JAMESTOWN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 6, 2022 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Heinrich at 5:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited. Roll Call showed the following members present: Mayor Heinrich, Council Members Kamlitz, Buchanan and Schloegel, City Attorney Ryan, and Deputy City Auditor Sveum. Absent: City Administrator Hellekson and Council Member Steele. Council Member Buchanan moved to approve the minutes of the regular City Council meeting May 2, 2022, the special City Council meetings May 26 and June 1, 2022, and the committee meetings May 24 and 26, 2022. Seconded by Council Member Schloegel. Unanimous aye vote. Carried. Council Member Kamlitz moved to approve the following consent agenda items: A. Resolution to approve the Special Use Permit for a Compassion Center Dispensary as required under City Code Appendix C, Sec. 12, from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. B. Resolution to approve the request from Oviatt LLC DBA Corner Bar for a permit to conduct street dances on Saturday, June 11, 2022 and Saturday, July 23, 2022, on 2nd St SW from 1st Ave S westward to the alley. C. Resolution to approve the City Attorney to draft a first right of refusal or option contract for Jamestown SW 2nd Addition Outlot A. D. Resolution to approve the 2022 DWSRF 20-62 Refunding Improvement Warrant $1,402,300 to amend and supersede the Series 2021 DWSRF 20-62 State Hospital Water Main District 20-62 Refunding Improvement Warrant, and authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to sign the agreements and documents. E. Resolution to approve of the Minor Subdivision, Preliminary/Final Plat of Bintz Subdivision, Replat of Auditor’s Lot 12-20B2, Within SE 1/4 of Section 12, T140, R64W, Stutsman Country, North Dakota. The property is located at 8382 31 ½ St SE, Unit 1. F. Resolution to approve a request from Recycle North Dakota to exercise its option to extend the current contract with the City of Jamestown for an additional five years. G. Resolution to accept the affidavit from Cameron Jamal Boone, that Check No. 8566 (Municipal Court) dated April 8, 2022, has been lost or destroyed and authorize the issuance of a duplicate. H. Resolution to approve Payment No. 1 to Border States Paving Inc., for construction on 20-22 Seal Coat, Patching, Construction and Reconstruction District 22-41, in the amount of $252,755.60. I. Resolution to approve Payment No. 3, to AE2S, LLC, for Well 9 Emergency PLC Upgrade for a total amount of $173.31 J. Resolution to approve Payment No. 4, to SRF Consulting Group, Inc., for 2022 Jamestown Planning and Zoning Technical Services, in the amount of $2,276.18. K. Resolution to approve Payment No. 90, to AE2S, LLC, for On Call engineering services (I&C Water) for a total amount of $2,924.55. L. Resolution to approve Payment No. 1, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on Sludge Pumps at Water Treatment Plant, in the amount of $4,444.50. M. Resolution to approve Payment No. 1, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on 2022 Water Main Improvement District 22-61 (approximately 16 blocks), in the amount of $110,697.12. N. Resolution to approve Payment No. 3, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on Fire Station Generator Bid, in the amount of $1,556.00. O. Resolution to approve Payment No. 3, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on North West Booster Station, in the amount of $9,571.50. P. Resolution to approve Payment No. 6, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on Water Treatment Building Ceiling Removal and Replacement, in the amount of $6,866.12. Q. Resolution to approve Payment No. 6, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on Civic Center Roof Removal and Replacement, Area B & D, in the amount of $455.22. R. Resolution to approve Payment No. 8, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on 2021 University of Jamestown Storm Sewer Improvement District 21-71, in the amount of $1,983.00. S. Resolution to approve Payment No. 13, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Improvements District 20-32 (Lift Station No. 11 and 1 Design), in the amount of $416.00. T. Resolution to approve Payment No. 321, in the amount of $21,756.00, to Interstate Engineering, Inc., for engineering services on various city department consultations as follows: (General), in the amount of $8,352.00; (Streets), in the amount of $3,128.00; (Sewer), in the amount of $2,436.00; (Water), in the amount of $4,273.60; (Solid Waste), in the amount of $291.00; (Storm Water), in the amount of $3275.40. U. Motion to accept the reports of the Municipal Judge, Police Department, Fire Department, Public Works Departments, Inspection Department, Forestry Department, Civic Center, Central Valley Health Unit, and financial status. V. Resolution to allow the May indebtedness in the amount of $1,710,867.29 consisting of $555,930.55 payroll and 1,154,936.74 general obligations. 90.83 A & B BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, INC; 20470.29 ADVANTAGE ELECTRIC, INC; 4368.31 AE2S, LLC; 25.00 ALPHA OPPORTUNITIES; 320.23 AMERICAN BACKFLOW PRODUCTS COMPANY; 3470.32 AMERICAN WELDING & GAS, INC; 7535.40 AQUA-PURE INC; 1656.65 ARAMARK; 186130.07 BANK OF NORTH DAKOTA, TRUSTEE; 117.00 BECKMAN, CORY; 100.73 BLACK MOUNTAIN SOFTWARE; 499.00 BLR; 365.86 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC; 12163.51 BUFFALO CITY DIESEL, INC; 75.00 BUFFALO LANES, INC; 8309.66 BUTLER MACHINERY COMPANY; 13120.22 CAPITAL ONE PUBLIC FUNDING; 5419.82 CARDMEMBER SERVICE; 246.51 CDW GOVERNMENT; 281.72 CENTRAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS, INC; 86.99 CENTRAL SALES, INC; 255.32 CENTURYLINK; 1248.57 COLE PAPERS, INC; 3087.48 CONNECTING POINT; 700.00 COUNTRY CHARM, LLC; 682.60 CREATIVE ENERGY INC.; 868.48 CROSS COUNTRY FREIGHT SOLUTIONS; 1317.97 DAKOTA CEN. TELECOMMUNICATIONS; 456.66 DAKOTA FLUID POWER; 20327.67 DALSTED & RYAN, PC; 1792.00 DAN POLAND MACHINE, INC; 450.00 DEFENSIVE EDGE TRAINING & CONSULTING, IN; 470.39 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION DIV; 15135.00 EDWARD JONES; 437.98 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSOC; 120.21 ESTATE OF LORI WEGLEITNER; 1021.00 FARMERS UNION SERVICE ASSN; 183.40 FASTENAL COMPANY; 5619.04 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516; 483.09 FLOW MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL COMPANY; 6221.09 FORT SEWARD; 4722.76 FORUM COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY; 9031.00 GLYCOL ENTERPRISES; 180.71 GREENWOOD PLUMBING & HEATING; 11.34 GROSS, LEROY; 151.55 GUSHWA, JOSEPH P; 3398.82 HACH; 365.00 HANSON TIRE SERVICE; 10345.28 HAWKINS, INC; 1076.40 HEIMAN FIRE EQUIPMENT; 80.25 HIGH PLAINS WATER; 40.37 HIGHT, DAVID; 31.91 HILLERUD, TANNER; 248.76 HOME OF ECONOMY; 1.70 HOWARD, JONATHAN; 2895.00 HUBER ELECTRIC MOTOR & PUMP REPAIR; 75.64 HUGO’S NO. 9; 150.43 INFINITY BUILDING SERVICES; 321.55 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPT; 276.12 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS, LLC; 11.40 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER; 46125.20 INTERSTATE ENGINEERING, INC; 121.62 JAMES RIVER HUMANE SOCIETY, INC; 6802.85 JAMES RIVER VALLEY LIBRARY SYSTEM; 495.89 JAMES VALLEY FOP LODGE NO. 4; 1739.00 JAMESTOWN AREA AMBULANCE; 2107.46 JAMESTOWN COMMUNICATIONS, INC; 2000.00 JAMESTOWN COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS; 10.00 JAMESTOWN MUNICIPAL COURT; 23766.69 JAMESTOWN PARK & RECREATION; 144.00 JAMESTOWN PLUMBING, HEATING & AC, INC; 2221.72 JAMESTOWN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY; 58.00 JAMESTOWN REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER; 421.00 JAMESTOWN UNITED WAY; 1389.60 JAMESTOWN, CITY OF - 8011; 88571.88 JAMESTOWN, CITY OF - 8022; 1634.50 JAMESTOWN, CITY OF - Flex Spending; 90513.64 JAMESTOWN, CITY OF - Landfill Fees; 1856.93 JAMESTOWN, CITY OF - Misc2; 163.02 JAMESTOWN, CITY OF - Petty Cash; 2888.89 JAMESTOWN, CITY OF - Water Utility; 25.00 JENSON, SYRIS; 237.10 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL; 48.20 JOHNSON, BROOKE A; 43.59 KEMP, NEAL; 27506.56 KILLORAN TRUCKING & BROKERAGE, INC; 2858.33 KROPP LAW OFFICES, PC; 91.82 LABER, ERIK; 7.92 LANGUAGE LINK; 620.16 LARRY’S AUTO GLASS, INC; 467.66 LAW OFFICE OF CHRISTOPHER A CARLSON; 3891.59 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS CO, THE; 1488.53 LINDE GAS & EQUIPMENT INC; 77.00 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES, INC; 786.41 MACS HARDWARE; 6525.00

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Jamestown ,North Dakota ,United States ,City Of Jamestown ,Poland ,Jamestown Regional Airport ,Stutsman County ,American ,Cameron Jamal Boone ,Jane Trautman ,Tom Blackmore ,Rita Huber ,Michael Paul Hansen ,Aramark ,Thomson Reuters ,Engineering Inc ,University Of Jamestown Storm Sewer Improvement District ,Council Member Steele ,Bank Of North Dakota ,Public Works Committee Meeting ,Central Valley Health Unit ,Civic Center ,Zoning Technical Services ,Planning Commission ,Council Member Kamlitz ,Municipal Court ,Forestry Department ,United States Postal Service ,Border States Paving Inc ,Police Department ,Consulting Group Inc ,Compassion Center Dispensary ,Lab Div ,City Council ,Jamestown Fine Arts Association Inc ,Legal Committee Meeting ,Arts Center ,Fire Department ,Council Member Buchanan ,Rural Fire Department ,Civic Center Roof Removal ,Inspection Department ,Wastewater Department ,Council Members Kamlitz ,Council Member Schloegel ,Verizon Wireless ,Mayor Heinrich ,City Attorney Ryan ,Deputy City Auditor ,City Administrator Hellekson ,Council Member ,Special Use Permit ,City Attorney ,Addition Outlot ,Improvement Warrant ,Hospital Water Main District ,City Administrator ,Minor Subdivision ,Final Plat ,Bintz Subdivision ,Stutsman Country ,Recycle North Dakota ,Reconstruction District ,Interstate Engineering ,Sludge Pumps ,Water Treatment Plant ,Main Improvement District ,Fire Station Generator Bid ,North West Booster Station ,Water Treatment Building Ceiling Removal ,Jamestown Storm Sewer Improvement District ,Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Improvements District ,Lift Station ,Solid Waste ,Storm Water ,Municipal Judge ,Public Works Departments ,Consent Roll Call ,Country Side Estates ,One Mile Extraterritorial ,Dean Hafner ,Midway Township ,Chief Reuther ,Rural Fire Chief Paulson ,Building Inspector Tom Blackmore ,June Public Works Committee ,City Building Inspector ,Pit Stop Sports ,Sparkling Wine ,June Finance ,Legal Committee ,Gutter District ,Roll Call ,Hidden River Acres ,Jamestown Fine Arts Association ,Downtown Arts Market ,

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