Israeli Tech Firms Turn to Periphery to Beat Tel Aviv Hiring Competition
Tara Kavaler
Elementor opens service center in the Western Negev
The high-tech company Elementor, which produces an online platform that helps people create WordPress websites, recently launched a customer service assistance center in Sderot, a town of some 28,000 residents in the Western Negev.
An increasing number of tech companies are establishing outposts in Israel’s periphery. Hiring away from the Tel Aviv rat race ensures a more diverse workforce and comes with financial advantages.
Elementor, which was founded in 2016 by Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) entrepreneurs from Bnei Brak, just east of Tel Aviv, has a regional office in nearby Ramat Gan. It has completed a first phase of filling approximately 20 “Tier 1” positions in Sderot, which entail being first in line to handle customer inquiries, with plans to hire dozens more.