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Some hunkering down ready to ride out this storm at home. It is very serious. Is the miami skyline in jeopardy . And floridas southwest coast bracing for what could be a catastrophic storm surge. The frightening projections, plus, states of emergency all the way up to virginia. Our david muir and amy robach on the ground leading our Team Coverage with all you need to know. And good morning, everybody. Lets get right to the breaking news. Hurricane irma bearing down on florida. Theyre calling it the big one. Look at the satellite imagery. This storm is a massive, massive category 4. It is extremely powerful and extremely dangerous. Now, that view is the true from space, but this is the view from an air force reserve plane that flew right over the eye of the storm. And as we come on the air this morning, things are changeous fuhrously including where its headed. Here are the major headlines. The track shifted significantly further west. The eye wall is now forecast to hit the florida keys, naples, ft. Myers and tampa. But the entire state of florida is under threat, and right now more than 6 Million People in 3 states are under mandatory or voluntary evacuation orders. One of the largest evacuations, if not the largest evacuations in american history. World news tonight anchor david muir is leading our coverage on the ground all weekend from miami, and Gmas Amy Robach is also in miami this morning at the Robert Morgan Senior Center shelter. Our entire team covering every angle across the storm zone. Were going to start here, however, with senior meteorologist rob marciano who is in delray beach with where irma is right now and what we can expect. Rob, good morning to you. Hey, paula, good morning. This is really when it gets real for the u. S. Weve seen what irma has done to the caribbean islands anddoorst. Already impacting that state and it really has been crushing cuba overnight. Take a look what the satellite imagery is showing. The beating cuba has taken has taken a toll on the storm itself and weakened some in the last few hours but the canopy extends way up into the u. S. And latest track, mentioned the shift to the west and looking for it to go to as ft. Myers, tampa and monday Tropical Storm into georgia. Supering in on the most critical spots and timing it out, a category 4 or a 5 tonight into tomorrow and during the afternoon tomorrow naples, ft. Myers, punta gorda and tampa, a 3 or 4 late tomorrow night. Were starting to see the rain now on the u. S. Radar. That tells you how close it is and its starting to lash the keys and miami proper with the outer bands and some of those have certainly some gusty winds so conditions will be deteriorating across south florida from east to west and south to north here over the next several hours and the winds will be damaging on the east side. I know weve talked a lot about the shift to the west but the folks on the east side, most of whom have evacuated, there is going to be damaging winds in excess of 80, 90 miles an hour there so a storm not to be trifled with. That is for sure. Much more on irma throughout the hour. Paula, back to you. Those maps so frightening and well check back with rob several times throughout the hour. We want to get it out to muir. David muir is in miami covering the preparations and evacuations. David, good morning to you. Reporter dan, paula, great to be with you. As you saw from rob, that slight westward shift overnight is alarming officials throughout the state of florida. Here in south florida and in miami, many parts of this region ghost towns. They are prepared but now the big question, are these cities up and down the western coast as you heard rob mention, ft. Myers, naples, tampa, sarasota all could be in the path bearing the brunt of this hurricane, in fact, they could be on the worst side of the hurricane, and so i asked governor rick scott moments ago if the western part of the state is prepared. Governor scott, thanks for joining us here this morning. I know its a busy morning and you have just a few hours left to get floridians ready for this. I do want to ask about this slight westward shift of the track that means cities like naples, ft. Myers and tampa could really take the brunt of the hurricane. How well prepared are you in the western part of your state and what would you like to say to those People Living in those cities this morning . Weve clearly put out evacuation notices and my goal, everybody listen to them. Dont put your life at risk. I love my family. Im sure you love yours. I dont want to lose my family. I wouldnt want you to lose yours either. So, listen to the evacuation orders. Weve got a lot of people in shelters now. Weve got, i think, over 250 shelters open. We do need nurses. We need a thousand nurses especially for a special needs shelter. Let me give you a website. Bprchdpreparedness flhealth. Gov and my goal is everybody get to a shelter. If youre on the west coast, you sort of have to be on the road and out of there by noon at the latest. If not, get to a shelter as fast as possible. Evacuate as fast as you can. But, david, ill tell you what, this state is resilient and were strong. You say if you live in the western part of the state, to evacuate by noon. You put the call out for nurses. I know south florida, the keys are likely still to get hit very hard. Miami, south florida going to feel this. But i do want to ask about the cities along the west. They could be on the wrong side of this hurricane, as you know, governor. Are you confident those regions are ready for this . Well, we were ready. You know, its going to keep changing. The big thing right now is were going to do everything we can, but you got to do your job. Governor, i visited a shelter in miami yesterday. It was already full. And we saw the aerials of the lines, people waiting to get into shelters throughout florida. Are you confident there are enough safe spots for people to go . Were going to continue to open shelters as needed. I shut down all the schools starting friday morning through monday. Make sure we have plenty of locations. Were going to work to make sure we have all the food, the water. Were still working on trying to get more fuel into the state. I said were not going to collect certain taxes last night to see if we can get more fuel in the state so were going to keep working to do all these things, but youve got to do your job and prepare, so you cannot wait. This thing is hitting us now. You mentioned the fuel, trying to get more fuel into the state. We saw some cars, families had to abandon their cars on the highway in those traffic jams. Are we going to see more fuel for people in the west who probably saw this shift in track and will try to get out today . Well, im sure more people are going to try to get out. But the bottom line is, if youre not on the road on the west coast by noon, youre going to have a very difficult time getting out. And, governor, as you told me, this is a monster of a storm and it is wider than the state of florida. People from the west to the east have to be prepared. David, it is an unbelievable storm. It covers the entire state. But the big thing thats different, the unbelievable storm surge possibly up to 12 feet of storm surge. This can cover your house. Do not think you can ride out this storm. If youre in an area thats supposed to evacuate, theyre telling you to evacuate because theyre worried especially, a lot is because of the wind but the truth is a lot is because of the storm surge and on the west coast, 12 feet of potential storm surge. Thats devastating. That you cannot survive that. Governor rick scott with us this morning. Governor scott, i know youve been trying to get the word out all week, and we do appreciate your time this morning. Stay safe. Thanks, david. Reporter and you heard the governor there. He does not want people here in miami and south florida on the eastern side of that track to let their guard down. There will still be according to this new track significant hurricaneforce winds here. Also a major storm surge. Even on the east coast of florida around the tip and up the west coast, so everybody has to be ready, and as you heard the governor tell me, for those in the cities along the west coast that could take direct hits from irma, evacuate but evacuate by noon today. Hurricane irma now on her path to the mainland u. S. Irma ravaging the caribbean. Heavy wind and rain barreling into cuba overnight, and on some of the islands, the scope of the devastation is now emerging, dutch and French Forces arriving in st. Martin discovering the beach paradise flattened. Cars thrown in all directions and buildings turned inside out. This morning a race against time for more than 6 million americans told to evacuate florida, South Carolina, georgia. Its really scary. You just dont know what to expect. Reporter the preparations morphing usually bustling cities like miami into ghost towns as officials anticipate irma slamming into florida as a category 4 or 5 hurricane. This, folks, is the big one. Reporter a lastminute sprint for those in the danger zone. Some boarding up to face out the hurricane at home. Others packing up and getting out. Pack your stuff and get up out of the house. Reporter the governor telling me why the storm is so worrisome. You can have five to ten feet of storm surge. This could cover your home. We didnt have this in andrew. Thats why im telling people, if youre told to evacuate, evacuate. Ill do everything i can to help you get your house back and get your possessions back. I cant get your life back. Reporter floridas highways nearly at a standstill. The traffic stretching for miles. Key west, so i dont know. Well figure it out when we get up there. Reporter a rush at the pump. Drivers waiting in line, some pulling up to stations and theyre empty when they drive up. Even the atms running dry. The last flights from taken off from the airports. Plastic covering some of the checkin station, a stark contrast to fridays mad dash to escape. A desired destination to anywhere, just not here. We spent hours trying to find flights, and its just been awful. Reporter still those in miamidade county, 43 shelters are now in place with lines stretching for blocks. This morning, at least seven are already at capacity. We stopped by 1 of them, 1,300 people say staying inside. [ speaking spanish ] reporter all seeking refuge here, and john tisdale told me he still remembers hurricane andrew 25 years ago. Knocked the roof off houses. So youre not taking any chances. Im not. Reporter you heard that staggering number. More than 6 million americans 6 million americans now have been told to evacuate parts of florida. Parts of georgia, South Carolina as irmas track becomes clearer. Many of them are going to shelters, and thats where amy robach is. Weve seen the number of shelters multiply in the last 24 hours. Reporter thats right, david. Officials have had to do that because many shelters like the one here behind me are at full capacity. In fact, they actually had to turn around hundreds of people overnight, and now more shelters, thankfully, will be opening up throughout the day to accommodate all the people who have chosen to try to safely ride out this storm in the miami area but others, as you know, have sought to evacuate seeking other towns and cities in florida that they thought were safe, but now we know things have dramatically changed with that westward shift of Hurricane Irma, and many of those people now may be in its direct path. Abcs t. J. Holmes is in tampa, florida, which woke up this morning hearing the news that they may, in fact, bear the brunt of irma. T. J. Reporter hey, good morning to you. You said they woke up. Yes, this is what they woke up to. The headlines stay safe. But that was the headline at press time last night. The headline now is really, get out. Theyre waking up to a new reality in tampa here where they see all those forecast models, you see all those lines are now has this storm making a beeline directly towards tampa where we are right now. Where i am is called zone a, and its under evacuation orders. Some are mandatory, some are voluntary. Mandatory, voluntary, doesnt matter. You need to get out of here because where we are within 48 hours could be under water. Theyre expecting a storm surge three to five feet right here, possibly even more. Up to 10 inches of rain, as well. We do have about ten shelters open within this immediate shelter but expecting more to open through the day and going to need them. But it is a beautiful morning in tampa. It looks completely normal. People were partying here when we came in last night. People are on their morning jogs this morning. Everything looks normal but a lot of people are waking up to a new reality, and as you mentioned, robach, at our hotel when we checked in, it sold out for tonight. Couldnt give us a room for tonight because they said so many people are fleeing southern florida, specifically miami and they came here. They were proactive and got themselves a hotel room to come to a safe place, but how about that now, they fled an area and they fled to an area now that might get a direct hit from this storm. So we have more shelters going to open up today. There will be more Evacuations Ordered for today, but, robach, it is really something now. People thought they were fleeing the storm and now theyre coming possibly to an area that could get a direct hit. It really is incredible, t. J. And we know floridians have been bracing for several days now trying to figure out what they were going to do. Would they stay . Would they evacuate . And as people fled their homes and took to their cars and went up those interstates, we saw what happened, massive backups, huge overcrowding and the interstates filled with cars. People having to abandon their cars because they ran out of gas and thats where we find matt gutman who is covering it in ft. Lauderdale covering this huge exodus which has turned into a huge headache. Matt. Reporter good morning, amy. As youre seeing where you are in miami, it is pretty quiet on the roadways in southeast florida. What a difference 24 hours makes, but ive been speaking to officials on the western side of the state, and as t. J. Mentioned, so many people there thought that the storm would pass them by, so they hunkered down. Now those officials expect them to clog the roadways trying to get out of harms way. This morning one of the largest evacuations in american history. Where are you going to . Orlando. Pensacola. Atlanta. Reporter over the past 24 hours, the Florida Governor ordering that mass exodus. Of millions of people. Cars for miles. Reporter and among the tens of thousands in that blur of red taillights late friday was david lobe, his wife, two kids, motherinlaw and dog moo shu. On i75 northbound stuck in traffic. Reporter youve been in traffic since 1 30 in the morning. Yes. Where did you come from . Miami. Reporter he documented that slow slog out of harms way. 4 04 a. M. Nothing. Not moving. Reporter whats normally a 6hour drive took him 20 hours. That line of cars stretching into the horizon is just a fraction of the total traffic jam. This thing spans 65 miles right now. But the heaviest traffic friday on i95 just off the florida georgia line. There are over 4,000 vehicles an hour, more than twice the normal volume. And in that river of humanity a thirst for fuel. Here in the countrys third alarmest state this morning, the vast majority of gas stations either closed or empty. And for who didnt get out a dire warning from broward sheriffs fire rescue captain, rod watkins. Once the winds go up to 40, 45 miles an hour we are not allowed to go out. Reporter so theyre on their own . Yeah. Reporter and for so many folks here there is a literal deadline approaching. The drawbridges along the Barrier Islands will go up and Officials Say they are closing down the main east west route here in florida. They tell me that if folks havent been able to get out already, it is going to be much trickier to navigate their way out this morning. Amy. All right, matt gutman, and for the nearly 400 people who are waking up at this shelter in miami, we have already seen weather start to whip around in miami. Weve had heavy winds, strong thunder and lightning setting off car alarms. A very ominous feel in miami beach certainly of what is to come, dan and paula. So much to come. So much is incredibly scary. Amy, thank you. Well get back to you later in the broadcast to talk about what life is like inside those shelters. We want to check in now, though, with rob, once again, who, as we said, is in delray beach, florida. Rob, good morning. Good morning again, dan. This is when it gets real. When we start to see the radar, the rain starting to show up on u. S. Radars south of florida and the rain is rotating into the keys. Its rotating into Monroe County there, and some of these rain showers have some gusty winds already. As we see that rain shield begin to encompass from the east to the west and this will be an ongoing process for 24 to 36 hours. Wind gusts in homestead already to 40 miles an hour. Key marathon, over 40 miles an hour and as we throw our computer models on to show you the track of this thing, youll get an idea of what a category 4 is going to do over the next two days. Approaches key west late tonight, early tomorrow morning as a category 4, a strong one and theres really warm water there. It could very well go to 5. Were right on the cusp of that so 4 or 5 doesnt matter. This is a killer, destructive storm, and naples, ft. Myers by tomorrow night around midnight it is over tampa as a 3 or 4 and look at that rain canopy as well so winds extend far out to the center shifting west but look at the wind gusts for miami, west palm beach. Our damaging winds even though the center of this thing is on the west coast. An incredible storm and it will be frightening at times here over the next two days. Good morning, we have a beautiful ta this saturday. Temperatures during the 7 00 hour will be in the 60s with the fog low clouds and even drizzle at the coast. Mostly sunny by lunch then notice this afternoon, warmer for everybody. Low 90s inland. 80s around the bay and 60s at the coast. But, things are going to change tomorrow, were going to heat up near 1 o 0 inland. Even around the bay some u this is the peak of hurricane season. And you may or may not know, hurricane jose, a category 4 storm, approaching the same islands that irma devastated earlier this week. Well have more on that storm later in the program. Guys. Its a onetwothree punch of between harvey, irma and now jose. Rob, well check in on you later. A reminder to get all the latest developments on the storm. Sign up for breaking news alerts on Hurricane Irma. And as we have been reporting all morning, families all over florida have been packing their vehicles and hitting the logjammed roads to flee irmas destruction. Perhaps nowhere is that scramble more urgent than in the florida keys and gio benitez is in miami after spending several days on the keys from where he evacuated. Gio, good morning toy. Reporter dan and paula, good morning. Listen, rob was just talking about those outer bands. Were feeling them right now, were getting these incredibly intense wind gusts and that rain is coming down. This is why we evacuated because conditions just deteriorate so quickly. So i want you to take a look at this dire tweet from the key west, from the National Weather service there in key west, it says in all caps, this is as real as it gets. Nowhere in the florida keys will be safe. You still have time to evacuate. Now, many residents decided to hunker down there. In fact, at least ten residents say theyre staying at the Ernest Hemingway home and museum during the storm. The general manager saying nine of her employees are staying with her, that she had an obligation to take care of the building and the famous cats there, animals, of course, the sometimes forgotten victims of maim storms. Now before we left the keys, we met some residents who were thinking about staying. We called them back overnight. They did stay. Listen in. Hotels arent going to accept you, because they have no room. The shelters are turning people away. The highway looks like a nightmare. There is no gas. You know, all the horror of leaving and then we just confidence that we feel about the surge. We feel a lot of confidence about the surge because we do have a building thats high up. Were really afraid. We dont know what happened. We agree that were nuts, you know, but for some reason we feel like its going to be okay. Reporter and so she is scared, and she has reason to be but you know what, there are four shelters that just opened up in the florida keys. Dan and paula. Good news, somewhat good news at least. Gio, thank you. And coming up here on gma, much more of our special coverage of Hurricane Irma including the situation in miami beach. Those highrises topped with cranes, theyre going to take a beating. Can they withstand it . And the situation inside shelters where thousands are seeking shelter as irma edges closer. Good morning america is brought to you by the new mccafe espresso menu. Nothing comes before coffee. Espresso menu. Nothing comes before coffee. 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Temperatures are warm aing up today, so well see 60s a t the coast, partly cloudy conditions there, but low 80s around the bay and low 90s inland. Copdso to breathe better,athe. I go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. It contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. The risk is unknown in copd. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. These may worsen with anoro. Call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. Ask your doctor about anoro. Go your own way get your first prescription free at anoro. Com. Welcome back to gma on a busy and scary saturday morning and youre looking live at miami where it is already raining as Hurricane Irma gets ready to take aim at the state of florida. The bahamas and cuba, they got slammed overnight as this massive, massive storm shifts course now putting new major u. S. Cities right in the bullseye. The state of florida already reporting 25,000 power outages. Officials calling this the big one. Many are fleeing to shelters or hitting the roads. Some sticking it out at home but its left highways jammed and gas pumps completely dry. Floridas southwest coast is bracing for what could be a catastrophic storm surge. Were talking up to 12 feet of water were talking about and world news anchor david muir is leading our coverage all weekend from miami. Hi, again, david. Reporter paula, dan, great to be with you again. The weather shifted in the last 20 minutes in miami and they already reported wind gusts up to 60 Miles Per Hour in miami and thats from the outer bands of irma. Were watching that shift in the track this morning, a slightly more westward shift. It certainly means south florida and key west, miami will feel hurricaneforce winds and a major storm surge but simply adds all those cities up the west coast of florida, ft. Myers, tampa, sarasota, naples could take the brunt of the storm. Were watching it all very closely this morning and were also watching the skyline of miami. As you know if youve been here you know all those cranes and new construction and all of the people who live in these highrise, and abcs tom llamas joi joins us from miami with that part of the story. Tom. Reporter david, good morning to you. Youre right. The people in the highrises are not out of the danger zone by any means and could feel hurricaneforce gusts which are so much more powerful as you go up. 15 minutes ago we saw something interesting. You see the cranes behind me. Thats one of the big concerns down here in downtown miami. I want to show you video we shot earlier just as one of those feeder bands was coming in from Hurricane Irma. And you can see the crane spinning like a weather vane, what theyre designed to do, but the sight of that spinning is definitely going to worry some. This morning, miamis towering skyline causing some concern as Hurricane Irma is expected to strike florida in less than 24 hours. Those are big targets out there. Again, were going to lose buildings that are going to have to be repaired, but i dont think buildings are going to completely collapse. Reporter 20 to 25 massive building cranes being secured and those living near them told to evacuate. Developers and builders abc news spoke with telling us the towers in downtown miami will hold up but that highrises could sway, some up to 12 inches. I think it will definitely be more dramatic for people who are higher up but i do expect to seal some here. Reporter being in a highrise youre less likely to get hit by debris on the ground, but high up, 50 floors up like we are now, the wind is much more powerful. South beach resident andres ascione is riding out the storm in his 21st floor condo. My plan is it gets too crazy, i go into the elevator shaft of the building which is like a fortress. Reporter now we spoke to so many people who are not evacuating this area and theyre going to ride out the storm in those highrises and the higher up you go, the more it can sway and even during a Tropical Storm, they have felt their building sway so no doubt they will possibly feel that with Hurricane Irma. David. Yeah, tom, and thats really something to see. I know these cranes are designed to spin like that, especially in high winds but still unsettling. Tom, our thanks to i. As we mentioned, this will be a category 4 or 5 perhaps strengthening over the warm wears before it hits south florida and the keys and all the western cities where there are millions of americans who might not be reconsidering evacuating dan and paula, you heard the governor say on gma this morning, get out by noon the late eest. All right, david. Thanks for all your coverage. We do want to say as david has been mentioning the storm with the new track takes it along the southwestern part of florida. Many city there is direct in i the bullseye. One of them is the city of naples where theyre expecting a storm surge of up to 12 feet where we find abcs victor oquendo. Victor, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, dan. Thats one of many concerns for the people in this area. Keep in mind a lot of people actually came this way to try to get away from Hurricane Irma and all watching the latest models and, unfortunately, for everybody here, this hurricane is now heading right this way. Mandatory evacuations have been ordered for People Living in coastal communities like where we are right now, but in speaking with the chief of the naples fire department, he says at this point it is too late to try to drive out of the state. There is lack of gas, traffic could still be an issue, so the best option for anybody looking for a safe spot is to head to one of the many shelters that opened up. The major concern here, catastrophic winds and powerful storm surge. Worst Case Scenario could be looking at 12 feet of storm surge. And to give you an idea of what it looks like. We measured this umbrella. The top of it is 12 feet high and thats what 12 feet of storm surge would look like. So imagine 12 feet of water coming in right off the gulf coast, that high up. Dan, paula, Something Like that would be absolutely devastating. Absolutely devastating and absolutely deadly. What an incredible illustration. Thank you, victor, for your reporting and, rob, back in delray beach. Jose is just around the corner. How much concern about this hurricane . Well, let me tell you, the same folks that got devastated by irma, this is a horrible situation, paula. And its just mind bhogling that we have another major hurricane. This one a strong category 4 that is approaching these islands, so barbuda, st. Martin, st. Barts. My goodness, youre under a hurricane warning right now, but if you see that track youll be on the weaker side and the core should miss those islands but theyll still get heavy winds and debris and just the living situation there is horrifying so just not a good situation for them over the next 48 hours and for us over the next day and a half to two days this is our situation on the west coat, 9 to 1 feet of storm surge, probably as much as that in some spots to tampa. Even though its drifting west storm surge will be intense. Even all the way up here and a chance for tornadoes over the next two days along the entire florida peninsula as you see. Good saturday morning. Temperatures will range from 60s at the coast, partly cloudy conditions there, 67 in half moon bay. San francisco, 68 degrees. Nice in oakland. This Weather Report brought to you by walgreens. Paula and dan, well be back to you later in the show, technology hopeful. See you then. Robert, thank you very much. 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For years, men have enjoyed their man caves without guilt. Now, its mamas turn. Welcome to my she shed. Ive got my favorite outfit on. My literature. My armando and these are my treats im just gonna have one if thats okay. Of course its okay. This is my world. Fiber one 90 calorie brownies. Allll mine. Welcome back to gma as we cover the big breaking story, Hurricane Irma. For people in her path, a shelter is one of the safest places to be. And Abcs Amy Robach has been talking with those hoping to get out of harms way. Amy, good morning, again, to you. Reporter good morning. You know, thousands of floridians are waking up in shelters at full capacity like the one behind me, the Robert Morgan center, and they are waking up to high winds and rain sweeping the area, and some of these people who are here in these shelters were actually Airline Passengers trying to get home. They were stranded at some of the south florida airports and were bused yesterday into these shelters, but there are other floridians, as we know, who are staying put and deciding to try and safely ride out Hurricane Irma in their own homes. This morning, florida residents are hunkering down and bracing for Hurricane Irma. For deborah dore, this isnt her first brush with destructive and dangerous storms. You lived through hurricane andrew. Yes, that was probably the scariest night of our lives and our structure did come down. It was in the pool. Reporter how are you feeling right now . Very stressed. Reporter deborah along with her husband tim and family working till the last minute to get their house prepared for irmas wrath. Their home a refuge for themselves and nine guests all riding out the storm together. So its not really a hurricane party. No, not even a little bit. Not even a little bit, because if something happens to the roof, we all have to be clearheaded, and we need to figure out which bathroom to go into, which mattress to put over our heads. I mean, this all has to be thought out of ahead of time. You know how serious it is. It is very serious. Reporter people pouring into the packed airports hoping to get a flight out of irmas path. Some lucky enough to get a ticket. Did you plan ahead and get a lastminute ticket . I got a lastminute ticket this afternoon. Reporter others waiting in long lanes for propane. How long have you been weighing waiting in line . Almost an hour. Reporter this woman taking her first hurricane in stride hanging out at an airport restaurant, no airplane ticket to her name. Did you try to get a ticket out of here . I did. I went online and tried to get a ticket up to new york and i couldnt. What are you anticipating this weekend . Im not really sure. Im hopeful that its just were going to dodge the bullet but we dont know. We dont know. Reporter now all south florida airports are closed for business. There are no flights heading out this morning from miami, ft. Lauderdale, st. Pete, clearwater or key west, so if you need to leave florida, the governor says, and you need to heed his warning, it has to be by noon today. Paula, dan, back to you. By noon, amy robach, thank you very much. Coming up on gma, the evidence of irmas enormous power. How she devastated the caribbean as she now sets her sights on florida. Keep it here. Much more gma after a break. The best things in life theyre free stars belong to everyone the best things in life theyre free while other Insurance Companies just see a truck, we see something youve worked really hard for. So why not give it the protection it deserves. You wof your daily routine, so why treat your mouth any differently . 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Irma is already tearing a path of destruction across the caribbean with images like these slamming into cuba as a category 5 hurricane and brushing the bahamas as well. Yeah, if you want to get a sense of how strong this thing is, just look at this video. James longman is in nassau in the bahamas where were getting a first look at the damage there. James, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, dan, paula. This morning, the wind is really picking up here in the bahamas but we think thankfully the bahamas is going to miss the worst of irma as it moves west but much of the west of the caribbean got massively devastated. Overnight irmas wrath pushing through the bahamas and cuba. Hurricane jose bearing down and palm trees bent over in 160mileanhour winds in cuba and rain lashing the coast. These cars in st. Martin left like childrens toys by irma. Trees stripped bare. Laura wilsons mother and stepfather were vacationing there when the hurricane hit. Youre just hoping they survive it. Reporter no room on the planes and no way to get off the island, her parents taking shelter in one of the only buildings still standing. My mum said there was one person dead, one person with a massive head wound. Reporter an International Task force now stepping in to help. These boats torn apart. The Virgin Islands left unrecognizable. Turks and caicos, st. Barts and st. John all ripped apart. 95 of homes in barbuda are gone, at least 22 dead in the caribbean. As hurricane jose follows closely in irmas shadow, laura just wants her family back. I just say i love them and hope they come home soon. Reporter well, jose is now heading for those islands that are already hit badly by irma, so the race is on now to evacuate people from there before it hits. Dan, paula. Its incredible, this onetwo punch. And our hurricane coverage continues right after this break on gma. Parodontax, the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. 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Welcome back, everybody, to our coverage of Hurricane Irma. We want to go back to rob in delray beach, florida, for another look at this monster storm. Rob, hi again. Hi again. The best way to see it is from above. Its a mesmerizing and at times frightening view of irma. This category 4 storm, the eye had shrunk just a little bit. Our friends in cuba has been getting hammered all night long but tore the left side of this apart a little bit but its going to go over warm waters in the Florida Strait and expected to strengthen yet again to tensionally to a 5, 4 or 5 doesnt matter. It will rake the western coastline. The keys later on tonight and then tampa by tomorrow night, so a Long Duration event. Look at all these watches and warnings, storm surge. If this thing goes further west that gulf can have a nasty surge. And thats lifethreatening. You need to get away from the coastline if you live in that area and winds on the east side will be a big deal. Just because the east side wont get the brunt of it, i can assure you it was worth you leaving. All these towns on the east side have evacuated. I have seen you do it. Its not fun and our hearts go out to you, floridians. It is just beginning and not going to be pretty here across the entire part of the state. Well be with you through the whole way. Dan and paula, much more obviously throughout the day tomorrow. Irma continues to track toward the u. S. Thanks for your reporting. As the governor of florida said, if you can, get out of this state by noon today. We want to thank you so much for joining us. And a reminder, download the abc news app now and sign up for breaking news alerts on Hurricane Irma. For dan, im paula. Have a great day, everybody. Well see you tomorrow on Good Morning America. Good morning. Theres a gurn buy back event today. Authorities look it as a way of strengthening the community. Police are only there to buy back the firearms, not to question anyone about where or why they got the guns in the first place. The buy begins at 9 00 this morning. More than 800,000 in grant money has been awarded at Zuckerberg San Francisco general hospital. The funds were distributed through the hospitals heart grants program. It helps Fund Projects that might go unfunded. This year, that includes the hospitals mobile comfort cares program and helps to bring comfort to patients in their last days or hours since 2004, the grants program has had grants toming almost 12 million. Happening today, people are are running and walking to highlight the need for organ donors. Its the 7th annual donate life run walk 5k and ten ten ten its held at Heather Farm Community Park in walnut creek. The forecast now with francis. Hi. Good morning. Once again, with and satellite, things will change. There are 40 minutes flight delays now. Temperatures will be in the 60s in the next hour but mostly sunny by this afternoon. In fact, it will be warmer over all. Well be climbing near 90 degrees for inland areas. 70s near 80 rather around the bay and at coast, temperatures will be in 60s. Get ready for a bilger warm up coming up. Thank you. Coming up, Hurricane Irma bears down on florida. Well have Team Coverage include uing a live report from miami. Plus, a somber p anniversary in san bruin o. Marking seven years since the deadly hey bee to hive to the comb combing that honey into some gold take that gold and make it an o good goes around and around and around hey bee to hive to the o oat from the farm is the yum in yo bowl put in the good and the good will grow good goes around and around and around hey good goes around good goes around and around and around. Hey youre going to be hanging out in here. So if you need anything, text me. Do you play . Use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap to friends at more banks than ever before. You got next . Chase. Make more of whats yours. Its saturday, september 9th. Good morning and thanks for joining us. Our big story today, is Hurricane Irma. Its a category 4 storm, but its expected to get stronger. Rick scott updated the public this morning urging people to evacuate. The storms here. Hurricane irma is now impacting our state. Southeast florida is experiencing Tropical Storm force winds and nearly 25 thourk people have lost power. Heres a live look at Hollywood Beach just north of mi

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