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Berlinale and the reaction from the me too campaign. [please stand by] sarah i am sarah kelly. Welcome to the program. Disappointment has been his appointment has been welcomed with a standing ovation and parliament. Cyril ramaphosa was sworn in today as the new president of south africa. His predecessor resigned 24 hours earlier after being ordered to stand down earlier. From a post a will set out his Cyril Ramaphosa will set out his plans. He has said tackling corruption will be his top priority. I declare the honorable Cyril Ramaphosa duly elected president of the republic of south africa. Reporter it was the moment the nation had been waiting for. The new leader promising a break from the past. The issues that you have raised, issues that have to do with corruption, issues of how we can issue out our state owned enterprises, are issues that are on our screen. I will work hard not to disappear disappoint the evil of south africa. Thank you very much. Reporter and on the streets, there was jubilation as South Africans welcomed their new president. Today i am very happy because i can greet my new president. I come to greet raposa as mike ramaphosa as my new president. It is like i am rich. This is the happiest day of my life. I think cyril is going to improve the dreams of South Africans. Reporter his political career spans more than four decades. He was a close ally of Nelson Mandela and played a key role in the transition to democracy. Later overlooked by mandela, he focused on his business interests, said to be around 163 million euros. Now in the top job and vowing to tackle corruption, there are many challenges ahead. South africa is rich in resources, but many live without electricity or running water. Health care and schooling remains rudimentary in much of the country. Eight out of 10 nineyearolds are illiterate. Unemployment is alarmingly high. More than two thirds of young people are jobless. A lot has been lost, and it will take several years to recapture lost ground without a doubt. But hopefully under a new leadership, especially under ramaphosa, we will start clawing back some of that lost ground and then the longerterm, the sky is the limit for this country. Reporter the task of reconstruction has now begun. The change in the air, south africas new leader will set out his plans in more detail in a speech on friday evening. Sarah and a journalist is covering this story for us from cape town. Thank you for joining us. It has been quite a busy 24 hours. Jacob zuma out, Cyril Ramaphosa now in. How is the change being perceived by the people of south africa . I was in parliament, and people were celebrating on the stairs of the parliament, saying we need a change. We have given up hope with all the unemployment, prices are rising, people not managing to put their kids through school. They are saying something has to change, and they hope Cyril Ramaphosa is going to give them back. Sarah one of the things they want him to do is fight corruption. He said that was one of his biggest priorities. What else is on his agenda, and does he have that legitimate to fight the corruption . Reporter he came into power in december as a party leader saying that is exactly his agenda, fighting corruption. We are probably going to see that he will make sure some of the important institutions in africa like the National Prosecution authority will kind of become more clean again. We know this National Prosecution authority was formed under zuma. This also goes for state businesses where zuma employed peaceful. That is where he will look. You will look at state institutions and see if he can replace people there to move the agenda that he has anticorruption and better administration. Sarah and what happens to zuma now . Reporter a lot of people hope you will get his day in court. There is a lot of corruption allegations against him. There are 800 allegations back to the late 1990s. This was the government citing weapons. There is racketeering, corruption. A lot of South Africans feel he should face justice and should not be able to get away with this. Sarah alice present elder from cape town, thank you. Vangelder from cape town, thank you. The ethiopian Prime Minister is stepping down. Seen here in 2013, culinary of the songs he said he would stay in the power until the transition is complete. Demonstrators have been calling for political reform and in and to government corruption. Zimbabweans gathered outside the party office of the iconic Opposition Leader to mourn his death and celebrate his life. He nearly became president in 2008, but Robert Mugabe held onto power until he was deposed in november. Recognized as the symbol of the resistance, this man died from cancer on wednesday. He was 65. The charity save the children said more children than ever are living in conflict areas and are at risk of death and violence. The report cites syria, afghanistan and somalia as the worst for young people and says 350 million children, one in six worldwide, are living in conflict zones. U. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has met with turkish president rich entire area one Recep Tayyip Erdogan one. Talking over the socalled islamic state. Washington supports the ypg group while ankara says they are a terrorist organization which must be expelled from the region. You are watching dw news. Still to come, we have got a story of an amazing comeback win in the Winter Olympics of course. That is coming up in just a few minutes time. And unusual start for berlin interest berlins International Film festival. The opening film is animated. And different, the starring role played by the need to campaign against sexual violence. Me too campaign against sexual violence. Reporter there has been a frenzy on the markets, there were scenes of jubilation in south africa. Many people street on the street celebrating, and investors are over the moon as well with the reformer having replaced jacob zuma as president. Now benchmark stovetop in stocks sliding over 3. 5 thursday, talking up their biggest daily gain in nearly three years. The rams also climbed to his highest in nearly three years rand climbed to its highest in nearly three years. And it could also mark the beginning of an economic turnaround. Analysts used to refer to south africa as the gateway of the continent. The corruption has taken its toll. South africas economy took a beating under jacob zuma. The bonds are reading junk and the political elite is no longer trusted. And due to political mismanagement, its secondlargest city cape town is running out of water fast. Growth has declined steadily for more than 3 seven years ago to less than 2 in recent years. One of the weakest rates of all of subsaharan africa. The countrys hope is resting on the newly elected president. Cyril ramaphosa is a former wealthy businessman. Since he was appointed head of the Ruling African National congress, the currency has surged 10 against the dollar. The anc conference [indiscernible] reporter that is a good sign that investors are banking on a change in south africas fortune. Reporter to talk more about the impact on the south african economy, i am joined by libby fletcher. Zuma is out, the economy is in tatters. Is Cyril Ramaphosa the man to turn it around . He has a good reputation as a pragmatist and skilled negotiator, and he understands business from his own experience. South africa has deeprooted problems under jacob zuma. You have a culture of corruption that has been pervasive down to the lowest levels of government, state owned companies that racked up significant that. Please do not get solved overnight. They will take time to properly address, but what ramaphosa can do is provide a level of policy certainty that has been lacking under the zuma presidency that was distracted by scandal and corruption. Reporter we talk about those potential is the policy winds. He does have to tackle corruption which goes to the heart of the anc as you mentioned. The anc is a party he badly needs to unite. How will he synthesize these two things . That is a very good question. The anc as a party is a party of populists and pragmatist, communists, nationalist, pan africanists. He needs to unify those conflicting voices into a single coherent policy direction, something that zuma failed to do. Can ramaphosa do this . It helps that he doesnt rely on systems and corruption. He has his own wealth. He himself has not been accused of any corruption. He is likely to get rid of many of the ministers that have been implicated interruptions which sends a powerful signal that the culture of impunity will no longer be tolerated. And he has an independent judiciary that he can rely on to properly tackle rule. He will have to tackle this because Investor Confidence is key. We have seen Credit Rating engine these rating agencies downgrade south africa. Do you think they will want to work with the country now there has been at age of and . As ice a change of hands . As i said, there are problems that will take time to a, but south africa still has huge potential. It is still the largest sophisticated market in subsaharan africa. It has huge middle wealth. It has a Large Consumer base, good manufacturing. And from a risk perspective we are seeing clients expressed interest in it and hopefully that continuing. Ok, thank you for your insight. European aviation airbus has released its results, and they are good. Annual profits dropped jumped , and stock is taking off, but there are clouds on the horizon. Airbus announced a management shakeup in the wake of corruption allegations and had trouble with most aircraft models. There is a ray of hope on the horizon. Reporter this beauty is what airbus has its hopes bent on, which is based on the midrange 83 21 family. Thanks to the addition of a third tank, it can fly over several thousand kilometers. The narrowbody plane has only a single aisle but can carry up to 240 passengers and costs a third less than regular longhaul aircraft. It has already garnered 100 orders. Lets hope the new plane will compensate the poorly performing a380 superjumbo. There are still doubts on the plane, but it was given a lifeline when a dubaibased carrier placed a large order recently. That is not airbus only problem. It is 400 million military transport is being beset by difficulties and is posting losses since 2003. The year was not short on challenges. It was not short on turmoil and reporting particularly in the media. This year, 2017, this is very encouraging. At airbus, those of you who know us, know that we fly through challenges, and we never give up. Reporter last year it delivered 718 aircraft, a new record, but less than boeing. This year and by the is on course to sell 800 planes, due in no small part to the new champion, the a321. The European Unions trade surplus with the United States widened last year. It is likely to intensify donald trump to crack down on what he terms a very unfair relationship. How big is the gap . Lets take a look at the numbers. In 2017 the au exported 325 billion euros worth of goods to the United States but it received goods worth only 254 billion euros, the other direction, leading it with a trade surplus close to 121 billion euros. That is an increase close to 7 compared to the previous year. The data comes a month after the European Union warned trump that any attempt to curb imports from the block would be met with the delegation. Now hyperinflation has hit venezuela. Cash is increasingly in short supply, which is bad news for everyone aside from Tech Companies. They have been able to carve out a niche among the crisis. This is the kind of thing you can expect if you are hoping to access cash in venezuela. Soaring prices have led to shortages in paper money and long lines at atms. But the countrys hyperinflation has produced some surprise winners in the business world. Small Tech Companies offering shoppers mobile payments. One of them is this one. Its founder said venezuelas economic crisis has sped up what i was already a burgeoning trend. We saw in 2010 and 2011 that Electronic Payments were going to be a trend globally. What has happened is that it has accelerated in some countries for various reasons. So perhaps our economy will become cashless before that of denmark, which put more effort into e payments. Reporter last year the company saw a 30 fold increase in customers. Those of veiling of the service say it has made shopping easier availing of the service say it has made shopping easier. It is very practical because it enables transactions. The only thing missing is more information about how to manage the app and its technology. Reporter App Developers in venezuela dont need much starting capital. Salary expectations among coders are low, and electricity and data cost next to nothing. Still the boom in mobile payment apps is a result of the bust in nearly every other sector of the economy. All right, back to sarah. Sarah thank you. We are heading to the United States for a story now because President Trump has been speaking about yesterdaya mas shooting yesterdays mass shooting in florida. 17 were killed after a 19yearold opened fire at a school where he used to be a student. The suspect is named nikolas cruz and was arrested and faces 17 charges of premeditated. Here is an excerpt from President Trumps speech. Donald trump our entire nation, with one heavy heart, is praying for the victims and their families. To every parent, teacher, and child who is hurting so badly, we are here for you, whatever you need, whatever we can do to ease your pain. Sarah in germany, Angela Merkel has welcomed the turkish Prime Minister to the capital of religion for bilateral talks. High on the agenda is the fate of a jailed german journalists. The Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that the turkish government would not be able to release the reporter for the time being. He has been in turkish custody for a year since his arrest on suspicion of terrorism offenses, but he has yet to be charged with any crime. Merkel calling for fast and fair proceedings against him. We will head to the Winter Olympics in pyeongchang, day six of the games. Matt herrmann is joining us on the set to talk all things sports, all things olympics. We have a great story coming out of the snowboard cross. Matt this is a real comeback story. Some of it is wrapped up in the nature of snowboard cross, but it is a great story. This man fell on the semifinal, looked like he was going to be out. But that occurs to so many guys that he finished the race alone, 16 seconds behind the winner, and he came in third which qualified him for the final. When the final went down, he ran a pretty much perfect race and finished going away. He repeats as Gold Medalist in snowboard cross. It is just, you cant cap anybody out of this sport. Sarah how about curling . There are teams having difficulties, but one is looking good what they are doing. Matt you can say that. Norway has been making the scene with their fancy pants as they did in 2010 and 2014. But their pants are new. They never played the same pair of pants. They broke out a floral abstract pattern that really set tongues tongues a wagging. And yesterday they had pink hearts all over them. They are setting the games on fire. They have their own facebook fan page. Unfortunately they are not winning. They lost to japan, canada, which is a surprise, and oddly enough, the canadian womens team who got the goal last time cars so far 02, so they have a whole hole to take themselves out. Sarah red and pink do not match. Matt you can pull it off. Sarah we have to talk about the jamaican bobsled debut on the womens side. It was much anticipated. Matt this was a story to follow up, but as chapter two to the cool running story of 2018 1988 rather. Their coach is a german Gold Medalist from 2006, reviews to accept a demotion from driving coast to technical assistance. She would have had no access to the athletes. Because she helped them procure their hightech sled, she is claiming she owns this led and is going to take the sled and not then let them race with it, which seems like a terrible position to be put in. She has a Good Relationship with the bobs letters themselves come the bobsletters themselves. Sledders. Sarah it would be awkward to compete without a sled. She is not doing them a choice. Matt herrmann from dw sports desk with the latest olympic athlete action from the pyeongchang. Is that time of year, berlins International Festival known as the berlinale. It is 10 days of screenings, workshops and more. The opening film this year is Wes Andersons dystopian animated feature isle of dogs. Bill murray is among the stars to lend their voices to the characters, the story of a pack of dogs marooned on a bleak japanese island. This is the first time and animation has opened the berlin film festival. Have a look. Reporter isle of dogs is set in a dystopian future japan. Due to a dangerous banished to trash island. Ataris dog is seized. He goes to look for the dog and is helped by the other dogs. Leading to a radioactive text of chemical toxic chemical garbage. Will you help him . Why should i . Because he is a 12yearold toy. Dogs love those. You will find him, wherever he is. If he is alive, we will find your dog. Reporter he uncovers a conspiracy that threatens to destroy the Dog Population forever. Can the group save the day . If someone spoke his language. Sarah dws reporters say that festival my colleagues were done at the red carpet. Here is what they had to say. We are outside the World Premiere of Wes Andersons new movie isle of dogs. This is a fun movie, and the red carpet has been fun as well. There was even drumming. That is right. This movie is set in japan, so for the red copper it premier they brought out traditional japanese drummers. As the director and voicing cast arrived, wes anderson and bill murray jumped up on these drums and gave an impromptu concert. We tried to get video. It all happened too fast, but that is the kind of thing that happens at the berlinale. The crowd went crazy. There are a lot of berliners hoping to get a glance of their favorite stars. There are a lot of stars. I saw people getting autographs from one of the voices in the movie. Bryan cranston. Jeff goldblum. Very tall man. He is one of the few you can see over the heads of the people. And greta gerwig, nominated for her own film and lend her voice to this film isle of dogs. It is cool they are opening with an animated feature. That has never happened in berlinale history. Sarah you are uptodate on dw news. A quick reminder of the top stories. Cyril ramaphosa has been arrested elected south africas new president. He will set out the countries land in an address friday evening. He said tackling corruption would be a top priority. I am sarah kelly in berlin. Thanks for watching, and dont forget as always, the conversation continues online. You can find us on facebook, instagram, and twitter. Hope to see you again soon. X this week on wealthtrack, cutting expenses to significantly boost profits on a variety of investments with wealth manager stuart lucas and art adviser andy augenblick. Thats next on Consuelo Mack wealthtrack. Mainstays family of mutual funds offers investment and Retirement Solutions so you can help your clients keep good going. Additional funding provided by Thornburg Investment management. Active management, flexible perspective. Koo and Patricia Yuen through

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