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We write to alert you to an important and imminent deadline. Consideration for confidential business information (CBI) for hazardous substance ingredient disclosure on safety data sheets (SDS) will require formal submission and approval in South Korea starting
January 16, 2021.
On January 15, 2019, the South Korean government announced a major amendment to the South Korean Occupational Safety and Health Act (K-OSHA). The amendment requires that companies provide a copy of the SDS to the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MoEL), and if companies wish to maintain non-disclosure of confidential formulation details, they must provide for review and approval those details to the MoEL. There is a grace period for the submission for entities that have prepared or updated the SDS in accordance with Article 41(1) or (6) of the Act prior to the revisions. The grace period is based on manufacturing or importation volumes.