KC Singh | As external threats on rise, Modi needs peace at home
Updated : Aug 4, 2021, 1:32 am IST
What PM Modi needs to realise is that when the external environment degrades, domestic politics must adjust if it can't be insulated from it
Prime Minister Narendra Modi. (Photo: PTI)
On July 28, America’s secretary of state Antony J. Blinken held formal discussions with India’s external affairs minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar. Before that, however, he held a meeting with and addressed select civil society leaders, including a representative of the Dalai Lama’s Tibet House. The visit’s choreography was significant as it occurred just a month before American deadline for the withdrawal of its military forces from Afghanistan and almost simultaneously with the visit of Mr Blinken’s number two, deputy secretary of state Wendy Sherman, to Beijing.