The Kentucky Lottery Board of Directors learned this week that Lottery sales remained strong for the first five months of Fiscal Year 2021.
Spokesman Chip Polston said Vice President and Corporate Controller Maggie Garrison reported sales for July through November were $579.6 million, which is 31.9 percent more than the same period in the prior year, and 12.8 percent more than budgeted. He added net income before dividends and without unclaimed prizes for the timeframe was $127.4 million, which is $28 million more than the prior year and $15.3 million more than budgeted.
According to Polston, the key in this success was Scratch-off tickets, which saw sales for the period rise $91.5 million from the previous year. He pointed out internet sales also continue to show strong growth, moving from $12.1 million in Fiscal Year 2019 to $39.3 million in Fiscal Year 2021, which is a 224.1 percent increase.