Giuliani, allegedly involved in efforts to investigate joe biden taken into custody while trying to leave the country as the president delivers vicious attacks on his democratic rivals overnight at his first rally since the start of the impeachment inquiry. Breaking news, missile attack. An Iranian Oil Tanker struck off the coast of saudi arabia. The explosion, the latest amid heightened tensions between tehran and the u. S. Horrifying crash. Boxing champion errol spence jr. Losing control speeding into oncoming traffic. Flipping his ferrari over. The latest on his condition this morning. Abc news exclusive. Ronan farrow here live with new details from his bombshell book. The Rape Allegation against matt lauer, his claim that nbc news told him to pause all reporting on movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. The interview only on gma this morning. And unstoppable. Simone biles dropping the mic, the unbeatable gymnast soaring to new heights. Unbelievable capturing a record fifth world allaround title and even surprising herself. The greatest every time you see simone biles, you just have to shake your head. Good morning, america. Hope you all are doing well this friday. Big show this morning, including the First Television interview with ronan farrow here live in the studio, of course, the author of that compelling new book, catch and kill, with those explosive allegations about matt lauer and Harvey Weinstein. That interview coming up. That is a huge story. We are going to begin with that growing fire emergency in california. Multiple blazes breaking out across the state, fastmoving fires shutting down major highways and destroying homes. Looking live at the kabc chopper flyi over los angeles county, and matt gutman is on the ground in porter ranch, california bringing us the story. Good morning, matt. Reporter good morning. This is incredibly dangerous. I want you to see this fire down below. Its engulfed this entire valley. Weve been here for about 25 minutes and seen hundreds of acres consumed in this entire area. Thats the san fernando valley. Millions of people live there. The wind blowing at 30 miles an hour. And watch the embers being whipped around. All around us there are fires in the hillsides being completely engulfed by this wind and the embers that are going up, and just minutes ago we saw Police Officers going door to door telling people to get out and get out now. The scene this morning apocalyptic. Firefighters rolling in, many engulfed in curtains of smoke. Their hoses not enough to douse this inferno. The hellscapes fueled by winds gusting up to 60 Miles Per Hour. Watch how quickly the wind whips this smoke on to a major freeway, gridlocking rushhour traffic as thousands were forced to evacuate. This family cutting it close. Cant even see. Lets get the hell out of here. What you dont want to do is get trapped in Something Like this. Reporter narrowly escaping the encroaching flames. Overnight we went into that trailer park where so many homes were still ablaze. Sounds like a machine gun is going off in there. Those pops . Thats ammunition inside the house. Firefighters here are absolutely overwhelmed. Theyre trying to prevent this fire from spreading farther and save these other homes just across the way. Police later declaring it a crime scene. It may be hard to make out what that was, but it was somebodys car. This was their truck. This was a trailer, and behind me was an entire neighborhood, all gone. Children at a nearby school sheltering in place cowering as the windstorm brought the fire dangerously close. Jack bradley spiriting his daughters out of there. I take off on foot because im not taking no for an answer. Im getting into the school. Got my daughter, got a couple other kids with her that i know and got them out of there. Reporter massive destruction despite unprecedented precautions. Utility companies shutting off the power to millions in california ahead of that critical fire weather. But that trailer park fire started when a trash truck caught fire. The trash load was dumped off to the side of the road, ignited the vegetation and then obviously the fire spread from there. Reporter because this fire has been moving so quickly and you can see those embers just in a tornado behind me, firefighters and police just havent been able to assess the damage. Right now theyre still going door to door. You can see them right behind us, but they havent been able to assess how many homes are destroyed and whether or not any people have been harmed in this, but clearly this will go on for some time. This isnt going away any time on. Matt, you mentioned the wind which makes it very hard to fight these fires. Could you elaborate on the wind conditions out there . Reporter you know, i dont have an exact number of how fast they are, but the way the wind is swirling, michael, down in this canyon and through these ridgetops, its got to be 35, 40 miles an hour, and theres nothing that firefighters can do to stop that. These embers are going miles into the air and, again, everywhere in that direction completely consumed by smoke, a curtain of smoke. Im standing in fire. Should probably get out of that. Everywhere in that direction are hope homes. So were bound to see more homes catch fire, and hopefully nobody will get hurt in this and everybody is evacuated. Just, excuse me, like they were asked to. We dont need you to get hurt either. Take care. Dont stand in fire. That is always key. Thank you, matt gutman. George . We will stay on the story. The latest on the impeachment investigation and the arrest of two associates of President Trumps personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Theyre men he was working with to investigate joe biden in ukraine and were taken into custody as they were trying to leave the country with oneway tickets. Our chief justice correspondent Pierre Thomas has all the details. Good morning, pierre. Reporter george, good morning. There are serious questions for the president s attorney who also happens to be one of his most vocal allies. Those arrests are placing white house scrutiny on Rudy Giulianis investigation and serious questions about the company that giuliani has been keeping. Theyve been described as associates of the president s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, men allegedly deeply involved in giulianis efforts to investigate the dealings of joe bidens son in ukraine, moving through the corridors of power seen here with the president at the white house, at a table with his son don junior and in this photograph with giuliani. But this morning the two men born in the former soviet union are accused of secretly and illegally funneling foreign money into american politics. The defendants broke the law to gain political influence while avoiding disclosure of who was actually making the donations and where the money was coming from. Reporter lev parnas, originally from ukraine, and igor fruman, born in belarus, are in alexandrias jail arrested by the fbi at Dulles International airport outside washington trying to leave the country. They were about to board an International Flight with oneway tickets. Reporter some of the alleged Illegal Campaign contributions coming from russia with more than 300,000 from the men going to a Political Action Committee Supporting President Trump. The president saying while he took those photographs, he doesnt know the men. I dont know. Maybe they were clients of rudy. Youd have to ask rudy. I just dont know. Reporter prosecutors say the men were not only scheming to use foreign money to influence election, will you they were also trying to get the former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine, marie yovanovitch, fired from her post. The other person who wanted yovanovitch out, Rudy Giuliani, who has said he was frustrated by her efforts to block his investigation of Vice President biden. Yovanovitch was eventually removed from ukraine. Shes the ambassador specifically mentioned in the call between the president and the ukrainian president. Trump calling her bad news and cryptically adding, shes going to go through some things. George . Shes scheduled to be speaking to the House Committee this morning and so far the state department not blocking her. Reporter thats right. Shes scheduled to appear. She could be blocked at the last minute by the state department, george. We just dont know yet. Pierre thomas, thanks very much. Cecelia . Another big day on capitol hill. President trump is using this impeachment to fire up his supporters. Overnight the president holding his first rally since that inquiry began. His sharpest attacks and some vulgarities levied against his democratic rival joe biden. Take a listen. He was never considered a good senator. He was only a good Vice President because he understood how to kiss Barack Obamas [ muted ]. [ cheers and applause ] all right. So lets bring in our chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl at the white house. Jon, polls show a majority of americans now support impeachment. The president seems to be feeling the heat there. Reporter cecilia, it was quite a performance last night. The president spoke about this impeachment inquiry in almost apocalyptic terms saying that democrats and the radical left were trying to destroy american democracy and looked at his supporters and said what they were trying to do is erase your vote like it never existed. You played one clip from how he went after joe biden but went on and on in deeply personal ways talking about biden and his son hunter using the kind of language that most people would not let their children use. The white house said its not going to comply with the investigation on capitol hill. That is not stopping democrats from issuing subpoenas, including to the energy secretary. What i count 11 different among subpoenas in the past week to state department officials. Perry, they want to talk to him and get information about his dealings with ukraine. The question now is how hard will the Administration Work to block the testimony of various officials. As pierre mentioned, ambassador yovanovitch who is a central figure expected to testify this morning. We dont know if there will be an effort to block here. Thanks, jon. George . Lets bring in dan abrams for more on this and take a step back coming up on the third week since the story broke and have subpoenas to so Many Administration officials, the impeachment investigation proceeding, but now this criminal investigation as welcomed with the arrest of Rudy Giuliani associates. These are two associates who were effectively Rudy Giulianis boots on the ground in ukraine and theyre now indicted on the very crime that congress is investigating in the very place that congress is investigating. Campaign finance violations in ukraine. So thats what theyre charged with. Rudy giuliani has got to be nervous here because the investigation is ongoing. Thats what the u. S. Attorney said yesterday and Rudy Giuliani used to have his job. Absolutely and, look, also the fact that the last lunch these guys had was with Rudy Giuliani. They were not planning on unsealing this indictment, the u. S. Attorney wasnt. They felt they had to do it suddenly because they felt that these guys were leaving the country with oneway tickets and they needed to do it now and needed to do it fast. So the question becomes did someone tip them off about the possibility of an indictment . You also had one report that Rudy Giuliani was also going to vienna the next day which is where these two gentlemen were going. Absolutely. So there are all these factors that have to be examined here. And, you know, theyre going to both be following the money and theyre going to be following the political favors, meaning who wanted what and why did they want it . You look at this indictment, and it tells you what theyre accused of. It tells you the efforts to try to influence politicians including a 325,000 donation. Where did that money come from . Right. Where did the money come from . Why were they hiding it and going to such Great Lengths to hide that money and circumvent the Campaign Finance laws . So these are all questions that are going to be examined and theyre not the sort of questions that Rudy Giuliani wants to be associated with. And examine both in criminal forms and in congress. Exactly. Dan abrams, thanks very much. Michael . Thank you, george. Now to the escalating tensions in syria and the assault by the turkish military. There are unconfirmed reports of hundreds of kurdish fighters already killed. Thousands trying to escape the growing warfare with kurdish fighters as the Trump Administration denies allowing the attack to happen. Ian pannell is on the ground in syria with the latest. Good morning, ian. Reporter yeah, good morning, michael. From Northern Syria and just look at the scene. Were seeing people piled high with their belongings, families fleeing the front line which is just down the road. This region isnt on the brink of a humanitarian crisis, its now in the middle of one as turkey ramps up its aerial and land bombardments of civilian areas. Overnight the turkish assault on Northern Syria escalating. Booming explosions heard through the night. Turkish air strikes and artillery fire aimed at the kurds. Turkishbacked militias seen firing their way into syrian villages and turkey saying the incursion will not stop until socalled terrorists are neutralized. Those suffering the most are the people who call it home, tens of thousands on the move trying to escape. We met this woman and her family stranded by the side of the road trying to flee. She says they left after seeing people including children targeted in turkish strikes. [ speaking Foreign Language ] she asks, why did the americans flee . A passing pickup truck, their only way out. We watched her and her family escape and with nowhere else to go they say theyll sleep in the desert. Some Kurdish People blaming President Trump who they feel gave the turks permission for the attack by ordering u. S. Troops out of the area. The president now suggesting he might use economic sanctions in an effort to mediate a new deal. I mean, just look at the scenes here. Youve got this truck piled high with women, with children. They dont know where on earth theyre going to go. Weve been talking to some of the refugees and what theyre saying, why isnt america helping us . Its only in the civilians in the area. Please america come to our assistance. One man adding we used to be allies against isis. What happened . Cecel cecelia . They certainly have so many questions there. Okay, ian, thank you. Five people have been hospitalized after being stabbed at a Shopping Center in manchester england. A man has been taken into custody. A man was seen running around with a knife lunging al people. Were going to switch gears uncomparable simone biles making history at the world gymnastic championships and rewrote the record book twice this week capturing a fifth world allaround title and grabbing her 22nd career medal. I dont know how you pick it up from here, t. J. Im going to say, have at it. She said look for me she would sound arrogant. Im so good, i dont know how i do it. Shes in awe of herself and shes won every competition since 2013 and guys, its not enclose. Yep, that was a little mic drop from simone biles at the end of her floor routine and why not . Unbelievable. Reporter the history books are already littered with her name. The new one, the biles two on floor twisting double. Reporter made history again at the World Championships. Double twisting double back. The height just takes your breath away. Reporter it wasnt even close. From vault to uneven, beam to floor. Her 16th World Championship gold medal, 22nd world medal in all. Reporter the reigning olympic champ was unbeatable and earned a fifth allaround world title. How can that be easy for anyone . It is for her. Reporter the 48 giant won by 2. 1 points, a blowout by gymnastic standards and largest margin of victory in her career. Sometimes i wonder how i do it. I feel like its not me. I wish i could have an outofbody experience to witness it because sometimes i think im going crazy. I dont know how i did that. Reporter biles is hoping to carry this momentum into next year for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics where she could make history again by becoming the first woman in half a century to win backtoback olympic allaround gold medals. Anybody else that would sound arrogant. Its cute and accurate when she says were out of superlatives. She has not lost since 2013 an allaround competition, up to 21 straight now that shes done. Its just unreel. If anything deserves a mic drop it is her. For sure. Thanks, t. J. A lot more coming up including ronan farrow. He is here live off his explosive new book catch and kill. New details on those Rape Allegations against matt lauer and his claim that evers told to pause his investigation by nbc news. Thats all coming up. Lets go back to ginger now. In california those winds, the high wind warning goes until at least 3 00 p. M. You have offshore winds. The humidity around 5 , extreme fire danger all the way to just east of san diego. Also a blizzard warning, dont travel, especially i94 up there. Going to be a problem in north dako dakota. Record october snow for several cities. Your local weather in 30 second, first the Weekend Getaway forecast sponsored by capital one. The book is catch and kill. Ronan farrow here live when we come back. Have been caught sleepingers on breakfast. We have rehydrated egg on our faces. This isnt who we are were not plasticsealed, breakfastcompromise people were mcmuffin people. Were freshcracked, sizzled and toasteduntil golden people its time to come back to the breakfast table. Mmhhmm. Its time to. Wake up breakfast with mcdonalds. At pthe style is yours. The moment is elegant indigo. Now save 25 on all Indoor Dining furniture. Visit pier 1 or pier 1. Com today to save. 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Good morning. Im kumasi aaron from abc7 mornings. The pg e shutoff is almost over. They are working to restore power to more than 300,000 customers still in the dark. At the peak it affected 700,000 customers across the state. Today, the blue angels will be performing three shows starting at noon, and the blue angels are expected to fly at 3 00 this afternoon. Always a goods show and a lot of traffic to watch them, too, so give yourselves lots of extra time so you dont miz it. A couple of accidents have been cleared. Northbound 101 in san jose with a slow recovery there. In marin county, south of alameda and dell prado we had an accident that pushed off to the shoulder, but the traffic is stacked beyond highway 37. You know when youre at ross and your new fall look just keeps Getting Better . Check this out thats yes for less. Score a headtotoe look youll love and save 20 to 60 percent off Department Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. And you get first dibs on that brand. At that price . Thats yes for less. Seriously, get the fall brands and styles you love and save 20 to 60 off Department Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. Now an accuweather update from abc7 mornings. Good morning. Hazy out there, and the view from mount tam, and 56 in the city, and 54 in gilroy. This is san jose and 34 in santa rosa. The upper elevation winds gusting to 24 Miles Per Hour. The Oakland Hills and tout the north. So still an offshore component. The air quality is less than ideal due to the smoke and still a red flag warning up to the north bay and toward lake county and the Sierra Nevada through 10 00. Kumasi. Thank you, lisa. Coming up a abc exclusive its been reported that theres a cyberattack on business every 39 seconds. Ouch. I dont even want to think about it. Comcast business has a solution. We go beyond fast with a cloudbased Security System that automatically updates, so you always have the latest protection. Phishing. Malware. Risky sites. 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Nearly 2,000 homes evacuated in los angeles as those strong wind gusts up to 60 Miles Per Hour are fueling that danger there. Also right now, breaking news overnight, an Iranian Oil Tanker struck by missiles off the coast of saudi arabia. The explosion, the latest attack amid heightened tensions between tehran and the u. S. Take a look at this horrifying crash. Champion boxer, errol spence jr. Losing control of his ferrari flipping over. Dallas police say he was driving at a high rate of speed. The boxers representative says he is awake and no broken bones. Hes expected to make a full recovery. Thank goodness for that. We turn to that new book from ronan farrow. Catch and kill documents farrows report on the Harvey Weinstein scandal and accusation of rape against matt lauer. He is here for his first broadcast interview about the book that already generated heated denials from matt lauer and nbc news. Linsey davis starts us off with the details. Good morning linsey. Good morning, george. His bombshell reporting earned ronan Farrow A Pulitzer prize. Now in his new book he names names and reveals sources into his investigation of Harvey Weinstein. It reads like a hollywood script. A highstaking game of whackamole where they allegedly worked clandestinely to ruin reputation and intimidate whistleblowers. Reporter in ronan farrows upcoming new book catch and kill, the Investigative Reporter details what he said were powerful attempts to stifle the reporting that ultimately sparked the explosive scandal that helped spark the me too movement. In august of 2017, farrow says he thought he had enough of a story including secretly recorded audio of weinstein provided by an alleged victim willing to be named, ambra gutierrez. Yesterday was kind of aggressive for me. You touched my breast. Oh, come on. Im used to that. Reporter farrow also said he had an accuser in shadow, anonymous corroborating witnesses and believed he could convince some accusers to go on the record. But instead of airing the story or encouraging more reporting he writes he was told by nbc News Executives to pause on all reporting, cancel interviews and according to farrow nbc news president Noah Oppenheim commented whether weinsteins comments on the tape were even news worthy. I dont know what it proves. He is trying to get rid of her. Harvey weinstein grabbing a ladys breasts a couple of years ago, thats not national news. Farrow kept going. Ultimately taking his reporter to the new yorker magazine and farrow says he was told by Noah Oppenheim saying, right now we cant run with it. Go with god. His story won a pulitzer prize. In a memo, chairman andy lack maintained when he presented his reporting he didnt have one victim or witness on the record saying farrow simply didnt have a story that met our standard for broadcast. Then with the me too movement in full swing, another stunning fall. Good morning, breaking news overnight. Reporter matt lauer fired for what nbc said was sexual misconduct. The former nbc employee behind the complaint, Brooke Nevils spoke out to farrow for the first time accusing lauer in graphic detail of raping her in a hotel room while at the 2014 sochi olympics on assignment as meredith vieiras producer. In an open letter, lauer adamantly denies the allegation saying it was mutual and completely consensual and calling nevils a fully enthusiastic and willing partner going on to have several more consensual sexual encounters at his new york city apartment and his offi at 30 rock until ending what he called an affair. Farrow says nevils acknowledges the encounters and this week she responded to lauer saying the statement was classic victim shaming and saying the shame in this story belongs to him. An nbc spokesperson told us matt lauers conduct was appalling, horrific and reprehensible as we said at the time. Thats why we fired him within 24 hours of us learning of the complaint. Our hearts break again for our colleague. George . Okay, linsey, thanks. For his first broadcast interview the author of catch and kill, ronan farrow. Thanks for being here. Thank you. Lets start with that denial from matt lauer. He detailed an angry denial and calls your story categorically false and this was a consensual affair, the accusation of rape is defamatory designed to sell a book. In the book we include his exact thinking without violating any ground rules. We had strict rules about what we could reveal about what conversations we had with many of the sources in the book. The thinking of every person against whom a serious allegation is made is did you talk to matt lauer . Again, i cant answer specific questions but can say matt lauers thinking presented in this letter is in the book and i think this young woman, this journalist, Brooke Nevils presents what i found to be a persuasive sponge. The facts of her case backed by documentation and eyewitnesses suggests that there was an encounter here, that she consistently has described as nonconsensual and says regardless of what happened before and after and how he interpreted it she said no to a physical act. If he or his allies were to say you didnt fact check those claims . Extensively factchecked as with everything in the book. Lets go into how nbc handled this as well. They say they first learned about this in november 2017. Matt was fired. We just saw that, within 24 hours. Heres what andy lack said any suggestion we knew prior to that evening or tried to cover it up is false and offensive. And that theyre saying they did something as soon as they knew. So, this is an important point, george. This is not what the reporting in the book suggests. We spent several years reporting this out, extensively factchecking it. What we show in this book with the paper trail with documents is that there were multiple secret settlements and nondisclosures being struck with women at nbc. Those were after the fact, werent they, the two nondisclosures . Nope. Years before. Over a period of six to seven years. A period in which nbc on matt lauer . Any settlements. There were several nondisclosure agreements, and multiple were with matt lauer accusers years before this incident with Brooke Nevils and the firing and i spoke to Senior Executives who were told about those earlier incidents. With matt lauer . Indeed. They definitely know . When they say the first they heard about any allegations with matt lauer were after the fact, after november 2017 . Ill let the facts in the book speak for themselves but i think this is difficult to believe when you look at the documents and records. Did brooke or her attorneys use the words rape or Sexual Assault when they went to nbc . Were careful about laying out exactly what happened and what she said to them. She unambiguously described a rape or Sexual Assault. She was not ready to use those words like many trauma victims and her attorney did in case like this where someone complain, asked a clear series of questions that elicited answers without any doubt said this is nonconsensual and even stopped the proceedings to say this was nonconsensual, we want to be clear. The other big allegation in the book, nbc preventing you from finishing your reporting on Harvey Weinstein. They said its not. I have to write my own book to show how ronan farrow willfully distorts our interactions. Their basic story is they said you didnt meet their standards. Im confident in the reporting in the book and let it stand on its own. The point here is not that we did, indeed, have multiple named women in every draft. We did indeed have a taped confession from Harvey Weinstein. The point is that they ordered a hard stop to reporting. They told me and a producer working on this that we should not take a single call and that we should cancel interviews. The question for years has been why because every journalist at that institution didnt understand why and i think the book answers that question. This was a company with a lot of secrets. Is their point bolstered by the fact it took another seven weeks to get it in shape for the new yorker. Thats inaccurate. If you lay out the timeline, it was briefer than that. There was a month where the new yorker greenlit the story and goat it out as quickly as humanly possible. The argument is not that there was no room to grow but that they halted reporting and this explains why. That is the big question, why. You lay out the suggestion that Harvey Weinstein was blackmailing nbc news. Multiple sources do say that and the way in which thats framed is very careful. All of nbcs denials are in the book. We factchecked for many hours with them. That said, it is indisputable based on the evidence in this book that there was a chain of secret settlements at this company that were covered up with victims of harassment and assault. Some of them about lauer. Some about others in the company. This was a pattern. It was concealed from journalists there, and, george, thats bigger than nbc. Its bigger than these executives. These are not highly public figures. The reason this reporting was important is because this is a pattern in media, in law, in politics, institutions that conceal abuse of this type let people get hurt, and thats something we should care about it. Did they allow it because they were afraid information about matt lauer was going to get out . Thats what the documents in this book suggest. Ronan, stick with us. Well have more on Harvey Weinsteins attempts to intimidate you and the spying on you. Thats when we come back. Thanks, george. Thanks, george. You wanna see something amazing . Go to hilton instead of a travel site and youll experience a whole new range of emotions like. The relaxing feeling of knowing youre getting the best price. Thesell work. The utter delight of free wifi. Oh man this is the best part. Isnt that you . Yeah. And the magic power of unlocking your room with your phone. I can read minds too. Really . Book at hilton. Com. If you find a lower rate, we match it and give you 25 off that stay. Expect better. Expect hilton. vo imagine a visibly healthin 28 days. Purina one. Natural ingredients in powerful combinations. For radiant coats, sparkling eyes. Purina one. One visibly healthy pet. Try new Digestive Health with probiotics for dogs. So, to breathe better, i started oncedaily anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. 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No thank you. Geico could help you save on homeowners and renters insurance. Hey, shaq. Its a 30 second tour. No man its like. Now its 26. Welcome aboard. Ocean skyride. Mini golf. Relax relax relax you take this man to be your husband . I do. Married. No time for basketball. Pool. Carnival. Choose fun. And were back with the author of catch and kill lies, spies and a conspiracy to protect predators. This is ronan farrow. I want to get into the subtitle, lies and spies. One thing you document is this dark world that Harvey Weinstein entered to intimidate news organizations from reporting on him including spying on you. Harvey weinstein hired former Mossad Agents with the firm called black cube who in turn hired contractors who surveilled me, tracked me, built dossiers on both me and survivors of alleged assault by Harvey Weinstein to try to squash this story. A friend told you you had to think about buying a gun. I was told by sources to buy a gun. I moved out of my home and heres the thing, i say all this and report it in detail not to be woe is me but to illustrate the threats to the free press in this country. We are at a moment where powerful people are able to subvert the media, law, and the free press and that is a threat to our democracy. And around the world the stakes are even higher, journalists get killed for reporting stories. Its got to stop. We have to protect this precious institution. It has not stopped potential witness, people have stories to tellthrowing things ov ur transom . I have a lot of sources coming in all the time and im so grateful for that. Im able to tell the story which is ultimately an uplifting story. Theres a lot of dark but also a lot of brave people coming forward and saying, enough, this has got to stop. Thats why i can tell this story. Im so grateful sources keep coming my way. One of the striking things in the book is youve been approached by dozens, that might even be understating it, women who have been through sexual harassment, Sexual Assault and they tell you about what life is like before, during and after. The book is very much about the story of the sources. Some are survivors of horrific violence. Some of them are people like some of the spies who followed me who turned into whistleblowers and that transformation is a dramatic story. This book is the product of years of meticulous reporting and factchecking but its also a narrative where i have to be personal and vulnerable about the things that happened to me and the sources are personal and vulnerable about what happened to them. I am so grateful to them and everyone who passes a lead to me. Its an amazing and compelling read. Thanks for coming in. Thank you, george. Michael . Thank you, george. Compelling it is. Everybody, stay right there because when we come back, we have our play of the day. 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Why one mom says small amounts of marijuana might make her a better parent. Stay with us. Gmas Concert Series sponsored by carmax. Onna be a sn your car, it has to mean something. That you got into college. Or crossed the finish line. Eventually. What . That you went someplace worth going. Or maybe. You have opinions. But if its on there, it has to mean something. So we make sure this means something. That weve done everything to make your shopping, testdriving and carbuying experience the way it should be. Carmax. You cant fake the goodness the crunch of real almonds the taste of real raspberries we use real ingredients because you cant fake. Delicious special k this is the family who wanted to connect. To go where they could explore and experience adventure in unexpected places. Who were inspired by different cultures and found that the past can create new memories. Leading them to discover were woven together by the moments we share. 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One mom is confessing why she believes small amounts of marijuana allow her to be a better parent. Your local news and weather is coming up next. You know when youre at ross and your new fall look just keeps Getting Better . Check this out thats yes for less. Score a headtotoe look youll love and save 20 to 60 percent off Department Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. Aaddiction. How juuline hooked kids and ignited an Public Health crisis. Other news outlets report juul took 12. 8 billion from big tobacco. Markets ecigarettes with kid friendly flavors and uses nicotine to addict them. 5 million kids use ecigarettes. Juul is following big tobaccos playbook. And now, juul is pushing prop c to overturn ecigarette protections. Vote no on juul. No on big tobacco. No on prop c. And you get first dibs on that brand. At that price . Thats yes for less. Seriously, get the fall brands and styles you love and save 20 to 60 off Department Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. Sglo good morning south bay. Lets get up and get going. This is abc7 mornings. Im kumasi aaron, and lisa argen has forecast. Good morning. Temperatures ranging from north bay to 50s to 60s at the coast due to wind elevation. In the upper elevation breezy and off shore and the morning warning flags have been lifted except for lake county. Moderate air quality and hazy skies due to the surrounding fires. Looking at sunshine with the temperatures warmest today. And 76 for you out of the city and 76 in san jose. In san mateo things are bumper to bumper across the span for a 40minute drive from east bay to the peninsula. Earlier accidents on northbound 101 at story road is cleared, and we are starting to recover there a little bit near oakland road as well. All right. Thank you. Coming up next on gma, diane sawyer with more of her interview with Julie Andrews getting candid about her marr good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Wildfires erupt in the west. Residents trying to flee driving through the blaze. I cant even see. Lets get the hell out of here. Dozens of homes destroyed. Major freeways shut down. Winds gusting up to 60 Miles Per Hour. Firefighters btl the fla re live on the screen. New this morning, microdosing moms. The single mother who says using small amounts of marijuana helps manage her pain and anxiety. Why she says it makes her a better person and parent. The hills are alive only on gma, Diane Sawyers oneonone with Julie Andrews the beloved star opening up about her marriage, their secret struggle and the strength it takes to do it all. We are family home sweet home. Meet the family of four who adopted four more. How theyre going above and beyond to make sure foster care siblings can Stay Together and get ready for one of our biggest surprises ever. Do the twostep and cowboy boogie blanco brown is here live performing his viral hit as we say good morning, america. To the left now and dip lean back lean back with your hips. Thats right, good morning, america. Happy friday to all of you. Thank you guys for watching . We are already dancing back, leaning back with our hips. I cant even were so excited about the weekend. Blanco brown is performing the git up, his megahit inspiring a viral dance challenge. We start with breaking news out west. Multiple blazes erupting across the state shutting down major highways. Lets go back to matt gutman on the scene. Reporter obviously a kinetic situation in southern california. Firefighters on the other side of this shed are trying to put out this fire. You can see the smoke billowing. This was burning for a good 20 minutes before they got here. We watched it happen. Not much to do to save this house. Theyre so overwhelmed in this part of southern california. The wind has died down pretty significantly. Thats what was fueling all these fires here in southern california. We were at a trailer park earlier about 90 miles away from here. Dozens of homes burned right to the ground. From the damage we saw it was enormous. Firefighters gaining a good handle on this. Thousands of people evacuated. Earlier we saw Police Officers going door to door to ensure that people left because these fires have been moving so incredibly quickly, consuming thousands of acres of vegetation in just a few hours. At this point an untold number of homes. Firefighters have not been able to assess the number of homes destroyed or how many people injured. Guys . We have a lot of news to get to this morning, including the latest on the impeachment investigation and the arrest of those two associates of President Trumps personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. Want to go back to our chief justice correspondent Pierre Thomas. Reporter today there are serious questions about the company Rudy Giuliani has been keeping. The two men helping giuliani investigate the biden ties to ukraine arrested wednesday as they were attempting to leave the country with oneway tickets. A source telling us they had just dined with giuliani hours earlier. The two men accused of secretly slipping more than a Million Dollars in foreign money into u. S. Politics including cash from russia. They face federal charges in new york. Right now theyre in alexandria jail pending transfer. Likely bail will be set at 1 million, with gps trackers and passports taken. George . That investigation is continuing. Thanks very much. Coming up weve got an exclusive interview with the legendary one and only actress Julie Andrews, what she has to say about her first onscreen kiss. Diane sawyer is here with their very personal conversation. Plus, Edward Norton and Gugu Mbatharaw are here live. Theyre starring in motherless brooklyn. Lara, what is going on upstairs . All about the git up. Blanco brown here to perform. This is his song that inspired the viral dance craze. Were going to dance on good morning america. Dont go anywhere. Gmas morning menu sponsored by u. S. Bank. Bank. My dbut now, i take used tometamucil every day. Sh it traps and removes the waste that weighs me down, so i feel lighter. Try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. [narrator] 10minute tasty chicken tacos. Step 1 chop stuff. Sfx upbeat music sfx beeping step 2 do stuff. Sfx goat sound step 3 eat stuff. Sfx goat sound now you can cook a healthy dinner in minutes. Meet the new instant family. Instant pot. Sfx beeping dinner. Done. Thanks to move free ultra i keep up with this little one. See the world with this guy. And hit the town with these girls. In a clinical study, 4 out of 5 users felt better joint comfort. Take the ultra challenge. Try move free today. I used to book my hotel room on those traalways a catch. Here was like somehow you wind up getting less. But now that i book at hilton. 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Start maximizing today maxx life at t. J. Maxx. Something is transforming and our world. Its the longevity economy americans 50 driving 7. 6 trillion dollars. Of Economic Activity every year. Right before our eyes, aging is unleashing exponential growth. In every industry. Are you ready . We are. Aarp is teaming up with Business Leaders and innovators. Sparking new ideas and real solutions. So, what are you waiting for . Steven could only imaginem 24hr to trenjoying a spicy taco. Burn, now, his world explodes with flavor. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday allnight protection. Can you imagine 24hours without heartburn . [ cheers and applause ] welcome back to gma and we have a great friday audience with us this morning. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, guys. Thank you, guys, for joining us, and were celebrating one of americas favorite sweets next week with the ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie week. So happy. Ill be honest with you, i didnt know there was such a thing but im happy too. These are all recipes that you can make yourself at home. Thats the great thing about it. Right now its time for pop news with lara spencer. Come on in, lara. Friday edition. Lots to get to. Harry styles is back after a yearlong break from social media, more than two years since dropping his last single. The former one direction star has just released his new song. Its called lights up and here is your first look at the video. So bright shine im not ever going back all right, there it is. The new song. [ applause ] such a talented young guy. That song will be featured on styles sophomore solo album. No word yet on a release date but we cannot wait. Also in the news today, billy porter could be striking a new pose pretty soon. In a stroke of casting genius, the Hollywood Reporter is reporting that porter is this close to signing on for the new film version of cinderella to play the role of the fairy godmother. [ applause ] that is genius. Genius. Make it happen. If he signs on hell join camilla ka cabello who will play cinderella. Porter is on a role and just won the emmy for outstanding lead actor for his role in the series pose. He also has a tony for his role in the broadway music kinky boots. Billy, grant us this wish and take this role. The movie, by the way, is being produced by james corden. James corden, so funny. Maybe we will a get a little Carpool Karaoke in there. Weve been waiting for this for a long time. A fresh prince of belair spinoff is officially in the works. [ applause ] will smith is behind it. Along with his wife jada through their newly formed production company. Rumors, of course, of a reboot have popped up several times since the show ended in 1996 and will always said no chance. If fact, here he is in 2016 responding to the question will it happen. I dont think ever, ever, yeah, like pretty close to when hell freezes over, pretty close like were going to leave that one alone. Is it cold outside . Will also just released a limited edition, fresh prince clothing line. No details on casting but will joked at this point he would make a good uncle phil so we shall see. Awesome. [ applause ] and finally on this friday, you do you know what a first look is . I bet we didnt do them or i know i didnt. Its when the bride and groom choose to see each other before the ceremony. Its just not supposed to include this guy. Kevin and Shane Doherty both huge phillies fans. So she asked the fanatic to surprise him and join in in their special moment. [ applause ] a moment he will never forget and that is your friday pop news, everybody. Thank you, lara. [ applause ] all right, guys. Were going to turn to our gma cover story. This one about moms and marijuana. One woman says she believes microdosing, which is using small amounts of marijuana, actually makes her a better parent. This is an article we first saw on parents magazines website. Take a look. Reporter lets face it, moms are stressed. Salut. While some turn to what they call mommy juice, or alcohol to ease their day, now some moms are microdosing thc, the active ingredient in marijuana. Ask alaska mom Leah Campbell and says it actually makes her a better mom. I was this version of myself that want to be, a little more easy going, happier, more fun, and not because i was high but because i just wasnt stressing out all the time. Reporter campbell, a single mom of a 6yearold never really liked painkillers or smoking marijuana but then she started using the drug in alaska where it is legal. In low doses occasionally for pain relief from stage 4 endometriosis and anxiety. That was part of microdosing was learning how to find the balance between pain and anxiety management and being high. She says this low dose helps reduce pain and even lowers her anxiety but also says it allows her to function. Its just a general leveling off, a kind of numbing of the pain, all of these sharp edges in my life, the anxiety, the pain, all of that mutes a little bit. If her pain is in check she says she has more time to focus on her family. My daughter deserves better than that. She deserves to have a mom who is enjoyable to be around and isnt constantly snapping or exhausted or feeling like she wants to hide from the world. Im a better person, a better parent, a better friend when im micro dosing. This is a talker, this one. So lets bring in our chief medical correspondent dr. Jennifer ashton with more on this. Good morning to you. Okay, break it down. What exactly is microdosing . How does it work . So in the field of pharmacology, the concept of microdosing is basically kind of subtherapeutic, you know, lower tiny doses of a medication or a drug so that you can maximize the positive benefits or effects and minimize any side effects. The problem when youre talking about thc or cannabis is that we dont know what the right dose is. So that is potentially a problem and there are risks to this drug. We cant forget about that. Take a look at the list, change in mood, impaired body movement, difficulty with thinking and cognition, impaired learning and memory. All possible, so you cant only talk about the positive effects of a drug without considering the risks or negatives. Weve on this show talked about this mommy juice trend. Moms who want to take the edge off because of stress. From a medical standpoint though when were talking about this thc, what are the risks . Well, listen, i think we saw some of the risks there. I think whats interesting is to think of the other side, what are the benefits and in particular the either or scenario. Are you talking about someone who would normally be consuming alcohol or the valium class of medication . There are actually worse risks to those drugs than there is to cannabis. You know, the benefits, being intensely researched for pain, for nausea, insomnia, anxiety and i think were going to see more in the future about what is the right dose, what is the right patient. When you talk about edibles, though, there is a delayed response to that and you might get the dose wrong. Hard to know. Okay, thanks, really good advice here. We turn over to ginger now. Yes, weve got a gma moment that starts in atlanta for us, a perfect friday moment. He watches his mom hula hoop all the time so little 18monthold rocky said i could do that. He used his friend oscar to help. See how oscar holds the hula hoop and he just does the turning. That works. Send your gma moments to my Facebook Page so we can all have a little smile. Diane sawyer has more of her exclusive interview with Julie Andrews. Its about the memoir, home work. She does not hold back. What a life and so many lessons and she talked about the lessons of joy and precision to bring those movie scenes to the screen. What it took to do that but today is a little more about i guess the strength it takes when you fall in love with someone who struggles and cant be healed by magic. The winner is Julie Andrews. The winner is Julie Andrews. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Reporter a magical young woman has begun a career that will bring decades of joy and music, but even with that sunlit voice the hills are alive reporter there was always something a little wistful in Julie Andrews eyes. These are a few of my favorite things at the moment she is making the sound of music her marriage to her childhood sweetheart is ending in divorce. She says she was incredibly naive when she made her first love scene in the americanization of emily. I dont have a man. Terrified and how is one supposed i had no idea what one is supposed to do with a kiss and all of that. James garner who is delicious made it very easy for me and i began to think its getting a little hot in here. And when i got up, i kept thinking i can manage this and i got up and my legs buckled because it really had hit me rather hard. Did you know a lot about men . No, i didnt. Reporter then she writes in her new memoir, she was driving through an intersection in hollywood when a man pulls up in a rollsroyce. And im afraid i was trying very hard not to fall in love with him and that was Blake Edwards. Moon drifter reporter he was a wellknown director for breakfast at tiffanys and the pink panther movies. You said he was devastatingly funny, wicked even, but there was something dangerous about him. Yep. He seems to be turning to you to save him, fix him. Yeah. You have to remember, i was very used to that kind of thing because i was a very big codependent with my own family so i became that with blake. Reporter it was twyears before she agreed to marry him, perhaps inside still that little girl who believed if she sang her heart out, she could somehow rescue her mother and stepfather from their alcoholism and disappointment. You paint a portrait of a trampoline kind of life, though, with his hypochondria, gabladde che pains or mono or back pain or the flu. Yes, very stressful times always. Reporter she writes about trying to pull h through the volatile moods, ensue side al anxiety. And selfmedicating. Yes, eventual merol, they, anyone oxy, oxycodone. It was one of those monsters that got hold of him so strongly that he couldnt resist. Reporter but through it all with that singular determination and stamina, she keeps up a staggering schedule. Worried about money beca his impulsive overspending and their giant blended household. Thare fi children in three countries, three dogs, one of which is not house trained and will not be house trained, two cats, one of whichasgaroteritis in london. Reporter a hamster, canary. Blake has a cold or ndicit. Reporter youre just making pancakes in the kitchen and carrying on. And saying, we will have harmony in this house reporter thats right. When she is in her 60s, she agrees to go to broadway to perform Victor Victoria which was written and directed by her sband. Eight performances a week. It puts a strain oner voice. The shadows reporter and it leads to that medical procedure that cost her her song. I think in spite of the pain of it and the sadness of it, i then found another life. Reporter when Blake Edwards diedn 2010, she had remained loyally at his side for 41 years. You wrote a poem. When all is said and done the ladys by your side for the wild fun, the fierce pain, the laughter and the ride. And dearest when i show you this, i know what you will say, sorry, thats a doorbell that sometimes rings and its for a house halfway down my street. Its blake, actually. Hes probably doing something blake, stop. Anyway, the end of the poem is and, darling, when i show you this poem, i know what you will say, what else youll grin, what else will you write of me today . Reporter today she is still working. Movies, tv, writing books and still taking care of a far flung family of children, grandchildren, gre grandchildren. This is her daughter Emma Walton Hamilton who says as a little girl she was in a store and looked at the movie poster of mary poppins. I distinctly remember pointing at one of them and saying theres mummy and then suddenly being aware of these two women, these two mothers shopping in the same area going, isnt that sweet . That little girl thinks her mother is mary poppins. Poor deluded child. Yeah, exactly. Reporter emma helped write the book about her mother and the life that was once so radiant and valiant. I don know a more resilient person. Reporter and forever a champion of happy endings. Thats as it should be. Reporter these are lyrics she loves. My ship was a song that had the most beautiful lyrics. My ship has sails made of silk. The decks are trimmed with gold and the decks are trimmed with gold. And of jam and spice and of jam and spice theres a paradise in the hold. And then the very, very end of it, the song sums up by saying, pearls of such pearls and such they wont mean much if its missing just one thing and the song says, i dont care to have any of those unless i also have a true love that will come with it. To me wow. What a life. What a life and as i say shes the eternal guardian of our search for a happy ending always. Although i did say to her, are we going to find you on those dating websites . She reres me you dont have to go trolling to see if theses out there. Not going to happen. She seems like such delightful company. So wonderful to be with every single day and writes in the book she just wakes up bursting with life and she does and gives it to u. Tonight, nightline, well have more on it including some from the sound of music. I went to austria. She and i went back to go up the hill, find that mountain. Im telling you thatountai i could barely survive that mountain. But i love tonight. Youll learn there is a lyric she sings fromhe masterful Oscar Hammerstein and she sings it and i thought, what does that mean . And she says tonight, i didnt know what it meant either and youll have to guess which lyric it is but i bet youll know immediately when you hear it. We cannot wait to see it. So great to learn so much more about the ups and downs. Thats right. Heli. And how you survive with strength and light. No doubt. Great stuff. Thank you, diane. Homework will be available tuesday. And coming up here, home sweet home, incredible foster care surprise. Well be right back. [ applause ] good morning, north bay lets get up and get going. This is abc7 mornings. It is 8 27. Im reggie aqui from abc7 mornings. The pg e shutoff is almost over. The crews are working to restore power to the remaining 312,000 customers still in the dark this morning a. At t g morning. At the peak, it affected 738,000 customers statewide. Sue, how about the traffic . Not good. On the Altamont Pass there is a late accident out there for an hour. At the time the westbound lanes of 580 have been closed. They have open up some left lanes, but the right lanes are closed for sweeping purposes, and you see that the purple is never good on the traffic map. There san injured dog there and you know when youre at ross and your new fall look just keeps Getting Better . Check this out thats yes for less. Score a headtotoe look youll love and save 20 to 60 percent off Department Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. And you get first dibs on that brand. At that price . Thats yes for less. Seriously, get the fall brands and styles you love and save 20 to 60 off Department Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. Now, an accuweather update from abc7 mornings. Good friday morning. A look at the golden gate bridge. You can see the flag blowing there, and upper elevations up to 20 Miles Per Hour, and 62 in pacifica and you can see the haze here with 30s in the north bay. Looking at the numbers in the offshore flow up above. Hat reggie . Thank you so much. We will have another abc7 mo we are family i got all my sisters with me welcome back to gma and we have another incredible story about foster families. Were going to tell you abo it in our new series home sweet home. Many of the nearly 450,000 children in foster care in the United States also have siblings in foster care but many times theyre separated from their siblings because families cant take them all in but the Howard Family decided they had room for four more. We want to you t look at their story. Youre going to do chocolate. Reporter breakfast time. Waffles. Its hectic for most families. But when youre a family of eight it reaches a whole new level. Impressive. Good job. Coby is 16. Kylie is 14. Bailey is 12. Savanah is 10. Emmy is our youngest. She is 8. Crazy and chaoticnd its not normal. Seven years ago keith and staci howard had two children. Two biological daughters. Reporter but everything changed in august of 2012. Keith was running ang emergency foster care shelter when a call came in. Hey, keith, we got this sibling group of four in our office. Could you take them for the weekend . Later that night four small children came walking through the door. Just knowing that it was one decision away from the kids probably getting separated because if they didnt get into the shelter they would have been in two, three, maybe four homes. And i dont know that they would would have ever been back together retirment a serious issue in foster care. Children separated from the only permanent family theyve known, their siblings and placed in different homes, sometimes to never see one another again. A lot families dont have the space so now losing their mom and dad because of circumstances that they didnt create, they were now almost being retraumatized or revictimized by being separated from their sibling, the person that honestly you probably should have the longest relationship in your life with your sibling. My book full of hearts. I have joe montana, jerry rice. I thought if we didnt come here we might be separated. When i first like got here, i was confused because i didnt know why i was there but i wish i had kylie and koby and emmy. Reporter luckily they were able to give them a permanent home. A gift he hopes to provide for others through circle of care which in part focuses on keeping siblings together. This is our room. This is emmys bed. And this is my bed. And this is my bed. We want these kids to thrive, just grow into their personalities and to the potential that they have. Oftentimes i sit there and think rpz, man, im the most blessed guy in the universe. I have more people to play with and like more people to communicate with and also like more people to help me feel comfortable with my story. Reporter his organization has raised 4 million to build homes for families willing to take sibling sets hoping to make it easier for people 0 help. They didnt make this decision to go into foster care. They didnt make this decision to be removed but now theyre there and they need you to step up. [ applause ] and we are now joined by the Howard Family and you know what, thank you so much for joining us. Staci and keith, you both are an incredible example. I mean really incredible example and life is hectic already. Your house a little more hectic right now but it must be incredibly rewarding on top of all that so what advice do you have for someone who is considering adopting siblings or fostering siblings . Yeah, i think the simple advice would be, one, just do it but i think as humans w like to talk ourselves out of hard thing, right . But theres kids living this hard reality every day so need good, strong people to step up give safe homes and lots of love to these kids and do hard things. Kylie, what does it mean to have keith and staci that made it possible for you and your siblings to Stay Together . Well, it makes me comforting because i knew where all my siblings were and that they were safe and like what they were doing so and that is very important for you to be safe and feel like your siblings are safe as well. You made their lives better but how did they make your life bet injure. Oh, my goodness. I couldnt imagine our lives without them. They have brought such a blessing to our family. They have filled our home with so much love and so much joy and its just pure blessing. And i notate tum and savanah, how does this feel now to have this big family . Its wild and crazy. [ laughter ] well, im sure the holiday, im sure first of all, before we get to this, i want to ask many i in your football card collection . Not right now. Right now. See, thats a good answer, not right now. All right. Maybe we have one backstage and make sure i give it to you but joe montana, he has to say hes the g. O. A. T. We know that the holidays can be a lot of fun in your house but th they can also get a little crazy as well and not quite the Holiday Season yet but want to give you all a gift for being here because we love your story but so big we couldnt wrap it up so you got to take a look over there. All right. Take a look. Our friends at adventures by disney believe the best gifts arent things but theyre rather experiences. You can all have together. So were giving your family a sev sevennight European River cruise vacation so you guys are going to sail through the heart of europe on the danube river. Were going to stop at eight destinations and four counts and disney is going to provide legendary Disney Service with tons of fun and active excursions and the best part, everything is included, kids, eat up, yes. Everything is included but thats our little gift to you for being such a great example for the world and spreading your love and showing that there is love out there and to keep these kids all together and now be a family of eight, i mean, were so happy to do this story and bring it to life and the house is crazy and now this trip will be crazy so you make sure you enjoy yourself. I love the work youre doing as well so please, keep it up and everybody out ther we will be right back. The howards. We are family blow a kiss, into the sun we need someone to lean on blow a kiss, into the sun all we need is somebody to lean on we are back with our disney and points of light volunteer family of the year so we have introduced you to five amazing families. You saw the bellwallace, three generations treated to a erapeutic Horse Program and aguirres who feed 40 Homeless People a day, the orlandos who foster six siblings and volunteer for a clothing closet, the jeeves who honor their sons autism by fundraising and awareness and nepolas who volunteers wherever it is needing from building gardens to distributing school supplies. Five really great families so starting right now you can vote for the disney and points of light volunteer family of the year. The winner is going to win a dream vacation to Walt Disney World resort and a 10,000 grant to continue their work in their communities. Voting ends on october 22nd. The winner will be announced live right here on gma november 1st. Special friends, cecilia. We are joined now by the stars of the upcoming murder mystery motherless brooklyn, Edward Norton and Gugu Mbatharaw. Were so excited to have you here. [ applause ] so, edward, ill start with you. I was amazed to find out, talk about a passion project. Youve been working on this for 20 years. Yeah if in the making. I read the book 20 years ago. Its a wonderful novel called motherless brooklyn about a detective with tourettes syndrome and obsessive compulsive disorder who has to come out of his shell and solve a mystery but we wove it together kind of with some of the deep, dark things that happen in new york city in the mid 50s. You liken to a film noir l. A. Confidentialalish. In the theme of movies i love like l. A. Confidential and chinatown. Atmospheric hypnosis rides through another era and it was a great adventure. It takes place, you can see in some of the footage there, in the 50s, gugu, you play in crusading lawyer at a time when most thought women would be seconds in the workforce. What was it like to play in femme fatale . Ive been a fan of edwards work for such a long time, not only as an actor but hes written the script, also directing it and for me laura rose was such a progressive character. She was from the harlem jazz scene but also as you said a trained lawyer. People underestimate her and i just thought she was such a pioneering activist. A character that you wrote specifically for gugu, right . Yes, the we departed from the plot line of the book and sort of wove it into the things that happen in the mid 50s and i have been a big fan of gugus work and after this film i think everybody will become more and more aware of her incredible talent. Well, shall we see . Take a look at the incredible talent. You guys want to take a look . Then they come in and take the nice old family hopes and chop them in four and rent them up and do repairs but steal copper pipe as well. Didnt submit plans but milked it. Slam it for the slumlords. Do you think making it up nike negro conspiracy. I have a condition that makes me say funny things but im not trying to be funny. Im really not. Im listening. [ applause ] your character has tourettes syndrome. What was it like to play that role . Well, i think its a very unique condition and it has very in each person it has very individualistic expression and compulsion, vocal tics. Visual tics and to me i think i like, you know, whether its forrest gump or rainman or those sorts of film, to me the challenge is not sort of representing a disability or a condition authentically, its exploring the full humanity of a person who has that and the challenges the ways they have to grow and mature and become heroic despite that and i think in many ways thats what our characters in the film bond over is that theyre both unseen by other people, theyre both undertipped by other people and their initial bond is not a traditional romantic one, its more that they see and listen to each other. This cast is just incredible that you guys are both part of. Just a couple, bruce willis, alec baldwin, willem dafoe, the list goes an own an own on. Must have been so much fun on the set. So incredible and i have to say edward really assembled these real actor actor, a lot of having theater backgrounds and for me as one of the only br brits all new yorkers except for this one. Oh, really. That was great. We look forward to it. Were happy to have you both here this morning. Thank you so much and congratulations on this project. Guy, motherless brooklyn opens in theaters on november 1st. Lets head over to michael. I will be there to check it out for sure, cecilia. Weve got a great strahan, sara keke today. Lacy is here as well as Jonathan Bennett with an imprompty mean girls reunion and keke has a hilarious reality recap. Dont miss friday fun this afternoon on strahan, sara keke and up next on gma you dont want to miss blanco brown. He performs live right here in times square. Going to do the twostep back with our Concert Series. Everyone is so excited for this. Blanco brown in the house. His viral country rap hit the git up was number one. So exciting on the billboard hot country song charts for 12 weeks. Thats got to feel good. 3 billion views. A kajillion streams and a dance craze all because of you. When you were writing that song you had the move, the git up. I was writing it and doing the moves at the same time. They go hand in hand. Did you ever imagine you would see videos . I saw a team mascot do it. My daughter does it. Did you ever imagine it would take off like this . I had no idea. I just made it from the heart. You know what, authenticity wins. Your grandmother was very inspirational in all this. Definitely. How so . Shes used to come early in the morning and put vaseline on our faces in a loving manner and say get up. Are you ready to get up. Here we go, everybody, blanco browns debut album honeysu honeysuck lightning i woke up tipsy with a circle under my eye i know it came my feelings and i set them by my side somehow the sun got away momma always told me you got to make sure you make the best of your mistakes and if you lead with your heart you need to be smart better be careful be looking both ways sipping on that old jack that probably make you frown and careful you dont hold back no slack party till the sun goes down and make sure youre in it hold back no jack just dont get like that be smart and party, party party its your day sing it. Right now i just need you to get real loose. Get comfortable. Right now i just need you to get real loose get comfortable grab your loved ones or grab your love partner and if youre by yourself no worries just follow after me gon and do the two step then cowboy boogie grab your sweetheart and spin out with em do the hoedown and get into it come on. Whoo whoo whoo take it to the left now and did with it, gonna throw down and take a sip with it lean back and put your hips in it lets have some fun. To the left, to the left now to the left, to the left to the right, to the right, to the right now take your left hand and put it on your side put it on your side go on, roll your shoulders roll your shoulders do the slip and slide do the slip and slide this next parts my favorite part cause its time to shine gon and do the twostep then cowboy boogie grab your sweetheart and spin out with em do the hoedown and get into it take it to the left now and dip with it gon throw down take a sip with it and lean back put your hips in it its simple, you can do it slide to the left, slide to the right, right. Now cool down, have a good time slide to the left, slide to the right, right do the butterfly have a good time round, round, round and round you go its time to show out right now and take to the floor lets go. Gon and do the twostep then cowboy boogie grab your sweetheart and spin out with em do the hoedown and get into it whoo whoo take it to the left now and dip with it gon throw down take a sip with it and lean back put your hips in it woo woo woo [ cheers and applause ] thank yall. Gmas Concert Series sponsored by carmax. Hey. Hey. You must be stevens phone. Now you can take control of your home wifi and get a notification the instant someone new joins your network. Only with xfinity xfi. Download the xfi app today. We got to thank blanco brown. So much fun. So much fun. Dont forget to tune in tomorrow. The second week of our saturday second hour on gma. And before we go we want to wish our audience coordinator shelby good luck on her new adventure. Shelby helped kick off the launch of our wonderful studio. Good luck, shelby. You will be missed, my dear. We love you, shelby. Have a great weekend, everybody. [ applause ] you know when youre at just keeps Getting Better . 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Yes, it is cool and 63 in oakland due to the offshore wind and 47 in redwood city. And the view from mount tam. You can see the wind direction and the varying temperatures and the offshore winds will eventual ri be onshore, and today, 70s and 80s. We are looking at the late morning problem with a sig alert on the Altamont Pass. All lanes were blocked and now it is just the left lanes with 205 merging to 580 and no estimated time of reopening for the right lanes. Thank you, sue. Time for live with kelly and announcer its live with kelly and ryan today, Academy Award winner anne hathaway. And from the new scifi series, alfre woodard. Plus, actress, comedian, and youtube star liza koshy. All next on live and now, here are Ryan Seacrest and liza koshy [cheers and applause]

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