Note: All numbers are cumulative since data started being reported in early 2020, unless otherwise noted. — DH
Kenosha County Public Heath is reporting 15,636 total positive COVID-19 test results in Kenosha County as of Tuesday. That’s 25 more than Monday. There have been 305 COVID-19 deaths in Kenosha County. Kenosha County Public Health is reporting 78,113 negative test results.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services is reporting a positive rate of 9,303/100,000 people and a 2.0 percent case fatality rate in Kenosha County as of Tuesday.
In Kenosha County, 39.41 percent of the population has had at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccination and 33.83 percent are fully vaccinated as of Tuesday, reports Kenosha County Public Health.