It's not grandma getting scammed, it's the 18-to-24-year olds!
The BBB released their Top Scams of 2020 and for the first time the youngest age group recorded high losses.
Author: Tanya Rivera
Updated: 6:44 PM EST March 8, 2021
GREENSBORO, N.C. — When you hear the words “scam” and “victim”, you probably immediately think of “Grandma’ or someone over the age of 65.
In 2020, it was the 18-to-24-year-olds that lost a lot of money. The Better Business Bureau released its list of top scams for the year, with 46,000 plus complaints.
“The second and third riskiest scams were employment scams and fake check scams and if you think about it, young people don't have that much experience with checks or interviewing and how the job process should look. That makes them especially vulnerable to these two types of scams,” said Lechelle Yates of the BBB.