It’s about time medical terms like ‘inhospitable womb’ and ‘geriatric mothers’ had an upgrade
Many of the phrases that surrounded my fertility and pregnancy sound more suited to a Victorian dictionary than to women in 2021
Georgina Fuller approves of Peanut's campaign
Credit: John Lawence
I remember glancing down at my midwife’s notes as I proudly cradled my newborn son and spotting a phrase I had never encountered before. I did a double take.
The reason for my emergency C-section, after an exhausting 47 hours of labour, was listed simply, devastatingly and accusingly as a “failure to progress”.
There was nothing about the fact he was a large baby in a back-to-back position, my wonky pelvis, the hours I had spent rolling around on a birthing ball or the fact that I had tried for two whole days to give birth “naturally”.