It's Less about Convincing and More about Understanding
Jeff Hallman, Director, Project Management Support Office, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Jeff Hallman, Director, Project Management Support Office, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Organizational leaders in the business and project management world have laboring indefatigably with Change Management since the 1980’s. A quick search of business journal databases yields journal articles such as Linda Ackerman’s 1986 article “Change Management: Basics for Training” published in Training and Development Journal and Julien Phillips’ 1983 article “Enhancing the Effectiveness of Organizational Change Management” published in Human Resource Management. The effort required was minimal to discover these two examples of change management literature, meaning there are probably thousands more additional sources that could be dredged up. Why are we still wringing our hands in an attempt to understand this essential project and organizational management skill as it relates to interfacing with and contributing to project and organizational strategy?