JEE Main 2021 admit card for March session exam released - know exam day guidelines, venue, other details
For the March and April sessions, only BE/BTech exams will be conducted. Other papers including Bplanning & BArch papers will be conducted in May.
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Updated: Mar 11, 2021, 08:11 PM IST
JEE Main 2021: The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the admit cards for the JEE Mains exam on its official website The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main 2021 admit card has been released for the March session exam. Candidates can visit the official website of the NTA,, login with their credentials, and download the admit cards. It must be noted that the NTA is conducting JEE four times this year due to the ongoing pandemic. The March session for JEE Mains will be held from March 15-17.