But ive always wanted to host a latenight talk show so someday i hope to. Because this is not a late night talk show. This is like hosting the worlds saddest makeup tutorial. And now lets put a comedic spin on some devastating news. As you may know, wearing face masks that help prevent covid19 has weirdly become some kind of political issue. Angry americans have been sending Death Threats to Health Officials whove been advocating for mask requirements. Which i think is such a waste of time. Youre already not wearing a mask in the middle of a pandemic, we know you want to kill us we knew that back when you kept wearing guns to chipotle. America, what are we doing . Americans werent even able to take the virus seriously as a Public Health threat for as long as they took james franco seriously as a short story writer. Look, i get it. I do. Youre over it. Quarantine is hard. I live alone and im a little sick of people telling me not to socialize. I mean, easy for you to say, you have a husband and kids. Ive been sitting at home alone for four months watching the Jeffrey Epstein doc on netflix and saying how did that we let that happen . To my broom. And i, like everyone, spent this past weekend watching hamilton on disney plus. Of course, this being disney, hamilton now has a new sidekick, a plucky animated turtle voiced by mindy kaling. Yes, hamilton, the show that caused your aunt to say look at the legs on Thomas Jefferson. Now, hamilton did receive some criticism this week from critics who say the show ignores the fact that hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were slaveowners. Which is fair. But if you want to talk about a lack of historical accuracy in streaming films, you should know there is not a single mention of the Gay Rights Movement in scoob. But i highly recommend watching hamilton on disney plus. I saw hamilton on broadway years ago and watching it on tv had all the magic of the broadway show with none of the discomfo irt experienced realizing i somehow ended up in the same row but with really nothing to say to tobey maguire. And in some other big disney news, beyonce announced that on july 31st shes releasing the vaccine. Oh, no im sorry, shes releasing a visual album on disney plus inspired by the lion king. I played timon in the lion king with beyonce last year. And im excited to announce that disney is now doing a spinoff of the lion king about timon and, im telling you, if you liked black panther, you will love gay meerkat. Yes, that is a picture of timon holding a sign saying stone wall was a riot. After years of considering it, i have finally joined cameo. If youre not familiar cameo is an app where people can make their favorite depressed celebrities say whatever they want. And this pandemic has made me just sad enough to join. So if youre a fan of mine and youd like a greeting from me for you or a friend for any occasion, come find me on cameo. I recorded my first cameo videos for fans this week and i thought id give you a look. Check it out. Hey, sara, its Billy Eichner. This is my first cameo. Your friend jen told me to tell you happy birthday, and shes thinking about you, and she really wishes she could be with you this weekend. And she wanted me to tell you that, as a white person, you have implicit bias, because your parents are racist and your grand parents are racist and you are inherently racist. So, have the best weekend, and you really need to work on yourself this summer. Okay, happy birthday, sara, even though you havent really earned it. Gwen, its Billy Eichner. Your buddy dan wanted me to tell you congratulations on your promotion. Thats awesome. And he wanted me to say that you really deserve this, and youve worked really hard for it, and he wanted me to tell you that you have to start wearing a mask when you go outside. Can i ask you something, gwen . What the hell is wrong with you . Were living through a plague, gwen. Are you living under a rock . Do you think i woke up thinking i hope i get to walk by gwen so i can breathe in your disgusting droplets . No one wants your droplets, gwen. You selfish pig. You are a selfish pig. Thats what dan says. Hi, seth. Mazel tov on your bar mitzvah. If your parents didnt already know you were gay, they did as soon as you asked for a cameo from me. I just wanted to say congratulations, and i heard the theme of your Bar Mitzvah Party is defund the police. Which i think is so great. Oh, wait, no its not, its apparently the academy awards. You know what, seth, maybe you should tell your parents to take the 50,000 theyre spending on Birthday Party on you, a child, whos accomplished nothing, and use it to play a little party game i like to call reparations. Anyway, mazel tov, sethy. We all love you. And there you go, my first cameos. So if you want your own personalized video message from me it will only cost you 700, which is money you could be donating to more important places but if youd rather be a sociopath, download cameo today. Weve got a good show for you tonight. U. S. Senate candidate Jaime Harrison is here and well be right back with amy schumer. Dicky abcs jimjimmy kimme live, brought to you by allstate. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. 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For aids walk San Francisco live at home, streaming on july 19 to benefit prc and their covid relief efforts all over the city. Register now at aidswalk. Net but what if you could startdo better than that . And their covid relief efforts all over the city. Like adapt. Discover. Deliver. In new ways. To new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. But bounce forward. And now, were committed to helping you do just that with a powerful and reliable internet and voice solution at a great price. Call or go online today. Welcome back to Jimmy Kimmel Live. Im Billy Eichner alone in this empty duplex. In just a little bit, i will talk with the man challenging Lindsey Graham for his seat in the u. S. Senate. South carolinas Jaime Harrison. And tomorrow, billy corder will be here and well have kim petras. My first guest tonight is an exceptionally funny person with a new docuseries, exceptionally funny. Docuseries that follows her dealing with a difficult pregnancy while embarking on a massive Cross Country standup tour. My face looks exceptionally thin. This video is about chris fisher. Chris is the sweetest guy in the world. Youve been taking care of me every day. Making a better Peanut Butter and banana sandwich. Youre the best husband in the world, and i love you. I know im probably going to be mean to you tomorrow. Expecting amy premieres tomorrow on hbo max. Please welcome amy schumer. How are you, amy . Ooh shes so great. Billy sorry, theres no studio audience. No. This is better. Its really nice to see you, you know . Billy you, too. Youve been getting us through this pandemic. Weve been watching billy on the streets reruns, and its been such a joy. Billy oh, my god. That is so sweet of you. Lets get to you. I love you. Billy its a night about you. I have to say congratulations all day long. I have been reading rave reviews about this docuseries. I got to see some of it myself. You are, youve always been incredibly honest, brutally honest in a hilarious way, but in this docuseries, you are so open, so raw, physically, emotionally, and i want to know, now that its getting released into the world, how are you feeling . Are you nervous about people seeing all of this . I actually, thanks for saying that. I actually wasnt nervous, and now hearing you say all of that stuff now, now i am. Now im nervous. Billy well, good. No, i mean, yeah. Its like really personal, and it has been getting nice reviews, and i didnt think about, i didnt think about it getting reviews. Billy you didnt think of anyone but you and your pregnancy. Exactly. Its so personal. My family, it couldnt be any more personal, but yeah, i mean, we lucked out, except of course my hometown newspaper, news day was like she pukes too much. Thank you. My mom can take the paper, you know. Billy news day is the long island paper. I grew up in queens, so i know all about i wouldnt say news day is known for their arts criticism. I know, i know. Billy but shout out to the one who used to the movie reviews. One thing ive always envied about you, i think because of things like billy on the street people think in real life im loud and outrageous, but im actually kind of shy and starstruck. Youre a little bit of an introvert. Billy what was that . I think of you as an introvert. Billy its true. Im like socially awkward. If i meet people in person, i get neurotic, and then i look on your page, and youre like, im dilating. Im envious. Thats really funny. Billy in the documentary, you manage to be funny even while youre throwing up. And you do throw up a lot. Funny while throwing up, thats not something even betty white could do. Oh, my god. I cant believe that. You would never say that to her face. Billy i wouldnt, i wouldnt. How did you, that balance must have been very tricky. Were you focussed on being funny even while you were so sick . Well, i think like, i mean, i dont know about you, but for me, like, i had really rough, like sad parts of my childhood. Billy mmhm. Was the middle child and felt like i had to keep everyone going, so when i am in the most duress is probably when i turn it on the most. Billy right. Because i dont feel like i am okay or everyone around me is okay, so thats when we like, are like, everythings still okay, you know. Were really not, like, actually dying inside. Billy i get that. Thank you for sharing it. Everyone needs to check out this docuseries. I know you also have a new partnership youre working on. Yeah. Billy what is that . Tell us about that. Well, speaking of blood, i did, i partnered up with tampax. We both are really interested in taking the shame out of women and their bodies and, you know. Because ultimately, we get our periods so we can then hopefully have children and keep the population going. So it felt like a very natural progression for us to work together. Billy yes. And i love that idea. Its a great partnership. Abbott and costello, nickels and may, amy schumer and tampax. It was only a matter of time, right . And i love your next guest, Jaime Harrison. I mean, lets unseat Lindsey Graham, honey billy you can say that. Im not allowed to make any endorsements, but im very, very excited to talk to Jaime Harrison. Very intelligent person. Amy schumer, everyone check out all three part of the documentary, expecting amy, available tomorrow. On hbo max. Thank you so much and we all look forward to watching the docuseries. Well be right back with u. S. Senatorial candidate, Jaime Harrison. Dicky portions of Jimmy Kimmel Live are brought to you by tampax. To large more about living Life Without Limits visit tampax. Com. E without limits visit tampax. Com. Without limits visit tampax. Com. Without limits visit tampax. Com. Without limits visit tampax. Com. 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Last night i saw that your Campaign Just raised a staggering 13. 9 million. Which is not exactly kelsey grammar frazier money, but its impressive. I have to ask you. How are you feeling right now . The polls have you virtually tied with Lindsey Graham, and at the same time, South Carolina hasnt elected a democrat to the senate since 1998. Thats a very long time. What made you say im the guy to do it . Im the guy who can beat Lindsey Graham . When i first got into this race and i told people im going to run for United States senate, they said thats great, jaime and turned around and chuckled. Because many people didnt take me seriously, but, you know, others, folks said that, you know, you cant win. You cant win against a guy whos been there for 25 years, a guy who flies around on air force one and golfs with the president of the United States. But this is the thing. All my life, ive beaten the odds, you know. I grew up in a small, rural town. My mom was a teenager when she had me. My grand parents helped raise me. They didnt have much education. In every step of my life, people said you cant do this. You cant go to college, i went to yale. You cant get a degree, i got one in georgetown. You cant be the chair of the democratic party, and now i was the first black chair. And now folks are telling me, jaime, you cant beat Lindsey Graham. Well, we just beat him last quarter. This quarter, we doubled, almost doubled what we raised. Because were going to beat him. Were going to close the chapter on what i call the old south which lindsey is a relic of. Were going to start a new south, thats bold, inclusive and diverse. I feel the energy on the ground with democrats, republicans, independents, who are just fed up with Lindsey Graham and the rubber stampings that hes been doing. Billy its so impressive. One thing i found fascinating that you said about lindsey. I think the quote is, lindseys too into being lindsey. What did you mean by that . Well, hes totally focussed on his own political power and political relevance. Hes not focussed on the people of South Carolina. Hey, billy, when you think about it, this is a man who hasnt done an in person live town hall in almost three years. And so much of South Carolina is falling apart. And the coronavirus has just made it worse. This is a state where 38 of our Rural Communities have no access to broadband wifi. That means you cant get on the internet. Right now, a report came out that said 17,000 kids have not been in contact with their School Systems since march. Were in a place where 14 of our 46 counties had no obgyns. And so theres so much need here. But we have a senator who cares more about his tee times with the president or flying on air force one or some fancy dinner instead of coming here and rolling up his sleeves to do the work of the people of South Carolina. And its just of billy i heard an interview that Lindsey Graham did on the daily. The New York Times podcast. Last year, and they said to him how could you be so opposed to trump before he won and now be one of his closest supporters, and he just said, its because i like to stay relevant. He used that word. Yes. Billy and i thought, relevant . Thats not something a politician describes themselves as being relevant is what a pop star worries about. Relevant is what Megan Trainor worries about or kylie jenner. Thats not something that a politician should be thinking about, know what i mean . Its a sad statement, because relevance for me is making sure that all the kids that grew up the way that i did, poor and having all these barriers in front of them can live the american dream. Thats what we want. Thats what we need. And lindseys not doing that. If we, we just need somebody who will fight for us and not fight against us. And thats why were building this movement, a grass roots movement, to change South Carolina, bring hope back to our state, and, as i always tell folks, you want to be a part of it, go to Jaime Harrison. Com. Be a par part of this movement. Things are going to change. And were going to see it in this election. Billy jaimeharrison. Com is one of my favorite, along with entertainmenttonight. Com. Those are my two favorites. Thank you, Jaime Harrison. I wish we could talk forever. I hope i get to see you down the road. Im going to send you, these are the Lindsey Graham flipflops on the website. Ill send you a pair. Ill get your size, and well send you a pair of these Lindsey Graham flipflops. Billy theyll go great with my Lindsey Graham condoms that i use. An honor to have you, good luck on the campaign trail and congrats on everything thats happened so far. Thank you, billy, take care now. Stay safe. Well be right back. 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Vallejo Police Released body camera video shows the moments 22yearold looting suspect was shot and killed by office of a c berkeley. How students say it started and what it could mean for the fall semester. And thousands attend a virtual town hall in San Francisco. The big question, how will students return to school . Triple digit sizzle and the sevenday forecast, ill show you when. Abc 7 news at 11 00 starts right now. Building a better bay area for a safe and secure future. This is abc 7 news. Developing news tonight. San Francisco Mayor london breed says she is waiting on covid19 test results after being exposed to the virus. She tweeted this evening saying she was informed today that she was at a recent event with someone who knew they had tested positive. Breed also said shes take all the recommended precautions for someone with moderate to low exposure and will limit Public Events for the next ten days. Well bring you any updates as we get them. As well as the mayor awaits her covid19 test results. Uc berkeley has a member for students tonight, knock off the partying. The university is seeing a jump in coronavirus cases linked to recent frat parties. Abc 7 News Reporter kate

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