Johnson // Becker, PLLC Reports Stacy Hauer Appointed to Plaintiffs' Executive Committee of Elmiron MDL For Elmiron Lawsuits
Stacy Hauer, partner at Johnson // Becker, PLLC, has been appointed by the Honorable Judge Brian Martinotti of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey to the Plaintiffs' Executive Committee ("PEC") of the recently formed MDL for Elmiron lawsuits and patients who experienced vision injuries following their use of the drug, Elmiron.
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ST. PAUL, Minn., Feb. 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Johnson // Becker, PLLC is pleased to announce Stacy Hauer, a partner at Johnson // Becker, PLLC, has been appointed to the Plaintiffs' Executive Committee ("PEC") of the recently formed Elmiron MDL. The Elmiron MDL is centralized before the Honorable Judge Brian Martinotti of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey in