him, dont let them get you down. Did you mean that . I did actually. He that was four months in. He already seemed very strained by the pressures. I didnt mean i want you to keep doing what youre doing and get away with it, but and also so much of what has happened since then hadnt yet happened, and i thought his response was actually more enlightening than my statement and he said, they wont get me. And so far, looks like hes right. And if youre in the oval office today, what would you say to him . Resign. Blunt as she could be right there. Were going to have a lot more of this exclusive interview coming up in the next half hour and shell talk about what she calls a malignantly dysfunctional family, the entire trump family, and she it all began with the father of President Trump, fred senior. Robin. As you said, george, youll have more in a bit. In the meantime, well turn now to the latest on the coronavirus emergency. The head of the cdc warning that in the months ahead, we could face one of the most Difficult Public Health situations the country has ever seen. But there is some promising news about one of the vaccine trials. Matt gutman joins us now from los angeles with more on that. Good morning, matt. Reporter hey, good morning. So much about reopening safely especially at schools hinges upon vaccines. Now, moderna out with the full results of its phase 1 trial, 45 people got the vaccine. All of them developed antibodies. Now, the question is, how long does the immunity from those antibodies last and how much immunity does it provide but as dr. Anthony fauci said, any way you slice it, its good news. This morning, the vaccine created by u. S. Biotech Company Moderna partnered with the nih is on its way to phase 3 of testing after its phase 1 vaccine trial found that 45 of the people who were given the vaccine all developed covid antibodies. Our data demonstrated that, indeed, the more dose we give the higher immune response and i think it allowed us to nicely define what we believe is the optimal dose to take further into what are called late phase or phase 3 trials. Reporter and the nations top Infectious Disease expert, dr. Anthony fauci, says the company and other vaccine makers assure him they will be able to make up to a billion doses. I hope that that time will be reasonably soon. And when i say soon, i say within the next year, year and a half. Reporter that glimmer of hope coming after sobering words from the cdc, warning it could be a long time before we see any light at the end of the tunnel. I do think the fall and the winter of 2020 and 2021 will be probably one of the most difficult times weve experienced in American Public health. Reporter icu beds are already filling up across the south, and a fema document obtained by abc News Highlights hospitals in 33 states now reporting a shortage of health care workers. We are full. The vacancy light is off. Reporter in california as the number of daily cases reaches over 7,000, new guidelines on who can be tested were released in the hopes of managing overcrowded lines. There is not a single appointment available in the entire city of l. A. At any one of these testing sites and now california Public Health officials are admitting that the results are taking so long that it has made Contact Tracing impossible. And as the battle over what to do about school wages on, 36 students at one high school in illinois testing positive after Officials Say many of the students took part in athletic camps and social events. In florida, teachers asking their School Districts to defy Governor Desantis order to resume inperson classes in august. When i signed up to teach i didnt sign up for hazardous duty, folks. I served 8 1 2 years in the military and never once feared for my life. I do now. What in the hell are we doing . Reporter one of the biggest battles over schools brewing right here in southern california. The Orange County School Board Voting for inperson classes this fall without mandating for masks or social distancing, but already some School Districts saying theyre going to defy that, saying theyll go online with Remote Learning from home this year. Amy . Matt gutman, thanks so much. Dr. Jennifer ashton joins us now, and, dr. Ashton, results are in from modernas first phase of the vaccine tested in the u. S. For the coronavirus. The results are very promising. Tell us what this means and how it affects the timeline, if at all. So, amy, when theyre looking at these early data from these vaccine Clinical Trials theyre looking primarily for two things, safety, number one, and efficacy. We heard from matts piece there was a good antibody or immune response with socalled neutralizing or blocking antibodies. Now theyre going to be following those volunteers for up to a year to look for longterm safety and durability. How long will that protection last . When they go into phase 2 theyll increase their numbers, 600 volunteers. Phase 3 which they said they will be starting this summer along with other developing groups around the world will then look at 30,000 volunteers. So theyre collecting a lot of data. Theyre following safety and efficacy and, remember, the manufacturing would have to start at the end of 2020 to make millions and millions of doses. Wow. So much work ahead. All right, thanks so much. We appreciate your time, dr. Jen ashton. George. Okay, amy. Thanks. The latest now from the white house where President Trump launched a campaignstyle speech from the rose garden yesterday and displayed a defiant approach to the black lives Matter Movement in interviews. Our White House Correspondent cecilia vega has the story. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning, george. President trump attempting to shift the focus once again, and he says when it comes to Police Shootings of black americans, white people have it worse. It was a question President Trump did not like. Asked why black people are still dying at the hands of Law Enforcement so are white people. So are white people. What a terrible question to ask. So are white people. More white people, by the way, more white people. Reporter the reality, minorities are killed at disproportionate rates and black americans are more than twice as likely to be shot and killed by police than white americans. As he slips in the polls and clings to his base, the president stoking Racial Division even more. Asked whether he understands why for so many the Confederate Flag is a painful reminder of slavery people love it and i know people that like the Confederate Flag and theyre not thinking about slavery. I just think its freedom of speech. Reporter and in an interview with a conservative website, he jumped head on into another flash point. Yall, she got a gun. Reporter the white couple who pointed ns at black lives matter protesters marching outside their st. Louis home. They were going to be beat up badly and the house was going to be totally ransacked and probably burned down. Reporter that is not what the video shows. This as he faces growing criticism for his handling of the pandemic. With covid cases surging, the president held what was billed as a Rose Garden Press Conference on china. Instead he delivered a more than hour long rambling campaignstyle speech. Biden wants to defund our military. Reporter mentioning joe biden at least 30 times in a long list of baseless claims. Dr. Anthony fauci came off the sidelines to deliver this message. I think you can trust me, but i would stick with respected medical authorities who have a track record of telling the truth. Reporter now, in the latest installment of the administration attacking the nations top Infectious Disease expert, the president s trade adviser Peter Navarro who has no known medical expertise writes in a usa today oped that, quote, dr. Fauci has a good bedside manner with the public but that hes been wrong about everything ive interacted with him on and he listens to fauci, quote, only with skepticism and caution. This, george, as the white house has denied there is a campaign to treat fauci as a political rival. The president did score a victory of sorts in alabama yesterday. He did. His former attorney general Jeff Sessions lost there. He was hoping to return to his Old Senate Seat he had for 20 years. That is now not happening. A race where President Trump was front and center. Hes still very angry with sessions for having recused himself in the russia investigation so he endorsed sessions opponent, former Auburn University football coach tommy tuberville. Tuberville now goes on to face Senate Democrat doug jones in the general election, george. Cecilia vega, thanks very much. Robin . All right, george. As we continue here, we have the latest on the health scare for ruth bader ginsburg. The Supreme Court justice hospitalized overnight for a possible infection. This two months after she was treated for a benign gallbladder condition. Mary bruce is outside the Supreme Court with much more. Good morning, mary. Reporter good morning, robin. Well, the 87yearold liberal justice is waking up this morning in a baltimore hospital after undergoing an endoscopic procedure to treat a possible infection. Now were told she is resting comfortably, and will stay in the hospital for several days to receive antibiotics. This is ginsburgs second hospitalization this year and has had many Health Challenges and survived four bouts of cancer. Any health issues, though, have not prevented her from continuing to do her job without interruption but her health, though, is a source of constant concern and deep anxiety for Many Democrats who fear what a potential vacancy could do to the balance of the courts. Now when asked about her yesterday, the president says he wishes ginsburg the best and hopes shes feeling better. George . We all hope that. Mary bruce, thanks very much. Coming up more of my interview with mary trump. She talks about the family dynamic that she says is malignantly dysfunctional and calls her grandfather a sociopath and how she says it affected the president. And new fallout for nick cannon, fired after making racist and antisemitic comments. Well have his response ahead. But first, lets go to ginger. And weve seen records fall. The high temperatures from san antonio to midland, texas to miami, that hit another record of 97, their fifth 97 of the year. They have never done that in recorded history, and now that concentrated area that will see the heat advisories from new mexico over to mississippi including arkansas, could see more records fall today within those numbers. The heat feelslike is going to expand and make it hot all the way from philadelphia that will feel like almost 100 by the end of the weekend to the low to mid90s in new york city. Your local weather in 30 seconds. First though the heat index forecast sponsored by subaru. Sored by subaru. Mary trump is coming up. Well be right back. Its starting to happen every day. People are surprising themselves the moment realize they can du more with less asthma. Thanks to dupixent, the addon treatment for specific types of moderatetosevere asthma. Dupixent isnt for sudden breathing problems. It can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as 2 weeks and help prevent severe asthma attacks. Its not a steroid but can help reduce or eliminate oral steroids. Dupixent can cause serious allergic reactions including anaphylaxis. Get help right away if you have rash, shortness of breath, chest pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs. 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Like a good neighbor, state farm is there. ® good morning, im reggie aqui from abc7 c contra costa countys d. A. Says she is receiving death threats. Diane in beckton alerted police after receiving a barrage of threats. Those threats came through phone calls, emails and social media posts. Two people face misdemeanor charges after police say they damaged the mural and the mural has been restored. B. A. R. T. Expects to lose 5 975 million over the next three years because of decreased ridership and falling sales tax revenues linked to covid19. General manager bob powers joined leaders of other transit systems yesterday. They urge federal officials for 36 billion in emergency funding. The chronicle reports that powers says keeping b. A. R. T. Running is a social justice and equity issue when it comes to serving people who cant afford to own good morning. Welcome to wednesday, which is starting pretty great for most of us. Check out the bay bridge toll plaza. The temperature temperature teme stepping out, mid 50s to low 60s. On our way to a degree or two of warmth today. Steady tomorrow. A bit warmer friday, saturday and sunday. About 5 to 6 degrees above average. Reggie . Thanks, mike. Coming up an abc news exclusive. President trumps niece, mary trump, out with a new book and shes not holding back. She talks about what she weve always put safety first. And we always will. For people. For the future. And there has never been a summer when its mattered more. Wherever you go, summer safely. Get zero percent apr financing for up to five years on select models and exclusive lease offers. Its called ubrelvy. The migraine medicine for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes without worrying if its too late or where you happen to be. One dose of ubrelvy can quickly stop a migraine in its tracks within two hours. Many had pain relief in one hour. Do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. Few people had side effects, most common were nausea and tiredness. Ask about ubrelvy. The anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. So hed do these pranks where he would like. Ask about ubrelvy. Id be it the middle of listening to some really cool song, and then he just like switch it to like a broadway song, so then id text him right away saying lucas [chuckle] yea, we love pranking each other like that. This iced coffe could wake you up. This frappe could be considered a date. Whatever this order is for you, well be here to take it. Any size soft drinks are just a dollar at mcdonalds. Puts cash back in your wallet. Earn 5 cash back on everything you buy at walmart. Com. Mom paper towels . Including things for the science fair. Whats in your wallet . Tell me do you wanna go welcome back to gma. That is former dancing with the stars champ bobby bones putting on a pretty terrific show, and this morning we have a new host. Tyra banks is joining us live. She will tell us what we can expect in the ballroom this season with her at the helm. Robin. Im smiling with my eyes, you know, how she does. Smize. Yes, thats the word. I couldnt remember it, amy. Thank you. Much more on that ahead. First the top headlines that we are following right now. The director of the cdc is warning the fall and winter could be, quote, one of the most difficult times that we experience in American Public health as cases of coronavirus here in the u. S. Top 3. 4 million. And Ghislaine Maxwell is waking up behind bars this morning after her bail was denied. And a surprising revelation, prosecutors said maxwell is married but did not reveal who her spouse is. And it is tax day again after a threemonth extension due to the coronavirus, taxes are finally due so you have to file or seek an additional extension by midnight tonight, george. New deadline. Robin, thanks very much. More from my exclusive interview with President Trumps niece, author of the new memoir too much and never enough how my family created the worlds most dangerous man and mary trump had to fight in court to portray this. The patriarch, President Trumps extremely wealthy father, fred. It all begins with your grandfather. Oh, absolutely, absolutely. You say he is a sociopath. Yes. What do you mean by that . He had no empathy. He was incredibly driven in a way that turned other people, including his children, his wife, into pawns to be used to his own ends. If somebody could be of service to him, then he would use them. If they couldnt be, he excised them, and in my fathers case tragically he was not of use. You write donald following the lead of my grandfather and with the complicity of silence and inaction of his siblings destroyed my father. Yeah, that was hard to write. Much harder to witness. You say that was a hard sentence to write. I left out the next sentence. Okay. I cant let him destroy my country. Ah, yes. That sounds pretty arrogant, so let me explain what i mean. I feel, as i write in the book, that there are so many parallels between the circumstances in which my family operated and in which this country is now operating. I saw firsthand what focusing on the wrong things, elevating the wrong people can do, the Collateral Damage that can be created by allowing somebody to live their lives without accountability. If i can do anything to change the narrative and to tell the truth, i need to do that because i dont believe the American People had the entire truth four years ago. Why didnt you write the book four years ago . I thought long and hard about saying something. I knew that if i had said anything i would have been painted as a disgruntled, disinherited niece who just wanted her 15 minutes which obviously is being said about me now. Thats exactly what the white house says, that its a book of falsehoods, basically youre lying for money. If i had wanted money or revenge i would have done this ten years ago when it was infinitely safer but neither one of those things interested me. You do write that he once had a spark of kindness. Yeah. I think he did. One of the unforgivable things my grandfather did to donald was he severely restricted the range of Human Emotion that was accessible to him, which makes it what does that mean . It means that certain feelings were not allowed. Like . Sadness, the impulse to be kind, the impulse to be generous. Those things that my grandfather found superfluous, unmanly. Your father got very ill, deathly ill, and you get a phone call from your grandfather. I remember that conversation verbatim. My grandfather got on the phone, he said, your dads sick. Is it serious . Hes in the hospital but its not serious. Okay. But, you know, why am i calling you at 10 00 on a saturday night if its not serious, i was thinking to myself. I said, is it his heart . He had open heart surgery three years earlier at the age of 39. And he said, yes, its his heart and i said, well, then it is serious. Yes, its serious, but dont worry about it. Call your mother in the morning. And as i found out two minutes later when i called my mother to find out what was going on, my father had died two hours earlier. More or less alone. Completely alone. Obviously with strangers surrounding him but no family. You write that his brother went to the movies. Yes. Yeah, that shocked even me when i heard about it. You know, it was bad enough it was probably worse, honestly, that my dads parents just sat in the library in the house waiting for a phone call. I will never know why they didnt go to the hospital to be with their son who was clearly dying. So maybe it isnt surprising that donald didnt think he needed to be there. Maybe that would have looked bad to his father. And maybe sitting around waiting for the phone call was too burdensome. I dont know, but, you know, ive often wondered what movie did he go to see that seemed more compelling than sitting with his dying brother, but ill never know. For many years after your father died you were taken care of by the trump family. Uhhuh. Then fred trump dies and you have the impasse. Yeah. I just want to clarify something. You say taken care of. The sense in which thats true is no different from the sense in which its true for anybody else in my family. When it was all settled, when the lawsuit was done, did you think it was a fair settlement . No. But i didnt have enough information to understand in what way it wasnt fair, and at the time again, its a very long time ago and i was very close with my grandmother so a lot of it for me was wrapped up in the, quite honestly, devastation i felt when she let us go so easily because of money, so that was much more important to me than the other side of it and it certainly made the dealing with the money issues harder, because but it was all about the money, wasnt it . Im a trump, you know. Everything is about money in this family, but im also different from them and for me what i understood and one of the reasons it was so devastating was that money stood in for everything else. It was literally the only currency the family trafficked in. Your brother is not happy with the book. I believe that my brother is entitled to his privacy and his opinion and i am completely supportive of whatever relationship he has with my family and whatever choices he makes. This is a hard question but im going to ask it anyway. Is writing the book an extension of the dysfunction of the family . Probably. You know, i didnt write it as a form of therapy or anything like that. In fact, i would have preferred not to write it. It was quite difficult, and i sometimes feel i would have been better off not knowing some of the things i now know. She packed a lot into the book and were going to have a lot more tomorrow with mary trump. All right. She certainly has a lot to say, george. Coming up next that growing backlash for nick cannon, fired overnight after making antisemitic remarks. Well be right back. You are. Cause frosted mini wheats are made to fill people up. And they have 10 layers of wheat and seven vitamins and minerals. Just one bowl and youre good till lunch. If your mouth is made to amaze, let Philips Sonicare give its care a raise. Get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. Give it Philips Sonicare. Next level clean, next level care. 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Good morning, eva. Reporter good morning, robin. Cannon has been on social media tweeting both messages of support and attack. The network saying they fired cannon after he promoted hateful speech on his podcast on youtube. Overnight backlash for nick cannon after these controversial comments on his podcast, cannons class. We are the semitic people. We are the same people that you who they want to be, thats our birthright. Reporter viacom cbs announcing they are cutting ties with the comedian. What about the big ear of corn . Reporter who theyve had a decades long relationship with. The people that dont have it have are and im going to say this carefully are a little less. Reporter in the june 30th episode of his podcast, cannon speaking to former public enemy member, professor griff. The only way they can act is evil. The only way they have to rob, steal, rape, kill and fight in order to survive. Exactly. So then these people who didnt have what we had and when i say we, i speak of the melanated people, they had to be savages. Reporter the 39yearold host facing criticism for his comments accused of perpetuating an antisemitic conspiracy theory. The blood lines that control everything even outside of america. Reporter cannon, who most recently hosted the fox show, the masked singer taking to social media to explain, anyone who knows me knows that i have no hate in my heart nor malice intentions. But cannon stopped short of apologizing instead saying i hold myself accountable for this moment and take full responsibility. Cannons longrunning show wild n out airs on vh1. Viacom saying they condemn bigotry of any kind. Viacom telling abc news we are deeply troubled nick has failed to acknowledge or apologize for perpetuating antisemitism and are terminating our relationship with him. Robin. All righty, eva, thank you so much. Lets go back now to the studio. Back to the studio. Amy, whats coming up . We have the brandnew dancing with the stars host tyra banks joining us live and then up next, the office interruption. You got to wait for it. Its our play of the day. You got to wait for it. Its our play of the day. But the offers good only today. The dealer gives you a tradein offer lower than you expected. Will you take it . Should you take it . It feels like youre in the middle of some weird gameshow. Where did that music come from . Wait, is that . What . No. Really . Next time, start with carmax. And get a custom offer good for 7 days. So you have plenty of time to compare your options. Without any of the pressure. The way tradeins, appraisals, and car selling should be. Carmax. Dove exfoliating body polish. Lets do this wow, its very creamy. It feels like youre really polishing your skin. Im silky and smooth dove exfoliating body polish. Exfoliates and nourishes. Five dollar, five dollar footlong. 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Thats john nicholson, later posted this photo of the cat, writing, youve seen the tail. Heres the face, a cute one, indeed, but impressed with his ability to keep going. Something to say in that debate. All right. Well be right back. Stay with us. Whove got their eczema under control. With less eczema, you can show more skin. So roll up those sleeves. And help heal your skin from within with dupixent. Dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderatetosevere eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. Dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. Many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. Dont use if youre allergic to dupixent. Serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. Tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. If you take asthma medicines, dont change or stop them without talking to your doctor. So help heal your skin from within, and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. If your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. If your fahonooooo ha ation has changed, noooooo quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent, so you can use less. Bounty, the quicker picker upper. Scratch that, baby, im grateful. Gotta say, its really been a while. But now i got back that smile. Smile check everything off the list with supplies from 50¢. Get ready for school at target. Today, hes being tested to see if his cancer has spread. He may be the one getting the test, but we both live with the results. [announcer] you can quit. For free help, call 1800quit now. With a recipe perfected over time. Each chip toasted, then crisped for a delicate crunch. Its passion and craft meets sea salt and lime. Late july. Bring out the good chips. To visit all the places we didnt know meant so much. S to get out and go again. Its passion and craft meets sea salt and lime. But were all going at our own speed. At enterprise, peaceofmind starts with our complete clean pledge, curbside rentals and lowtouch transactions. With so many vehicles of so many kinds, you can count on us to help you get everywhere you want to go. Again. Whenever youre ready, were ready for you. Enterprise. Coming up, the dancing with the stars has a brandnew host. Tyra banks and shell join us live. Also our twoday deals steals blowout is kicking off live on gma. This segment has been sponsored by enterprise. Your local news and weather is next. Good morning america is sponsored by kori pure antarctic krill oil. The oceans superior omega. Antarctic krill oil. The oceans superior omega. Good morning. Im reggie aqui. Big news out of berkeley. Very early this morning around 3 00 a. M. They voted to approve a new policing measure that would defund the Police Department by 50 and also create a new program that would be a transportation division, those people would then handle traffic stops rather than police officers. That would be a Pilot Program at first and theres more to come on how this would unfold. Now well turn to meteorologist mike nicco with a look at our weather. Hey, mike. Hi, everybody. Lets look at some stub bon clouds. Makes for a beautiful shot from our east bay hills camera. Well get sunshine today and slightly warmer temperatures. Much hotter this weekend. So if you have Outdoor Activities enjoy todays 60s, 70s and 80s. The low pollen also. P. M. S will ri temperatures will rise up friday, saturday and sunday. Coming up, a big deals steals event. Huge Summer Savings to help you beat the heat. Another abc7 news update in good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Dire warning. The head of the cdc says the months ahead will probably be, quote, one of the most difficult times that we will experience in americas Public Health. This as there is promising news about one of the vaccine trials. The covid crisis still growing. Icu beds filled up across the south. Philadelphia cancels all Public Events through february, 2021 and teachers, students and schools all caught in the crosshairs across the country. Also this morning, revealed overnight. Tyra banks is the new host of dancing with the stars. Well talk t to her live just ahead. Such a good vibration its tory time. Summer fun deals steals that will help you beat the heat from american Small Businesses. The last bandoleros are singing us into wednesday all ahead as they say all good morning, america. We do say good morning, america on this wednesday morning. Got some great music coming up. We have tyra banks coming up and i remember her telling me every hallway is a runway. Every hallway is a runway so just think about that when youre walking down the hallway, act like its your runway. Well channel our inner tyra and we do have our dancing with the stars interview ahead, and shes going from the runway to the ballroom, and she will tell us about all that in just a bit, george. Coming up in just a minute. We want to get to the latest on the coronavirus pandemic and the race to find a vaccine. Some promising new results are out from a trial in the u. S. And matt gutman has details. Good morning, matt. Reporter good morning. There is so much focus on reopening especially at schools. Now, moderna out with phase 1 results of its trials. 45 people got the vaccine. All of them developed antibodies. The question is how much immunity do they provide and for how long . This morning the vaccine created by u. S. Biotech Company Moderna, partnered with the nih, and they are on its way to phase 3 of testing after its phase 1 vaccine trial found that 45 of the people who were given the vaccine all developed covid antibodies. Our data demonstrated that, indeed, the more dose we give the higher the immune response and it allowed us to nicely define what we believe is the optimal dose to take us further into the phase 3 trials. Reporter the nations top Infectious Disease expert, dr. Anthony fauci, says the company and other vaccine makers assure him they will be able to make up to a billion doses. I hope that that time will be reasonably soon, and when i say soon, i mean within the next year to year and a half. Reporter that glimmer of hope coming after sobering words from the cdc. I do think the winter and fall of 2020, and 2021 will be probably one of the most difficult times weve experienced in American Public health. Reporter icu beds are filling up across the south, and a fema document obtained by abc News Highlights hospitals in 33 states now reporting a shortage of health care workers. We are full. The vacancy light is off. Reporter and as the battle over what to do about school wages on, in florida teachers asking their School Districts to defy Governor Desantis order to resume inperson classes in august. One of the biggest battles over schools could play out in southern california. The Orange County School Board Voting for inperson classes, but not mandating Wearing Masks or social distancing. Already some School Districts saying they will defy that vote, amy. Matt gutman, thank you so much. Dr. Jennifer ashton is back now with us and, dr. Jen, we heard that promising news about the moderna vaccine. You also have some good news from the cdc about wearing those masks. Exactly, amy, and more evidence in real world situations about the benefits of masks not just for reducing the spread, but possibly for protecting others. Released by the cdc, this is out of missouri where two hair stylists found to be infected with covid19, they had contact with 139 clients. Everyone was masked for this prolonged, close contact, more than 15 minutes, obviously close range. They followed these people. Not a single known case of covid19. So it proves in real world scenarios that wearing a double layer or surgical mask actually has some benefit. Really important. Important and remarkable, indeed, and something for us all to remember. Thank you so much, dr. Jen. Coming up next on gma, the woman who started with a bobby pin and then traded her way to a minivan. Now shes going for a house. All right. And deals steals, big savings on items for your home and outdoors. Plus we are neonone with the brandnew dancing with the stars host tyra banks. We will be right back. Just dance ost tyra banks. We will be right back. Just dance o, magnificent mile for me i thought i was managing. My moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Yes until i realized something was missing. Me. You ok, sis . My symptoms kept me from being there for my sisters. Flight boarding for flight 2007 to chicago. So i talked to my doctor and learned. Humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor. If youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your doctor about humira. With humira, remission is possible. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. Red, blue, 16 percent undecided. Here we are a nation divided. If you cant afford your medicine, but 2020 had us shook. So we gave the world another look. And saw a future of differences celebrated. Every voice heard and advocated. Where everyone can show their pride. cause love should never have to hide. Theres a world of possibility that cant exist with you versus me. It will take work, thats indisputable. But oh man it could be beautiful. This world where we are we. removes ten years ofoptic yellow stains. Thats like all the way back to 2010. Whats that . Its a shake weight. Its a weight you shake. Remove ten years of yellow stains with new colgate optic white renewal. My children are really worried. My tip is, send your kids a text. It may be the last time that you do. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quit now. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident. Cut is that good . No you were talking about allstate and. I just. When i. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. By, the way, not that im upset about it or anything, i almost got killed by this damn thing. Did you see it . I came out and then your automatic mirror ball almost took me out. Every time tom bergeron came on gma he came to play. Dancing with the stars is coming back this season. Its going to be different. And one of them will be saying goodbye to tom, the man who started it all and we will miss him. We certainly will. He tweeted this. Its been an incredible 15year run and the most unexpected gift of my career. Im grateful for that and for the lifelong friendships made. That said, now what am i supposed to do with all of these glitter masks . He was always able to make us laugh, robin. He really was. Its been quite a run. How we enjoy having him at gma. You both said it so well. Each and every time he comes to play and cannot wait to see what tom is going to do next. And coming up next right now, pop news. Lets head home to lara. Good morning, lara. Hey. Hi, rob. Tom bergeron, thank you for all the laughs and amazing moments on dancing with the stars. We will miss you. But we begin now with some pop news, and the amazing jane goodall celebrating a milestone this morning. Its been 60 years since she first walked into a forest and began changing the world. In july 1960, the 26yearold began her study of chimpanzees in the wild proving that primates communicate and have personalities just like humans and make and use their own tools just like we do. Her story sparking a global movement, vastly increasing the number of women in s. T. E. M. , science, technology, engineering and math, and since her start the percentage of women working in those fields has increased from just 7 to 26 . Goodall marking her 60th anniversary of her groundbreaking research with a facebook video. Take a look. What has happened since then, we still plan to celebrate these amazing beings, our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees, and in particular the chimpanzees of gambe. What theyve taught us. Theyre still teaching us. What a lot dr. Jane has taught us over the last six decades, jane goodall along with with the Jane Goodall Institute established the longrunning study of chimps and call on all people to protect their natural habitat. Happy anniversary, dr. Jane. Also this morning, Queen Elizabeth proving once again she is not going to let this pandemic keep her from her royal duties. Her majesty using the power of technology to connect with Service Personnel from the british army, the royal navy and the royal air force. Its a rare glimpse of these normally private moments, like this chat with Lance Corporal stevens who is also by the way a member of the jamaican bobsled team. Listen to this. So how do you train . So, during the lockdown unfortunately with all the gyms and everything closed, we sort of resort to unorthodox training methods so ive been pushing a car up and down the street. I have had to make do. I suppose thats one way to train. Yes, its definitely one way to train, mum. We love seeing the queen on zoom and hearing her laugh and it is a busy week for her majes majesty. Her next official engagement is this friday when she will knight captain tom moore, remember him . The 100yearold world war ii veteran we introduced you to who raised millions of dollars for covid charities. This will be the queens first inperson meeting since the lockdown began in march. And now theres nothing worse than getting a flat tire on a busy highway. But if you do, i know at least i wouldnt mind if Shaquille Oneal came in for the assist. Yep. That is shaq to the rescue. The nba legend pulling and helping a woman as cars zoomed by on i75 in gainesville, florida. You can see this video posted by the sheriffs office. The fourtime nba champ using an elbow bump to greet deputies responding to the scene and just like that, police say super shaq quietly slipped away when he knew the woman was taken care of. Super shaq to the rescue. Finally, guys, this just made us laugh so hard last night. You tell me. Look at this. Is this the most talented cockatoo that youve ever seen or is she getting an assist as she nails not one, not two but eight different dance moves all to different ring tones. [ phone ringing sounds ] keep it going, birdie. Someone in thailand posted this video, leaving fans with a lot of questions. Look at that one. As one person posted who cares. Best laugh i have had all day. Dancing with the stars, maybe here we go. Amy, i know that is a perfect segue to your next story. You teed me right up, lara. Thank you so much. Yes, the moment weve been waiting for. We are oneonone with dancing with the stars brandnew host, supermodel turned super businesswoman, the one and only tyra banks. Tyra, thanks for being with us. Congratulations on the new gig. What are you most excited for . I am excited about hosting and executive producing, getting in there, live tv, you never know what happens on live tv like right now. Like my phone just literally rang. I was, like, oh my god. Im about to be on live tv. I have to turn it off. Im excited about all that. Were excited about what you are going to bring to the show. Its important to note you have broken barriers your entire career. You were the first black model to be featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue as well as victorias secrets catalog, and now you will be the first black female host and first solo host for dancing with the stars. How does that feel to have all of to hear that long list of firsts . You know what, im used to the model ones but today is the first time im hearing this first with dancing with the stars black woman. I never even thought of that and so i like breaking those doors down so that we dont have any more firsts, but its nice to be first, right . So that you can open the door and let so many other people in after you so im excited, yeah. So are we. So tell us, is there anything you can leak or give us a sneak peek about what this next season is going to look like . Okay, lets just keep this real. It is going to be so next level. I am having meetings with the other executive producer of producer that ive walked in to join, andrew, and hes like, he talks like this, tyra, you just dont know, its going to be next level and were doing all this crazy stuff, taking it to the next level but still like, you know, keeping the stuff that we know america loves, but you need to get ready because its going to be different. I know youre not competing on the show. Youre just hosting the show, but do you have a goto dance move . You know, like at the family barbecue im always going to get up, im going to dance. My friends, we go hang out. We have karaoke but i like the auntie shuffle. Its not the momma shuffle. Its not the momma shuffle. But its not like cousin either. Cousins are down there going, ehh, doing all this and im, like, hey, get it. Then i want them to teach me the new move, but auntie gets the new move perfectly once the trend of that move is over. I like that. Ill steal with that my daughters. I get it. All right. By the way, 20 years ago in coyote ugly we saw you dancing. Here it is right is there. This dance scene, bringing any of those moves into the ballroom . I wish i could. Do you know that on that coyote ugly bar, dancing on top of that bar, i tore my lateral meniscus. Oh. To this day, i still have that injury. I just live with it. It just is. Doesnt necessarily hurt. It just looks a little weird. Was it worth it . I think it might have been. Oh, honey, look at those scenes. It was worth it. Every pound. Everything for the lateral meniscus. We know youre famous with the smize. Is it possible to smize while you dance . Is it possible . Its going to be required. No, im joking. Its not going to be required. However, i think theres Something Like a whip and smize like a i like it. Okay. Right, right . That works. We need to see whos going to be able to whip and smize. I cant wait to see the tutorials going on. I know the guests are always a surprise and big reveal on Good Morning America. But there was a rumor floating around that dr. Anthony fauci was asked to dance. Can you confirm or deny that . I cannot confirm or deny that, but i dont know if he would do this right now, but i can imagine once we have our cure i have been watching Good Morning America this morning. Once we have our cure, once we have our vaccine, i dont know. He might have to come on and do a little chachacha to celebrate. I agree. There will be a lot of dancing to celebrate all of that. We cant wait to see what you bring to the show and itll be like nothing weve ever seen before. Tyra style. Yes, get ready. Dancing with the stars coming to abc on mondays this fall. Tyra, thank you so much and congratulations. Yes, and i have a gma moment now sponsored by verizon. So lets talk about this. This is nelson, a 3yearold Certified Training dog and he hasnt been doing a lot of training because of the coronavirus, so instead hes been relaxing in the pool. How great does that look . Christine who is a volunteer with the southeastern guide dogs says he does swim occasionally but she puts the float in front of him, and this is what he wants to do. Nelson, i so feel you. That is what a pool is for in this summer heat. It is time now for Sizzling Summer deals steals that are, you heard it, hot, hot, hot and helping Small Businesses at the same time. We have a dozen deals this morning. Tory johnson is kicking it off from her is that your patio . Good morning, tory. It is. Im sure not everybody is as lucky as me to have a patio in her living room, but, robin, anything is possible here on gma, and lets start with bringing a little bit of joy to the kitchen with a Company Called copper chef. This is the ultimate multitasker. This is a cooker that can roast, bake, slow cook, do so many Different Things, one of the best parts about this pan is that it will heat evenly, edge to edge, dishwasher safe, no mess, nonstick. It is a great option, plus weve got lots of grilling pans and everything from this company for us today is 50 off so itll be 25 to 50 and Free Shipping, which we love. Then upgrade your beverage options at home. Everyone is trying Different Things at home, and teaspressa makes everything in phoenix, arizona. Its a womenowned company with two amazing options. You can brew their tea just like you would brew coffee. Their tea shots are potent like espresso. They have amazing tea options and then they also make a great product called a luxe sugar cube which is a way to make instantly flavored drinks, everything from lattes, iced tea, mocktails, cocktails, mimosas, very inventive to give a little fun to your beverage option. Theyve created great sets for us and all start at 23. All right. And you know this next deal is so perfect for a morning show, tory. Back in the studio, i believe they have some incredible mugs. They have funny inspirational sayings like be a good human. There it is and the friend you dont put on speakerphone. They are from a great company. Its called mantra mugs and before tory reveals the savings, we have the owner joining us live, katrina johnson. Good to see you. Hi. Katrina, hi, good morning. Good morning. So tell us how you came up with this idea for the mantra mugs. Well, i came up with mantra mugs as a way for people to say anything and be able to send surprise gifts to their friends and family that were fun, exciting and things that were personalized similar to what you just said, my favorite mug is the friend you dont put on speakerphone. Its just a fun and exciting way to surprise someone with something very personal that they dont want to throw away, that they can start their day with. And this is when you are going through your journey with Breast Cancer . Yeah, so in 2017 and also in 2019 i was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and i actually had to stop and start the business twice, and so i would guess to say that, you know, mantra mugs was kind of reborn out of that, and through that, i started coming up with all these inspirational sayings, similar to this one right here which is one of my favorites. Its vibrate higher, but ill tell you that my customers are actually the ones that come up with the best mantras. Oh, as always. Well, so proud of you and just want to say you are not a survivor, you are a thriver. Thank you. You are thriving, and thank you. Thats a great inspirational story, tory. Its a great deal as well, right . Really good deal. Robin, im buying you the one that says boss lady but i think maybe queen as well, 50 off so i can afford to get you two. Theyre 11. 25 today. Another great product that will eliminate wrinkles in seconds and this is from tom sheris a plantbased formula that releases wrinkles. Spray, shake and smooth, and all the wrinkles will disappear from cott cotton, linen, all kinds of clothing. This is a smart product to have with you anywhere you go. Everyone in the house can have a bottle because its a fourpiece bottle set. 50 off today, 25. And then we all love a comfy nights sleep, and im bringing you some really great options from snugglepedic. All three options are made in america. Weve got their gel infused plush foam mattress. It is designed for great support. We have the mattress in all sizes and for a cooler nights sleep weve got memory foam toppers if you want to upgrade your current mattress and brandnew gelinfused eye mask. I love it. It is great for a better nights sleep. All of the options from this company are 50 to 60 off, and they range from 25 all the way to 1,000 for the largest mattress, and its Free Shipping from snugglepedic. Along with that comfy nights sleep is a cooler nights sleep with slumbercloud. These are their temperature regulating sheets that will keep you cool and comfortable, no more tugging and pulling to kind of get the right temperature. Weve got sheet sets in four colors, comforters, a cooling pillow which is pretty awesome, pillow covers, everything from slumbercloud, robin, 50 off which means prices today start at 34. 50. All right. Tory, i know you have much more ahead, but you get all the links for these deals on our website, and tory, shes got more deals steals coming up in our next half hour. So come on back. Announcer friday, power your way into your summer weekend with ellie goulding. Power announcer friday, summer is heating up with Good Morning Americas summer Concert Series sponsored by caesars rewards. Power announcer hey, america, you want more tory . Got to love it. Reporter well, youve got it because tomorrow on gma, its tory time. With summer fun deals steals so amazing, they may be the only thing to beat the heat. You just cant beat them. Announcer tomorrow on gma. Good morning. Im kumasi aaron. Gyms, barbershops will be closed in Santa Clara County starting today. It comes after Governor Newsom issued new guidelines on monday. A lot of them had been closed for months and just reopened on monday because the county gave them okay. Some Business Owners told us they dont know if they can make it financial think through another extended closure. All right. Lets look at whats going on with your weather. Hi, everybody, meteorologist mike nicco here. Lets look at the bay bridge toll plaza, 59 and gray. It will be gray longer today because the breezes wont be quite as fast and for shorter duration from 1 00 to 7 00 for your commute whether on the water or on the bridges. 50s and 60s out there. 60s at the lost. Its more than just fast. It keeps all your devices running smoothly. With builtin security that protects your kids. No matter what theyre up to. It protects your info. And gives you 24 7 peace of mind. That if its connected, its protected. Even that that petcamera thingy. [ whines ] can your internet do that . Xfinity xfi can because its. Simple, easy, awesome. [ barking ] for the ultimate inhome wifi, click, call or visit us today. Good morning, kelly. So nice to see you. Im looking forward to having the show with you and dakota fanning. And dr. Jen ashton has a covid19 update. And were looking at a good news story of the day. Between now and then, well have one for you when we see you on live. Back to you. Well have hi, imve hi, im alison, in phoenix, arizona. Your purchase helps support all 15 of our employees made right here in the usa. Look at that smile on alison from teaspressa. Got great deals on her products and we have more savings coming right now. Hey, lara. Hey, george. How are you . We do have more Small Business deals steals that are hot, hot, hot for summer. Tory, take it away. Hey, lara, so first up some swimwear from janzen. This company has been making suits for over 1 weve got a really nice assortment of classic silhouettes, figure flattering options, solomons and vibrant solids and vibrant patterns, we have tops, bottoms, one pieces and whats great, sizes 6 to 16 from this line, so if thats you youll want to go online. Everything today is slashed this in half, so it starts at 23, and from this company, Free Shipping which we love. Then to go with that swimsuit or, quite frankly, anything you are wearing if you are going outdoors, sunscreen is a must. This one from tizo. This is a familyowned Small Business. It was started by a Plastic Surgeon to create safe, effective Mineral Sunscreen protection and whats really special about this is the elegant feel on your skin. So very often we skip putting sunscreen on our face because you dont like the sticky feel. You dont want that layered under your makeup. One of their best products is the tizo 3 and it is a sunscreen that also doubles as a primer under your makeup. It feels wonderful. All of their products are great for your lips, for your face. Theyre 50 off, and they start today at 5. Lara, you got the next one. I do, tory. We have some of that sunscreen back there in the studio for everyone to try. And they have another product, body wipes from epic wipes that keep you clean on the go and aeneas janze is the owner joining us right now from el paso, texas. We welcome you to Good Morning America, sir. Thank you for giving us your time. We know youre a veteran. How did your time as a military veteran help inspire this product . Hi, thanks for having me on the show. Well, in 2011 i was deployed to afghanistan and any soldier who is deployed can tell you that showers dont always work when youre in the field or sometimes they just dont exist so in those situations most soldiers will turn to baby wipes. The problem with baby wipes is that theyre, of course, designed to be used for babies and if youre really sweaty or grimy, it might take a half package of wipes before you really feel like youre done, and even after that, you dont feel quite clean, and after a couple of days of use, you sort of get this sticky, baby wipe residue built up on the skin, so just being exposed to that, and also understanding from a doctors perspective the critical importance of daily hygiene on health, i wanted to create something that solved the noshower problem, and epic wipes is what came out of that. So as you can see theyre quite large, you can use two hands to get the job done. I spent a year working on the formulation so that theyre completely nontoxic, they leave no sticky residue. Theyre naturally antibacterial, and theyre also made from bamboo so theyre biodegradable. Thats great. Theyre also designed to tear into perfect strips. So, you know, if you are with someone, and you wanted to share or you want to save some for later, they come in resealable packages as well. All right. Thats fantastic. It is so terrific to hear your story of success. It is a great idea. Happy to hear about the biodegradable part too. This is perfect, so many people, myself included who hope to try to hit the road maybe do a little camping this summer and just want to get outdoors. What is the deal . Camping, absolutely. Camping no matter what youre doing after playing tennis, also i want to add really great too for people who have mobility challenges, the ability to feel shower clean kind of in an instant, and comfortably as well. We have all kinds of bundles in two different sizes. Theyre all 50 off, so today they start at 25. A good day to grab your epic wipes. Then we move on to aruba aloe that will give us all the Natural Healing benefits of aloe in great products for our skin. Weve got soaps, shower gels and then also all kinds of after sun products that are great for healing skin. Theres even a terrific foot cream. Huge assortment from this company. All of it is 50 off so today the prices range from 4. 50 to 33. Then, kt tape. Lara, i know kt tape is popular in your house. Katie is a fan and weve got a variety of Breakthrough Solutions to meet both performance and recovery needs. Weve got their tape. The product that you know so well for recovery. We also have their new antichafing line, gel stick, blister prevention tape. Sort of a whole range of things including theyve got a great icy hot wrap as well. Lots to check out when you go online and it is all 50 off so the prices today from kt tape range from 5 to 25 and then finally weve got a great product from a Company Called opal making its gma deals debut. This is a Woman Owned Company in minnesota and they make clinically tested cool therapy products. So think hot flashes, night sweats, you put the product in the refrigerator or the freezer for about 30 minutes to refresh it. It is reusable hundreds of times and what they like to call their cool wrap is that its kind of like getting the perfect hug to beat hot flashes, the perfect hug to beat the heat. So whatever is causing your heat and hot flashes, opal has a great product for you in a variety of styles and sizes. Theyre all 50 off, so today they range from 12 to 69. 50. Thats great, tory, these are amazing deals. Welcome, opal, by the way. We partnered with all these companies on these amazing deals. You can get them all on our website. Go check them out. They do sell out and, guys, we have so many deals coming tomorrow, a very special edition, right, tory, of deals steals, you dont want to miss that, until then, we will be right back. Ll be right back. We are back now with a tiktok star who is moving on up. Her pandemic side project has earned her millions of followers as she shares her journey attempting to trade her way to owning a house and wait until you see what she is starting with. Reporter demi skipper is on a mission to own her first house, but shes not in the market to buy. Shes looking to trade. I started the trade me project in may of 2020 with the request to trade a single bobby pin for a house. Reporter thats right. A bobby pin. A canon camera. Reporter documenting every swap on social media shes captivated millions of followers. If it sounds familiar, well, its been done before by Kyle Mcdonald in 2006 with his one red paper clip he bartered to a house. During quarantine we have so much time to kill, i might as well try it myself and, yes, i, you know, i recorded the first video and thought, lets see what happens. Reporter her rules are simple. Find people who are interested in the item i have and are also willing to trade. These people cant be anyone i know, and the trades cant include any cash. Sounds easy, right . Reporter in two months demi trading everything from a vacuum cleaner to even a macbook pro. It feels like a fulltime job. I am up at 5 00 a. M. Every day. Reporter sometimes she spends days planning and prepping for the next best swap. Facebook marketplace, ebay, craigslist, yeah, you name it, ive tried it. Reporter we caught up with her during trade 13 and its her biggest get yet. So now i have a red minivan. This couple trading their car for an iphone 11 getting her closer to the goal of a house. I think now its different with a vehicle. Something that you can actually drive around. It makes it feel that more real. And demi says when she does eventually get that house you know what shes going to do, shes having a housewarming party inviting everyone who has traded with her along the way. We will keep an eye on all this. Back now to ginger. Hey, ginger. So are we going to be invited . Is that part of the process . Well just have to check later and see. Any astronomy lovers out there . Ive got this beautiful time lapse, not just of the northern lights, but this is manitoba, canada. And you can see the comet neowise, the brightest come internet met weve seen in 23 years. Still 64 million miles from earth but you better get it in because it wil dont go anywhere. Well be right back. Anywhere. Well be right back. That could mean an increase byin energy bills. You can save by using a fan to cool off. Unplugging and turning off devices when not in use. Or closing your shades during the day. Stay well and keep it golden. Hi. Whats on your mind . In. Can you help keep these guys protected online . Easy. 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So, jane, you play the mom who moves back in with the family. How would that go over in your real life . It would be great. My daughter would love it. I would love it. The grandkids would love it. My husband would like it. My dog would not. But id be happy. I heard you guys bonding over dogs during the break and, will, you know, i think a lot of people can relate to the kind of chaos we saw in that scene right there right now given how much weve all been spending so much time together in our families during quarantine. Absolutely. Yeah, yeah, actually giving Charity Boxes to one another even within a family would help just as an activity to see anything anything really, just doing anything would be good. Right about now. Which tv dads do you look to for inspiration . Oh, man, im kind of my list of tv dads is kind of mostly 80s, 90s, dan conner, homer simpson, karl winslow, i could go back to steven keaton, Michael Gross on family ties. Alan thicke, dr. Jason seaver. I could go on. You got a good reaction from jane right there. What do you think, jane . I just am thinking the list is very long. I only have one. Who is yours . Ali lowell. Oh, okay. There you go. That is a good one. Were going to play a little game here called way back wednesday and show pictures of each of you from sometime ago and want the other to do the caption so, will, you go first. Heres janes way back wednesday. Uhhuh. Im going to say, well, we are from france, right, jane . Right. Okay, jane, your turn. Heres an old shot of will right there. Ah, i ate what . That looks like i did say that earlier this morning. How early is it where you are . Its about a million oclock here in l. A. Im i havent gone to sleep yet but i did wake up after going well, ive been im still asleep. Well, thank you for waking up for just a couple of minutes for us. Were all looking forward to seeing united we fall at 8 00, 7 00 right here on abc, amy. All right, joining us now, george, the last bandoleros. The Country Group that has performed with artists from sting to the mavericks, and now they are out with a new album live from texas. They are joining us to perform one of their new songs. Here are the last bandoleros performing hey, baby, qu que paso. Take it away. Hey, baby, que paso thought i was your only vato hey, baby, que paso please dont leave me hey, baby, que paso i thought i was your only vato hey, baby, que paso wont you give me one more lesson come on, baby [ singing in Foreign Language ] dont you know that i love you please dont leave me [ singing in Foreign Language ] come on baby turn around now let me see those pretty blue eyes dont you know that i love you please dont leave me hey, baby, que paso thought i was your only vato hey, baby, que paso please dont leave me [ singing in Foreign Language ] hey, baby, que paso i thought i was your only vato hey, baby, que paso [ singing in Foreign Language ] whoo [ applause ] all right. What a performance, that was amazing, guys. Put a big smile on all of our faces and now we have you back so i wanted to ask you how has quarantine been like for you all, whats it like performing online versus on stage . I know you got to miss it. Oh, my god. To miss it is doesnt quite encapsulate it. We miss it incredibly. Which is one of the reasons why we have to be creative and do things. We started a Facebook Live show where we do this kind of thing and do performances called around the neon cactus as you see just to get out and play even if its for a digital crowd, you know. Its something and youre creating and certainly like i said putting a big smile on our faces. Your new album live from texas is valuable now. Available now. So congratulations, and were excited. Thank you. We were so excited to hear you perform. You actually filmed your performance that we just saw in the same spot that you recorded your album. Tell us what that was all like. Thats right. We filmed at this classic texas dance hall called florist country store. Its the kind of place you expect to see Willie Nelson and dolly parton twostepping at and its an amazing venue and we we played to an empty room, though. Actually we will be playing to an empty room live this saturday on Facebook Live. Its a show, our first in over four months and its called from texas to your house. I love that. What are you are channeling when you are performing to an empty room even though you know so many people are watching at home, what do you do . How do you keep the energy up . Probably just tequila. Yeah, or margaritas. You got to manifest it somehow. I love that answer. Lets end on that note. That was amazing. The last bandoleros, thank you again for the wonderful performance and congratulations on the new album. Cheers. Thanks so much. Cheers. I hope thats not tequila in your cup. Well be rig whove got their eczema under control. With less eczema, you can show more skin. So roll up those sleeves. And help heal your skin from within with dupixent. Dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderatetosevere eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. Dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. Many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. Dont use if youre allergic to dupixent. Serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. Tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. If you take asthma medicines, dont change or stop them without talking to your doctor. So help heal your skin from within, and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. If your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. Announcer friday, power your way into your summer weekend with ellie goulding. Friday, summer is heating up with Good Morning Americas summer Concert Series. Sponsored by caesars rewards. Power and our thanks to the last bandoleros for that wonderful performance. We have more tomorrow too. More mary trump tomorrow. Wonder what its like to spend christmas with the trumps. Thats one thing shell talk about. Have a great day, everyone. Good morning. Im kumasi aaron from abc7 mornings. Caltrains said they may have to shut down after supervisors refused to put a sales tax on the ballot. Some city leaders in San Francisco want a greater say how caltrain is governed. Caltrains rider ship has fallen 95 as soon as the covid19 pandemic began. Here is mike with our forecast. Thank you, kumascoupl kumas. Pretty good weather to be outside with low pollen and some of our milder temperatures from 67 in San Francisco to 91 in antio antioch. About 5 to 6 degrees warmer this weekend. Kumasi . Thank you. Announcer its live with kelly and ryan today, from the alienist, dakota fanning. And a covid1 covid19 update fm dr. Jennifer ashton. Plus, a massachusetts mother of four is our good news story of the day. All next on live and now, here are kelly ripa and Ryan Seacrest ryan and good morning on this wednesday, july 15th. Ryan seacrest on the west coast. Kelly rib on the east coast. How are you doing . Kelly how are you . You look great. Ryan thank you. So do you. Im a little bit stiff. Kelly ohno. You

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