Johnnie Walker celebrates 200th birthday with fashion and philanthropy
As Johnnie Walker celebrates 200 years of brewing, it had fashion icon Rich Mnisi bring to life an exclusive clothing line that not only shows how far it has come, but what its future looks like.
Rich Mnisi and Johnnie Walker celebrated the alcohol brand's 200th anniversary with a limited edition clothing line on 13 May 2021 in Sandton. Picture: Winnie Theletsane/Eyewitness News.
8 days ago
JOHANNESBURG – Can two legends co-exist? Yes! Rich Mnisi and Johnnie Walker have teamed up to bring you something special as well as donate to charity.
As Johnnie Walker celebrated 200 of brewing, it had the fashion icon bring to life an exclusive clothing line that not only showed how far it has come, but what its future looks like.