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What she says happened that night when they offered to drive her home. Dancing in the moonlight and swept up by the super moon. The only full one of 2017 enchanting millions overnight soaring over the uk spotted near that erupting bali volcano, and the amazing footage here at home. When to see the next one if you missed it. Dancing in the moonlight good morning, america. That song will put you in a good mood this monday morning, and how about that supermoon last night . So gorgeous. Well, couldnt really see it here in new york city because of all the fog we had but in buffalo, heres what it looked like. Thats a statue of liberty replica, okay. Its not just a super moon. Its also known as a full cold moon because, of course, it appeared in december. Just had to say the word cold. Well, speaking of cold we want to start with that blast of bitter cold thats moving across the country. Its dropping temperatures as much as 20 to 30 degrees in some places and its the beginning of a good onetwo winter punch that could bring blizzard conditions and ginger has been tracking it, and is going to tell us when and where it could all hit. Good morning, ginger. High, good morning to you michael. Already started in the Pacific Northwest up to 18 inches of snow. This is Snoqualmie Pass, washington. Theyve been getting hit hard this winter but look where its going to move. Blizzard warnings in both south and north dakota, parts of minnesota and those high Wind Warnings up through wisconsin. Thats for up to 55mileperhour gusts. You take that, you add this arctic air. It is going to feel with wind chills by tomorrow morning, like zero in bismarck, 4 in minneapolis, and watch as it pushes east. Chicago only feels like 13. By thursday morning and it will get here to the northeast and be chilling out as we head friday into saturday. Chill out doesnt sound as good. When you say it like that, but ill have much more on where it goes, and how long the bitter cold sticks around. Seems like youre fighting a little bit of a cold yourself. I woke up like this. You woke up like this. All right, ginger, thank you. She will, of course, track the system all morning long for us. Were going to turn now to the russia investigation and new questions this morning about what former National Security adviser, Michael Flynns, plea deal with the special counsel will mean for President Trump. The president attacking the fbi on twitter over the weekend, our senior justice correspondent Pierre Thomas has more and joins us from washington. Good morning, pierre. Reporter robin, good morning. Flynns guilty plea and pledge to cooperate with the special counsel is creating intense drama here in washington with many wondering what hes going to say and who if anyone he might implicate. The president this weekend took aim at the fbi calling its reputation in tatters setting the stage for potentially more confrontation as this case unfolds. Lock him up. Lock him up. Reporter the critical question, will the stunning guilty plea of former National Security adviser and nowconvicted felon Michael Flynn reach further into the white house . What were going to see is the putting together of obstruction of justice. Reporter even some republicans say flynns admitting to lying with contacts with russia in an agreement to cooperate with prosecutors means the story is far from over. Flynn lied and they destroyed his life. I think its a shame. Reporter but even the republicans saying flynn is admitting to lying about russia, and he is committing to cooperate so it wont be long before this is over. It wont be long before we understand one way or the other whether the trump people colluded with russia. I cant imagine it happening and flynn not know about it. Reporter President Trump defiant that in his campaign, he did not work with the frem lykrn the election. Theres been absolutely no collusion so were very happy. Reporter this tweet from saturday is setting off a firestorm of speculation. Quote, i had to fire general flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the fbi. The president s critics saying he was admitting that he knew flynn had lied to the fbi before he allegedly asked the then fbi director james comey to go easy on flynn. But President Trumps attorney john dowd said he wrote the tweet and that it was not meant to convey President Trump knew that flynn lied to the fbi. The president later tweeting, i never asked comey to stop investigating flynn. Flynn now faces hours of additional fbi questioning in the coming months, subject to lie detector tests along the way to prove hes telling the truth, robin. And over the weekend, there was a bit of back and forth between comey and trump. Reporter yeah. It got heated. President trump called comey a liar over the weekend in a tweet and comey pushed back praising the fbis professionalism and using social media to, quote, scripture, basically saying that justice is coming, and that the truth will be revealed. All right, pierre. Thank you. More on this from our chief White House Correspondent jon karl, our chief legal analyst dan abrams as well and jon, let me begin with you. As we saw in the piece, Dianne Feinstein and others seeing mueller may be building the Building Blocks sparking a new argument from President Trumps legal team. Yeah. This is quite an argument. It comes from the president s top personal lawyer, john dowd. He says basically the president cannot be guilty of obstruction of justice. Heres the quote first in axios, the president cannot obstruct justice because he is the chief Law Enforcement officer under article two and has every right to express his view of any case. Now, george, there has been a longstanding legal debate over whether or not a sitting president can be indicted but, remember, in the impeachment articles drafted for president nixon and in the impeachment article that was passed against president clinton, both had obstruction of justice as an essential charge. This is why it raises so many eyebrows, dan. There is an argument to be made that if the only allegation with regard to obstruction is firing comey, thats not enough. Meaning that its the president s authority to fire someone who works for him in essence, and as a result, you cant charge him with obstruction just because of that but i think if there is an obstruction case here to be made its going to be a puzzle and that comey firing is just going to be one piece of it and i think the most important thing, of course, to remember what jonathan points out, which is a sitting be the may not be indicted there is very serious argument, a sitting president cant be indicted. Coming in wake of the flynn plea deal friday and another argument from the trumps legal team over the weekend, jay sekulow saying collusion also wouldnt be a crime so certainly seems like theyre concerned about things coming. We all agree collusion is not a crime. Right . Its a question of is there a conspiracy to commit a crime . Just semantics. People talking about collusion, this is an investigation into russias interference in the United States election in 2016. And the question is, did anyone involved with the trump team conspire to commit a crime or commit a crime in connection with that. Or then cover it up. Right, or cover it up. To say collusion is not a crime and obstruction is not a crime these seem to be somewhat tangential. Did. Jon, in the meantime, were also hearing from billy bush, oped in the New York Times over the weekend talking about that access Hollywood Tape saying, of course, it was President Trump. Reporter yeah, he is saying two things, first of all, this is an accurate and legitimate tape, that is the president , that is what he said but hes also saying that at the time he thought the president was simply putting what he called a standup act, but now based on what he has seen in terms of the accusations that many women have made against the president of sexual misconduct, that he believes those women. Okay, jon karl, dan abrams, thanks very much. All right, george. Meanwhile, President Trump is one step closer to a big victory. He and his fellow republicans are celebrating the Senate Passing that sweeping tax reform bill. Now it goes to the house and the stakes, of course, are very high here. Lets go to our senior Congressional Correspondent mary bruce on capitol hill. Good morning, mary. Reporter good morning, robin. That latenight vote was a big victory for the senate, but this isnt over yet. Democrats this morning are still fuming over the way this vote went down. They say it was rushed through. That there were illegible scribbles in the margin of the bill, and they didnt even have time to read it. This represents the biggest change to the nations tax code in 30 years and includes some big tax cuts, but analysts say most of the longterm benefits will go to the wealthy and now republicans have to work out the significant differences between the house and the Senate Versions like how soon to cut the Corporate Tax rate, whether or not to include a repeal of the obamacare individual mandate and differences over breaks for small businesses, and there are still Big Questions about how theyll pay for all of this. The Senate Version of the bill is projected to add 1 trillion to the debt. Now, republicans insist this bill will pay for itself through economic growth, but economists overwhelmingly disagree saying the deficit is likely to take a big hit. There is a lot of disagreement there and in the midst of it republicans have to find a way to fund the government by friday or theres a government shutdown. What are the chances of that . Reporter republicans seem to be confident that that is not going to happen. Mitch mcconnell says point blank there will not be a shutdown. Now, nothing is set in stone here. Never is, but with republicans it does seem likely theyll pass a shortterm spending bill giving them more time to fight over hot button issues like immigration and Childrens Health insurance and, of course, giving them more time to hash out tax reform and republicans ive talked with are confident they can get this tax reform bill to the president s desk by christmas. All right, mary. Thank you. Robin, thank you. With that tax bill being passed over the weekend, everyone is wondering, if that tax bill becomes law, how will it affect your bottom line . Abcs Rebecca Jarvis is here to break it down for us. Good morning, rebecca. Good morning, michael. This depends on how much money you make and how you pay those taxes. These changes would take effect january 1st, 2018. Youll see the difference pretty quickly, about a year from march or april, one of the biggest impacts for middle class americans is the senate plan increases the standard deduction from 6,350 to 12,000 for individuals and from 12,700 to 24,000 for couples. Which means if youre someone who takes that standard deduction and more than twothirds of americans do, you will likely see some tax savings. Plus, if you are a parent, the bill expands the Child Tax Credit from 1,000 to 2,000, michael. Lets break it down in real numbers. What kind of savings are we really talking about . The real numbers are what is so key. Lets say you make 40,000 a year. The majority of people in your tax bracket will see some sort of tax cut, on average about 330 in 2019, but about 5 of those people will see their taxes rise. Now if you make 55,775, that is the medium Household Income in the United States right now. Again, the majority in your bracket will get a cut on average 812 in 2019, but in this group, 11 will see their taxes recognize, and lower and middle income americans could also see their taxes rise over the longterm because according to the cbo, many of these most generous tax cuts like the increased standard deduction and double standard deductichild de, those expire, michael, in 2025. You mentioned actually some will see their taxes go up. Thats right. Who are those people . So those who itemize, about a third of americans do, they could see their tax bills increase, for example, those who are deducting Major Medical expenses not covered by insurance, people in high tax states like california, new york and connecticut and finally, michael, people who could pay more are those who get larger benefits because of their children. So if you dont have children, you actually dont benefit as much from this new tax plan. Rebecca, thank you. A lot to break down. Yes. It is. Lets break down the political fallout with matthew dowd, meghan mccain, let me begin with you. Right now the bill is pretty unpopular, but republicans calculated they just could not afford to go home without a big win this year. Yeah, this is a a big legislative win, the most significant one for the Trump Administration thus far, and this is something to take home to your constituents. I came on the show saying i think it will be a hard pass. I dont see how we can do this especially after the failure of the Obamacare Repeal and replacement. But we do have something to run on. I think democrats will turn this into an impeachment election and now going home we can say, look, we ended up passing something. Democrats, though, matt dowd, said they want to run on the tax bill as well saying its going to be a giveaway to the wealthy. Many in the middle class will get a tax increase. Well, yeah, when you look at this tax bill, 70 of the benefits of this tax bill go to the very wealthy, the top 1 or 2 of the country like an alternative version of dickens a Christmas Carol where scrooge doesnt listen to jacob marley and the three ghosts of the christmas past and proceeds op his way. This may be a legislative victory but its not a political victory. Its an unpopular bill, most unpopular tax bill ever passed. Pushed by an unpopular president. Passed by an unpopular congress. It is a great benefit for the democrats to run on this in 2018. Meantime, matt, seeing the president tweeting this morning his most explicit endorsement yet for roy moore, the Alabama Senate candidate who is up for election next tuesday. This is an amazing situation, george, where, one, you had the Mitch Mcconnell this weekend basically say its up to alabama after he said he shouldnt serve. Now the president a full on endorsement of a man accused of being a Child Predator in the state of alabama. This is a situation where the republicans may win this seat. Its still very competitive. But they may win this seat but they will lose the war in the long run because in the party and in the country today this is going to brand them as a party that is not in the benefit of women in this country. Yeah, meghan, when i was talking to Mitch Mcconnell on this week he backed away saying its up to the voters of alabama to decide and would not commit to ordering an investigation. This could be a longterm problem. Oh, this is no matter win or lose and i believe that roy moore is going to win. Its going to be a lose lose situation for republicans. What fascinates me all the polling coming out showing that a large majority of alabama Republican Voters dont believe the medias take on roy moore. Which i think goes to show just about, you know, the complete and total lack of trust of the media, and the coverage of this, and i have been trying to explain it, and its not even about roy moore anymore. Its about people judging alabamans and i think Going Forward i have personal friends living in birmingham talked to over the weekend struggling with this saying ive never not voted in this election. What am i supposed to do . Do they believe the women . The woman, my friend, does but still, cant somehow bring herself to vote for someone who is prochoice. Meghan mccain and matthew dowd, thanks very much. George, now to what could be the biggest Health Insurance deal in history. Cvs, the massive drugstore chain, has agreed to buy Health Insurance titan, aetna. For 69 billion. Abcs Adrienne Bankert is here with details. Good morning, adrienne. Reporter good morning to you, too, robin. This could be one of the greatest Game Changers in the industry in the midst of major transition. Cvs is looking to stay ahead of that game with its 10,000 locations nigationwide. They say theyre trying to position themselves as a onestop shop not only for those who need to pick up a prescription but need to see a doctor. This is coming at a time where were seeing a rise in urgent care clinics as well as emedicine, and as you mentioned, that 69 billion merger the leadership is saying its a way to stay competitive. Cvs ceo is saying they hope to remake the health care Customer Experience less expensive and easier for people. But just think. Youre already coming to these stores already for quick, convenience items, Grocery Store items, maybe a greeting card, a roll of paper towels. Now you might be able to see a doctor, as well. Not everybody thinks its a good deal for the customer. Reporter thats right. In fact, it could limit the customer if youre forced to go only to those cvs locations. It could be less convenient, and some critics are saying it could raise Health Insurance premiums as well as drugstore costs but things could get interesting as were hearing amazon might be jumping into the pharmacy business. Well see. Robin. Amazon, all right. Thanks so much, adrienne. Where arent they . Thats true. They arent in the supermoon business. Thats right. And now well go to that supermoon that had everyone around the world looking up last night. It was the first and only full supermoon of 2017. This is from rhode island, and it shows it moving through the night sky, and heres what it looked like from space as it passed its closest distance to the earth this year. The moon looks 7 bigger and 16 brighter than normal. And if you missed it, dont worry, this meteorologist has you covered. He says if its cloudy where you are, heres what the supermoon looks like, tortilla. Its a tortilla. Had me fooled too the first time i saw it and there are two more supermoons coming up in january on january the 2nd and also january the 31st. A couple more chances. Yeah. All right. Vrge vrgets. Lets go to ginger now. Got more on the snow moving across the country. Yes. We love paul douglas by the way. The snow being pulled in with the little rise in the motion. And watch this along the cold front. It will be storms and thats whats going to make its way to the east coast by early wednesday morning, just after midnight. Looks like that will be thunderstorms but lakeeffect snow possible for western new york. Select cities now brought to you by jcpenney. Good morning. Im abc 7 news meteorologist mike nicco. Sunshine today but bone dry and breezy conditions. First frost a chance tonight, better chance tomorrow night. Im kind of getting concerned. 59 at the coast to 60 in santa cruz. 60 to 63 for the rest coming up, that High School Soccer coach now heading to court after he was caught on the run with a 17yearold. What were now learning about their relationship and the clues on snapchat. And our abc news exclusive. An American College student now telling her story about Sexual Assault by police in italy while she was studying abroad. The new interview only on gma this morning. Ning. This holiday, the best gift you can give, is your time. Volunteer at neighbhorhoodofgood. Com. State farm. Youre more than just a bathroom disease. Youre a life of unpredictable symptoms. Crohns, youve tried to own us. But now its our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohns disease. Studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. Stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flulike symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion, and vision problems. These may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Were fed up with your unpredictability. Remission can start with stelara®. Talk to your doctor today. Janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. When kids get really excited thats the best reaction. I know things about great white sharks whats great about paint 3d, its exciting to a shark come to life and come off the page. With the windows 10 pc, to be able to draw right on the screen and create something three dimensional, is amazing. Its exciting to turn it and light it and have these different effects. With my mac, i cant do that. When you see that the work creates a feeling in a kid, feels great. And its addictive, you want to keep doing it, you know . Good morning east bay. Good morning to you. Sky 7 is live over developing news in oakland. Police are investigating this deadly crash. All we know at this time is that the car crashed around midnight killing one person. Sky 7 is using sky map technology to show us where the scene is near 82nd avenue and international boulevard. Tracking traffic for us. We can see a lot of red on our traffic maps. We have a couple of issues leaving san francisco. We have a tree apparently on the roadway. Two right lanes are blocked. Traffic is improving. Stacking up towards the bay bridge. Coming through livermore westbound 580 a couple of cars got into two left lanes cleared out of lanes but the damage is done. You are backing up now. We appreciate the heads up. Weaving your own shoes. By out of flax. Or simply adjust your thermostat. Do your thing, with Energy Upgrade california. Now your accuweather forecast with mike nicco. At 12 04 is when they spike. Couple hours either side will have bay shore flooding. This is causing flooding at the coast. We have a coastal Flood Warning until 3 00 tomorrow afternoon for those nearly seven foot tidal surges. Temperatures all over the place from 30 to 50 because of the breezes that are out there. They will be around through tomorrow. Frost will be a greater concern wednesday morning. We will have another abc 7 news update in about 30 minutes and always on our news app. A reminder you can join us for abc 7 mornings week days 4 30 to 7 00. 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George, i know you cant control yourself any longer. Just let it go. Yes, that is the powerhouse tribute for Gloria Estefan at last nights Kennedy Center honors. She was right there watching those awards and they are considered one of the top honors for american artists and very well deserved. Ll cool j. Lionel richie. You see them there as well. Five people total were celebrated and this group marked a lot of firsts. Lara will have much more on that coming up. As always. Its all happening inside now. I see it, george. Its all bubbling up. Also right now, millions from the rockies on on alert for a bitter cold blast. Its moving in fast, and a winter storm will bring snow and strong wind from wyoming to minnesota today. And the College Football playoff is set. You bet it is. Alabama. Whoo i didnt even get to georgia yet. Im waiting for it. Waiting for it. New years day and met in the last two championship games, oklahoma will take on georgia. There you go. Go, dogs, sic em. But the pick sparking backlash because alabama actually lost the conference championship to ohio state. Uhhuh. Im telling you i am so excited. Saturday night was amazing. The pictures you were tweeting. Your brother was at the game. My brother was at the game so andrew and i mimicked their excitement with our television set. It was beautiful. Swift was amazing. If they make it to the championship game i guess we know who is going. Oh, man. Yes, january 8th i think. Might have looked it up. Dont act like you dont know. She knows exactly when it is. But now in this half hour to those clues about the relationship between a Florida High School student and a 27yearold soccer coach. On the run as you know for days, they were finally found in new york and thankfully she is home safe and sound, and he is appearing in court this morning. Abcs linzie janis is here with those details. Good morning, linzie. Reporter good morning, robin. That manhunt ending near syracuse, new york, when a state trooper recognized their car. Now details are emerging about the couples secret romance and there are questions about whether the school did enough to look into a report about inappropriate about an inappropriate relationship. This morning, 17yearold Caitlyn Frisina is back home in florida, reunited with her family after going missing with a soccer coach from her high school. We are just thrilled to death to be together again. Reporter 27yearold rian rodriguez now behind bars awaiting charges. As new details emerge about the leadup to the pairs disappearance. According to a Police Affidavit friends of the teenager say she told them she hooked up with rodriguez, and that he wanted her to leave the country with him, but she didnt know how the get out of it. The document also stating that frisinas school told police it handled a rumor that caitlyn and rian were in a relationship in august, but concluded it to be false after the person who reported it, took it back. Frisina disappeared last sunday after erasing her phone and climbing out her bedroom window. She and rodriguez hadnt been seen since monday when they were spotted at various gas stations and even a pawnshop along the east coast. Then on friday, more than 1,000 miles away from her hometown, police captured them during a traffic stop in upstate about 165 miles from the canadian border. They were able to take him at gunpoint and taken into custody without any incident. He obviously knew we were looking for him. Reporter this morning, the family telling abc news, we are seeking counseling to help us work through things. Im glad to have my daughter back where i know i can protect her and keep her safe as a father always wants to do. Reporter rodriguez appears in a new york court later on this morning. Hell be given the option of waiving or challenging his extradition to florida. So far he faces a charge of interfering with custody of a minor. But the fbi is involved which means he could be facing federal charges as well. Well see how it happens. Thank you very much. Callahan walsh of the National Center for missing exploited children, callahan joins us now. Were so first of all, thank you for joining us, callahan. Were so thankful that this 17yearold, this girl, young woman was brought back home safely. What went right here . You cover this all the time. Well, its great that we got a safe recovery. The National Center for missing exploited children has worked for years to put in systems to help bring home kids safer and quicker than ever, but a Great Partnership with the media. You featured it on gma a couple of times and the public, theyve been their interest has stayed up in the case and the great work by Law Enforcement agencies, that Syracuse Police officer spotting that car and doing the right thing. Going on that gut feeling. I think he said it was one of the best calls hes ever made and great we got a safe recovery. So a lot went right there, but also when you look at the school and it looked like that there was a rumor about a relationship, and they dismissed it. We know about the snapchat and so what do you make of all those kind of situations . Well, its really unfortunate it fell through the cracks. It looks like it was investigated initially, but there either wasnt enough information or the person withdrew their confession of what was going on. And its really sad that the system let her down, but this is obviously something that had been happening for a period of time. He was able to manipulate and coerce this fir into leaving with him. And planning on leaving the country. It looks like she was, in fact, afraid of figuring out how to get away from him. She didnt want to leave the country and it shows his level of what he was able to do and how far he was willing to take this case . What recommendations do you have for parents when it comes to their child and the coach relationship . If theyre looking into getting their child into youth sports, we recommend looking for leagues that have background checks for all coaching staffs, having a code of conduct with specific guidelines and also having a great reporting mechanism as well in case something does happen that theres a way to report it but parents need to take this on themselves and go to practices and need to go to games and need to ask their children, talk to their kids about what type of relationships theyre having with their coaches. Again, were glad for this safe return this time. All right, callahan, thank you very much. Okay, thank you, robin. 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An american student who says she was sexually assaulted by Italian Police while studying abroad in florence. Amy, this is a one of the accusers told me it all began when those officers offered to drive her and her friend home. Reporter with its world class art and gourmet food, its no surprise that florence, italy, has become the second most popular study abroad destination for College Students from the United States. But for two 20yearold american women who studied there this fall, a dream semester abroad turned into a nightmare after they say they were assaulted by a pair of Italian Policemen who escorted them home from a nightclub when they couldnt find a cab. It was supposed to be one of the best times of my life. Reporter this is one of the young women. At her request, she is in shadow and were not naming her. Her story begins on september 6th when she and a friend went out to dinner then to this club. There was about ten of us that went that night. Drinking, dancing . Yeah, drinking, not excessively, but we were drinking, yeah. Any drugs . No, no drugs. No. The officers started to drive you home. Do you think they could tell that you were intoxicated . They could definitely tell my friend was more intoxicated than i was. So thats when we started heading to the front door. And they followed you . Yep. Did you think that was strange . I didnt think it was that strange because my friend, she was she couldnt really stand by herself. She needed assistance so the one officer was like, oh, well help you. Well help you. We got to my elevator door and the elevator only fits about two people. She says her friend and officer costa took the elevator while she took the stairs followed by officer camuffo. It was on the third floor in front of her own door that she said officer camuffo started to assault her. He moved me over to the windowsill and then assaulted me there. And i was terrified. I mean, he had a gun. He is a trained military police officer. What do you do in that moment . Did you keep saying no . Did you cry . Did you scream . I was crying. But i couldnt scream. There was nothing coming out of my mouth at that point. I was so scared. Is there anything you can share about what he physically did to you . I mean before when i had said no and he put me up against the wall and he started pulling at my clothes. He was taller than me, bigger than me. Thats when i was like oh, my god. This is going to be the worst moment of my life. What was he saying to you . I didnt know what he was saying. He didnt speak any english. So that was even worse because i mean no is universal. Reporter the young womans lawyer says officer costas testimony at a Pretrial Hearing in november proves the encounter was not consensual. He says he i only saw camuffo, the other guy, that tried to lower the pants of the girl and she was with some resistance she said no, no. Reporter the case created an International Media frenzy. This case has gotten a lot of attention in italy. Are you surprised by the reaction . Im more surprised that in the beginning no one believed that it even happened. People were like, oh, just a drunk american girl, she drank too much. Reporter the focus on americans studying abroad in italy has grown since 2007 when amanda knox was accused of murdering her british roommate in prushia. She was tried, and then convicted, but then acquitted twice. A 2011 poll by Loyola University in rome found 47 of American Students thought about the knox case before deciding where to spend their semester abroad. The officers in florence have been suspended but claim any sex that night was consensual. What do you think will happen to those Police Officers . Do you have trust in the judicial system over there . I do. I think the evidence is overwhelming. So i think that justice is going to prevail. Now, if convicted the maximum penalty is ten years in prison. The attorney for the officer accused by the young woman i spoke with says the accusers story does not match what her client has said. It is so sad because this young woman had just been in florence for two weeks. She had only taken three classes and then this happened. Horrifying to hear. Yep. All right, thank you, amy. And coming up on our big board, the big boom that went bust. Pontiac superdome is the Still Standing after demolition. Is the mystery this morning. Just wont go down. The mystery this morning. Just wont go down. St. Jude childrens is beating Childhood Cancer. I have cancer. And you also have st. Jude. Discoveries at st. Jude have helped to increase the overall Childhood Cancer survival rate from 20 . To 80 . And we freely share our research everywhere. You want one . Si, thank you for freely sharing. And thank you for giving. Visit stjude. Org or shop where you see the st. Jude logo. Copdso to breathe better,athe. I go with anoro. 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With hundreds of pieces youll only find at jared. December 7th through 10th. Thats why he went to jared. Hang on, folks. T. J. Is back and back now with our big board and that demolition fail when officials tried to the bring down the former home of the detroit lions, the Pontiac Silver Dome on sunday. I played there quite a few times. I bet. But you know when the smoke cleared, the stadium was still right where its been standing since 1975. Abcs t. J. Holmes as we said is here with more and, t. J. , what happened . Okay, look at your screen, everybody. Let me show you the before and after. Heres the silverdome before and here it is after. Same picture. You get the idea. Didnt change at all. When the smoke cleared, it was Still Standing. One of the most iconic stadiums weve had in the country since 1975. The world cup was there, pop Pope John Paul was there, and a representation of the upside, right, the boom of the detroit area but the decline and trying to bring it down and try to usher in a new era and tried to blow it up. Itll take more than that to bring me down. Social media had a little fun with that. Well, you know, youre going to love it. It was all lions related. One from a former writer, tried to implode the silverdome. It doesnt work like most game plans in there on sundays. Another one saying, once again, angry people leave the silverdome after a disappointing ending. Now the company in charge of this said what happened was only 10 of the explosives went off. To that my response is come on now. That did look a little weak, though. Sabotage maybe. They think possibly some trespassing. Could have happened. Good to have you back. Good to be back. Coming up, we have a gma exclusive. The medical milestone giving some women with infertility new hope. Come on back. 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It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. Lets get the big guy in place. The ford year end sales event is here. I can guide you in. No, thanks , santa. I got this. Santa uh, it looks a little tight. Perfect fit. Santa needs an f150. Thats ford, americas best selling brand. Hurry in today for 0 financing for 72 months across the full line up of ford cars, trucks and suvs. For a limited time, get an additional 1,000 cash back on top of 0 financing for 72 months. Get these exclusive offers during the ford year end sales event. And back here on good morning america, there is a section of the nation not dealing with winterlike weather and that would be because theyre dealing with this. Santa clarita, california, one of the brush fires that broke out. Some serious santa ana winds that are setting up for most of this week. This could be the most prolonged santa ana event of the season. High Wind Warnings that stretch from Santa Barbara down to right at the Mexican Border there. Gusts could go up to 55 Miles Per Hour and it will be warm. All right, your local news and weather good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Bundle up for the bitter cold across the country. A major Storm Brewing with heavy snow, damaging winds and thunderstorms. More than a dozen states on winter watch at this hour. A gma exclusive. The First American baby born after a successful uterus transplant. The doctor speaking to us this morning. What the breakthrough means for women and fertility. Dr. Ashton is here live. Meghan mania. New details about how harry and meghan kept their relationship a secret for so long. Their top secret double dates and when harry really bought that diamond for meghans showstopping engagement ring. Saoirse ronan, fresh off hosting saturday night live in this sketch . Double daddy. We definitely did. For hundreds of years. The leading lady a Box Office Hit lady bird here live. All that and Neil Patrick Harris in times square for one magical morning. Plus, maks and val are dancing into times square to say both good morning, america. [ cheers and applause ] what was that . They move, i move. Good morning, america. Jumping up and down. Always great to have maks and val and peta will are be here as well on tour. And theyre bringing the baby with them. 11 months old today. Precious baby and how about some monday motivation . You know what gets me excite on a monday morning. A victory by the saints on sunday and one of the players, Michael Thomas showing fans some love. That was a big win, michael. That was a big win. Theyve had about seven, eight, nine big wins lately and started out 02 and now leading that division looking really good. Thats why youre happy. Very happy. Before we get but first well talk about that bitter cold air thats been moving in making its way across the country. Temperatures set to plunge up to 30 degrees. Well go back to ginger with the latest. Good morning, again, ginger. Michael, we cant avoid it. Were well into december and you can see at Snoqualmie Pass 18 inches fell. Oregon actually on the highways had fatal accidents and thats what is moving east. Winter storm warnings from parts of wyoming all the way through the arrowhead of minnesota, you can see some of those gusty winds up to 55 Miles Per Hour will make their way into iowa and wisconsin. With that storm and behind it, thats what you have to Pay Attention to and a broad scope that goes all the way to the gulf, by the way, the gulf of mexico im talking about. The cold, its going to be feeling like 24 in kansas city by tuesday morning, thursday morning how deep the cold gets into atlanta only feeling like sub40 and sticks around. By the time you wake up on saturday morning here in new york city youll say, o. E. Boy, its here and it looks like its here to stay. Robin, everybody. We have that to look forward to. Okay, ginger. Get her some hot tea. I know. New developments overseas. Air force Training Missions started overnight above the Korean Peninsula including stealth jets. South Koreas Defense Ministry says the fiveday drill is meant to improve the u. S. And allies wartime capabilities. But north koreas state media says the joint drill pushes the Korean Peninsula to the brink of nuclear war. These military exercises come less than a week after north koreas latest test, what appeared to be an intercontinental ballistic missi missile. Such a tense situation. Very much so. Well get the latest on the russia investigation, special Counsel Robert Mueller closes in on the white house and a new tactic arguing the president cannot obstruct justice. Our chief White House Correspondent jon karl tracking the case. Good morning, jon. Reporter good morning, george. In the congressional investigations and presumably in the Mueller Investigation one of the questions is whether or not the president or anybody on his team obstructed justice by interfering with the russia probe. Now in a novel argue many the president s personal lawyer is saying that by definition because of his job the president cannot be guilty of obstruction of justice and says, quote, the president cannot obstruct justice because he is the chief Law Enforcement officer under article 2 and has every right to express his view on any case. Its ang interesting legal argue many. Politically it may be a tough one to make of we have seen in the case of Richard Nixon an article of impeachment drawn up charging obstruction of justice and, of course, with bill clinton, one of the articles of purple rainment to pass the house was obstruction of justice. George. It is clear that mueller is investigating obstruction of justice. It is clear. Should be another interesting week. Coming up an amazing medical breakthrough. The First American baby born from a successful uterus transplant. What it could mean for thousands of women suffering from infertility. And a royal insider is spilling the beans on how long prince harry had been planning his proposal to meghan markle. Lara is upstairs with some special guests. Who you got. Special guests. Good morning, guys. Getting swept off my feet, if you will with val, maks, peta, they have a new dancing tour. Theyre going to perform it for us live coming up on gma. As you can see. [ cheers and applause ] weve just gotten started. Come on back. I wanna dance with somebody even if you dont buy one from us. Because maybe youre already buying a car somewhere else. Or maybe you want to shop around. Or, maybe you dont want to drive a car at all anymore. Like, maybe you want to ride a camel into the dessert and take a deep hard look within. Just figure some stuff out for awhile. Thats cool. Whatever your plans for buying a car, carmax is the place to sell your car. Okay, lets do this, tina, tchicktchick. Here we go, tchicktchick. I believe in ya tina. Cmon now. Ah, we can just hang out here. Unlike ordinary toothpaste, Colgate Total fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. Giving you the confidence of a healthier mouth. Colgate total. Be totally ready for life. When food is good and clean and real, its ok to crave. And with panera catering, theres more to go around. Panera. Food as it should be. Afi sure had a lot on my mind. My 30year marriage. My 3month old business. Plus. What if this happened again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . So i made a point to talk to my doctor. He told me about eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. Eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Eliquis had both. And that turned around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. You know when youve got takeout on your chest and the blanket around your feet, and then, you realize the remote is on the other side of the couch . Just say, hey google, play stranger things. growling, click its google home mini. Now only 29. Its google home mini. phone maddie. You have everything you need right inside you. 9 out of 10 u. S. Olympians grew up drinking milk. Its got natural protein and balanced nutrition to help your kids grow strong and milk life. Can you pass me that tinsel . Ooh, a pink tree . One. Its millennial pink not seeing the vision. How about a little gold . How about rose gold . Lets do it um, love whoo fired up monday morning crowd. Great to have this audience here with us on a monday morning. Help us kick off the week, and lara, youll kick it off with a little pop news. Good morning to you, everybody. The Kennedy Center honors were held over the weekend. Even though President Trump opted not to go that certainly didnt stop this group from enjoying their moment all night long. That reference in honor of Lionel Richie who is one of the elite group of Kennedy Center honorees. Rapper ll cool j, singer Gloria Estefan, dancer Carmen De Lavallade and tv producer extraordinaire norman lear who created all in the family, the jeffersons, good times, just to name a few. And last nights event was full of firsts. Ll the first rapper to be honored and the youngest honoree at 49 and Gloria Estefan is the first cubanamerican to receive the award. Congratulations to all of them. [ applause ] the honorees. Also in pop news, on this monday morning, sunday marked the 25th anniversary of a very important thing for all of us, the text. 1992 right after bill clinton was elected aladdin topped the box office, the very first text message was sent from a computer to someones phone. Now the first phone to phone text happened two years later and the world has never been the same and the first emoji happened four years after that in 1998 in japan and it was a heart. 2007 marked the first time more americans sent Text Messages than made phone calls and as we all know, it is now the preferred method of communication, in fact, as of last junes the number of Text Messages per month a staggering 781 billion Text Messages a month here in the u. S. Alone. Put your phone down. You know what that first text was, what it said. I love you, robin. No. It said merry christmas. Oh, thats nice. Merry christmas. Look at you. Thats a lot. 781 billion a day. Most from my children. I will say this, though. You talk about preferred method of communication and it is true, so for all the friends youre texting with and decide to call, no, were texting, dont call when were texting. I say. Im a texter. More texts than phone. What can we do . It happened. Finally the popular game words with friends is being credited for sparking a lasting friendship between two people who otherwise probably never would have met let alone connected. Spencer began playing words from wednesdays with roz over a year ago. They now have 300 games between them. And they finally met for the first time this weekend. The thing is spencer is 22. He lives in harlem. And he had never been to florida until this trip to visit his pal roz who is 86 and lives in a retirement community. Ah. Here in new york city a minister arranged the meeting, west palm beach. And spencers tweet about his excitement for meeting his new pal has been liked over 500,000 times already. They played 300 times. And counting. No word on who they didnt share that with us. All about the friendship. It is. Thats all i got for you today. Thank you, lara. Great way to start the week. [ cheers and applause ] we now have that gma exclusive. Were getting our first look rat a huge medical breakthrough, the First American baby was born from a uterus transplant. Now that successful birth is raising hope for thousands of women. Were going to speak with dr. Ashton in a moment. First the incredible journey. What youre watching is a medical milestone. For the first time in the United States a woman has given birth thanks to a uterus transplant. All of us had tears in our eyes and little boy will stay with us for our entire lives. Reporter born last month he was delivered via c. Section when his mother born without a uterus received a transplant at baylor last september. The woman is part of their uterus transplant clinical trial. Thee suffered from absolute uterine factorer infertility. A type of infertility affecting 1 in 500 women where the uterus is nonfunctioning or nonexistent. Approximately 1 in 4500 females in the u. S. Are born without a uterus every year. It was very special to look in the eyes of the mother. She was told that when she was a teenager that she would never experience this moment. And then all of a sudden you see this happening and you think everything has a meaning. Reporter the little boy is now the ninth baby born in the world from a transplanted uterus. Joining the eight other babies successfully born from transplanted uteruses in sweden as part of its trial, baylor chas completed a total of eight uterus transplants including the mother who just gave birth. While three have been unsuccessful, one woman is currently pregnant. The remaining four women are in different stages of the process. This birth on this boy is giving hope to all these families out there who have this type of infertility. I think thats a truly amazing thing. Our thanks to diane macedo. Were joined by our chief medical correspondent dr. Jennifer ashton. Youve been in tears over this. Ob gyn you are and to have this kind of without a uterus. They do have ovaries and their eggs can be used but this affects women who lost their uterus surgically due to a hysterectomy and want to carry their own fetus talking about significantly a good number of women. Of course, always with Something Like this theres some controversy surrounding it. Yeah, really when you talk about uterine transplants it falls under a different category than other organ transplantations because, lets say, heart, kidney, liver, you need those organs to survive, to live. A woman doesnt need her uterus to survive, obviously, but she does need it to give life in this particular way and there are significant medical, surgical, financial costs involved. This is a procedure that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars right now and so there are people who say is it necessary in a country like ours where uterine surrogacy is legal in parts of europe its not legal, but i think it speaks to the very powerful compelling drive that some women have to carry their own baby and the technology and the science is there right now that is finally making that possible. Well, what are the medical and surgical risks for both mother and baby. In obstetrics we have two patients. You need to remember that. With these type of women youre talking about rejection, bleeding, damage to the surrounding anatomy for both the donor and resip jens and need for immune zhu suppression temporarily because after that delivery that uterus will come out and for the fetus risk of preterm delivery and the baby has to be born by csection. This is your wheelhouse. Youve heard me talking about it since 2014. Its huge for Reproductive Health and huge for my specialty, ob gyn and families everywhere that want to become parents in this way and for that very, very special family who delivered in texas. This is really historic for this country. It is. All right, jen, thanks so much. You bet. Amy. All right, robin. We move on to the royal engagement. When i was in london last week meghan was already making her mark. People around the world falling for her and now we are learning more about just how her love story with prince harry happened for these two very busy and very public people. This morning, were learning more about how the palaces newest royal couple kept their relationship under cover for so long. Keeping harry and meghans relationship under wraps was a cloak and dagger operation. Of course, meghan had a job on suits so couldnt fly around as much as harry did so when he had the time he would jump on a plane, fly into toronto. In a huge city where theres nowhere to go on a restaurant date and so it was up to the friends of meghan to actually kind of open up their doors for places that they could actually hang out. Reporter even going on double dates in both toronto and london. The other couple that harry and meghan often went on double dates with is his favorite cousin Princess Eugenie and her partner jack brooksbank. Reporter part of that cloak and dagger operation quiet 24 7 protection early on. Now that theyre engaged hell also receive further training. Shell know how to deal with a kidnapped threat or if someone is following her. Reporter transitioning to royal life in the public eye but its a transition that has been in the making for some time. Now that i fell in love with meghan so incredibly quickly was sort of confirmation to me that everything all the stars were ali aligned. Everything was just perfect. It was this beautiful woman sort of literally tripped and fell into my life. I fell into her life. Reporter prince harry actually picking out the Center Diamond from botswana. It was something he had actually planned several months before proposing to meghan. It was a trip to botswana in may of this year where he selected the diamond and kept that as a secret from pretty much everyone around him. Botswana is somewhere very important to prince harry. It was the place that he escaped to after the death of his mother. It was very early on in the relationship that he actually convinced her to come away to botswana with him where they spent close to a week camping under the stars. Reporter that ring glimmering with significance in more ways than one. The ring is obviously yolo gold because thats her favorite and the main story in itself a source from bat swan in and the little indictments on either side are from my mothers jewelry collection to make sure shes with us on this crazy journey together. Speaking of Princess Diana it was significant that meghans first royal public appearance after getting engaged was with the Terrance Higgins trust which aims to raise hiv and aids awareness, something, of course very close to harrys heart and something that Princess Diana was extremely passionate about, as well. Ginger, well send it over to you. Yes. Lets do this. Weve got the update on harry and meghan. Now you need to get your gma moment. So this time of year we all get excited about christmas decorating, right . Everybody gets pretty excited. You go to target. You go to some of these places. Listen to braden. Can you see them . Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Overwhelmed with joy at that beautiful wall of decorations and lights. Oh. You know what, he just keeps going. From franklin, tennessee. Thank you for sharing that with us. You encompass everything we feel, at least a lot of us that love this holiday season. Send me your gma mom good morning. Im abc 7 news meteorologist mike nicco. Sunshine today but bone dry and breezy conditions. First frost a chance tonight, better chance tomorrow night. Im kind of getting concerned. 59 at the coast to 60 in santa cruz. 60 to 63 for the rest of us. We will have low 30s in deepest valleys and upper 40s in san tt now that baby was so excited when he saw that. It is a Weight Watchers revolution. They are upping the diet game by making dramatic changes to their popular smart points system. Abcs Adrienne Bankert is back here with all the details. Yes. What you got. When i say freestyle what do you think about. About going off the rails. Yeah. Dancing without choreography. Its the name of Weight Watchers latest program, the company says it gives people more freedom while still keeping off the pounds and their biggest cheerleader oprah is saying, yes, you can. Weight watchers is blowing it up again in 2016 oprah announced she had lost 40 pounds on the popular meal plan and now shes raving about the megadiet companys new program called freestyle. Saying when i first heard about it, i thought it was too good to be true. The fish, beans and corn in nye favorite tacos are now zero points. Weight watchers assigns values called smart points to food and members lose weight by limiting the number they consume. With the new Freestyle Program Weight Watchers is taking foods that will fill people up withou. Its not things like cakes, cookie, chips and sold dpa. Their idea is not that you can go on a free for all or that there is free foods, but rather choosing foods that youre not likely to overeat. Reporter w5e9 watchers has always had zero points food like celery, carrots and fruit but 200 more items have been added like low fat yogurt and eggs. Alexis has lost almost 95 pounds on Weight Watchers and was part of an early group to test the Freestyle Program. You think, well, i cant go out to dinner because im not going to have options that are going to fit with my plan or my program. By having things like seafood and chicken and turkey be zero points youre actually able to eat the foods that you need to really fill your body and at the same time get to eat the foods you warrant to indulge in. To counteract the extra calories people will take in with the zero points daily totals go down but a point rollover system. Lets say youre allocated 20 points today and only consume 15, you roll the five over to the next day. On a tuesday when maybe youre not eating all of them you can save them up for something that you want to indulge in later in the week. Reporter but zero points dont mean zero calories. Its still going to take work. You still have to balance your plate. You still have to think about which foods youre eating. You still need to make sure youre having enough plants. You cant have all your points coming from cake and cookies and not move your body and not be mindful. Oh, yes, its all about mindfulness, right. You still have to think before you eat but the company says by putting more foods on the zero points list that dont need to be tracked youll spend less time counting and more time enjoying food and your life which is what we all want to do. You should enjoy your life. I love bread like oprah. Like oprah. Like oprah. Bert you than me trying to do that. Bread. I probably shouldnt have done it either. Adrienne, thank you so much. Youre welcome. Robin is back there trying to mess us up. Shes our cheering section. Thank you for that. Youre trying to count us down. Four, three freestyle. Were going to freestyle this tease. When we come back we have some amazing gifts starting separate from hosting snl, Saoirse Ronan is here to talk about it and her new film lady bird plus Neil Patrick Harris is here. And so are our favorite dancers, maks, val and peta. You can see them all doing some magic themselves. [ cheers and applause ] your gma moment brought to you by the frame from samsung. The most beautiful tv youve never seen. Even if no one in your home smokes, Secondhand Smoke can be closer than you think. Secondhand smoke from a neighbors apartment can enter your home through air vents, through light fixtures and even through cracks in the walls and the floors. Secondhand smoke is toxic. Especially to children. Protect your family. Visit tobaccofreeca. Com. 24 karat magic in the air [ applause ] welcome back to gma, everybody. We want to thank you all for being with us on this monday morning and thank this very enthusiastic audience. You guys are amazing. Really are amazing. Great audience. Deserve a fantastic guest and were bringing one to the table. Won an emmy an a tony award. Multiples as an actor and thousand an author of the magic misfits. Please welcome the multitalented Neil Patrick Harris. [ cheers and applause ] how are you doing . Okay. Hey. Welcome back. How are you . How are you . How are you . Good to see. You how you doing, man . Good to see you. Thank you. Hey, guys. Wow. My own chair. I looic this. Welcome. Thank you. Congrats to you. I like this vibe with a Live Audience here. [ cheers and applause ] new for you all. We said congrats because your book debuted at number three on the New York Times bestsellers list. Thank you very much. Indeed. Its called the magic misfits. The magic misfits. A series of books. This is a series of four. Dealing with diamonds. A group of quids in a small town that realize their love of magic through that they think theyre more misfits and dont like that and come to realize that together theyre stronger and they have adventures and theres magic tricks to learn in the book and theres secret codes and stuff that are in there. Some easter egg stuff. What ages . Its a middle reader book so 8, 9, chapter book style. Im excited by it. Its really fun. Doesnt it hit close to home. You were a magician as a child. Yeah, magic is my thing. Ive loved it for a long time. It was my main hobby. I grew up in small town new mexico and would drive to albuquerque to visit my grandparents and there was a mall and magic shop there called fools paradise and that was just my thing. Save my allowanceo and stand next to the magic case and ask to see tricks and then use my allowance to buy said tricks and on the ride home i would sit in the backseat and learn the secrets and practice the tricks. Its a great hobby. Live magic, Live Entertainment i think is really fun and certainly worth talking about and i think i talk about magic as an idea within the book too. Can you teach us. Misdirection. Not only for a magic trick but the idea of misdirection, ideas of keeping secrets, of practicing and practicing and practicing as opposed to heres a magic trick, want to see it. This is how its done. We do want to see one. You do give us instructions. [ cheers and applause ] these are half dollars. In the book we talk about quarters. Put it on your first knuckle. I have one in my pocket too. Yeah, then youll want to roll it onto your second knuckle so it flips over and over again so like a tabletop. Right. On your first knuckle. [ laughter ] on your first knuckle and lift your second knuckle up . Ah. And flick it down so it falls on to i got it. Well, i have the ring. I had it. What happens if your knuckles are swollen from football like mine. Then you need to use a Silver Dollar to make that happen. But you dedicated it to your beautiful kids. If youre really good you can flip it. Whoa oh. Whoa you fooled us. You had us going. Have you talked to kids . I dont teach our kids magic. They just want toshow how tricks are done but i also like that they think that i have magical powers. Yeah. Because then i can make things disappear if theyre fighting over something, i can make it aa they they they thy wizard person. Like to keep it that way till theyre 17. Do they have the performing gene . It comes and goes. Harper is a bit more of a performer. Shes in hiphop class right now. And she likes to sing all the time. Our latest lullaby i sing casting on a many club from les miserables. Gideon is into hot wheels and legos and he is into minecraft. Is that okay for a 7yearold, mine craft . Is it . I dont know. Is it . But is that young . Is that too young. They have to think. He was playing final fantasy. I dont know how he found that on his ipad. I look and final fantasy for like 12 and up. The kid is 7 so we had to have a long talk about that. In addition to the book you also have a movie coming out called downsizing. Matt damon movie. Alexander payne directed it. An interested thing about what would happen in a current future where you could be reduced to five inches. Five inches tall which means youre say 30,000less, 40,000 youre struggling with actually values out to be millions of dollars a year when youre that small. You can live in a mansion. You can have everything you want. [ laughter ] we have a little clip, right . Is there a clip . Okay. Lets do it. Welcome, everybody. Im jeff lenoski, happy homeowner the leisure. Land he date states. Having a good time. What do you think of my place . Just wait till you see whats inside. [ applause ] i was up till midnight watching it and think the trailer and think its one thing but its very much what youre talking about. A deeper message to. Absolutely, its not meant to be a broad comedy. Its not honey, i shrunk the kids. Its Alexander Payne who directed it and getting a lot of Critical Response and it brings up some thoughtprovoking ideas of society and societal ideas so im happy to be a part of it. Just have a small part. Congratulations. You got a lot going on. The book and once we learn this part, will you teach us that part, whatever you did, that was unbelievable. Thanks, man. Tell you, what, neil, thanks for coming and his book the magic misfits is out now and everyone here in the audience are going home with a copy of the book. And you too. [ cheers and applause ] youre welcome. And coming up next lady bird Saoirse Ronan hot off snl is right here on gma plus dancing with the stars, maks, val and peta are going to perform live. [ cheers and applause ] hows it going down there . Thats good. Lica misses you. Im over it though. laughter thats fine. I miss her more than you anyway. Hey, my window is closing. Yeah thats okay. Alright miles. I love you. phone hangs up yeah i love you too. [ cheers and applause ] its not for me. Its for the incredibly talented Saoirse Ronan, the twotime oscar nominated actress making headlines not only for her latest role, this brilliant film, everyone should see lady bird but did you see she killed it on saturday night live this weekend. [ applause ] killed it and one getting a lot of attention, it is so good to see you. Thank you. I mean i watched lady bird last night. I had heard about it. And it like approach it and explain how its made them feel or their response to it and i think, you know, one of the best experiences working on snl was meeting all the female writers and how incredibly, you know, smart and sharp they are and they had such a great sort of sophisticated way of handling Something Like that through humor and i feel like ive had so many conversations recently with men like that where im sort of like, yep, its actually been like this forever. So, yeah, i just think theyre very, very good at handling, you know, difficult topics like that and making them i dont know reachable to a wider audience. Yeah, you can really relate to it. It was brilliant and creative. Let us talk about lady bird. People, you need to see this film. [ cheers and applause ] greta, greta gerwig, she was here. Yeah. Greta was here, just tell us what it was like working with her on this. Shes i mean, i was a huge fan of hers anyway, even before i met her and shes incredible. This is it her first film and its her first film and she was incredibly prepared and supportive and i feel like she which is quite unusual for a firsttime director. She really knew what type of filmmaker she wanted to be and it was a very natural position for her to be in and to watch someone come into their own and do something they were born to do is amazing. Lets see a little bit of it in action. Youre a teenage girl. Having some issues with her momma. Yeah. Lets take a look. If youre tired we can sit down. Im not tired. Oh, okay. I couldnt tell because you were dragging your feet. Well, i just couldnt tell. Why didnt you just say pick up your feet. I didnt know if you were tired. Youre being passive aggressive. You are so infuriating. Please top yelling. Im not yelling. Oh, perfect. Do you love it . I know. A lot of us [ applause ] you and laurie metcalf, just so brilliant there. Shes amazing. You have a great relationship with your mom. I do. I have i have a fantastic relationship with my mom. Shes my best friend. Like shes im an only child and im i was very, very close to my parents growing up. We were this little sort of unit and, you know, maam came away with me when i started work and was incredibly, i dont know, she just she just she protected me from anything that was would sort of overexpose me to the industry when i was young, do you know what i mean. I felt like i was able to fully enjoy all of the positive things about working on a film set with brilliant filmmakers but was protected as well. Shes done a brilliant job. Thank you. Ill tell her. All right. This gentleman, hes from ireland. I was taking a picture with him earlier. Where are you from . Derry. Oh, my gosh. I love it. One of my favorite cities. Its wonderful. Derry. I know. We had to learn you had to actually learn some of the english ways for the film so i thought seeing a countryman. A lot you had to learn. For american, yeah, absolutely, well, my best friend in it taught me the pledge of allegiance and i taught her the hail mary. It all worked out. Lady bird is in theaters now. Do you a favor and run go see it. All the best to you. Lara. Thank you. [ applause ] such a good movie and so happy to see these guys with us, three of our favorite dancing with the stars stars, maks, val and peta all with us. Theyre all about to hit the road for a nationwide tour and this time it is a family affair. Were talking you three plus baby too. Yes. Absolutely. Really . Yeah. Shai is going on the road. Not on stage, on the bus. Thats right. We know who wears the pants in this family. I want to ask you, val. We know you from dancing with the stars. We love you. 25 seasons. How will the tour be different. Its along the lines were bringing you behind the scenes, the honest truth behind our lives and that is the fact that we love each other. We love family. We love to dance. We love to celebrate this country, us, dance and, you know, we put that on our show the first time around and the people really responded to that positivity and we want to do it again, bigger, hopefully we can expand our family to all the people at home. Yeah, i love that. [ applause [ applause ] peta, you didnt go on the last tour. I wasnt dancing but i was there half the time really pregnant at the back of the bus. Now that youre with them, were talking about, you know, confidential and getting the real truth, who is bossier between paxton and val. Oh, no question. Well, just be honest. Go ahead. Absolutely maks. Maks, what do you have to say to that . I say its incorrect and if you come to s i was a competitive ballroom dancer and athlete now after the last show gave me the opportunity to feel this on stage. We got a great opportunity and we want to use it for more than just, you know, glitz and glamour and want to tell a great, positive story and share our love. Its fun seeing you together. You are like family. Youre like our family now. Yeah, yeah. We love it. Right here, on sale today. Congratulations to maks, val and peta and giving us a sneak peek of the show just ahead. Theyre going to get warmed up. Well go outside to ginger. We are so happy for them. Guess what, val, i found your biggest fan, this is lola from atlanta. Were so pumped to see him dance, right . Yes yeah, we are. Were ready counting down the days too unless the release of the highly anticipated star wars the last jedi and abcs Abbie Boudreau got a preview of nissans new Car Technology inspired by the movie with a little help from the beloved droid bb8. Reporter im nervous. Anticipation. The anticipation. Reporter in a warehouse not too far away. We wanted to create something amazing for the 131 million plus star wars fans. Reporter the famous droid who helped fly the xwing in the new star wars the last jedi is here to help our sponsor nissan show of its new car, 2018 rogue and its most exciting feature, the propilot assist. Sends advance Driver Assistance Systems that is a combination of what we call Intelligent Cruise control steering assistance or lane centering. So its your backup. Its your backup. Your partner. I took the car for a test drive on the 5 freeway in los angeles. Such a weird sensation. Yep. The car is actually doing the work. We want to remind you you are still driving but, yes, the vehicle does have the capability to apply the brakes and accelerator and, again, help you maintain the gap to the vehicle ahead. Reporter the xwing rogue and six other star wars nissan cars are on display at the l. A. Auto show. The little droid. Cool. Bringing his message of safety to this galaxy. For good morning america, Abbie Boudreau, abc news, los angeles. [ cheers and applause ] all i noticed was the 5 good morning. Im meteorologist mike nicco. Coastal flooding. Temperatures upper 50s. Breezy, sunny and bone dry air we are not done yet. More maks, peta and val. Stick around live. Back now with maks, val and peta and a preview of maks, val and peta live on tour, confidential. Take it away, guys. Give it to me give it to me i met a boy last week trynna run that game made it sound so sweet when he say my name i said boy stop run it back you can talk that talk but can you play that sax i need a stay up brother with a james brown soul the type of red hot love that got me freezing cold say you can go all night the way you lay that track but if you wanna hear me sing you better play that sax give it to me you better play that sax uh okay play it you better play that sax get loose get right get a grip and rock me all night hold tight lean back play what i want with that sax get loose get right get a grip and rock me all night hold tight lean back play what i want with that dax i need a stay up brother with a james brown soul the type of red hot love that got me freezing cold say you can go all night the way you lay that track but if you wanna hear me sing if you wanna hear me sing if you wanna hear me sing you better play that sax give it to me you better play that sax you better play that sax [ cheers and applause ] its just my eczema again,t. But its fine. Yeah, its fine. You ok . Eczema. Its fine. Hey hi arent you hot . Eczema again . Its fine. I saw something the other day. Eczema exposed. Your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. Maybe you should ask your doctor . Go to eczemaexposed. Com to learn more. Good morning america is brought to you by cosequin joint Health Supplement available at veterinarians and pet aisles nationwide. Got a big thanks to maks, val and peta and the whole crew, i mean, that was amazing and maks said thats just a little taste of what youre going to get. Make sure to check out their show and thank you guys for watching. Announcer its live with kelly and ryan today are, we are just getting started. Actress rene russo. And the star of the new film lady bird, Saoirse Ronan. A plus, we are kicking off our holiday hits week with a performance with grammy winner fantasia. And joining kelly at the cohost desk, david muir. All next on live. And now, here are kelly ripa and david muir. [cheers and applause] david its

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