Kate Queeney: The message a picture sends
Published: 2/1/2021 4:11:07 PM
The message a picture sends
The Gazette’s Jan. 27 article about UMass men’s basketball and their COVID-related pause contains the following quote from Head Coach Matt McCall: “I think the health and safety of our players and our program and everyone involved is the most important thing and will continue to be the most important thing.”
This quote seems to be at odds with the accompanying photo, which shows Coach McCall, with his mask pulled down below his chin, talking to a player who may or may not be the arbitrary 6 feet away. I don’t know what the NCAA or UMass rules for practice are, but if the photo in question is from a game, then I think the coach’s mask-wearing is mandated by the NCAA rule stating, “All Tier 1 individuals should wear masks/face coverings, except for student-athletes and officials on the playing surface.”