In new york, jewish voice for peace director Rebecca Vilkomerson. Time magazine announces its 2017 person of the year women who have spoken out against Sexual Assault and harassment. The shame is not ours. It is on the perpetrator. Metoo can be the whole conversation. It is the direct response to the arrogance and show of power that says, we wont be silent. Amy we will speak with tarana burke, founder of the Metoo Movement and one of the women featured in Time Magazines person of the year issue as the silence breakers open the floodgates for more women to come forward, looking at how women are not public figures are often more vulnerable if they call out their abusers. Was courageous in speaking and saying what was happening in spite of all of the dread and fear i had. Amy we will speak with former farm worker mily trevinosauceda and with alicia garza, cofounder of black lives matter and strategy and partnership, director of the National Domestic workers alliance. All that and more, coming up. Welcome to democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. Palestinians are protesting in cities across the west bank and gaza after President Trump announced wednesday he would recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel and initiate a process of moving the u. S. Embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. Despite his announcement, however, President Trump, like past u. S. President s, signed a waiver that keeps the u. S. Embassy in tel aviv. This waiver has been signed by u. S. President s every six months since 1995. Control of jerusalem is one of the most contested issues between israelis and palestinians. The Israeli Military seized control of East Jerusalem in 1967 and has occupied the territory ever since. Palestinians, however, have long seen East Jerusalem as the capital of their future country. Since 1967, the u. N. Security council and u. N. General assembly have passed dens of resolutions calling for israel to end itsccupion of eas jerulem. Currently, 86 nations have the embassies in tel aviv. No country has an embassy in jerusalem. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said trumps announcement meant the United States had abdicated its role in the middle east Peace Process. Chief palestinian negotiator saeb erekat said President Trump just destroyed any policy of a twostate solution. This is erekat. Closing doorss for negotiations. And i think President Trump tonight disqualified the United States of america to play a role in any Peace Process. I think tonight he is strengthening the forces of extremists in this region as no one has done before. This is an act, a statement that is totally uncalled for, totally unacceptable. No country on earth has recognized israel except for President Trump tonight. Amy israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu, meanwhile, said publicly trumps move was an important step toward peace. Palestinian groups have declared three days of rage. Today at checkpoint near ramallah, Israeli Forces fired dozens of rounds of tear gas and stun grenades at hundreds of palestinian protesters. Protest were also reported in cities across the palestinian territories. We will go to East Jerusalem and rob munn law after headlines. Rommel after headlines. On capitol hill, the house of representatives voted wednesday to further deregulate gun laws in the United States, despite a string of recent highprofile mass shootings, including at a church, an elementary school, and a Country Music concert. The legislation, known as the concealed carry reciprocity act, would allow people with concealed carry licenses in one state to carry the concealed handgun across state lines. The measure was heavily backed by the National Rifle association, the nra, and critics of the measure say it encroaches on states abilities to implement their own gun safety laws. The legislation also calls for not a band, but a study of socalled bump stocks, which allow semiautomatic rifles to act like machine guns, capable of firing hundreds of rounds per minute. In october, stephen paddock, a 64yearold white man, killed 59 people, including himself, and injured nearly 500 people during a mass shooting in las vegas. Authorities say paddock had at least 12 bump stocks. The house voted not to impeach President Trump on wednesday. The vote failed 364 to 58, with all republicans voting against the measure. The democratic leadership was also against the impeachment vote, which was introduced by Democratic Congress member al green of houston, texas, who said on the house floor donald john trump, by causing such harm to the society of the United States is unfit to be president and warrants impeachment, trial and removal from office. At least 35 Senate Democrats are now calling for minnesota democratic senator al frankens resignation amidst an increasing number of Sexual Harassment accusations against him. More than a half dozen women have now accused franken of touching them without their consent, including a former who on saidl aide wednesday franken had tried to forcibly kiss her back in 2006, before franken became a senator. This is new york senator Kirsten Gillibrand speaking wednesday. Enough is enough. This is a conversation we have been having for very long time. A conversation this country needs to have. I think when we start having to talk about the differences between Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment and unwanted groping, youre having the wrong conversation. You need to draw a line in the sand and say none of it is ok. None of it is exempt a bowl. Amy mnwhile, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is also calling on nevada Democratic Congressman ruben kihuen to resign following a report that he repeatedly sexually harassed his former Campaign Finance director during his 2016 congressional campaign. Only one day after michigan Democratic Congress member john conyers resigned in the wake of Sexual Harassment accusations, his son, whom conyers endorsed to take his seat, is now also facing questions about gender violence. John conyers iii was arrested on suspicion of Domestic Violence in february after an argument with his girlfriend in which she suffered knife cuts. He was not prosecuted, and he says it was his girlfriend who pulled the knife on him. She still has a restraining order out against john conyers iii. And new york public radio has put hosts Leonard Lopate and Johnathan Schwartz on leave amid investigations into allegations of Sexual Harassment. President trumps eldest son, donald trump jr. , testified to the House Intelligence Committee wednesday, where he refused to answer lawmakers questions about his conversation with his father about released emails detailing trump jr. s meeting with a russian lawyer and other Trump Associates in june 2016. Instead of answering, trump jr. Invoked attorneyclient privilege, even though neither he nor his father are lawyers. Meanwhile, a whistleblower has told congressional investigators that trums former National Security adviser Michael Flynn texted a former Business Partner in the middle of trumps inauguration speech saying that u. S. Sanctions on russia would off, allowing them to move forward with a private project to build dozens of Nuclear Reactors across the middle east. President trump has called on saudi arabia to end its blockade of yemen in order to allow muchneeded food, water, medicine, and humanitarian aid to reach the besieged country. Trumps call comes despite the fact the United States continues to provide massive military backing for the Saudiled Coalition Bombing Campaign in yemen, including weapons and critical midair refueling for Coalition War planes. Earlier this year, President Trump brokered a 110 billion arms deal with saudi arabia. Meanwhile, in yemens capital sanaa, Houthi Rebels reportedly opened fire on a group of protesting women who were demanding the return of the body of former president ali abdullah saleh. The longtime leader was killed by Houthi Rebels earlier this week after he switched sides in the ongoing war and threw his support to the Saudiled Coalition. Activists say women were wounded in the crackdown and at least 50 were arrested. Uncontrollable wildfires are continuing to burn across southern california. The flames have forced thousands to evacuate and tore through some of californias ritziest wealthiest neighborhoods wednesday, even burning part of media mogul Rupert Murdochs vineyard. Climate experts say these types of uncontrollable blazes are rare in december. Wildfire expert char miller said the most striking thing about its vast size, bewildering speed, destructive power is that this fire blew up in december. Repeat december. This is a sign. This is a sign that the fire season is intensifying in response to climate change. Thousands rallied on capitol hill to manning, or stop its rollback of tempora protected status for thousands of haitians and nicaraguans and pass the dream act before the end of the year. Eugeniatps recipient sandoval. It is a country is said that is about diversity of culture. To respect. President trump and the diversity. Altogether, we form a rainbow, which is what makes this country beautiful. The naacp is calling on President Trump to skip the opening of a new Civil Rights Museum in jackson, mississippi. Naacp president Derrick Johnson said President Trumps statements and policies regarding the protection and enforcement of civil rights have been abysmal, and his attendance is an affront to the veterans of the civil rights movement. The pentagon says the u. S. Military plans to accept openly transgender recruits on january 1, despite President Trumps announcement earlier this year of a ban on transgender people serving in the u. S. Military. In october, a washington, d. C. , district judge blocked trumps order from taking effect. The Justice Department is now trying to delay the acceptance of transgender recruits. And australia has legalized Marriage Equality after years of organizing by lgbtq activists. Lawmakers broke out into cheers after the final bill passed overwhelmingly. And those are some of the headlines. This is democracy now, democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. Nermeen and im nermeen shaikh. Welcome to all of our listeners and viewers from around the country and around the world. Palestinians are protesting in cities across the west bank and gaza strip after President Trump announced wednesday in a speech that he would recognize jerusalem as a capital by both israelis and palestinians as the capital of israel. Pres. Trump this is nothing more or less than a recognition of reality. It is also the right thing to do. It is something that has to be done. That is why, consistent with the Jerusalem Embassy act, i am also directing the state department to begin preparation to move the American Embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. Nermeen despite his announcement, trump, like past u. S. President s, signed a waiver that keeps the u. S. Embassy in tel aviv. The waiver has been signed by u. S. President every six months since 1995. White house Officials Say the waiver prevents a cut in state Department Funding provided by the act until the new embassy is opened. The move is expected to take at least three years. Currently, 80 six nations have their embassies in tel aviv. No country has one in jerusalem. Control of jerusalem is one of the most contested issues between israelis and palestinians. Military seized control of East Jerusalem in 1967 and has occupied the territory ever since. Palestinians have long seen East Jerusalem as the capital of their future country. Has passed the uns dozens of resolutions calling for israel to and its occupation of East Jerusalem. Palestinian president abass meant the United States at abdicated its role as a mediator in the middle east these process. Chief palestinian negotiator erekat said President Trump just destroyed any policy of a two state solution. Abbass is meeting with the president jerusalem. Amy they said the order was unjustified and you responsible. The turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said trump had thrown the middle east into a ring of fire. The announcement has sparked a National Backlash with the Prime Minister of britain, france, iran, jordan, egypt, the arab league, and other nations also criticizing the move. Meanwhile, the israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu, along among world leaders, said the move was an import step toward peace. I would like to use this occasion to announce we are in contact with other countries, which will issue a similar recognition. Ive no doubt that the moment the American Embassy moves to jerusalem and even before then, there will be a movement of many embassies to jerusalem. The time has come. Welcome to jerusalem. The capital of the jewish state of israel. If you are not aware of that until yesterday, you are now. It we have been aware of it for 3000 years. Amy reuters reports the state department privately asked israel to temper its response to trumps announcement in a memo, writing while i recognize that you will publicly welcome this news, i ask that you restrain your official response. We expect there to be resistance to this news in the middle east and around the world. We are still judging the impact this decision will have on u. S. Facilities and personnel overseas. Minutes after trumps speech, american embassies in turkey, jordan, germany, and britain issued security alerts within. Hamas has called for a new uprising in the palestinian territories and declared friday a day of rage. Today at checkpoint near ramallah, Israeli Forces fired dozens of rounds of tear gas and stun grenades at hundreds of palestinian protesters. Clashes were also reported in East Jerusalem and at the border fence between israel and gaza. The United Nations Security Council is likely to meet friday to discuss the move. For more would go first to ramallah or were joined by dr. Hanan ashrawi, palestinian politician and scholar. Member of the Palestine Liberation Organization in 2009, becoming the first woman to hold a seat in the highest executive body in palestine. She also served as the official spokesperson of the palestinian delegation to the middle east Peace Process. We welcome you to democracy now dr. Hanan ashrawi, your response to President Trumps move yesterday . Thank you. Well, first of all, i think this is an outrageous move. It is in your responsible move. It is something that not only violates International Law, destroys the chances of keys, but also places the u. S. Squarely on the side of lawlessness and illegality by becoming complicit in Israeli Occupation and israels illegal annexation of jerusalem, therefore, losing any standing or credibility to take part in any type of pursuit of peace. This is an act of supreme revocation. The Palestinian People and all good people of colleges are are upsetf conscience with this. Most people cant leave that one person can embark on such a cause of action that has such serious ramifications throughout the region and the world. Could you explain what you think the reason is for trump having made this announcement now . There could be many, many reasons. One could be lack of knowledge of what is happening, lack of analytical skills. Another could be the team he has put together that is so incredibly proisraeli that they do not see, do not make sense when it comes to approaching peace. It could also be that he has domestic problems and this is another diversionary tactic for which other people will say pay a very heavy price for a very long time. Or it could be because he wants to pander to what he calls his rightwingxtreme that are proisraeli. All of these are no justifications. They are flimsy and cheap excuses. I dont see how anyone who has any sense or any knowledge of the reality and the facts would embark on such a dangerous course of action. , howdr. Hanan ashrawi different is this from past president s . Barack obama had said that jerusalem is the capital of israel. He signed the waiver every six months. President trump said that jerusalem is the capital of israel. And no a lot of media didnt report it at first, do not even realize what he is signed in fact, he signed, once again, the sixmonth waiver. Dan shapiro, a man you probably know well, who is president obamas ambassador to israel for years. When he was asked on cnn what he thought, he said he did not think this was a bad idea. He thought the mistake was that donald trump had signed the waiver. Why not just follow through and move the embassy to jerusalem . Your thoughts . Yeah. Well, now youre seeing dan shapiros true colors. When he was ambassador under barack obama, he was trying to convey an impression after he stopped being ambassador, he stayed in israel as an israeli citizen. So his true colors are out there. He is incredibly proisrael and zionist to the point he is trying to outdo trump. With barack obama, he himself started on a course of action to. Top settlement activities at the israelis took all sorts of preemptive actions in order to put him on me defensive. Calling him muslim or antiisraeli, had to prove his he istials by saying taking measures that would undermine american israeli relations and so on. He backed down on the issue of settlements in jerusalem, and spent seven years of his years trying to prove he was good for israel to the point where he gave israel more funding, more support, more military support, and committed pledges of 38 billion to israel before he left office. But at the last minute, he actually took one step where he refrained from vetoing u. N. Secret Council Resolution 2344 that calls israeli settlements illegal and calls on israel to stop its settlement activities everywhere, including jerusalem. Amy we are going to continue this discussion after break. We are speaking to dr. Hanan ashrawi, palestinian politician and scholar. When we come back, we will expand our discussion to East Jerusalem and here in new york. Back in a minute. [music break] amy known as the first lady of arabic hiphop. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman with nermeen shaikh. Palestinians are protesting in cities across the west bank and gaza strip after President Trump announced wednesday he would recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel and initiate a pot process of moving the embassy to jerusalem. Amy we continue our discussion with dr. Hanan ashrawi club palestinian politician in the occupied west bank and we are joined in East Jerusalem by Budour Hassan, palestinian writer and project court and for humanrusalem center for rights and legal aid. And also with this rebecca , vilkomerson, executive director of jewish voice for peace. We welcome you to democracy now lets go to East Jerusalem where we want to turn to our guest in East Jerusalem Budour Hassan. Your response in East Jerusalem as you are listening to President Trump yesterday and what is the response in the community . Was verysly, it frustrating to hear that coming from trump. It was not surprising because the u. S. Complicity with the Israeli Occupation is not new. It is something that has spanned over generations. For palestinians, it is something that is expected. A nation like the United States that has been built on colonization, it is only natural for them to support another colonizer state in israel. We obviously we know the reason for our outrage is not just trumps declaration. The reason for our outrage is that it was under president obama that the u. S. Pledged 38 billion of tax u. S. Taxpayers money to support the israel military. This is why we are outraged. We are outraged because the Palestinian Authority continues to tell people the promise of negotiations and peace, and the result is that all of these talks about pisa negotiations and that Peace Process that has been going on for more than two decades has only led us to this. This is why people are protesting. It is important to know that the young people, women and men who are taking to the streets to tell President Trump and to tell the Palestinian Authority and to tell everyone that jerusalem is and has always been and always will be palestinian. Outrage is their simply not about trump. It is an entire system that has been denied palestinians their rights. This declaration, to be honest, many of us were finally seeing the true state of the socalled u. S. Israel shared values. If anything, trump is a personification of what many u. S. President s have always tried to conceal or deny. He is saying it clear. Cloaking lying or words of pisa negotiations. Wettle is much more know this is to liberate our country. Manyto dissolve protesters have said that today and will continue to say that. The Palestinian Authority is right or true in its indignation about what trump has done, it must be dissolved first and foremost and most declare the oslo accords are nuoll. Of its strip israel recognition. Only when the Palestinian Authority does that, then we can talk about the possibility of rebuilding a national movement. Meanwhile, we cannot take the pa seriously. President trumps soninlaw Jared Kushner is heading the Trump Administrations efforts to broker an israelipalestinian peace plan. Quietly, the Kushner Companies Charitable Foundation is continuing to fund a far right wing israeli settlement in the west bank that is considered illegal under International Law. Propublica reports the christian cup these Charitable Foundation made a donation of at least 18,000 at the master billows Level Builders level. While the charity is given to the settlement in the past, propublica reports this appears to be the first time to have done so while kushner, whose title is Senior Advisor to the president , is the lead Administration Official brokering a peace plan. Rebecca vilkomerson, youre the head ojewish voices for peace. Could you comment on this, the fact the president s soninlaw is part of a foundation that is providing funding to this far right wing group in israel . And also, with a response here in the u. S. Has been among jewish organizations to trumps announcement yesterday . I think something that Budour Hassan is important, which is in some ways we know theres been incredible damage from this announcement but there is potentially a Silver Lining. The u. S. Ongoing policy for supporting israel tacitly and being complicit in the policies are being completely laid bare. It is not just your question. We have the u. S. Ambassador who has also been a personal fundraiser for settlement as well. Amy who was trumps bankruptcy lawyer. Right. So we have the highest officials in the Trump Administration who have a clear interest come and not just in the far right extreme settlers, not just the Israel Government as it stands, so there is the bankruptcy and the hollowness of the idea the u. S. Could be a broker for peace is not very clear. I would hope this broad swath of americans who are completely horrified by trump generally will recognize the pattern here and his recklessness and criminality and cruelty that this is ray much a pattern. That group of voters who tend to support the way the united reacts to the support for israel will be able to understand that a separated out in a way when obama was indeed supporting israel in the same and economictary and diplomatic aid. In the Jewish Community, aipac is supporting this move. Some other organizations are supporting this move. One of the organizations i think was surprising for many of us was the Antidefamation League who strongly supported this. Therapist instantly a civil rights organization. There taken position against the human rights of palestinians, not just in jerusalem, but all around the world. Theres a strong reaction against their Public Statement in favor of this decision yesterday. The is this is it response is an indication in the shift in the Jewish Community to start to understand that the u. S. Cannot keep playing this role. Amy i want to ask dr. Hanan ashrawi about the role of President Trumps soninlaw Jared Kushner, who is also under increasing microscope and investigations in congress and the special prosecutor. You mention the political pressure at home. He spent a lot of time with a man known as mds, the crown prince, considered very close to them, not to mention extremely close to the Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu who slept in his bedroom when he was growing up when he would visit before he was Prime Minister. While saudi arabia has spoken out against trumps move, there are some who are saying privately he has already checked with them and that they support him. Is this possible . What does this mean . What about the role of Jared Kushner as the supposed peace negotiator in the middle east between the palestinians and the israelis . There are several issues involved here in several layers sins ofpetence and omission. Jared kushner is one of the most extreme zionist individuals who has habitually supported the settlements go on the board of the friends of the Israeli Defense forces. He was aays intricately extremed to the most rightwing components of israeli society, particularly the settlers. He also has had economic ties with israel. He has had some israeli banks bail him out when he was in economic trouble. That is another problem. Third, his lack of experience in all of this. Fourth, the whole setting of people like kushner, like friedman, greenblatt, and so on, who have ideological commitments and have entrusted under christian with the task of achieving peace. This is incredible. Inis like putting the thief charge of the treasure, or whatever. In a sense, while thereby more time, procrastinating going back and forth pretending theyre working on peace, theyve been buying israel not only more time, but favors. And with the white house now, you have settlers in the white house. We used to say we had settlers in the west bank and jerusalem. Now they are in the white house and they have succeeded in taking over american policy. I saids, the u. S. This before, amy, the u. S. , we could never accuse the u. S. Administration of being evenhanded. But now it is complicit. That is the difference. It is become part of the crime rather than at least trying to maintain the semblance that it is outside that he can maintain a distance. They cannot. That is why it has destroyed its chances for peace. What is alarming now, and i agree there is a Silver Lining that things are out in the open in a very crude way and ignorant way and responsible way, which is no sort of comfort because the u. S. Cannot contain its actions. We still say, poor americans, look what they got. But now it is a poor world. Any decision taken in washington has repercussions all over the world. They are capable of destabilizing the whole region. They are capable of weighing and in favor of impunity and lawlessness in violating International Law and u. N. Resolutions. They are capable of doing all of that and talking about peace as though theyre doing this for the sake of peace. So it is not just a question of individuals. It is a question of combination of factors of special interests, economic interest, ecological commitments, and lack of experience and foresight. When it comes to the necessity, when it comes to understanding not just the intricacy, but the components of the situation. I dont call it a conflict. This is a situation where you have occupying the occupy. Were you have one military force enslaving whole nation and holding it captive and stealing its land and resources and getting away with it, and toting support from the u. S. Pursue this and buy more time. I dont think at any point was there any hope or trust that the Trump Administration or the u. S. Would be an evenhanded peace aoker or would try to oversee just solution. So now that this has become clear to everybody, something we have been talking about for years i started in 1991 talking about this. Now is that we have to minimize the damage that they are doing. At the same time, were to mobilize the arabs, the europeans, the rest of the world , International Organizations and so on. And we have to put our own house in order. I dont want to transform this discussion into a sort of internal miracle puff. Yes, our problems now were facing Serious Problems and we do have to innocence band together. We have to try to face the external challenge in a way that is unified, responsible, cohesive and bold because our first responsibility is to maintain peoples ability to stay on the nd, to maintain people ability to resist, and to withstand such an onslaught of several factors, several desks some military by the israeli army and some economic, others in terms of political and legal negation and so on. All of these different forms of assaults on palestinian human rights. Require that we face them with the unified front, clear strategy, and try to maximize all of those areas and sources of strength that we could use in order to protect our cause and our land and our people. Nermeen dr. Hanan ashrawi, it could use a little bit about what you expect a response both in israel and palestine be . Reportedly in israel, not just people in netanyahus administration, but also more liberal politicians have welcomed this move by trump. You yourself have said that by making this move, trump has emboldened terrorists and a more extreme element within palestine , as well as the most aggressive elements of the israelinetanyahu administration. What kind of response do you expect . I think it certainly has emboldened a more extreme ideological hardline elements in israel. It has shown that you can violate the law, that you can be aggressive and hostile, and you can act with criminality and you will be rewarded. Not only will you get away with it, now you will be openly rewarded. This has helped shift all of the discourse in israel to the right. The whole terrain has gone to the right, extreme right and so on. The peace camp is literally nonexistent now. The labor party, which used to be called the labor party, call themselves the zionist camp. Move. Ave supported this they see it as something that should have been done and is normal and helps the jewish state. Time, they should have more sense to understand the danger that happens in such a move. Including a danger to israel itself. It is not my responsibility to the fumblingl from and mumbling of administration, but it is my job to see to understand whether there are saner voices within israel, within the u. S. Who will stand up to these choices of extremism and violence and so on. Idyllic to usee, the label terrorism, but ,lobally, there are forces there are sources that would palestiniansit the who are in search of an excuse. People like isis who would like to grab on, hold on to something as a justification for their acts of terror. And that is why i said the palestinian cause must not be a for grabs, number one, by any nut who wants to use it. And two, i think it shod show, in many ways, that if you adopt peace, ofge of legality, of humanity, the language of the morality that says we can negotiate despite then you havee, nothing to gain but everything to lose. That you will be defeated by other voices. I think this is the fatal flaw in this. In palestine, youre seeing the plo that has funded by the way, the Palestinian Authority does not it is in a administration networks on the ground to deliver services. At the plo since 1991 has committed itself or since 1988, a negotiated settlement, and has faced its own career on the Peace Process on negotiated settlement as a means of resolving the conflict, has been shown unable to deliver. This is why it has been weakened. Say, well, they dont listen to the voice of peace or reason, therefore, they will listen only to the voice of violence because these are the weapons used by israel. And now by the u. S. When it comes to palestine. And that is why i see a new configuration. I think this is a game changer or a dealbreaker, anyway, and a game changer. I think youre seeing more and more hardline positions. More and more politicization. Extreme right has become more emboldened in israel. The settlers have taken over the agenda. They have neutralized and ways, anyin many voices for peace. That is why it is important when you talk about jewish voice for peace and other American Jewish organizations that they speak out, that they not be intimidated because they are not living in a system that is becoming more and more fascism. Amy i want to ask that is why palestine, we need an internal dialogue in order to come up with a new strategy. Amy i want to ask Budour Hassan , what are the plans . The announcement of three days of rage tomorrow, the day of prayer, what the plans are there . President trump talking about hiring the architects and the contractors to begin the process of building the embassy in jerusalem. What is going to happen over these next few days that you know of . In july when israel introduced metal detectors outside a mosque, people, without waiting for leaders, without waiting for anyone, neither religious or political leaders, it was young women and muslim, kitchen, atheist, some people who never prayed in her life before, took to the streets and camped outside the mosque. After two weeks of popular rebellion that was leaderless and was grassroots, they managed to topple the metal detectors and managed, probably for the first time, defeat and israeli plan in jerusalem. Opposed am who decision on the israeli administration. I believe people in palestine say, of course, the days of rage are important and we expect that tomorrow there will be protests, but we also know this is a long struggle. People some people will probably forget, the people in jerusalem have been suffering from colonization and from repression, especially extreme repression for the last two years. This is why we are perfectly aware this battle is not two days or three days or three demonstrations here or there. It is for palestinians in jerusalem, especially with [indiscernible] s and demographic engineering that israel try to operate and occupy jerusalem. People are aware this is a very long battle that is going to need them to stand together, that is going to need them to resist israels attempts to expand its control over jerusalem. So there i am sure there will be protests today and tomorrow. For example, there have been protests and confrontations in ramallah as well. After prayers tomorrow coming young women and men will protest. It is a very long battle for palestinians. Said it is not in the white house, the palestinian identity of jerusalem is tonight. It is in the streets of jerusalem that people will continue to reinforce and stress the palestinian identity of this city. Amy dr. Hanan ashrawi, do you with erekat that the two state solution is dead . It has been for some time now. But it was a very convenient myth they kept the facade of a process ongoing and was used constantly to pacify those who International Duty by saying we are committed to the two state solution, but standing aside and allowing israel to destroy it singlehandedly. So i think, yes, it is final now. At the issue is, what will take its place . I do not like to see any vacuum in terms of political vacuums or even vacuums in terms of struggle and internal reform and so one. We need, as i said, new National Dialogue and we need to reform our institutions and our strategies in order to face this these tremendous challenges we are seeing before our eyes. Amy dr. Hanan ashrawi, they confirming with us, palestinian politician speaking to us from ramallah. Budour hassan speaking to us from jerusalem. And Rebecca Vilkomerson speaking to us from new york. Only come back Time Magazine has named its 2017 person of the year. The silence breakers. The women who have spoken out against Sexual Harassment and assault. Stay with us. [music break] on you dont own me here democracy now i am amy goodman with nermeen shaikh. Nermeen on wednesday, Time Magazine announced the 2017 person of the year goes to the women who have spoken out against Sexual Assault and harassment, sparking an international movement. It calls the group the silence breakers and includes hollywood actresses, journalists, farm workers, and hotel cleaners. Times announcement came after President Trump claimed he was in the running for the time person of the year. President trump has been accused of Sexual Assault by at least 16 women. Exposing the predatory behavior of powerful men like hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has helped opened the space for millions to share their stories of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence. But while all women are at risk, women who are are not public figures are often more vulnerable if they call out their abusers. Amy today we look at how sexual abuse also thrives in lowwage sectors like farm work, hotel cleaning, and domestic work, where workers are disproportionately women of color and immigrant women and are highly vulnerable to Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence. We are joined by three guests. Here in new york, tarana burke is the founder of the Metoo Movement and one of the women featured in Time Magazines person of the year issue. She founded the organization in 2006 to focus on young women who have endured sexual abuse, assault, or exploitation. She is now a senior director at girls for gender equity. In berkeley, california, were joined by alicia garza, cofounder of black lives matter. She is also the strategy and Partnership Director for the National Domestic workers alliance. Her piece for buzzfeed is titled, as the floodgates open, dont forget about our cleaners, nannies, and carers. And via democracy now video stream from palm springs, california, mily trevinosauceda, cofounder and vicepresident of Alianza Nacional de campesinas. She is a former farm worker and Union Organizer with the united farm workers. We welcome all of you to democracy now tarana burke, you are profiled in the person of the year, the silence breakers will stop it clearly, you should be on the cover. You are the originator of the Metoo Movement. Ini was glad to be included the profile. With a really lengthy conversation with time about what this moment means and what metoo means to moving the movement forward. Amy and you your self a victim. Talk about how you began this idea of metoo. Im a survivor of Sexual Violence three times, particularly child sexual abuse. For me, it was important to support the young black and brown girls i worked with at the time when i was starting to do this work. My partner and i wonder my best friends, both of us had endured sexual or violent Sexual Violence as young children. Nermeen can you talk about your recent piece for buzzfeed magazine headlined, as the floodgates open, dont forget about our cleaners, nannies, and carers. Could you speak specifically because most of the stories we have heard of concern leaders, men, who have assaulted women , publicassed them figures. These men are public figures. They can you say what you think the specific risks are that are faced by Domestic Workers . Sure, absolutely. First, i wanted to say congratulations to tarana burke. You absolutely should have been on the cover. Thank you for creating this space for us to even have this conversation. The reason we thought it was really important to insert thistic workers into conversation around Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment is because if we did not, then we would have the mistaken idea that Sexual Violence is really a dynamic between wealthy white women and wealthy and powerful white men. The reality is, women of color, immigrant women, black women who are lowwage workers are extremely vulnerable to this kind of abuse and violence. Frankly, because of the lack of just toons that exist be honest, the marginalization of these communities already experienced in our society, in our economy, and in our democracy there really is not only not conversation about the prevalence in which this is happening to women of color and immigrant women in the service industry, but there is also not a lot of conversation about what do the Solutions Look Like outside of criminalizing the perpetrators or the survivors themselves. And so it was very important to us to sure we are having robust conversations not just about the prevalence of Sexual Violence amongst women of color, immigrant women, and lowwage workers to my but also to be able to imagine a future where survivors and perpetrators are not criminalized in feeding an already bloated criminal Justice System but are instead shaping the solutions that will transform all of our lives. Amy i want to bring mily trevinosauceda into the conversation, the National Alliance of women farmworkers. Talk about your eggs areas in the fields your experience in the fields of the farmworkers, the silence breakers affiliation. Thank you for inviting me to be part of this important conversation. Yes, i do come from a migrant farm worker family. As a teenager, i remember being. Arassed several times because of our taboos, very hard to even speak about it. At the same time, the people that i felt i could trust were not prepared to support me. So that made the silence even worse will stop it took me 20 years to even try to talk about it until we started organizing. The Farm Worker Women created a movement in california. We felt one of the strongest issues was violence against women, in particular, violence against women Sexual Violence against women in the workplace. We started understanding, as we started talking with each other, that this was a very, very pervasive problem. And we needed to do something, to talk about it. It was very hard. It took us a long time, but now we know we have been able to Work Together and created net only in california, but california being the kind there organizer to the National Alliance, we were able to create this network were now we are talking more, supporting each and as weg ways learned about what was going on with women and men, actors, models, and understanding the whole dynamics of violence against women, especially Sexual Violence against women, we felt it was a very, very important that webe together, break the silence together. Because that makes it a much stronger way of ending violence against women. Nermeen tarana burke, in addition to lowwage workers, can you talk about your concerns who all have an excluded from this conversation, the metoo conversation . I think weve seen how women of color have been excluded from this conversation largely. Not celebrities have been included excluded from the conversation. Aboutk we also dont talk young people. We talk about Sexual Harassment in the workplace, but there is Sexual Harassment in schools. There is Sexual Harassment on the street. Theres a larger conversation to be had. I think it would be a disservice to people if we couch this conversation about what happens or political arenas. There are large swaths of people being left out of the conversation. Nermeen had this not happen with celebrities, this would never have received the kind of public attention it now has. It is global. It open the floodgates. The thing about celebrities, they were young people when they were victims. It is not like they were alist hollywood celebrities. They were trying to get in the business. We should not couch it as they were rich people. Some were young trying to get into business. That is indicative of what young people go through trying to be out in the world and survive on her own. Amy what did you think of the cover, alicia garza, of Time Magazine . Some famous, ashley judd, taylor swift, others not famous them all women, the silence breakers . You know, i think it is an important point that tarana makes. We talk about what is happening on the cover, it is Incredible Hotel housekeepers. It is incredible to see women of color on that cover as disruptors, as silence breakers. And i cant help but big knowledge the dynamic that acknowledge the dynamic, that honestly, had this not happened with visibility of some sort, if this had not shattered some ideas of what hollywood was, if this had not shattered peopless idea of what happens in congressional halls and offices, then this would not be a conversation that would be happening. And yet at the same time, this kind of eyelids, this kind of harassment is incredibly prevalent, particularly in our communities. I thought the cover was great. I did think that tarana should be on it as some who really created a space for this conversation to happen, but who also has been doing organizing on the ground for years. People who i know actually say to me she saved my life. She allowed me to be seen and atomic that my experience was not an isolated one and that it wasnt my fault is really in a pouring conversation. Amy we have to leave it there. Thank you for being with us. We will post part two online at democracynow. Org. [captioning made possible by democracy now ] its a vegan bakeathon today on Jazzy Vegetarian. Look at these fantastic desserts, with a luscious layer cake. Get a nice layer on the top. And you do want to be a little careful with it at this point. 4ingredient snack bars. Any time of day is perfect for these 4ingredient beauties. And my lively lemony cupcakes. Here we go. You ready . Ha ha ha ha were gonna have a fabulous time creating festive treats in the jazzy kitchen. So come on. Join me. [theme music playing] jazzy, youre gonna be healthy with the Jazzy Vegetarian jazzy, so snazzy were gonna cook something healthy and light [scat singing] jazzy, so snazzy so join me in the kitchen right now

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