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Monday night, the impeachment showdown and former National Security adviser john bolton now revealing he will testify if subpoenaed by the senate. Mary bruce with late reporting. Panic in puerto rico tonight. Images coming in now after a 5. 8 earthquake. Aftershocks reported tonight with reporters on air. Ahh the fastmoving storm about to sweep into the east. It will effect tomorrows commute. Harvey weinstein in a new york courtroom then hit with new sex Assault Charges in los angeles. Two women, the same hotel. One night after the other. The catastrophic wildfires in australia. Ginger zee is there tonight. And the fight to save the koalas. And if youre a jeopardy fan, the category we hope youll ace. Good evening and its great to be back with all of you after the new year. And there is plenty to get to tonight. A very tense start to this new year, as tonight, american b52 bombers are now on the move and thousands of u. S. Troops are being deployed to the middle east, as iran now vows revenge. It all comes, of course, after the death of irans top military commander in a u. S. Drone strike, and these are the images tonight. Millions in mourning in the streets. The funeral procession in tehran today. Angry and emotional messages from the iranian people for the u. S. Irans Supreme Leader weeping at the funeral. Tonight, those calls for revenge and chants in Irans Parliament of death to america. Iran effectively now pulling out of the nuclear deal. Tonight, President Trump vowing to answer any retaliation with force. The president speaking of 52 iranian sites, including sites of cultural significance. And thousands of u. S. Troops, many already arriving in the middle east. You will hear from nervous families right here at home. Abcs chief Global Affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz leads us off from inside iran tonight. Reporter in iran today, an ocean of people taking to the streets. More than a million mourners, many dressed in black, grieving the death of general qassem soleimani. Numbers not seen since the funeral of an ayatollah in the 1980s. Soleimanis coffin carried high above their heads today. This procession so packed you can barely move, but the emotion is everywhere. People have a very strong message for america. They are chanting death to america. Others here burning the stars and stripes. Inside the funeral service, tears from irans Supreme Leader. And amid the grief, calls for revenge. Trump made a big mistake. He killed our hero. Revenge must happen and it is certain. Reporter what kind of revenge do you want . Anything. Reporter iran promises that is coming. Over the weekend, a red flag symbolizing a declaration of war raised above a mosque. This morning, the iranian government announcing they are suspending commitments to the 2015 nuclear deal President Trump walked away from months ago. Iran now abandoning limits on enriching uranium and stockpiling nuclear fuel. Members of the Iranian Parliament also chanting death to america. Officials saying retaliation would target the u. S. Military. President trump warns that if there is retaliation, he has 52 iranian targets in his sights. Some, he says, at a very high level and important to iran and the iranian culture. Targeting cultural sites is considered a war crime. Today, irans president firing back, tweeting, those who refer to the number 52 should also remember the number 290. The number of People Killed company the u. S. Accidentally shot down an iranian passenger plane in the 80s. Rouhanis message to trump, never threaten the iranian nation. So, lets get right to Martha Raddatz, who is with us live tonight from tehran. And martha, you and i have both reported from inside iran and the iranian people have often told us that they have felt the u. S. Led sanctions for years, but today, i noticed the crowds there with you noting something very different, calling for revenge. And the iranian government under tremendous pressure tonight to act. Reporter they are, david. The emotion was so high here today, david. We saw many people weeping. But it was mixed with anger and a real desire for revenge and anger clearly aimed at President Trump. David . Martha raddatz leading us off from tehran tonight. Martha, thank you. And as i mentioned at the top, the u. S. Military on the move tonight. Six b52 bombers are reportedly being relocated to the indian ocean tonight. And the first of nearly 4,000 new troops have already arrived in the middle east. And another Troubling Development tonight. The u. S. And nato this evening now saying they are halting the fight against isis for now to protect themselves. Abcs senior Foreign Correspondent ian pannell from inside iraq tonight. Reporter tonight, the faces of the Young American servicemen and women now landing in kuwait. 3,500 from the 82nd airborne. Part of a Rapid Deployment in the growing crisis with iran. This comes after the president s repeated pledges to end endless wars. The plan is to get out of endless wars, to bring our soldiers back home. Reporter the iraqi parliament, angry at the killing of soleimani on their soil, voting to kick u. S. Troops out of the country. Its nonbinding, but President Trump hitting back. After repeatedly sanctioning iran, hes now threatening to sanction the iraqis, too, saying, if they do ask us to leave, if we dont do it in a very friendly basis, we will charge them sanctions like theyve never seen before. And tonight, yet another new Troubling Development. With american troops fighting isis in iraq and syria, the u. S. Government and nato now putting a pause on operations so they can protect their own forces from danger. David, traveling to the iraqi desert just months ago, miles from the syrian border, to see the isis threat. I took note that when we were flying out here, you could hear the pilots talking about vehicles off in the distance, completely aware of really every isolated scene on the way out. Yeah, just a reminder that isis is still out there. Reporter tonight, anxious family members like 23yearold justus palkos cousin, worried for other members of his family. Extremely difficult for the family, but extremely difficult for his new wife and his mom. And so, lets get to ian pannell with us from irbil, iraq, tonight. With u. S. Troops pausing that battle against isis you speak of, i know theres real concern about leaving isis fighters now unwatched, not monitored in this very volatile region. Reporter yeah, i think thats right. This is a highly dangerous moment. If those extremists go on the offensive, the men like these isis prisoners here in northeast syria who said they would attack, well, now with american and nato troops standing to one side, there are only iraqi troops standing in their way. The last time thats happened, the caliphate emerged. David . A l were watching tonight. Ian pannell, our thanks to you, as well. And at the white house this evening, increasing pressure on President Trump, where is the evidence of the, quote, imminent attack, that the president and the administration used to justify the deadly drone strike . Tonight, the president was asked about the evidence and how he answered. Heres abcs chief White House Correspondent jonathan karl. Reporter amid rising tensions, democrats tonight are demanding the white house make public the intelligence they used to justify taking out qassem soleimani. Knowledge of the actions and justification should be shared with the American People in a timely manner. Reporter President Trump has declared soleimani was killed to thwart an imminent threat. Soleimani was plotting imminent and sinister attacks on american diplomats and military personnel, but we caught him in the act. Reporter but there are questions about just how imminent the threat was. In an interview today, conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh asked the president to explain why he ordered the strike when he did. Could you explain to people why what youve done here makes us safer, why it was necessary, and why what he did was right . He should have been taken out a long time ago and we had a shot at it and we took him out. And were a lot safer now because of it. Reporter but the president made no mention of an imminent threat. This evening, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff told reporters the intelligence was, quote, compelling, adding did it exactly say who, what, when, where . No. But he was planning, coordinating and synchronizing significant combat operations against u. S. Military forces in the region and it was imminent. So, lets get to jon karl live at the white house tonight. Jon, you know democrats say they should have been informed about plans to kill soleimani. The house now planning to vote on a war powers resolution this week to try to limit the president s ability to wage war on iran. And the administration is now preparing to brief congress on what exactly the intelligence was . Reporter david, on wednesday, there will be briefings for the full house and the full senate on that intelligence, but those will be classified briefings and closed to the public. Still unclear when the public will be told or even if the public will be told about the intelligence behind that attack. All right, jon karl, thank you, as well, tonight. Meantime, we do have new reporting this evening from africa, where three americans were killed in a terror attack there over the weekend. Al Shabab Militants overran a key military airfield in kenya where u. S. Forces are supporting african troops in their fight against terror. Al shabab posting these images of their flag next to burning planes. Six aircraft were damaged. Among the dead, Army Specialist Henry Mayfield from illinois, he was just 23. Also among the dead, two Defense Department contractors. And all of this tonight amid what could be a Major Development in the impeachment showdown. Former National Security adviser john bolton now saying he is prepared to testify in the senate trial if hes subpoenaed. So, lets get right to mary bruce tonight, live up on the hill. And mary, why did we hear this from bolton today . Reporter well, david, its unclear why bolton is making this move now. It does come, though, as hes writing a book. And sources tell us that bolton did try to give the republican leader in the senate a heads up, knowing that this surprise offer would shake up the impeachment fight here. Bolton has critical firsthand knowledge of the president s actions and his team says that he could testify to meetings and conversations with the president that have not yet been made public. Democrats here have been demanding to hear from bolton and tonight they feel that this offer strengthens their case for witnesses. David . Youre a veteran on the hill, mary. How likely is it that bolton will testify, that witnesses will be called . Reporter well, david, this certainly could increase the pressure on republican leader Mitch Mcconnell, especially if key republicans begin to say they want to hear from bolton directly. But so far, Mitch Mcconnell is not budging. While tonight, democrats say that refusing to call Key Players Like bolton amounts to a coverup. David . All right, mary bruce live on the hill tonight. Mary, thank you. And the other major news this monday night, that earthquake rocking puerto rico. The 5. 8 quake striking as people slept, damaging homes, knocking out power and threatening landslides. It is the latest challenge to the island, still reeling from devastating hurricanes two years ago. Heres abcs Victor Oquendo tonight. Reporter tonight, puerto rico rocked by a 5. 8 earthquake. In this neighborhood, houses cracked, shaken right off their foundations. Power poles snapped, stretching across the street. And look at this home, the top floor collapsed, pancaking both cars parked below. It was one of the strongest quakes to ever hit the u. S. Territory, causing small landslides on this highway. Drivers forced to avoid boulders during their morning commute. Officials say tremors have been hitting the area since late december. The quake striking at 6 32 a. M. Local time, less than ten miles off the southwest coast near the major city of ponce. A place we visited a few months ago, still so vulnerable, more than two years since maria. Rain coming, a lot of water. Reporter a lot of water comes right inside the house. More than 13 aftershocks hit today. Ahh reporter this station live on the air during one of them. Despite the damage, thankfully, no injuries have been reported. Officials say that people on the southwest side of the island need to remain on high alert. Puerto rico sits along the border of two techtonic plates so earthquakes are a way of life there. The best advice for anyone whose house was damaged, wait for an engineer to clear it before returning inside. David . Thinking about everyone in puerto rico tonight. Victor, our thanks to you. And we turn now to the fastmoving storm about to sweep into the east, set to effect tomorrows commute, and a new series of storms slamming the west. Meteorologist rob marciano tracking it all for us. Hey, rob. Reporter hi, david. Several systems racing across the country. Well start with the pulse thats going to bring snow in the morning, it will be in charleston, west virginia, roque know, d. C. By the evening commute. Temperatures kind of warm. So, mostly a slushy snow maybe accumulating on the roadways and getting into new york, as well. The west has been getting slam. Several more storms, three of them lined up for the pacific northwest. More rain and mountain snow there. The second one is going to dig down into the Intermountain West wednesday, thursday. Thats going to be the more potent one bringing in rain and i think two days of severe weather, both friday and saturday, for the south. And then eventually a wintry mix with some heavy rain into the northeast over the weekend. David . Rob marciano tonight. Rob, thank you. Harvey weinstein was in a new york courtroom today and then he was hit with new sex Assault Charges in los angeles. Two women there, the same hotel, one night right after the other. Heres abcs linsey davis. Reporter just hours after the former hollywood heavyweight hobbled into this new york courthouse for the start of his Sexual Assault trial this trial is to show the jury, the state of new york and the world that theres more to this than they would like everyone to believe. Reporter Harvey Weinstein slapped with new charges today in los angeles. The defendant used his power and influence to gain access to his victims and then committed Violent Crimes against them. Reporter the d. A. Accuses weinstein of raping one woman in her l. A. Hotel room, then, the next night, allegedly sexually assaulting another woman in a hotel suite. All just days before appearing here on the 2013 oscars red carpet with his pregnant wife. More than 80 women have accused weinstein of sexual misconduct, but his current trial involves only two alleged victims. Just outside, in the shadow of the courthouse i join these other brave women who were also harmed by Harvey Weinstein to say, we arent going anywhere. Reporter several of weinsteins other accusers vowing to not be silenced. The trial means so much to so many, but it will mean the most to the brave women testifying and to all of us silence breakers. Reporter prosecutors plan to call four additional accusers to try to establish a pattern of behavior. In the meantime, Harvey Weinstein has entered a plea of not guilty. He maintains that any sexual relationships were consensual. David . Linsey davis live in manhattan tonight. Linsey, thank you. And there is still much more ahead on world news tonight this monday. An American Family attacked in mexico, coming back from the holiday. The deadly shooting just south of the border. A teenager killed. Several others wounded. And what weve learned. The catastrophic wildfires in australia tonight. American firefighters helping. Ginger zee is there. And the fight to save the koalas. And the major jeopardy showdown is almost here. And tonight, the one category we hope youll ace. A lot more news ahead tonight. Stay tuned. So bob, what do you take for back pain . Before i take anything, i apply topical pain relievers first. Salonpas lidocaine patch blocks pain receptors for effective, nonaddictive relief. Salonpas lidocaine. Patch, rollon or cream. Hisamitsu. Stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate i switched to miralax for my constipation. The nerves in your colon. Miralax works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. And it doesnt cause bloating, cramping, gas, or sudden urgency. Miralax. Look for the pink cap. Fidelity now has zero commissions for online u. S. Equity trades and etfs. And fidelity also offers zero account fees for brokerage accounts, plus zero minimums to open an account. And only fidelity offers four zero Expense Ratio index funds directly to investors. With all of those zeros, there are zero reasons to invest anywhere else. Fidelity. So maybe ill win saved by zero so maybe ill win i am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Next tonight, american firefighters are now among those in the battle against those devastating wildfires in australia. More than 14 million acres lost. Homes destroyed. And now the overwhelming toll on wildlife. Chief meteorologist ginger zee is in australia tonight. Reporter tonight, no end in sight to the unprecedented wildfires consuming australia. Fire whirls spinning, a red haze so thick, these air force pilots forced to abandon their rescue mission. Our maggie rulli on the front lines. Weve been trying to get north for hours. These are the kind of conditions that were seeing. High flames on either side of the road. This highway is on lockdown throughout much of australia. The glass went molten in some places. Reporter helena wong and justin kam showing me whats left of their home. They barely made it out alive. The radiant heat burned the back of your shoes . Thats how close you were. We were actually still within the building when it started burning. Reporter families forced to take shelter on the coast. Navy boats their only connection to the outside world. The fires have scorched more than 14 million acres. Superimposed on a map of the u. S. , the scope of the disaster is clear. And from kangaroos to koalas, the impacts on wildlife have been devastating. Ive seen numbers that half the koala population have been taken out, is that true . Thats true. In certain areas, yes. Reporter scientists believe up to half a billion animals have died in these fires. Just horrific. And ginger is live from a command center in australia. And you were telling us, very alarming conditions expected later this week, ginger . Reporter yes, and officials just told me something very interesting, david. Theyve had rain the last 24 hours, but thats actually hindered their backburning efforts. That and extreme fire danger returns by the end of the week. David . All right, thank you for making the trip, ginger. When we come back, the American Family attacked in mexico, coming back after the holiday. I hahe power to lower blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. I take it once a week. It starts acting in my body from the first dose. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. 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Patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. Ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. Tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. Before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. Be in your moment. Ask your doctor about ibrance. To the index of other news tonight. An American Family attacked in mexico, returning after the holiday. Police say a 13yearold was killed and three other people wounded. The family was returning to the u. S. The shooting happening just south of the texas border. Authorities tonight say the highway where they were attacked is considered high risk. The names of the victims have not been released. And tonight, ikea now agreeing to a major settlement. Ikea says it will pay 46 million to the parents of a toddler who was killed when one of its recalled dressers toppled onto him in california. When we come back tonight, the jeopardy showdown is almost here and the one category we hope youll sweep. To take care of yourself. But natures bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and wellrested. Because hey, tomorrows coming up fast. Natures bounty. Because youre better off healthy. Natures bounty. When crabe stronger. Strong, with new nicorette coated ice mint. Layered with flavor. Its the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. For an amazing taste. That outlasts your craving. New nicorette ice mint. 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Im going to really have to be quick on the signaling device, i know, against these two. James and the buzzer and ken jennings knows its fresher for james. Hes done it more recently, but you know, less than half as long as certain people. Jennings famous for his recordbreaking 74game winning streak. Ken . What is iowa . Yes. And brad rutter, the top money winner. 4. 69 million. Who is vivian lee . Yes, indeed. Is he nervous . Its like riding a bike, you know. You get back up there. You never forget. And there is one category we hope all of you at home will ace. Look what they sent me today. The category called david muir covers the world. I hope i get it right. And right there calling the shots . Alex trebek, the true champion and no favorites. There are elements that favor each of the three guys. They didnt win all that money by accident. Kind of like that category. Tomorrow night, 8 00 p. M. Eastern right here. And im david muir. I hope to see you tomorrow. Good night. That breaking news is in oakland on 880. You can see a collision involving a big rig has shut down all northbound lanes of traffic. This is happening at 66th avenue. The truck has been in place for well over an hour. One car has serious damage. A tow truck is standing by to move the cars out of the road. Look at this backup from that. You saw that big rig blocking all those lanes. Drivers coming from east oakland are stuck in the backup. Traffic is slow in the south bound direction. Chp says there is no estimated time for reopening the freeway. This is going to take some time. We will bring you updates here on abc 7 as soon as we get any new information. That backup is four miles at least. No details on a crash in San Francisco. After a Parking Enforcement vehicle overturned on union street. A car carrying a group of auto burglary suspects hit the city vehicle around 4 30 this afternoon. Officers captured four people who ran from the car. We lernarned the officer is bei treated at the hospital and expected to survive. Car break ins, its a hot issue throughout the bay area. The numbers are going down in some places, people in one san jose neighborhood woke up to a trail of broken glass. Good evening. Thank you for joining us. Those diamonds in the street, car break ins are something all the bay area largest cities struggle with. Break ins rose last year. In San Francisco break ins were down 3 last year. Thefts and break ins were down in san jose. One neighborhood might beg to

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