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and that breaking news is another arrest has been made in connection with that hine s attack in san francisco's china town. vic lee tweeted just moments ago. >> video of the beating and robbery of walter wong just stunned china town residents. his friend was also attacked. in aoctober 19-year-old deshawn piercen was taken into custody in connection with that beating. one suspect is still at large. developing news in alameda county. people are coming forward afraid they've contracted the new coronavirus. it's happening all across the country. health officials are investigating people reporting symptoms in texas and tennessee. only one case has been confirmed in washingon state. in china there has been a sharp up tick in confirmed cases. health officials say there have been at least 25 deaths and 830 people sickened. the country is broadening its lock downs to cities outside of wuhan, the epicenter of the virus. taking a live look at sfo. it's one of five airports across the country currently designated as screening points. despite the lock down some flights from wuhan still were operating thursday. now with more on the coronavirus testing going on right here in the bay area tonight. kris? >> reporter: that's right. good evening, larry. good evening, ama. they're doing aggressive testing. that is what the public health officer at alameda county told me tonight. and they're looking at several cases already but none have tested positive. >> when we say we're investigating more than ten people. >> reporter: but dr. ericap pond did confirm some patients are being tested for the deadly coronavirus and that those tests are still pending. they've been sent to the only lab in the country that can detect the virus. the centers for disease control in atlanta. >> because we're doing all this aggressive testing if and when we detect our first case what our job to do in public health is make sure that person is isolated. >> reporter: so far more than two dozen people have died from the brand new virus that was first detected late last year in wuhan, china. with reports of cases coming in from around the world. texas health officials are now investigating a suspected case in a college student. >> the patient had wild symptoms and was improving so that's a very good sign. >> reporter: and at lax another man landing from mexico with symptoms is now being tested. >> the risk of a massive outbreak here in the united states is still considered to be low. >> reporter: the first confirmed report of the virus was confirmed this week in washington statement. he's now in isolation at a local hospital and being treat would a specialized robot to limit contact. >> i expect he'll recover fully and hopefully lead a normal life. >> reporter: in the bay area hospitals and health care officials have all been put on high alert. >> we are looking at no confirmed cases in the bay area, and we are receiving and screening and we have increased staffing. >> reporter: now, we do know that out bound flights from wuhan, china, have been canceled but we did not hear back from sfo to see if they're still screening any passengers. however, worth noting live from san francisco. back to you. new at in south san jose say vandals are targeting parked cars. >> neighbors believe bb guns are being used. amanda del castillo joins us live with the details. >> reporter: residents say it doesn't actually appear these crooks are taking anything, but they are leaving behind a big mess. we're talking shattered glass and possible bb gun holes, bad behavior neighbors want stopped. broken glass and a big headache, the work of vandals in south san jose. since saturday a few residents have found windows on their cars completely shattered. others showed evidence a bb or some type of projectile made contact. you can hear the frustration in his voice. he parked his car and woke up sunday morning to find his right rear window shattered. >> i went over next door and i couldn't tell you the exact number but there were at least 5, 6 other cars in the neighborhood that was hit. >> reporter: san jose reported incidents on vista park drive. in that same time posts next door reveal up to seven reports of damage to car windows. looking closely neighbors say these are bb gun holes. pd also responded to louis diaz says oftentimes vandals take nothing but they leave behind a big mess. >> i've lived here for eight years. it's happened twice. >> reporter: a second neighbor parked right next door had his red mustang hit. it's senseless vandalism that has residents very frustrated. >> it's too much. even just stealing packages and things like that, just leave us alone. >> reporter: neighbors say when possible they're now parking inside of their garages and also considering adding extra security cameras to catch any action. sfjpd says they have not made any arrests. new developments tonight. this is the man that the california highway patrol believes is responsible for a yearlong series of highway attacks in and around prunedale. 52-year-old charles was taken into custody. there have been 69 incidents of vehicles being hit by projectiles along highways 101 and 156 in the soleanas valley. he fired glass marbles at cars using a slingshot. >> very difficult case. so long as there's a break i think from here, our elected officials are able to tell it was a sigh of relief. >> the lau lafferty was acting alone. turning now to the presidential election. senator kamala harris may be considering endoing joe biden. they expect an endorsement won't actually happen until after the impeachment trial. harris dropped out of the presidential race since december, but sources say she and biden have stayed in touch. london breed endorsed michael bloomberg for president. she cited his record as mayor of new york city and his plan to, quote, improve the lives of of concern americans. reed will also serve on the first chair for african-americans for mike. the managers laid out evidence they believe supports their first article of impeachment, abuse of power. abc news reporter rachel scott with more from capitol hill. >> reporter: democrats laying out their road map insisting the president violated the constitution. >> no president has ever used his office to compel a foreign nation to help him cheat in our elections. prior presidents would be shocked to the core by such conduct. >> at the heart of today's argument the central question of abuse of power. >> president trump's improper withholding of military assistance was clearly done to pressure ukraine to announce the two baseless investigations, a gross abuse of power. >> hour after hour the house impeachment managers waving together their evidence, even using words from one of the president's key allies in the case against him. playing this video senator lindsey graham from the clinton impeachment trial. >> it doesn't have to be a crime. it's just when you start using your office and you're acting in a way that hurts people. you committed a high crime. >> reporter: the clip striking back against a core argument from the president's legal defense team that abuse of power is not a crime and in turn is not an impeachable offense. >> the actions of the president do not reach that level no matter which school of thought you're on. >> the president's lawyers ready for a counter punch are expected to begin their case on saturday. both sides facing the same challenge, keeping the attention of all 100 senators who have had to sit for hours. today some using fidget spinners and stress balls to stay occupied, others even sketching. that issue was punted until after opening statements and could hinge on a handful of moderate gop senators who would have to vote across the aisle. rachel scott, abc news, capitol hill. in the east bay tonight two congressmen who represent parts of the bay area hosted a town hall about the impeachment proceedings. the representatives were joined by a panel of constitutional scholars. their town halls have been wildly popular right now because people have a lot of questions about impeachment. >> it can be dry, it can be tradition and be confusing to people. so these town halls on this subject, i think they're very helpful in the feedback i get so people better understand the process. >> if you're interested has posted the full on his website. nearly 100,000 gallons of red wine spill at a north bay winery. the danger at a nearby russian river. san francisco's market street is going car free next week. what you need to know about the change. the big rush before the super bowl. >> i'm spencer christian. calm conditions now but we have a mixed bag of weather coming our way, some clouds, some sun, some precipitation. first a look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live right after abc 7 news at 11:00. >> if you don't watch, what's the point of having eyes? i have something special for you. please go ahead and be careful. >> what? >> can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it's the final days to save $1,000 on the sleep number 360 special edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 36-months. ends saturday. the apartment building where the fire was. when things like this happen, i think you find a new perspective on life. hi. red cross put us in a hotel so we were able to stay together. we're strong and, if we overcame that or if we can overcome that, we can overcome anything, so. [ sniffle ] in the north bay dozens of volunteers are keeping a close eye on the rushing river in sonoma county tonight after a massive wine spill. a 97,000 gallon tank sprang a leak wednesday. the winery is located in healdsburg. spilled wine poured into drains and vineyard ponds. once the ponds overflowed the wine made its way into a creek which flows into the nearby rusian river. >> we haven't had any reports of fish kills. it's going to kill some smaller insect type things that are fish food, and, you know, this could have been a lot worse. >> some of the wine was pumped out of the creek. there was likely millions of dollars worth of inventory was lost. major changes coming to one of sfrn's busiest streets next week. city crews painted new lane markers feeding onto market street. that is because starting on wednesday private cars will be banned from market between 10th and maine heading eastbound and stewart to van nez heading westbound. as you might imagine drivers and pedestrians are split on the changes. >> i think making san francisco more walkable is a really good thing. >> it's too hard to get around the city already how it is. >> i'm absolutely for it. >> why? >> it'll make market and san francisco so much safer. >> and it's not just about safety. the city is hoping the change will help speed up public transit. new developments if the 49ers win the super bell the parade will take place in san francisco, not santa clara. that's according to former mayor willie brown who spoke to the chronicle tonight. brown said he's not officially involved but he notes the contentious relationship the niners have with santa clara as why it will happen in san francisco. >> see who's going to pay for it if they win. in ten days the niners take on the chiefs. the niners have not won the championship since 1995. >> some fans have merchandise that's older than that. >> reporter: there's something special about sporting the old red and gold and having those items pass down through generations. >> the ones now you maybe get a couple of years out of them but you won't get 20. >> reporter: 49ers gear selling out fast even in vintage clothing stores. statx vintage has a cup of t-shirts and a handful of jackets left. down the street at held over their 49ers gear from the '80s and '90s is on full display in their front window. you don't have to sift through rails of clothing. they have all of their '80s gear in one section. i just purchased one of their last two jackets from the '80s and i'm excited. they range from $68 to $195. but a positive to shopping vintage, it's eco friendly. >> you have less of a carbon footprint. you're not shipping it. it's already here. >> lauren martinez, abc 7 news. >> that logo, that is iconic. >> you called spencer vintage earlier, didn't you? >> well, like wine he's a classic. he's a throwback as well but still going strong, right spencer? >> i sleep-in my wine cellar so i don't age too fast. here's a live view looking down to the city from sutro san jose, gil roy and a cool 46 at half moon bay. temperatures have dropped into the 40 we look across from our rooftop these are or forecast features. mild afternoon ahead for the next two days and our next storm will arrive over the weekend. beach hazard statement for rough surf goes into effect at 9:00 a.m. we have the possibility of dangerous rip currents and sneaker waves. overnight look for rather widespread fog developing under hazy skies with low temperatures mainly in the mid to upper 40s. and tomorrow hazy sunshine for most of the bay area but thicker clouds up in the north bay. still mild with highs in the low to mid-60s. and then comes the storm over the weekend. light storm ranking one on the storm impact scale. move in saturday into sunday with light rainfall. here's the storm animation. we're showing you this because there's going to be a little area of rain that make a dive and back up late tomorrow night. saturday is going to be dry until late in the day until that area pushes southward again through the north bay and other parts of the bay area overnight saturday into sunday. and by midafternon sunday we'll see the rain tapering off, and that'll be pretty much the end of it. so here is the accuweather seven day forecast. a mild day tomorrow and a mild start to the day on saturday. but as i mentioned rain will come in the evening hours continuing sunday until midday or so, then it'll get a little bit cooler but most of next week looks like. dry a slight chance of a weak system bringing some light showers on tuesday. but other than that we're looking at a dry and calm week ahead. >> thanks, spencer. >> he's a classic. on good morning america director todd philips talking wean air force veteran made of doing what's right,. not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it - 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[applause] the point is, with all your accounts you probably use a different photo for each one depending on who you want to be paid well, one of our guests today as the hosts of the mtv show "catfish", nev schulman, and the whole whole premise of that show is the trickery of social media. how you can pretend to be someone you're not to try to get someone you want. it never works

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