Hitting my mom with this pipe thingy. She was sort of suffering. Mommy was yelling, run, charlie, run. Those were the last words she heard from her mother. What did the robber look like . He looked like my dad. But she said, it couldnt have been daddy. Because then who would take care of me. It was shocking. To hear that there was another person and we werent expecting it. There was a lot more to this story. He was going to set the house on fire with kelly and the children in the house . Thats correct. A coldblooded killer. A bizarre scenario about what really happened. She fought to her last breath to save their life. Reporter the Finger Lakes Region of new york state, known for its breathtaking scenery, lush wineries, and brilliant fall colors. Its just a nice, laidback community. Very easygoing, a nice place to raise kids. Reporter in the year 2000, a new game skated into town. The elmira jackals, a Minor League Hockey team. Yeah, hannah reporter bringing a fury of energy and excitement to the area. When the jackals arrived, it really gave the community, the town, something to rally around on those winter friday nights and saturday nights. Suddenly you had 4,000 people kind of going downtown. A lot of them maybe grab a drink afterwards. Jackals forward tom clayton knows how to get under his opponents skin. Reporter one of the big stars, number 18, Thomas Clayton. Hes looking to take his game to the next level. If you can get one of their top guys off the ice for two minutes, five minutes, you know, it gets that job done. Tom was chippy, aggressive. His job was to go out there and instigate trouble. He would slash other players, he would just try to get them agitated to the point where they would draw a penalty. He was an instigator on the ice. And now weve got a fight behind the play. It looks like he would start fights. Reporter here he is scrapping it up with a rival player. Clayton coming back at him. What do you want to do . You want to fight someone. Just like when youre a little kid and you just get so mad you want to fight, you know . Reporter cocky, animated and intimidating clayton helps to keep things in perspective. Reporter the hockey sensation would soon meet his match in kelley stage. Kelley was definitely outgoing, spontaneous. She cared about everybody. Fashionable. Crazy at times. Loyal. Sassy. Definitely sassy. Didnt put up with anything. Reporter a local girl, she spotted tom from the stands, says sister kim bourgeois. At a game is when she first saw Thomas Clayton. She thought he was cute. She went out that night to a bar after the game with her best friend. He was sitting at the bar, and i asked him, do you have a girlfriend . And he said, who are you asking for . I said, not me. He said, the blonde . Shes unbelievable. Reporter were they smitten with each other . Yes. Very. Very. He was known as a bad boy. He would have a harem of girls following him. Reporter what was it about him that attracted such attention . Tom was very goodlooking. He was smooth. Hed try to make you feel like you were the most beautiful girl in the room. Reporter the relationship grows serious quickly, and they marry in 2006. The following year, toms hockey career crashes when he injures his leg. He was looking to really try to put that behind and move on and start a family in the area. Reporter first with baby girl charlie. Hi. You gonna give a smile . Reporter and three years later, son cullen follows. Were they happy . She was very happy. As far as i knew, he was happy, too. She loved him. I know that my sister truly, truly loved him. And kelley, as a mom, was she having a great time as a young mom . She was a great mom. Very involved in both of their lives. Reporter tom is a successful businessman, owning rental properties and heading up a local servpro franchise. They do cleanup in homes and businesses after fires and floods. He was a fairly highranking operations manager. Were they doing well financially as a family . They started doing extremely well. During that time. He liked to show you how much money he had. He was obsessed with money, with gambling. They had purchased a home that kelley absolutely loved. She was so excited. Life appeared to be wonderful for kelley, tom, charlie, and cullen. Reporter that is, until one autumn night, after a night of poker, tom clayton finds something sinister has happened in his home. 911. Help me, help me. My wife, shes dead. Hurry. Okay, just stay on the line with me. How long has she been down . I dont know. I dont know. I just got home. Sir, you need to calm down so i can help you. Is she beyond cpr . Yes. Sir, why do you think she is beyond cpr . Just trust me. I was on duty, on patrol here in the east corning area at the time when the call came in. What do you hear . The call came in as a woman down, a medical situation. Reporter Steuben County sheriffs deputy dean swan gets the call that night. He drives me along the route to the family home in caton, new york. Caton is quiet. Its very rural. Its extremely dark. Lots of back roads, open fields. You really cant see much when youre driving there. What were you thinking . En route up there, something was wrong. I just had a gut feeling something was wrong. Reporter as he approaches the home, deputy swan switches on his new body camera. What youre about to see is realtime footage of the scene that night. Lets turn our red lights off since were close enough. When i pulled up to the scene, i saw a gentleman at the front door. I just started asking questions about whats going on. How are you doing . Im okay. Whats going on . Tom just came, im the neighbor. Tom just came and got me out of bed. He was pretty frantic . Yes. He was visibly shaken, very flustered, and he couldnt get much out. Okay, what happened, though . His wife his wife is in there. Okay. Reporter the deputy, a 20year veteran, enters the house looking for tom. Anybody else in the house, tom . Just you . I got the kids out. Theyre at the neighbors house. Reporter completely unprepared for what he is about to see. Okay, wheres she at . Whoa. Whoa. Okay. I knew at that point there was some sort of Blunt Force Trauma had occurred. I want you to have a seat. You dont need to see that anymore, okay . There was blood all around her body. She was bludgeoned to death. I could see blood splatter on the ceiling, on the walls. Yeah, theres blood all over. Shes been dragged. This was a homicide. Thats when i started to interview tom clayton. Tom, where were you when this all went down . Playing poker with my buddies. I came home and my daughter said there was a robber in the house and she saw them. Yeah, you got to chill out there, man. Let me see your hands real quick, man. You aint hurt or anything . Okay, good. Okay. Reporter tom, visibly shaking, is checked for weapons and bloodstains, and directed to the backseat of the squad car. Take it easy. Youre not in trouble. Just sit right there. Im going to leave the door open. Just sit right there. Relax. Weve got a crime scene. We have a possible homicide. Nobodys going in right now. Weve got to clear this house. Reporter deputy swan inspects the rest of the house. The intruder and possible killer could still be inside. I was afraid the robber could still be in the house. At that point i wanted to secure the scene. He said there was a robber in the house. I was calling on the radio for backup. Just cover me. Im gonna go upstairs. I gotta go up and clear it. Thats when i searched the home to make sure in was nobody there. Ive gotta clear over here. The kids rooms are over here. Theres blood in the kids room. Okay, kids rooms, this ones clear. Reporter as they search the home, guns drawn theres blood all over up here. Reporter the trail of evidence begins to tell a twisted story of its own. Im trying not to step on anything. Okay, clear. Lets get the hell off this. House is clear. Reporter when we come back, an allout manhunt for a killer. Theyre looking at footprints and tire prints. We had a dog that had tracked something out to the pond. Reporter next. Its like a friday night, where you made plans, but you and your bff change into sweats and finish the whole series instead. Two good greek lowfat yogurt. Slowstrained down to 2 grams of sugar. Because sometimes you just gotta do good by you. The 2 for 5 mix and match deal choose from some of your alltime favorites. Its time to celebrate. Because 2 for 5 mix and match is back. Ba da ba ba ba whether your beauty routine is 3or 57,. Make natures bounty hair skin and nails step one. Its the number one brand uniquely formulated for silky hair, glowing skin and healthy nails. Look for our coupon in sundays paper. 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Eliquis, the number one cardiologistprescribed blood thinner. Ask your doctor if eliquis is whats next for you. I got a female, mid30s, early 40s. Her face is completely beaten in. Husbands story right now, kids were home with mom. Husband is claiming he was out playing poker, came home, kids said, daddy, there was a robbery. Reporter 35yearold mom of two Kelley Clayton has been found bludgeoned to death in her own home in the secluded, picturesque community of caton, new york. Theres blood all over. Reporter its a grisly scene. Deputy dean swan is the first to arrive. Blood on the wall. A hole in the wall. Looks like a face plant in the wall. Pictures had been knocked off the wall. It appeared it started in the bedroom, came down the stairs. Where the victim was, in the kitchen. I believe it was an extreme struggle. She fought to the end. Were going to need all investigators. Homicide. Reporter awaiting backup, hes got a hunch. This was no robbery. I just want to make sure there is no forced entry anywhere else. I didnt see any. Did you see any . I didnt see any when i was in there. No marks on the door. The door was in pristine condition. There was no robbery. Everything was in place. It was a typical home, you know, there was nothing was out of place, nothing rummaged through. In the office, a typical desk with paperwork on it. Nothing on the floor, nothing like that, there was nothing. Reporter the deputys gut instinct tells him this is a domestic incident gone bad. Im wondering if he got domestic with her. She face planted. Boom. Then he puts her out in the kitchen. In her face, you can see how her face is beat in. Is there a suspect . Husband. That was the only one at that time who could be a suspect. I thought he was lying to us. I was not buying his story at all. Reporter he quickly begins questioning the claytons neighbor, derek almy. You dont know of any troubles between anybody here, him and her, or somebody else and them or anything . Not really, no. No domestics you know of in the past . Not anything. Was he upset . Oh, my gosh, indescribably. He said its gruesome in there. Did he have any blood on him that you saw when he first came over . Did he change his clothes ever . Here . No. No, okay. Reporter almy doesnt know it yet, but deputy swan is taking a hard look at his neighbor, tom clayton. Fidgety, anxious and muttering after the discovery of his wifes body. Im gonna [ bleep ] pass out. Well, sit down then. Come over here and sit down. You want to sit down somewhere. Sit down. Okay. I keep, i keep sitting down and getting back up. My daughter saw it. My daughter saw my wife. Okay. Reporter clayton has also called his sisterinlaw kim to break the news. My phone rang at 12 49. Kim. Kim. Kelleys dead. I said, what . Kelleys dead. And i just remember pacing back and forth. Pacing, like, what . I just couldnt make sense of it. And i remember getting clothes on, and i remember it was raining and it was cold. Reporter soon, relatives and friends are all alerted to the tragedy. I get up to her street, on her road, and i dont see any its pitch black. Country road, pitch black. No lights. Go over a hill, still black. Go over another hill and its lit up like christmas. Like, just tons of lights. Large family coming. Youre going to have to stop them. I just remember hearing kim screaming. Oh my god wheres my sister . I remember running to the ambulance expecting to find them working on my sister. And i am like, is my sister in there . Where is my sister . Where is my sister . Wheres my sister . Was tom distraught when you saw him . How did he appear . All i remember is that his head was down in his hands. I couldnt hear him. I also couldnt get near him. Reporter thats because Thomas Clayton, the once Minor League Hockey player who was used to instigate fights on the ice, is now headed to a different kind of penalty box. A Police Interrogation room. Something that ill never forget. Im backing out of the driveway, you know, trying to avoid all of the emergency vehicles. Clayton just kind of out of the blue says, well, youll know where i was, because my truck has a gps on it. Which obviously kind of threw a flag. I didnt ask you where you were yet. But he made sure he threw that out there. Reporter clayton makes a statement declaring, i did not hurt or kill kelley, then requests an attorney. Says the investigator. Was he wondering who could do this . Why somebody would do this . No, he wasnt. That was another thing that struck me as odd, is that he wasnt really concerned. He could mention not one suspect or possible suspect of who might want to harm his wife or his family. Not one person that he could think of that would want to do harm to them. Reporter meanwhile, an allout investigation is under way. You can see a very heavy Police Presence was there early in the day. Reporter police on the hunt for clues. Tire tracks, footprints, anything that might lead to the killer. We knew that someone had went out the back of the house towards the pond. We had a dog that had tracked something out to the pond. We eventually drained that pond looking for evidence. Reporter next, police get the ultimate lead an eyewitness. The claytons 7yearold daughter. She had seen her mother killed . She described kelleys last breaths. She was able to describe the weapon. Can you tell me what he looked like . He was wearing jeans, a black longsleeved shirt, and a mask. Reporter but who will she say is the killer . Stay with us. My skin is dry. Its always been dry. Ive tried everything. The 200 creams, the 400 creams. But, this jar works for me. 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Complete with dinner, drinks, and dead president s. This is where we play poker on monday evenings. Every monday at 7 00. Reporter among the regular players, Thomas Clayton, also known as hockey puck. Where did tom sit . Tom sat here the last night that he played. And i would be the bank over here. Was he good at poker . He was very good at poker. He was very lucky in the beginning at my house, for many, many months. And then, finally, it kind of evened out after a while. Reporter still a good and aggressive player, but not on that night. He was not playing as many hands. He wasnt spunky that night. Usually he jokes around. There was none of that. Reporter the game shuts down relatively early, about midnight, and the millers go to bed. At what point did you hear that there had been a tragedy at the clayton home . The next morning in the 6 00 range, theres someone knocking at the door. Reporter its an investigator with the sheriffs office. He says, you were at a poker game last night . I say, yes. He says, a guy that you know as hockey puck was here . Tom clayton. I go, yes, he was. Then he says, tom went home last night and found his wife murdered. It was like, whew. Reporter what were you thinking . You hear that kelley was killed . I was numb. I was like, i think he talked to us and i didnt even know what they said. They started asking all kinds of questions about the poker game, and what time it ended, what time it starts, and what his mood was, what was he wearing . Reporter the millers corroborate their friend tom claytons alibi, that he was at their home around the time of the murder. I said, theres no way. Theres no way tom could do anything like this. I said, theres no possible way. I said, youre looking at the wrong guy. Did you think the same thing as your husband . No way . Absolutely. Reporter but then police hit pay dirt when they find an eyewitness, tom and Kelley Claytons 7yearold daughter, charlie. She told me that a man was hurting mommy. Then she kept saying, he did this and he did that. So finally i said, how do you know its a he . And she said, because his eyes look just like daddys. And that was a chilling moment for me. Reporter a few hours later, sheriff jim allard brings charlie here. You are looking at a different kind of interrogation room. Still small, but soft seating. And on the table, toys. Well, charlie, do you know why brought you here today . Okay. Were gonna have to talk a little bit about last night, okay . Reporter in this video, 2020 obtained from authorities after it was played in open court, charlie described to investigators what she saw. You know what a truth and a lie is . Whats a truth . It means it really happened and a lie is that it didnt happen. Right. Right, very good. So what happens if you tell a lie . You can get in trouble. Establishing that the child knows right from wrong, knows the difference between a truth and a lie, knows that theres consequences to not telling the truth. Reporter then, in a matteroffact manner, still unaware her mom has died, she offers details of the attack. In the middle of the night, this guy came and started hitting my mom with this pipe thingy. Can you tell me more about that . There was blood everywhere. On my door, on the floor. Not on the carpet though. What did you hear . Like, my mom ran to the door screaming, charlie, charlie, charlie, charlie. Run, charlie, run. Those were the last words she heard from her mother. Its one of the most haunting things ive ever heard from a parent to a child. I saw the robber, like, hitting her until she was on the ground. She was sort of suffering. Like, and i tapped her with a hockey stick. Then i hugged her leg. Reporter charlie says after she saw the robber leave through the garage, she ran to her Little Brothers room to protect him. But most interesting to investigators is her physical description of the intruder. Can you tell me what he looked like . Like, he was wearing jeans, a black longsleeved shirt, and a mask. Okay. What did the robber look like . He looked like my dad. And why do you say that . How did he look like your dad . The mask and his jeans. She said that he had on a mask like what daddy wears when hes hunting. How about the size of him . Was he a big, big guy or was he a little guy . The size of my dad. I said, well, is he fat like me, or is he thin . And she said, hes just like daddy. Everything was just like daddy. Every question i asked her related back to daddy. And then she looks at me. She goes, but it couldnt have been daddy, because then who would take care of us . Did the robber say anything . He probably didnt say anything cause what if it was my daddy . We could, we could recognize his voice. I observed no deceit in the statements she gave. I believe it was true in her mind when she told it. It was chilling. There was no emotions. I dont know if it was she was still in shock. It was just breaking my heart the entire time. Reporter the 7yearold then turns the table on police, asking them a question. Its about my mom, but, like, where is she at . You know, we, you know, we need to find that out for you. That was not the time or place for her to learn that. She needed to be with family. Reporter it appears to police that charlie is pointing the finger at her own dad. But how could he be in two places at the same time . Next, a new lead takes police in another direction. Tom had to fire a couple guys from his work, from his job. Reporter a new man emerges. Someone had an ax to grind with him. Reporter and a surveillance camera captures a glimpse of Kelley Claytons killer. There was a lot more to this story. Reporter stay with us. Im your mother in law. And i like to question your every move. Like this left turn. Its the next one. You always drive this slow . How did you make someone i love . That must be why youre always so late. I do not speed. 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But the investigation continued. It was determined shortly after tom was arrested that there was a lot more to this story. Reporter kelleys family cant believe her husband could have done it. They point police to michael beard, claytons longtime employee. If tom didnt have any work through servpro, he always had him up at the house doing stuff. Cutting down wood or whatever. Reporter beard had recently been fired. Could he be holding a grudge . There was an initial check at his residence just as a followup. He didnt know anything about anything and indicated that he had nothing to do with any part of this. Reporter investigators are stalled until they get a lucky break. Remember lucky miller, who with her husband greg hosted that infamous poker game the night kelley was killed . Well, she now recalls a strange request tom made that night. Wait a minute, he asked to use my phone. And i look at the phone, im like, im looking to see the past when he called and theres nothing. Reporter no evidence of a phone call . Nothing. Shes yelling at me and shes shaking like this. And i go, then he deleted them. And she goes, you can delete phone numbers . Who hides evidence . You only do it if you really have something to hide. Reporter the millers pull up their phone bill online. And, sure enough, at 10 53 p. M. , a pair of calls to an unfamiliar number. Lo and behold, that phone number comes back to michael beard. Reporter police want to talk to beard again, this time bringing him here, the state police barracks, and put him in this hot seat. Polygraph chair . Polygraph chair. Thats the same chair he was sitting in. Reporter how did he handle the polygraph . He denies all involvement in it, and he was deceitful. Reporter while michael beard, the hardworking handyman, is failing the polygraph test miserably, his livein girlfriend Holly Barrett is speaking her truth. Holly tells investigators that tom had offered michael 10,000 to basically burn his house down. My boss came into the interrogation with that information, said, michael, we know about the 10,000. And beard looks down and then he looks up, and he finally gives uphe whole story as to what had happened, placing himself at the crime scene. He did it at the direction and request of Thomas Clayton. Reporter it is a surprising twist for investigators. Beard making a full confession to murdering Kelley Clayton as another job for his boss. He didnt even get any money upfront. I mean, he was going to go do this on the promise from tom clayton that hed be paid 10,000. Reporter in a transcript of his confession, beard reveals details of the plan, saying, he wanted me to go to the house, kill kelley, then light the house on fire. He said the kids would be at her sisters house. There was also gas in the garage. He wanted the cars to burn also so that he could collect insurance money. When asked why, beard said, i needed the money. He was supposed to set the house on fire. Why didnt he do that . I think the homicide itself was more brutal than he anticipated. He said in his words that he got scared. Reporter stunningly, it appears to police that clayton had a secret plan he didnt reveal to beard. He was going to set the house on fire with kelley and the children in the house . Thats correct. This is a coldblooded attempt to remove your own wife and children from this earth. Reporter beard agrees to show police where he got rid of the murder weapon. Hes driving 225 south, and throws it out the window. Reporter when day breaks, search teams find this in a wooded area. What appears to be a yellow stick, its actually the handle of a sledgehammer. There was a piece in the house that matched the handle found off the side of the road here. So you knew that was the murder weapon. Correct. Reporter it seems like michael beard left a lot of breadcrumbs around town. Police are also able to locate keys to the clayton home tossed into this creek. And they recover michael beards clothes from the night of the murder, dumped in this swampland. Bloody clothes . Yeah, they had blood on them. It was her blood . Correct. Beard was then arrested for murder, and now the focus shifted from Thomas Clayton doing the crime himself. Now it became a murder for hire. Beard confesses to the murder, tells them where the murder weapon is, tells them where the bloody clothes are buried, but adds the critical detail, the reason he did it was because tom clayton offered him 10,000 to kill his wife. It was shocking to hear that there was another person involved in the murder of Kelley Clayton. We werent expecting it at all. So your sister has been brutally murdered, and now your brotherinlaw is being charged. How did you even begin to fathom this . You cant. So this person who you stood up for to marry your sister, is, now you find out, a monster, a sociopath. The fact that he planned and calculated this entire plot to have my sister killed made it 100 times worse. Reporter next, Thomas Clayton and his handyman face off in court. Tom, did you do it . Reporter then one makes a stunning move that threatens to derail the entire case. This case really became all circumstantial. And now they have a mess. Reporter stay with us. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Now, theres skyrizi. Things are getting clearer, yeah i feel free to bare my skin yeah thats all me. Nothing and me go hand in hand nothing on my skin thats my new plan. Nothing is everything. Keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months. Of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. And skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. I see nothing in a different way and its my moment so i just gotta say nothing is everything skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. 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Purple ribbons now dotting the community, a poignant reminder of the young womans murder. The Purple Ribbon represents Domestic Violence awareness. So the more and more we saw that around town, the more and more we thought that this was a case of Domestic Violence. You want me to walk with you . They will see Purple Ribbons, and theyll say, oh, purple for mama, purple for mama. Everywhere we go, look, thats for mama. Reporter but no ribbon more prominent than this one, on the arena marquee of Thomas Claytons former hockey team. Only one man in town seems upset at the outpouring of support Thomas Clayton, now out on bail. He calls me. He did not mention losing his wife and the situation with his children. What he had mentioned to me was that jail sucks, and how can we put that ribbon up on our building . At no point did he seem like a grieving husband. Reporter especially since he continues his now all too familiar trips to area casinos. Thats where he spent the entire time he was out on bail, was going from casino to casino. Reporter and who does he run into his former poker friends greg and lucky miller. He was, like, screaming, lucky and i turned around and he was, like, arms out. Im, like what did you do . Im like, hi. And hes, like, hi, lucky. Im so sorry. Im so sorry. He goes, i didnt do it. Reporter were you frightened at all . I was terrified. Here, i thought i was getting away, out of town. Reporter more than a year after Kelley Claytons murder, her accused killer, michael beard, is finally on trial. Opening statements began in the murder trial of michael beard. Reporter in a shocking aboutface, he takes the stand and makes a stunning declaration. Michael beard recants his confession and offers up a bizarre scenario about what he says really happened. That, yes, he was at the scene, but he was there to burn down the house for insurance money, and that the killer, the real killer, was actually there, and he saw him. Reporter beard now makes an outlandish claim that kelley is already dead when he walks in the house. And just like 7yearold charlie, he sees a man who looks like Thomas Clayton. He then hands you the weapon. You run out the door. You dispose of the weapon. Like, you have got to be kidding me. Even though michael beard had changed his story, the prosecution still had hard evidence against him. They found kelleys blood on his clothes. He led them to the murder weapon. And his dna was found inside the clayton home. Reporter after a tenday trial, michael beard is found guilty of murder. We got it. With beards confession, prosecutors are thinking, weve got an airtight case here. Then he recants, and now theyve got a mess. Reporter remember, beard would have been the star witness. The only one directly linking clayton to the murder, says special prosecutor weeden wetmore. This case really became all circumstantial. We dont have a smoking gun. We have to build our case piece by piece. The man accused of killing his wife in their caton home back in september appeared in court today. The courtroom was packed every day to see the biggest story in our area. Tom was cool, calm and collected every day when he walked into court. You would never realize that he was on trial for his wifes murder. Reporter that could be because clayton knows the case against him isnt a slam dunk. But prosecutors believe they have an ace up their sleeve. This man, sy ray of zetx corporation, a former Police Officer who mapped their cell phone movements. We were able to show that beard and clayton were together at certain points when they shouldnt have been, unless one looks at the homicide, and then it becomes all clear. Reporter most telling, a pair of phone calls made on the day kelley was killed. The first from a used car lot. There was an incoming call to michael beard from m m auto. M m auto has never called michael beard before. Reporter it isnt the dealership calling, its actually clayton. We can actually put his device in the parking lot of m m auto when this call was made. Reporter and then, hours later, clayton makes a second call to beard from someone elses phone. Yep, lucky millers, at that poker game. And this is basically the go call. And that immediately sets things into motion. Beard shortly after that phone call drove out to claytons home and committed the murder. We were able to use the records and show the two parties coming together, separating, conversations between the two of them, and lay out the conspiracy to commit the murder, leading up to it. There was no evidence as to the content of those calls and sy rays testimony was skewed in trying to make much more of those calls. Its a pattern that clearly shows michael beard and Thomas Clayton did this together. Reporter but what remains missing is motive. Why would Thomas Clayton want his wife dead . What did you begin to learn about your brotherinlaw that you didnt know . Claytons secret double life revealed, next. Mornings were made for Better Things than Rheumatoid Arthritis or Psoriatic Arthritis. When considering another treatment, ask about xeljanz xr, a oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis or active Psoriatic Arthritis for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. It can reduce pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra can increase risk of death. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. 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This was a shock for everyone. Testimony from one of the women who claims to have had an affair with Thomas Clayton. The women, the multiple affairs that he was having right under kelleys nose. My nose. I never heard of an affair, ever. Up until that moment we thought that tom and kelley had this loving, almost perfect relationship. And here we find out he was cheating on his wife, even telling one of them that kelley was a he had mentioned to me that divorce was never going to be a possibility because she would take him to the cleaners, his words. Its a distraction. The question is not whether tom had affairs. The question is, did he do this crime . Reporter prosecutors present no evidence of any Cash Payments made by clayton to beard in a murderforhire scheme. Theres no direct proof that tom clayton engaged in a plot with beard to kill kelley. There was no record of any payment. There was no record of any agreement to pay. Reporter the trial spans over seven weeks, and now the former hockey players fate is in the hands of the jury. In my mind, it could have gone either way. Reporter after only six hours of deliberation, a verdict. We broke into programming immediately. Breaking news out of Steuben County court. Thomas clayton, guilty on both first degree and Second Degree murder charges. There was a tremendous amount of emotion in that courtroom. We obviously were ecstatic with the outcome, because we felt we had accomplished justice. I truly believe that this is one of those rare moments. And i emphasize rare, where the jury got it wrong. We did it we did it. Reporter family members immediately broke out in tears and in cheers, and left the courtroom extremely happy, but still emotional. I told my sister from the night she was murdered that we would not stop fighting for her, we would not stop fighting for justice for her. Its been a long haul and im sorry for his family. Im sorry for all of us. No one won in this. No one did. This case was a puzzle, and they put together the pieces in a way that was convincing beyond a reasonable doubt. Reporter at his sentencing, Thomas Clayton is given life without parole. He was very angry. He gave a very long, profanitylaced statement saying that michael beard was the perpetrator and that he was innocent. First and foremost, im extremely proud and honored to call thomas my son. Did the children want to say anything to their father . Charlie actually wrote a letter on her own. That she loved her mom. She loved her dad. But that her dad was a coward because he made michael beard kill mommy. Was michael beard a victim of Thomas Clayton . I believe that Thomas Clayton was a white privileged man. He used michael beard. Michael beard would do just about anything for money for his family. Reporter along with kelleys family, so many lives in this small community, now forever changed. Do you still play poker here . No, we havent played poker here since that evening. We dont play here anymore. Not the same anymore, huh . Correct. So this table is basically closed . Done. As tragic as this was, to hear such a loved member of the community was murdered, at the end of the day, there was two kids without their mother and their father, taken away from them. Kelley spent a lot of time here. And kelley would also bring her children here. Reporter kim and her mom take me to this treasured bench placed in a local park in kelleys memory. When you come here i feel comfort when i come here. Cullen calls it my mommys bench. Yeah, my moms bench. Reporter as you raise them, what do you want them to know most about their mother . Her unconditional, unmeasurable love that she had for them. I want them to know that she fought to her last breath to save their life. What an amazing sacrifice from that mother protecting her child. Thomas claytons latest appeal was denied. Hell serve life in prison without parole. 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