Decapitate you. Your life is in danger. so. Thro, one. Siegfrioy we ke sptacle. Eyere rg tck c. Were going to go bam, bam, bam. Energy, movement, pyrotechnics, lighting, dancers, costuming. How can i do a show . There is no script. I say, we are the script people came because they were dazzled by the illusions. But the real stars of this act werehenimals. Particularly the tigers. These majestic, potentially lethal animals were feet away from audience members with nothing in between them. These animals were right on top of the audience. Theres a chance for an incident. And on the night of october the 3rd of 03, there was an incident. The one thing that is clear, that night changed Siegfried Roy forever. We need paramedics. Siegfried and roy theater. This huge tiger opens his mouth and grabs roy by the neck. Roy is screaming. Aah, aah. Grabbed him by the throat, just walked offstage. He has roy completely at his mercy. I thought we had heard the whole story, until this. Siegfried reacts to a stunning new version of events. It sounds a little strange. I never felt love in my life. Only on stage. The applause, the acceptance. Youve been in each others lives for 50 years. 5 years. At does he mean to you . All this years we are together, what we achieved, i said, i thank you very much, and i think i said, i love you. So and he says, if i would have the do it again, i would do everything again the same way. I regret nothing. Siegfried roy are the ultimate showmen. They set vegas on fire. Siegfried roy had been the single most successful entertainment attraction in las vegas history by orders of magnitude. 30 years, 48 weeks a year, capacity business. Siegfried is a magician that comes along once in a generation. Always designing and creating new illusions, magical feats that had never been tried before. When i see the wonderment in the eyes of the audience, and then the performer and audience became one, its very gratifying. Roy is the big animal lover. Thats what brings him to life. Roy was always fearless. He had no fear of living, no fear of loving, and no fear of giving. The scary element is the fundamental to it. Siegfried and roy with penguins would not work, right . You need the fear thats inherent in the lives of tigers being on stage. Roy was always bigger than life. True magic begins thats reverenced for the circle of creation. Siegfried is the one who has to say, how is this going to work . Im right here, im right here. Siegfried often says that he by himself would be not enough. Its never enough and roy by himself would be too much. I get that good feel, its never enough but, to me, its like thunder and lightning. The Siegfried Roy story is the American Dream story. Its pretty inspiring to think that you can come literally from nothing. It drops, bum bum bum. One, two, three, four. To become the most successful live entertainers in the history of las vegas. I got it going on i got it going on their home was a lavish, overthetop, luxurious compound in which you saw tigers and lions roaming freely. It started as one house on an ordinary road in las vegas, and grew until they owned every house on the block and turned it into the jungle palace. I got it, i got it i got it going on acres of land for the animals to roam in and play in. And all the animals were in the Swimming Pool, just swimming happily along. There were waterfalls and gold fixtures. It was a little bit flashy and a little bit over the top, but, you know, these are master showmen, and their home should reflect their persona. They had come aony. These are two men who, as little boys, grew up in postworld war ii germany. Our fathers went into the war as one person and they came back as a different. So, they found their outlet in alcohol. We never had attention. I never remembered my father even talked to me. I just was there. When siegfried figured out how to do his first magic trick which was making a coin disappear, his father for the first time looked up and acknowledged him. He said to me, how did you do that . And that was i think the three words that changed my life. My life became magic, and magic became my life. Like entertainers and actors, a magician is often born from insecurities, lack of attention, and the need to be loved. Each one found a different outlet to escape. As his source of love, roy turned to animals. He really developed his first real love affair with an animal at the bremen zoo with a cheetah named chico. He would imitate his purring sounds, and gradually over time, they were on a wavelength and a bond. It was when we began to delve into our childhoods that we understood there was a powerful link between our reality and our magic. For our reality, even at its darkest, turns out to be the source of our magic. The two came up with this autobiographical film about their lives and their beginnings. And according to siegfried, things changed for him when he found this money on the street and was able to buy his very first magic book. The magic world he yearned to master would open itself to him. Theyre parables. What they did with their origin stories, create this larger than life thing that happened to them that was the impetus for everything that happened later. So these two boys would finally meet in 1959. They were both working onboard the bremen, which was a luxury liner that would cross the atlantic from germany to the united states. I became a first class steward, and the captain found out there is a steward who does some magic. So, one day roy comes here and he helped me. And . And afterwards, i wanted to find out how he liked it. The great siegfried. What a great performance i gave. And he was not very impressed. I asked him, well, if you can make a rabbit disappear, how about making a cheetah disappear . I said, in magic anything is possible. He calls me over into his cabin, on the boat . On the boat. He had snuck chico onboard and was hiding him in his cabin. We put him into the act. We had a standing ovation. Your act was born. And i thought, in show business you dont have to be only good, you have to be different, and roy brought the difference. They left the ship and they began touring throughout europe. Press my luck they were a hit. People began to fall in love with the cheetah, chico. They had something that nobody else had shown before. On an eightday trip Siegfried Roy make their way to monaco where they begin doing their act in a big way. In monaco, monte carlo its capital, is a big hotspot. Grace kelly has married prince rainier, and so its a hotspot for a lot of the International Stars of the time. They were asked to perform for the annual gala. This was the first time they had really performed in front of stars. Theres cary grant and theres sophia loren and theres frank sinatra. And the next day, the headline was, Siegfried Roy, the new kings of monte carlo. Siegfried roy started with a dream, our dreams became the reality, and the reality became our life. Their sights were on bigger things, and as roy once said, if you wanna be the pope, you go to rome, but if you want to be an entertainer you got to go to vegas. Feeling good Something Like i knew it could there we coming, young little immigrants coming with the back of dreams to america and believing, oh, this is the land of opportunities. The owners of the hotel looked at them and said, tell us that you sing. Tell us that you dance. Tell us that you juggle. But dont tell us that you do magic, because magic does not work in this town. People came because they were dazzled by the illusions, but the real stars of this act were the animals. Very exciting, but in the back of your mind you could have a bad night. Who has time for wrinkles . Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair®. Weve got the retinol that gives you results in one week. Not just any retinol. Accelerated retinol sa. For not only smoother skin in one day, but youngerlooking skin in just one week. And thats clinically proven. Results that fast or your money back. Unless youre attached to your wrinkles. One week is all it takes. Neutrogena®. One week is all it takes. Dixie® ultras flexproof™ Technology Makes it twice as strong as the leading store brand. Thats strength you can count on. Given the Current Situation we are all affected by what is going on in america today. I was asking myself like what could i do . I feel proud that along with my colleagues i have been called upon to do what we can to help in this situation. I feel like im doing it for all the families in america. Were not going anywhere. Were here. This is bigger than all of us. 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It was strictly a place to lure adults, mostly men, to come in and watch a show and then go out and gamble. What you think of is essentially the rat pack era in the 60s. You think of frank and sammy and dean. The sun was shining hold it. Ing the ringadingding vegas, the oceans eleven vegas. There were lots of shows featuring women with huge feathers on their heads and not a lot else on their body. Siegfried and roy were two very good looking guys who were illusionists with animals. It didnt fit into the niche of las vegas. So they really had to work incredibly hard to make themselves special. Give me one sentence that describes your relationship with roy. Roy had these dreams and i had the ideas. His dreams were always so big but we made the dreams become a reality. They started out with one cheetah, and they start adding animals to their show. That was their shtick. That was their thing. They developed something different. People love the wild animals and people love magic. The moment i step on stage, the pleasure is there. Its always a high. You watch films of magicians from back in the 30s and 40s, much slower acts. Siegfried and roy came along and decided were gonna go, bam, bam, bam. I think everything to them was about, how do you create as much wonder as possible . And to create the largest spectacle that was the most compelling experience so that you as an audience member couldnt possibly look away. Their magic tricks and their illusions were centuries old, but they added such grandeur and majesty to them that they appeared new. Wowing audiences everywhere. These guys had energy personified. And they loved it. Lynette chappelle, a trained ballerina. Beautiful blonde. And they brought her into the act. Sometimes i disappeared and an animal appeared. I was sawed in half twice nightly, and sometimes three times a night. They had big, big dreams. They worked their way from resort to resort. Every show is a challenge. I always say after all these years, never had a perfect show. Siegfried roy were working constantly. They never once took a break. The stress was toxic. It was not easy. That was not an easy life. It wasnt all a bed of roses. Siegfried, at one point, the stress of putting on the show night after night without break, really started to wear on him. The obstacles are all that i see. Magic starts with a fantasy, but once i have an idea there are a million problems to solve before the illusion works. In ignoring these problems, roy presented me a challenge bigger than his cheetah. Him. Siegfried began to suffer from insomnia and started taking some pills to help him calm down and go to sleep. He got hooked on valium. He was becoming kind of zombielike. He wasnt communicative. He said he began to hallucinate. I realized after a while i was hooked on it. The Substance Abuse problem put a rift to where at one point they almost split. That was probably the most dangerous time of their career when something tuli tragic could have happened. But with siegfried and roy theres no such thing as give up or do it halfway. Those terms never happened with Siegfried Roy. Its all out or nothing. The big breakout year, of course, for Siegfried Roy was 1989. Steve wynn decides hes going to build the mirage. He was going to basically create the new las vegas. He wanted it to be the greatest resort, the greatest casino, the greatest everything that had ever been. So he also had to have the greatest show. Siegfried roy came to me with the idea of a new show that was going to be scaled above and beyond anything that anyone had seen in las vegas. That room at the mirage was built for them, a place to keep elephants and tigers. You know, it was a zoo. The equipment it took to do the illusions, the staging devices and other paraphernalia very, very elaborate, very tricky. Takes a lot of money, i will tell you that. It was probably the most expensive show ever in the history of the world at the time it was built. Over 30 million in 1990. That was big money to spend on a theater. But on top of it Siegfried Roy were makg big sala. They inked a deal for 57 million over five years. At the time it was the biggest contract anybody had ever signed in las vegas. We get the set designer, john napier, who did all the Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals as starlight express, cats, and miss saigon. Hes the star of set design. When we finally got him and we talked about the show, what its supposed to be. And he say, how i can do a show when there is no script . I say, we are the script. I had to create a series of woulacennce what ignettes that they already did. So it was a sort of hybrid of Marvel Comics and wagner. I know i it, baby this is the big time when the mirage show opened, no one had seen a magic show of that scale. It was kind of a mashup of a magic show and a broadway show. It was taking what would be a finale for 12 other shows and putting them all together and blending it so beautifully with costumes, with lighting. All dressed up and im ready to go i know i made it, baby this is the big time Siegfried Roy had many, many sequences in their show which were really innovative, particularly combining different illusions. I always liked their sequence where the girl would float up in the air and hed do the hoop, and then shed float into the box. Theyd saw her in half. Put her back together. Cover her with the sheet. Shed float up under the sheet and then disappear. Three classic illusions combined into one routine. No one had ever done that before. And they made it blend together, and it was one of the highlights of their show. When roy would get cut in two pieces, they revolutionized it, and they did it in a way that was out in the open. An awful lot of people are sitting in the audience going, how the [ bleep ] are they doing that . Ladies and gentlemen, this is your places call. Places, please. Initially siegfried and roy had topless dancers in their show like every other show in las vegas. But they really wanted families to be able to come to the show, so they started covering up their dancers. It gave a broader appeal to Siegfried Roy. It wasnt salacious or erotic. It was big and sensual, but you can take anybody to it. We knew what we didnt want at the mirage. No conventional backdrops for scenery. No nudity. In short, nothing that was traditional las vegas. Siegfried roy really started the whole Family Friendly trend that you see everywhere in las vegas now. On any given night, celebrities were flocking to their show. Sylvester stallone, barbra streisand, liza minnelli, president carter, reagan, bush. Siegfried roy dominated las vegas. No, you cant stop, baby aint no one going to stop me now they paved the way for these new shows, the celine dions and the lady gagas and everything else. They showed that you could charge a big buck for a show. Theyve come a long way from the cruise ship. Theyve come a long way from that smuggled cheetah. All my life, im together with them. Its an enormous responsibility. Its a devotion, its a physical risk. You had a chunk of your arm taken out by a lion. Cts mare try olay skin care. Just one jar of microsculpting cream has the hydrating power of 5 jars of a prestige cream, which helps plump skin cells and visibly smooth wrinkles. While new olay retinol24. Provides visibly smoother, brighter skin. For dramatic skincare results, try olay. And now receive 25 off your purchase at olay. Com brand power. Helping you buy better. We turn to the most certain thing there is. Science. Science can overcome diseases. Create cures. And yes, beat pandemics. It has before. It will again. Because when its faced with a new opponent, it doesnt back down it revs up. Asking questions til it finds what its looking for. Thats the power of science. 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And happier, while making medicines that help people right now. Because thats the present we wanted to live in. And thats the future we all want to see. Abbvie. Here. Now. What was the moment at which you first heard an animal thinking . Actually, all my life. I think it is something ive been born with. Good boy, good boy. Just the ability to talk to animals, to communicate with animals is magic. Its like the most purest form of magic. Le. He animals always came first i remember the black jaguar that lived in roys bedroom. Come visit. Roy sleeps with the animals. There we go. Roy is there when they are born. The first voice they hear, its mine. The first face they see is mine. So most probably, they think i am a tiger. Im sort of their father figure. I guide them through their childhood. I let them know whats right and whats wrong, or the way theyre comfortable. Theyre looking for me as sort of a security blanket. In the morning when roy goes and takes a shower, they know he is coming any minute. How many animals are we talking about . We have altogether 50. And there are elephants, pythons . Tigers, leopards, panthers. And today, we are fortunate enough that we have 32 white tigers, 5 snow white ones. But theyre the last ones. Theyre extinct today in the wild. Give me a nice smile. Give me a nice smile. Roy has always had an amazing bond with animals, but in particular, he was fascinated by white tigers. He thought they were magical somehow. In 1982, they meet the maharaja of baroda, who is the commissioner of wildlife in india. He comes to see their show in las vegas, and roy sees this as just almost divine. White tigers were rare, kind of a fluke in nature. All the white tigers in captivity today are descended from one animal that was caught as a cub named mohan. That began the white tiger line. And it turns out the maharajas family had actually had success in breeding white tigers. They had given two to the cincinnati zoo. There was nothing in me that wanted to sell an entertainer tigers. But i was pretty impressed at roys commitment, his dedication, and certainly the care he could provide. I mean, when he talked about bringing in white tigers, he talked about building an olympicsized Swimming Pool for the cats, airconditioned quarters. So i took a gamble and i sold him a pair of tigers. Two of these tigers wind up mating. And satara, the female tiger, gives birth to three white cubs. And as you might imagine, roy is just over the moon. Those cute little tigers can trace theilineage back to mohan, who was bred with his daughter. Inbreeding that would later be controversial. Roy had this almost magical contact with them. He adored them. They seemed to adore him. He started to bring them on stage when they are 3 weeks old. And the animal, they feel comfortable and secure when roy was there. My pride and joy. Say hello. All of these animals are showbusiness babies. Theyre trained not to be afraid of the stage. The lights, the sound, the people. Doesnt faze any of these anal ma animals. That takes a lot of training. Youre the guy that gives me all the treats. Youre the guy, when i want to play with that special toy, you bring that toy. If you are my guy all the time, ive learned that every time i do what you ask, i get this fun, amazing life. Part of the illusion of Siegfried Roy is that they were magically controlling these wild ferocious animals. But the reality is hello. There were trainers and handlers behind the scene all the time. Roy did have a small leash on the bigger cats. Typically speaking, every cat onstage would either have a handler or maybe even be secretly locked down somewhere. So whats common in the industry is they would have a little light wire that you wouldnt be able to see from stage, and they would just be anchored to the floor. Lets not forget these are still wild animals with an instinct to kill. In all the years that Siegfried Roy worked with these animals that are basically dangerous, there were never any major incidents. There were minor incidents. You had a chunk of your arm taken out by a lion. Yes, it was not a chunk, it was just a 33 stitches . It was a nip. Yes. But we had at this time an illusion where roy changed into a lion. And i open up the cage and to make it look very ferocious, so i had a lot of wrestling with the lion. And then too far i just got too carried away. Not one of them has ever really turned on you. No, i guess im very fortunate to have a good family. Roy, he knows that people get attacked by their tigers all the time, but he thinks, im good enough. Im aware enough. Ive done enough. Im not going to be that person today. Does he know his name . Yeah, his name is akbar kabul. Do you know how far you can push him . Yeah. So you would let him lick your face . Mmhmm. You would pull his ears. You dont believe it, right . You dont believe it. Yeah. Ooh. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. Yeah, thats a good boy. When he does this, that means hello, everything is fine. Yeah, thats right. Its like everything with animals. You can take nothing for granted even. If you think you know it all, its a physical risk. It feels wonderful. I cannot even tell you the feeling what it is when a fullgrown tiger licks your face. But you also have to think at the same time, with one slap of his paw, he can decapitate you. This is my body of proof. Proof i can fight moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Proof i can fight psoriatic arthritis. With humira. Proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin in psa. Humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. 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Because youre only as good as your next show. Lets go. What i learned is that the surest way to universal applause is through magic. Rich, poor, middle class, educated, uneducated magic cuts across all barriers. And if you wonder about roy, of course hes in the audience with you. They work through thick and thin regardless. Illness, injury. They are there twice a night for the whole duration of the contract period. The guys were getting up in age. Roy was nearing 60. Siegfried was even older, and staff had to be asking, how long can they do this . In the early 2000s, Siegfried Roy, while under contract and still enjoying enormous success, decide they want to cut back, and yet ert they had ine. Siegfried comes to the theater, something close to 4 00, and roy soon after that. He prepares himself mentally for the show. I meditate with them before the show. We clean our thoughts. We are very simple together. You could hear the volume of their their breathing was like some meditative tantrics, some sort of i mean, it was fantastic. On a normal night, the show ran like clockwork. Timing is everything from how you turn the animal and what it does. There was no room for error. Everything was timed meticulously, rehearsed and rehearsed. And it was like a finetuned car. They literally communicate on stage with a glance. The workload of the show was high, and it took its toll on both performers, animals, theater staff. It was a hard show, a very hard show. The stamina of those two guys just floored me. Roy used to swing by one arm out over the audience. He would reappear instantaneously somewhere else. I mean, its not real magic. He actually has to physically get there. You have to be physically fit and you have to maintain that, and they both did that, religiously. As the show went on, you know, the body breaks down, too. Roy had several knee operations. Siegfried had some physical things, too. One of their vanities is that theyre not as tall as you think they are. Therefore, they wore twoinch had lifts. Iwas like being a ballerina, i suspect. Roy horn was a slight guy. Roys size matters for a lot of different reasons. Because every time the tiger does something, and he jumps up on his shoulders, theres gonna be an instability. The tigers gonna realize that, if i ever wanted to physically dominate this guy, thered be no problem. Dealing with those cats, 650 pounds, a siberian tiger, tail to nose standing on your shoulders i mean, you have to have it together in order to do that. You cant phone it in. Its not like the circus when theres a cage. In Siegfried Roy, there was no such barrier. These majestic, potentially lethal animals were feet away from audience members with nothing in between them. Its pretty incredible. It was an eerie scene to watch how close the cats were to the audience. You could see how sharp their teeth were. You could see their girth. Ive heard of audience members being very, very nervous being up close like that. Over 30 years doing shows. 48 weeks a year, Siegfried Roy managed to put dozens of big cats and lions into a room with people without any bars or walls. None of us ever felt that the public was in danger, ever. Nor did we think that roy was, because of his knowledge. They are not gonna go after the audience. No. They wouldnt go after t dience, period. No. They know that i would never go with them anywhere where they wouldnt be safe. And they would only be concerned about their own safety. And are you worried when the animals can sense from you that youve been rocky during the day . It would, if i would be rocky. Im the rock of gibraltar when it comes to my animals. So therefore theres no problem. When we have a bad day we let it out on each other. These are the animals. And the animals they say, oh there they go again. See, and you know what i tell him . Dont talk to me like this. I am the endangered species. Breaking news. One of the rare tigers attacked in siegfried and roy. Officials are reporting that horn was attacked by one of those tigers. Ps in . On it dimitri thinks hes doing all he can to manage his type 2 diabetes and heart disease, but is his treatment doing enough to lower his heart risk . Maybe not jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. So it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. And it lowers a1c jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. A rare, but lifethreatening bacterial infection. In the skin of the perineum could occur. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection,. Ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction re. 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I was with roy on thursday night for his birthday, and we had a halfhour conversation about the most miraculous thing about the whole 30 years is that hedaer is. Celebration is the greatest thing any man can do at this age. Im 59, im celebrating and celebrating and celebrating. And that was the night before. Had i ever worried about an accident with Siegfried Roy . Yes, we had considered that grim possibility. When you perform the same thing 40,000plus times, there is a chance for an incident, and on the night of october the third 3rd of 03, this was an incident. That was a night that was just like any other. This was a show that you had done countless times. Thats right. And there had never, ever been a hiccup. Yes. Thats a story we always hear about big cat attacks. Oh, hed never done anything before. Well, cats dont get a lot of chances to attack their trainer. It usually only happens once. Its the 8 00 show and everybody is expecting the usual dazzling performance. The crowd is filing in. Its about 1,500 people, and among them are Andrew Cushman and paul diantonio. We got into the show id say 15 minutes before it started, sat down. We were dead center right in front of the stage. We knew we had good seats. We didnt know we had the best seats in the place. Andrew and paul are seated at a table in row f, and thats about 20 feet from the stage. And remember as you can see from this photograph in the program, there is no barrier separating the animals from anyone. These animals are right on top of the audience. This is dangerous. You cant look away. Its impossible to look away, because theres tigers that are, you know, 20 feet away from you on stage. And the audience loved it. They just loved it. I mean, cause they can touch them. Say hello. Most of the show theres actors and actresses every. 45 minutes into the show, the lights go off, and theres just a spotlight on roy horn. He just walks out with just a tiger. And he introduced the tiger. This is mantecore. And tonight is his first appearance in front of an audience. And then said it was the tigers first time on stage in front of an audience, which we have since learned is part of the show. They say that every time. Its a little gimmicky thing to make the audience feel good and that they were special to be at that show. Someone you like . When, you know, mantecores in the show every night. Its a little showbiz, a little white lie, we might call it. In any of these illusions, timing is everything. Roy kneels down, puts the microphone in front of his face so that the audience can hear the animal growl. Then roy stands up. The tiger jumps up, puts his front paws on roys shoulders and gives roy a kiss. When roy introduced mantecore, he does the things what he did 150,000 times. For some reason this time mantecore comes out, and he misses his mark on the stage. Now, theres a lot of disagreement as to what happened next and why, and there is tape of the incident, but the hotel has steadfastly refused to release it. The one thing that is clear is that that night changed Siegfried Roy forever. What happened was, the animal got confused. Mantecore got confused. Ive been in the situation where a tiger is confused as to whats hes being asked. And that night, that particular night, something was different in mantecores brain that then said, not tonight. And roy gave him a tap on the head, which is a secondary command to obey, and the animal reached up with its mouth, and took roys hand and pushed it away. The tiger reached around to the right and grabbed his right wrist. I saw that, and i immediately thought that didnt look too good. It kind of nipped at his hand, and he smacked at it. Once the music abruptly stopped, it kind of got quiet, at that point i sensed something was wrong. Roy knew that this was completely offscript. This was way out of line. So roy knows what you always do is you distract the tiger. So he took the microphone with a soft rubber tip, and he hit him on the side of the head. Which you could hear because the microphone was on over the p. A. System. The sound was just so loud. Pow, pow, pow. At some point the tiger has to decide if he wants to listen to this person or not. At that point roy fell over the right front paw of mantecore, on his back. He fell on the stage. He fell on the stage. And then of course i thought, oh, my god, roy is in trouble. Big trouble, because while nothing ever happened before, mantecore is a 400 pound tiger and has roy completely at his mercy. Seen this. So, farmers is reducing auto premiums by 25 , extending payment due dates, and expanding coverage for the delivery drivers who are carrying us through. And then well do the next thing, and the thing after that, until this is another thing weve seen and done. How do you thrive while inside . 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But the real royalty who started the fascination with big cats were these magicians. Ladies and gentlemen, siegfri siegfried and roy Siegfried Roy with penguins would not work. You need the fear that is inherent in the lions and tigers on the stage. You have to be mind, body, and spirit in that moment, because if youre not, you could get seriously hurt this huge tiger opens his mouth and grabs roy by the neck. He was bleeding out on the floor. He has seconds to live. What really happened on stage that night . That particular night, something was different in mantecores mind. Anyone who challenges that is going to suffer the consequences. Its an exposure in front of everybody. A trick going wrong. Kind of a destroyer of the magic. I thought we had heard the whole story, until this. One of the trainers who was there that night, Chris Lawrence, has come forward say, roy was essentially to blame. Was he . No way. Hello. Here we are. This dazzling magic show is going along as planned. Siegfried roy are about 45 minutes into the show. This is mantecore. When suddenly something unexpected happens. Why would the tiger go after roy . Because its a tiger. Nothing stands out in my mind that could say, well, maybe that would set the tiger off. Maybe, you know, that kid yelling or that person standing up and waving. I mean, i dont remember anything to that effect at all. Its like the jfk assassination. Everybodys going to have a theory. What happened . At a sudden i felt very, very dizzy and very blurry. And i couldnt really step my feet further so i tripped and fell. You tripped and fell because you were dizzy . Yeah. Whatever the reason, roy is now in a horrifying position. He is laying on the stage floor underneath mantecore. And the animal is not responding to him. The next thing we knew, the tiger was on top of roy. Ive been under a tiger many times. That tiger is certainly in a situation that hes never been in before. And their brain its all instinctual. Thats when the fear kicks in. Your life is in danger. The illusion was everything. And so even as things went awry, you might not know that something horrible was happening. They thought it was the act. Some of them they thought it was an act. They knew there was something wrong, but they didnt know what exactly was going on. Behind the curtain i heard some people even was laughing. There was a headset by me. And all i heard was hes got roy. I remember mantecore was standing over me and looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes. He was a little bit confused for what shall be next . He just looked around helpless, and at the moment i was think, what can i do . And i think that was the same thing with mantecore. I ran straight downstage. It took me maybe three seconds to get there. All four handlers were out on the stage trying to get mantecore in line. None of the people who ran out on stage were able to help, and in that moment the situation goes from bad to unbelievably worse. This huge tiger opens his mouth and grabs roy by the neck. It was devastating. Roy is screaming, ah, ah the screams, the noise, everything. Mantecore decided he was going to decide what was going to happen for himself that day and anyone who challenges that is going to suffer the consequences. There was really nothing he could do at that point. The only way he was going to get out was for that tiger to let go. It wasnt like he grabbed him viciously. He just grabbed him by the throat and just walked fage. I mean, i thought it was part of the show. I really did. When mantecore picked you up, did you feel pain when that was happening . No. You felt nothing . No, he was very gentle. So you had no idea that you were bleeding as badly as you were backstage . No. Was it pandemonium backstage . Totally. Were people panicking . Absolutely. Mantecore was carrying roy, heading toward his cage. I grabbed him by the tail, which caused mantecore to stop. Hes, like, halfway in his cage now, and he still had ahold of roy. And that gave the guys backstage a moment to grab a fire extinguisher, and go that made mantecore drop roy. And roy was bleeding out on the floor. Behavior of dragging off is, in my opinion, a tiger whos become protective of something that they want. This tiger does not see roy horn as a prey item. Nor does he see him as a source of food. He says, roy horn is now mine. I am dominant of him. I am going to defend it. We need paramedics at the Siegfried Roy theater. Roy horn has been bitten by a tiger. The cast saved him. And the quick thinking of the handle wheir fingers in the two puncture wounds to stem the flow of blood until the paramedics got there. He had seconds to live. All we can do is wait for paramedics. He kept saying, dont hurt mantecore. Dont let anyone hurt mantecore. Because he did nothing wrong. And roy knew also he did nothing wrong. And obviously, thats what we did. No one hurt mantecore. The next thing i remember is roy being wheeled out by the paramedics and hearing him gasping for breath. Hes gone. Hes hes gone. Hes dead. The paramedics are there. They have now whisked roy away for emergency treatment, but the audience can you just imagine the audience . They dont even know what happened. From the moment he left stage, it was just complete silence until siegfried came out, and he said something to the effect that he had been injured and that the show was canceled. I guess the first time i really realized that this was this was real and that this guy was seriously hurt was when i walked out of the auditorium and just noticed grownups, grown women crying on their sitting on the seats on the slot machines, just sobbing. And after he left, somebody said, i know were not all religious here, but, you know, i think its appropriate that we all say a prayer. And everybody held hands and just prayed and waited for news. Roy was slashed by his own gc he is unable to maintain his own airway. He is also not able to speak. We are unable to get Blood Pressure at this time. Heart rate of 142. Incredibly, on the way to the hospital, they encountered another crisis a train crossing. So the gates are down, they cant move, and theyre losing precious seconds, precious seconds when this man has lost so much blood. Breaking news. In front of hundreds of fans on the Las Vegas Strip tonight, one of the rare tigers at Siegfried Roy attacked. Officials are reporting that horn was attacked in the throat by one of those tigers. When you came to the hospital, the whole parking lot was filled with network tv vans. Roy was rushed here just a little after 8 20, and since then friends, family members have being coming out here in front of the hospital, hoping for some good news. And they were all giving reports about whether the guy was gonna survive or not. Clark county Fire Department says roy is in serious and critical condition. He lost a huge amount of blood after that attack by the tiger on stage. That night in the hospital, the doctors gave you a really grim prognosis. Oh, yes. For some reason, i always thought somehow we are gonna pull it through. It was numbing. It was devastating. Roys life hangs by a thread. Its life or death. His heart wasnt working. He. Or died. We lost vital signs on him. And now the future of Siegfried Roy and the future of roys life hangs in the balance. But when allergies attack,f any the excitement fades. Allegra helps you say yes with the fastest nondrowsy allergy relief and turning a half hearted yes, into an all in yes. Allegra. Live your life, not your allergies. New colgate optic white renewal removes ten years of yellow stains. Thats like all the way back to 2010. Do the dougie remove ten years of yellow stains with new colgate optic white renewal. boy got it. 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Subut when we realized she wasn hebattling sensitive skin, ask your doctor if starting hiv treatment with dovato we switched to new tide plus downy free. Its gentle on her skin, and dermatologist recommended. New tide pods plus downy free. Safe for sensitive skin with eczema and psoriasis. Breaking news. One of the rare tigers at Siegfried Roy attacked. Horn was attacked in the throat. A tiger bite to the neck. We dont see that on a daily basis like a gunshot wound. So you have no idea what to expect. This is an animals mouth with razorsharp teeth. Two puncture wounds to the back of the neck. Two slash wounds to the front part of the neck. Youre talking about major blood vessels, very rapid rate of blood loss and hemorrhage. The structure you worry about being compressed is the trachea, which is how we get air. We had to operate on his neck where the wounds were at and control that bleeding. Within three minutes, you start getting irreversible brain damage. The whole section of his brain up here, blood flow stopped for a while. Thats a stroke. A major stroke. Depending on what part of the brain is deprived of blood flow and oxygen will determine what kind of consequences that stroke has for a person. They told me he was clinically dead three times. They tell me he never would talk, never would speak. This is the way how its going to be. Family members and also a lot of fans have been coming out here in front of the hospital hoping for some good news. When did you realize, theres something wrong here. Im really hurt . I was laying on an operation table, had like kind of an outofbody experience. You had an out of body experience where you saw that happening to yourself . Yeah, i stepped off the table. I see a bright, bright light, and i followed the light, but i get the definite message to return. Things were really touch and go there for quite a while, but never once did that man give up. Never once. When he came out, i had no idea really what his prognosis was going to be. Until the patient is awake and you can examine them, you really dont know what the extent is. What got you through that . Well, first of all, the people. There was such an outpour of love all over. We are here tonight for Siegfried Roy. Hundreds of people standing in front of the hospital with candles and singing and praying. Siegfried roy were beloved in vegas. So there was just this outpouring of love and concern, people just turning out, writing messages of support. The next morning, he comes to the hospital with this music that he and roy had used on stage before, and he plays it. And he sees a tear running down roys face, and he says at that moment, he knew that roy was going to survive. Right after the accident happens, the usda steps in and launches a massive investigation. They interviewed dozens of witnesses, because there were many of them sitting just feet from the stage when this happened. You have said that roy was not attacked. Exactly. By mantecore. No, it was an accident. Siegfried roy both believe that roy had some kind of incident, a small stroke in the show, at that moment, and fell down, and animal instincts took over and he got up and straddled roy, leaned over and picked him up the way he would pick up a cub. And then he picked me up and pulled me to the other side of the stage for my safety. You really firmly believe that mantecore saved your life . Yeah, absolutely. And that he saved your life because you think you were already having a stroke . Yeah. Even though doctors arent sure if the stroke happened happened before . Yeah. That is not what Chris Lawrence claims happened, and chris was right there. Chris lawrence was an animal handler who had worked for Siegfried Roy back in the 90s, by all accounts a good animal handler. Well, the night of the accident, Chris Lawrence was working. He was in the wings of the stage watching. He says that mantecore missed his mark. Roy then tried to redirect him not by walking him in a circle as is traditionally done, and that mantecore got confused. Mantecore lunged or moved toward roy, and roy slipped and fell. Chris says that mantecore attacked roy. Chris lawrence went public speaking out about his version of events. He went on inside edition. Mantecore leapt at roy and swedt his legs and took him off of his feet. How horrifying was that to see up close . More than i can describe. Roys yelling, get him off. Get him off. Get him off. And it was right about that time that mantecore bit him in the neck. Do you think this was human error that led to this tiger attack . Yes, i do. In his view, mantecore attacked roy and bit him on the neck. And he thinks it was because roy made mistakes on the stage. Their relationship with the animals was their magic power, and when that happened, it kind of was a dent in that Mystical World that we associate them with. Chris lawrence has come forward now, saying i know. That roy essentially was to blame. Was he . No way. And that this story is just a cover to save the brand and save the image. What do you say to that . Well, i feel very sorry for chris. He had in his life all these problems. You know what i mean . That animal was behaving as a tiger typically behaves. I feel like the semantics between the word attack and accident, incident those are language discussions more than tiger bite discussions. Everybody who works in this business, eventually, the tiger will try to attack you. Ow but that tond and that experience with that animal is far more valuable to us than the fear of what might possibly happen. And i love you too. Give me a nice smile. Givenice smile. Yeah. Ext happen every day. People are surprising themselves the moment they realize they can du more with less asthma. Thanks to dupixent, the addon treatment for specific types of moderatetosevere asthma. 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Yes said the boy, but you make a huge difference. Heres a razor that works differently. The Gillette Skinguard it has a guard between the blades that helps protect skin. The Gillette Skinguard. This is hals heart. Its been broken. And put back together. This is also hals heart. And his relief, knowing hes covered by blue cross blue shield. And this is our promise, with over 80 years of healthcare expertise to be here for you now. And always. This is medicare from blue cross blue shield. This is the benefit of blue. This is medicare from blue cross blue shield. Head shoulders stops flakes for 72 hours. Thats enough time to log roll for days. And receive praise for your log rolling ways. Which turns into a log workout craze. Stay flake free for 72. What you do is up to you. Illusionist siegfried says his longtime partner roy is now making the transition from survival to recovery. Hes been transferred now to the Ucla Medical Center in los angeles. During his recovery, roy allowed cameras in. Come on, push hard, push. Nbc news documented his rehab. One more. We have a guy whos 59 going on 30 here. Hes a wiry, no body fats, strong, aggressive, competitive personality. Whatever therapy and Recovery Time for roy horn, it will be a snap. Learning how to walk, talk, eat, dress yourself. If that part of the brain is no longer able to send signals to the rest of the body, new pathways can be established. So, sometimes that function can come back, sometimes it cant. Siegfried was right there by roys side for every painful step. All right, youre doing it. if i wouldnt see it with my own eyes hallelujah. The rehab is by all accounts grueling that you have had to endure. Well, not really, i enjoy it. You do . Yes. I have to trick him. No, no, no, i have to trick him. Hey, this is not its my show now. Roy horn of Siegfried Roy has left the hospital in los angeles and returned home to las vegas to continue his recovery. When he returned to the animal compound after a lengthy period away, we expected perhaps there to be some difference with his animals. There was absolutely no difference whatsoever. I had a chance to spend some time with roy at little bavaria, his home in las vegas. So every morning and every night you make this walk around the grounds . Yeah. This is how i condition myself. Should i take your arm . No. No . You got it. And to see actually firsthand how important those animals were to roys own recovery. Whats good for me is good for them. Siegfried has said that it was being with your animals that got you to get up and walk, that would be real motivation. Yeah. When you say that being with the animals is your real rehab, are you talking physical, or are you talking psychological . Both. But you arent able to roll around on the ground like you used to with them . No, not quite. Theres a little bit of a setback now. Im not as quick like i used to be. [ cheers and applause ] siegfried has never left his side since that night. That friendship, the love those guys share is quite amazing. Right there. Okay. Good. Siegfried, its a very unusual relationship you two have. You are its true. Brothers. We are brothers. We are actually more than brothers, i would say. Are you lovers . I love roy like my brother. What happens to you now . How has this affected you, this man that you are so close to . You know, now i realize how important he was in my life. He teaches me about life. He gave me, he believed the strengths of my life. After more than ten years of greeting visitors on the strip, the Siegfried Roy marquee was removed. Both Siegfried Roy were wounded in this accident. It was very, very difficult for siegfried. He lost part of his soul then, too. Without roys influence, siegfried didnt know what path he was on. When roy started to recover, he took siegfried along with him. And as you see them now, they walk next to each other, siegfried supports roy, roy supports siegfried. Siegfried, the act is over now, isnt it . Siegfried roy . You know, we are creative. Siegfried roy were in the moment. Theyre both thickead d i mean that with love. Because they want to accomplish what they set their mind to. What new ground can we break . Where can we put magic in pop culture where it hasnt been before . Is there the possibility of you two working together in animated . Exactly. There are so many things, there is still so much to do. A year after the incident, father of the pride premiered on nbc. We should totally reinvent ourselves. Father of the pride was a cgi animated show. Did you see the look on siegfrieds face . It was number one in its time slot in its first showing. By showing 13, it was off the network. So the question was, whats going to be next for siegfried and roy . For these two, the ultimate would be getting back on stage. But many people wondered whether that was even possible. Well, clearly those people did not know Siegfried Roy. Because theyre here. Working day in, day out. At t is here. Providing support with advanced services for fir resndermpd coet because until their job is done, it is essential that we all have their backs. Its what weve always done. Its what well always do. Discover a new world discover whats good pantene nutrient blends you have high standards. After all, its your body. Your life. And your future. Shouldnt the same go for your Birth Control . If youre looking for low hormone pregnancy prevention. Aim high and go low. Meet kyleena, the smallest, lowesthormone 5year iud. Thats highly effective and reversible anytime in case your plans change. Dont use kyleena if you have a pelvic infection, get infections easily, or have certain cancers. Less than 1 percent of users get a serious infection called pid. 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Were working really, really hard in hospitals, our nurses, our techs, all the docs. Its about staggering when people get sick so that the hospitals can cope. Were gonna go through an awful lot of these. All across puget sound, people have been stepping up and donating personal protective equipment. We stay at work. For you. You stay at home for us. Just know were all with you. Thank you, thank you so much. Thank you doctors nurses. Welcome to our world. This is history to us. A show like this, it can come like a drug, and you dont realize it. After a while it really got to Siegfried Roy that they had never had a chance after all those years to say goodbye, to say farewell to their audience, to their fans. As it happens, circumstances made that possible. A man named larry ruvo had announced he was going to create one of the leading centers for Brain Research in the country. The brain center was sort of the impetus, the spark here behind their return to the stage. You said it was also a chance to say goodbye. Exactly. After the incident, the time was never right to do this. The show was our life. Now we continue with our life. They went to their warehouse with all the old props to look around for some ideas. Because remember it was six years they had been on we had to recreate ourselves, but we go right to this spirit of Siegfried Roy. So they began planning, but the big question was, what could they still do . Doing magic shows is really hard. And the skills of performing fade so quickly. So, with this show, will it look somewhat familiar to fans who have seen the shows that youve beepuo many years . Of course i have to reinvent myself because of roy, you know . But i think we are going to pull it off pretty good. Now, Siegfried Roy have been out of practice for a long time. And what about the animals . They know better than we. Thats right. They knew it better than us. To muster the nerve to go back into a environment where youve been attacked, the emotions behind it must have been very difficult. Siegfried roys names were once again in lights. Nerves were starting to build. Youll be nervous . Of course. A lot of people see it as a comeback, but i see it as an opportunity to create a different magic. Magic that comes from the heart. Finally, the night is here. Vegas is buzzing. Family and friends and celebrit over the world to see these two. It is a big night, a huge night. To see roy out there performing, i have goose bumps. Im looking forward to it. Everybody else is. Its a big deal. But theres a big question in the room. Can they really pull this off . This was their chance to show that they could do their show again, and to end their show on their own terms. Now its not just a magic show. Now its a magic show and its a guy on a tightrope. I have an announcement to make. The spirit of Siegfried Roy has just arrived. I think really seeing roy and recognizing that that was him walking. I think thats really what got most of us. We all started bawling. [ cheers and applause ] what was that like for you as you watched roy slowly, sort of unsteadily walk out to assume the stage again . [ laughter ] it really moved you. The people ah that was showtime. Magic, the illusion, is what made Siegfried Roy great. And on this night as they began, you start to wonder do they still have the ability to deceive the audience in a delightful way . You see one of these massive, majestic tigers. A tiger that Siegfried Roy say is mantecore. Which is dramatic, really dramatic, given the fact that the last time mantecore shared a stage with roy, he nearly died. Instead of roy disappearing, reappearing, this time it was siegfried disappearing, reappearing. So its like the circle of life, you know . They met in the middle. And what did it feel like for you that night . It was an unbelievable i cant say how what how i felt like. And they raised, on top of it, 14 million for that hospital, so i was very proud. My god, Siegfried Roy, we are still you still had it . Thats what they say. You still got it. Next, from triumph to big questions. Were Siegfried Roy breeding a controversy . And the struggle is real. Mom look take something that can wipe you out . Or dont, and fight through every second. New quickdissolve nurtec™ can bring you back when migraines attack. Just one dose can work fast and last so you can keep going. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. The most common side effect was nausea. Nurtec one migraine. One dose. Onederful™ one migraine. One dose. Having dry skin is a struggle. Turns out, my body wash was the problem. But with olay ultra moisture body wash, my skin went from dry and dull to visibly healthy in just 14 days. Better skin from a body wash . You Better Believe it. With olay body. [female vo] restaurants are facing a crisis. 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Working to provide an alternative source of power. For a cleaner way forward. After this all happened at the mirage, mantecore went back to the little bavaria compound, and the cats, including mantecore, continued to be displayed at the secret garden at the mirage. I had heard of the secret garden, but i had never been there. Oh, my goodness. Hes gorgeous. Hes gorgeous. Yes. So siegfried took me on a little tour and check it out. Siegfried roys secret garden is a habitat at the mirage where you can pay a ticket, go through a turnstile, and do a walking tour with all the white tigers. They dont consider it a zoo, its kind of an oasis on vegas strip, where a lot of their animals are now living since the show ended. We have 20 big cats, and the people that come here can see the white tigers who are extinct in the wild. So this is actually the only place where you can witness white tigers, that close up. Today Siegfried Roy obviously enjoy the quietness. Theyre still very involved with conservation, preservation, education. Look, it took Mother Nature centuries to create what she created. She wove her magic, who we have the privilege to see now. I think the perception of the white tiger came from magic shows. They made the pure white cats some sort of mythical, magical thing that people became absolutely fascinated with. I can understand why Siegfried Roy would like to rebrand the white tiger as the royal white tiger, because it does sort of create this mystery around them. But there are no royal white tigers. The white tiger is not a separate species. Its actually a genetic mutation of a gene. 1 in 10,000 regular tigers are born with this genetic mutation that gives them this white fur and this blue eyes. But theyre not a separate creature. Its just a tiger that happens to be white. White tigers really, for the most part, are bred because of how they look. Its all about that striking appearance. These are inbred animals that all come back to one animal, the first white tiger that was captive. Remember mohan, that first white tiger that was captured in india . All of these tigers and these little cubs trace back to him. Mohan was bred back to his daughter to try to produce this white tiger. So thats where the inbreeding came about. So, unfortunately because theres been so much inbreeding, theres a lot of problems with the tigers that you now see today in captivity. So, ranging from crooked backs to club feet, internal problems, kidney problems. There have been no reports of genetic abnormalities with Siegfried Roys white tigers. In fact, they say they practiced conscientious breeding to avoid mating tigers that are closely related. And they say they stopped breeding tigers back in 2015. Hello, baby. Youre not going to get in the pool . Turpentine creek Animal Sanctuary has rescued dozens of cats from all over the country. And here you can see what can sometimes happen when white tigers are inbred. One whos kind of famous, kenny, that we rescued in back in 2000, he was deformed in the face. A lot of them are very visibly crosseyed. Education is key. Its definitely looked down upon now, the breeding of white tigers. In an effort to limit inbreeding, in 2011, the aza, or the American Zoological Association, banned its member zoos from breeding white tigers. Remember, the secret garden is not a zoo, its not a member of the aza. A few years ago, the American Zoological Association banned breeding animals like this to get a white tiger, a white lion. What do you think of this ban . They say that is bad for the animals. Of course they say it is not good to be to be bred strictly for those traits. They say its not right to have animals in a confined area. Well, its on seven acres, the secret garden. And you can see theyre happy and theyre good. Its a different world now. Seaworld is now longer having killer whales perform. Animals are not performing in circuses anymore. Could you have this show today, given the way the world is and the way were looking at animals today . No. Today you would come and say, look, i have white tigers. No. It would be no more, because its a different world now, no question about it. Coming up, now that Siegfried Roy have lost their youre not using too much, are you hon . Nope. Charmin ultra soft is so soft youll have to remind your family they can use less. Charmin ultra soft is twice as absorbent so you can use less. Dont worry, theres plenty left for you, dad. We all go. Why not enjoy the go with charmin . But when allergies attack,f any the excitement fades. Allegra helps you say yes with the fastest nondrowsy allergy relief and turning a half hearted yes, into an all in yes. Allegra. Live your life, not your allergies. Oyou got this. You can be feminine and fierce. No sweat. Introducing new secret with essential oils. 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Are you kind of on stage again . Oh, yes, definitely. I have my lines ready for that, too, you know . Gooto s y. Oet. Is t yeah hi, im siegfried. He carries these coins with him and hell put his hand on your wrist and produce a coin. Hell say, give this to someone you love. Oh no way. Its a good luck white tiger coin. Its a little bit of the mythology. This is for you. God bless you. Thank you. Thank you. Theres an elusive melody. If you hear it, if you follow it, you can say you found your magic is the same today as it was 5,000 years ago in egypt. You know whats the same . People. You could come from any nation, speak any language, watch Siegfried Roy, and have a great time. Do you miss it . Do you miss the stage . No, i really dont miss it. We have been on stage in vegas for 40 years. And we had the most successful show in the history of las vegas. I always wanted to please everybody. You know, the audience, the producer, and everything. Now once in a while i get my little things. You can stop and see the flowers. I think now im the happiest i think its inescapable that, looking at the history of entertainment in las vegas, Siegfried Roy transformed it. Thats why there are two bronze statues on the strip. To reflect on their contributions to las vegas. It sort of transcended everything that las vegas had seen till then. And that led to cirque du soleil, and that led to blue man group, and that led to criss angel. All of them kind of patterned that show off of what the Siegfried Roy show was at the mirage. I think it has to be an end of a chapter with the show closing. I dont think youre gonna get that kind of glitzy, bigmagic machinery with animals that means vegas done by anybody else. And i dont think theres any greater tribute to them than that. As a magician, youre kind of a story teller at heart. Their narrative is, come join us in this magical world we created where everything is incredible. So that when you watched these big cats onstage with roy, you were transported to a fantasy world. They dedicated their lives to that illusion. Up literally, in roys case to the brink of death, he defended the integrity of that illusion. What do you want your legacy to be . What do you want people to remember Siegfried Roy for . Siegfried roy . My legacy . You can achieve everything. Its the american story. From the dishwasher to what . To Siegfried Roy. Thanks for watching, everyone. Im amy robach. Im david muir. From all of us here at 20 20 and abc news, have a good night. Well see you next week. Major new research from stanford tonight for more people may have been exposed coronavirus. How pet owners are staying ohm but sending pets to the vet when you need it, jack delivers order on uber eats, postmates and grubhub. When you need it, jack delivers whaso lets do the rightver chanthing, today. Ow. Lets stay at home. Lets wash up. Lets always keep our distance please, six feet apart at least. Lets look after ourselves, as well as others. It will all be worth it. We can all do our part. So those on the front line can do their part. And when this is over, we will all, continue, to thrive. Is so irresistible, youll wanna eat them anywhere, so dont resist pop em outside, or on the go, or on the way home

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