A Southwest Airlines jet lands at Lindbergh Field in San Diego, Calif.
(Mike Blake/Reuters)
To focus on disruption is to invite copying to domi­nate your thoughts.
Editor’s Note:
 (Portfolio, 2020).
Copying is the strongest force in the universe. We are so predisposed to copy that it infiltrates our most innovative institutions, even within that self-proclaimed hub of innovative thinking, Silicon Valley. Of course, we don’t call ourselves
copycats in the Valley, we call ourselves
How could I make the accusation that people commit­ted to disruption, to the very destruction of a system, are really copying? It is a matter of focus. If your goal is to dis­rupt something, you must at least know what you are dis­rupting. But simply looking at the industry you want to disrupt will cause you to emulate it in countless ways. Iron­ically, to focus on disruption is to invite copying to domi­nate your thoughts. The ball goes where you look.

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