Juneau-Douglas High School junior James Connally stands with family during his record unveiling on Tuesday. (L-R) sister Bella, mother Melissa, father Chris, grandpa John Foster, James, and sister Ariana. (Klas Stolpe)
Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - Juneau-Douglas High School junior sprinter James Connally is so fast he ran past the school’s timers and into the record books before they could calculate the achievement.
In the team’s Juneau-Douglas Precipitational Levitational Invitational meet on April 24 at the Adair Kennedy oval, Connally ran a 10.84 noted on a handheld device that was accidentally converted twice instead of once when placed on a high school record site that stores meet information. Handheld times are converted to their fully automatic time (FAT) equivalents by rounding up and adding .24.