Patients. I give you all Celebrities Making music online. Since were all talking about staying home. Music has the power to heal. Announcer tonight its all hands on deck. Were going stay in this until we can defeat it. Announcer America Rising fighting the pandemic. Heres david muir. Thank you for joining us for this live America Rising fighting the pandemic. Tonight hear the story of the heroes on the front likes the. Doctors, the nurses, the Health Care Workers, the paramedics, the police, the Grocery Store workers. So Many Americans answering the call as the coronavirus explodes across america, and nowhere is it more evident than here in new york, the epicenter of the u. S. Outbreak. The country has more than 160,000 cases coast to coast and this number just in tonight, more than 3,000 dead. 253 deaths reported in 24 hours. President trump late today warning, challenging times are ahead for the next 30 days. Doctors and scientists on his team saying we could see up to 200,000 americans dying from coronavirus. And dr. Deborah birx adding, thats if we do things perfectly, if we all adhere to the social distancing guidelines. The virus spreading to the midwest, the south, chicago, detroit, new orleans emerging as new hot spots for the virus and marylands governor confirmed cases in his state soaring 400 since last week ordering fines for people who are not social distancing. So lets get to it. The u. S. Navy hospital ship comfort pulled into port here in new york city with 1,000 beds to help overwhelmed hospitals. A Field Hospital built in central park for those with coronavirus. The virus spreading into the heartland amid disturbing images of large groups defying orders to say home. Andrew cuomo joins me on the new numbers just out from new york city, the death toll. The numbers are alarming tonight. We asked, do Health Care Workers have the supplies, the protection they need to fight this . Well ask the governor in a moment as the number of deaths in the u. S. Tops 3,000. Tonight, across the country, the grim images. In new york city, a body loaded into a refrigerated truck outside this brooklyn hospital. Please stay inside. Please pray for these people. New york city bracing for a mounting death toll. More than 1,200 lives lost. 250 last in just the last 12 to 24 hours. Weve lost over 1,000 new yorkers. To me, were beyond staggering already. Weve reached staggering. Just today the Navy Hospital ship comfort pulling into new york harbor. The 1,000bed facility ready to take on noncovid19 patients to relieve the pressure of the citys overwhelmed hospitals. And in the heart of manhattan, a new Field Hospital specifically for coronavirus patients set up in central park. As new york is pushed to the brink, the president s own team warning the u. S. Death toll could soar as high as 100,000 to 200,000 in this country. I think its entirely conceivable that if we do not mitigate to the extent that were trying do, that you could reach that number. Reporter tonight President Trump reversed his hope to open the country by easter extending social distancing guidelines to april 30th. This is what the president said just tonight. Challenging times are ahead for the next 30 days, and this is a very vital 30 days. Were sort of putting it all on the line, this 30 days. Reporter doctors across the country struggling to help families unable to visit their loved ones kept from the icu for fear they would be infected too. We make it a point to call families twice a day, but i cant imagine being that person on the other end having to wait for that phone call, never knowing what sort of news youre going to get. An emotional toll on nurses who are so often with Critical Links between a patient alone in the icu and family. I just came from a patients room. Hes actively dying, positive diagnosis of covid19, and his family cant come, so had to facetime his family, and its just so heartbreaking. Reporter 911 call centers stretched thin, too. In new york, a record 6,000 calls in one day. First responders have been hit hard, too. About 5,000 members of the nypd are out sick. More than 900 officers and 260 firefighters testing positive for coronavirus. Cities including chicago and detroit watching cases spike too. This Convention Center near detroit will be turned into a 900bed hospital. In philadelphia, this arena, temple university, will be transformed into an overflow hospital after cases there topped 1,000. And tonight in los angeles, the Navy Hospital mercy already taking on extra patients to ease pressure on the hospitals. And this virus is hitting doctors and nurses on the front lines too. Dr. Arnold weg believes he contracted the virus through a patients cough. My father is truly in the fight for his life. Reporter the doctor is a 63yearold grandfather of six and marathon runner. Hes now in intensive care for the first time as a patient. Yesterday was my parents 38th wedding anniversary. 24 is the first time they couldnt spend it together. Reporter tonight hospitals across this country are reporting drastic shortages of masks and protective gear. 88 of cities dont have an adequate supply. I have nurses that call me on a daily basis to tell me that theyre scared, to tell me they dont know what to do. We didnt sign up for this. Reporter Mary Mcdonald recording this video saying its not just supplies. Its basic medication. Were out of tylenol. Like were out of tylenol. I dont know what i can do to save people anymore. Reporter tonight california officials warning theyre on the verge of a spike too. The state has at least 5700 cases and in new orleans for the First Time Since hurricane katrina, the Convention Center transformed to deal with an unfolding catastrophe. Overnight, cases in louisiana jumping from 2,700 on friday to more than 4,000 today. Stunning to see the Convention Center prepared for Something Like this all these years later again. Tonight we are hearing from the front lines. Americas medical heroes sharing their stories. The doctors, nurses, Health Care Workers fighting this battle risking their lives to save others. Some separated from their own loved ones and fearful of course they might bring the virus home to their families. Heres abcs matt gutman tonight. I love you. I love you too. Never did i ever think that i was going to be on the front lines fighting a war. I shaved my head as a rally cry, as a personal reminder that this is life and death. Its incredible, the degree of illness. Reporter dr. Ed lathan is one of the thousands of doctors and nurses that are part of the battle against the covid19 pandemic. He says the harrowing images posted on facebook of an overcrowded er in queens have been mirrored at hospitals all over his area. Its been 17 hours since i got here this morning at 7 00. When i arrived there have been no icu beds. Weve had multiple resuscitations, intubations. Patients critically ill. You dont have an opportunity to sit down, eat, drink, barely to go to the bathroom. This virus has affected everybody. Thats why im sleeping in the garage, because i dont want to bring the enemy home with me. We bring them to our icu. We put them on the ventilator. The problem is every single covid patient we get isnt leaving. Every patient is still on the ventilator, still incredibly ill. Thats another bed, another nurse. And the nurses, theyre afraid i dont want to bring it home to my kids. I dont want to bring it home to my family. The most disconcerting thing is were losing staff members. Our nurses are sick. Reporter but despite that risk everyday nurses are still answering the call to deal with the flood of Covid Patients like at this l. A. Hospital. This is beginning the checkin process for patients that will drive in. Nurses are ready, geared up, and ready for whatevers to come. So this is our icu. Im just getting to my car now after a long almost 14hour day. Reporter but the intensity of the long hours take a toll. Eight years ago i took on an oath to care for patients. And theyre dying alone in the hospital room without family and then their families are grieving alone because theyre in isolation. It hurts. Reporter in georgia, nurse carly rice told us about a facetime call she had with a dying patients family who were unable to see their loved one in person. Its so hard to sit there and hold your patients hand while their family members are sitting there telling them they love them and its not goodbye, its see you later. It was an amazing connection. You know, although it was just facetime, nurse carly grabbed grandmas hand and she squeezed grandmas hand. I started to say i love you. I miss you. Nurse carly is amazing. The world needs tons of nurse carlys. Couldnt fix it but you certainly gave the family maybe a little bit of peace. I hope so. I really do. I pray about it a lot but it still wears you down. Families are put in a difficult position right now. Reporter so what keeps you going every day . This sounds like its so utterly depressing. My patients, honestly. Just today, you know, as we were rooting on our patient as he was going to be excue baited, our first covid19 patient to be extubated meaning the breathing tube is taken out and giving him thumbs up and dancing outside the room. Thats what keeps me going. First covid extubation. The best moment is when i get home to see these little monkeys. Hi. You cant touch her, do you remember . How was your day . Good. Okay. But i cant get close to you. Let me go change, okay . Its a difficult time but were rising to the challenge, and were going to stay in this until we can defeat it. We cannot forget our Health Care Workers. When you see those parents go home and they cant even hug their own children until they get that gear off, matt gutman, our thanks to you. You heard from the front lines. The doctor, the nurses. New numbers and asked Governor Andrew Cuomo a short time ago, do the workers here have the protection they need . And when does he see the peak of this here in new york . How many days, how many weeks are we talking about . I spoke with the governor just before we came on tonight. Governor cuomo, thanks for joining us here tonight. I know you said earlier today there was time for politics and no time for partisanship and frankly we agree with you. We dont have time for that as well so i wanted to get right to the numbers out of new york city tonight. The Health Department Just Announced that 914 people died in the city as a result of covid19. Thats up from 790 this morning, an increase of another 124 deaths so im curious, governor, as you continue to fight this here in new york state, the epicenter in the country, what do you still need in this fight right now . David, thank you very much for having me. Look, we still have a way to go, right . Everybody has been watching the curve and trying to flatten the curve. Were still on our way up the mountain in new york. I think its important for the rest of the nation to watch new york because we are really the canary in the coal mine. Were just the first test case of this with this intensity and this density which is a function of who we are and how we live in new york. But youre going to see the number continue to climb. We dont believe weve hit the quote unquote apex. The apex is the point where have to make sure our Health Care System doesnt collapse from the weight of the people who are flooding the Healthcare System right now. And then all the experts say youll be on the other side of the curve and the numbers will start to drop and youll be on the way down. To avoid this collapse, governor, what do you still need . You know, this is now it operates on two levels, david. People still have to be responsible. Stay home, stay home, stay home. If you go out, you subject yourself to danger. You could infect yourself, infect others. So people have to be responsible. And, second this, is a bat that will is being waged in our Health Care System. The soldiers, quote unquote, of this war are the nurses and doctors and Health Care Professionals. And we have a Health System that cant handle this capacity. Youre going to be in this state at roughly double capacity by some projections. So its the staff, its the equipment, its literally the number of beds, and thats what were bracing for. Governor, you talk about the apex, the peak of this. I know youre relying on your own scientists behind the scenes. What do the numbers tell you about when new york city, when new york state, could see this apex . You know, david, thats the hard part. We have experts, but really there are no experts here, so we have four or five modelers, projectors. And theyre the best companies on the globe, literally. And they have data because this has happened since china, and they have south korea and they have italy and they have models. But we have a range of anywhere from about one week for the apex. Some people saying another 21 days. Some people say the apex is about half of what the others say. Thats one of the things thats so bedeviling about this. You have such a wide range of projections because nobody really knows. Governor, if youre dealing with seven days, possibly up to 21 days as you have just mentioned, you have said often what youre seeing in new york other communities will see as this moves across the country. What will you say to communities in detroit tonight, new orleans, chicago, some other communities that are beginning to see their numbers surge as well . What should they be doing right now to try to avoid some of the horror of what weve lived through here in new york . I say to my fellow governors, my colleague governors, i say to any elected official, any community, this is unlike anything youve seen before. This spreads like fire through dry grass with a strong wind behind it. This virus transfers unlike anything weve seen. Now, you see it first in dense communities, because by definition you have new york state, right, 19 million people, very close together. Thats why it moves so fast in new york state, but detroit, cities, new orleans you had past flu pandemics that wiped out cities because they had a parade. Thats the type of virus this is. So it easily and quickly transfers. You will see it move all across the country. Youll see it increasing. And youll see it everywhere. So i said today, look, dont think new york is unique in this regard. New york is just first. And lets watch new york, learn from new york, so we can actually help other communities when this spreads. I asked other communities today for help. We need nurses. We need doctors. Our hospital staff is already really, really stressed. And we havent even hit the apex. So im asking other Health Care Professionals from across the country, come help new york, and by the way, we will reciprocate, and well be there to help you when you need help, and they will need help, david. Its not that new york is an immune system is any different than any other american. There is no american whos immune from this disease. We are the tip of the spear, and i hope people help us. Ill be there to help them. And lets learn the best way to handle this. You know, the last 24 hours out the president out with that new guidance extending social distancing, stay at home through april 30th. Have you talked to President Trump about this . And is that enough in new york city where youre feeling it hardest so far . I speak to the president on a daily basis almost given the situation that were in. I dont think anybody knows. Right . I extend everything for two weeks, david, because nobody knows. At this rate do i think anything changes dramatically in one month . No. So youre prepared, governor, for the possibility that there would be an extension of that beyond april 30th . Oh, yes, certainly. I talk to Health Care Professionals who say, look, im more emotionally exhausted than physically exhausted. And you have these Health Care Workers who are afraid theyre being exposed to the virus. They could be bringing it home to their family. So this is really unlike anything weve seen on a number of dimensions. Governor, you mentioned those front line workers, the Health Care Workers who talked to you about the emotional toll and the fear of possibly bringing this home. Are you confident tonight, governor, that the doctors, nurses, the Health Care Workers on the front lines in new york city, new york state protective gear they need to protect themselves as they fight this fight . David, it is a daybyday challenge. What is happening here is you not only overwhelm our Hospital Capacity, you overwhelmed the nations Hospital Capacity or big parts of the nation at the same time. That then has caused everyone to shop for the same supply and the shelves are bare. And its not just everyone in the united states, by the way. Its everyone around the world is looking for the same gowns, the masks, the ventilators. They all want the same thing. Governor cuomo, i know these are very long days, not only for the folks on the front lines of the crisis, but you as well. We certainly appreciate the time tonight, governor. Thank you. Thanks for having me, david. Much more ahead on this special live edition of 20 20. The warnings from young people infected with the virus. They recorded their own videos tonight documenting their conditions and theyre sending a message to the american people. They hope youll listen to them describe this virus coming up. And diane sawyer reporting tonight inside an experimental procedure using antibodies from those who have already recovered. And we asked tonight, do you have immunity once you have had this once . How many of us have had this and were asymptomatic . Dr. Jen ashton standing by with your questions tonight. You can send question my way, on twitter. Use the abc2020. Next tonight here, hospitals from new york california bracing for an overwhelming surge of patients. In fact, the cdc now reporting, so far, almost 40 of those hospitalized are between the ages of 20 and 54. Tonight, some of them sharing their stories, their symptoms and their fight. Heres Deborah Roberts. Reporter weve heard of covid19 deaths surging among the nations older population, but now stories of just how serious it can be for the young. This virus does not judge you based on your age. Today is day 10. I still have a fever. It was the cough, the fever, the difficulty breathing. I developed a fever of about 102 where i thought i might be in trouble. I started to feel like i was drowning. I tested positive for the coronavirus. My body does not belong to me at this point. It belongs to this virus. Reporter after repeated early warnings about the risk to the elderly were asking every american to be mindful of seniors or others with serious Underlying Health conditions. Reporter the cdc now confirming that 1 in 5 cases are those between ages of 20 and 44. Just ask 22yearold amy shircel, who tested positive after returning from a trip to europe. I feel like absolute crap. Reporter how sick did you feel . I was chills, fever, everything. My whole body hurts. I ended up calling 911 and going in an ambulance to the hospital. I honestly thought i was going to die. It felt like i was using all the energy i had just to stay alive. Reporter 28yearold terrica parks, a mom from albany, georgia, had a fever that spiked to 104 before she was rushed to the e. R. , testing positive for the virus. I never felt so much pain in my life. Whoever thought that talking, something as simple as talking, would be this difficult. Reporter 32yearold Cori Goldstein from new jersey says it hit her like a ton of bricks. I couldnt catch my breath anymore. I was in the hospital for eight full days. I think that theres a misconception out there, especially with people of my age that this is not something that they have to worry about or that theyll get through. I do want to say its the scariest time of my life. Reporter cori is one of the lucky ones, now recovering, as is amy. You learned that this thing is real. Yeah. Hopefully, i help more people to realize that this is real. This is real for 20yearolds. So important to hear those voices so theres not a false sense of security. Our thanks to Deborah Roberts tonight. Were going to turn now to the race to save the most severe patients. Diane sawyer has been following a pioneering effort by the medical community to meet the challenge of the times. It involves people who have recovered from the virus donating blood so their antibodies might save another. What if all of us got together, doctors and donors, and that we could do something that might help . Heres diane. Reporter on friday, we told you something new was about to happen, and over the weekend, it began. We want to hold on to hope. Im just hoping that this type of therapy will prove beneficial. We just hope it works because there is nothing so far that has worked in a definitive fashion. We need something that can help us change the paradigm here, to really move the needle. Reporter its the moment hope is joined to the power of medical science, a nationwide coalition of hospitals. It is experimental. They are starting very slowly. But this is the question they want to answer can people who have recovered from the virus donate potentially lifesaving antibodies in their blood to those who are very sick . So when you allow yourself to dream and hope, whats the first sign you would love to see that its working . Wed love to see fewer people ending up in the intensive care unit. Wed love to see people getting discharged from the hospital sooner, and that would be an amazing thing if it comes to pass. Reporter you can see how it begins in this video from the lab at mt. Sinai, inside those wells are antibodies from donors who had the virus. The more intense the color, the more antibodies. Three patients were infused with antibodies at mt. Sinai in new york. Two at houston methodist on the same night. When will you know if its working . The truth is we dont know, diane. This is really the first time this type of activity has been done on covid19 patients and we are adopting a wait and see type attitude. Reporter is there anything you want to say to everyone in the country who has tested positive about coming in and donating, the difference they can make . There will be ample opportunity for anyone who has been documented to be a covid19 positive patient to eventually give plasma in their community. Reporter theyre monitoring whats happening across the country at the mayo clinic. We believe this is the best chance we have for a diseasemodifying treatment in the shortterm. Currently, we have about 40 different Academic Medical Centers involved in this in about 20 different states. Reporter which brings us back to the people theyre counting on, the people who have recovered from the virus after testing positive. Mt. Sinai tells us the ideal time for donation may be some 21 to 28 days after the first symptoms like this young man whos eager to help. If i have a resistance to it that can then be help to someone whos elderly or someone whos sick, i would be honored to do that in any way that i can. Reporter if you think you could be a donor, check online in your area. These doctors are so inexhaustible, so strong. One of them said to me, david, we just want to show the young doctors, when the day is going to be tough, you take the next step forward. Thank you, diane. We need help whenever we can find it. So lets bring in dr. Jen ashton. Our chief medical correspondent. Jen is reporting from home as is many members of our team here and, jen, you and i have been talking about this. Give us an idea of the medical community, how hopeful is the medical community that this could be a treatment that could help some of the most severe patients. Theres a lot of hope, david. All about convalescence serum. We still dont exactly know when these antibodies to coronavirus peak or when the right time to give to a patient whos ill with covid19 but the real hope because its shown some promise in other viruses like sars is that it cannot only help a patient whos ill, but help protect us from future infections with coronavirus. So theres a lot of attention on this right now. A lot of hope. Jen, for folks who are wondering, do you have imopportunity after you had this, even if you were asymptomatic . Thats part of the unknown. Thats why theyre going to be looking at these antibodies when they show up, when they peak and are they effective at protecting others and ourselves as well as treating. So its all about the antibody and immune response. Dr. Jen ashton whos been with us every step of the way. Well check back in with you shortly. When we come back, millions of american, mothers and fathers are suddenly out of a job and were reporting your stories as well. Just today, two major retailers furloughing their employees. Add them to the list. Tonight well be hearing from many voices, a pregnant mother included. How theyre going pay the bills with no paycheck coming. What we learned if youre going on line to get help with unemployment. Trying to get answers for you. Well come back. But that is such a large load, dont the stains sneak through . Please. New tide power pods can clean that. Whole situation. You just toss it in before the clothes. Its like two regular tide pods and then some power and then even more power. With 50 more cleaning power, even your large load got clean. How many kids do you have . Girl i lost track. Theres a lot of kids. And then theres a husband, and then theres me. Thats a lot of clothes. Colonel sanders here at home, just like you. Mealtimes can be overwhelming. Especially when youre trying to work, teach, and parent all at once. So let us help with kfcs 20 fill ups. Its like a homecooked meal you dont have to cook. Drive thrus open. Or get free delivery by grubhub. Businesses are closing. Living rooms are now offices and schools. Our world is suddenly different. But one thing stays the same. Sate farm is there. To any of our customers currently facing financial burdens, call your state farm agent because were here to help make this new normal, feel just a little more. Normal. Like a good neighbor, state farm is there. ® tlets make it more amazing g menutaur check it out with an extra filet yeah hey. Ahhhh my 4 fish sandwich combo stack it up for an extra buck. Nothing beats my delicious fish sandwich except another filet yeah wabam i think you overshot that one. My 4 fish sandwich combo stack it up for an extra buck. Across america we know millions of workers are out of a job. A record 3. 3 million filing for unemployment just last week. Macys and the gap furloughing nearly all their workers today. Adding their names to the list. Families now living with no paycheck. Some struggling with the unemployment process. Wondering if theyll ever return to work. What about the stimulus checks . Do they have to apply for them or will they show up on their own . Heres Rebecca Jarvis tonight. Reporter Ashley Patterson is an out of work bartender from frankenmuth, michigan. Its been a week now and theres still no news on when we might be able to get back to work. Im five months pregnant and we have a 5yearold daughter. Reporter ashleys husband justin was injured in a Helicopter Crash while serving in iraq. His disability payments help but not enough. I have at least three bills due as of right now and not much money in my checking account. Reporter shes just one of 35 workers out of a job, one story from one small town. Emblematic of so many other people in so many other places. With offices closed, filing for insurance has moved online. Every state have different rules frustrating many people. I really need the income as soon as possible. Reporter pearla went on to the state of florida website to apply for Unemployment Insurance as soon as she lost her job as an event planner in orlando. I have to say, filing for unemployment is not an easy process. I can see how someone whos not well versed in computers can have a hard time doing it. Reporter back in frankenmuth jim jones, the owner of slow bones hoped takeout could keep his business alive but its not working out. Were running out of money. We need help. Otherwise we wont be here when this is over. Im talking hours and days now. Were up against it right now. Im at pnc bank hoping to get a personal line of credit to buy more time. Wish me luck. Reporter the next day, not the news he was hoping for. Just got a call back from the bank. And the personal line of credit was declined. Just too overextended. Reporter the question now for everyone suffering, how long can they hold on . This Week Congress passed a bill that will mean families making less than 75,000 will get a 1,200 check. I cant even explain how much help a check in the mail would be. Reporter with so much hardship there are rays of hope. When the hair salon she managed had to close, this woman applied to her local food lion Grocery Store. I got the job. Thank god. I am so thankful. Reporter david, the bottom line here is urgency, that urgent need to fill that income void immediately, david. Rebecca jarvis reporting from home. You have been telling me youre getting a lot of questions about the stimulus checks. Theres so much confusion about whether people need to apply for them or whether theyre going to show up. Reporter they will show up automatically. The irs will automatically deposit those checks into your bank account as long as you filed taxes in 2018. If youre on social security, disability, a veteran or unemployed qualify. If you have not filed the 2018 tax, so far its a good idea to do it now at irs. Gov. Rebecca jarvis with us, thank you. When we come back on this live 20 20, America Rising and the artists rising to the challenge. Singers, musicians from john legend to Harry Connick jr. , performing from their own homes to audiences that cant leave theirs. Well be right back. I totally get how important it is to stay connected. Customers can do what they need to do, whenever they need to do it online. We care about keeping you safe. vo we are open 24 7 online, so you can keep managing all you need from home and through the verizon apps and verizon. Com. But when allergies attack,f any the excitement fades. Allegra helps you say yes with the fastest nondrowsy allergy relief and turning a half hearted yes, into an all in yes. Allegra. Live your life, not your allergies. The spread of covid19. To help, were offering free prescription delivery, by simply going to cvs. Com or calling your local cvs. So, stay safe. Because the more we stay apart, the sooner we can all get back together. Next tonight here, as hospitals around the world and around the country turn their attention to the swell of coronavirus patients, other major surgeries are often delayed, even transplants planned for weeks so tonight, my 20 20 coanchor amy robach with those now on the waiting list. As im doing this video diary, i should essentially be in transplant surgery right now, but im currently not because of the pandemic thats going on. Reporter 33yearold zack branson was born with a rare liver disease. Doctors recently told him without a new liver he would soon die. But branson was in luck, his uncle volunteered to be a living donor. Everything was finalized. His liver was a great matchup anatomywise for me. Reporter but his turgeonry was suddenly postponed last week as Organ Transplants along with other major surgeries are being put on hold on a casebycase basis in order to preserve resources at hospitals and protect patients from the risk of infection from the virus. Mama. Mommy. Reporter alison bittercorps is battling stage four breast cancer. Heres my pill pack. Reporter she just decided to reschedule surgery to remove her ovaries next month. Were being forced to make a lot of changes we dont know are right or wrong. Reporter even for the healthy like expectant mom jennifer, this fear of covid19 has amplified anxieties and changed protocols. Due to restrictions the rest of her immediate family is not allowed in the hospital to meet the new baby. I just want to share it with my whole family. Reporter covid19 forced all these patients to contend with a plague of uncertainty. Just the way this virus pandemic has been progressing has led me to start the process of initiating in home hospice care. Reporter as for the most fragile who are entering the world at this most terrifying of times their family is optimistic. I think we want everybody to see this. This might be a sign. We have a rainbow outside our window. Its awesome. Its amazing. It gives us hope. I hope every Single Person out there is trying to stay healthy, trying to stay hopeful. Thinking about everyone affected by this. Thanks to amy as well. We heard good news on zack branson, the man you just met, waiting for his liver transplant. He just got the call tonight that before the virus peaks, his surgeons want to perform his transplant this coming monday. Lets get back to our chief medical editor dr. Jen ashton with a question people have been asking both on twitter and elsewhere because of the headlines. It has to do with masks. The medical community doesnt want to run off masks but we heard dr. Fauci talk about this, the president late today address this as well. If you happen to have a mask at home, does it offer you any protection to be wearing that around . Well, david, its about keeping the virus in versus keeping the virus out. While the cdc and World Health Organization have never recommended the use of surgical masks to prevent something from coming in, it is possible we may see a shift to help protect others and reduce the spread and transmission. So well be watching that. We will. Jen ashton, thanks to you. When we come back, the names giving free concerts on social media. America rising. Well be right back. Giving free koconcerts on made. Well be right back. Businesses are closing. Living rooms are now offices and schools. Our world is suddenly different. But one thing stays the same. Sate farm is there. To any of our customers currently facing financial burdens, call your state farm agent because were here to help make this new normal, feel just a little more. 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You may even shop online and take delivery at home. Its just our way of doing our part. Im original. One of a kind. You feel me . Love ya. Oop you look cute. Better than you wherever drama pops off pop my 100 allwhitemeat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just 5. 99. With americans being told to stay at home until at least april 30th now, keeping yourself and your family entertained may not be so easy. With their tour dates postponed, many singers and musicians are rising to the challenge, raising millions for charity and entertaining you without leaving the house. Once again, amy robach. Dedicate this to everybody in isolation right now. Is this on . Reporter with concert tours canceled, singers and musicians are taking their acts offstage and online. We heard of covid19 deaths still cant believe you the kye oh youre a kye stull of stars reporter the idea took off and many concerts have been shared on social media. These virtual concerts help raise over 112 million for the covid19 solidarity response fund. A lot of artists decided we want to try to help make staying at home easier for everybody so were going to try to entertain you. I love it when you call me reporter musicians are connecting with fans in new and unique ways. Harry connick jr. Invited the world into his basement in his new youtube show hunker down with harry. Im glad i could help you pass the time and maybe feel a little bit better. Reporter in your basement you performed city beneath the sea. What does that song mean to you . Somebody wants to take me to the city beneath the sea even if were apart, were connected in a different almost more powerful way, which is kind of what that song means. Reporter earlier today, i also spoke to rock and roll hall of Famer Jon Bon Jovi about the photo his wife took of him washing dishes at his soul kitchen and the caption he wrote for that photo that became the chorus to a new song. If you cant do what you do, do what you can. The next day is when i said, thats a song. And i sat down and i wrote it and as i was writing it, i thought everybody has got the same story to tell. If you cant do what you do, you do what you can i put a chorus out into the internet to say write me a story. I was watching people sing versions of their verse and singing along with me to this will end up being the worlds longest pop song. Music has the power to heal. If you cant do what you do, you do what you can thanks, everybody. Keep your thoughts come through, okay . And ill be here to sing them for you. Our thanks to amy robach again tonight. When we come back here, messages of hope in every corner of america. Our 20 20 special America Rising will continue in a moment. Im phil mickelson. Thats me long before i had Psoriatic Arthritis. Ive always been a gogetter and kinda competitive. Flash forward, then Psoriatic Arthritis started getting the better of me. 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My parents job is to look after them. And its my job to test the product. The best almonds make the best almondmilk. Blue diamond almond breeze. Finally tonight here the incredible messages of hope from across this country signaling were in this together. Tonight, true to its name, the Navy Ship Comfort pulling into the new york harbor, past the statue of liberty, a city in need, a city grateful. Every night for the last seven nights at 7 00 p. M. Eastern, this [ cheers and applause ] reporter applause for the brave Health Care Workers risking their own lives to save others. [ cheers and applause ] across this country tonight, reminders we are isolated but we are not alone. There were those two american doctors. Imagine theres no heaven reporter dr. Elvis francois singing, dr. William robinson playing piano at the mayo clinic in minnesota, john lennons imagine. Living for today reporter we went to find those doctors. We just felt like a good time to share that bit of hope and togetherness and do our bit to make someones day out there a little better. But im not the only one in order to beat this thing and selfisolate in quarantine, its going to take everybody and so the message of that song kind of hit home. Reporter there was the message of hope at the cleveland clinic. Note from a patient taped to a window. That patient with coronavirus. Now we learn who it was. 35yearold nick brown. He wrote, this window has been the most impactful window in my life. On days when i watched you work hard to keep me and others alive, unable to thank you for the time that you poured into me and although i will probably never get the chance to pour that same love and support into you, i want you to know that i think you all are rock stars. We found the doctors and nurses who treated nick. Hi, david. I took care of this patient throughout the week. I mean, i cannot tell you how much this means to us. Reporter nicks nurse. Morgan briskman. The first time i saw his note, it brought tears to my eyes. It just makes it all worth it. Were going to get through this together. Reporter and this is nick right before he left the hospital. Just the ability to get back to the point where i can pick up my two little girls, hug them, hug my wife. Reporter there are homecomings being celebrated everywhere in this country. In pasadena, california. Hi. 15yearold cocoa waving from the car returning from her last chemo treatment. Neighbors cheering from the streets. We love you reporter each family in their own driveway, a safe distance from one another, but determined to welcome coco home. And tonight coco checking in with us. Hi, david. Shes home and feeling better. Thank you so much for asking. Im feeling fine. Reporter coco and her family tonight hope that she is a reminder why social distancing is so important. I wasnt expecting anything because of social distancing. And when i saw all my family and friends were on my street, i was completely surprised and i was so thankful for everyone. Reporter a country grateful for every doctor, for every nurse, every Health Care Worker on the front line. I hope someday that you will join us and the world will live as one there is hope at every turn. We cannot forget that. Thank you for watching this special edition of 20 20. Im david muir. Were going to leave you tonight with another image of hope, the u. S. Navy hospital ship comfort which pulled into new york harbor today. So many people capturing the image, the statue of liberty behind that ship as it pulled in. Im david muir. Good night. Good night. This isnt my usual seat in a speeding ambulance. You vomited and passed out. You have a threeinch abdominal bruise and a big bump on your head, either of which could you can check it all out tomorrow. As soon as im back at the hospital, im going back to treating patients. They must be on overflow. As soon as were back at the hospital, you are getting a ct. You could have increasing intracranial pressure from contusions, edema, or a hematoma. I dont. Im pretty sure i know my symptoms better than you do. No headache, no unilateral weakness. The doctor without the head injury makes the call. [ monitor beeping ] [ siren wailing ] morgan theres the rupture. The fallopian tubes necrotic. Debakey forceps

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