UPDATE: Facing contempt citation, lawyer exits suit against police chief
Circuit Judge Chris Piazza has found lawyer
Chris Burks in contempt of court for violating a protective order in the case in which he represented police officers suing
Police Chief Keith Humphrey.
Khayyam Eddings, attorney for Humphrey, said the judge had granted his motion that Burks be held in contempt for releasing protected information, specifically text messages in which Humphrey commented on various members of the Police Department. Burks contended Humphrey had released the texts to a Washington Post reporter, which Humphrey and the reporter, Radley Balko, denied. The texts had made their way into an article in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and the controversy came up at last night’s contentious City Board meeting. There, Mayor Frank Scott Jr.’s administration, with help from City Attorney Tom Carpenter, at least delayed an effort by