By Seth Galinsky
February 1, 2021
Above, Militant/Candace Wagner; Inset, Militant/Seth GalinskySocialist Workers Party candidates are joining strike picket lines and social struggles and campaigning on workers’ doorsteps, discussing fight to defend interests of working class. Above, Joanne Kuniansky, SWP candidate for New Jersey governor, with striking Teamsters at Hunts Point Produce Market in the Bronx Jan. 18. Right, SWP candidate for New York mayor Róger Calero discusses need for union with a “deliverista,” one of 80,000 grocery and restaurant delivery workers in New York City, Jan. 17.
Socialist Workers Party candidates and campaign supporters are meeting growing numbers of working people who are looking for ways to resist the impact of the capitalist crisis. Many are interested in discussing the SWP’s program for fighting to defend working-class interests.