JAMESTOWN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 3, 2023 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Heinrich at 5:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited. Roll Call showed the following members present: Mayor Heinrich, Council Members Kamlitz, Buchanan, Steele and Schloegel, City Attorney Ryan, and City Administrator Hellekson. John Althof of Jamestown appeared before the City Council. Council Member Steele moved to approve the minutes of the regular council meeting, December 5, 2022, all committees meeting, December 15, 2022, and Special City Council Meeting, December 28, 2022. Seconded by Council Member Schloegel. Unanimous aye vote. Carried. Council Member Kamlitz moved to approve the following consent agenda items: A. Resolution to re-affirm pledges of deposit as follows: Unison Bank - $34,814,136.46; Dacotah Bank - $23,380,214.69. B. Resolution to approve the energy conservation grant agreement with the ND Department of Commerce Division of Community Services to retrofit lights in the baler, landfill, and animal shelter facilities at a 50% local share of $32,096.64, which is projected to save $4,916 annually in energy costs and authorize the City Administrator and Mayor to sign the agreement. C. Resolution to approve final approval of Renaissance Zone incentives (Project J36) by granting a five (5) year 100% property tax exemption and to recommend the State of ND grant a five (5) year 100% state income tax exemption, the property is located at 213 1st Ave N, 58401, and which received preliminary City Council approval on December 5, 2016. D. Resolution to approve the 2022 abatement application for a property located at 1414 5th Ave NW, 58401. E. Resolution to approve the request from Knights of Columbus #1883 for a site authorization to conduct gaming at the Jamestown Civic Center on February 18, 2023. F. Resolution to direct the city attorney to review and negotiate an agreement with Stride Development. G. Resolution to approve to fund the 2023 Flex PACE Program up to $500,000, with $100,000 or 20% paid by the County and $400,000 or 80% paid by the City from the City Sales Tax Fund 224. H. Resolution to approve to fund the Daycare Expansion Program up to $50,000, with $10,000 or 20% paid by the County and $40,000 or 80% paid by the City from the City Sales Tax Fund 224. I. Resolution to approve entering into a contract with SRF Consulting Group, Inc. to provide the City of Jamestown with professional services for planning and zoning support during the calendar year of 2023 with a contract amount not to exceed $30,000. J. Resolution to approve grant participation through the State of North Dakota to establish a Family Room at the Civic Center at no cost to the City. K. Resolution to approve awarding the quote for 2023 Hydrocarbons for the City of Jamestown Operational Programs and Jamestown Park District Operational Programs. L. Resolution to approve the 2023 Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter District No. 23-11: a. To set up and establish the district; b. To direct the City Engineer to prepare plans & specifications for the construction of the district. M. Resolution to approve Payment No. 2 and FINAL to Advantage Electric, Inc., for Mechanical and Electrical Improvements -Water Treatment Plant Project, in the amount of $40,035.93. N. Resolution to approve Payment No. 4, to Manning Mechanical, for Mechanical Improvements-Water Treatment Plant Project, in the amount of $30,204.00. O. Resolution to approve Payment No. 5 and FINAL, to Manning Mechanical, for Mechanical Improvements-Water Treatment Plant Project, in the amount of $16,834.30 P. Resolution to approve Payment No. 11, to SRF Consulting Group, Inc., for 2022 Jamestown Planning and Zoning Technical Services, in the amount of $1,167.46. Q. Resolution to approve Payment No. 97, to AE2S, LLC, for On Call engineering services (I&C Water) for a total amount of $4,571.50. R. Resolution to approve Payment No. 1, to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering services on Inert Landfill Permit and Expansion for a total amount of $3,624.00. S. Resolution to approve Payment No. 1, to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering services on Water Treatment Plant Lime Sludge Filter Press Replacement Procurement and Installation Contracts for a total amount of $696.00. T. Resolution to approve Payment No. 2, to Interstate Engineering Inc., for engineering services on Task Order No. 21-01 – Waste Water Treatment Facility Improvements Facility Plan and CWSRF Application, in the amount of $8,190.00. U. Resolution to approve Payment No. 10, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on North West Booster Station, in the amount of $1,002.50. V. Resolution to approve Payment No. 13, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on Water Treatment Building Ceiling Removal and Replacement, in the amount of $7,196.42. W. Resolution to approve Payment No. 13, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on Civic Center Roof Removal and Replacement, Area B & D, in the amount of $800.50. X. Resolution to approve Payment No. 328 (Inv 49600), in the amount of $20,797.50, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on various city department consultations as follows: a. (General), in the amount of $10,208.00; b. (Streets), in the amount of $2,320.00; c. (Sewer), in the amount of $1,392.00; d. (Water), in the amount of $4,060.00; e. (Solid Waste), in the amount of $2,817.50. Y. Resolution to allow the December indebtedness in the amount of $2,484,353.80 consisting of $564,423.55 payroll and $1,919,830.25 general obligations. 90.83 A & B BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, INC; 37417.00 A & R ROOFING COMPANY INC; 480.00 ADVANCED ELEMENTS OPERATIONAL; 7084.75 ADVANTAGE ELECTRIC, INC; 8503.56 AE2S, LLC; 159.79 AIRGAS USA, LLC; 295.00 ALEX AIR APPARATUS, INC; 25.00 ALPHA OPPORTUNITIES; 3420.71 AMERICAN WELDING & GAS, INC; 1680.00 APEX ENGINEERING GROUP, INC; 7468.92 AQUA-PURE INC; 2365.71 ARAMARK; 2179.00 AT ARMOR; 4082.30 BALCO UNIFORM CO., INC.; 291334.29 BANK OF NORTH DAKOTA, TRUSTEE; 1687.54 BDT MECHANICAL, LLC; 81.69 BECKMAN, CORY; 257.40 BENSON, ANDREW; 5673.57 BLACKSTRAP INC; 87202.48 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC; 56172.36 BORDER STATES PAVING, INC; 1385.69 BUFFALO CITY DIESEL, INC; 1409.71 BUTLER MACHINERY COMPANY; 13120.22 CAPITAL ONE PUBLIC FUNDING; 5994.95 CARDMEMBER SERVICE; 865.65 CENEX; 515.98 CENTRAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS, INC; 154.92 CENTRAL SALES, INC; 255.37 CENTURYLINK; 265.00 CHAPIN, MARK W; 68.00 COCA-COLA BOTTLING HIGH COUNTRY; 164.68 COLE PAPERS, INC; 19993.00 COUNTRY READY MIX; 8132.00 CREATIVE ENERGY INC.; 703.37 CROSS COUNTRY FREIGHT SOLUTIONS; 200.00 CROSSROADS REPAIR; 461.61 CUMMINS SALES & SERVICE; 537.56 DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY; 1926.98 DAKOTA CEN. TELECOMMUNICATIONS; 639.00 DAKOTA FLUID POWER; 26005.67 DALSTED & RYAN, PC; 5632.57 DAN POLAND MACHINE, INC; 1463.00 DEZURIK, INC; 700.00 DISCOUNT WASTE; 5146.82 DON WILHELM INC; 25.00 EAGLESON, COREY; 470.39 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION DIV; 1219.69 ELITE K-9, INC.; 5.58 EQUIFAX INFORMATION SVCS LLC; 599.00 FASTENAL COMPANY; 147.00 FLOW MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL COMPANY; 5612.97 FORUM COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY; 200.00 GATEHOUSE MEDIA SOUTH DAKOTA HOLDINGS, I; 25.00 GORES, JASON; 211.81 GRAINGER; 700.00 GRAINLINE INVESTMENTS; 50.00 GROSS, LEROY; 202.99 GUN & REEL SPORTS, INC; 160.58 HACH; 166.00 HANSON TIRE SERVICE; 7239.25 HAWKINS, INC; 12.45 HIGH PLAINS WATER; 49056.04 HILLERUD CONSTRUCTION, INC; 3299.00 HUBER ELECTRIC MOTOR & PUMP REPAIR; 59.96 HUGO’S NO. 9; 303.85 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPT; 700.00 INNOVATIVE BASEMENT AUTHORITY; 1795.85 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS, LLC; 1169.00 INTEGRITY SURVEILLANCE GROUP; 197.07 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER; 21713.42 INTERSTATE ENGINEERING, INC; 21261.50 JAMES KOTA, INC; 303.56 JAMES RIVER HUMANE SOCIETY, INC; 13519.67 JAMES RIVER VALLEY LIBRARY SYSTEM; 467.55 JAMES VALLEY FOP LODGE NO. 4; 182500.00 JAMESTOWN - STUTSMAN; 1739.00 JAMESTOWN AREA AMBULANCE; 2500.00 JAMESTOWN CIVIC CENTER; 23348.44 JAMESTOWN COMMUNICATIONS, INC; 20.00 JAMESTOWN MUNICIPAL COURT; 33235.78 JAMESTOWN