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cars. >> wednesday morning there's going to be signs everywhere all along here. >> reporter: and those signs will indicate that no private cars, ubers and lyfts included, will be allowed on this two-mile stretch of market street. >> this transformation is really going to make it easier for people who walk up and down market street or people who ride bicycles or people who use public transportation. >> reporter: what about people who ride and drive cars? >> people who ride and drive cars has been the problem. >> reporter: but this woman who has lived in san francisco all her life feels like the closure is the problem, not people like herself who drive. it doesn't make getting around san francisco even crazier than what it is now. are they going to close more streets off? >> reporter: however, people who already use public transportation don't see the new road rules as overly restrictive. >> i don't think it's a terrible thing. there's plenty other side streets to take. >> what's the real impetus for the closure? >> i mean, i think that right now market street's design is out of whack with how it's actually being used and how we want it to be used. >> reporter: this is a san francisco supervisor. most of the car closure area runs through his district. market street is home to half of the top ten intersections for pedestrian and bicycle collisions. >> safety is a huge motivating factor here. but also the potential and the power of having, you know, a thoroughfare like so many cities around the world where you can go and walk, you can take transit, bike, and we really hope that this reinvision rates the street. >> reporter: all right. i want to reiterate the fact that cars will still be able to cross market street. you just won't be able to turn onto it or drive down it anymore. dan, ama, back to you. >> so, kate, what do public works think will happen with all the cars and traffic that currently drive on market street? >> reporter: right. so the deal is that after all the changes that have taken place over the past several years on market street, they only say 200 to 400 cars drive on market during peak hours. so they really believe all those cars will just disperse onto neighboring streets and won't be a huge traffic issue. however, you do know that the party line of city hall is that a san francisco is a transit city. so they're really hoping that people will get out of their cars and use alternatives, whether that's public transportation, getting on a bicycle or walking. however, i have yet to speak to one person who says that because of all these changes on market street, they're going to get out of their personal car and onto a bus. so we're just going to have to wait and see what happens and also check to see if traffic really picks up on nearby streets like the embarcadero or mission street. so it will be interesting come next wednesday morning. >> well, kate, it always feels like any little thing that happens on a san francisco street, all the other streets around it get impacted when cars try to go in different directions. it's really tough. thanks, kate. so on abc7 news at 4:00 we spoke with a supporter of the car-free plan. larry beil asked him about the big picture. >> reporter: are you worried at all about unintended consequences? because this will certain shift the vehicles to other streets and then they're going to be all jammed up. >> not necessarily. we've seen in other cities, new york city, for example, did the same thing on 14th street and manhattan. all the predictions about the surrounding streets being gridlocked didn't come to pass. so i think people will either choose another mode or shift to streets where it makes sense to drive on. >> there are a lot of questions about what's changing on market street and why. go to the spread of the deadly and mysterious new coronavirus is widening. officials today confirmed a new case here in the united states. at least 1,000 infections have been reported globally, many at the epicenter in wuhan, china. chinese health officials say there have been 15 deaths in new day raising the death toll now to 41. the u.s. patient in a woman in her 60s from chicago who recently travelled to wuhan. it's the second coronavirus case in the united states. now cdc officials say she is in isolation in a chicago hospital. the patient flew back january 13th but was not feeling sick at the time. when she began feeling symptoms, she called her medical provider and was promptly sent to a hospital with infection control capabilities. she is now in stable condition. >> this is exactly what any potentially ill returning traveller from wuhan should do. call ahead and seek medical care. this patient's doctor's office appropriately asked about travel history and quickly put a mask on the patient, helping limit the potential risk of spreading infection. >> for the first time the virus has reached continental europe. health officials in france today confirmed three cases of the illness. in alameda county, several patients are being tested for the coronavirus. results are still pending, but so far there are no confirmed cases anywhere in the bay area. abc7 news reporter luz pena is in san francisco live where the department of health just spoke about preparation and response to this virus. luz? >> reporter: the coronavirus is still very new. and according to the san francisco department of public health, the symptoms of this virus are actually very similar to those of the flu. >> san francisco has had zero cases of confirmed coronavirus. >> reporter: san francisco's department of public health announced that it's prepared to respond to any cases. in chinatown, many are highly concerned and taking action. >> i just decided to put this on and, you know, just take preventive measures. >> reporter: this pharmacist says he's seen an influx of customers buying masks, even though there is no recommendation for the general public to do so at this point. >> we're selling out of masks. people are coming in for masks. we can't even order any more, and the regular -- just the regular mask we sold over 500. >> reporter: health experts confirmed that this virus is still very new and they're learning more details about it. >> but what we don't know is the full epidemiology since this has been a previously unknown, uncharacterized virus. we don't know the full extent about the spread. there does seem to be some person-to-person transmission. >> reporter: according to dr. phil at bay area residents are at low risk of becoming infected. nevertheless, this expert recommends you wash your hands, cover your cough or sneeze, and to stay home if you are sick. >> if they have traveled in the past 14 days and developed fever or respiratory symptoms or coughing or shortness of breath, please call your provider ahead of time. >> reporter: but this is not putting a dam damper on the new year's chinese celebration. the san francisco department of public health also confirmed that they're working with several hospitals around this region to be able to respond to any possible cases. in san francisco, luz pena, abc7 news. >> all right, thank you, luz. we will have rain this weekend and some people in the north bay may even see sprinkles tonight. christian is tracking a storm through saturday and sunday. >> a few spotty sprinkles have already fallen in the north bay. so what's coming our way for the weekend is a light storm ranking one on the storm impact scale. it'll start raining in the north bay tomorrow afternoon and evening and spread to other parts during the late night and overnight hours into sunday. starting at 8:00 tomorrow morning, it'll be mainly dry across the entire region with lots of clouds. but rain arrives in the afternoon in the north bay. by late tomorrow night, especially into sunday morning we will see a wave of steadier, more widespread rain. and i will give you a closer look at that and how wet it's going to be where you are in a few minutes. the san francisco 49ers are just two days away from taking off for miami for the super bowl. but before they go, one player today made a special appearance to meet the faithful. >> chris nguyen is live where one meet and greet just wrapped up. chris? >> reporter: yeah, that's right. it finished just before 6:00 tonight. a lot of excited fans out here at the dick's sporting goods. and at one point the line to get inside was wrapped around the building. in daly city this afternoon, members of the 49ers' faithful came from all over the bay to meet the hero of the nfc championship. >> it's a little bit of jimi hendrix, a little bit of captain jack sparrow. >> reporter: that dedication from the faithful not lost on star running back who signed autographs for hundreds of fans. >> the fans are unbelievable. and we're going to a special place. and i know that the fan base is going to be crazy down there in miami. >> reporter: dick's sporting goods held a pep rally for the 49ers complete with a live dj and multiple giveaways. >> the vibes have been incredible here. we have had super excited fans from the customers that are coming in to our teammates. everybody is a niners' fan it feels like. >> reporter: but the obvious highlight of the day, meeting mostert. >> i'd meet him again over and over again. just the best athlete i've ever met. just a really nice guy. >> reporter: a chance to connect in more ways than one. >> if they win the super bowl, i'm going to cherish these forever. even if they don't win, that's my team. i love them. >> reporter: dick's is also hosting other player appearances tomorrow in sunnyvale and san jose. i'm chris nguyen, abc7 news. well, today was our last chance to hear from the 49ers themselves before the team boards a plane for miami. >> and hear who's excited, who's nervous, and who's ready for the super bowl. >> they are in their first playoff run since moving to the new levi sta i work hard and i want my money to work hard too. so i use my freedom unlimited card. even when i'm spending, i'm earning 1.5% cash back on everything i buy. earning on my favorite soup... got it. earning on that eclair. don't touch it. don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. this one? nope. this one? no. let me get them all. i'm gonna get them all. it's just the basics. can you double bag this right here? earn 1.5% cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. can you also tell me what it is? chase. make more of what's yours. i'climate is the number 1ove priority.sage. i would declare a state of emergency on day 1. congress has never passed an important climate bill, ever. this is a problem that continues to get worse. i've spent a decade fighting and beating oil companies... stopping pipelines... stopping fossil fuel plants, ensuring clean energy across the country. how are we going to pull this country together? we take on the biggest challenge in history, we save the world and do it together. there it is. the niners' red and gold. it has been painted with the logos of both the 49ers and the kansas city chiefs for the super bowl. earlier this week the nfl 100th season logo was installed on the 50-yard line. then a pair of super bowl logos were painted on the two 25-yard lines. 6,000 people are getting the stadium ready for the grandest of events in american sports. now back here in the bay today, players richard sherman and george kittle were among those talking to the media before they leave for miami. hi, david. >> reporter: hi there. well, it's been a busy week for the 49ers. they've been here at levi stadium practicing every day. and of course as if they were preparing for a game this sunday. but on sunday they will be jumping on a plane and heading to miami where they will have a whole other week to practice. we got to check out their final home practice. if the niners have any secret plays up their sleeves, they are not revealing them here. we got to see them warm up and go through some drills. but we had to leave before they got to strategic plays they might use against the chiefs. >> you show them the looks and it doesn't always start that way, i don't think. but by the time you get to saturday night, i hope that we've given our players a plan that they're confident to do. >> reporter: shanahan even suggested there are no stored plays in the vault. but facing patrick mahomes, the 49ers' defense knows what they have to do. >> you want to consistently put pressure in his face, whether it's pressure up the middle, up the edge, you know, getting hits, and also getting sacks. so you just want to make them uncomfortable. you don't want to have them back there. because a quarterback like him when he has time to throw, he'll make you pay. >> reporter: so what is one of the team's strongest attributes? to be there for each other. richard sherman said the 49ers' strength is confidence. >> that's what allows great players to be great. that's what kind of hampers and keeps other players from being great because you either get confidence early and you lose it. and once you lose it, it's hard to find again. >> reporter: i asked coach shanahan how important is fans' synergy to keeping all the players fired up. he says he really has appreciated all the support he's gotten all season long. and he knows that that spirit will follow them to miami. we're live in santa clara, david lowie, abc7 news. >> this is the 49ers first playoff run since moving to santa clara. players with the san jose sharks spoke with abc7 news south bay community journalist dustin dorsy today wishing their neighbors the best of luck in the super bowl. >> reporter: logan couture is a massive fan. he will be cheering for a south bay counterparts, the san francisco 49ers, in super bowl 54. >> just a good game. that's all you can ask for. two of the best teams in the league in the finals and that's what you get. you get probably one of the best defense against probably one of the best offense. the niners can run the ball. >> reporter: while some players like jimmy garoppolo and emmanuel sanders are good, not all players have been to the games. he said the bright it's different. >> when you're going through it for the first time there are a lot of nerves involved. and you're doing all these interviews. you almost forget about the hockey part a little bit. but for us once the first game got a couple shifts in and you settle in, it's almost like any other game. >> reporter: each franchise has felt the pain of making it to the biggest stage in coming up short. don't take the moment for granted. >> i still look back on that year and that series, that run that we had with great memories. obviously, i wish it would've ended differently. the only thing is you don't have any regrets. you don't want to think about plays that you didn't make and plays that you left out. it's very difficult to get to the finals or the super bowl so you've really got to take advantage of it. i'm hoping the niners win. i hope there's some scoring unlike last year. so maybe like a 35-31 final would be nice. go niners. >> reporter: in san jose, abc7 news. >> now the 49ers have a team and so do we. abc7 news has a team of reporters going to miami to bring you all the sights and the sounds of super bowl week. we'll keep you up to date on the players and the fans. all the excitement. amanda even got a big send-off from a 49ers' lechbd -- legend. >> we're going to miami. [ speaking spanish ] >> and our digital team will cover the super bowl week on our facebook page, free app and at our live reports starts sunday night from miami. be sure to tune in. >> winning team all around. abc7 news -- that did not come out right. weather anchor. spencer christian. [ laughter ] is here with the forecast. >> you can say anchor. just don't say it with wankar. spotty sprinkles have moved through the north bay and are pushing out to the east bay and into the central valley right now. so dry conditions here in san francisco as we look down onto the embarcadero from our roof camera. it is 57 in san francisco. low 60s in oakland and redwood city. that is a nice view. enjoy it now because clouds are going to thicken overnight. there will be some fog settling in as well. we have temperature readings in the upper 50s. 60 degrees right now at concord and livermore. and here's a view of the golden gate bridge. that is the direction from which our next storm is coming. but at the moment it's still out to sea, or at least well to our north. forecast features we'll see areas of fog returning widespread overnight. a late storm arrives tomorrow night and continues into early sunday. and we will have a mainly dry and mild week next week. we still have a beach hazard statement until 11:00 tomorrow. large breakers are developing. there's a risk of rip currents and sneaker waves. so the coast line is not a good place to be right now, not a safe place to be. widespread fog will develop over partly cloudy skies. upper 40s to low 50s. and we will see some light showers developing far, far northern part of our viewing area. so, by afternoon tomorrow we'll see rain in the north bay with temperatures there only in the low 60s. it'll be a little bit milder in other areas before the rain arrives. mid-60s in fact in the south bay, the peninsula, and the east bay. the approaching storm is of "like" intensity. tomorrow the day starts with lots of clouds in the early morning hours but mainly dry conditions until afternoon when that first wave of light rain arrives in the north bay. then later tomorrow night and overnight we will see heavier steadier rain starting again in the north bay but then sweeping rapidly southward and eastwad during the overnight hours. and then early sunday we'll start to see some partial clearing. so, there is some good news for you, i guess. rainfall totals will generally be under 0.03 of an inch. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast after a weekend of rain and showers. we will get partial clearing late sunday and a mainly dry and mild week all of next week with the possible exception of a weak system that may sweep through the north bay late monday night and early tuesday producing light scattered showers. >> thanks, spencer. all right. of volcano in the philippines could erupt within days, possibly just hours. >> people are already taking action in the bay area. you will see the work can my side be firm? 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ummm... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah! (sarcastically) fantastic. earn 1.5% cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. chase. make more of what's yours. about finding good food ind have school.y so, when my wife kat and i learned california public school children couldn't get fresh produce in the cafeteria, we took action. we partnered with local farmers, school kitchens, a non-profit. that program now serves over 300 million healthy meals every year. the difference between words and actions matters. that's a lesson washington dc could use, right now. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. now, news to build a better bay area, from abc7. >> the white house and the state of california are butting heads once again. >> at stake here is potentially literally billions of dollars. the timing of the announcement comes as president trump became the first sitting president to address a march for life in person. >> this reporter tells us what sparked the administration to put california on notice. >> reporter: the state gets billions of dollars from the federal government for health care. now some of that money could stop. the department of health and human services issued a statement formally notifying california that it cannot impose universal abortion mandates. hhs says california is violating the amendment which says if the state gets federal funds, it cannot discriminate against a health plan that declines to coverage abortions. officials say by requiring abortions to be covered, california is violating that law. the federal government says it received several complaints, one from here the skyline church near san diego and another from an order of nuns of the holy spirit in los angeles. their attorney said the main message is the sisters feel they have a conscientious and faith-based objection to abortion, and they feel those rights were being discriminated against by the state government. planned parenthood said the trump administration's singling out of california's health insurance coverage requirements, just as california leaders and planned parenthood announced legislation to expand access is a direct attack upon california. >> young people are the heart of the march for life. >> reporter: the announcement was time to coincide with the march for life in the nation's capitol. president donald trump became the first president to address the marchers in person. >> nearly every top democrat in congress now supports taxpayer-funded abortion all the way up until the moment of birth. >> reporter: officials did not specify what money could be held back it. >> could include money for community health centers or medicaid health insurance. and they are giving california 30 days to comply with the law. i'm carlos grande, abc7 news. >> the president has become a champion at the anti-abortion movement, particularly in the courts when it comes to appointing judges. >> we're here for a very simple reason, to defend the right of every child born and unborn, to fulfill their god-given potential. >> reporter: march for life is an annual event held by activists that marks the anniversary of the 1973 roe versus wade supreme court ruling. thousands are expected to participate in the march tomorrow in san francisco. president trump's impeachment trial is going on in the senate. the democrats have been making their opening statements. and tomorrow the president's team is expected to start presenting its case. abc news reporters have been following these historic events. >> reporter: a new recording reportedly made in april 2018 and reviewed by abc news appears to capture president donald trump telling associates he wanted the then-u.s. ambassador to ukraine, marie yovanovitch fired. speaking to lev parnas, the now indicted associate of the president's personal attorney, rudy joule -- giuliani. he has pleaded not guilty. get her out tomorrow. i don't care. take her out, okay? do it. it was in response to parnas saying she's basically walking around telling everybody, wait, he's going to get impeached. just wait it. >> wasn't until a year later april 2019 that yovanovitch was recalled from her position. before heading into the senate chamber, the lead house manager reacted. >> if the president at the urging of giuliani or parnas or fruman, um, if this is additional evidence of his involvement in that effort to smear her, it would certainly corroborate much of what we've heard. >> reporter: the president and his team arguing. >> i don't think the president has made any secret of the fact that he had concerns about our ambassador to ukraine and wanted her replaced. >> reporter: back in the senate chamber, democrats continue to make their case that president trump obstructed congress. >> from the very beginning of this scandal, president trump has sought to hide and cover up key evidence. >> reporter: it is still unclear how the democrats' arguments are landing with those more moderate republicans they're targeting. many refusing to commit to democrats' push for allowing new evidence and witnesses until both sides conclude opening statements. >> i think the question is do we need more evidence? do we need to hear witnesses, do we need more documents? >> reporter: another moderate republican senator mitt romney saying the same thing. the arguments for the president's defense team followed by the 16 hours of senators' questioning isn't expected to wrap until the middle to end of next week. two-thirds of americans believe new witnesses should be part of the senate impeachment trial. on capitol hill, serena marshal, abc news. >> abc7 news will bring you live coverage throughout the trial. you can get all the updates on air, online, and through the abc7 news app. you can catch up on our new political series "chasing california" online. it's on the abc7 news app, youtube, and amazon fire. our first two episodes are about bernie sanders and michael bloomberg. a new episode drops on thursday with andrew yang. check it out. a criminal investigation is underway into a deadly explosion today in texas. >> was this a deliberate act? hear how neighbors are being asked to help figure that out. is it safe to get a flu shot at your local pharmacy? we live with at&t and we are well past the honeocupado tom. at&t, what's this i hear about you advertising a 100% fiber network? only like a fraction of my customers can get that. that's it?!? you have such a glass half-empty attitude. the glass is more than half-empty! you need to relax tom. oh! tom, you need a little tom time. a little tt. stop living with at&t. xfinity delivers gig speeds to more homes than anyone. i'climate is the number 1ove priority.sage. i would declare a state of emergency on day 1. congress has never passed an important climate bill, ever. this is a problem that continues to get worse. i've spent a decade fighting and beating oil companies... stopping pipelines... stopping fossil fuel plants, ensuring clean energy across the country. how are we going to pull this country together? we take on the biggest challenge in history, we save the world and do it together. at least two people are dead after this massive explosion at a houston industrial company. the owner of the facility said the blast originated from a tank containing propylene, which is extremely flammable. hazmat crews have stopped the moment. but at this .1 person is still missing. police are asking people to search their homes including for, horrifically, body parts. police do not believe the explosion was intentional but a criminal investigation, nonetheless, is underway. bayer is facing a fourth trial over allegations that its popular weed killer roundup causes cancer. today's hearing was postponed after a possible settlement of $10 billion. roundup is made by monsanto, which is owned by bayer. this is the first trial being held outside of california. california requires warning labors about glyphosate and several bay area residents battling cancer have taken on monsanto and won. the judge in each case greatly reduced the damages. all right. as we move on, we have some rain this weekend. but it will not be a washout. >> see spencer's forecast next so you can plan when to be outdoors and when to be indoors. in 2016 i warned thatt donald trump was a dangerous demagogue, and when the republican congress wouldn't hold him accountable, i went to work helping run winning campaigns in twenty-one house seats. it's time for the senate to act and remove trump from office, and if they won't do their jobs, this november you and i will. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. if you need a flu shot, does it matter where you go to get it? >> good question. "7 on your side's" michael finney joins us. >> look, recently i was walking through a store and i was asked is it safe to get a flu shot here? i said i'll find out. so here you go. we don't always get our flu shots in a doctor's office anymore. cvs, walgreen's, and other pharmacies are giving out millions of flu shots each year. but should they? and should you get one at the pharmacy rather than at your doctor's office? i'm at walgreens talking with lisa croone. she's a professor and chair of the department of clinical pharmacy at ucsf. here's what i was asked. i am walking through a store and the guy says to me is it safe to get a flu shot? >> it's a great question and it's absolutely safe and i would encourage anyone considering or needing a flu shot to go to their local pharmacy. >> reporter: she says all of her students are trained to do the job. she ensures me the flu shots themselves are identical. i hear the same from the mds i checked in with. i am further assured about their training also at cvs. they make sure their training is top notch and ongoing. >> they all have gone through what we call a cvs-approved immunization course neighborhood to immunize as well as a refreshment course that they do annually. >> reporter: we know pharmacists are medication experts, but now they are so much more. this isn't just a pharmacy. this is a medical center with pharmacists giving a variety of inoculations and keeping track of who should get what. and that's how i ended up here in this chair waiting for my flu shot. on tv we call this reporter involvement. but i want you to think of it as me being your guinea pig. ouch. [ laughter ] that didn't really hurt. i was just looking for sympathy. and by the way, i did not bleed. i did not get any symptoms. and that shot was more than a week ago. my doctors are busy and their time can be better used than just giving me a single flu shot. it works for me too because i'm cutting out the middleman. the cost of getting my shot at walgreens was around $40. my insurance company paid for the entire thing. no co-pay because i wasn't in the doctor's office. there's a good chance your insurance company will pick up the tab too. >> sometimes it's just hard to get into the doctor. >> and you can just walk in. and the convenience. >> i didn't have any symptoms this year either and i often do. >> and by the way, his courage was really -- [ laughter ] >> you're so brave. >> let's move on to the forecast. >> spencer christian is here with what's ahead for the weekend. >> here's how things look right now on live doppler 7. dry conditions at the moment. overnight we'll see increasing clouds and lots of fog, widespread fog, maybe even a few showers way up north around ukiah. overnight lows will be lhigh 40 to low 50s. look for highs ranging from low to mid-60s and then later tomorrow night the storm will spread. that storm ranks one on the storm impact scale, a storm of light intensity. heavier amounts in the north bay and in the hills. so here's the forecast animation. notice the afternoon starts to get wet up in the north bay. and then a wave of steadier heavier rain sweeps in late tomorrow night overnight into sunday morning and then sunday we have partial clearing in the afternoon. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast after weekend rainfall. we get a dry wield and a mild week next week. the only exception is the slight, slight chance of some spotty sprinkles in the north bay. otherwise dry week ahead. let's talk a little super bowl. >> i believe we will be doing that for the next week. wall to wall. so how much does experience really matter in the super bowl? richard sherman has been there, done that and won a ring. his thoughts on the importance of e we rso why not geternet the most out of it? introducing faster download speeds on xfinity internet tiers. and a smarter, more secure home wifi network. plus, you can get xfinity flex, a personalized streaming dashboard that puts all your favorites in one place. unleash the power of xfinity internet and get more value than ever. now that's simple, easy, awesome. get started for $34. 99 a month for 12 months and add a flex 4k streaming device on us. click, call or visit a store today. about finding good food ind have school.y so, when my wife kat and i learned california public school children couldn't get fresh produce in the cafeteria, we took action. we partnered with local farmers, school kitchens, a non-profit. that program now serves over 300 million healthy meals every year. the difference between words and actions matters. that's a lesson washington dc could use, right now. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. now abc7 sports with larry beil. >> good evening. richard sherman, he's been there. so has joe stale, emmanuel sanders. and the 49ers will be looking to win their sixth super bowl in miami. the chiefs haven't been to the super bowl in 50 years. though andy reid coached the eagles to a super bowl loss 15 years ago. he was the falcons offensive coordinator four years ago when his team famously blew that 25-point lead against the patriots. jimmy g. was the backup to tommy, but this will be his big start in the big game. he doesn't think that experience playing in the grand spectacle that is super sunday really matters all that much. >> it's overrated. before i won the super bowl, we didn't have any experience. now if you say at the super bowl you're going to play under different rules, there's 80-yard field, then cool, it'd be something to have experience doing that. but if the field's 53 1/3 whatever it is, if the field goal posts are in the same spot, then it's the same game. >> sherm's the best. he's not one of those guys that sits in his locker space and just talks to guys around him. he's always around. he wants to talk to everybody. and he doesn't really force knowledge on you. but he is an open book. he will sit there and talk football with you all day. >> and sherm will be talking for sure next week in miami. he is reportedly being traded to dallas. he tore his achilles. his production has really been kind of marginal. he was back with the team. stein really wasn't needed. warriors will get a second-round pick in this summer's draft. and willie will go to a playoff team. so a win/win situation. we have an iguadala situation. andre was on espn's nba countdown. he was asked if it was harder to guard steph curry or >> if there are referees involved i would not want to guard al iverson because you do not want to call fouls with steph curry. he shoots like two, three free throws a game. but iverson he knew how to get around the referees. >> he's right, steph never gets a call. hopefully he'll be back soon. baseball season not that far away. the a's are holding fan fest. we had a chance to talk with a's shortstop marcus simian on our with authority podcast. i asked him, jokingly, blink once if he knew the astros were cheating. blink twice if he had no idea. >> as we compete against these guys, you just think these guys are really, really good and they're beating us up. but i think at the end of the season we started to, you know, change up our signs and just be more cautious and we played well against them. and that's what we need to do against all teams because that's the landscape. but all i know is we play the game the right way and we are focused on getting better at that. and if we worry about all the other things, then, you know, we're not going to play as well. >> steph curry probably a month away from returning to the court. and last night he took part in financial game plan. that is a four-month program coordinated by the warriors. that young lady by the way was so shy. she felt great afterwards. but it's coordinated by the warriors and chase to educate teenagers on how to manage their money. the program outlines how to pay for college as well as saving and investing. by the way, the with authority podcast is available for download wherever podcasts are. >> thank you, larry. good luck on your trip. >> thank you. >> safe trip to miami. coming up tonight on abc7 news at 11:00. >> santa clara county in preparation mode for the coronavirus. and signs you see here are popping up in one north bay city discouraging panhandling. but city leaders say they have a plan to help those who are in need. coming up tonight on abc7 at 8:00, you can watch "american housewife." that will be followed by "fresh off the boat." at 9:00 stay two-hour "20/20." and jimmy kimmel at 11:35. finally tonight a few thoughts about what really matters. health officials in the united states and around the world are watching the coronavirus very closely. this dangerous respiratory illness was first reported in wuhan, china. hundreds of cases have been confirmed there. the first reported case in this country was three days ago in washington state. a person who had just arrived from wuhan. the coronavirus is actually a family of seven different viruses. five of them very common around the world and much less severe than the strain spreading now. the sars virus is the other more serious variant of the coronavirus. you may remember the worldwide outbreak of that strain which spread to 29 countries and sickened 8,000 people. 800 of them died. sars made a lot of headlines back then but doesn't even come close to making the top ten deadliest of diseases. that will likely be the case with this particular outbreak. most cases are not severe. what really matters, sensible precautions, of course, concern for global health. but no need for excessive worry about your own risk of exposure. i always love to hear from you. let me know what you think. follow me on twitter and facebook at dan ashley abc7. >> that is going to do it for this edition of abc7 news. you can look for news any time though on the abc7 news app. we appreciate your time. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley. have a nice evening. we'll see you later. i'climate is the number 1ove priority.sage. i would declare a state of emergency on day 1. congress has never passed an important climate bill, ever. this is a problem that continues to get worse. i've spent a decade fighting and beating oil companies... stopping pipelines... stopping fossil fuel plants, ensuring clean energy across the country. how are we going to pull this country together? we take on the biggest challenge in history, we save the world and do it together. ♪ this is "jeopardy!" please welcome today's contestants-- a data scientist from hatfield, pennsylvania... a middle school math teacher from lake oswego, oregon... and our returning champion, a slot floor person from san marcos, california... ...whose 2-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--alex trebek! thank you, johnny. welcome, ladies and gentlemen. quite often our end-of-the-week show on "jeopardy!" provides a little bit of extra excitement and suspense. let's see if it works out that way today with ashwin, heather, and john. good luck. here we go. ♪ now the categories. first off... that was a good year. a little bit of... we want you to name the author in this one... it's followed by... ...not vine, and finally... each correct response will begin with h-a, but will come after "haste" in the dictionary. - john. - 1984, $200. - john. - what is canada? - good. - 1984, $400. - john. - what is chrysler? - yes. - '84, $600.

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