Jan. 13, 2021
Putnam County Land Trust has accepted the donation of 31 acres on Joe's Hill Road in the Town of Southeast.
The property is 90% woodland and consists of mature maple-beech and oak-hickory trees, many of which are two to three feet in diameter (estimated to be 100 to 150 years old). Plant communities are Red Maple Swamp, Oak-Hickory Forest and Maple-Beech forest. There are also rock outcroppings which make the preserve interesting to walk and explore.
Joe's Hill, 847-foot in elevation, is .5 miles to the south. This property's land slopes westward to the reservoir from a peak elevation of 670 feet near the road along the eastern boundary to a low point of 430 feet at the wetlands and reservoir at the western boundary. This wetland along the western boundary is part of New York State DEC wetland BR-31. A wetland just east of the property feeds a stream that runs across the property's southern section, emptying into the East Branch Reservoir.