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test. just as a precaution, as for the others in the group, we understand they are exhausted but otherwise okay. they are not necessarily from this area. not even necessarily from california. but they are all american citizens. and for the next two weeks, they will call a hotel on this base their home. this is one of two planes to arrive just after 4:00 a.m. at travis air force base. carrying american citizens, trying on escape the coronavirus in wuhan, china. one plane left. the other dropped off 178 people for a two-week quarantine. >> they've been through a lot. we're going to do everything possible to care for them. >> the centers for disease control did report that one child on the plane had a fever and was transported to a local hospital. >> children have fever for a number of different reasons. the child is being evaluated at this point and will be put in isolation and tested. >> among those in quarantine at travis, the roth family from wisconsin. daisy roth shared these photos of the inside of their room. completely eequipmented for her and her two young daughters. according to sam roth, his wife and daughters were visiting relatives in wuhan. >> they arrived at the airport at 3:00 pom tuesday and they did not take off until more than 24 hours later. that's an area with no shops open. it was just waiting and getting their temperature taken. it was really exhausting for my wife and my daughters. >> all of those in quarantine at travis will be continually screen bid cdc staff for any signs of the virus. >> we know this situation may be concerning for people in the travis air force base community. based on our experience with other coronaviruses, we don't believe these people pose a risk to this community because we are taking measures to minimize any exposures. >> reporter: now as for that child, the cdc locally told us they're hoping to have the results of the coronavirus testing in the next several days. as for the others here, as long as they do not show any symptoms, no one becomes ill, they'll be allowed to go on their way to go home at the end of the 14 days. live at travis air force base. laura anthony, abc7 news. >> thank you. our coverage of the coronavirus scare continues. coming up, what bay area schools are doing to keep students safe and healthy. in the east bay, a graphic is that emotional day in the alameda county courtroom during the trial of a man accused of a deadly stabbing. the jury watched surveillance video of the murder of mia wilson. it showed a man who police say was john cowell stabbed two victims in the neck from behind. attorneys say it proves he is emotionally unstable. >> i see some of the still images. it was just too devastating for me. >> earlier in the day, the judge kicked cowell out over outbursts. he was allowed to return. he is accused of killing wilson and her sister at the macarthur b.a.r.t. station. new developments in the case of kristin smart who vanished 24 years ago. today authorities served four search warrants. one near san pedro, two in san luis obispo county and one in washington state. officials are not saying exactly what they're looking for. only that the warrants were limited in scope. it comes a week after authorities seized two trucks belonging to the family of a man last seen with smart before she vanished, may 25th, 1996, while attending cal poly. it has been he joined us live on midday live. one key thing, how to discuss the number of car break-ins in the city. >> we need police to make more arrests. >> many say they're not arresting because they don't think they'll get prosecution. >> the police have a job to do. they need to do their job. that's to make arrests in criminal cases. we have prosecuted 84% of the cases the police have brought us. that's a higher percentage than any other category of crime. if they bring us evidence we can use in court, we will prosecute. >> recent numbers show car break-ins are down a bit citywide. some residents are upset as they are up in certain residential districts. >> new developments in the senate impeachment trial and the acquittal of president trump. the president said he'll be making a public statement tomorrow. >> it is therefore ordered and ajudged that the donald john trump is acquitted of the charges in said arrests. >> the senate cleared the president of both charges of obstruction of congress is that abuse of power. the votes went along party lines pretty. . but senator mitt romney became the first u.s. senator in history on vote to convict a president of his own party. a standout motel at last night's state of the union addressed president trump seemingly ignored nancy pelosi's hand stretched out for a hand shag. pelosi ripping a printout of his speech after the address. those moments went viral. more than that, they high flight long running and increasingly bitter feud between two leaders. nancy pelosi is from san francisco and her daughter kristine pelosi is here. >> thanks. so you're not only madam speaker's daughter. she is also the california democrat of the we will's caucus chair. welcome. >> so it was the rip seen around the world. pelosi rocks, pelosi the ripper, pelosi tantrum. you know her better than anyone else. were you surprised? did she plan that? >> no. i wasn't really surprised and no, she didn't plan it. what happened was the state of the union began. the president refused her outstretched hand and then he proceeded to give a speech which was really an election speech to the republican party and not a speech to the nation outlining the budget as a state of our values and ways that we can come together as americans. and with lie after lie, what she later called a manifesto of mistruths, finally, when it was over, she simply back to three seconds to very silently do with the speech what she thought it was necessary to do after he had torn up the constitution and shredded the truth. she decided to tear up the speech. >> you said it is in keeping with her tal yandle grandmother's, her italian grandmother's status. >> i told but my book, the nancy pelosi way. she was raise in the baltimore sxhiflt grandmother, her mother, was the strong matriarch of the family. when i was in college, i went to my grand parents' home and there was a guest disrespecting my grandfather. at one point my grandmother went into the kitchen. we heard a crashing sound. she came back silently and sat down later, we realized she had broken that person's plate in half and put it in the trash. she never said anything. she just did it. so when i saw my mom do that, i thought that's the italian grandma move. >> we've certainly seen your mother make her feelings known. there was last year in the state of the union when she had that clap for president trump. and then in october when she stood up in front of the whole cabinet, pointing her finger out of him. now this. what do you say to the folks, hey, when they go low, we go high? what happened to that? >> this is when they go low, we call they will out for being low and ask them on rise to the occasion. you're supposed to be president of the entire country. and again, let's look where we are right now. we are about to put forward a budget. a budget that is a statement of our values. when you look at what happened with the impeachment trial and the partisan acquittal with the xegs of romney ropp, you're seeing a call for closer we expect it to be spent. we don't expect it to be used for partisan purpose. for trump, the election started last night. for everyone else in the congress, they have a 84 of working together to try to get a budget done. >> no matter what, the president gets to say i know when you and your mom get together, would you say this was all worth it? >> the constitution is always worth it. as adam schiff said in his beautiful closing argument, it is worth if nothing else watching the last two minutes of it. of course our democracy is worth it. if all of these career civil servants who came forward and said, this is not the way that a democracy should operate. not for the whims of an individual or political party but for the good of the people. of course it matters. of course it matters to shine a light on that. he will be impeached for life. and hopefully, we'll be more aware for life of what is right for the country to do. >> all right. always good seeing you. >> thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> the next democratic debate is right here on abc. seven candidates have qualified. joe biden, bernie sanders, elizabeth warren, pete buttigieg, amy klobuchar, andrew yang and the steyer. our original series, chasing california, leading up to the presidential primary. the first is michael bloomberg and an introduce yang. you can find the full episodes online. these are all excellent and worth your time to watchful they're available on the youtube and amazon fire and a now episode will be out tomorrow. kirk douglas, one of the most famous actors of a generation, has died. he had one of the most remarkable careers in hollywood history. his multidecade and 80-film career won him three oscars. he is best known for films like the bad and the beautiful, spartac spartacus. he said in part, he set a standard for all of to us aspire to. dad, i love you so much and i'm so proud to be your son. douglas was 103. are you looking for some good mexican food? apparently there is some right here in the mission district. >> it is being call the best mexican restaurant in california. this according to the website stacker. >> but does san francisco really have the best mexican food? an interesting question. go to to weigh in. >> lauren martinez went to the restaurant to see what all the fuss is about and she joins us live now. >> it has been ranked best in the state according to a report done by stacker. a lot of people had opinions if they deserve this title. and opinions were mixed. in san francisco's mission district received the title of best mexican restaurant. not just in the bay area but the entire state. >> it kept coming up as the best. that's why we're here. >> these gentlemen came from england, holland and france. this couple from southern california heard about the restaurant online, too, and compared it to mexican food down there. >> i don't know. i haven't had one this good in years. >> if you ask bay area locals who frequent it -- >> the super burrito. the number one, once start, you can't stop. >> it is known for their super burrito. but down the street, they were recognized as having the best burrito in the country two years ago. >> i like the crispiness, the meat. >> i think it's better than that for sure. >> people are giving rave reviews. >> best burrito in california. >> it has 13 locations throughout the bay area. if you're familiar with the ones in the mission, you know they're open until 2:00 a.m. this is a hot topic, generating a lot of opinions. we'll hear from people from fresno and the south bay coming up at 6:00. reporting live, lauren martinez, abc 7 news. >> before you go, did you try one? >> reporter: of course! both me and my photographer rachel. we got burritos. delicious of the. >> and? >> reporter: i love it. 10 out of 10 for sure. >> okay. it smells amazing. thank you. we have one here. did that one guy say they're smacking? is that the cool term? >> if you lung out with more millennials, you'd know? these are chicken burritos, by the way. >> this is on air. i've done play by play of so many things. she's about to dive into the chicken burrito. >> oh-oh! management is like get that beenl off the floor! >> what do you think? that's the chicken burrito right there. >> it is delicious. i like good tortilla. i don't know if i've gotten any sour cream yet. i do enjoy sour kriel or guac. >> i believe there's sour cream inside. it is so loaded with so much stuff. >> the chicken has that nice char broiled flavor. >> hard to look elegant while eating a burrito. it is very good. very good. >> take a little work field trip over there. we should all try it out. you know what? keep eating. let me talk for a minute. beer mania is about to hit the bay area. it will be released this friday. you have to wash it down. >> drink the beer on tap at the russian brewing company. this year something new is happening. the windsor brewery. it was bottled for the first time ever. ah! that doesn't mean you'll be able to buy it at the store. on customers who line up to buy it on tap will be able to purchase bottles. the idea is to drink it within a few weeks to ensure maximum flavor. >> over time, the hops oxidize. it comes out of beer and you don't get that big pop. the fresher the better. >> it is rated among the best in the country. it will be on sale for only two weeks. >> but is it smacking? that will be my new -- it is one of those he madonna cult classics like the mcrib. today, it is the return of the shamrock shake. the minty green shake is back for its anniversary just in time for st. patrick's day. also new, the mcflurry. >> either of those would go well with this burrito for sure. did you know today is national weather person's day? i'm sure you knew. >> did i know of will. >> it is a day to honor those who work hard to give you accurate forecasts. >> what is he going to say? >> i got a smacking good one. smacking. >> look at live doppler 7. we've got sunny skies and a relatively warm conditions across the bay area. certainly compared with yesterday. check out the 24-hour temperature change. 7 degrees warmer in novato than yesterday. 8 degrees warrer at concord. all across the bay area. it is still pretty mild. here's a live look from sutro tower. it is now 57 degrees. we have low 60s at oakland, redwood city. here's the view. that's of mt. tam, actually. mainly sunny sky. just a gorgeous afternoon in the bay area. we have temperature in the mid 60s. about 64 to 66 degrees in all these locations except napa which is the napa is always the cool spot. 64 to 66 in all the other locations. and here's the view. this from emory, looking forward the golden gate. temperatures continuing through freeway and then breezy and cooler over the weekend. this dry pat learn persist into next week. look for mainly clear skies. clouds near the coastline and locally over the bay. tomorrow, look for mainly sunny skies. it will be perfectly sunny once the early morning fog burns away. 60 degrees at the coast. low to mid 60s around the bay. mid 60s in most inland locations but 70s in some coastal locations. here is a look over the last six hours. showing high pressure as the dominant force. it will continue to be for the next couple days. the next nine days, the bay area can expect no measurable rainfall at all. we do expect some precipitation to make its way to other parts of the state. and of course other, parts of the country. look at the southeast getting blasted with storms and precipitation over the next nine days. here's the seven-day forecast for us. and it looks like that dry pattern will be with us at least through next wednesday. there will be a cooldown on sunday. oscar sunday. we expect the weather to be award winning. smacking good on sunday. a little mild order monday and tuesday with another sharp drop of temperatures. we're still looking for rain but it's not there. >> there is still time. let's not panic. >> this is not your typical champions parade. what is going on here? their medicare options...ere people go to learn about before they're on medicare. come on in. you're turning 65 soon? yep. and you're retiring at 67? that's the plan! well, you've come to the right place. it's also a great time to learn about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. here's why... medicare part b doesn't pay for everything. only about 80% of your medical costs. this part is up to you... yeah, everyone's a little surprised to learn that one. a medicare supplement plan helps pay for some of 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plan options and rates to fit your needs oh, and happy birthday... or retirement... in advance. you may want to hide your eye that's the you're a san francisco 49ers fan. fans of the raiders, too. the kansas city chiefs held their parade through streets today of thousands of fans showed up after waiting 50 years since the team's last super bowl team. you see patrick mahomes. temperatures were in the 20s and nobody seemed to care. the tight end shared the same bus. both were sporting the wwe championship belt. >> before all that, the parade started with a little something extra. take a look. crazy. a police chase and take down along the parade route. all as the fans were lining the sidewalks. this was before the parade started. the driver blew through barricaded fencing. another fastball video showed police rushing in to arrest the driver. office onners think was intoxicated. fortunately, no one was hurt. it could have been a lot worse. >> a big day today for the members of the championship high school team out of oakland. three young men signed the national letters of intent. the linebacker will attend the university of new mexico. the high school all american will play the defensive back at ata a arizona state. >> these three young men have been here four years. this is all home grown. >> all three had amazing careers. last year's and that, three state championships. keeping students safe in light of the coronavirus. >> what schools are doing to economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. two jets carrying hundreds of americans fleeing the coronavirus zone in china are now back on u.s. soil. they landed early this morning at travis air force base where 178 people will be quarantined for 14 days. other passengers welcome quarantined at a southern california military base. one child on the flight had a fever and is being evaluated at a nearby hospital. we know there are 12 illnesses across tuesday. there have been 563 deaths worldwide. and 28,018 people have been diagnosed with the disease. across the bay area, colleges and local school districts are passing on alerts about the coronavirus. the largest district, san jose unified, is in a unique position. having 48 nurses covering every school. monitoring symptoms is their top priority. >> students in the san jose unified school district are being monitored closely. the district has 26 school nurses, plus almost that many with nurse training covering the schools. so they're on the alert for the flu and now coronavirus. health officials are fully equipped to monitor 30,000 students. 14-year-old's temperature is normal. >> have you had any vomiting recently? >> no. >> how about diarrhea? >> reporter: south bay school districts have been sending out alerts since the first case was announced last friday including common sense recommendations such as frequent hand washing from the cdc and health officials. they are asking parents to be sure to provide feedback their children's symptoms so they can stay ahead of the potential outbreak. >> we want to know. are we seeing an unusual number of kids are fever or respiratory? that really helps us track this and respond. >> the public is at low risk. fear and suspicion of others on crowded campuses. it is human nature. people need to be aware of irrational behavior says the assistant professor at sandal jose state. >> it's normal to have some thoughts about doing thins that don't quite make sense. just noticing those. and then staying up to date with la the cdc and local health departments are recommending. >> reporter: he was scheduled to visit china next week with his family but that has been canceled. the results of the visit to the health office is that he's fine. david louie, abc7 news. >> right now i'm with the director at the oakland school district. what are you doing in the oakland excuse to deal with this? >> there was a director from the cdc that said anybody who has come back from china for the next two weeks after they've arrived back, they probably should not to go work or school. this was a director that went to alameda county public health. they agree with the assessment. we sent to it our families and our staff. >> we're talking about all of china. not just wuhan. >> all of majorland china. not hong ko hong ko hong ko >> you're used to dealing with budgetary issues, how do we hire enough teacher, a health scare is something that most school systems are not equipped to deal with. >> who really is equipped to deal with something like this when it comes up? it comes out of the blue. nobody expected the bird flu or sars or anything. it is something that our public health officials are very attuned to. they practice for this. certainly it is something that we pay very close attention to. when something like this happens, we can react. >> what are you telling the kids in the classes and teachers to do specifically? because there's always this fear of the unknown. especially in this case. you can't see it, you can't touch it. you have no idea. >> right. and that is one of those things. it is kind of like the flu. a lot of symptoms are similar to the 92. we're just telling people, if you're feeling sick, you think you may have a cold or flu, we want to you get better. you can get better at home resting and we don't want anybody else to get sick either. we're hoping that anybody who feels some symptoms, really anything will stay home and really protect themselves. we're talking about the flu as well. tens of thousands of people in america are killed he have year by the no. so that's a very serious thing every year. and of course we're concerned about this. >> how concerned are you about the potential for discrimination against chinese students? because it is just unfortunately, it happens and there's an assumption made. oh, okay. lets stay away. you might have something. >> sure. we, discrimination, bullying is ban in the all of our schools. this is not acceptable for anybody for any reason. we don't want staff doing it, students doing it. we are saying, we are here for each other, if you're ill, we'll take care of you the best we can. please do not discriminate or bully. it doesn't them situation and it hurts. >> real quick. only a few seconds left. how long do you think the schools will be on this high alert? >> as long as the government suggests that we be on alert. we're certain it will helpful that this gets resolved pretty quickly. we know china has dawn good job shutting down wuhan. we're certainly wanting to help. >> thanks for coming in. all right. you can learn more about the symptoms of this unusual coronavirus. how you can protect yourself. to go our website. cheating spouses. we're not talking about another person. the other kind of marriage infidelity. and rolling up the red tis better than the criminal in democrathe white house.esident we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. time now for the four at 4:00. of course, the state of the union. it was the paper tear seen around the world. nancy pelosi said afterwards that she did it because it was the courteous thing to do considering the alternatives. you see the clam here in the same spot as the republican president gang his speech. when i saw it happening, i was like, oh! >> a viral moment everybody would be talking about. it's interesting that we're talking more about that than the nonhand shake. >> that's how i feel. everybody is talking about this but people rblt talk about the president's refusal to shake her hand. >> he didn't shake mike pensio ' hand either. >> i just think it is a sign of where we are. it is class pick this is where we are politically in our country. it is just, it is all these. if these were your kids, you would say, come on. cut it out. i'm going to turn this car around. >> how many times 50 heard that! don't make me. don't make me. it is sad. >> the people at the top were doing this. >> all right. let's talk about pete rose talking about getting back into the good graces of major league baseball today. asking the commissioner to lift his lifetime ban that he received 30 years ago for betting on baseball. in his position, rote called the penalty under fair compared with the discipline for steroid use and the recent sign stealing by the houston astros. no signs were punished. he was denied in 2015 by manfred. >> a huge fan. i think he should be in the hall of fame. yes. he should be punish in the some way for betting on baseball. lifetime ban? this is one of the greatest players in all time. he achieved what he achieved on the fold without cheating. so why not be in the hall? >> i think the problem is that he lied so many times. never until late in the game did he come clean and say, oh, yeah. i say fine. put him in with a plaque and say, he may have bet on his own. the same thing with bond and clemens. they're part of steroid era. it's a museum, afterall. >> that time of year. >> if you're scrounging for a good valentines gift. a new survey shows many americans admit to a certain kind of infidelity to their significant other. according to credit, 44% of adults say they commit some kind of financial infidelity against their partner. 34% say they spend more money than their partner would be okay with. 17% say they've kept secret credit or credit or savings account. 12% admit to keeping some amount of secret safe. what do you think? >> you got a secret credit card? >> not good. >> what's going on? >> the most likely one to have some shadiness going on? >> why would anybody -- >> i mean -- >> it was a penetrating statement. >> get back from miami and this is the treatment. >> make up for lost time. more on this whole business of money and relationships and that will be coming up in a few minutes. can we say it's a bad thing. >> all right. we had a movie star sighting in san francisco today. the myth behind neo and john. kea keanu reaves was in chinatown. >> there he is. you can see him taking a picture of some fans. a very nice actor before getting on his way. he will reprice his role as neo. it is set to premier on may 21st of next year. the same day as john wick iv is expected. >> he's really nobody for boeing a nice actor. >> have you run into hip before? >> on twitter and facebook. everyone who has a picture says he is a nice stop for a second. >> the whole ice cream thing like month ago. >> he accommodated the fans. >> unlike larry. he's on the go. >> talk to my assistant. >> if i did, i would direct you all to talk. >> who will take the job? >> nobody wants that job. >> it pays nothing. two bacon, two sausage, this is the two eggssuper slam. hash browns and pancakes and now make those pancakes all you can eat for a buck. that's where the duper comes in. the all new super duper slam just seven ninety nine. see you at denny's. mik'mike will get it done?'n, ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i expanded healthcare coverage. as president, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself accountable for results. as president, i'll offer common sense plans and i will get it done. so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. couples discussing money can be a really sensitive topic. what's the best way to approach it? >> don't talk about it at all. michael finney is here. you know that's what happens. >> head in the sand. from death to having a joint account, how should people in a relationship talk about their money? i'm here with carrie. welcome back. >> thanks for having me. >> how several too early to be talking about money? >> oh, my gosh. if you can, please start sooner than later. even before you get married. as you know, the most common reason people divorce is because of money and because of the lack of conversation. but it foals so unsexy, right? the bottom line is it does, when you talk about dreams and hopes and goals, it brings you closer together as a couple and you're more likely to achieve those goals. >> when should you tell someone, or find out from them, who makes what and how much do you have? >> when you're starting to think about tying the knot, it is really important to talk about what your goals are. your plans and how you'll get there. it is also really important to be honest about what money you're bringing to the table. what debt. any other financial situation that you might have that could create that unsettled relationship if you that situation. and also, your rows and responsibilities and anything you can talk about it and how you've divvy up the assets. >> there was just a survey out earlier this week that said millennials do not want to marry millennial that's have school debt. it is almost a barrier to the conversation. >> especially when so many have school debt. it is a conversation to have. just like assets, money you bring into the relationship, debt is yours and yours soon unless you as couple agree to co-mingle it. and debt can bring a lot of pressure to the relationship. it is really important to talk about how you'll handle it up front. >> you said yours, mine and ours. how do you have that conversation? how do you decide? >> well, i think it is really important to having an equal, independent, strong relationship. we talked about deceiving our partners about what we're spending. if you have too much of a stranglehold about money, that's where deception comes. we're much longer when we have a sense of self-worth of money and we bring it together. then we're more likely to work together and achieve it. if you want to buy that dress, let they will buy dress assuming it doesn't derail the finances. and then focus on your goals together of the. >> great advice as always. thank you for joining us. did you listen to that over there? >> absolutely. took notes. carrie knows what she's talking about. >> oh, yes, she does. >> national weather persons day. we honor spencer. >> happy weather persons day to me and all of houston are weather persons. let's move on to overnight weather conditions. locally out over the bay, lows will range from upper 30s in the inland valleys around the bay and on the coastline. and then tomorrow we'll have the sunny and evened mier day. look for highs in the low 60s at the coast. low to mid 60s along the shoreline. and mid to upper 60s. maybe 70 up north at cloverdale. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. we have two very mild for this time of year. it will be slightly cooler. sunday will be a windy day as well. a great day for watching the oscars. then monday, tuesday, wednesday, dry conditions will persist. >> all right. thank you. today is the last full day in space for record setting american astronaut christina cook. the 41-year-old is scheduled to return to earth tomorrow. this after 329 days aboard the international space station. that's the longest single space flight by any woman. and the second longest of any u.s. astronaut. during her mission, she orbited the earth more than 5200 times. she performed six space walks and spent 42 hours and 15 minutes outside the station. what a remarkable opportunity. >> how long do you think we would last? >> not even three hours. ♪ into the unknown >> the nominees for best song and the couple hoping to make it a three peater this time around. and here on abc7 news at 5:00. >> new at 5:00, putting computers to work on the coronavirus. how bay area scientists are hoping research will combat the disease. >> this whole year it's been incredible. >> it sure has. it was time to pack up these stories and more when dan and i join you for abc 7 news at 5:00. >> the candidate who wins california has an excellent chance to win the nomination. >> we exist at the cross section. >> the candidate comes to your home town and takes time to talk to you. >> it is invigorating to see so many this excited about our country. >> bloomberg. here he is now showing up in california. getting the backing of the young 29-year-old millennial black mayor of stockton. >> endorsements don't do much for you once people know you. >> we're an important state. >> we wish more californians would understand what an opportunity we have. >> we have to reach out to young people who are the most progressive generation in the while the middle-class continues to struggle. that's what happens when billionaires are able to control the political system. our campaign is funded by the working people of this country, and those are the people that i will represent. no more tax breaks for billionaires. we are going to guarantee health care to all people and create up to 20 million good paying jobs to save this planet. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message because we need an economy that works for all of us, not just wealthy campaign contributors. becauwe rso why not geternet that wothe most out of it? introducing faster download speeds on xfinity internet tiers. and a smarter, more secure home wifi network. plus, you can get xfinity flex, a personalized streaming dashboard that puts all your favorites in one place. unleash the power of xfinity internet and get more value than ever. now that's simple, easy, awesome. get started for $34. 99 a month for 12 months and add a flex 4k streaming device on us. click, call or visit a store today. coming up tonight starting at 8:00, catch a two-hour episode of the bachelor. that will be followed by stumptown. then stay with us. >> only four days away from the oscars and excitement is building. >> the red carpet was rolled out today and that is not you a. crews are working hard to get everything ready for hollywood's big night. the nominees are getting ready as well. p>> our sister station in los angeles has a look at the nominees up for best song. ♪ into the unknown >> robert lopez and kristin returned to familiar territory this oscar under. they won the oscar in 2014 for frozen's let it go and again in 2018 for remember me from cocoa. >> this is old hat now. it is under fair because you know what you're in for. >> it's different. into the unknown. we're going into the unknown every time we come out here. it is always a different group of people. >> this year it includes 11 time nominee for i'm standing with you with breakthrough and assistant up from harriet. randy newman has been nominated for 16 oscars in both the best song and best score categories. he's won twice. this year, he's up for disney pixar's i can't let you throw yourself away from toy story 4. >> can you tell me one thing about this song? >> i like it. i like it, period. i think it is one of the best songs i've done. >> you still have the spirit of a child when you need to. and it that's so important with the music that you're putting out there for a familiar film. >> thank you. i think people are missing something in terms of their personality if they have no kid in them. no capacity for wonder or surprise. i mean, i get surprised all the time. i like it. bernie taupin is having his first nominee experience this year with i'm going to love you again with his long time music partner elton john. >> it would be one of the 30s of my life. especially to win with somebody who has been my closest friend for 53 years. a lot of eyes will be on diane warren in this category. with 11 career nominations, she is the most nominated woman in oscar history without a win. in hollywood, abc7 news. >> another reminder, the oscars are only a few days away. you can watch the 92nd oscars this sunday. hive from the dole by theater. >> you can get latest news any time with the abc7 news app. it has enhanced features, more customization and personalized alerts to get more of what you want delivered to your phone in real-time. >> thanks for joining evacuees arriving from china. one father has been waiting a long time for his family. >> a child among those. we'll have the latest on the coronavirus. >> and also, the 49ers jimmy garoppolo looks to the past to focus on the future. all of. as the team packs up and says goodbye. >> it's tonight, acquitted. president trump ends the gravest threat to his presidency. >> and the president sends a tweet that does nothing to cool the conversation. >> we recognize, this is an unprecedented action. we are facing an unprecedented public threat of

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