Lake County Common Pleas Court Judge Eugene A. Lucci on Dec. 31 granted a preliminary injunction that requires Willoughby-Eastlake Schools to continue to pay more than 200 non-teacher employees the district temporarily laid off amidst the novel coronavirus pandemic.
Lucciâs order requires the district to continue to pay the employeesâ âsalaries and associated benefits, without interruption, until a trial on the merits of this issue can be held.â
At a Nov. 19 special meeting, the Willoughby-Eastlake School Board approved a Reduction in Force of more than 200 employees, including custodians, maintenance employees and food service workers.
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In a Dec. 31 statement, Superintendent Steve Thompson said that the transition to remote learning in November meant âthere were employees in several job classifications that were no longer needed due to a lack of work that they had been hired to complete. Consequently, they were laid off.â