KIADB will now hand over 10,738 sqft (per acre) of developed land to owners instead of 9,583 sqft.
BENGALURU: Though land acquisitions have grown exponentially in the 2020-2021 fiscal, the government seems to be finding it tough to reach its target of acquiring at least 43,000 acres to create an industrial land bank. To sweeten the deal for owners, it has increased their share of compensatory developed land by around 1,200 square feet per acre.
As per data made available by the government in the 2020-21 economic survey, Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board managed to acquire 1,758 acres in 2019-20 vis-a-vis 2,423 acres in 2018-19. The current fiscal of 2020-21 has seen KIADB acquire 3,862 acres.